fagejew0 the massena observes. masbena,...

FAGEJEW0 NE WAS COIN CL'STOMS RECBPTS DEOP CHARGES V&AZffMmS n&t-W&R Gaea* »t »a Elaborate Banquet Giren ill fiK*:ffcncr's£$.* 'Visitor* ,; '.. 1 " : - "Hetaar^edgMOa' .""" THE MASSENA OBSERVES. MASBENA, KEy YOKK. F*U of Mere Ito Tea- MOBea Dol- lars is One Meaik. . -Ctasbnv»j&Sp^s for the * ect&el United Sftateafor-Fe&ruary fell i s 4 g $ l l £ ' m o w than fl&jPOCT^Cfff,- conx- fl^edrwisli February,' I3i& I Ail&augh; E5. «f£aS3S" espJaSsefesn | w a > forthco"miiJg,-^fc was- foSnted-.-cot |H5st'ps£tee£ES of dolIar3- ! wtar& of sa-, 1gafljad! Leea, in -fend ta t£?K TforEfe. f SJew* ijfeeana gal -cJfc-rr .points, -fes*3 |Ecr wes&s,- t^take'aifeqSJtage of thS'2& Ipsx .ccjai ^edasfims £* d95fe^ f&stsm - - „. IriS-iiate'-'la Wcslrin^tei fflllgd "Stjsn- New TorS,. '5Isrca-> J&-*-A" \S3ki^|<^.ta.tbj;fe^,^s ; <b^te M^faR- gram-fros £e=4rn.-to-t£g.-0a2y' K«fe»f*—' -""' ""-*' -^—^-- * "•'" " —--*-- LOUISVILLE _ Sirs, Augusta WiHson Is minting at [ NathartJJenkbn* of Mssuma* waa In. ftown'Wedtoesday;." - "| , A- A . Smith has a force of tesma Jd«a^igsJqgs.tft.flar milf. - — . ..: ~' Joim "Sheen, is "sawing wood In this. [rarfnify- with, his gas engine. \ -'Miss Maty Bradford-was a recent jguest cf Ms Aden*, Miss EmUie- BotaJ.-: "Sfcs. Stay SIcfiO-Eta coaasepsedi Iter' toad and taring *Mmi aw wifl a a s * try «* interest ether*-who arar as* in the habit «f regubtrly atteeding church. WEST STOCKHOLM fschoc! in t£e .Bradford district March some time both? fing eft, tki tej^Bi-.tgafei?*' css^its d?r\ , ;*£p42j^i. in f£a 'He^.'tbrS' "WcrMichipA gt^st &9J&jp£Q&-&2&t ff&3;"thV \dSjy' te%,' .££*: v'^fceedori?. .8c<33^efiiijsc*»it#- ISsi- Tfcsy srff • • fcojeful tfeit- •aflSr"fej£g ,-feied,-,,asd IJI^JJ -eftterWi;^* -taepmg tb=s scd JJ^ipoteaSfc'-fiR"-- ' ^E^OQ -teas" efcsJifr'€S' S5r» ' Bcoi&z^iizsm -vL,vn.s8h& .^SitsedftiSfca ^6» cos- a^t&'jgfrty,s&ea.^.<^l^Q0"te|,£cTn3.-- <; .'.'-:,:-.. -,-.•,•.•:• €teogi^|^i^-'feexd^-f<^^(JD-'tnimfe[.ei"^ SSS^C^iSE^^"60is&*s86d* to $&#-{ "' - - - - - - " JS!§419 in JPeJc&BstA J0J3; *Ete fe •sp?es£i,~ fie:&a jiiit fcsSflt -iifessaa aJj. 3a?^cj?K& majbter/of tfe. ,5:5^^, - .V »V'4i*o ^'l*if^?,;.aj»BaW5r -. fear' : ,. .aaerojf»aTit'-.Qf'(Stiaa.^. yfco i3"-n?-" s JU J o-' i^:st^'£aFiag.Siat''53ri ;Efegs«?iit Jeft-aa^ uiifurfeiii^te', iiap^sion ; w3^err ^esSEfi&eirani."'" '^'.•-',•• '.'.•."'-'••."•"••• "'-iv.-:' The artiste teDs of the elaborate en- ' tartaimnentfOT Mr. Roosevelt :aad J i E ^ ^ -^.^.f..•..'::•;';• V'•--""<• '-•;*-•..- ^iftev' '* i . " - -- • ••• v, ' ; v!,/••••'':'•*: "'i : •.•;':> '-'•'''' .^-^0iii"*fe. .d^. s ':OE-fMarat-:nijdte,i ,ia. iBio de Jaaeixo Bwse^dlfe'T s^m - -39 admrtea on ti».re^rtlias*.l!etw6en fte United States and the Sotrth An»pW- f^iegBhliis; before tSe;K9 dft j?a- aairo Hirtorical and Geographical - Sodety.wMili had incited him. to Sonfk America and made Mm an fcon- Wi^^^B*BJiier. i, ttle'.tegisesfe heflOT;v*t , coold confer. The audience was £OBK - ipoaed of.attl)as3adoT3, gensrsls, lead- iftg pdliticiaiia and members- of «6- eitt5» posaihly 100 in^alL •_>'.•--•• --'•". 1 ,...•^011 the night of October. 26 Sfc. 1 ' Soosevelt left for Sao Paolo in* spe- dai train provided by by the govern' tn«*oir the Central Braza railroad. S « visited points of interest on the Hnft looked over the capital and tie .