land north of hook street lydiard tregoze, swindon...

Land North of Hook Street Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon Wiltshire Archaeological Excavation September 2014 for on behalf of The Environmental Dimension Partnership (EDP) Persimmon Homes (Wessex) Ltd CA Project: 4894 CA Report: 14342

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Land North of Hook Street Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon


Archaeological Excavation

September 2014


on behalf of The Environmental Dimension Partnership (EDP)

Persimmon Homes (Wessex) Ltd

CA Project: 4894 CA Report: 14342

Land North of Hook Street Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon


Archaeological Excavation

CA Project: 4894 CA Report: 14342

prepared by Alistair Barber, Senior Project Officer

Date 29 August 2014

checked by Laurent Coleman, Principal Fieldwork Manager

Date 1 September 2014

approved by Simon Cox, Head of Fieldwork


date 1 September 2014

issue 01

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely

at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

Cirencester Milton Keynes Andover Building 11 Unit 4 Stanley House Kemble Enterprise Park Cromwell Business Centre Walworth Road Kemble, Cirencester Howard Way, Newport Pagnell Andover, Hampshire Gloucestershire, GL7 6BQ MK16 9QS SP10 5LH t. 01285 771022 t. 01908 218320 t. 01264 347630 f. 01285 771033

e. [email protected]

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

CONTENTS SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 3

The site .............................................................................................................. 3

Archaeological background ................................................................................ 4

Archaeological objectives ................................................................................... 5

Methodology....................................................................................................... 5

2. RESULTS (FIGS 2-5) ......................................................................................... 6

The finds and palaeoenvironmental evidence ..................................................... 9

3. DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................... 16

4. CA PROJECT TEAM .......................................................................................... 18

5. REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 19

APPENDIX A: CONTEXT DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................... 21

APPENDIX B: THE FINDS .............................................................................................. 31

APPENDIX C: THE PALAEOENVIRONMENTAL EVIDENCE ......................................... 41

APPENDIX D: OASIS REPORT FORM .......................................................................... 42


Fig. 1 Site location plan (1:25,000)

Fig. 2 The site in relation to the geophysical survey and evaluation areas (1:1500)

Fig. 3 The site showing archaeological features, previous evaluation trenches and

geophysical survey anomalies (1:500)

Fig. 4 Ditches A, B, E and F; sections (1:20) and photographs

Fig. 5 Ditches C, D, G and H; sections (1:20) and photographs

Fig. 6 Ditches G and H and pits 1010 and 1013; sections (1:20) and photographs

Fig. 7 Pits 1048/1110 and 1084/1114. Section (1:20) and photographs

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation


Project Name: Land North of Hook Street

Location: Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire

NGR: SU 1055 8410

Type: Excavation

Date: 30 June – 24 July 2014

Planning Reference: Wiltshire Council ref. APP/U3935/A/13/2195124

Accession number: SWMAG B 2014.105

Location of Archive: To be deposited with Swindon Museum and Art Gallery

Site Code: HKS 14

An archaeological excavation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology during June and

July 2014 on land north of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire.

A series of north-east/south-west and north-west/south-east-aligned ditches appear to

represent elements of a former field system dating between the late 1st and early 3rd-

centuries AD. Recutting of several ditches was noted, suggesting maintenance of these

boundaries. No structural remains were encountered to suggest the former presence of

Roman buildings within the site but abundant pottery deposited within the upper fills of the

boundary ditches conceivably derives from Roman settlement previously identified north and

north-east of the site. A small number of pits, predominantly of 2nd to 3rd-century AD date,

was also noted.

Numerous tree-throw pits, containing abraded Roman pottery, were noted together with

medieval or later ridge and furrow cultivation remains.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation


1.1 In July 2014 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological excavation

for The Environmental Dimension Partnership (EDP) on behalf of Persimmon

Homes (Wessex) Ltd on land north of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon

(centred on NGR: SU 1055 8410; Fig. 1). The excavation was undertaken in respect

of a condition (number 9) of planning permission granted by a Planning Inspector in

respect of an Appeal Hearing (Wiltshire Council planning reference no.

APP/U3935/A/13/2195124) for residential development and associated works. It

should be noted that this report refers to an area of approximately 0.5ha within the

northern part of the current site which was subject to archaeological excavation

(Figs 2 and 3). No archaeological mitigation works were required in the remainder of

the current site.

1.2 The excavation was carried out in accordance with a Written Scheme of

Investigation prepared by EDP (EDP 2014) and with a subsequent Method

Statement for Archaeological Excavation (CA 2014) approved by Melanie Pomeroy-

Kelinger, County Archaeologist, Wiltshire Council (WC), archaeological advisor to

Swindon Borough Council. The fieldwork also followed the Standard and guidance

for archaeological excavation (IfA 2009), the Statement of Standards and Practices

Appropriate for Archaeological Fieldwork in Wiltshire (WCC 1996), the Management

of Archaeological Projects (English Heritage 1991) and the Management of Research

Projects in the Historic Environment (MORPHE): Project Manager’s Guide (English

Heritage 2006). It was monitored by Ms Pomeroy-Kelinger, including site visits on 10

and 18 July 2014.

The site 1.3 The proposed development area comprises the south-eastern part of a single,

broadly rectangular, field located in Lydiard Tregoze on the western side of

Swindon. The site is bounded to the south-west by Hook Street, to the north-east

and south-east by Grange Park (residential development) and to the north-west by

agricultural land. The site comprises pasture land at approximately 108m to 115m

AOD, with the ground dropping downward to the east and south.

1.4 The underlying bedrock geology of the area is mapped as Ampthill Clay Formation

and Kimmeridge Clay and Stanford Formation of the Jurassic Period (BGS 2014).

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Yellow to green-blue clays and outcropping limestone were encountered within the

excavation area.

Archaeological background 1.5 A desk-based assessment (DBA) was compiled for the site (EDP 2009) and the

whole of the site (and the adjacent field to the north-west) was subsequently subject

to geophysical survey (AS 2010) and archaeological evaluation (AC Archaeology

2010). The results of this programme of archaeological investigation are

summarised below.

1.6 The DBA demonstrated that the site contained no previously recorded undesignated

heritage assets, but noted evidence for prehistoric to Anglo-Saxon activity within the

wider study area. Widespread evidence for Roman activity was noted within the site

vicinity including a probable villa or high status farmstead 0.6km to the north of the

site within Lydiard Park (Fig. 1, 2); a gully and artefacts 0.2km to the north-east of

the site at Greendown Community School (Fig. 1, 1); and a ditch 600m to the south-

west of the site (Fig. 1, 3). Evidence for industrial production, focused on pottery and

metalworking has been identified further (0.8km to 1km) to the north-east. Ditches

and pottery scatters recorded beyond these areas suggested further agricultural

activity (EDP 2009).

1.7 Geophysical survey within the site (and the area to the north-west) identified

evidence for archaeological activity, concentrated in a south-west to north-east-

aligned band focused on the central area of more elevated ground, albeit with a very

limited scatter of possible features in the peripheral areas to the north-west. No

probable archaeological remains of significance were found to the south-east of the

area of more elevated ground (AS 2010).

1.8 The archaeological evaluation confirmed that the area of archaeological interest was

restricted to a broad band running north-east/south-west through the centre of the

current site and the area to the south-west (examined by Trenches 7, 8, 9 and 10).

To the north-west and south-east the remaining trenches (Trenches 1 to 6 and 11 to

15) were devoid of archaeological features. The identified archaeological remains

were interpreted as boundary and enclosure ditches, metalled surfaces and

structures associated with a probable farmstead dating between 50 AD and 250 AD.

The presence of a substantial building was inferred (in the vicinity of Trench 9) from

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

stone surfacing identified during trenching, and by the presence of fragments of

ceramic roof tile noted within excavated features (AC Archaeology 2010).

Archaeological objectives 1.9 The objectives of the archaeological excavation were to:

• record the nature of the main stratigraphic units encountered

• assess the overall presence, survival and potential of structural and industrial


• assess the overall presence, survival, condition, and potential of artefactual

and ecofactual remains

1.10 The specific aims of the work were to:

• record any evidence of past settlement or other land use

• recover artefactual evidence to date any evidence of past settlement that

may be identified

• sample and analyse environmental remains to create a better understanding

of past land use and economy

Methodology 1.11 The fieldwork followed the methodology set out within the WSI (EDP 2014) and

Method Statement (CA 2014). Excavation of the site was undertaken by a

mechanical excavator equipped with a toothless grading bucket to the top of the first

significant archaeological horizon or the natural substrate, whichever was

encountered first, under constant archaeological supervision. Where archaeological

deposits were encountered they were excavated by hand in accordance with CA

Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual (2007).

1.12 Deposits were assessed for their palaeoenvironmental potential in accordance with

CA Technical Manual 2: The Taking and Processing of Environmental and Other

Samples from Archaeological Sites (2003) and a programme of environmental

sampling was initiated. All artefacts recovered were processed in accordance with

Technical Manual 3 Treatment of Finds Immediately after Excavation (1995).

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1.13 The archive and artefacts from the excavation are currently held by CA at their

offices in Kemble. Subject to the agreement of the legal landowner the artefacts will

be deposited with Swindon Museum and Art Gallery under accession number

SWMAG B 2014.105 along with the site archive. A summary of information from this

project, set out within Appendix F, will be entered onto the OASIS online database of

archaeological projects in Britain.


2.1 This section provides an overview of the excavation results; detailed summaries of

the recorded contexts, context concordance, finds and environmental samples

(palaeoenvironmental evidence) are to be found in Appendices A to E respectively.

2.2 Archaeological deposits and features dating to the Roman and later periods were

recorded within the excavation area. All archaeological features cut the natural

substrate 1002 (identified at 0.3m to 0.4m below present ground level (bpgl)) and

were sealed by subsoil 1001. A series of north-west/south-east-aligned medieval

and/or post-medieval furrows was identified. The furrows frequently contained

modern ceramic field drains. The subsoil 1001 was overlain by topsoil 1000 (both

deposits 0.15m to 0.2m thick). The Roman features and deposits contained

relatively large quantities of broadly contemporary Roman pottery (the majority

dating to the late 1st to 2nd/earlier 3rd centuries AD), however a general outline for

the development of the site is provided below.

