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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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  • Prof. Dr. dr.Syarifuddin Rauf, SpAKBagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FK - UNHASRS Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo MakassarPost : Head Division of Department of Child HealthMedical Faculty, Hasanuddin University

    Lecturer : - Pediatric Nephrology - Bioethics - Phylosophy

  • Pediatric Nephrology

  • Tabel. Sebaran penyakit ginjal anak yang dirawat inap di BIKA FK UNHAS RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo (2000 2004)

    Jenis penyakit ginjalJumlah%Sindrom Nefrotik9039,0Glomerulonefritis akut7130,7Infeksi saluran kemih3213,9Gagal ginjal akut41,7Gagl ginjal kronik20,9Tumor ginjal208,7Kelainan kongenital sal. Kemih20,9Batu saluran kemih41,7Nefritis Schoenlein Henoch41,7Nefritis Lupus10,4Proteinuria persistent10,4Jumlah231100

  • Nephrotic Syndrome in Children Syarifuddin Rauf, Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSU Wahidin Sudirohusodo,Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS

  • 1. Generalized oedema2. Heavy proteinuria(>50mg/kgbb)3. Hypoproteinemia(250mg/dl) (Hypercholestrolemia)NEPHROTIC SYNDROME

  • 2INCIDENCEWilawirya (1992): 6 cases/100.000 population < 14 yr old/yrSex ratio : : : = 1,5 2 : 1Children:Adult = 15 : 1Age incidence : - Highest Inc. = 2-5 years - Less common : > 5 yearsDepartment of Child Health, Hasanuddin University / General Hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo : 1-2 cases/month

  • 3ETIOLOGYUnknown (idiopatik=primer)Acquired(sekunder): Diabetic MellitusGenetic factors : - Congenital NS (mutation on chromosom 19) - HLA antigens : HLA-DR7Predisposition: Allergy

  • 4CLASSIFICATION Primary Glomerular diseasesMinimal Change NS (MCNS) 70-80%Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)Mesangiocapillary GlomerulonephritisMembranous NephropathySecondary diseases Henoch-Schoenlein PurpuraSystemic Lupus Erythematosus

  • 5PATOMECHANISMSoluble antigen- antibody complexElectrochemic theory

  • 8CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONSCongenital NS (Finlandia type)Placenta enlargementMassif oedemaGenetic mutation on chromosome 19Steroid sensitive NSResponsif to cortikosteroidMinimal change NS (MCNS) : 70-80%Steroid resistantNo/minimal response to cortikosteroidFocal glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

  • 9SYMPTOMS & SIGNSOedema :Pitting oedemaGeneralized : starting in periorbital regions face abdomen (ascites) extremities Pleural effusionsMassive anasarca scrotal or vulval oedemaNo hypertension or hematuriaNormal renal function

  • 8MANAGEMENTHypoalbuminaemia (< 2 gr%)Salt-poor human albumin (plasbumin) 1 gr/kgBWFebrile / feels unwell / abdominal pain :AntibioticsDiuretic : Indications : severe oedema that causes dyspnoeSpecific treatment : corticosteroidProtocol : International Study of Kidney Disease in Children (ISKDC)

  • 9PROTOCOL THERAPY OF NSCD = 4 weeksAD/ID = 4 weeksTap. off1- 2 thn123 4 5 6 7 8remissionremissionISKDC: 1. ISKDC

  • 9PROTOCOL THERAPY OF NSCD = 6 weeksAD/ID = 6 weeksTap. off1 year1 2 3 45 67 8 9 10 11 12remissionremissionISKDC: 2. Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Paediatrische Nephrologie (APN)

  • 10PROTOCOL THERAPY OF RELAPS NSCDAD/IDTap. off1 year123 4remissionremissionCD until remission( 1 - 4 minggu )

  • Any Questions?

  • KESIMPULANSN pada anak bersifat idiopatik dan umumnya sensitif kortikosteroid. Pengobatan SN pada anak sebaiknya dimulai dengan prednison/ prednisolon yang setelah mencapai remisi, prednison / prednisolon dilanjutkan sampai mencapai dosis threshold selama 6 12 bulan.Bila terjadi relaps, apakah itu bersifat resistent atau dependen steroid maka dapat diberikan obat-obat immunosupresif lain, yang diberikan secara bersama-sama dengan steroid atau sebagai single tratment.Selain pemberian obat maka pada penatalaksanaan SN harus diperhatikan terapi penunjang..