-• ttcte of Sao. Paolo and continned'on iu» Journey to Bnenos Ayres at • the Kpense of the'Brazilisn goTernmeat. - fT^After aH this the Historical and Geognrpbical Society reeetted -from Jfo Roosevelt a biU of $5^)0* for-his feirfl«±i». AJready $40,000 or $50r ; i(i& iad beeD sffest os the visitors in ' «nt«rtaiBingi r. T h e Braziliaas poiite- iy paid tht hill, bot they conld Dot coofeealHteiramagemenfc, : -&- :;,•!:4.;^;• MfllleB, the Americaa residents . of ^ia de Janeiro learned, the facte their fnnniliation was inezpressibie. The story ^?a» publiBhed in the Jonmat de 'CojBJooorce, I pexsoMtliy asiud - the j •Count ^Candid Mednesd'Aiiaeida* own- «r:.a£ the Jonrsal de Brazil, if the MUZJ wa» tmey - and.-' he answered, .'^BpAi'^'"'--'---^:-;- -?/..-;• -".^Y'i ..4.-.,'^,- v ;;; l,M was told that Kr. - Booaevelt, <*fc2e everywhere accenting public ' 3 o d p r i v a t e faoBpitality on an £xtrara> •i.^«nt scale, charged fcr-fdl'. o f * & -bqrEeiEEEito .for- -fiW rEci^- ^a^ftdsd •TOB- r«a^pts -by #be^^00£y3®/ejoni» i^ai to to Ss*ess of re^eintS.-fbT I^sfe. /Feferts^ry' of' ,rnoxe.SS3n'Si-25&»0(3pl -fear .^te-;^cat year , -t i'-t6s.e3se?S'" gf- jd1s!?prse7n^i^ : ;te^^ a%ii> ,^^HK>iKW»' I i^nijf^wl. to. .aij jftgje^g .<sf.-iKserip^s i E ^ '•theiCorres^^d^^-^i^^.'-tini^.fest' iSscal: SJe»-pf,^4rauS^^Tte;cet''b3|- ; 'a^n^'"-inrffie--,&Ea^ry**- p*Sferal,.ffei!|d : - 'Pebrnary-:2S*«!a3 . | ^ ! ^ § 5 ^ as&'ftS- ;i!^d:.iotal.of J .cashi i as3ets ^PO^SS^- ^*,>v-, V. : ; . :•-;.- i,- .,-. .^--.:.r"vr •••J- D«at8 of Mrs. H.tcic P. Falwer aad :-— ' --.-QB&mSmittu--- - - ^ / HattiePiitney Falmer, widow o f ti^e l^te J. B. Palmer, u traveling saJe»> man* died" at her Borne in this nlstcef Sttarday, March 7, foBowiog a ^ock. Mrs- Pafaier has Jbeen *ery poorly for AY. MABCH^lgU, Drinkl tfyoo drink a brew, drink the .. • - <piaUty kind. ^s- BKBCHEBTOWN Scott- is cawing wo«d •§ : Grss^eterer, A cari^'<^erfaaskseBi^?3rts^'- :; 63 io t£2 tos?n fcaQ Marsli i7fcy'Wad- {-dicgtcoji teTsEt,- -'; .-Jssies- S&gattsej.aiai Mlc gran* Gecrgs,. BsRte»,i3f S&a&fi^. spent' -Frt&y i^ft fr2eEd?ie?fe.- •-... - (i Hertsrt^T^jsfaaf,;,**© is faMng # i tesfceSaeagrse, gi.S'jjarase,,TOKftosie .'; .Mrs. '.WiO&ni ^Pfealeis -and daigh- ..ta? AEgg-as^ .feeEe Jef* Tin£$day-t»; '"*j^.'.i(^ti^^jpetiii9ralt ^4 '*..;'i.. .."', JfcseM.' 'Barry ,'c? -aia^iag. g?aw| ^omltts'/'Cbsa^-jrife ^W.-fe tw& ition: oj .a-' r co3si5Eetei: floor' m ' : f c g 4 a r g e ' .'Ctaznv ^.4- -;j - - t - _ - u .. ^ , ^- jfer^cv^'JEswBifHpTfe'Erid^? ^err ? : i^g MsaA'i3,' JtLveJ&ISjik -fipntafa^Bj- if. extended t?aQ «nd a-gleasant-itime ."CAS- JIPIAN J4anipteer» MJS. Id*-0ntfon. api f*»: •^raidfei^Irt^Thasatas4 H3d« Itat>: ten, wno. i&r«i wjih h e r a » i £$xs& far fcer, afea «ne.^ter> Mrs. weti&etfc •JLcsri?, "wliff- te feeea sjjeEdin*. • -tti^ wfster jtt-HotSJju--- FaciisI mil", .he fceld 3fc fee -etaircif Tae^da^.At 5 p* n*. V -CtofeB-Smith: died at •&& hosSB of Ju> tUprt&fe* -Mrai Archil •'B«56»; ai fSyl^sa Fafe Friday-and w*s, fettdeoi ati^iToxtiJajefeoavSEBidaSi Jfc-Swash- died- of-caneer after at -Sscaosd s n t r * - jgon » #6ork *ana ago* He livid 6o» 1 «nfj| «fei|e?recen%« ,T3mei &&&&**••. a n d i a a t s » ; . « 9 e v w B i . C a t e e , .