Roman (Figs 2 to 7) 2.3 Three north-east/south-west-aligned ditches with U-shaped profiles; A (ditches

1018/1053), B (ditches 1023/1051/1067) and C (ditches 1005/1105/1138) were

recorded, identifying a discontinuous field boundary (Fig. 3). Ditch A was

approximately 2m wide, 0.35m deep and 20m in length, the north-eastern end

terminating within the excavation area (Fig. 4, Sections AA and BB). A 22m gap

between ditches A and B may have represented a former access point between

adjacent fields. The ditched boundary then resumed as Ditch B, 1m in width, 0.4m

deep and 19m in length. A subsequent 4m wide break between Ditch B and Ditch C,

the latter 1m in width, 0.1m in depth and in excess of 7m in length (Fig. 5, Section

CC), appeared to denote a second access point between former fields.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

2.4 North-west/south-east-aligned U-shaped ditch D (ditches 1132/1037/1043),

subsequently recut as Ditch J (ditches 1047/1040/1123) ran perpendicular to, but

terminated 13m short of, Ditches B and C and appeared to identify a further field

boundary with associated access point (Fig. 5, Sections DD, EE and FF).

2.5 All of the ditches contained homogenous silt-clay fills and a relatively large quantity

of artefactual material was recovered from them. Ditch A contained 53 sherds of

2nd-century AD pottery, a tegula fragment, a brick fragment, a lead alloy fragment

and a piece of coal. Ditch B contained 96 sherds of 2nd-century AD pottery and

three brick and tile fragments and Ditch C produced 38 sherds of broadly Romano-

British pottery and six tile fragments. Ditch D contained 33 sherds of late 1st to 2nd-

century AD pottery from primary ditch 1043/1132, eight CBM fragments and a piece

of burnt flint, together with 28 late 1st to 2nd-century AD pottery sherds from 1037

and five late 1st to 2nd-century AD sherds from recut 1040.

2.6 A 1m wide, 0.2m deep and 5m long U-shaped Ditch E (ditches 1070/1112)

subsequently reduced the size of the gap between Ditches B and C (Fig. 4). Ditch E

contained 20 sherds of 2nd-century AD or later pottery, together with a worn coin of

AD 364-378 from the surface of fill 1113.

2.7 U-shaped ditches F and G, the latter subsequently recut as Ditch H, and Ditch I suggest remodelling/maintenance of the north-east/south-west-aligned field

boundary and a probable slight north-westward migration of its location (Figs 4 to 6,

Sections BB, CC and GG). Ditch F (1022) yielded 58 sherds of 2nd-century AD

pottery, two stone roof tile fragments, an iron nail and two tile fragments, and Ditch

G (1025) produced 85 sherds of mid to late 2nd-century AD pottery, a brick fragment

and an iron nail. Ditch H (recut 1029/1138) contained 322 sherds of mid to late 2nd-

century AD pottery, five tile fragments including tegula and box flue fragments and

three iron nails. Further to the north of Ditch F, Ditch I (1055) contained 211 sherds

of 2nd-century AD pottery, seven brick and tile fragments, a lead alloy fragment, a

burnt flint and two small copper-alloy sheet fragments.

2.8 A cluster of four sub-circular and sub-oval pits 1010, 1013, 1089 and 1092, up to 4m

in length, 3m in width and 0.5m in depth, were noted south of Ditch A. Pit 1010 (Fig.

6 HH) contained 79 sherds of late 1st to 2nd-century AD pottery, a fired clay

fragment and a box flue fragment. Pit 1013 produced 51 sherds of 2nd-century AD

pottery, a brick fragment and a fragment of window glass. Pit 1089 contained 105

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

sherds of 2nd-century AD pottery and two tile fragments. A badly pitted coin of

possible 4th-century AD date was recovered from the surface of pit 1092, fill 1093,

together with 22 Romano-British pottery sherds, two lead alloy fragments and a

CBM fragment.

2.9 Three further sub-circular pits 1070/1077, 1048/1110 and 1084/1114, the latter set

centrally within the gap between the terminals of Ditches A and B, were also

recorded. Pit 1070/77 contained two 2nd-century AD or later sherds. Pit 1048/1110

(Fig. 7, Section II) contained 285 sherds of late 2nd to early 3rd-century AD pottery,

22 fragments of brick and tile including a box flue fragment, a stone ball and a bottle

glass rim fragment. An environmental bulk sample <1> was recovered from the

secondary fill, 1111, of this pit and was found to contain charcoal fragments. Pit

1084/1114 (Fig. 7, Photograph) produced 403 sherds of mid to late 3rd-century AD

pottery, three tile fragments, a bottle glass base fragment and a coin of AD 270-90.

An environmental bulk sample <2> was recovered from the primary fill, 1115, of this

pit and was found to contain charcoal fragments. Although the function of these pits

is uncertain they conceivably represent refuse pits or clay extraction pits initially

allowed to silt up gradually but subsequently used as refuse pits.

2.10 Numerous shallow, irregularly-shaped, tree-throw pits were encountered across the

site. Excavated examples contained small and abraded sherds of Roman pottery.

Tree-throw pit 1035 fill 1036 contained two late 3rd-century AD sherds and a

fragmentary coin of AD 268-70 AD. Tree-throw pits 1128 and 1130 each contained a

4th-century AD coin.

Medieval and post-medieval/modern 2.11 A series of north-west/south-east-aligned plough furrows was noted, cutting across

underlying Roman features. Several furrows had ceramic land drains subsequently

set within them, and residual Roman pottery (not retained) was noted within their

homogenous clay fills together with one 4th-century AD coin. Several modern

geotechnical pits were also noted.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

The finds and palaeoenvironmental evidence

The finds: pottery

2.12 A total of 2,286 sherds of pottery, weighing 25.813kg, was recovered from 53

separate deposits. All was of Roman date and the majority was hand-recovered (a

total of 84 sherds were recovered from bulk soil sampling of pit fills 1111 (pit

1048/1110) and 1115 (pit 1084/1114)). The assemblage was scanned by context

and quantified according to fabric, sherd count and weight. Unique fabric codings

have been devised for this report (Table 1) and where applicable concordance is

provided with the codes of the National Roman Pottery Reference Collection

(Tomber and Dore 1998).

2.13 The assemblage is in moderately good condition: mean sherd weight (11.21g) is

fairly low for a Roman group, which tend to be robust. Surface preservation is

variable according to fabric, with some significant loss noted with colour-

coated/slipped types. The bulk of the assemblage was derived from ditches or

pits/tree-throw features, with a small amount of unstratified material. Included were

larger groups (in excess of 50 sherds) from fills ditch 1003, 1004 and 1021 (Ditch F);

1026 (Ditch G); 1031 and 1032 (Ditch H); 1052 (Ditch B); 1054 (Ditch A); and 1056

(Ditch I). And from pit fills 1012 (pit 1010); 1050 (pit 1048/1110); 1085 and 1086 (pit

1084/1114); 1091 (pit 1089); 1111 (pit 1048/1110); and 1115 (pit 1084/1114) (Table


Assemblage composition (Tables 1–2)

2.14 The overall assemblage composition is set out in Table 1.The majority (2084 sherds

or 91%) of the assemblage comprises reduced and oxidised coarsewares, most

likely of local (North Wiltshire) origin. Most abundant are finer/medium sandy

reduced coarsewares, including: GW (self-coloured); GWor (with an orange/brown

core) and GWnw, which typically exhibited fine, sandy surfaces with a pale-fired

core. Savernake ware (SAV GT) and a probably related, finer grog-tempered,

greyware (GWgt) are also well-represented. Evidence for pottery production in North

Wiltshire, including at kilns located at Whitehill Farm, Swindon and Purton

(Anderson 1979), is thought to date to the later 1st to later 3rd/early 4th centuries

AD. That associated with Savernake wares appears to be confined to the mid 1st

and 2nd centuries AD (Rigby 1982, 153–54).

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

2.15 The range of forms among the reduced fabrics comprises mainly medium-mouthed

(necked or neckless/everted-rim) jars, with a smaller number of dishes/bowls,

beakers, lids, strainers and, more unusually, a probable skillet handle from deposit

1097. Overall the range of forms broadly corresponds to that from among mainly

earlier Roman groups derived largely from the North Wiltshire ‘industry’ from

Wanborough (Seagar-Smith 2001). Included among ‘fineware’ type vessels are

ovoid or globular beakers (ditch 1029 fill 1031 (Ditch H) and ditch 1055 fill 1056

(Ditch I), some with barbotine dot panel decoration, and a hemispherical flanged

bowl (ditch 1022 fill 1021 (Ditch F)). A number of the jar and other utilitarian open

vessel forms (dishes with plain rim, flat rim or flat rim with groove, and one conical

flanged bowl), show the influence of Black-burnished wares and suggest dating

probably after the mid 2nd century AD. Conical flanged bowls (from ditch 1022 fill

1003 (Ditch F) and ditch 1005 fill 1006 (Ditch C)) date after c. AD 250. Identifiable

forms among the oxidised wares comprise a small number of necked jars, lids, (ring-

necked) flagons, a bottle and one tankard (pit 1089 fill 1091), a form more often

associated with Severn Valley ware but known also from among the North Wiltshire


2.16 A relatively small quantity (17 sherds) of North Wiltshire colour-coated ware (NWCC)

was recorded. The fabric is typically oxidised although may be reduced-fired; in all

instances with a dark grey or brown surface slip. Thin-walled sherds with rouletted

decoration probably represent beakers of bag-shaped form. These aside, the only

identifiable form was a hemispherical flanged bowl from pit 1084/1114 fill 1115.

2.17 A small number of sherds of South-west White-slipped ware (SOW WS),

manufactured in North Wiltshire or South-east Gloucestershire (Tomber and Dore

1998, 192), was also recovered. The forms represented included a wall-sided

mortarium of probable 3rd century AD type, and a flagon.


2.18 The non-local Romano-British grouping is dominated by (112 sherds) south-east

Dorset Black-burnished ware (DOR BB1). Forms identified include: (Seager-Smith

and Davies) Type 2 and 3 everted rim jars (the former dating to the 2nd century AD

onwards; the latter to the late 3rd to 4th centuries AD); Type 20 plain rim dishes (late

2nd to 4th century AD in date); Type 22 flat rim dishes (dating to the early 2nd to 3rd

centuries AD); and Type 25 conical flanged bowls (3rd to 4th century AD in date)

(Seager Smith and Davies 1993, 230–5).

