gov council 06

Gary Cobb Multnomah County Co-Chair Kathy L. Brazell, MPA, MNPM Executive Director Governor’s Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs February 21, 2006 1

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Gary CobbMultnomah County Co-Chair

Kathy L. Brazell, MPA, MNPMExecutive Director

Governor’s Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse ProgramsFebruary 21, 2006


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The Recovery Association Project (RAP) is an organization dedicated to creating a vehicle for people in

recovery to speak out and challenge the stigma associated with addiction and alcoholism to create an

environment where people in recovery can share their success and advocate for progressive change in substance

abuse related policy.

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Recovery Association Project Challenging stigma through public

education and outreach

Organizing for progressive change in substance abuse policy

Operating Recovery Centers in Portland and the MidValley

Coordinating statewide Outreach for Oregon Recovery Homes


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Legislative Priorit ies for the Recovery Association Project


The most indispensable supports for those suffering from the disease of addiction are: (1) Treatment and Recovery Services(2) Health care(3) Housing

These three essential supports, provided in concert, can lead to success and self-sufficiency for people with addictions.

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Legislative Priorit ies for the Recovery Association Project


The provision and coordination of chemical dependency treatment, physical healthcare, mental health treatment, housing and special needs services can break the cycle of addiction and homelessness.

There is much greater demand in all three areas than there is capacity: people being turned away from treatment centers and safety net health clinics daily, and long waiting lists for affordable housing.

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The Power of Recovery support: Gary Cobb’s Story


Gary Cobb grew up in Topeka, Kansas with a father who was a chronic alcoholic and drug abuser.

He dropped out of school in the seventh grade and began abusing these substances himself.

Eventually he was arrested, and chose to enlist in the U.S. Coast Guard rather than face time in jail.

Yet for the next two decades, he continued to abuse hard drugs and alcohol.

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The Power of Recovery support: Gary Cobb’s Story


In 2000, Gary participated in Central City Concern’s recovery programs.

Treatment services supported by the Oregon Health Plan

Safe shelter in transitional and then permanent Alcohol and Drug Free housing

He is now employed at Central City Concern

Clean and sober for 5 years

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The Power of Recovery support:Gary Cobb’s Story

Co-Chair of Recovery Association Project

Community activist for treatment, public safety, and housing.

Received the Mayor’s Award from Tom Potter at 2005 Spirit of Portland Awards.



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The Power of Recovery support:Gary Cobb’s Story


Illustrates essential supports to move from active addiction to sustained recovery.

RAP’s Legislative Priorities: Treatment and Recovery services Oregon Health Plan Alcohol and Drug Free Housing

Gary is now an advocate for those in recovery.

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Legislative Priority #1

Increase Treatment and Recovery Services


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There is insufficient capacity in the treatment system


Every piece of Meth legislation including penalties must include a treatment accompaniment.

Oregon communities need increased treatment capacity to handle influx when jail beds are full

By mandating more treatment without increasing capacity, Oregon will not solve the issue.

This is a public safety issue – use Public Safety dollars

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RAP’s mission ….Challenging the stigma


Only 1 in 10 addicts and alcoholics in the State receive treatment

Methamphetamine addicts are NO harder to treat than clients recovering from crack/cocaine, heroin, prescription drugs or alcohol.

Heroin clients are typically the hardest population

Meth is not new: Oregon has been treating Meth addicts for 25 years

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Treatment is a better investment


Cost average about $1,200 per month (including rent) or $6,000 for 6 months

Compare this to cost of emergency room visits, jail, prison, or child services

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Equity issue


Oregon needs to bring up the bottom

You can bring everyone up to the same level but you can’t bring people down

To de-fund existing programs is unthinkable

It is bad policy to de-fund some services to pay for others.

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Legislative Priority #2

Save the Oregon Health Plan


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Health care is essential for recovery


Most people with addictions have multiple health problems as a result of years of substance abuse and homelessness.

Chronic conditions such as hepatitis C, diabetes, and other ailments are common among people with addictions. They are sicker than the general public overall.

