lives in motion timeline

1769 1800 - 1870 1880 1890 1769: First vehicle auctio- ned by a steam motor in Paris. 1801: Inaugu- ration in London of Steam Taxis, first elitist paid mechanism of transportation. 1803: First steam locomo- tive for track operation. 1877: The first German steam- trotting track opens up in Kassel 1881: First tram is built by Werner Siemens and used in Lichterfelde near Berlin. 1890: The first underground railways in Lon- don, Budapest and Paris. 1881: The first electric car. Gustav Trouvé presents in Paris engine tricy- cle electro automo- tive, commercial construction starts of electric cars. 1885: Gasoline- powered car. Carl Benz built a car with an inte- grated combustion engine. 1895: First Auto- with gasoline mo- tor in the north of Renania (Germany) with capacity for many people inside and the divers outside. 1894: The auto motor vehicles started to be commercialized in Europe. The maxi- mum velocity is around 15km/h.

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Timeline of the idiosyncrasy and mobility in QUito and the world



1769 1800 - 1870 1880 18901769: First vehicle auctio-ned by a steam motor in Paris.

1801: Inaugu-ration in London of Steam Taxis, first elitist paid mechanism of transportation.

1803: First steam locomo-tive for track operation.

1877: The first German steam-trotting track opens up in Kassel

1881: First tram is built by Werner Siemens and used in Lichterfelde near Berlin.

1890: The first underground railways in Lon-don, Budapest and Paris.

1881: The first electric car. Gustav Trouvé presents in Paris engine tricy-cle electro automo-tive, commercial construction starts of electric cars.

1885: Gasoline-powered car.Carl Benz built a car with an inte-grated combustion engine.

1895: First Auto- with gasoline mo-tor in the north of Renania (Germany)with capacity for many people inside and the divers outside.

1894: The auto motor vehicles started to be commercialized in Europe. The maxi-mum velocity is around 15km/h.


1900 - 1910 1911 - 1919

1900: Sidewalks. At the world exhibition in Paris in 1900 to move the wooden bands running visitors through the exhi-bition areal.

1901: Transportation of people in big cities in the new “Autobuses”.

1903: It appeared the first Auto-bus in London and then in Russia, with capacity for 10 people with speed of 10km/h.

1903: Foundation of Ford motor Company in USA (for benefices America).

1910: Mass production. Henry Ford opens up a production facility for vehicles with internal combustion engine, it undercut the price of the cars.

1906: There is not date for the first arrived car to Quito, but for 1906 there was a cars enterprise known as “La Ve-loz”. It brought from France 6 huge passengers cars and their respective drivers.

1908: 25 July Inauguration of the Train Quito-Guayaquil

1911: The Quito Tramways Company started the cons-truction of the electrical TRAMS. 1914: The Quito Tramways Company open on 8th Oc-tober

1913: Buenos Aires, Ar-gentina was the first Latin American city to promote and create the “Subway”

1914: Installation of the first generation of traffic lights in Cleveland (USA).

1901: France and Ger-many promoted the massive construction of auto-motor vehicles.Oil discovered in Texas (TEXACO) promoted the cheaper gasoline.


1920 - 1929 1930 - 1939

1920: Almost all large and medium cities in Europe, North and South America and Australia grew over trams.

1920: Evolution of the external design of the buses, it starts the new generation of urban buses, auto-buses, inter urban buses with or without platform for stand up passengers, with or without trunk and different configuration of doors.

1921: Was constructed the new 9km North TRAM Line from Colon Avenue to Coto-collao in Quito.

1923: North TRAM Line was opened, and functioned du-ring 5 years.

1931: Inauguration of the first metro line in London with 6 Km. At the same time in New York was inaugura-ted the West End line totally separated of the traffic of the city.

1939: The model project “Futurama”. Present by General Motors in New York at the world exhibition. It shows the future vision of an optimized traffic flow in the 1960s. 12-highways lines with radio control of distances and speed control.