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

2.19 The primarily Later Roman Oxfordshire industry is represented by a total of 29

sherds, mainly Oxford Red-slipped ware (OXF RS). In addition there were small

quantities of whiteware (OXF WH) and white-slipped type (OXF WS). The

Oxfordshire type wares were confined to a small number of deposits (pit 1084/1114

fills 1085 and 1115).

2.20 Vessel forms among the red-slipped wares comprise mainly bowls: types C45, C47,

C55 (Young 1977) and one form C97 (ibid.) wall-sided mortarium, all identified from

pit fill 1085. In addition, from pit 1084/1114 fill 1086, there is a base sherd from a

bowl or dish with internal rouletting (C46 or C48) which features an illiterate ‘makers’

stamp. Dating for all the identifiable forms is after c. AD 240 (ibid., 158–167). An

absence of exclusively 4th-century AD vessel classes from pit 1084/1114 fills

1085/86 and the presence of a barbarous radiate (Ra. 18) are suggestive of a late

3rd-century AD date for this feature. Identifiable forms among the Oxfordshire

whiteware/white-slipped types comprised mortaria of (whiteware) type M22 from pit

1084/1114 fill 1085 and (white-slipped) form WC5 from ditch 1051 fill 1052 (Ditch B).

Both are forms expected to date in the mid to late 3rd century AD (ibid., 76-77 and


2.21 Lower Nene Valley Colour-coated ware (LNV CC), manufactured at sites in

Cambridgeshire during the mid 2nd to 4th centuries AD (Tomber and Dore 1998,

119), was represented by four sherds from a funnel-neck beaker with a bead rim.


2.22 Continental ware types amount to a total of 29 sherds, of which 28 sherds are

Gaulish samian. The single non-sigilatta type is an unsourced amphora (AMP),

which is only broadly dateable to the Roman period.

2.23 The samian group, which comprises 1.2% of the total assemblage, includes

products from each of the Gaulish regional production centres. The small quantity of

south Gaulish samian (LGF SA) dates to the mid 1st to early 2nd centuries AD. The

majority comprises central Gaulish products (LEZ SA2) dateable to the 2nd century

AD. A small number of East Gaulish samian vessels (EG SA) date from after c. AD

140 with dating possibly extending into the mid 3rd century.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

2.24 Identifiable forms mainly consist of plain types: dishes (a possible Drag. 18/31);

bowls (Drag. 31R, Drag. 37, Drag. 38); cups (Drag. 33) and a possible mortarium

(probably Drag, 45). A rimsherd from pit 1048/1110 fill 1050, probably from form

Drag. 37 bowl, is the only decorated vessel form recorded. A single maker-stamped

vessel was recorded, from pit 1084/1114 fill 1115. The form is a Drag. 31R bowl

datable to c. AD 160–200. The partial stamp ]XTIS is identifiable as belonging to the

Central Gaulish potter Cosaxto/Cosaxtis.


2.25 The bulk of the assemblage is dateable to the late 1st to 2nd/earlier 3rd centuries

AD with the primary evidence for this coming from the abundance of local/north

Wiltshire type wares, earlier forms among the Dorset Black-burnished ware, and the

small quantities of Gaulish samian. On the basis of quantities of later Roman

Oxfordshire wares, a smaller number of deposits (Table 2) are dateable after c. AD

240. Although there is some evidence for 4th-century AD activity suggested by the

coin finds, this is not reflected by the pottery.

2.26 Although no clear evidence for structures of domestic activity was recorded from the

area of excavation, the overall abundance of pottery and large context group size

are indications that such activity was probably located close by. The nature of the

activity is difficult to characterise from the artefactual assemblage. The scarcity of

ceramic building material (below) perhaps indicates a lower status site. This is

further hinted at by the dominance of utilitarian vessel classes and also by the

scarcity of samian (1.2%) and amphorae (1 sherd).

Ceramic building material

2.27 A total of 94 fragments of ceramic building material, weighing 8.236kg, was recorded

in 27 deposits and as unstratified finds. All were Roman in date and those which

could be further classified are listed in Table 2.

Fired clay

2.28 A total of 31 fragments of fired clay, which weighed a total of 275g, was recovered

from 13 deposits. The colour ranged from orange through mid to dark grey. A variety

of fabrics was represented, including: moderately hard, micaceous fabric from pit fill

1012 pit 1010; soft fabric containing iron ore from ditch 1053 fill 1054 (Ditch A) and

pit 1048/1110 fill 1111; soft, quartz-and-iron oxide-rich fabric from pit 1048/1110 fill

1050 and ditch 1070 fill 1071 (Ditch E); and a hard fabric with no visible temper from

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

ditch 1029 fill 1031 (Ditch H) and pit 1089 fill 1091. None of the fragments exhibited

any features or surfaces which might suggest a function.


2.29 Single fragments of natural green coloured Roman glass were recorded in three

contexts (Table 3). These consisted of: a probable window fragment from pit 1013 fill

1015; a fragment from the rim of a prismatic or cylindrical bottle from pit 1048/1110

fill 1111; and a fragment from the base of a similar bottle from pit 1084/1114 fill

1115. Bottles of this type and occurring in natural green glass were common in the

earlier Roman period between the c. mid 1st and 3rd centuries AD.


2.30 A total of eight coins (Ra. 6 comprises two fused coins) comprising primarily copper-

alloy issues certainly or probably of the later Roman period were recorded (Table 3).

The condition is typically poor, with some coins fragmentary and in some instances

the surfaces degraded to the extent that no surface detail permitting identification


Metal objects

2.31 Items of copper alloy were restricted to two small sheet fragments from ditch 1055

fill 1056 (Ditch I) and a reel-shaped object incorporating part of an iron shank, which

was an unstratified find of uncertain date or function.

2.32 Lead alloy objects totalling five in number were recorded in four deposits. All were

too fragmentary for further classification.

2.33 A total of 15 iron objects were recovered from seven deposits and as unstratified

finds. Nine of these were nails. Ditch fill 1032 and pit 1048/1110 fill 1111 and pit

1084/1114 fill 1115 each produced a single hobnail. A further three objects were

highly corroded and too fragmentary for identification.

Industrial waste

2.34 A very small quantity of ironworking slag (weighing 8g) was recorded in pit 1089 fill

1091. This was undiagnostic of process (smithing or smelting) and indicates only

very limited evidence for metallurgical activity in the wider area.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

2.35 A small quantity (4 fragments) of coal was recovered from ditch 1018 fill 1019 (Ditch

A). Although the use of coal was more widespread in the medieval and post-

medieval periods, it was exploited as fuel in the Roman period. This coal was

associated with pottery, ceramic building material and stone roof tile of Roman date.

‘Utilised’ stone

2.36 A total of 12 fragments of probable building stone was recovered from eight

deposits. All comprise flat fragments of limestone of local derivation and probably

represent roofing material of Roman or later date. None were perforated or exhibit

clear signs of working.

Worked flint

2.37 A single worked flint item was recovered as a residual item in ditch 1029 fill 1031

(Ditch H), in addition to a total of four pieces of burnt, unworked flint (weighing 12g)

from three deposits. The worked flint was made on a broken flake. It had been

steeply retouched along the left dorsal edge to form a concave scraper. Removals

on the right dorsal edge may have formed a crude denticulate along that edge when

the flake was complete. This tool can be only broadly dated to the Prehistoric period.

The animal bone

2.38 A collection of animal bones numbering 506 fragments (3742g) was recovered via a

combination of hand excavation and environmental sampling from 25 deposits. The

bones were generally well preserved, but highly fragmented. This has rendered

42.6% of the assemblage unidentifiable beyond the level of ‘large’ or ‘medium

mammal’. For the purpose of this report, the bones were identified to species and

skeletal element using an osteological reference collection (Cotswold Archaeology)

as well as standard reference literature (Schmid 1972, Hillson 1996), and quantified

by fragment count and weight. Where modern breakage was observed and re-fitting

was possible, those fragments were recorded as a single bone.

2.39 Although no physical remains were recovered, it is likely that dogs (Canis familiaris)

were present on site taken from the fact that much of the assemblage had clearly

been gnawed. This should be considered along with the fact that the identified

species are, in the main, represented by the more robust skeletal elements such

teeth, mandible fragments and the bones of the feet. Therefore a taphonomic bias in

the results cannot be ruled out.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

2.40 The assemblage was recovered in association with artefacts dating to the Roman

period from ditch and pit fills spread across the site. Cattle (Bos taurus) accounted

for 11% of all identified fragments. The bones were recovered from ten deposits and

included both meat-rich and meat-poor skeletal elements. Butchery marks were

observed on a proximal scapula and proximal radius recovered respectively from

tree throw 1073 and pit 1084/1114.

2.41 Sheep/goat (Ovis aries/Capra hircus) remains were recovered from 14 deposits and

would appear to dominate, accounting for 81% of all bone identified. However 64%,

or 188 fragments, were recovered from pit 1048/1110 and are likely to originate from

a single individual due to the articulation noted upon excavation. As with cattle, the

remaining sheep/goat bones came from both meat-rich and meat-poor skeletal

elements and evidence of butchery was noted from chop marks on a fragment of

femur from pit 1084/1114.

2.42 The remains of pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) were the least abundant of the three

major domestic species, with only seven fragments recovered from three deposits

and represented solely by meat-poor skeletal elements.

2.43 Horse (Equus callabus) bones were also identified from seven deposits and

represented in the main by loose molars. Long bone fragments were recovered from

ditches 1018 (Ditch A) and 1029 (Ditch H) and pit 1089 but no evidence of butchery

was observed.

2.44 Roe Deer (Dama dama) was the only wild species identified on site. Pit 1084/1114

produced two fragments of antler. The larger of which was almost complete and had

been shed rather than cut from a carcass. Neither fragment had been worked.


