hydration hints for marathon runners

Hydration Hints for Marathon Runners By Timothy Higgins

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Hydration Hints for Marathon Runners

Hydration Hints for Marathon Runners

By Timothy Higgins

Page 2: Hydration Hints for Marathon Runners

An avid runner, Timothy Higgins has run both the Chicago and New York City marathons. Timothy Higgins has trained intensively for his many marathon runs, with particular focus on the races that he completed for charitable causes.

When training for or competing in a marathon race, maintaining proper levels of hydration is a delicate task. Experts suggest that runners are best hydrated when they consume 8 to 16 ounces of water between one and two hours before the race begins.


Page 3: Hydration Hints for Marathon Runners

Once the run has started, a runner should strive to consume 3 to 6 ounces per 15 to 20 minutes, or a standard cupful every two miles. This may be different for a runner with a higher sweat rate, or on a particularly warm race day. By tracking water needs during training, a runner can determine the ideal water schedule for race day.

Hydration Hints

Page 4: Hydration Hints for Marathon Runners

Medical professionals warn runners against consuming greater quantities of water at more widely spaced intervals. Too much liquid in the stomach at one time can be uncomfortable, and the body tends to process small amounts of liquid more efficiently. Furthermore, too much water in the system can cause sodium levels to drop and lead to a condition known as hyponatremia. This can occur if a runner takes too-frequent water breaks or if he or she drinks too much at one time.