•®'"&ev: Oral,: the «^^^>ifei..jBHt.-.C!fa»e; wjenfc>Sunday 3».^UaSs ^JfaaxaL 3 t e Snijt|»-'Sra»;ji-,atejgle>^ivyir' Jhy| l-feadfc. ; . - - : .Mi - So.' ;.V '.If'foa 4Sit!fc Yipo -M«v>J?e- '-jfe&fyjihtzSmJL ;.::'' -7 '...-">Y-"*6"**iJ^V't ' ' " -. 7-s.!-i ..-' AI&jany^S6Ht*; 0>-A:l!2I- -m 4»'*B* day. trial "and, social interests of the j Ocacdagu Nation and other Indians of the state has been introdnced in the Baffak>. H enacted it is believed that it wiQ c ^ K ^ t e ^ correct n^rny Of the conditions waich have been complain- ed of for years, .'' ; ': > ; -i';^'; •-,'.; "r : -tV. The roeasnre says that the governor shaD appoint a white man and; wife to reside on each of the Indian reserr vation3 of the state/ 'The inah. i s to be the diiector of the agricnltnral and indilstriaJ work of tte reservation and his wife is to be an inspector and di- rector among the Indian women in the snbjeets of domestic science, proper Jiving and better honsing eott- One difEcnlt requirement is that both within the 1irst year most learn the langnage of the Indians, The bill also provides that the costs «djndged against an Indian in any action before a-jastice of the peace are to be paid -6y : -th*'Statei#,;? ; '-: / :, ? t >^^?,vf;_ ; ^; : :V promised, r : - : As-3'feiKn.o£' : jeesojMit-to'_ i <6fe.Jate;M3SS^ ^ e A i e x ^ « i i | s e y ^ n ^ B | f S a , the tatf&rt forwarded a" beautiftil wreath of arti r farfaj '6<XH^'^b^'.|^a|ed^»n_6e^iKr^ye- TO-tie-, (jOTfettSjV;'-;_, --^./ . i<-^(-.-»•','I -£.-«'- ,';..:3F._ ^tiher^ t ^<t&*^*&vdpn^aJ 4 OTfJ t ^ ^ > - ^ ^ t ^ ^oi^th^'IBhaitini: -faria*' on Town Bldge. hag inoved to , the Eaw^rd 35^5ger^M : farrpi' ^-iffiL : hg?e i^xfr^ecfl^ sanie A i r ^ the seaaoa. •cenSy-. entertained- five, of - the; Stiow Shoe Clnb of Waddingtdn.; fheyjinade •'She: tpp,-'.TOp3^ ; iof.' i --tH6i- : ^r «p : -^enr-: i|M$js, : 'sTfaey; a!^ifia^''.^|j|tor^iesJJl ; at-Wite^nt^Ca^tie^-vVN r;': : '/-<;,;- f.^.-,'-' /, John Dond i s a* t h e . ^ y ? 1 0 s Tn ta i' a ^ Ogdensbarg where he was operated, on visited Km recently : ^3 % ie^ ir iahxa- w^ai;.3^easles. .and i^,als**jiiider. tr^tr. i I MCXSON .NEIGHBORHOOD School onenedbereMarch 2after a Iwusatiott^fiv^-weikai-J >\ %..'>. ' r :•:'•.:< Nelson Seed took dinner at Charlie |3Bangj0t^«.1tof %&&.':'.>- •? ^'-6: -: uMr. and" Mrs. Wejley* Monson vi»t* <^MJI31fe':S|aee>«*.Itt^-w«*i"i ;••-,- •.. : Mr». Fayette Mnnson and son Sari v&ited at Frank Mnnson'e Tdesdsy- - M EbV Kfagsley and wife waited iheir Brazfl Wx» Hesored (?> tw'-A cable dispatch ty way 'of- ; jija» cdoo to the New York Times says Col. Roosevelt is not making a t impression for himself or his asoiohtry in Brazil, wtiere they say ,tiHifae is not only nngenerona, but ignuping. fli« conduct in Bio w a t t h e - *»nb3iet of native comment of apar- iticttlarifj - scathing character. He and ,lris; party were seceived -with royal dxmora and the palace waa evacuated -by th* president who placed it with i^ehnndred servants at the disposal Srf th* visitors. They-stayed * week, ' -ware &m redp«nts of regal hofpital- .. -I^fj. govemm<ent>, • and cMe"- - '^Mtflsa^i 'nunjerotilP autofflobile drive*,: 'private | . courtesies from many notables, had •the use of