june 2011


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Spiritual Father


Page 1: June 2011
Page 2: June 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Apostle & Founder

Manifestations Worldwide Inc



Very often, people of purpose and destiny fail to leave an ineradicable mark on either society or mankind, only to

retreat to the heavens without maximizing their God-given and intended potential. Dr. Mark T. Jones, Sr. is not

only maximizing what God has deposited in him, but he is also empowering the people of God to fulfill their pur-

pose on the earth. In this season, he is a voice for the voiceless. His messages compel the attention of those who

seek to discover their purpose in life and launch their destiny.

None of us celebrate the storms of life while we are in them. There almost seems to be noth-

ing enjoyable about going through a storm, and it takes something truly born of God to

thank Him in the midst of the storms that we face. It is not mine to bemoan the processes

that God allows us to endure, because I have seen time and time again, that truly all things

work TOGETHER for the good, of those who love the Lord. There are several things that I

challenge you to remember about the storms in your life, that God allows:

1. Storms are common to us all: you either, just came out, are just entering in, or

are right in the middle of a storm right now.

2. Storms do the most damage to MAN-MADE stuff: isn‟t it consoling to know

that as long as we value what God values, we cannot be emotionally decimated

by the storms of life.

3. Storms bring cleansing: if you notice, when a storm comes, it washes dirt

from the ground, and it blows away the dead leaves.

4. Storms are never planned: they just arrive. What matters most is that we brave


5. God always has His way in the storm: always remember that God has a master

plan, and every storm is custom made to manifest some element of that plan!

It is my prayer that you will seek God to understand why He has allowed your present

storm, and submit to the process that He has crafted to bring cleansing, healing, and deliver-

ance into your life.

Page 3: June 2011

Join Lady Lisa each 2nd & 4th Thursday

@ 7pm for L.A.D.I.E.S. Ministry

Ladies Accepting Deliverance &

Identifying Enemy Strongholds

Lady Lisa Jones

Page 4: June 2011

A FATHER is a man that procreates an offspring, raising a child in the

way he should go.

Due to the complexity of this world, a father‟s role is obscured. Either

its a baby-father( no attachment), a step-father( not biological), or a Godfa-

ther. But, through my life‟s experiences, I can say that my father, Apostle

Mark T. Jones, has been the most amazing provider, friend, and listener

that I could possibly ask for. It takes a REAL man to take care of his re-


Yes, we disagree at times, but that‟s life...I know he wants the best for

me! He is the most humble, family committed man I know. He is very de-

termined and outspoken; a true man of integrity. My father has done every-

thing and beyond to provide and protect me. I appreciate every bit of it!

No matter what I go through, I can always count on him to be there for

me. Since I was a little girl, he‟s been a great role model, my biggest inspi-

ration, and a true example of a Father. He could have been out on the cor-

ner selling dope to make ends meet, given up on my family, or molested

me. Instead, he began bussing dishes at Denny‟s Restaurant, worked his

way up to managing Tia's Tex-a-Mex, and then becoming a pastor.

Even though my father‟s father died when he was just 2 years old, my father was still able to assume the re-

sponsibilities of a man in his absence. He began working at age four with Mr. Copac; stacking candy on the

shelves until age nine. In junior high school, he ran for president and won; which helped him build his leadership

skills. In his older teenage years, if he wasn‟t playing in the snow or wrestling, he was helping the elderly ladies in

the neighborhood. This included shopping for medications and groceries. "At four years old, he was very curi-

ous and always getting into stuff. We had this old radio that never worked. But with his curiosity, he took the

radio all apart. After sitting in the garage for a few hours, whatever he did Marley, he got that thing to work. Since

he grew up without a father and all, I was up to letting him be "Mr. Independent”. But, even though his father

wasn‟t in his life, his biggest heroes were Captain America and his Uncle Fred. His dream and goals as a child

was to be a Firefighter.", said Jeanette Biggs (my Grandmother).