1940 - 1949 1950 - 1959


1960 - 19691945: In USA started again the manufacture of motor vehicles.

1945: With the increase in number of registered cars, the traffic is gai-ning importance and the displacements in favor of motorized tram or buses at the cities.

1950: During the 1950s de-cade, Ecuador experimented an important deep change based in a new economical model supported by the pro-duction and exportation of the Banana.

1953 - 1957: The income obtained by the govern-ment permitted make more investments in infrastructure and transportation including the development axis Quito-Guayaquil.

1948: The Quito Tramways Company closed on 1948.

1949: The first association of urban transport opened, and with it the first syndicate of professional drivers, in quito

1956: The geologist Marion King Hubbert forecasts the American high point of the peak oil during the 1970s and the global effects until he 1990s.

1963: Was promoted the first Transit Law. Were created then private orga-nizations with the objective to regulate and control the national transportation.

1964: Project Archigram: “Dri-ve in Housing”: The car is considered as a component of the dwelling.

1964: 1st Generation. White bike plan, Ams-terdam.


1970 - 19791960 - 1969

1964: The First Agrarian Reform initiated on 1964. Combined the economical objectives with the social priorities of colonization of no ones land in the cities by the farmers.

1972: The discovery of oil deposits approached the country to the international market. The govern-ment got a huge quantities of economical resources to finance the economical and social processes.

1966: Was created the Na-tional Council of LandTransit.

1964: Project Archigram: “Walking city”

1964: Notion of a con-cept for a car with an in-tegrated shopping cart, from GM, at the world exhibition in New York.

1969: Mexico City built their web, which it constitutes the biggest rail way in Latin America until these days.

1964: Project of the personal rapid transit in Germany.

1974: In Curitiba begin the insertion of the BRT systems.

1974: In Amster-dam start the Car sharing project.

1975: Personal rapid transit in USA, project for Morgan-town.

1975: Chile inau-gurated de L1 and the L2 in Santiago

1979: Brazil ope-ned the metro web in Rio de Janeiro.

1977: The bus price per trip was incremented in 40% provoking the called “Guerra de los 4 reales”, was one of the first important conflicts related with the urban trans-portation in the country.

1974: Brazil ope-ned the metro web in Sao Paulo


1980 - 1989



1980: Went into de Metro Wave cities such as: Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Reci-fe, Porto Alegre y Teresi-na en Brazil.

1986: Peru began the construction of the Elec-trical Train/Metro de Lima until it inauguration in 2011.

1987: Mexico opened the Metro in Guadalajara, Monte-rrey, Nuevo León and Mexico City. Venezuela was the fifth Latin American country in to build a web of metros in Caracas.

1988: Valencia, Spain opened a combined web of metro/cercanías (Me-tro Valencia) functioning in the periphery as a tram and into de the city as a metro.

1980: The municipality created the Municipal Enterprise of Transports. Starts with the operation of the 2 stairs buses and articulated buses.

1981: Was built the biggest auto-bus in the world with capacity for 342 passengers, 2 levels and 4 axes.


1990 - 1999

1990: During the 1990s it built the metros in Medellin-Colombia; Bilbao-Spain; Concep-cion-Chile.

1990: It starts the pro-ject to install the trolley bus system, part of The Master Plan for Transpor-tation in Quito.

1990: Since May on 1990 the Municipal Enterprise of Trans-port established the “Free tickets” for children under 6 years old; people more than 65 years old and people with disabilities.

1991: Increase rate of na-tional public transportation, more subsidy.

1992: In San Francisco started the frist move-ment for Fridays by Bici.

1994: In Mexico FD started also the movemet to reva-lorized the Bikes as mechanisim of solve the traffic problems in the city.

1995: 2nd Generation Bicycle, Co-penhagen.

