july/august 2014 monthly newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD • WILMINGTON, NC 28403 • (910) 392-4444 • FAX (910) 392-4905 www.stnicholaswilmington.org July and August 2014 The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary August 15, 2014

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Wilmington NC, July/August 2014 Monthly Newsletter


Page 1: July/August 2014 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox

Church! ! !

! ! !

! !

608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD • WILMINGTON, NC 28403 • (910) 392-4444 • FAX (910) 392-4905


July and August 2014

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary

August 15, 2014

Page 2: July/August 2014 Monthly Newsletter

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


Fr. Jon Emanuelson

Parish Priest

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Office Phone: 910-392-4444 Office Fax: 910-392-4905

Fr. Jon’s mobile number: 910-685-0080

Office Email: [email protected]

Fr. Jon’s Email: [email protected]

Church Website: www.stnicholaswilmington.org

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/StNicholasWilmington


Officers Members

Emanuel Miliotis (President) Kim Dandulakis Maria Stasios

Evangelos Fragos (Vice President) Peter Malahias Tina Bostic

Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis (Secretary) Debbie Rallis John Burgee

Barbara Reynolds (Treasurer) Nick Saffo


Angelique Skandalakis, Parish Office Administrator


Religious Education...Richard Reynolds, Ministry Chair

Adult Education...Richard Reynolds

Youth Catechism...Courtney Malahias, Director

Bookstore/Library...Mary Ann Wall

Oratorical Festival...Courtney Malahias

Hellenic Culture...Kitsa Wiersteiner, Ministry Chair

Hellenic School...Anetis Logothetis, Acting Director

Romiosini Dance Group...Zaharoula Katsikis

Zoyra Dance Group...Kitsa Wiersteiner

Choral...Dr. Michael Rallis

Special Activities...Kitsa Wiersteiner

Youth Diakonia...Koula Katsikis, Ministry Chair

GOYA...Dr. David Snow, Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis,

Mary Beth Miliotis, Tina Bostic, Advisors

HOPE/JOY...Eleni Pappamihiel

Liturgical Life...Dr. Michael Rallis, Ministry Chair

Liturgical Music...Dr. Michael Rallis

Acolytes (Altar Boys)...Doug Brown

Neokoros/Sexton...T. Keith Anderson

Communications - Technology Ministries...

Alexandros Theodoropoulos, Ministry Group Leader

Webmaster...Alexandros Theodoropoulos

Publications.. Stella McTaggart & Angelique Skandalakis

Technology...Alexandros Theodoropoulos

Media/Community Relations...Beth Burgee, Debbie Rallis,

Alexandros Theodoropoulos

Parish Family Life...**Volunteer Needed**

Parish Life Night...**Volunteer Needed**

Men’s Group...Rick Reynolds

Women’s Group...**Volunteer Needed**

Forever Young...Stella Vallianos

LOVE...Stella McTaggart

Outreach & Evangelism...Diane McGowan

OCF...Fr. Jon & Alexandros Theodoropoulos

Hospitality...Ed & Kathleen Mayorga

Community Service...Sia Mayorga

Parish Care...**Volunteer Needed**

Philoptochos...Thalia Kefalas, Chapter President

Stewardship...Debbie Rallis

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From The Desk of Father Jon

On American Independence

As we approach our country’s Independence Day, July 4, a flood of thoughts and emotions can easily breach the

bulkhead of our minds. In truth, each family has a story that takes us from the shore of an old country and

brings us to our new home and country in the United States of America. I am fond of saying, “I am American

by birth, Orthodox by choice (or on purpose), Greek by adoption and Southern by the grace of God! No matter

how we define ourselves, we must give thanks to Almighty God for all the blessings upon our country and for

the freedom of religion we so gratefully enjoy.

Our Orthodox Christian faith encourages us to be good stewards and citizens of our country. I believe Orthodox

Christianity that is practiced in truth and in love can be best witness to the love of God in Christ Jesus that this

country has ever known or will know. Still, it is up to us to be that witness. As always, it is good for us to turn

to the Scriptures to find wisdom and grace.