As the wind blows, so do the years. I‟m sixteen now, and until this day I am “Daddy‟s Little Girl”. Even after

the day when I find a husband, that title still remains. HAPPY BIRTHDAY & FATHERS DAY DADDY! : )

Marlesia & Dr. Jones

Becoming a Partner with Manifestation Worldwide

Missions will provide remarkable opportunities to reach

millions across the county and around the world. Help us

help them and sign up today. For more information, to sow

a seed or become a partner please visit:


Missions‟ Night June 12th @ 6pm

Mt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Page 5: June 2011

This special recipe; similar to previous ones, has been

handed down from generation to generation. My

mother, Mary Taylor, dedicated this recipe to me and

relatives. (By the way, my mother is no longer on this

earth.) However, during her time here, she was an

excellent cook. She had to provide many meals every-

day for at least ten kids.

As a result of this, I was the one who took on the art

of cooking. The skill came with ease from watching

her cooking skills. Additionally, I enjoy preparing

meals as if I'm an executive chef in a five star restau-


While preparing meals for my family, I treat them as

royalty; like God says.. For we are indeed a "Royal


My mother taught me to take what was simple and

nutritious as cooking straight to the palate. I believe

it's not what you cook, but it's how you present it. Let

the taste buds arise! “Be blessed and manifest!”

Minister Francina Campbell

2pkg frozen broccoli or one fresh head of broccoli

3/4 cup of unsalted butter

1 can cream of celery soup or light celery soup

1 jar Salsa Con Queso

1 box Cheez-It Crackers

1 tbsp oregano

Break up the broccoli in the bottom of the casserole

pan. Crumble most of the crackers over the broc-

coli. Pour the undiluted soup over the crackers.

Crumble the remainder of the crackers on top with

the melted butter. Bake until nice and bubbly.

Charlene Pickens

Page 6: June 2011

By: Jennifer Cole

PARTNERS: If you‟ve noticed a partner

that‟s been missing, please email Pastor

Antonio Miranda his/her information. Pas-

tor Miranda will contact this partner.

[email protected]

When you become a father

It is feeling like no other

It is a new beginning

On how to facilitate your offspring

Your children look to you

For love that‟s strong and true

You carve an imprint on your son

To live a positive life and be strong

You desire a special place in your daughter‟s heart

To look to you for protection from the very start

You teach us not to lower our standards

But rather to wait on God, cause He never ponders

You are a man of dominion and power

One of protection and cover

You are the families‟ foundation

Your decisions we rarely question

You discipline with hands of love

While hearing from the voice above

Setting a life of communication

That will take us through the nation

Your offspring carries your name

To distinguish your fatherhood claim

Your tender love we always remember

As we go through life and discover.

Fathers, we love you dear

We thank you for your listening ear

And those hugs that felt so secure

With a love so true and pure.


Page 7: June 2011

The word of the Lord states “For though

ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ,

yet have ye not many fathers” 1 Cor 4:15

KJV. Though in its context the text speaks

of God Himself being the only true father,

however; out His love and complete care for

us, He has released in the earth men who He

himself has chosen to father his children in

the earth.

There is a man whom the hand of God has

crafted and molded to be a father to those

who without a father may never reach their

full potential, causing them to miss their mo-

ment of becoming their greatest possibility.

There is a man who has been birthed from

the blueprints of the mind and heart of God

himself. This is a man whom God has

anointed, appointed, ordained, and estab-

lished in the earth to not just simply be a fa-

ther; but to empower, encourage, motivate,

equip, instruct, correct with love, build, ed-

ify, train, develop, bring hope to, release an

apostolic anointing over, and bring transfor-

mation to the lives of men and women from

a fathering paradigm.

Apostle, Dr. Mark T. Jones is that man.

God has used Dr. Jones to impact the lives of

countless men and women all around the

world, including my own. He is a man who

God has used to assist in bringing clarity and

understanding of vision, as well as assisting

me to fully discern the will of the Father for

my life.

God has used Dr. Jones to redefine the

meaning of “father”. Not only has he proven

to be capable to produce potent and effective

seed that gives birth to strong, healthy, and

competent children; he has also been ex-

tremely successful in nurturing them to full

maturity and releasing them into their places

of destiny, purpose, and production for the

advancement of Kingdom purpose within the


God has used Apostle, Dr. Mark T. Jones

to restore hope, to help bring clarity of pur-

pose, and to release true development in the

life of a young man who is now moving in a

greater real of apostolic power and vision.

