how to set and achieve goals


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Post on 01-Nov-2015




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HOW TO SET AND ACHIEVE GOALSRunning a 10K race will almost certainly: 1) feel great! 2) help you lose weight. 3) lower your cholesterol level 4) strengthen your heart 5) lower you risk of heart disease 6) increase your energy and stamina, and 7) improve your outlook. Design your goals to strategically 1

Reachable goals are SPECIFICFidson healthcare plc introduced the use of ERP to integrate and manage its business processes2

Reachable goals are SIMPLEReachable goals are simple. When one plans to achieve 5 IT certifications in 2weeks it is far from been simple.


Reachable goals are SIGNIFICANTAchieving your SSCE, What u must do to attain a higher position 4

Reachable goals are STRATEGICRunning a 10K race will almost certainly: 1) feel great! 2) help you lose weight. 3) lower your cholesterol level 4) strengthen your heart 5) lower you risk of heart disease 6) increase your energy and stamina, and 7) improve your outlook. Design your goals to strategically impact as many areas of your life as possible. Youll have more reasons to reach your goal and more excitement when you do!

5Reachable goals are MEASURABLE

You CAN run a mile in under 7 minutes, or do 100 sit-ups. Someone has wisely observed that, What gets measured, gets done6

Reachable goals are RATIONALHow do u create jobs from the current state of the Nigerian economy. To reach your goal, you will need a plan, a path, and a vehicle for getting there. Your goals must make sense! When you explain them to friends and family, your goals should create excitement, draw support, and encouragement7

Reachable goals are TANGIBLEChoose goals that you can see, hear, smell or touch.If your goal is to invest in fidson, looking at the company on the out side, u cant tell if the company is financially stable or not. A good look at the companies financial statement can prove to u.8Reachable goals are WRITTEN

High achievers always know precisely what they want, because theyve written it down. Most pastors will tell u to write your new year resolution or goals for 2015, or ask u where do u see ur self in 5 years time


Reachable goals are SHAREDNever share your goals with anyone who may ridicule, tease or discourage you!10

Reachable goals are CONSISTENT WITH YOUR VALUESOne of the biggest reasons people fail to achieve their goals is that they have conflict between their behavior and their values.11

In summaryS.M.A.R.T