Jesus, in His ministry did not say much about our responsibility toward the well being of our country, but what

he did say was very powerful. When questioned about Roman taxes, and whether it was right to pay them, He

said, “Render to Ceasar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” When came to how

the followers of Christ should exercise authority, Jesus was very clear, saying, “You know that the rulers of the

Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among

you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first

among you, let him be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and give His

life as a ransom for many.” Mt 20:25-28

St. Paul wrote to the Romans about the responsibility of Christians to be subject unto the rulers of their times

for the purpose of good. Romans 13:1-7 When he wrote to Timothy, he said, “Therefore, I exhort first of all

that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all in

authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in godliness and reverence.” 1 Tim 2:1-2 St. Peter rightly

calls our freedom to conscience in his first universal letter, calling upon all believers to submit to the ordinances

of man for the Lord’s sake. 1 Peter 2:13-17

Yet, when we are confronted by those who would have us go against that which God has commanded, St. Peter

stood firm, saying to the Pharisees, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29 Lastly, we know very

well the authority that Christ Jesus should have in our lives. When Jesus commissioned the apostles, he said to

them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given unto Me, go therefore and make disciples of all

nations…” Jesus is the King of glory and He should constantly rule over our thoughts, words and deeds.

At every Liturgy, we pray for our rulers, all those in civil authority, the soldier who is a friend of Christ. We

hope for the greatest good to come about through the wise exercise of their duties. Indeed, on this

Independence Day, let us pray that our country, the United States of America, constantly and consistently have

discernment in all her activities through good grace of God that looks over her.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


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From Emanuel Miliotis,Parish Council President

With summer now here, we have transitioned to our new summer hours with Orthros starting at 8:00am and

Divine Liturgy at 9:30am. This change was voted on in our last General Assembly meeting and confirmed

with the Parish Council. It provides everyone the opportunity to finish church a little earlier so as to have time

to enjoy all the summer activities Wilmington has to offer. While we have advertised this several weeks in

advance and also have this on our website, please continue to let your friends and relatives know.

Summer is a time period in our church where many of our ministries take a break and regroup. We are looking

forward to things ramping up in the fall. This is the time we reflect back on things you would like to see added

or improved with our ministry offerings. If you have any suggestions or would like to be involved with any of

our programs, please let myself, any of the PC members, or any of the ECY leaders know. We would love to

entertain new ideas or energy that comes from new volunteers.

Finally with summer here and schedule patterns change, we would like to remind everyone to keep St. Nicholas

in mind in regards to stewardship. If you haven’t submitted your pledge card, now would be a great time. If you

have, thank you, and just a reminder to continue to keep the stewardship coming evenly through the summer as

our bills come in every month.

Have a great and safe summer.

In Christ’s service,


Save the Date - September 2014

September 1 – Ecclesiastical New Year

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


Outreach and EvangelismDiane McGowan

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church--- a special

message to our Newcomers


Yes, it’s summer, and you may come to church

thinking that perhaps the congregation has moved, or

that you are attending at the wrong time. As we know

well, summer is the time when people are scattering

about, in and out of the area, at camp, on vacation,

perhaps out of the country, and there are sometimes so

few in attendance.

Until the time when things are back to normal, and our

regularly scheduled groups are in session, ie, Family

Night, Ladies Philoptochos, Golden Agers, Adult Bible

Study, dance group practices, this may be the seasonal

trend. As the Ministry Leader of Outreach &

Evangelism, I want to hear from the people who have

just begun coming to church here. Even if you started

coming just a couple of years ago, (that is still pretty

new) I want to know about how we stack up versus

your former church community. Were there programs

you enjoyed there that we might consider having?

Were there ways of getting people together which

might help us to engage our new members? Would

you be interested in getting together casually/socially

to discuss this subject during the summer?

Please respond to this message by calling me directly:

910-256-8610 or [email protected],

(please say: St. Nicholas in your subject line)

Finally, please approach me in church, just ask

someone who I am, would love to meet you!

PS. Didn’t mean to leave anyone out, if you have been

here a LONG time and have good ideas, I would love

to hear them as well so feel free to respond!

And a Blessed Summer to All!!!