And, for that I am forever grateful! God

bless you Dr. Jones and dad, for assuming

the responsibility of a true spiritual and Ap-

ostolic Father!

Apostle Raymond D. Williams Forbidden to Fail Worldwide

“A Man who Redefined Father”

Page 8: June 2011

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,

whose mind is stayed on thee: ….Trust

ye in the LORD for ever: for in the

LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting

strength:…” Isaiah 26:3-4

Recently, I had to obtain an MRI

exam. In a nutshell, this exam pro-

duces a magnetic image (i.e. x-ray)

of a specific body part. The actual

MRI scanner is a long tube, similar

to a tunnel, in which the person lies

still for approximately fifteen to

twenty minutes. Simple, huh?

As the technician began to push

me towards the scanner, I started to

panic. Hulk-like thoughts began to

pervade my mind – I need to break

out of this tube! I envisioned shat-

tering the scanner, with fragmented

pieces flying throughout the room.

Where were these thoughts coming

from? With anxiety levels rapidly

increasing, screams filled my

thoughts. Somehow, in the midst

of this “crisis”, I begin to worship

the King. With every ounce of my

being; I hummed, I sang and I

meditated on the Word; ultimately,

serenading and romancing Jesus.

Of course, there were still times

when my thoughts attempted to

wander; but, I reined them in and

hurled them into oblivion. Scrip-

tures I didn‟t know existed flowed

from my belly. Finally, the test was

over! Hallelujah!

Consequently, there were really

two tests given that day. The sec-

ond and most important test that

day was the engagement of my

mind. The bible states that we are

to cast down imaginations and

bring them into captivity under the

obedience of Christ Jesus. It also

states that perfect

peace occurs in

keeping your mind

stayed on Him.

Those scriptures

became more alive for me than ever

before! The Lord also re-enforced

my need to always keep my entire

focus upon Him.

Therefore, believers, today I ex-

hort you to maintain a single focus

upon the Lord. Never allow your

thoughts to enslave you. The mind

is filled with complexities, but the

Lord has already provided His

Word to help us overcome in this

area. Trust Him with everything

within the core of your entire being.

Nothing else matters! “For in the

LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting


Food for Thought

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust

also in Him, and He shall bring it to

pass. He shall bring forth your right-

eousness as the light, and your justice

as the noonday.” Psalm 37:5-6

Have you ever been misjudged

by a friend? It‟s difficult, isn‟t it?

Left feeling hurt, disappointed, and

frustrated; you search for answers

and solutions. But, the Word says

that if we “commit our ways to the

Lord” and “trust also in Him”, He

is faithful to bring forth truth and

light into every situation or circum-

stance in our lives.

I have found, in my relation-

ships, that true friendship takes

work! And yes, you will some-

times be misjudged and misunder-

stood. It‟s during those times that

we have to recommit our relation-

ships to the Lord and trust Him.

However, let me caution you….

When a problem arises in a rela-

tionship that you deem to be a true

friendship, always begin with a

little self-reflection.

Typically, if a friend seems

“distant” or “detached”, I always

examine myself first and ask these

questions: When did I notice my

friend distancing herself/himself

from me? Can I “pinpoint” any-

thing – intentional or not – that may

have caused the hurt or disappoint-

ment? Consequently, what should

my response be? I NEVER auto-

matically assume that the “issue” is

hers alone. Instead, I open myself

completely to God to be examined

by His eye. I also ask for divine

revelation into the situation. Most

of the time, God shows me the ori-

gin of the problem; then, I am able

to pray about my response.

When the hurt occurs, I usually

find myself “pulling back” to create

a little space until I can either “pray

through to victory” or talk to my

friend without being ”the victim”.

Also, I usually ask the person spe-

cifically if I‟ve done anything to

cause the “rift”.

I believe in “taking the high

road”. Most offenses – especially

between friends – are completely


Regardless of the situation, it is

vitally important that we, as Chris-

tian brothers and sisters, work out

our differences in order to move

forward in the awesome things God

has planned for our lives.

So, I encourage you today, if

you‟ve been struggling in any rela-

tionships, self-evaluate first. Then,

be open to hear God‟s voice for His

directions to bring healing and

restoration. Give Him permission to

show you truth; and be willing to

obey His instructions. He‟ll ”bring

forth your righteousness as the

light” and pour His healing out in

your friendships!

