final purposeful igip strategies for ign

iGIP Market Research Team

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iGIP Market Research Team

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What is Happening with iGIP in IGN?

TNs Raised0








2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

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Organisational Value

Market Value Individual Value

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Our Value in the MarketLong-term leadership

pipeline and impact on the world

Competitive talent advantage for tomorrow

Short-term talent gap solution

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Our Value for the EPs and Our Members

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The Story of AIESEC in Spain

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Organizational Value:A young person witnesses and contributes to

responsible and entrepreneurial

leadership overcoming the environment

Market Value:Entrepreneurs can sell

their products in international markets, survive, and support

Spain’s economy

Individual Value:A young member learns sales and delivery, and

learns how to contribute to society through market solutions

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To grow our product and develop leadership in every experience we have

to raise TNs in meaningful industries where the EP has an impact on the


How do we do that?

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If you had 1000 AIESEC trainees coming to your country, in which industries would you want to place them?

Because their experience would develop leadership.

Because they would make an impact on society.

Because our members would see their contribution to society.

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Relevant Market Segment

In what industry can you develop leaders who will have a positive impact on society?

Industry Talent Needs

What are the talent needs in that industry?

JD that Develops Leadership

What can the EP do that will develop leadership and serve the industry’s talent needs?

SupplyBO AlignmentDo we have

the EP supply to fill this need? Where are the EPs from, and how can we match with them?

How do we align our marketing and TC to sell and deliver these experiences on a major scale?

Market Segmentation Process

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IGIP Sub-products for IGN

Healthcare - Pharmaceutic

sEducation –

Private Institute and High Schools

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Relevance of Healthcare-Pharmaceutics

• “They (pharmaceutics) have enjoyed strong growth in Latin America because they enable even the poorest people in the population to have access to medicine.” – Wharton Upenn

• “In 2009, the research-based pharmaceutical industry contributed around 75 % of the R&D funding for tuberculosis, malaria and dengue.”

• In 2010, the number of medicines in development for particular disease areas were:

– Cancer: 878– Cardiovascular disorders: 237 – Diabetes mellitus: 193– HIV/AIDS: 81 – Rare diseases: 303

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• “A glance at the situation in different countries illustrates the seriousness of the poverty situation. In El Salvador, nearly half the population living below the poverty line and there is a high level of disparity between those living in urban and rural areas. Panama is considered a mid-high income country and yet 40% of its population lives in poverty. In Brazil, the median income of the wealthiest 10% of the population remains 30 times greater than that of the poorest 40%. These disparities also create different healthcare challenges.” –

Relevance of Healthcare-Pharmaceutics

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• The type of pharmaceutics in Latin America are: R&D (Research&Development) and Manufacturing of generic medicines.

• Espicom Business Intelligence predicts that the region's eight major markets — Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Peru and Venezuela — will represent a retail value of $80bn in 2013, up from $50bn in 2010. Sanofi, followed by Novartis and Pfizer are the three top companies in Latin America, but local EMS, Ache Labs, Eurofarma, Roemmers and Neo Quimica – all generics firms – are among the 20 largest by market share.

• The main challenges for drug companies come from four areas. First, they must deal with competition from within and without. Second, they must manage within a world of price controls that dictate a wide range of prices from place to place. Third, companies must be constantly on guard for patent violations and seek legal protection in new and growing global markets. Finally, they must manage their product pipelines so that patent expirations do not leave them without protection for their investment.

Facts about the industry

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Facts about the industry• The region needs to increase drug access, in spite of intensifying cost-containment

measures. Therefore, attractive opportunities for (bio)pharmaceutical producers exist in Latin America. Brazil has the largest pharmaceutical market. Strong economic performance will fuel pharmacy sales growth in the forecast period. Mexico is the second leading market. Recent regulatory developments will create further market opportunities in the country, particularly for generic producers in both the private and public sectors. In Argentina, the pharmaceutical industry is expected to perform well in the coming years, with strong growth in production, sales, exports and employment.

• Looking in Job Markets and pharmaceutics websites, the most vacancies were for Chemical Engineers, Project Management, and Marketing/sales.

• Nowadays, pharmaceutic companies need to know how to target their generic medicines among Latin America’s population.

• Companies already working with AIESEC: Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi, Recalcine…

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Facts about the industry

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Facts about the industry

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How to target these companies?