  • Sindrom nefrotik relaps frekuen atau dependen steroidPrednison FD RemisiDiturunkan sampai dosis treshoid 0,1-0,5 mg/kgBB AD6-12 bulanPrednison AD + CPARelaps padaPrednison > 0,5 mg/kgBB ADLevamisol 2,5 mg/kgBB AD(4-12 bulan)Relaps pada prednison > 1 mg/kgBB ADatauEfek samping steroid meningkatCPA 2-3 mg/kgBB8-12 mingguRelaps prednison standarRelaps pada prednison > 0,5 mg/kgBB ADSiklosporin 5 mg/kgBB/hariselama 1 tahunGambar. Diagram pengobatan sindrom nefrotik relaps frekuen atau dependen steroid

  • MCNS(100%)Initial responder (93%)Initial nonresponder (7%)R/ 8 mgg I6 bln (sesudah R/ 8 mgg)Non relapser (36%)Infrequent relapser (18%)Frequent relapser (39%)Late responder (5%)Late non-responder (2%)Subsequent nonresponder (5%)Minimal Change NS(MCNS) after 8 weeks treatment of corticosteroid


  • Proliferasi dan inflamasi glomeruli Sekunder oleh mekanisme imunologik Antigen: bakteri, virus, parasit & zat lain.

  • 1. Angka kejadian Lebih sering umur 6-7 thn, jarang < 3 thn Laki laki > perempuan (2:1) 10- 12 % kasus infeksi strept. hemolitikus grup A Kaplan: 50% kasus asimtomatik pd epidemi GNAPS didahului ISPA atau piodermi

  • 2. Etiologi Streptokokus hemolitikus grup A (tipe M) NEFRITOGENIK Faringitis (serotipe tersering 12, lalu 1,3,4,6,25) Piodermi (serotipe tersering 49, lalu 2,53,55, 56,57,58,60

  • Periode latent: 1 3 mingguEdema HematuriHipertensi OligouriaGejala-gejala lain: lelah, malaise, letargi & anoreksia g. Kelainan laboratoriumMANIFESTASI KLINIK

  • URIN:Hematuri, warna kemerah-merahan atau seperti air dagingProteinuri : kualitatif dan kuantitatif> 6 bulan proteinuri persisten biopsi ginjal

  • DARAH:Titer ASTO meningkatMenurunnya kadar C3LED meninggiHipoproteinemi ringanPemeriksaan bakteriologik

  • Bila memenuhi 4 gejala berikut Hematuri makroskopik atau mikroskopik Edema Hipertensi ASTO meningkat C3 menurun Diagnosis GNAPS


  • 1. Edema Masif2. Proteinuri Masif3. Hipoproteinemi (< 2,5 g/dl)4. Hiperkolesterolemi (>250 mg/dl)

  • ANGKA KEJADIANAnak > dewasaAnak: 1 3 tahun > 5 tahunWila Wirya (1992): 6 kasus/100.000 penduduk < 14 thn/thnJumlah kasus di Indonesia (210 juta pend.) : 5040 SN

  • ETIOLOGITidak diketahui: SN idiopatikGenetik : SN kongenital HLA-B12, HLA B8Pencetus: Infeksi virus/bakteri Alergi

  • PATOMEKANISMESoluble antigen- antibody complexTeori elektrokemik




  • Infection from renal parenchyme orificium urethrae externaSignificant bacteriuriaWith or without symptoms DEFINITION

  • 2Pathogenic bacteriaColony count : > 100.000/ml urine> 1x lab. examinationsSignificant bacteriuria

  • TREATMENTConservative Treatment:The aims of this treatment:Preparing the child & family for the treatment of CRFSlowly progression to End Stage RF

  • 3Relapsing UTI :Recurrent UTISame microorganismReinfection UTI :Recurrent UTIDifferent microrganism

  • 2. Replacement therapy: The aims is to replace the function of the unfunction kidney by:Dialysis:Peritoneal dialysis (PD)HemodialysisTransplantation

  • ETIOLOGYBacteria :E. ColiKlebsiellaProteusPseudomonasOther microorganisms :ProtozoaVirus

  • CLASSIFICATION Clinically : 1. Symptomatic UTI 2. Asymptomatic UTIComplication :Simple UTI Complication UTILocalization : 1. Upper UTI 2. Lower UTI

  • PATHOGENESISHematogenicPercontinuitatumLymphogenic

  • Clinically :Upper UTI (Pyelonephritis) :Fever, back/flank pain & with or without lower UTI symptomsLower UTI (Cystitis) :Suprapubic punction, dysuria,frequent voiding etc.DIAGNOSIS

  • PATHOGENESISNeonatesBaby & Child(>1 month)Hematogen(Septicemia)Percontinuitatum(Ascending)Bacteria enter to Urinary tractSymptomatic UTI Asymptomatic UTIColonization on GITCertain focus : Periurethra/Perineum: Subpreputium?