Gail Boles

Page 9: June 2011
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From the very beginning, the devil tried to take

Brother Rodney Norton out. At the tender age of six,

he survived a critical accident that almost took his life,

when he was hit by a drunk driver. But God!

Brother Rodney‟s testimony really blessed me.

Deeply expressing love for the Lord, “I am a child of

the living King, first and foremost”, he stated.

Raised in a Baptist church, he was convinced that

he was saved from a religious perspective. Revelation

came from a rock bottom situation when his family

walked out on him. From that point on, he became

totally committed to God. Ephesians 4:29-32 became

his scripture for survival. “Let no corrupt word pro-

ceed out of your mouth but what is good for necessary

edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom

you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all

bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be

put away from you with all malice. And be kind to one

another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as

God Christ forgave you.

In the midst of his turmoil, God broke the mold of

a man and exposed how ugly he was in a „spiritual

mirror‟. “If you struggle loving self”, he stated, “how

can you love anyone else?” Similar to a peeling onion,

the layers came off. After facing a crisis with his fam-

ily, Brother Rodney was forced to gain custody of his

daughters. Yet, he stood on Ephesians 4:29-32, as

God was teaching him intercessory throughout his life.

Always having a hunger and thirst for knowledge

of the things of God, he started to really war in the

spirit. His babysitter introduced him to some tapes by

a popular pastor. These tapes fed his hunger for the

word. He then begin to receive revelation from God

concerning His people.

Brother Rodney has a powerful ministry in which

he uses mime to minister to his audience. This idea

began one day when he took his girls to see the infa-

mous Universal Soul circus. It was at that moment he

first realized that his purpose was to minister through

entertaining people. He observed the audience re-

sponse and the emotion the entertainment elicited.

While he was watching the show in 1999, God

dropped in his spirit, Mime in Motion. Initially, the

group began with two guys who had their own singing

group. They eventually left. The Holy Spirit then be-

came his partner. If you‟ve ever experienced this man

of God, you will see that the Spirit truly leads him

around the audience to minister!

Later, his undertaking included working with pro-

phetic teachers and conducting workshops on praise

and worship. He ministered at a men‟s conference

eight years ago and met Apostle Jones. When they

first met, their spirits meshed and they have been

friends ever since. God restored his marriage and led

him to Center for Manifestation. He is still in a season

of transition; soaking in everything that he possibly


The future for this man of God is to become part of

the five fold ministry. He spoke with a spirit of humil-

ity when he stated, “when you know what God has

called you to do, you must obey.” He plans to con-

tinue seeking God, plugging in and making himself

totally available to do God‟s will. He was serious

when he said that it is time out for the games. We are

all God chasers. He plans to teach from the young to

the elderly and continue to find creative ways to dis-

play and share his world.

Continued success and blessings, Brother Rodney!!

Written by: Denise L. Griffith

Brother Rodney Norton

Page 11: June 2011

Wow, today was a great

day. Every day is a blessing from

God. Today, I saw His mighty de-

livering hand at work. While taking

my two youngest daughters home, I

was met by a driver who had some

serious issues. While riding in the

left lane passing by the local casino,

a driver sped hurriedly out of the

casino‟s parking lot. He looked at

me and deliberately drove in my

lane. I flew into a ditch to avoid

getting hit. The driver kept going.

A woman stopped to see if

we were ok. She saw the whole

thing. I checked to see if the kids

were ok. I got out of the car to

check the damage because I hit the

ditch fairly hard. I thanked Jesus

before getting back into the vehicle.

The whole situation caused

me to reflect on how so many men

are not in control of their emotions

today. I wondered what could‟ve

caused this man to have such bla-

tant disregard for the lives of his

fellow human beings. Maybe he lost

his mortgage payment gambling,

maybe his home. I knew it was

pointless to keep guessing and just

prayed for him as I rode home, con-

tinuing to thank God for his mercy

and grace on my family.

Men have power physi-

cally, verbally, emotionally and

other ways, to either build or de-

stroy. In our society, men are taught

to be aggressive, hard, cold and

callous. But, I believe the root of

the matter is the “I” syndrome.

