journal # 2

What does the word diet mean to you? Journal # 2

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Journal # 2. What does the word diet mean to you?. Your Body’s Nutrient Needs. NUTRIENTS. Substances in food that your body needs to carry out its normal functions. NUTRITION. The process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth, and good health. NUTRIENT CATEGORIES. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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What does the word diet mean to you?

Journal # 2

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Your Body’s Nutrient Needs

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Substances in food that your body needs to carry out its normal functions

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• The process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth, and good health

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Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water

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• Sugars and starches contained in foods• Primary energy source• 2 types of carbohydrates – Simple and Complex

1. Simple carbohydrates (sugars) – found in fruits, milk, and table sugars

2. Complex carbohydrates (starches) – bread, rice, pasta, beans, and other vegetables

• Fiber – tough stringy part of raw fruits, raw vegetables, whole wheat and other whole grains.

• Fiber can not be digested

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Nutrients that provide the building blocks your body needs for growth

Promotes healing and aid in the repair of tissues Fish, chicken, beef, eggs, milk, and most other dairy products

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FATS Nutrients found in fatty animal tissue and plant oils Helps keep skin healthy Source of energy Good Fats - Unsaturated Fats Bad Fats - Saturated Fats, Transfats, Cholesterol Good fats – olive oil, peanuts, fish oils Bad fats – dairy, eggs, trans fats (microwave popcorn

and some french fries) vegetable oils

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Nutrients that help regulate body functions Vitamins help your body use other nutrients and some help

fight disease Vitamin A, Vitamin, B12, Vitamin C Fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, and meats

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Elements in foods that help your body work properly Builds healthy bones and teeth, iron carries oxygen

to your cells Calcium, Iron, Potassium Milk, red meat, nuts, potatoes

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45 to 75- 85% percent of the body is water

Carries other nutrients around the body

Amount of water you need depends on how much physical activity you get

1. Helps with digestion2. removes waste3. cools you off