apecial trains and were en- ^ertainedat an expense of from $4&,» «00 to $50,«0, and then he sent the historical and geographical society « bill for JS.0OO for givinjr a 30 -uiin* Trte lectnre before them. It has gives them a dinagreeable impTC3sion of the United States as a people of dis- 4' (COTn&sy '&$•&&& .'Br- pftims Ab- bot says Col. Roosevelt created no TioeS feeling; fliey estpected to .jwy fcr the Jecta* and.:hayen*t misin- tftrpseteti Mm as, fa'-'&g&dtJid' -•-Jegie^-ji^ft.'Ifc'eattBat.'Jie denied that .4t swunds characteristic of the Col- onel. In his notion BraxO. was just as highly honored in, entertaining trim «*"!» was^^in being entertained, ,-- so- -ttit pari lof fji w a s a tfcand off and ;£bi- iectarfe was ^ertr^r-Waterfewn Ttn«»,. v - -.' •' ..". • ;••. ..'. ••• '• : r , -.' Charles Waldraff has gmfc toLotris- IvEle. •..•-;.. '.,-~i;.--r-.-i-:,\:h?z-,:--_•.;,.,• Wi A. Robson is visiting in Barling- ton; Vt, {^v.-r-'-.Y.-r i..-'^>ir'' James Eockwoodhaa moved to Jenkins Neiehborhood.. --J ••n^t. £is>.; Mr. and Mi& Jay BkbardKm. visit- ed ai Stanley Castle's Friday night and Saturday. H*'. - — 'Mr,and.Btr?. Charles Djow-and son,j Mr. and Mrs. Almon Brink a n d s o a | and Mr y .;andMTSj Henry Deleel visited at Sanford Dew's Sunday and attend- .ed^chtjrch,., - ,':',^,'-,,,' : ;.;,"• •«- '.,., , v '.' .^"Mip. ^'F-sSkro^visited'-at R-i Bobsbn's ,ti[te, pa^-.wiEsei^' '.'She. «$jrn*sl '&#£}*&'• fc^^Wg^faw? Mrs, fw>fjS» accomAanfed |S^ as i&pp as'l^bon-' whe*e''ftey' spent tte -dmr with their cousin, Mrs. G« E, Hilt ., ISajr StaB*s*,:«f llassena, visited at •-'-•-"- * ' s «,few'4fey«'iteji^3**. A;.- ree^jt -ffetjfeT. ; ^mJ(;3pSli . .. „., Sliort. who is vi^nt;^ J0a^lm, Manitoba, inform^ us that the feather was 50 decree below zero during'the .^ibce^^-coid^'^peffii/'MSar^SJpt- ^ i n 4 ; dfetii^tef e^Bfrto; wtn^JtojKm^to ..-;•; No inafl.-was-farwOTdedj'flr- yeieeved.' -;a| j^Es' -^rafc. 0fa4feg$if« .'.ofv,, I f ^ t week.on account of the guow.hle«feid« and Aaron Martin, of the Chase Mills blockade .on the John Meinroad.',,,..;^.,.. ^-.',Wh^,nli|^^ha*e l J)«!ef- *;-atj^-«- •«a(e^.-*occarre#jae^t$..1^-EP^.-1C^ erine. dauehter of 'Micnae^'O'Brian, wEjii . p a y f m.wo f|»e^;;j-X^seeins-, ^y^ye^-olJ,^hjd^*' ;ffla|fo- r jher;' japf, 1 Tfearwtest a*'- f i e fojofc ef^fl6fe !j^«d«^sr' sap v^-.^u-a^^'^ma^v*^" ',w»3 passing .d.6wjtt,'--an§_ 6efbfe"'.'fl«f: Ijentt- :co^-.fe.;i*»ppea;,:a-"£erse i^L'^f^ -.o^ ; ea^:«iae..'an^aeil)ean\oi.^-fjronl' sled over the child witn no serious in- " -" -.<-> , •' .BfASSSJfA, SPRINGS ,••.': Mrs, Fred, J. Balch, of Ottawa, is pending a few days at Fred Balch's. r|fr. and Mrs. Clarence CovelL from Post Mills, visited a t W . G. Wilson's - 'OttrUtg the -^isst week.-. - f Mrs. Edward Lovegrore, of Newark, N. J., is spending some time with iter sister, Mrs. Ixmise Cassidy. - r Mr. and Mr?. Robert:* Wilson, of, Bensselaer Falls, are spending s few days with Ida brother, W. G. Wilson and family. •••• ;:•'.•.-: •;.-- Miss Esther Canton returned Thurs- day from Ogdensburg and she hopes to be able to go back to her school at - Norwood in » few days, ., y' Mara, '-gfla&^ifanQ- **&&*& news of the death of her grandfather, li^'JRfesrce;''- '•- "'-.-"-'-',.,'';.-, ..'