When it‟s “all about me and mine”,

no one else matters; not even the

life and liberty of someone else

when it comes down to it. I recall

Apostle Mark Jones describing

meekness as “power under control”.

This was so refreshing to hear. It‟s

the opposite of the world‟s standard

of what real men are.

This experience showed

me how ugly I used to be when I

was in the world hurting people

and, to a certain degree, only caring

only about me. Men, as the days

draw close to the Lord‟s return,

let‟s follow the biblical model for

every role in our lives. Let‟s not try

to fit in to try to appear cool and

relevant because the truth of the

matter is that we are relevant

whether the world wants to ac-

knowledge Godly men or not.


Men and Road Rage

Erick Durham

Fathers are essential in our lives;

not only do they assist in our arrival

to this earth, but also our existence

on it.

Webster‟s dictionary defines

“Father” as God. Think about that

for a moment… the love and care of

a father is eminent even in the Bi-

ble. There are numerous stories dis-

playing a father‟s love for his chil-

dren. The ultimate example though

can be expressed in the love that our

Father, “Abba” has for us.

Regardless of how we feel or what

we do, God loves us uncondition-


Father‟s day is usually desig-

nated mid June timeframe. This year

it falls on June 19th. This is a day to

celebrate and honor fatherhood,

paternal bonds and the influence of

father figures in society.

There are various ways that we

can express our appreciation; help-

ing with chores, giving affectionate

hugs, taking them out to dinner or

providing a gracious gift. Some

great gift ideas would be:



Tool Kits

Money Holders


Picture Frames

Coffee Mugs

Electric Razors

Gift Cards

Celebrate that special father in your

life this Father‟s Day and let them

know how blessed we are to have

them. Love them like God loves us.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the

special fathers in our lives!!!

What is a Father?

Denise Griffith

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1 2 3


5 6 7





12 13






1. Hid by the brook Cherith where he was fed ravens.

5. Raised Esther as his daughter. Became a great and powerful man next to King Ahasuerus.

8. Built an ark. 9. Righteous man; "walked with God 300

years". Was translated without tasting death.

11. Spent three days in the belly of a great fish

12. Initially named Abram; God told him, "I will make of thee a great nation"

14. Called Jerubbal (Judges 6:29, 32). Led an army of 300 to defeat the Midianites

15. Anointed Saul and David 16. Abraham's nephew. Wife turned into a

pillar of salt.

2. Voice crying in the wilderness, baptized Jesus (three words).

3. Hebrew name for Shadrach. 4. Called a fast and prayed "neither know

we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee". (2 Chron. 20)

6. The brother of Moses 7. David's son by Bathsheba; known for his

immense wealth and wisdom. 10. Afflicted with leprosy; healed when he

dipped himself seven times in the Jor-dan.

13. One of Jesus disciples; the brother of Simon Peter.


Page 14: June 2011

Never in a million years did I think I would be where I am. Each day is a blessing to be

alive and to be in the perfect will of God, and I owe it all to my spiritual father, Apostle

Mark T. Jones.

There are so many things that can be said about what he has done for me, what he has

instilled in me and what he really is to me. I will share this: he is a true father!....a father in-

deed! God has used him to save my marriage in its early stages, and he continues to be an

example for my wife and me. God has used him to save my life and ministry on more than a

few occasions. I can‟t even tell you how many times he has sensed, through the Holy Spirit,

the challenging times in my life. It is then he has picked up the phone and called me.

I remember when I was tired of life the way it was. I was ready to leave everything that

God had given me at that time, and revert to my former confused, deceptive and abominable

life. He called me while I was headed home to give up, and he said, “I am angry at what the

enemy is trying to do to you.” Then he began to speak into my life. Such a presence filled

my vehicle while I was driving that I had to pull over. I began to weep deeply. I was re-

leased from the chains of the enemy. He literally saved my life that evening.

Recently during holy convocation, he said something that floored me. He stated that he

had an insatiable love for the word of God. Additionally, he learned early on that holiness

is the way! It hit me! I want to be like my daddy! I want to continue to be in the flow of

what God is doing!

Dad, if I may, I love you! Thank you for being You! And as we approach Father‟s Day,

and the day that God sent you into this earth realm, I want to somehow express to you the

magnitude of my love for your consistent example, your unwavering character, your love

for the people of God and your no-nonsense approach to ministry.

