germany- complete culture of germany in one presentation

Presentation on GERMANY Presented By : Team 8 HCL TalentCare Activity

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Page 1: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Presentation on

GERMANYPresented By : Team 8

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 2: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

About Germany Official Name is Deutschland. Capital is Berlin Consist of 16 states. Total landmass- 357,021.7

square kilometers. Estimated population by

2015- 85,425,000 10c in winter and 35c in

summer. Currency- Euro.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 3: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Religion Christianity- 73%

Further classified in Protestants -39%, Catholics -31%, Orthodox -5% Non religious -25%.

Remaining 27% includes Judaism, Buddhism, Islam and others.

In Germany , the present pope is- Pope Benedict 16 whose original name is Joseph RatZinger.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 4: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

German Food Germans loves cheese and Beer. Some famous german dishes are:

Spaetzle- Noodles Schnitzel- Pan fried meat Brotchen or just Brot- A type of bread Kraut- A Sweet Dish Palm fritz- German verison of French

fries Wein- Famous wine of Germany.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 5: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Festivals OktoberFest

Began in 1815 World’s largest festival Celebrated in Munich city of Germany Its celebration of marriage of the

Bavarian crown Prince -Ludwig with the Hildburghausen princess – Therese.

Approx. 6 million people attend it every year.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 6: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Greeting Style Hello is pronounced as “Hallo”,

followed by a Firm hand Shake Shouting is considered bad manners

which we do to grab someone attention.

One has to keep both his hands during the meal and say “Guten Apetite” before the meal which means Good Apetite.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 7: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Business In Germany Germany is one of the world’s

largest Car producers. Major Industries- Automobiles,

Chemicals, Electronics, Foodstuffs, Machinery and Equipment, metals, textiles.

In Germany, the office will start by 8.00 am in the morning and close by 3.00 pm in the afternoon.

Germans are very Punctual.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 8: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Language and Dance Linguists divide at

language into three main categories that are: Dialekt, Umgangssprache, and Hochsprache.

Polka is the traditional Dance of Germany.

It’s a type of fast dance done by the Couples or Peoples in Group.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 9: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Pets and Germany

Its hard to travel with pets in Germany To take your pets, one has to take a license

first, then vaccinate them at regular intervals and make their passport if they were imported from other countries.

The pet owner is considered responsible for all the acts does by the pets.

One needs to take a half ticket to make them travel with you in train.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 10: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Crime In Germany

Germany has low crime rate as compared to the other western countries.

Cases of Burglary and property ruined are mostly observed.

Germany judges take care of the rights of both accused and the accuser.

The death penalty is abolished in 1949 by the British government.

HCL TalentCare Activity

Page 11: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation

Interesting Facts Berlin wall - The Berlin Wall was a wall

separating the Eastern side of Berlin from the Western side. It was a symbol of Cold War until it fell in 1989.

Government has the right to reject weird baby names.

Every thing is closed on Sundays. In German, thanks Means “No”.

HCL TalentCare Activity

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Page 13: Germany- Complete culture of Germany in one presentation