jack hastie architecture portfolio


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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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Page 2: Jack Hastie architecture portfolio

I designed this pool house when I went for work experience in a local architects office. They had a client at the time who wanted a pool house at

the bottom of his garden and this was my proposal. It was designed on Google Sketch-Up and rendered. Everything was to scale.


Page 3: Jack Hastie architecture portfolio

Another example of a design I did on Google Sketch Up. This was my response to a project set by a south London Arts Gallery. It was a program there doing called ReCreative.GLASS SHELTER

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I enjoy making models, whether they are simple representations like this one, which are just a series of folds and bends on materials such as cardboard, card and a variety of different papers, or more complex models which requires a lot of different materials.

I also enjoy using machines such as a CNC machine to mill wood, or a 3D printer to construct more odd shapes. I also used a wide range of machines ranging from a laser cutter to a band saw to create simulations.

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D MODELS3 A simple model I did when developing my final design for

one my AS exam. I like to try and represent define spaces in my

models. For example here I am trying to represent a forest.

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This is a sketch of an art installation in the Canterbury cathedral I did when I visited there last. I was initially there looking at the fantastic architecture, but this drew my attention straight away.

It show how an object like this can really change or create a space. Its an interesting way of using the space.

Art Installation

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Indian Ink

I drew this piece using Indian ink. Once I had been introduced to Indian ink I became increasingly interested in the medium.

It helps create flowing lines of different thickness and density. I also liked how different tools affected the design.

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This is a sketch I did on a famous church in France. I really like the concept, especially the shape of the roof.

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These two drawing I did when I was studying famous structures in London. I was examining not only the shape and structure, but the site and the surrounding area, and how it influenced on the designing of the building.

The building on the left is the Shard, designed by Renzo Piano.

The building on the right is Tower 42, designed by Richard Seifert.


Page 12: Jack Hastie architecture portfolio

This is a photograph I took of the inside of a bulls horn. I like how the structure of this horn creates this Cave-like effect. How the necessary supports create spaces which are both enclosed, yet still very open.

“Organic architecture seeks superior sense of use and a finer sense of comfort, expressed in organic simplicity.” Frank Lloyd Wright.

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My final model for my AS exam.

ModelI made this model during my art and design exam. My final Idea was to design an airport underground so that it impacted less on its surroundings.

“The good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built.” Frank Lloyd Wright.