2.45 The assemblage contains both meat-poor and meat-rich elements with beef and

mutton clearly the favoured choice and pork only making a minor contribution to the

diet. There is butchery evidence pointing to carcass dismemberment i.e. the

preparation of individual joints and cuts of meat. In addition much of the bone,

especially those long bone shafts present is highly fragmentary and shows evidence

of gnawing. This is very suggestive of dogs taking advantage of the waste from

butchery and potentially indicates that the site was primarily a site of production

rather than consumption.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Environmental remains

2.46 Two environmental samples (38 litres of soil) were retrieved from two deposits with

the intention of recovering evidence of industrial or domestic activity and possibly

material for radiocarbon dating. The samples were processed by standard flotation

procedures (CA Technical Manual No. 2).


2.47 Sample <1> was recovered from second fill 1111 of pit 1048/1110 and sample <2>

was retrieved from first fill 1115 within pit 1084/1114. Neither pit contained any

carbonised plant remains although both pits contained a small amount of well-

preserved charcoal. The charcoal within pit 1110, <1> was identified as cherry

(Prunus) species and the charcoal within pit 1114, <2> was recorded as oak

(Quercus), maple (Acer campestre), alder/hazel (Alnus glutinosa/Corylus avellana)

and cherry species. This small assemblage together with the lack of other ecofactual

remains means no further interpretative information is possible other than the use of

these species as fuel on site.

2.48 The charcoal (except oak and maple) would be suitable for radiocarbon dating

however this is not required as the pottery assemblage recovered from these

features provided secure dating evidence.


3.1 Archaeological features dating to the Roman and medieval/post-medieval periods

were identified within the excavation area, broadly correlating with the results of the

preceding geophysical survey and evaluation trenching (Archaeological Surveys

2012, AC Archaeology 2010).


3.2 No recognisable prehistoric features were encountered during the excavation,

consistent with an overall paucity of both earlier and later prehistoric activity

recorded within the wider site locality on the Wiltshire HER (EDP 2014). A single

broken worked flint blade, only broadly datable to the prehistoric period, was

recovered as a residual find within Roman Ditch H.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Roman (late 1st to 4th centuries AD)

3.3 Artefactual evidence suggests that Roman occupation of the site dates to the late

1st to 2nd/earlier 3rd centuries AD, however whilst a chronological framework is

presented, detailed sub-phases of activity could not be differentiated due to the

difficulties of identifying stratigraphic relationships between the features and the

unspecific nature of much of the dating evidence.

3.4 The ditches recorded within the excavation area indicate that the site was utilised as

part of a field system defined by ditched boundaries with access points between

fields. That these ditched boundaries were relatively long-lived and subject to

maintenance is indicated by ditch recuts D, F, G, H and I which, although they had

migrated slightly northward and eastward in position, broadly maintained the original

layout of the field system. A minor alteration to an otherwise consistent field layout is

indicated by the partial closing off of a gap between Ditches B and C by Ditch E.

3.5 All of the boundary ditches appear to have silted up gradually, between the late 1st

and 3rd centuries AD, although in some instances large quantities of refuse had

been dumped into the top of partially silted ditches. Although the source of this

material, predominantly pottery but including fired clay, metal finds, a single piece of

iron slag, coal and window and bottle glass, remains uncertain its abundance and

fresh condition might suggest close proximity to Roman settlement. The excavation

also recorded a small number of slight later (of 2nd to early 3rd-century AD pits,

close to and broadly contemporary with these field boundaries. Pit 1084/1114, of

mid to late 3rd-century AD date, appeared to have been deliberately excavated

between, and partially closed off, a gap between ditches A and B.

3.6 No evidence of timber or stone-built structures have been encountered within the

excavation area, with the putative stone surfacing noted during the preceding

evaluation now being recognised to represent components of the uppermost fills of

ditched field boundaries. Although ceramic imbrex and tegulae tile fragments,

together with stone roof tile fragments, were recovered from several ditch fills there

were no concentrations to suggest the close proximity of a former building. It should

be noted that majority of ceramic building material recovered during the evaluation

was recovered from Trench 9 (AC Archaeology 2010)

3.7 The nearest identifiable focus of Roman settlement potentially associated with the

field system elements found within the excavation area lies approximately 200m

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

north-east of the site at Greendown Community School (Fig. 1, 1). A gully-like

feature was found here in association with Roman pottery and tile during a watching

brief on topsoil stripping by Thamesdown Archaeological Unit (TAU) in 1987 (EDP

2009). Although slightly more distant the field system might conceivably be

associated with a north-east/south-west-aligned, limestone-walled, sub-rectangular

building with opus signinum flooring and painted wall plaster, as well as fragments of

box flue tiles, found approximately 0.6km north of the site within Lydiard Park (Fig. 1,

2). The building was sealed by subsoil containing abundant limestone fragments,

animal bone, iron slag, and Roman pottery and roof tile fragments (EDP 2009).

3.8 Given that these sites are relatively distant, it is possible that a focus of settlement is

located immediately to the north-west of the excavation area. Trenches 8 and 9

contained a fairly high density of archaeological features and, although not depicted

by the geophysical survey, settlement activity may be located between Trenches 8

and 9 and in adjacent areas.

Medieval and/or post-medieval and modern

3.7 No medieval or later settlement remains were encountered within the excavation

area. The ridge and furrow cultivation remains identified represent agricultural

activity, perhaps on the periphery of the possible medieval settlement of Lydiard

Tregoze which was mentioned in the Domesday Survey of 1086 AD and which was

probably located in the northern part of Lydiard Park (Wiltshire HER refs. 22 to 26).

By the time of the 1840 Lydiard Tregoze tithe map the excavation area is shown as

part of a large field under pasture.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Alistair Barber, assisted by Ray Holt and Dane Wright and by

Sam Bateman, Noel Boothroyd, Cameron Hardie and Sikko Van Der Brug. The report was

written by Alistair Barber, assisted by Dane Wright. The finds reports were compiled by

Jacky Sommerville, Ed McSloy and Andy Clarke. The illustrations were prepared by Leo

Heatley. The archive has been compiled by Alistair Barber, and prepared for deposition by

Hazel O’Neill. The project was managed for CA by Laurent Coleman.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation


AC Archaeology 2010 Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire:

Results of Archaeological Evaluation

Anderson, A.S. 1979 The Roman Pottery Industry in North Wiltshire Swindon Archaeological

Society Report No. 2

Anderson, A.S., Wacher, J.S. and Fitzpatrick, A.P. 2001 The Romano-British ‘Small town’ at

Wanborough, Wiltshire London, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies,

Britannia Monog. 19

AS (Archaeological Surveys) 2010 Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon:

Magnetometer Survey Report

BGS (British Geological Survey)

2014 accessed 14 May 2014

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2003 The taking and processing of environmental and other

samples from archaeological sites CA Technical Manual No. 2

CA (Cotswold Archaeology 2014 Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon,

Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation Method Statement

EDP (The Environmental Dimension Partnership) 2009 Land North of Hook Street, Swindon:

Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment

EDP (The Environmental Dimension Partnership) 2014 Land North of Hook Street, Swindon:

Written Scheme of Investigation for Archaeological Excavation Report No H-_EDP1109_09d

Hillson, S. 1996 Mammal bones and teeth: An introductory guide to methods of identification

The Institute of Archaeology. University of London Rigby, V. 1982 ‘The Coarse Pottery’, in Wacher and McWhirr 1982, 153–200.

Schmid, E. 1972 Atlas of animal bones: For prehistorians, archaeologists and quaternary

geologists Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Company

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Seager Smith, R. 2001 ‘The Coarse Pottery’, in Anderson et al. 2001, 232–300

Seager Smith, R. and Davies, S. M. 1993 ‘Roman Pottery’, in Woodward et al. 1993, 202–


Tomber, R. and Dore, J. 1998 The National Roman Fabric Reference Collection: a

handbook London. Museum of London Archaeology Service.

Wacher, J.S. and McWhirr, A.D. 1982 Early Roman occupation at Cirencester Cirencester

Excavations I, Cirencester, Cirencester Excavation Committee.

Webster, P. 1996. Roman Samian Pottery in Britain. Practical Handbook in Archaeology 13.

York. Council for British Archaeology

Woodward, P.J., Davies, S.M. and Graham, A.H. 1993 Excavations at Greyhound Yard,

Dorchester 1981–4 Dorchester. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society.

Young, C.J. 1977 Oxfordshire Roman Pottery. British Archaeological Reports. 43. Oxford.

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation


area context ctx_TYPE fill_of ctx_COMMENT ctx_DESCRIPTION length width depth spot_date

1 1000 Deposit Topsoil Grey-brown silt-clay 0.15m

1 1001 Deposit subsoil Yellow-brown silt-clay


1 1002 Deposit Natural Yellow-orange/blue-grey clay


1 1003 Fill 1022 3rd fill of ditch Dark grey clay-silt >1.0m 1.83m 0.11m C2

1 1004 Fill 1022 2nd fill of ditch Mid green-grey silt-clay

>1.0m 0.99m 0.34m

1 1005 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch. north-east/ south- west orientation

55m 5.45m 0.20m C2

1 1006 Fill 1005 1st fill of ditch Dark grey and orange/ brown silt-clay

55m 5.45m 0.20m C2

1 1007 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch. North-east/ south- west orientation

55m 2.38m 0.26m

1 1008 Fill 1007 2nd fill of ditch Mid blue-grey silt-clay

55m 1.15m 0.24m C2+

1 1009 Fill 1007 1st fill of ditch Mid green-grey silt-clay

55m 2.38m 0.26m C2

1 1010 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch. NORTH-EAST/ SOUTH-WEST ORIENTATION

>1.0m 2.20m 0.55m

1 1011 Fill 1010 1st fill of ditch Mid blue-brown >1.0m 0.42m 0.11m LC1-C2

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation


1 1012 Fill 1010 2nd fill of ditch Light green-grey sand-clay

>1.0m 2.20m 0.44m C2

1 1013 Cut Pit Sub-oval pit >1.0m 2.25m 0.18m

1 1014 Fill 1013 1st fill of pit Light yellow-grey silt-clay

>1.0m 2.25m 0.09m RB

1 1015 Fill 1013 2nd fill of pit Dark blue-grey clay-silt

>1.0m 1.10m 0.09m C2

1 1016 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch. North-east/ south -west orientation

>0.50m 0.37m 0.33m

1 1017 Fill 1016 1st fill of ditch Mid green-grey silt-clay

>0.50m 0.37m 0.33m

1 1018 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch. North-east/ south-west orientation