• Research for the Pharmaceutical chambers developed in your country in order to protect these industries.

• Seek for any warm contact within these industries: ALUMNI, Member, Friend, Relative…

• Attend to networking events, conferences related to healthcare, medicine or those topics.

• Look for Best Case Practices among pharmaceutics already working with AIESEC in Latin America.

• Research on Job Markets or HR Fairs where these companies can be recluting.

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Added Value of sub Products

Marketing/ Sales

Main Value Proposition: Offering

the interns they need to target their products

within Latin America or other regions as well

Chemical Engineering

Main Value Proposition: Providing

entrepreneurs and proactive trainees in the chemical field in order to contribute to

the research and development field of

the industry.

Project Management

Main Value Proposition: Offering

the interns with a global vision which can give a

proper follow-up to current projects or

Kick-offs of the company.

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Leadership in this experience

• Trainee is contributing for the well-being of Latin America through participating in the Healthcare sector. Therefore the trainee can feel that its contribution is really having a strong impact in the region.

• Trainee’s participation within the Pharmaceutic industries is reliable for the development of new medicines and markets.

• Trainees will develop skills and abilities through the daily performance of their Job Descriptions.

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Supply of Talent

Country Marketing

Brazil 153

Mexico 104

Colombia 99

Argentina 59

Spain 56

Country Chemical Engineering

Tunisia 63

Colombia 33

Mexico 27

Egypt 24

Brazil 22

Country Project Management

Brazil 120

Poland 105

Romania 70

Tunisia 69

India 64

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Challenges to Overcome

• Industries may not see the added value working with AIESEC. Be emphatetic and state the added value that the interns will bring to their company and the impact we can bring together to Latin America. In addition, you may want to mention a few partners related to their field.

• If the company has worked with AIESEC in the past and has a bad impression you must be careful since they have lost credibility in the organization and are detractors.

• Understanding of the sub-product, countries which have most of the supply of it, and the social issue that you are solving with it.

• They may tell you their budget is already approved and they cannot do nothing about it. Do not quit! Keep them updated with what AIESEC is doing, events, conferences or things that may appeal to them.

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what needs to be done in delivering the product in this industry to ensure a purposeful GIP experience for the TN-

taker and the EP

• Align expectative between trainee and the company.

• Provide a quality exchange experience (Migration, housing, proper tracking). Remember that if you create a desirable experience for both parties we will be able to create an Idea-virus and spread by word-to-mouth what we are doing within the pharmaceutical sector, which will allow us to Reraised.

• Be sure to clarify our main purpose through working with Pharmaceutical.

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Relevance of Education-English

• Learning English comes with a number of benefits; first, and perhaps most important, we have the chance to communicate with people from other cultures.

• The research, carried out by Euromonitor International, shows that English fluency can have a major impact on income.

• A recent World Bank publication (2008) pointed out that in LatAm countries, educational performance “is not only weak; it is also declining relative to other ocuntries with similar income levels”.

• By Surveying ALUMNI most of them concluded that Education is an important sector that need to be impacted for the development of youth plus some of them answer that education is lacking in developing skills such as: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Global Awareness, etc…

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• Lacking of proficient english levels still being one of the most important competitive weaknesses in Latin America. Mostly half of the Region is below the index EPI EF. Brasil, Colombia, Perú and Chile have improved, but it stills remain an extensive part of population that lacks of english in order to be suitable for current job vacancies. Some countries as Mexico and Guatemala have decreased the domine of this language.

Relevance of Education-English

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Facts about the industry

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Facts about the industry

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Facts about the industry

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Facts about the industry

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Facts about the industry

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• There are high quality institutions in Latin America craving for internationalisation. Many would be better placed in international rankings if they would consider encouraging the widespread use of English in teaching.

• While in 1994 the average were 162 students per 10,000 people, by 2013 Latin America reached 259 per 10,000 people.

• Providing workshops would may lead to encourage youth to think about being Entrepreneurs rather than seek jobs: “There are various indicators of their importance (SMEs) in the region: the proportion of all businesses that are SMEs, the number of jobs they create, and in some countries even their contribution to gross domestic product (GDP).” - OECD

• Some of the benefits obtained through increasing English knowledge are: Promote employees within companies, increase Export/imports, Higher salaries for people, communication with nonspanish speakers. – Education First

Facts about the industry

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How to target these companies?