StewardshipDebbie Rallis

Christian Stewardship of our Time, Talent and

Treasure is the manner and means by which the

members of St. Nicholas support, maintain and

promote their Church. It is the selfless and loving

offering of one’s Time, Talent, and Treasure to St.

Nicholas that helps fulfill the timeless mission of the

Orthodox Church and enables the Good News of

Christ to be shared with others. All members of the

St. Nicholas family must be faithful stewards of the


Stewardship at St. Nicholas in Wilmington, NC

consists of three equally important things: Time,

Talent and Treasure. St. Nicholas needs each and

everyone’s Time in serve to the ministries, worship

and help with our Greek Festival. St. Nicholas needs

each and everyone’s Talent so as to continue to

expand the ministries and outreach of the parish. St.

Nicholas needs a portion of our Treasure to further

share the message of Christ with the world and to

ensure the financial well-being of the parish. The

three T’s of Stewardship are not mutually exclusive,

but intrinsically woven elements that form the

essence of Stewardship. Everyone in our Church

family must prayerfully base his or her allocation of

Time, Talent and Treasure to St. Nicholas on what

they feel in their heart and soul will fulfill their

responsibility to Jesus Christ and His Church.

The support of the total ministry of St. Nicholas is a

sacred responsibility that everyone in the parish is

responsible for. Our love of God and His Church

must dictate the extent to which we will serve and

financially support St. Nicholas. The Lord asks us

for our own good, and for the sake of our

communion with Him, that we grow in His likeness

and image, share generously and return an honest

portion of what He has made possible with St.

Nicholas. We cannot give to God what is His, we

can only return it to Him in gratitude and

thanksgiving through our faithful Stewardship to our

beloved St. Nicholas!

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


We currently have several vacancies in ministries at

our St. Nicholas parish. Please consider accepting

one of these positions for the glory of our Lord.

“The rich man is not one who has much,

but one who gives much, for what he gives

away remains his forever.” St. John


Communications/TechnologyAlexandros Theodoropoulos

Please be reminded of the special hearing aid

system we recently acquired that is now connected

to the sound system in the sanctuary and our hope is

that this will allow our older parishioners with

hearing issues to better listen and follow our

services. The system has, at this point, four

receivers available that are simple in their use,

feature volume controls and are carried by each

parishioner individually. These receivers are located at

the Pangari (candle stand) in the Narthex area. In case

you feel you would like to try one of these, please see

one of the pangari attendants on duty. We would be

glad to receive any feedback you might have. In case

we see a great demand, we will proceed with

expanding the system with more receivers so that more

of our parishioners will be able to use them.

Moreover, please do not forget about the live streaming

of our services at St. Nicholas that our Technology

ministry has implemented following requests from

parishioners of ours that travel or are sick or

homebound. The live streaming has been set up and

can be seen on our website directly at

www.stnicholaswilmington.org/LiveStreaming.html .

Please check our calendar for a schedule of services

and feel free to try it and offer us feedback when you

have the chance. Also, please stay tuned for more

updates on this project.

In addition, please be reminded that our church has a

pretty active facebook page that can be accessed at

https://www.facebook.com/StNicholasWilmington . We

would appreciate very much any of your efforts to help

us further promote our FB page now that such social

networking media have been becoming more popular.

Also, our church’s email list has been growing as well.

If you know of any parishioners or others that are not

in our list and would like to receive our church’s email

communications, like our weekly email bulletin and so

on, please have them forward their email addresses to

our church office.