  • LAB. EXAMINATIONSURINE : Urinalysis :Leukocyte > 5-10/HPFErythrocyte : +/-Urine culture :Mid : stream urine : C.C. : > 100.000/ml urineCatheterization :C.C. : > 10.000/ml urineSuprapubic punction :C.C. : > 1000/ml urine

  • BLOOD :LeucocytosisIncreased BSR (> 30 mm/hour)Increased CRP (> 30 ug/ml)

  • Eradicate acute infectionDetection, prevention, & treatmentrecurrent infectionDetection & surgical correctionabnormality of anatomical structureMANAGEMENT

  • KIDNEY :AGENESIS : BILATERAL RENAL AGENESIS = Potters SyndromeOligohydramnionPulmonary hypoplasiaLow-set earsRENAL HYPOPLASIA : The kidney is small Normal nephron

  • Horseshoe kidney : Fusion of the renal parenchymaJoined at the lower polePolycystic kidney :Infantile Polycystic Kidney (IPCK)Adults Polycystic Kidney (APCK)

  • BLADDER (VESICA URINARIA)AgnesiaBladder neck obstructionAgnesia / atresia urethraCongenital posterior urethral valvesURETHRA

  • URETERDuplication of ureterUreteroceleEctopic ureter

  • VESICO URETERAL REFLUXReflux of urine from the bladder into ureterDamage the upper urinary tract by bacterialInfectionCauses : Congenital anomalous developmentof the ureterovesical junctionBladder outlet obstruction

  • I P C KAutosomal Recessive Polycystic KidneyEnlargement of distal tubulus & colligents ductusGlomerulus & proximal tubulus normalLiver enlargement

  • Sudden loss or decreased of kidneys functionImbalance of water & electrolyte bloodIncreased of waste products (Ureum & Creatinin)

  • A. Prerenal: Decrased blood flowDiarrhea dehydrationHemorrhageBurnsSeptic shockETIOLOGY:

  • B. Renal: Acute Tubular NecrosisAcute Nephritic SyndromeNephrotic syndromeAcute Pyelonephritis

  • C. Postrenal: Urinary tract obstructionTumorsKidneystonesNephrocalcinosis

  • 1. Prerenal:Perinatal hemorrhage (birth trauma, placenta abruption)Neonatal hemorrhage (severe intraventricular hemorrhage, adrenal hemorrhage)Perinatal asphyxiaHyaline membrane diseaseEtiology of ARF in Newborn:

  • 2. Renal :Acute Tubular Necrosis (perinatal asphyxia)Maternal-fetal transfer:AntibodiesInfections: syphilis, Cytomegalovirus3. Postrenal : Congenital malformations of urinary collecting system

  • CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS: Decreased urine volume (Oligouria Anuria)Generalized swellingChanges in mental status: UnconsciousDelirium/confusionComaSeizuresNausea, vomitingAnemiaKusmaul respiration

  • DIAGNOSIS Clinical Manifestations Lab. Examination:Serum Ureum increasedSerum Creatinin increasedCreatinin Clearance Serrum Potasium

  • TREATMENTThe goal of the treatment is to identify & treat reversible causes like prerenal causes (diarrhea dehydration) & post renal causes (e.g. obstructive uropathy by surgeon procedure)Medical drugs:Antibiotics: To prevent infectionDiuretics: to treat oligouria or anuriaDiazepam: To handle convulsion

  • 3. Emergency condition:Hyperkalemia:Ca GlukonasPotassium exchange resin (Kayexalate) Oral/rectalMetabolic acidosis: Bicarbonate Natricus

  • Renal function progresses to decrease slowlyImbalance of water & electrolyte Increased of waste products (Blood ureum & creatinin)

  • < 5 years old: Hypoplasia / Dysplasia kidneyCongenital structure of urinary tractVesicoureteral refluxCongenital Nephrotic SyndromeETIOLOGY:

  • 5 15 years old :Hereditary diseases: Alports syndrome, sistinuriPrimary glomerulonephritis: Nephritic SyndromeSecondary glomerulonephritis : SLE,SHS