-"• Jfee camera at R. J* |»Dson?a Stifar- day were Mrs, Stanton^ Mrs. Carl Casfie; Mrs. F*eet Crane .and . MOT Georgie. Anna Halt " "•' '(}-'. The,%5fk ijenjg; Iloyd D*W tirtii- day, and f&g 26th his gister Fjirniie's ;birthday, a large ninnber of ^ti&eir friends jstftered at their home .the evening of the 2ptk t9 cetenrateltfiea' birthdays. A pleasant time was en- joyed by all. . ,. ; ; ; ". .J,';. ;.•:•' J ; - ;.-.;poBfer'."isia^urtney ''Wedding."'"];!' On Wednesday. March 4th^pcctirr^d the,marriage of; Mr," W^Iiam Gomd Hunter, of S%rantoi},.;l^, : an# MlSs Fiorense Marar^ey.diriglrter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Macartney^of this town, iMf.TEIuiter,is fhe'sori:of Mr^ r and,.Mrs, William P. Hunter, of Scrisn.- ton,. Pa^ formerly of Savannah, Ga.,j and is a $ef hew «?f M r s . William N. 1 Mrs. EOey tJ(mgl»ri ; of'«Gro2i , )i;1ts>: |ra^was,gt.^sen^;|^^; i V' r - ; :': ( :Mmd -tqdk *fi| '*!«? %iw^jrscea -«t..-M*5r [4WBU,,..' , -*. :. ' .. .. -.. )'t'...-..'.'.'• 1 ... V ( 4 «r4ay.. iMiss Susie Browning, who has been attending a case at Massena, retained Busse 1 Page nnd:familyJjave naov- ed-itp Massenfc'fto afe^^wih-jfarnl. ^ Jjttle Elwood Page/who Jbroke.his leg January a,is-able, to wiUk again. : -My; m$ Iftte^HEJt. UM^JrisSai**: Ftey'd Griswold'u afc'Wlnfln^.^hftesJ-] ^Mrb-r<)Wor. Wam : -J(lpeftt/*' ,_, •sritfcifer 8fe% > -..|^-B<-'0 J .-'3K^jJMffe] 'W^eki-Ct''^ ft"fc J ^? •:•/-> ^ >jt A.--,-.-.- yt.iC,C ,v_-Si.:&r- .Bc^^'.a^0tatt^.-!daiighter. Minnie visited »t "Alfred.' McCJnre'ff 'Jfttfrl01ljfcX< - V.-v' •*vt)'i',..l. ; »- i'i»"'» wi"-'- jKiis Biyfh Eewia, «f> Albany, f re* .cenlJyf.anerxt several days'visiting'Mrs. ,Johw'ManloiDu.,''.< - r. v '-j ;j r.-.-/j-'^ ^ Miss MaryLynclt was .home. J*rt week frnm Potsdam-Normal 'enter- tairiingiCerrnarfiinielttJetr,- A^iw -->j f>' •;r M«ry Dodyefhks.CT*arneV|honi»;af- ter visiting. he£ annt, *•;• Jtnfo James Forb«' at Racket Rivw- . f o r four 'mS0aif-r.-Y-"-"' - ^ - - "-V if^'vw, fe r Oxi^jmaiIr.^^<^M^-'£ew^,'-aiiLS : cream inanv Carl 3?o*e,w*Be unable to get throngb last Moi^y: OIL accoait '#tff^cff;sll(Mir..'.'.'. , .i ^ - i f 4-'^- s'^'p ',, Mrs*' Frisd Crane ehtertamed 'her cousin.! BGss, Georgiawa HaHi of-B> :*^-3ME'lKS«ft |«fe^«|* ,»^'Wt: ris^^/Miss^Cailier^..&»tnian,.-.of ' S b f i ! d ^ ^ M i ^ - i £ U ^ . ' # M 3 K -i* «' J v^A'.: Mrs. .HaL Jfunson -was-awanewhat surprised on the evening of Martttjfi.i when?d-company of friend-jrafl^ a i h e r n o m e , r £ h e i n r M r s . . M r a * ^ birthdiy aOTrPETSary.: *• ^' good time "wasi lagpoyedt'^hy- -MlLr v ' S o J p e ^ was served to 4 5 persons.' -fti-.'.' i-i ff*.-'rjUjt''»J'»AUj-'?r: 4'- rt;i.5. - ? rfr t'tyUWUJKJffi-s Rochester olio Beer -| ? Briwery Bottling '-'--.' <fe I^iiit-sjrpajr)fe3in| and full of _ 1 "V"^-•••*";»•• - '- - -^"^ta^lo^irfiaOjp"'' Kefcw.KnsiUdftriead.iB Potsdam Saturday. John Wilbwr, of North Lawreaee, rkited at Sdward Garrey's last MOB- | day. -• Mr. and Mrs. Janes Cotter visited her mdiher Mrs. Dennia Gollma, Taea- day. . The^;3L A. S. win meet with Mr* V. H. TSalon for dinner tm .Thursday, March 12. . . Owen Hazen went oat doors Shmflay for the first time after five weeks sick- ness. . Be is iarprovrng' quit* .fast." 1. - Mrs. .Geos?e. .Mtartie was called to Bloomingdaie on aceoBnt;of th«f sjad- d e s fflne.