Finally, on a personal note, I would like to thank Alexia

Porzio for handling several of our Communications

publications so well among other things during the time

she was working as our church’s interim Office

Administrator. Alexia, we appreciate your work so


In case you have any suggestions or feedback that

could help us in our continuous effort communications

publications/media please contact our church office at

2014 STEWARDSHIP DRIVE Comp to End of

Last Yr

Total Stewards as of 6/17/2014 105 59%

Total $ Pledged $185,934 84%

2014 Budget (goal) $244,590 117%

Avg $ pledge per steward $1,771 142%

% Parish participation to date 53% 59%

% of total goal 76% 71%

Total Giving to date $111,925 48%

Total Giving as %age of Pledges 60%

Total Giving as %age of Goal 46%

Families who didn't pledge in 2013 18

** Includes 12 new stewards

Pledged in 2012 and not 2013 67

Pledged in 2013 and not 2014 89

Number of families pledging > 2013 46 44%

Number of families pledging < 2013 17 16%

Number of families pledging = 2013 24 23%

New pledgers to 2014 vs. 2013 18 17%

2014 Pledge breakdown

$1-$599 47 45%

$600-$999 14 13%

$1000-$2499 26 25%

$2500-$4999 9 9%

$5,000-$9,999 4 4%

$10,000+ 5 5%

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


(910) 392-4444 or

[email protected] or our

Communications Chair, at

[email protected] .


Philoptochos will be hosting a Panigiri again

August 15. Please see the Flyer in the Newsletter

for more information.

AHEPA News and Notes

Peter Vogiatzis has received AHEPA scholarship to

go to AHEPAcademy leadership and professional

development program, and will be going to George

Mason University June 22-28th. Peter will be a

high school senior at Ashley High in August.

More info is available: ahepacademy.com

Jimmie Stasios has been elected as District

Governor for AHEPA Capital District #3. AXIOS!

Liturgical LifeDr. Michael Rallis

"They say: 'We can pray at home.' Thou art

deceiving thyself, O man! Of course, one can pray

at home. But it is impossible to pray there as in

church, where such a multitude of hearts are

uplifted to God, merging into one unanimous cry.

Thou wilt not be so quickly heard while praying to

the Master by thyself, as when praying together

with thy brethren, for here in church there is

something greater than in thy room: Agreement,

unanimity, the bond of love, and finally here are the

prayers of the priests. The priests stand before us,

then, so that the prayers of the people, being weak,

would be united to their more powerful prayers and

together with them ascend to heaven. The Apostle

Peter was freed from prison, thanks to the common

prayers offered for him.... If the Church's prayer

was so beneficial for the Apostle Peter and delivered

such a pillar of the faith from prison, why, tell me, dost

thou disdain its power and what kind of justification

canst thou have for this. Hearken unto God Himself,

Who says that the multitude of people who pray to him

with fervor moves Him to have mercy. He says to the

Prophet Jonah: 'Shall I not spare Nineveh, that great

city, in which dwell more than 120 thousand people.'

He did not simply mention the multitude of people but

that thou mightest know that prayer together has great


The author of the above article is someone very close

to us. If you have an idea about who said these things,

or would like to know the source...just ask!

Youth CatechismCourtney Malahias

“You can be committed to church but not committed to

Christ, but you cannot be committed to Christ and not

committed to church.” – Joel Osteen

“The perfect church service would be one we were

almost unaware of. Our attention would have been on

God. “ – C.S. Lewis

Remember……..We need U in CH RCH……………

…..All of you.

The closer your relationship to God, the more natural it

is to come to church and share that love with your

children. They are our future.

I hope you all are having a wonderful, blessed summer

and creating many memories with your families. We

look forward to starting our catechism year with our

annual open house which will be on

August 31, 2014 Come meet your child’s teacher

and enjoy a snack with us!

I look forward to a fruitful year and seeing all your

smiling faces!

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


Grateful to be in His service,

Courtney Malahias

[email protected]

Romiosini & Zoyra

Our Romiosini and Zoyra dancers will take a short

break in the summer, but we need to start practicing

ASAP, in preparation for HDF 2014 in Charlotte NC.

Nota Dukas has already started to sew new costumes

for the Zoyra dancers. Parents - Look for upcoming

mandatory meeting to see how you can help with this

wonderful ministry.

GOYAKoula Katsikis - Mary Beth Miliotis - Tina Bostic -

David Snow - Irene Vogiatzis

The Goyans attending the Fayetteville youth rally in

June, had a great time. They shared good

sportsmanship with their friends from Fayetteville,

Raleigh and Myrtle Beach.

All Goyans who have signed up for St. Stephen’s

camp make sure to turn in all forms ASAP. You aren't

fully registered until all paperwork is complete at the

metropolis level. Drivers are still needed.