Without primary health care to address their medical needs, it is very difficult for people to remain in recovery.

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Save the Oregon Health Plan


Ensure that OHP standard $6.00 level premium waiver is preserved for the lowest income Oregonians

Expand OHP Standard population from 24,000 to 50,000 people

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Number of Poor Oregonians


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Save the Oregon Health Plan


Funding for OHP standard population by Hospital Provider Tax and Managed Care Tax is ending in 2007

State must develop ways to fund OHP when tax expires

Suggested methods: Beer & Wine tax Cigarette tax

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Legislative Priority #3

Increase funding for Alcohol and Drug Free Housing


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Trends in Homelessness(statewide data on client living situation – A&D)


CPMS Enrollment Data – Adult A&D Clients

Fiscal Year Homeless

Served* % Homeless of Tot Served

Total Served

1998-99 4,356 8.6% 50,759 1999-00 4,424 8.3% 53,398 2000-01 4,531 8.0% 56,367 2001-02 4,786 8.3% 57,539 2002-03 4,795 8.2% 58,304 2003-04 4,135 6.9% 59,559 Increase 98-99 to 03-04

-5.3% +17.3%

*any homelessness

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Housing is a primary need of those in recovery


Without safe, secure, affordable housing, it is virtually impossible for people with addictions to remain clean and sober

Homelessness, or living with people actively using substances, are very difficult environments for those in early recovery

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Transitional Alcohol and Drug Free Housing


Alcohol and Drug Free housing is particularly important for early recovery (first 6 months)

Creates a supportive community of peers who can help form relationships and sustain each others’ recovery

Alcohol and Drug Free Community Housing (ADFC) transitional housing with outpatient treatment

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A study of CCC’s Portland Alternative Health Center (PAHC)


Program completion rates for PAHC clients in ADFC housing were 87% percent higher than those without such housing

Treatment/housing typically lasts from 4-6 months

Cost average about $1,200 per month including rent or $6,000 for 6 months.

Residential costs about $3,000 per month or about $18,000 for 6 months

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A study of CCC’s Portland Alternative Health Center (PAHC)


Clients include methamphetamine, heroin, crack/cocaine, prescription and alcohol addicts.

80% are homeless, 55% Chronically Homeless

55-60% average successful completion of treatment and transitional housing.

About 70% of successful graduates are sober and in permanent housing 12 months after graduation.

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Longer term Alcohol and Drug Free Housing


Oregon Recovery Homes

Model used statewide in metropolitan and rural communities

AMH Contracts with Central City Concern and Recovery Association Project

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Oregon Recovery Homes


Revolving Loan Fund - CCC Outreach Coordinators – RAP

Travel statewide to help residents open homes and network with the community

AMH currently funding 5 statewide Outreach Coordinators

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Oregon Recovery Homes

✔ Recovering people reside in self-run homes for an average of 16 months

✔ Primarily supports “Oxford House” model✔ Currently over 170 Oxford Houses in

Oregon accommodating about 1300 people in recovery

✔ Oxford House Leadership Summits held in June 2007 (with AMH funds) & June 2008

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Oregon Recovery Homes Data from 2001 Survey:

✔ 77.4% of Oregon Oxford House residents had been homeless; average length of homelessness was 9.5 months

✔ Mean age: 36 years, 2 months✔ Average education: 12.23 years✔ Employment rate: 84.3%✔ Mean monthly income: $1,467✔ Residents with history of jail time: 90%✔ Prior residence: 48% from home/apartment;

18% from jail; 16% from homelessness; 11% from rented room; 6.3% from hospital or halfway house

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Equity issue


Rural homes take more intensive staff investment Staff trains entire communities to accept and support residents Whereas in metro areas more infrastructure and networks exist

to provide support for homes Fund Outreach Coordinators to go into small, rural

communities to build support networks using relatively small investment

This amount invested in communities without treatment infrastructure would not have the same results.

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“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.” --Chinese Proverb