=s «|l her sisJtery wift is-Bot iear-r Good Health u j J a w Q i e , V a . - ^ I t e » o « r y i * « t * " doiianon yow medkiBe a a i I » • » a s 'H- _"• V*!h(me'*t < |- - •n ge^edtolivei.. .. t - Marjorie- H a w a received.'..-ihe' sad news-of the 4eath of 6ar. grandf aHier r "|Levi FieMe^ "of --|^wrwe««ille«" -' wh»" na'ssed-'atwjaiy Sunday;.nightv March 1. He leaves moxtm Iris' 3os» * w|fei nne" son. two. d«agh|er» and ten grimdenilarett besides otibl^r relatrres andt'nwryfriends^- --'-;-. .;.-. IW^roVrrd Kieaera Caoae Mi»err- ay, sleen- •;#AJEb- SlKffiABE Ml. 'ft. - - .. ; - ' ' . •.'. 0:y. With pain and misery by day, sl( 4i=tmsbitjg bladder weakneas at night, I tired, nervous run-down iwpiairf! wo^ inea'jeverywheTe ar^ialad-'.^ta -.'Irnrtwl' «^m»feyj?ahey Pills res&r« *eeja: ar^ rfrength.'and the r««lar artwa i of |Sanfiys"s^-hl8ddeR-^£^3?fegoe," # a ^ r * r ^ / M a r 5 b S.-r-eopies" ,- off- ...... *- .|»itt,in*rM9ced-:-,-m , '^*asemW -* ,.V.f ^ j A W ' I ^ G ^ a M a f t r - v r L - - ] .:;•. sa«y> h^- lAiisemBTyman.-" 'Johtt- : ;^6.|X^'^^^^ Jm*eft, nrnfidttngfor the regolatibn. off fmedf&L* bottle .of Pslrhy^ <feeimt'Ale< A e flow of rt«ers.-iaf .•She k t s ^ . ) ^ ,wifc f S % # . i t ' al v -home.:'..PIiOT»'-i;: J r0SBI?H tejF-storajBe weire.w?Mtveii.he»B : : to%^|B9lIEO»'aistraKiitm , i."' : -,"-'ife r ---'vl-,. -jkno^n ** $ % f e # i ^ f o y ^ m e T .1fe»|v wsts-Br«B»*i?--b3r Aj*iOTejr*Sdward : 3E.| iSmtfc -as^##'"lfejrri?se^f«thfe;, - o|' -''«&*,{ chamberof cpnini^cearidwconfofmb- ty wUit thfijreport which Mfe Sflfifii madesome^iinie ago to;Jthe <^ conxuiercet 7t!=r TThi»Wlmet. ' ^ ^ - ^ ^ ,"^. . fj'.VR . Mrs. Jessie Bydene, of New T&wk, j was a rt; ( 'ifef*' v^.^.'MinisOTfls-jipefii^/,*' ^''d»^%ewirotk^/^^ i /; Mri .and Mrs. Fred (lanell and ami 1 i^twrnf*.''-: ri-.-pf-JBraai-' Foley Cathartie Tablets are entirely effecttve thoroughly cleansing and al- ways pleasant; in action. They tontain Wne flag, are a remedy for constip«^ fhm and sluggish liver, and a tonle lor tte Ixwels which are hnnrwnd b* *ffcrff pse> Try w e m . - ' 5Pl>ey do net flaQ to g i w relief ana satisfaction. S. I*, nesee. . —r-3Por, .fi;aleM. <gd 'tfob HaBfonTs Heteim ft first takes tte "JPfee imiiet ;home wedding took place at. noon, Key.' Mr. Jv H . Gardner"bf- ficiatnig. The bride wore white cltiffon wifb ye3 and earned a •bridal feira- gBeiof fosfes ajid violets, and wits; ttu-< attended save for Miss Elin and Miss Caroline Macartney, who were dressed in white with pink sashes and carried pmk,rbs*mjd& '•!&# grwm% iH^nfa were jpresent from Soeanwn. The new,- ly; wedded pair took the train for Montreal ana go from there to New York mi}? Atlantic City. The? will reside, ajt 5 $ Adftms 'Stttn Scrainio% Pa^For**€o?ingjtott Advertiser. - ..•••.•••in 1 •.;•)•••—11.1.1*11 "'-if.ii.' -• Np Romantic Demand, - Gwendolyn—Papa, can you make an appointment to see Algernon some j time to-morrowt He says he has something important t o s a y t o yon, Fffter—Tf«, r know. He wantt me to sign %w nomination papers. 0 '•1-111 11 1 n in ill 11; 1 m 11 r, . What every besteM desires to give -^a pleasant eveamg with enjoyable refreetaientCi Bhwie CONGRESS Beer ahravs ready. Phone 142-R, JOSEPH ROMEO, distributor, for a ease. Miss Mabel Alexander, , of Lonis-'j vBle, visited at Ivan Munson's a few days? last'week. - . ,'.' ! ' '.