Dad, Happy Father‟s Day and Happy Birthday sir! My family says, “Thanks.”


Alfonzo A. Broughton Jr. & Lady Joai Senior Pastor/Founder

Genesis Worship Center

Page 15: June 2011

Pearls of Wisdom

The Perfect Storm Most of us have experienced going through the per-

fect storm or witnessed someone going through a storm

in their life. It seems as if it will never end; with situa-

tions streaming one after another. However, God allows

us to go through these storms so that we can grow and

mature. According to the book of James chapter one,

James advises us to count it all joy when we fall into

divers trials and temptations; for the testing of our faith

works patience. God is always after something in our

lives that we have placed ahead of Him; for example,

material things, people, occupations, dreams, desires

and other pleasures of this world. God is a jealous God

and shall have none before Him. Therefore, those per-

ceived priorities must be sifted out so that He can shape

and mold us into that which He has purposed.

We all have storms throughout our lives and each

storm is different. However, there is nothing like the

perfect storm! The perfect storm occurs when things

continue to happen one after another, leaving you to

wonder how you will ever make it through. When your

family and friends are gone and even if they were there,

there is nothing they can do to help get you out of your

situation. A perfect storm is when God puts you in a

position where you can‟t depend on any one but Him.

This is what I call the shaping process; one of prepara-

tion for the next season in your life. What makes this

storm perfect is that if it wasn‟t for it, we would still be

in the same position we were in before we went through

the storm. There is so much growth and maturity that

occurs within this process that you will know the exact

reason for every situation and circumstance you experi-


Indeed, the perfect storm doesn‟t seem perfect ini-

tially, however, it is faith in God which enables us to

endure. It is only until we have cast every burden, situa-

tion and circumstance in God‟s hands, that we are able

to see our imperfections through His perfections and

make the necessary adjustments. These adjustments

might include trusting in the Lord, paying tithes and

offering, and/or worshiping God in spirit and in truth

with clean hands and a pure heart. No matter what the

lesson of perfection maybe, the key to enduring the

storm is having faith and believing the almighty God

who is greater, stronger, and higher than any other!

Have you ever needed your car fixed or your home air conditioning unit serviced?

Have you ever needed to speak to a lawyer or see a doctor? Are you an accountant, com-

puter technician, or landscaper?

"It's in the House" ministry can connect you to someone who provides these services.

What makes "It's in the House" ministry so amazing is that the providers of these services

are a group of Christian people. These individuals are willing to serve with honesty and


"It's in the House" is asking the CFM family to be part of this great ministry. How? If

you are an accountant, lawyer, technician, mechanic, or have a trade, please sign up at the

welcome center or drop your business card in the glass jar. We look forward to hearing

from you and can't wait to share your skills and services with others.

Joette & Patrick St. Jean

Page 16: June 2011


We Are The Now!

Rise, Rally, React

AND Reach

This Months Series: Titus 1-3 Order in the Church

Essentials for Effective Evangelism (1:5-3:11)

Among Leaders (1:5-16)

Recognition of elders(5-9)

Rebuke of false teachers(1:10-16)

What are we doing to equip our

Children for the Kingdom Of God?

In order to accomplish this we must prepare. Want some sugges-

tions? Well here are some…..

Saturate your children with the

word of God; reading and experi-

encing the knowledge of God:

Schedule and purpose time

with your children, study the

word of God, in a way THEY


Passionate Worship, a personal

relationship with Jesus to fulfill their destiny as they understand it:

In the midst of worship, warri-

ors are made! Growing in their

desire to fulfill the destiny God

for their life. Let them see you

worship, and express praise

toward our Father.

We desire to see all

our children mov-

ing in the gifts of the Spirit and be-

ing everything that

God has declared

them to be. Our

children are a vital

part of God’s end time plan and as

such, we must be-

gin to lead them

into the “Holy

Place” and not be content with allow-

ing them to remain

To All our Children who have a Birthdays in June!!

Happy Birthday!!!

Students Corner: To Pastor Mark Jr.

Thank you Pastor Mapps;

For your caring, love and support

Page 17: June 2011
Page 18: June 2011