• Research on the internet, government websites, for Educational

• Seek for any warm contact within these industries: ALUMNI, Member, Friend, Relative…

• Attend to networking events, conferences related to Education.

• Share and ask for Best Case Practice within other countries in IGN.

• Research on Job Markets or HR Fairs where these companies can be recluting.

• Host short-talks regarding a topic of interest for this industries.

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Added Value of sub Products

English CoachMain Value Proposition: Offering interns capable of

deliver english classes while preparing workshops to youth in order to develop soft skills within


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Leadership in this experience

• Trainee is impacting youth which in the future would be the next leaders creating positive impacts in community. The trainee must be well prepared and ready to overcome the challenges he/she may face while delivering the workshops.

• Education is one of the pillars for the development in Latin America and the Trainee will be participating in this cause.

• Trainees will develop skills and abilities through the daily performance of their Job Descriptions.

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Supply of Talent

Country English Coach

Poland 56

Ukraine 36

Romania 27

Germany 21

Russia 19

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Challenges to Overcome

• If the institute rejects to give the workshops try to figure out why they are doing it and negotiate with them which topics they would like to implement and let them see that through those workshops their students are gaining more skills and abilities.

• If the institute has worked with AIESEC in the past and has a bad impression you must be careful since they have lost credibility in the organization and are detractors.

• Understanding of the sub-product, countries which have most of the supply of it, and the social issue that you are solving with it.

• They may tell you their budget is already approved and they cannot do nothing about it. Do not quit! Keep them updated with what AIESEC is doing, events, conferences or things that may appeal to them.

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what needs to be done in delivering the product in this industry to ensure a purposeful GIP experience for the TN-

taker and the EP

• Align expectative between trainee and the company. You must keep in mind what is the difference between this Educational sub-product and the one that is already being sold.

• Provide a quality exchange experience (Migration, housing, proper tracking). Remember that if you create a desirable experience for both parties we will be able to create an Idea-virus and spread by word-to-mouth what we are doing within the pharmaceutical sector, which will allow us to Reraised.

• Be sure to clarify our main purpose through working with Institutes, Colleges, and highschools.

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Do we have to change everything??

No, don’t stop raising TNs

No, you don’t have to drop your current market – product strategy

No, we don’t have to raise with only non-profits, schools, and hospitals

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Make specific

changes to what we’re doing now

Start doing new things to build a purposeful

GIP program

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How to Change What You’re Doing Now Choose which of these market – product strategies you want to

implement in Q1

In the JDs your EPs are currently doing, add activities that develop leadership

Ensure TN-takers understand and want to co-deliver leadership experiences

Embed purpose into your sales member education, your marketing, and your sales process

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Market – Product Process1. Research trends in business, education, government, social issues, IGOs,

NGOs, etc

2. Choose relevant needs of society and the industries that address these needs

3. Interview with industry leaders and experts, use research to understand talent needs and create hypothesis of sub-product solution for the industry

4. Test sub-product solutions and choose top market – product combinations

5. Make a targeting list of companies to sell these products to

6. Align marketing an talent capacity to be able to reach these markets, sell the right product, deliver it, and showcase it

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Will This Solve All My Problems?

Still need to train people

Still need to market, sell, and deliver well

In Colombia sales members see the impact so clearly it’s difficult to move their focus to other sub-products

In Russia the sales members were so successful they didn’t feel as much pressure to perform anymore

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What Will Be the Impact When We Do This?

More sales intensity because members understand the why

Better leadership experiences for EPs and members as they contribute to society’s needs

More TN raises with better customers for our purpose

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What Do We Do in Q1?Activity Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Choose what market segments you want to sell in based on “If you could bring 1000 EPs to your country . . .”


Message purpose of GIP to LCs in all channels X X X

Add purposeful elements to JDs of current market-product strategy X X X

Share CoW of GIP with TN-takers and help them plan to co-deliver leadership experiences X X X

Embed purpose of GIP in all marketing, talent capacity, and showcasing for iGIP X X X

Integrate 1 new market segment from GST research


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What Do We Do in Q1?Activity Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Create a new market – product strategy based on purposeful GIP X

Test new market – product strategy on national level X

Raises that create leaders

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What are we trying

to achieve


Be the leader who confronts

the fundamental


Make an organizatio

n whose purpose

and actions are aligned

Create purposeful leaders

Why Do This Now, and Not Next Year?