• *",".-' Mr. arid Mrs. Wijliam TSsliajlce are entertaining R. 6*' Vallance and sister =NeKiev of Ojdensbnij^ % •',, Miss Mary Powers, of ionlsville, reHB^ened her ^ Marj3t 9, afters few weeks vacation. • •• • Mr. and Mrs. Wabam M. Carney r of Massena, wefe guests of Mr. and I^^TilBhmmiin Sunday; y ' . Please do not forget *te meeting of the LadiesVAuxfliary Thursday, March 12, with Mrs. Nelson, "fa/steer. ,-' ;, Merton Raymond has a dandy pair of Ferchfeos horses wjdeh 1m frmr^! chased at Norwood iecentty; / • i Miss Elizabeth Richard* spent Bi couple. of days with her cdujin, Mrs. W, G. Putnam, at Massena last week. Mr. aad .Jfirtu 0. P* Benson were pleasantly entertained * by Mr. and MRS, William Leao at Massena, Toes- Edward Potter returned to his home at Belginmv N. Y., Monday after tey- teraf weeks 5 spent at the home.of 8- 8. BeB. . y Mr. ar«l Mrs; Israel, Nichols, of Cole's Creek, visited tfcjjir daughter, Mrs. Clifford Hume, at Massena Sua day. " Ed. Hammill has been laid np for some time from being kicked in the back by a coll he was breaking to drive. . Mr. and Mrs. £«vi Pewer, of Louis- ville, have been visiting their daugh- ter, Mrs. George Browning, enring tte week;' "iKr.'and Mrs. t , O. Buffham, eC Newark, N. T^ spent Friday wMh Mr. and Mrs. James BeSiday, Mrs. Beffham's brotber. Horace Cliami er Falls, visited Mrs. dav-'' ""' ' " ' ' • •'- Frank Stooks, stipernitendeirt of-the -Xevy.'f&dry 'Co^was-* Basiaesff caper .|ni.-fowa" ; Friday.-\.' :••-'. -- '.. .- Claude Hodjtsk&is and hride have re- turned and are boarding at O. Holmes' on River street. t . v . . '"• .**"''„'.'' Mies. Robbie M<KJee, who 3ats been caring for Mrs. Kmg^bury," has been itimmoped to SJadrid eate for * •si^pejrsmi. '' 'Newfr has been jeeeifed Aere of fite; marriage, of Miss Anna'Richardson i<^ WiHiam flerman Nodd which took place atttte' Jiom^ « f [ Urn J?fide% . - ; 'Adtia, Clfwnfir -Hnat S e t t l e . : ; parents. Mr- and Mrs; Frank »chard x f w %Jf ^ t - ^ & ^ i r ^ i a ^ Mies Aletfcs Locke, who has been having whooping eaagjk and Oeraan measles, lis ilei liswi riiiiiliilil ti" his . nV-TflWr IMV'll'IMi^ w|lwf a *rjjp 10 tfi;*J;j-ar-«-- »? 'A w-y? ?i?Jf-T. H n v OTBMHs7a 'WmMsVm £»•>%••• WHi - j ^ March 8. After a slmrt wedding-triF they will be at Borne At Maiden, Mass. f s Richardson i s a granddaughter of | and Mrs., David jEtiekardsos, of mis place and ha» virjited here. Their many friends wash thetp boa *ia»ge. Mrs.' Ola Converse, our R. F. D. carrier "met with quite a serione ae* cident last Thursday dn her return trip from deUverinf thd mait W e driving in to take maS from a no* her covered sleieh -was overturned in a huge snow drift which freisrhteaed her horse causing him to start on a run, overturning the tlefgk and throwing Mrs. Converse out, dislocating her shou'der and bruising her badly. This happened about one mUefrom Fort Jackson, near the Byron Willis home, where Mrs. Onrferw was taken. Dr. Wells and Br. Smith were summoaed and she was able to ride home' Friday and last accounts report her dong welL Foley Kidney PtTta are •» thorooejb- ly effective for baekaehe, ; swollea, aenng