Parents of rising 5th graders and any new middle and

high school students: We welcome your children into

Goya this coming school year! Please contact Irene

Vogiatzis and give her name the name/s of your

goyan- aged children, email address contact, cell

number contact and home mailing address. We will

be sure to add your child to our mailing list and

contact you with our upcoming events!

Everyone have a safe and blessed summer.

LOVEStella McTaggart

I was honored to be asked to be the Preschool (LOVE

aged) teacher for my third year in a row for Vacation

Church School. The partial Bible verse our children

learned from 1 Corinthians 10: 31 “Whatever you do,

do everything for the Glory of God” “…εἴτε τι

ποιεῖτε, πάντα εἰς δόξαν Θεοῦ ποιεῖτε” resonated in

my heart with everything I did that week with our

children. And, I really want to continue that theme

through my actions with LOVE.

As my daughter enters preschool this year I want her

interactions with other children, and her teachers, to

be guided by her love of God the Father. And, by

coming to Divine Liturgy, she will be immersing

herself if his Glory. So please, take the opportunity

to come to Divine Liturgy on Friday, August 29 at

9am at Church. Then, we will have a play date in the

Nursery afterwards. I hope that by teaching my child

that Divine Liturgy comes before all other

commitments that everything she does is for the

Glory of God.


If you know of anyone that would be interested in

working in our Church Nursery as an Attendant,

please contact either the church office or Stella

McTaggart to get more information. We would love

to have a few people already qualified for this

position so we never have coverage issues.

Vacation Church SchoolShannon Johns

Church Family,

Another week of Vacation Church School has flown

by and I know I can speak for everyone when I say,

we had a great time! During the week the kids

learned Bible stories about trusting, loving and

obeying God. By the end of the week they knew the

stories by heart! They brought the verse 1

Corinthians 10:31 to life, by daily remembering to do

EVERYTHING for Gods glory. I am so thankful that

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


I could spend the week with

your precious children.

I wanted to give a special

thank you to Renee Karonis,

Cassie and Conner Snow,

Stella McTaggart, Father Jon,

all the other volunteers, all the

parents who brought their

children and all the children

that attended. Looking

forward to next year!

Sympathies and Memorials

On June 1 we offered a 40 day memorial for Cynthia

Mahon, mother of Theodora Clements and sister of

Pam Mavros Hale. May her memory be eternal!

On June 1 we offered a 40 day memorial for Nicholas

Futris, son of Stella Pappas. May his memory be


We extend our deepest sympathy to Nikoloas

Bouboulis, his sister Panagiota, and family on the

falling asleep of their father, Panos Bouboulis, on

June 10. May his memory be eternal!

On June 15 we offered a 1 year memorial for Maria

Stamatakis and a 25 year for Michael Stamatakis,

parents of Kostantina and Steven Stamatakis. May

their memory be eternal!

We extend our sympathy to Stella Babson and family

on the falling asleep of her brother, Thomas Allen

“Bo” Alambis, on June 19, 2014. May his memory be



Congratulations to our 2014 Graduating High School

Seniors: Vasili Brown, Evan Cranidiotis, Koula

Fragos, Catherine Frank, Dino Ioannou, Emily

Kirkby, Rena Poulson, and Taso Vogiatzis.

“Oh, the places you’ll go!”~ Dr. Seuss

Congratulations to Aphodite and Eustathios

Eustathiadis and family on the baptism of their

daughter, Ioanna, into the Orthodox Church on June 8.

Νά σας ζήσει!

Congratulations to Alex and Viktoriya Matyushyn on

the birth of their baby girl, Emilia Alexandra, on June

19. Emilia came into this world weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz.

and measuring 18.1 inches long. Νά σάς ζήσει!