26m 1.83m 0.36m

1 1019 Fill 1018 1st fill of ditch Mid grey-green silt-clay

26m 1.73m 0.35 C2

1 1020 Fill 1018 2nd fill of ditch Dark brown-grey clay-silt

26m 1.24m 0.16m RB

1 1021 Fill 1022 1st fill of ditch Dark brown-blue silt-clay

>1.0m 1.04m 0.32 C2

1 1022 Cut Ditch u-shaped ditch. North-east/ south-west orientation

24m 2.08m 0.77m

1 1023 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch. North-east/ south-west orientation

18.5m 1.06m 0.32m

1 1024 Fill 1023 1st fill of ditch Mid green-grey silt-clay

>1.18m 1.06m 0.32m

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1 1025 Cut Ditch V-shaped ditch. North-east/ south-west orientation

30m 2.42m 0.72m

1 1026 Fill 1025 1st fill of ditch green-grey silt-clay >1.0m 1.04m 0.34m M-LC1

1 1027 Fill 1025 2nd fill of ditch Orange-grey silt-clay >1.0m 2.04m 0.29m

1 1028 Fill 1025 3rd fill of ditch Yellow-grey silt-clay >1.0m 1.24m 0.38m

1 1029 Cut Ditch Moderate U-shaped ditch. North -west/ south-east orientation

30m 2.27m 0.65m

1 1030 Fill 1029 1st fill of ditch Mid blue-grey silt-clay

>1.0m 2.06m 0.31m LC1-C2

1 1031 Fill 1029 2nd fill of ditch yellow clay-silt >1.0m 2.05m 0.20m LC1-MC2

1 1032 Fill 1029 3rd fill of ditch Dark grey clay-silt >1.0m 1.80m 0.20m M-LC2

1 1033 Cut Tree throw Shallow irregular sided tree-throw pit

>1.0m 2.23m 0.14m

1 1034 Fill 1033 1st fill of ditch Dark grey-brown with orange/ brown streaks sand-clay

>1.0m 2.23m 0.14m C2+

1 1035 Cut Tree throw Irregular oval tree-throw-pit

1.45.m 1.35m 0.18m

1 1036 Fill 1035 1st fill of dich Dark grey with orange/ brown streaks

1.45m 1.35m 0.18m RB

1 1037 Cut Ditch Wide shallow ditch north-west/ south-east orientation

19m 1.22m 0.30m

1 1038 Fill 1037 2nd fill of dich green-grey clay >0.80m 1.12m 0.07m C2+

1 1039 Fill 1037 1st fill of ditch Mid green-grey silt-clay

>0.80m 1.22m 0.23m LC1-C2

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1 1040 Cut Ditch U shaped ditch. North-west/ south-east orientation

15.5m 0.75m 0.41m

1 1041 Fill 1040 1st fill of ditch Orange-green silt-clay

>0.8m 0.75m 0.41m LC1-C2

1 1042 Fill 1136 1st fill of ditch Mid grey silt-clay 1.70m 0.22m

1 1043 Cut Ditch U- shaped ditch. North-west/ south-east orientation

19m 1.25m 0.30m

1 1044 Fill 1043 2nd fill of ditch Mid orange-grey silt-clay

>1.0m 1.25m 0.20m C2

1 1045 Fill 1043 1st fill of ditch Mid orange-brown clay

>1.0m 1.16m 0.10m LC1-C2

1 1046 Deposit Buried soil Light orange-grey silt-clay

>1.0m 0.15m LC1-C2

1 1047 Deposit Buried soil orange green-grey silt-clay


1 1048 Cut Pit Circular pit with moderate sides

3.5m 2.75m 0.56m

1 1049 Fill 1048 1st fill of pit orange-brown silt-clay

1.05m 0.15m RB

1 1050 Fill 1048 2nd fill of pit Light yellow-grey silt-clay

3.50m 2.75m 0.56m LC2-EC3

1 1051 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch, north-east/ south -west orientation

23.25m 1.56m 0.28m

1 1052 Fill 1051 1st fill of ditch Dark green-grey silt-clay

>1.0m 1.56m 0.28m C2

1 1053 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch terminal, north-east/ south -west orientation

>1.0m 2.02m 0.36m

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1 1054 Fill 1053 1st fill of ditch Dark green-grey silt-clay

>1.0m 2.02m 0.36m C2

1 1055 Cut Ditch Irregular shallow U-shaped ditch

10m 1.30m 0.20m

1 1056 Fill 1055 1st fill of ditch Orange-grey clay >0.60m 1.30m 0.20m C2

1 1057 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch, east/west orientation

2.80m 0.50m 0.10m

1 1058 Fill 1057 1st fill of ditch Mid to dark grey clay >0.65m 0.25m 0.10m RB

1 1059 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-west/ south-east orientation

19m 0.75m 0.27m

1 1060 Fill 1059 1st fill of ditch Mid grey clay >1.10m 0.75m 0.27m

1 1061 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch, north-west/ south -east orientation

>1.10m 0.15m 0.20m

1 1062 Fill 1061 1st fill of ditch Light yellow-brown clay

>1.10m >0.15m 0.20m

1 1063 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch, north-east/ south -west orientation

>1.10m 0.28M 0.17m

1 1064 Fill 1063 1st fill of ditch Mid grey-brown clay >1.10m 0.28m 0.17m

1 1065 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch, north-west/ south -east orientation

>1.10m 0.30m 0.50m

1 1066 Fill 1065 1st fill of ditch Light grey-brown clay >1.10m 0.30m 0.50m

1 1067 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch terminal, north -east/ south-west orientation

23.25m 1.80m 0.42m

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1 1068 Fill 1067 1st fill of ditch Mid green-grey silt-clay

>1.30 0.25m 0.23m

1 1069 Fill 1067 Same as 1068 Mid green-grey silt-clay


1 1070 Cut Ditch Shallow irregular ditch, north-east/ south -west orientation.

5.0m 1.0m 0.21m

1 1071 Fill 1070 1st fill of ditch Dark brown-grey clay >1.60m 1.0m 0.21m C2+

1 1072 Fill 1081 1st fill of ditch Dark grey with orange/ brown streaks clay

>1.60m >1.30m 0.13m

1 1073 Cut Tree throw Irregular shallow tree throw pit

1.30m 1.30m 0.18m C2+

1 1074 Fill 1073 1st fill of dich Grey- brown clay >1.0m 1.30m 0.18m C2+

1 1075 Cut Ditch Shallow U-shaped ditch, north-west/ south -east orientation

23.25m 0.82m 0.30m

1 1076 Fill 1075 1st fill of ditch Mid grey silt-clay >1.0m 0.82m 0.30m

1 1077 Cut Ditch Shallow irregular tree throw pit

4.0m 1.90m 0.12m

1 1078 Fill 1077 1st fill of ditch grey brown silt clay >0.80m 1.80m 0.12m C2+

1 1079 Cut Ditch Shallow irregular tree throw pit

>0.30m >1.10m 0.20m

1 1080 Fill 1079 1st fill of ditch grey-brown silt-clay >0.30m >1.10m 0.20m RB

1 1081 Cut Ditch Shallow irregular ditch, north-east/ south -west orientation.

>2.0m >1.10m 0.10m

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1 1082 Cut Tree throw Sub-circular slightly irregular tree throw pit

5.10m 2.90m 0.15m

1 1083 Fill 1082 1st fill of tree throw

Light brown silt-clay >4.0m >2.50m 0.15m C2+

1 1084 Cut Pit Sub-circular pit 4.0m 4.0m 0.27m

1 1085 Fill 1084 2nd fill of pit Grey silt-clay >2.10m >1.90m 0.15m MC3-LC3

1 1086 Fill 1084 1st fill of pit Dark grey-black silt-clay

<2.10m >1.90m 0.12m MC3-LC3



1 1089 Cut Pit Sub-circular pit/ tree throw

4.90m 4.0m 0.23m

1 1090 Fill 1089 1st fill of pit Light grey-orange clay

>4.0m >1.0m 0.09m C2

1 1091 Fill 1089 2nd fill of pit Dark grey clay >2.05m >1.0m 0.16m C2

1 1092 Cut pit/ tree throw Irregular elongated pit

5.10m 3.0m 0.15m

1 1093 Fill 1092 1st fill of pit/ tree throw

grey-green clay-silt >1.20m >2.10m 0.15m RB

1 1094 Cut Tree throw Sub circular tree throw pit

3.30m 3.30m 0.12m

1 1095 Fill 1994 1st fill of tree throw

Light grey brown silt clay

>1.30m >0.40m 0.12m C2+

1 1096 Cut Tree throw Sub-circular tree throw pit

5.0m 2.0m 0.12m

1 1097 Fill 1096 1st fill of tree throw

Light grey-brown silt-clay

2.0m 0.40m 0.12m C2-4

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1 1098 Cut Tree throw Sub-circular tree throw pit

1.50m 1.10m 0.12m

1 1099 Fill 1098 1st fill of tree throw

Light grey-brown silt-clay

>0.80m 1.10m 0.12m RB


1 1101 Cut Furrow Unexcavated north-west /south-east orientation


1 1102 Fill 1101 1st fill of furrow light brown stony silt-clay


1 1103 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-east/south-west-aligned

0.65 0.1

1 1104 Fill 1103 1st fill of ditch orange-brown silt-clay

0.65m 0.1 RB

1 1105 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-east/south-west-aligned

0.5 0.1

1 1106 Fill 1105 1st fill of ditch grey-brown silt-clay 0.5 0.1 RB

1 1107 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-east/south-west-aligned


1 1108 Fill 1107 1st fill of ditch yellow-brown silt-clay 0.3

1 1109 Fill 1107 2nd fill of ditch grey-brown silt-clay 0.18

1 1110 Cut Pit sub-circular pit 0.6

1 1111 Fill 1110 2nd fill of pit dark grey silt-clay 0.2 MC2-EC3

1 1112 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-east/south-west-aligned

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1 1113 Fill 1112 1st fill of ditch grey-brown silt-clay

1 1114 Cut Pit sub-circular pit 0.6

1 1115 Fill 1114 1st fill of pit dark grey clay 0.6 MC3-LC3

1 1116 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, east/west-aligned

0.29 0.19

1 1117 Fill 1116 1st fill of ditch dark grey silt-clay 0.29 0.19

1 1118 Cut Furrow North-west/south-east aligned furrow

1 1119 Fill 1118 1st fill of furrow light brown stony silt-clay

1 1120 VOID

1 1121 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-west/south-east-aligned


