it’s not getting any easier, and it’s crunch time!!! “so what do i do? where can i park my...

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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  • ITS NOT GETTING ANY EASIER, AND ITS CRUNCH TIME!!! So what do I do? Where can I park my money thats safe and get a decent return without the risk? How can I better protect myself and my assets from risk without compromising growth and or opportunity? What, ex- actly, would I need to do to so that I could rest assured Ill have enough assets to retire in 7 to 20 yrs, and not run out of money in retire- ment? We founded our company to help people solve precise- ly these areas of concern. - SB
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  • Tax Advantaged is critical Tax Advantaged is critical Tax Free would be even Tax Free would be even better!!! better!!! Table of equivalent after tax yields Tax Deferred Taxable Rate 5% 6.94% 5% 6.94% 5.5% 7.64% 5.5% 7.64% 6% 8.33% 6% 8.33% 6.5% 9.02% 6.5% 9.02% 7.5% 10.41% 7.5% 10.41% 8% 11.11% 8% 11.11% 8.5% 11.8% 8.5% 11.8% 9% 12.5% 9% 12.5% 9.5% 13.19% 9.5% 13.19% 10% 13.88% 10% 13.88% 10.5% 14.58% 10.5% 14.58% 11% 15.27% 11% 15.27% TWO THINGS YOU HAVE TO BEAT ( to become financially independent: ) 1.TAXES 2.INFLATION
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  • WHEN YOU RETIRE? In order to have a $40k / yr. Income 20 yrs. from now ( 3.5% CPI ) youll need $80,000 a year! In order to have a $40k / yr. Income 20 yrs. from now ( 3.5% CPI ) youll need $80,000 a year! $80,000/.06 = 1.333 million! $80,000/.06 = 1.333 million! RULE of 72 @8.5% it takes 8.47 years to double your money If you have a $100,000 lump sum to start with, it will be worth $544,124 in 20 yrs. at 8.5%. Still $733,875 short Formula for accumulating 733k in 20 yrs: It takes $1258 a month @ 8.5% for 20 years
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  • What do people want? What do you want in an investment vehicle? What do you want in an investment vehicle?GROWTH SAFETY AND SECURITY TAX FREE OR TAX ADVANTAGED LIQUIDITY INCOME GUARANTEES INCOME GUARANTEES Where can you get opportunity & safety on the same dollars at the same time?
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  • Theres no question the opportunity lies in the stock market but if you dont have a strategy in place to safely capture the gains on autopilot, you may not have anything to show at the end of the day for putting your money at risk. Why not win whether the market is up or down? If you had a strategy that did that automatically, wouldnt that help you get there faster and more predictably?
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  • There is a Better Alternative Opportunity & safety on the same dollars at the same time. If you dont have a strategy in place to capture the gains annually when they are there, you may not have anything left to show for putting your money at risk.
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  • PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL OWNERSHIP OWNERSHIP SHARES SHARES FORSIGHT FORSIGHT YIELD CONTROL OPTIONS HINDSIGHT Variable Stock & Bond Mutual Funds, VAs, VUL. Fixed/Index Dynamic hedging, conservative strategies. Which would you rather do, own the market or control the market? TWO DISTINCT PHILOSOPHIES For Long Term Growth ( 5 to 25 yrs +) The Variable strategy ( MFs, Var. Accts ) require us to put our principal at risk - to have ownership ( shares ) to have upside potential, and consistently underperforms the free, unmanaged indexes. This strategy requires foresight ( Prof. Mgt. ), and we carry all the risk. Our strategy ( FIAs ) transfers all risk to the carrier, and uses the fixed account yields to control the market with options equal to your position in safe money, on autopilot, ( no fees) which uses hindsight ( lookback ).
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  • 20 YRS. AGO an avg. car was $9,500!, today theyre $20,000. In 20 years the average car will be $40,000! 20 years ago you could retire on $20,000 a year and be okay, today it takes $40,000 to buy what $20k bought then, and itll take $80k in 20 years to buy what $20k bought 20 years ago 1.Be willing to accept a lower lifestyle 2.Dip into and use up existing assets 3.Go to children or Govt. for help 4.Go back to work Whats your plan to increase your income over 20 yrs? And in retirement? How valuable is your income over the next 20 years?
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  • The Solution: EDUCATION and ACTION! Applied Knowledge Is Power You must outpace Inflation, which erodes future value, or risk loss of purchasing power. Use Tax FREE or Deferred Accumulation (Get there faster) While properly protecting what you have. ( Does that make sense?) Reposition your money to MAXIMIZE GROWTH WHILE ELIMINATING RISK ( dont lose what you have!)
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  • SCOTT E. BUCHER Founding Principal- SVP, MGA Logan Hunter Group/ MGA WEALTH PLUS FINANCIAL LLC. Financial Solutions For Life ASSET MANAGEMENT- Retirement Planning, Wealth Preservation, Asset Transfer, Estate Planning- Family Trusts, CRTs, Special Needs Trusts, Dynastic Trusts. RISK MANAGEMENT - Life Insurance, Long Term Care Protection, Business Continuation, Buy Sells, Disability. LIFE SETTLEMENTS INCOME MANAGEMENT DEBT ELIMINATION MORTGAGE MGT. MORTGAGES/REVERSE MORTGAGES 623-551-0441 602-803-7756 Since 1992