  • Complication of SLEDamage to glomerulusProgressive loss of kidney function

  • GENERAL SYMPTOMSFeverMalar rash: A rash shaped like butterfly Usually found on the bridge of the nose & cheeksInflammation of the joints (arthritis)AnorexiaWeight lossAnemia


  • DIAGNOSIS Clinical Manifestations Lab. Examination:Blood: Anti Nuclear Antibody (+)LE cell (+)Ds-DNA (+)C3 & C4

  • CLASIFICATION HISTOPATHOLOGICNormal histopathologic featureMesangial GlomerulonephritisFocal Segmental Proliferative GlomerulonephritisDiffuse Proliferative GlomerulonephritisMembranous Glomerulonephritis

  • TREATMENT Class I & II : Symptomatic treatment No specific treatment Class III,IV&V: Symptomatic treatment Specific treatmentCorticosteroidImmunosuppressive




  • SHS : Systemic disease Vasculitis on : Skin purpuraJoint arthritisDigestive tract abdominal painKidney glomerulonephritis

  • SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (SLE) Autoimune disorderDamage to: Joints Heart Lungs Blood vessels Kidneys Skin

  • Age incidence :All ages75% of cases : 2-11 years Sex incidence : : = 2 : 1 50% of cases : preceded by upper respiratory infection group A streptococciINCIDENCE

  • PURPURA : Erythematous macular palpable purpuraEcchymoticAssociated with subcutaneous edema (extremities, scalp, periorbital region, hands, feet, scrotal area)Lower legs, ankles, dorsal foot ( symmetric)CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS

  • 2. Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Abdominal pain : 35-85% of casesGastrointestinal bleeding: melena, hematemesis, bloody stoolInvagination, intestinal perforation

  • 3. Joint Symptoms: ArthritisArthralgiaAnkles & knees: most commonly affectedThe three signs: Classic triad of SHS

  • INCITING FACTOR (URIStreptococcus)IgA complexes (IgA1 & IgA2)Deposite in glom. basement membrane (gbm)Activate complementImmune complexes in gbm (IgA,IgG+C3)Renal symptomsPATHOPHYSIOLOGY


  • UnknownGenetic factor :HLA Antigen (HLA-DR2, HLA-DR3)High incidence in monozygotic twinHigh incidence in familyETIOLOGY :

  • 3. Nongenetic factor:Longterm treatment of certain drugs (>6 months) hydralazineSex hormone: estrogen SLE (>)Viral infection

  • PATHOGENESISAutoimune processAntinuclear Antibody (ANA) + Ds-DNA (Antigen)Soluble Ag-Ab ComplexMBGDeposition of: ANA + Ds-DNA + C3Renal symptoms

  • URETERDuplication of ureterUreteroceleEctopic ureter

  • Haematuria associated with proteinuriaAcute Nephritic SyndromeNephrotic SyndromeRenal FailureRENAL INVOLVEMENT (SHS NEPHRITIS)

  • 1. Self Limiting Disease2. Supportive & symptomatic Treatment:Fluid intakeAntihypertensive Hypertensive patientDiuretic OligouriaAntibiotic InfectionAnalgesics ArthralgiaMANAGEMENT

  • 3. Specific treatment:Corticosteroid (Prednison 1-2 mg/kgBW)Severe Abdominal painGI bleedingRenal treatmentR/ Acute Nephritic syndrome Nephrotic Syndrome Renal Failure

  • KIDNEY :AGENESIS : BILATERAL RENAL AGENESIS = Potters SyndromeOligohydramnionPulmonary hypoplasiaLow-set earsRENAL HYPOPLASIA : The kidney is small Normal nephron

  • I P C KAutosomal Recessive Polycystic KidneyEnlargement of distal tubulus & colligents ductusGlomerulus & proximal tubulus normalLiver enlargement

  • BLADDER (VESICA URINARIA)AgnesiaBladder neck obstructionAgnesia / atresia urethraCongenital posterior urethral valvesURETHRA

  • BLADDER (VESICA URINARIA)AgnesiaBladder neck obstructionAgnesia / atresia urethraCongenital posterior urethral valvesURETHRA

  • VESICO URETERAL REFLUXReflux of urine from the bladder into ureterDamage the upper urinary tract by bacterialInfectionCauses : Congenital anomalous developmentof the ureterovesical junctionBladder outlet obstruction

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