Vacation Church School

June 2014

Fr. Jon with Students

Page 10: July/August 2014 Monthly Newsletter

2014 Stewards as of June 17, 2014

Anderson, Keith & Sally

Angeledes, Angelo & Evelyn

Andrews, Chris

Andrews, Louis & Roula

Athens, Damon

Batis, John & Emily

Balourdos, Karla

Batounis, John & Nancy

Bostic, Michael & Tina

Bouboulis, Nikolaos

Brilakis, Antony & Shirley

Burgee, John & Beth

Burke, Aaron & Maria

Calhoun, Cameron & Pam

Chantiles, Katarina‐Maria

Chantiles, Stravros

Cranidiotis, Chris & Joy Faulk

Dandulakis, Gregory & Kimberly

Demas, Ronald & Sharon

Demetriou, Angelo & Emilee

Diakogiannis, IJiynia

Diakogiannis, Yiani

Dimopoulos, Pete & Katherine

Dimova, Stanislav & Diana

Dukas, Nota

Efstatthiadis, Efstathios & Aphrodite

Emanuelson, Fr. Jon & Presbytera Barbara

Flowers, Larry & Helen

Fokakis, George

Fragakis, John & Sophia

Fragos, Evangelos & Olympia

Gerry, Despina

Haralambous, Irene

Jefferies,  Phil & Irene

Johns, Chris & Shannon

Karafas, Steve & Sarah

Katsaros, Constantine & Sharon

Katris, Angelo & Anastasis

Katris, Gus

Kefalas, Thalia

King, Lee & Doris

Kirkby, Matthew & Melissa

Koklanaris, Dena

Koklanaris, Emmanuel & Lambra

Koumparakis‐Botbol, Elaine

Kratsa, Perry Caleb & Anita Nagy

Kruczko, Andrew Mark

Lawler, Jessica

Lionikis, Emmanuel & Athanasia

Logothetis, Anestis & Constance

Loizides, Michael & Theodora

Macris, Georgia

Malahais, Peter & Courtney

Manolukas, Dr. Peter & Joan

Markatos, Aristea

Marmaras, Georgia

Marmaras, Mary

Mayorga, Ed & Kathleen

Mayorga, Sia

McGowan, Calvin & Diane

McTaggart, Stella

Miliotis, Emanuel & Mary Beth

Nashed, Neemat

Papakidis, Maria

Papanicolaou, Lambros & Niki

Pappamihiel, Ruth

Pathenos, Alexios

Pinkston, Anne

Porzio, Andrew & Alexia

Poulos, Dena

Poulos, Emanuel (Mike)

Poulos, Jack & Danielle

Poulos, John & Athena

Poulos, Patricia

Proukou, Theodore & Katherine

Rallis, Michael & Debra Bakalis Rallis

Reynolds, Rick & Barbara

Ronner, Tom & Connie

Saffo, Marian & Marika

Saffo, Nick & Tia

Saffo, Tony & Jamie

Schaefer, Robert & Rena

Simotas, Spiro & Joanne

Skandalakis, Angelique

Skandalakis, Kay

Sljaka, Sophie

Snow, David & Daphne

Spyropoulos, Maria

Stasios, James & Maria

Stephanou, George & Peggy

Theophilos, Plato & Renee

Thomas, Robert & Florence

Tracy, Ernest & Sophia

Tracy, Joshua

Tsangarides, Arthur & Wanda

Tsingelis, Chris & Angia

Vallianos, Stella

Vavalette, Mary Ann

Verikios, Mary Ellen

Vogiatzis, Vasilios & Sotirou, Irene

Wall, Mary Ann

Whitley, John & Helen

Wickersham, Donald Ross

Wiersteiner, Sam & Kyriaki

Zezefellis, EfJie

Zondos, Angela

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


The entireSt. NicholasCommunityis invited!





All proceeds benefit the Ikarian Scholarship fund

Pan-Ikarian Brotherhood

Chapter Therma

Page 12: July/August 2014 Monthly Newsletter

SAVE THE DATE: July 25,26,27

Dr. Michael Rallis will be performing in Wilmington's First Opera "The Merry Widow"UNCW Cultural Arts Bldg/Main Stage

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July and August 2014


St. Nicholas Ladies Philoptochos invites you to









The Virgin Mary (Panagias) is a Marian feast of the

Christian Churches, celebrated with great pomp

in many parts of the country and is called "Easter summer".

Every year, the day is dedicated to the Assumption day.

It is not mourning but a celebration of joy and elation to

the xanagkaliasma mother with her beloved son.

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church July/August 2014


Please check our online Parish Calendar at


for up to date information about our Parish Life events

Parish Calendar

Page 15: July/August 2014 Monthly Newsletter



608 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403