1 1122 Fill 1110 1st fill of ditch yellow-brown silt-clay 0.5 C2

1 1123 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-west/south-east-aligned

0.6 0.3

1 1124 Fill 1123 2nd fill of ditch brown silt-clay 0.6 0.15

1 1125 Fill 1123 1st fill of ditch yellow-brown silt-clay 0.3 0.15

1 1126 Cut Tree-throw-pit irregular shaped pit 2 1

1 1127 Fill 1126 Tree-throw-pit fill yellow-brown silt-clay 2 1

1 1128 Cut Tree-throw-pit irregular shaped pit 2 1

1 1129 Fill 1128 Tree-throw-pit fill yellow-brown silt-clay 2 1 C4

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

1 1130 Cut Tree-throw-pit irregular shaped pit 2 1

1 1131 Fill 1130 Tree-throw-pit fill yellow-brown silt-clay 2 1 C4

1 1132 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-west/south-east-aligned

0.95 0.35

1 1133 Fill 1133 1st fill of ditch grey-brown silt-clay 0.95 0.35 C2-3

1 1134 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-west/south-east-aligned

1.47 0.15

1 1135 Fill 1134 1st fill of ditch grey-brown silt-clay 1.47 0.15

1 1136 Cut Ditch U-shaped ditch, north-west/south-east-aligned

2 0.23

APPENDIX B: Context concordance Feature Label Cut Numbers

Ditch A 1018, 1053

Ditch B 1023, 1051, 1067

Ditch C 1005, 1105, 1138

Ditch D 1132, 1037, 1043 Ditch E 1070, 1112 Ditch F 1022 Ditch G 1025 Ditch H 1029, 1138 Ditch I 1055 Ditch J 1040, 1123, 1121

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation


Table 1: Roman pottery summary by fabric

Code Code Name Ct. Wt.(g) Local/ BBIM Late Imitation Black-burnished ware 25 276 (N. Wilts) BS Black-firing, sand-tempered fabric 75 492 BSfl Black-firing, sand-and-flint tempered fabric 1 7 BSls Black-firing, sand-and-limestone tempered fabric 1 4 BSq Black-firing, sand-and-coarse quartz tempered fabric 1 3 COXID Coarse oxidised fabric 9 111 FOXID Fine oxidised fabric 11 66 GROG Grog-tempered fabric 13 422 GTFL Grog-and-flint tempered fabric 1 3 GTLS Grog-and-limestone tempered fabric 1 6 GW Greyware; fine/medium sandy; grey throughout 679 7785 GWbl Greyware with black surfaces 15 179 GWbu Greyware with buff surfaces 106 950 GWc Coarse greyware 12 76 GWf Fine greyware 20 148 GWgt Grog-tempered greyware 100 2270 GWnw Greyware; fine/medium sandy with paler core 313 2730 GWor Greyware with orange/brown core 315 3084 GWox Greyware with oxidised surfaces 15 88 GWvh Very hard-fired, pale greyware 2 36 LS Limestone-tempered fabric 4 28 NWCC North Wiltshire colour-coated ware 19 151 OXbu Oxidised fabric with buff surfaces 24 153 OXID Fine/medium sandy oxidised fabric 268 2330 SAV GT Savernake 77 2479 SOW WS South-West White-slipped ware 3 116 Regional/ DOR BB1 Dorset Black-burnished ware 112 970 unsourced LNV CC Lower Nene Valley Colour-coated ware 4 82 OXF RS Oxford Red-slipped ware 20 231 OXF WH Oxford White ware 6 102 OXF WS Oxford White-slipped ware 3 99 SHELL Shell-tempered fabric 1 2 WHU Unsourced whiteware 1 3 Continental LGF SA South Gaulish Samian 8 56 LEZ SA2 Central Gaulish Samian 16 216 EG SA East Gaulish Samian 4 55 AMP Miscellaneous amphora 1 14 Total Total 2202 25471 * codes in italics equate to National Roman Fabric Reference Collection (Tomber and Dore 1998).

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Table 2: Finds concordance

Context Ra. Material Description/pottery fabric Ct. Wt.(g) Spot-date Us Roman cbm frags 3 519 - copper alloy/fe reel shaped composite object 1 7 8 iron Nail: square head, bent 1 12 1003 Roman cbm 2 brick, 2 frags 4 577 C2 iron nail 1 3 Roman pottery BS 1 7 Roman pottery BSFL 1 7 Roman pottery COXID 1 3 Roman pottery DOR BB1 3 20 Roman pottery GW 42 394 Roman pottery GWBU 14 121 Roman pottery GWGT 3 38 Roman pottery GWNW 11 59 Roman pottery GWOR 20 191 Roman pottery GWOX 3 9 Roman pottery LGF SA 1 14 Roman pottery LS 3 26 Roman pottery OXBU 1 1 Roman pottery OXF RS 4 17 Roman pottery OXID 7 169 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 9 stone roof tile 2 283 1004 Roman cbm 1 brick, 1 frag indet. 2 577 C2 Roman pottery BS 2 8 Roman pottery BSLS 1 4 Roman pottery DOR BB1 2 19 Roman pottery GW 25 173 Roman pottery GWBU 5 27 Roman pottery GWGT 4 148 Roman pottery GWNW 13 66 Roman pottery GWOR 8 45 Roman pottery GWOX 2 7 Roman pottery OXID 16 186 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 16 stone roof tile 2 132 1006 Roman cbm frags 6 54 RB Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 17 Roman pottery GW 10 115 Roman pottery GWGT 3 10 Roman pottery GWNW 5 67 Roman pottery GWOR 8 46 Roman pottery OXID 8 27 Roman pottery SAV GT 3 61 1008 Roman pottery BS 1 26 C2+ Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 4 Roman pottery GW 4 64 Roman pottery GWBU 1 3 Roman pottery GWGT 1 29 Roman pottery GWNW 1 3 1009 Roman pottery GROG 3 300 C2 Roman pottery GW 4 25 Roman pottery GWBL 3 62 Roman pottery GWBU 1 14 Roman pottery OXID 1 3 1011 Roman pottery GWGT 1 5 LC1-C2 Roman pottery OXID 1 0 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 64 1012 Roman cbm box flue 1 4 C2 fired/burntclay 1 48 Roman pottery BS 5 43 Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 10 Roman pottery GW 9 145 Roman pottery GWBL 3 29 Roman pottery GWBU 2 5

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Context Ra. Material Description/pottery fabric Ct. Wt.(g) Spot-date 1012 Roman pottery GWGT 1 20 C2 Roman pottery GWNW 20 93 Roman pottery GWOR 4 72 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 2 6 Roman pottery OXID 19 48 Roman pottery SAV GT 6 159 stone roof tile 1 8 1014 Roman pottery BS 1 3 RB Roman pottery GW 20 220 1015 Roman cbm 1 brick, 1 frag 2 251 C2 glass window, aqua 1 3 Roman pottery BS 3 40 Roman pottery COXID 1 24 Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 33 Roman pottery GROG 1 4 Roman pottery GW 1 60 Roman pottery GWBU 1 7 Roman pottery GWGT 5 83 Roman pottery GWNW 8 57 Roman pottery GWOR 2 10 Roman pottery OXBU 1 1 Roman pottery OXID 5 9 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 128 1019 Roman cbm brick, frag 4 256 C2 coal 1 4 Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 12 Roman pottery GW 20 196 Roman pottery GWBL 1 6 Roman pottery GWGT 6 155 Roman pottery GWOR 11 92 Roman pottery NWCC 1 8 Roman pottery OXID 1 14 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 274 stone roof tile 1 50 1020 Roman cbm tegula 1 178 RB 2 leadalloy frag 1 15 Roman pottery GWNW 5 47 Roman pottery GWOR 1 22 Roman pottery OXID 1 3 1021 Roman pottery DOR BB1 5 32 C2 Roman pottery GW 13 94 Roman pottery GWBU 1 21 Roman pottery GWGT 4 196 Roman pottery GWNW 8 94 Roman pottery GWOR 13 93 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 2 24 Roman pottery OXID 4 58 Roman pottery SAV GT 8 193 1026 Roman cbm 1 brick, 1 frag 2 140 MLC2 iron nail 1 6 Roman pottery BS 12 30 Roman pottery DOR BB1 2 14 Roman pottery GW 19 142 Roman pottery GWBU 2 6 Roman pottery GWC 1 16 Roman pottery GWGT 4 79 Roman pottery GWNW 23 228 Roman pottery GWOR 4 57 Roman pottery GWOX 1 4 Roman pottery GWVH 1 22 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 1 Roman pottery LGF SA 1 1 Roman pottery OXID 12 196 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 28 1030 Roman cbm box flue 1 6 LC1-C2 Roman pottery GW 2 12

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Context Ra. Material Description/pottery fabric Ct. Wt.(g) Spot-date 1030 Roman pottery GWBU 3 66 LC1-C2 Roman pottery GWNW 2 7 Roman pottery LGF SA 1 0 Roman pottery OXID 1 0 1031 Roman cbm 2 brick, 4 tile, 2 frag 8 364 LC1-MC2 fired/burntclay Indet. 3 31 flint misc retouched 1 13 waste Indet. 2 49 Roman pottery BS 4 26 Roman pottery EG SA 1 8 Roman pottery GROG 3 42 Roman pottery GW 69 698 Roman pottery GWBU 20 140 1031 Roman pottery GWC 1 3 LC1-MC2 Roman pottery GWGT 15 153 Roman pottery GWNW 20 142 Roman pottery OXBU 3 23 Roman pottery OXID 13 117 Roman pottery SAV GT 3 38 1032 Roman cbm 1 brick, 2 box flue, 1 tegula, 1 frag 5 549 MLC2 iron 2 nail, 1 hobnail 3 13 Roman pottery BS 6 54 Roman pottery DOR BB1 10 121 Roman pottery EG SA 1 12 Roman pottery GROG 1 12 Roman pottery GW 64 623 Roman pottery GWBU 9 104 Roman pottery GWC 1 2 Roman pottery GWGT 3 23 Roman pottery GWNW 11 100 Roman pottery GWOR 16 90 Roman pottery LGF SA 1 4 Roman pottery OXBU 1 2 Roman pottery OXID 22 158 Roman pottery SAV GT 15 475 Roman pottery SOW WS 1 5 1034 Roman cbm brick 1 62 C2+ Roman pottery BS 3 18 Roman pottery GW 4 19 Roman pottery GWBU 2 19 Roman pottery GWGT 2 15 Roman pottery OXID 5 13 1036 3 Ag al. Coin: radiate (268–70) 1 2 LC3 Roman pottery GW 1 5 Roman pottery GWOR 1 8 1038 Roman pottery DOR BB1 7 16 RB Roman pottery GROG 1 5 Roman pottery GW 7 45 Roman pottery GWGT 4 195 Roman pottery OXID 1 1 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 38 1039 Roman cbm tile 1 28 LC1-C2 Roman pottery GWC 1 3 Roman pottery OXID 4 2 1041 Roman pottery AMP 1 14 LC1-C2 Roman pottery GWGT 1 23 Roman pottery GWNW 1 5 Roman pottery GWOR 1 2 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 27 1044 burnt flint 1 0 C2 Roman cbm 2 brick, 6 frags 8 877 fired/burntclay 3 60 iron 1 76 Roman pottery BBIM 3 7 Roman pottery BS 1 3

