gagan and pathick slideshow

July 9 th 2011 Gagan and Pathick

Upload: manijassar

Post on 27-May-2015




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  • 1. July 9th 2011
    Gagan and Pathick

2. September 29th 1983
Gagan Jassar
3. Me withmy mom
4. Papa and me..
5. Look at them cheeks
6. 7. 8. Dont let those precious faces fool you
9. I love my siblings!
10. Inseparable until Jess was born..
11. 12. Always loved the Gujus
13. Winter Formal 1999
14. 15. Swagga since the day I was born
16. October 5th 1983
Pathick Trivedi
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Always smiling..
24. Family time
25. Sadly, this wasnt Halloween
26. Wheres Pathick??
27. Our Awkward Phase
Span-20 years
28. McLovin style
29. Who is that boy on the right..?
30. 31. 32. 6th Grade Science Camp.. Note the Mickey stuff in the back.. LOL
33. 34. How we knew we were perfect for each other..
35. There was something in each others eyes..
36. Our dedication to higher education..
37. Our love for cake..
38. We both keep it gangster
Thanks Peej
39. December 15th 2005- Forever
Gagan and Pathick
40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Pathicks attempt at dancing
47. 48. 49. 50. Together through the good times and the bad..
Gagan & Pathick
51. bad pictures that is!
52. 53. Thizz face!
54. 55. 56. I dont remember this
57. 58. Dont even try when Im drunk
59. 60. She brings out the weird in me
61. 62. 63. The End!