1996: In Quito and Santia-go de Chile began the fights to develop the project “Free Sundays”

1995: During the election for the City Hall the journalists express: “The Trolley bus will be the great elector of the City Hall. A work of such magni-tude will not go unnoticed by the citizens. With good Trole Mahuad Win, with bad Trole, Mahuad loose and with Late Trole Mahuad will have to fight...”

1996: “El buserato”On January, 1996 the journalist published: “It does not take a detective to guess that if the controls work, the restChaos succumb to the advance of the new system sooner rather than later”. Heavy fighting between the carriers and the municipality. Buses block and hinder the traffic of Quito in opposition to the new measures.

1999: “The collapse of the banking system during the presidency of Jamil Mahuad (1998-2000), is consider the biggest financial crisis in the history of Ecuador.

1992: Increase the rates for second time instead of the subsidy.

1993: Increase the rates for the urban transports accor-ding to the new categorization “popular”, “executive” and “selective”; it increases the demand of units.

1995: “An Authentic Revolu-tion” On Sunday, 17th Decem-ber 1995 was inaugurated the Trolley Bus Service in Quito.

1996: It completes the 2nd face of the system, form “El Recreo” to “La Colon” inclu-ding 18 more units of articu-lated electrical buses, comple-ting 32 units; 170.000 users per day.

1999: Project “Ecovía”. BRT with exclusive line over the “6 de Diciembre” Avenue, with ecological articulated buses (low contaminating emissions); own by private transporting agencies.

1996: On 6th March 1996 The City Council anounce teh resolution, in which they order to take, buses over 20 years of circulation, out. (1.106units).


2000 - 2014

2000: * New Mayor for the city belong to another politi-cal party signified the end of one era and the beginning of another one for the transportation of Quito.*On 11th January 2000 the country is dollarized to 25.000 SUCRES by 1 DOLLAR. However the increase in inflation in the same year demonstrated that the currency change is not compatible with the economical reality of the country.

2000: 3er face of Trole system, from “El Recreo” to “Estación Nor-te La Y” in the north of the city.It inaugurates the extension in the south of the city to “Morán Val-verde” the station until “Estación Norte La Y”.

2002: “Ecovía” started its opera-tions on Novem-ber.

2004: “Metro Bus” started the operations howe-ver the circuit was not ready yet.

2000: The useful period for the buses was reduced form 20 years to 15 years, to reduced the contami-nating emissions.

2001: *January 2001 new controls for the buses were established: gas emissions, te-chnical specifications of the units for safe-ty. Implementation of Groups of control of the permission for circulation of the buses.* Definitive incorporation of the “buses tipo” (zero categories).

2003: Open new “Ve-hicle Revision centers” for private and public auto-motors. This revision forms part of the new re-quirements for the annual matriculation.

2008: Personal Rapid Transit. Project for Cities 21 Home in Silicon Valley of California.

2009: Propo-sal to deve-lop the New Transportation System in Qui-to: MetroQ.

2012: In Oc-tober start the construction of the MetroQ.

2014: Opening of the MetroQ

2012: Redesign and construction of 26 new stations for the “North Central Corridor from “La Delicia” Station to “San Gabriel”. Plus 80 articulated buses for the trolley bus system.

2012: *Creation of “Park and ride” stations for bikes. In BRT Station in Quito, Ecuador.*On 15th July BiciQ, starts the bike sharing system from, The Historical Center to the Northe until “La Y”.

2012: *Official opening of the New In-ternational Airport Of Quito in Tababela. It is located 1 hour from the city center in direction to the North west.*It is estimated than 110.000 habitants in Quito use the public system of trans-portation.

2010: 80 new articulated buses were implemented for the “South-Central Corridor” as part of the MeroQ system.

2005: 3rd Generation. Velo’v in Lyon.IN Quito. Was created the non profit organization Biciaccion, to develop the project “Ciclopaseos” once per week.

2006: Creation of the “ART in the Trolley bus”, for promotes cultu-ral and artistic events.

2007-2008: The government was focused in the develo-pment of the infrastructure, transportation, communica-tion, energy, housing educa-tion and agriculture.