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Context Ra. Material Description/pottery fabric Ct. Wt.(g) Spot-date 1044 Roman pottery COXID 4 17 C2 Roman pottery GW 6 38 Roman pottery GWBU 3 38 Roman pottery GWF 1 8 Roman pottery GWGT 2 25 Roman pottery GWOR 3 44 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 2 Roman pottery OXID 5 7 1045 Roman pottery GWF 1 4 LC1-C2 Roman pottery GWNW 1 3 Roman pottery GWOR 1 15 1046 Roman pottery GW 5 7 LC1-C2 Roman pottery SAV GT 3 24 1047 Roman pottery BS 4 6 RB 1049 Roman pottery GW 1 1 RB Roman pottery GWBU 1 4 Roman pottery GWOR 1 3 1050 Roman cbm 2 brick, 2 frags 4 192 LC2-EC3 fired/burntclay 2 38 Roman pottery BS 2 20 1050 Roman pottery DOR BB1 4 27 LC2-EC3 Roman pottery GW 31 351 Roman pottery GWBU 6 29 Roman pottery GWF 1 8 Roman pottery GWNW 3 21 Roman pottery GWOR 30 386 Roman pottery GWOX 1 4 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 3 6 Roman pottery OXID 6 22 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 106 Roman pottery SOW WS 1 100 stone ball 1 38 1052 Roman cbm 2 brick, 1 tegula 3 249 C2 Roman pottery BS 1 8 Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 16 Roman pottery GW 10 116 Roman pottery GWBU 6 37 Roman pottery GWC 1 4 Roman pottery GWGT 2 23 Roman pottery GWNW 16 207 Roman pottery GWOR 8 71 Roman pottery OXBU 2 17 Roman pottery OXF RS 1 30 Roman pottery OXF WS 1 37 Roman pottery OXID 9 128 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 17 Roman pottery SHELL 1 2 1054 Roman cbm 2 brick, 4 tile, 1 imbrex 9 605 C2 fired/burntclay 1 6 17 lead alloy fragment 1 6 Roman pottery BBIM 1 39 Roman pottery BS 2 7 Roman pottery DOR BB1 2 29 Roman pottery GW 27 444 Roman pottery GWBU 4 53 Roman pottery GWC 1 11 Roman pottery GWF 1 3 Roman pottery GWGT 5 108 Roman pottery GWNW 29 264 Roman pottery GWOR 13 111 Roman pottery LGF SA 1 6 Roman pottery OXF RS 1 20 Roman pottery OXID 2 6 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 69 stone roof tile 1 89

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Context Ra. Material Description/pottery fabric Ct. Wt.(g) Spot-date 1056 burnt flint 2 7 C2 copper alloy small fragments 2 0 Roman pottery BS 2 7 Roman pottery GW 21 366 Roman pottery GWBL 4 30 Roman pottery GWBU 3 13 Roman pottery GWC 1 3 Roman pottery GWGT 5 54 Roman pottery GWNW 40 308 Roman pottery GWOR 6 36 Roman pottery GWOX 1 17 Roman pottery OXID 33 338 Roman pottery SAV GT 3 96 stone roof tile 1 153 1058 Roman pottery GW 3 24 RB Roman pottery GWGT 1 17 Roman pottery GWOR 3 6 1069 Roman pottery BS 1 4 C2 Roman pottery DOR BB1 2 17 Roman pottery GW 11 76 Roman pottery GWGT 1 9 Roman pottery GWNW 3 21 Roman pottery GWOR 8 57 Roman pottery NWCC 1 2 Roman pottery OXID 7 24 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 73 1071 fired/burntclay 2 14 C2+ Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 0 Roman pottery GW 5 15 Roman pottery GWGT 1 6 Roman pottery GWNW 1 0 Roman pottery GWOR 8 78 Roman pottery OXID 3 8 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 19 1073 fired/burntclay 3 44 C2+ Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 5 Roman pottery GROG 1 3 Roman pottery GW 2 25 Roman pottery GWGT 1 10 Roman pottery GWOR 1 6 Roman pottery OXID 2 10 1074 Roman cbm 1 brick, 4 frags 5 104 C2+ Roman pottery BS 1 7 Roman pottery DOR BB1 4 14 Roman pottery GW 5 21 Roman pottery GWF 3 6 Roman pottery GWGT 1 34 Roman pottery GWNW 1 2 Roman pottery GWOR 2 3 Roman pottery GWOX 1 1 Roman pottery OXID 1 3 1078 Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 5 C2+ Roman pottery GWGT 3 80 Roman pottery GWOR 3 20 1080 Roman pottery GWNW 4 11 RB Roman pottery GWOR 1 0 Roman pottery LS 1 2 1083 Roman pottery GW 1 10 C2+ Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 0 Roman pottery OXID 4 9 1085 Roman cbm tegula 1 35 MLC3 iron 2 15 Roman pottery BBIM 18 170 Roman pottery COXID 1 17 Roman pottery DOR BB1 10 119

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Context Ra. Material Description/pottery fabric Ct. Wt.(g) Spot-date 1085 Roman pottery EG SA 1 8 MLC3 Roman pottery FOXID 7 37 Roman pottery GW 39 587 Roman pottery GWBL 1 7 Roman pottery GWBU 3 13 Roman pottery GWC 2 12 Roman pottery GWF 10 108 Roman pottery GWGT 4 147 Roman pottery GWNW 16 98 Roman pottery GWOR 52 559 Roman pottery GWOX 2 15 Roman pottery LGF SA 1 6 Roman pottery LNV CC 4 82 Roman pottery NWCC 2 18 Roman pottery OXBU 3 15 Roman pottery OXF RS 8 91 Roman pottery OXF WH 3 51 Roman pottery OXID 20 232 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 65 1086 Roman cbm tile 2 163 MLC3 18 copper alloy Coin: barb. Radiate (270–90) 1 1 Roman pottery BS 3 63 Roman pottery DOR BB1 5 24 Roman pottery GTLS 1 6 Roman pottery GW 13 136 Roman pottery GWNW 6 58 Roman pottery GWOR 16 167 Roman pottery GWOX 1 3 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 10 Roman pottery NWCC 5 70 Roman pottery OXF RS 2 27 Roman pottery OXF WS 1 42 Roman pottery OXID 2 8 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 135 1090 Roman pottery DOR BB1 4 35 C2 Roman pottery GW 2 35 Roman pottery GWBU 2 14 Roman pottery GWNW 3 31 Roman pottery NWCC 2 12 Roman pottery OXBU 2 21 Roman pottery OXID 3 21 Roman pottery SAV GT 3 92 1091 Roman cbm 2 tile, 2 frags 4 142 C2 fired/burntclay 1 4 Roman pottery BS 1 4 Roman pottery DOR BB1 2 20 Roman pottery FOXID 2 5 Roman pottery GW 11 115 Roman pottery GWBL 1 33 Roman pottery GWC 1 9 Roman pottery GWF 3 11 Roman pottery GWGT 2 41 Roman pottery GWNW 13 118 Roman pottery GWOR 1 3 Roman pottery GWOX 2 11 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 7 Roman pottery NWCC 1 3 Roman pottery OXBU 2 20 Roman pottery OXID 3 14 Roman pottery SAV GT 5 149 Roman pottery WHY 1 3 slag 1 8 1093 burnt flint 1 5 C4 Roman cbm frag 1 8 6 copper alloy Coin: nummi (C4) 2 3 12 lead alloy frag 1 6

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Context Ra. Material Description/pottery fabric Ct. Wt.(g) Spot-date 1093 13 lead alloy frag 1 64 C4 Roman pottery BS 3 9 Roman pottery BSQ 1 3 Roman pottery GW 11 66 Roman pottery GWOR 2 7 Roman pottery OXID 3 4 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 9 1095 Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 3 C2+ Roman pottery GWGT 1 26 Roman pottery GWNW 2 11 Roman pottery GWOR 1 5 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 0 1097 Roman cbm tile 1 27 C2-C4 fired/burnt clay 1 8 Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 1 Roman pottery GTFL 1 3 Roman pottery GW 5 50 Roman pottery GWNW 3 22 Roman pottery GWOR 2 8 Roman pottery OXID 1 17 1099 Roman cbm frag 2 17 RB Roman pottery GW 6 24 Roman pottery GWGT 1 55 Roman pottery GWOR 1 1 1100 glass vessel, thin, brown 1 1 C2 Roman pottery BS 4 31 Roman pottery COXID 2 50 Roman pottery GW 7 81 Roman pottery GWBU 9 123 Roman pottery GWNW 1 10 Roman pottery OXBU 6 28 Roman pottery SAV GT 2 52 1102 1 copper alloy Coin: nummus (C4) 1 5 C4 1104 Roman pottery GW 5 10 RB Roman pottery GWBU 1 9 Roman pottery GWGT 1 14 Roman pottery GWNW 3 5 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 25 1106 Roman pottery GW 3 29 RB Roman pottery GWBL 1 12 1111 Roman cbm 3 brick, 2 tegula, 1 tile, 16 frags 22 1726 MC2-EC3 fired/burnt clay 1 0 glass rim of bottle 1 0 9 iron bent 1 19 iron hobnail, object 2 21 Roman pottery BS 5 34 Roman pottery DOR BB1 17 112 Roman pottery EG SA 1 27 Roman pottery GROG 1 26 Roman pottery GW 69 965 Roman pottery GWBU 5 82 Roman pottery GWC 2 9 Roman pottery GWGT 9 278 Roman pottery GWNW 31 479 Roman pottery GWOR 35 459 Roman pottery GWOX 1 17 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 17 Roman pottery LGF SA 1 15 Roman pottery OXID 15 230 Roman pottery SOW WS 1 11 1113 10 copper alloy Coin: nummus (364–78) 1 2 MLC4 1115 Roman cbm 1 tile, 1 frag 2 213 MLC3 fired/burntclay 1 11 glass bottle base 1 12 iron 1 52

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Context Ra. Material Description/pottery fabric Ct. Wt.(g) Spot-date 1115 Roman pottery BBIM 3 60 MLC3 Roman pottery BS 5 28 Roman pottery DOR BB1 12 113 Roman pottery FOXID 2 24 Roman pottery GROG 1 3 Roman pottery GW 37 726 Roman pottery GWBL 1 10 Roman pottery GWBU 2 2 Roman pottery GWGT 1 28 Roman pottery GWNW 7 79 Roman pottery GWOR 22 241 Roman pottery GWVH 1 14 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 140 Roman pottery LGF SA 1 10 Roman pottery NWCC 6 33 Roman pottery OXBU 2 18 Roman pottery OXF RS 4 46 Roman pottery OXF WH 3 51 Roman pottery OXF WS 1 20 Roman pottery OXID 23 213 stone roof tile 3 1090 1122 Roman cbm 1 box flue, 4 frags 5 313 C2 Roman pottery DOR BB1 1 17 Roman pottery GROG 1 27 Roman pottery GW 21 373 Roman pottery GWGT 1 94 Roman pottery GWNW 2 14 Roman pottery GWOR 3 26 Roman pottery LEZ SA2 1 3 Roman pottery OXBU 1 7 Roman pottery OXID 2 13 Roman pottery SAV GT 1 38 1127 14 lead alloy frag 1 78 - 1129 15 copper alloy Coin: nummus, illegible 1 0 C4 1131 16 copper alloy Coin: minim late copy 1 0 C4 1133 burnt stone 1 13 C2-C3 Roman pottery BS 2 6 Roman pottery DOR BB1 9 115 Roman pottery GW 8 69 Roman pottery GWGT 1 49 Roman pottery GWOR 3 44 Roman pottery NWCC 1 5 Roman pottery OXID 3 9

Table 3: Roman coins list

Context Ra. no. material Description Date 1102 1 Cu al. nummus (AE2) details unclear C4 1036 3 Ag al. Radiate; Victorinus. Rev. Salus standing rt. Fragmentary

and details unclear. 268–70

1093 6 Cu al 2 x nummi?; surfaces are badly pitted and all detail lost C4? 1113 10 Cu al nummus (AE3); House of Valentinian. Rev. Securitas

Reipublicae (Victory with wreath). Details unclear. 364–78

1129 15 Cu al nummus copy? Fragmentary and illeg. C4 1131 16 Cu al minim copy. Surfaces worn smooth C4 1086 18 Cu al Barbarous radiate. Rev. from Pax 270–90

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Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

Table 4 Identified animal species by fragment count (NISP) and weight and context.

Context BOS O/C SUS EQ Dama LM MM Total Weight (g) 1005 2 2 4 102 1007 3 3 13 1010 9 6 15 65 1013 8 5 13 34 1016 1 1 5 1018 2 2 4 265 1022 1 2 9 4 16 162 1025 1 1 2 78 1029 9 1 3 1 14 483 1033 1 1 4 1037 1 1 8 1043 1 1 2 12 1048 1 8 9 50 1051 2 2 4 22 1053 2 2 29 1055 3 3 25 31 225 1057 1 3 4 11 1067 6 6 8 1073 1 14 15 68 1084 3 2 4 2 11 38 60 359 1089 16 1 6 9 32 138 1092 1 1 3 1103 1 1 4 1110 6 188 1 1 11 16 223 1034 1114 6 1 2 2 15 16 42 570 Total 33 236 7 12 2 97 119 506 Weight 1124 643 44 719 38 581 146 3752 BOS = Cattle; O/C = sheep/goat, SUS = pig; EQ = horse; Dama = roe deer; LM = large sized mammal; MM =

medium sized mammal

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Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation


Context number 1111 1115 Feature number 1110 1114 Sample number (SS) 1 2 Flot volume (ml) 4 5 Sample volume processed (l) 20 18 Soil remaining (l) 20 20 Period MC2-EC3 MC3-LC3 Charcoal quantity ++ ++ Charcoal preservation Good Good

Family Species Common Name

Aceraceae Acer Campestre L. Field maple 4

Betulaceae Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn./ Corylus avellana L. Alder/Hazel 2

Fagaceae Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl./Quercus robur L. Sessile/Oak/Pedunculate Oak 3

Rosaceae Prunus L. Cherry species 7 1 Indeterminate

Number of Fragments: 7 10

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation


PROJECT DETAILS Project Name Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon,

Short description

An archaeological excavation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology during June and July 2014 on land north of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire. A series of north-east/south-west and north-west/south-east-aligned ditches appear to represent elements of a former field system dating between the late 1st and early 3rd-centuries AD. Recutting of several ditches was noted, identifying maintenance of boundaries. No structural remains were encountered to suggest the former presence of Roman buildings within the site but abundant pottery deposited within the upper fills of the boundary ditches conceivably derives from Roman settlement previously identified north and north-east of the site. A small number of pits, predominantly of 2nd to 3rd-century AD date, were also noted. Numerous tree-throw pits, containing abraded Roman pottery, were noted together with medieval or later ridge and furrow cultivation remains.

Project dates 30 June to 24 July 2014 Project type

Archaeological excavation

Previous work

Desk-based Assessment (EDP 2009) Geophysical Survey (AS 2010) Field evaluation (AC 2010)

Future work Unknown

PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Land north of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire Study area 0.5ha Site co-ordinates SU 1055 8410

PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology Project Brief originator Project Design (WSI) originator EDP (WSI)

Cotswold Archaeology (Method Statement) Project Manager Laurent Coleman Project Supervisor Alistair Barber MONUMENT TYPE none SIGNIFICANT FINDS none PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive

(museum/Accession no.)

Content (e.g. pottery, animal bone etc)

Physical Swindon Museum and Art Gallery Ceramics, animal bone, metalwork, CBM

Paper Swindon Museum and Art Gallery Context sheets, Drawing Register, Context Register, Sample Register, Sample Recording Sheets, matrix

Digital Swindon Museum and Art Gallery Database, digital photos BIBLIOGRAPHY

© Cotswold Archaeology


Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2014 Land North of Hook Street, Lydiard Tregoze, Swindon, Wiltshire: Archaeological Excavation. CA typescript report 14342



Cirencester 01285 771022

Milton Keynes 01908 218320

Andover 01264 347630


e [email protected]






0 1km

Reproduced from the 2009 Ordnance Survey Explorer map with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Crown copyright Cotswold Archaeology Ltd 100002109



4894LJHLM 1

Land North of Hook StreetLydiard Tregoze, Swindon

Site location plan







Greendown CommunitySchool: Roman gully

Lydiard Park: Roman building

Pipeline project:Roman ditch

Site Boundary

50m Trench





Land north of Hook Street,Lydiard Tregoze

Fig. 7: Principal area ofarchaeological interest





















© Crown copyright Ordnance Survey®.All rights reserved. Licence number AL100044777


Cirencester 01285 771022

Milton Keynes 01908 218320

Andover 01264 347630


e [email protected]






4894LJHLM 2

Land North of Hook StreetLydiard Tregoze, Swindon

The site in relation to the whole of the area which was subject to geophysical survey

Geophysical survey results(after Archaeological Surveys 2012)

0 50m

site boundary

excavation area

evaluation trench(AC Archaeology 2010)

archaeological feature(archaeological evaluation)

archaeological feature (archaeological excavation)

5m contour line

Figure 3


T4 T3














Cirencester 01285 771022

Milton Keynes 01908 218320

Andover 01264 347630


e [email protected]






4894LJHLM 4

Land North of Hook StreetLydiard Tregoze, Swindon

Ditches A, B, E and F; sections and photographs

0 1m

ditch A1018






ditch F1022



Section BB



Section AA

ditch A1053


natural 1002

Ditch B (ditch 1023) looking northeast (1m scale) Ditches B and E (ditches 1067 and 1070) looking northeast (1m scale)


Cirencester 01285 771022

Milton Keynes 01908 218320

Andover 01264 347630


e [email protected]






4894LJHLM 5

Land North of Hook StreetLydiard Tregoze, Swindon

Ditches C, D, G and H; sections and photographs

0 1m

ditch D1132

ditch D1134



ditch D1134



Section FF

ditch C1007

ditches H1138

ditches G1005






Section CC

ditch D1037

ditch J1040






modern land drain 1042




Section DD

ditch J1123





Section EE

AADitches D and J (ditches 1037 and 1040), looking north-west (2m scale)

AADitches C, G and H (ditches 1007, 1005 and 1138), looking north-west (2 x1m scales)


Cirencester 01285 771022

Milton Keynes 01908 218320

Andover 01264 347630


e [email protected]






4894LJHLM 6

Land North of Hook StreetLydiard Tregoze, Swindon

Ditches G, H, pits 1010 and 1013; sections and photographs

0 1m


field drain1012


natural 1002






Section HH

ditch G1025


1027 1028

ditch H1029






Section GG

Ditches G and H (ditches 1025 and 1029), looking north-east (2m scale)


Cirencester 01285 771022

Milton Keynes 01908 218320

Andover 01264 347630


e [email protected]






4894LJHLM 7

Land North of Hook StreetLydiard Tregoze, Swindon

Pits 1048/1114 and 1084/1110, section and photographs

0 1m






Section II

Pit 1048/1110, looking west (2m scale) Pit 1084/1114, looking north (0.5m and 1m scales)