Jotata, Iddaey Madder aOoMnte that they are Ai-Ai " MeOraWi Nebr M eayer '^r rni iinemeiia ; Totoy Kiekwy M l e f « nam. in a * tie*; «a« befera I finished if dbappaeaWU^s v>r%- u^i»n{ -jtiT time and ft was largely through ids I efforts that the Surd water storage 'amendniSn^, which paved the way v for this bill, waa carried at the general election last fall. The bil^a* introduc- ed by Mr. Jones, i s a n amendment to &e conservation Jaw. Itinsertsa new section, known as 7 A and is entitled an act forriyerregulation by storage jce*erv.ofwt- . c; The bill waa gotten under way through, » general committae',which Aras formed of members of the asio> ciation for t^e, preservatiotE of,the .Adirondack, the New York Board- of Trab> ai^ZCrjinsportatipn,' the Now T<BrJfe^ft|te jWaterways AasocfiMa«^ the Epchester Chamber of Commerce, the Buffalo, Chamber of Commerce and the: local- chamber of conunerca. The, actual drafting of tbe-tnTl «wa» !done by Mr. Smithand Frank S. GaroV H«r of New Yorkv It wag submitted to j the-general committee in New York Monday and approved by tins com- mittee, i , t . -Asrexplaioed by Mr."Smra» r tfaeb© •prpvidesi in general, for;-the dxvisioa i f Jhe-state into watersheds; as-river} regulatico jdisjaacla^seach watershed a tjyer.?egjiIatBJg district. There are 20 of these in the sta|e and the local one {eonsists of the Black river rwaterahedv ,E<cJt..ugaferahed-'is organixed into a pubBc eoTporation with a governing body t o b e appointed by the goyernor, tb* majority, of whose member* ,are- fo be residenps of the xfistrJcts. These: bodies will have all -necessary powers to construct reservoirs, levy the ex- penses-on the fnwperty benefitted and |,is«ue bonds to pay for the improve-, meatsi the bonds to he-raised by-as- sessments. 'The biB Is universal and [applies to the Jands both in and out- side of the forest preserve. The mil does notinvolve the state in any extravagant scheme of expend- iture but each district .locally i s t o d e - termine the ^nprovements and the amount to be expended, subject only to.approval by -fte edftservalion *omi, mjasSoifc, $bax.' is 'fp. be> n# waste inJJ construction ,'at expenditate xfi pri*'* vate or public funds. It differs from other bifis %?.-.crea^na; * giffilic <or> poration wit| tke ; poii«ra of.asjessi men* oitihe properties benefitted. .. AtBANY BUSINESS COLLEGE did wfcea the doctor was treating aw. I dea't tvi******- bearing down peiea ataSnowaadlsteep WHS. Jeamotsay enoaghfbrLydesB. Fiokiuat'i Vegjfta- bfe Caea»eawd> sad I4f^:paa>-aa-*ejf-^ have doa« so «Mdi fyr«a*.' I am«Brj^6« •--. iaggood health BOW and OW«ft-aB'ta-- voor retnediea. I take ateeaare at tiM- fagmy friends and wightoifs abee* them. "-Mrs. Mjm«''ElU«rvaW'Co^' , ^ p l a « « ' S t a e e ^ ] k « i r i B a , T a v > - --''-•"' . No womeat aaaTwiift, f i w a amy f e a t of feaasle troubles sheaid k»# hop* ttav ' ta'" she ha* given Lfdia E. FfaVkaai T » -: ~..*£ife^xp0&'reiaedy,-^ a>*4kiaef. ingredients of whieit are decivadi. forty -veara umvad to be; aaaaet valaa* : ' ble ; todc and iavigoiatot a f f t e f»» -male.' Oegaalsm. Woaoea ^everywfceea -bearw3ene:teetioMBV te -aWwiaiaarcal"' ; aJw;€Sm^aaaJi'-'"V?'i-.-'-"-•-._.-, ;.;.>-J^J i,wrtt» raa4aadajtsw«r0diky* aaoThe3dlnatr*i^<»erftdeaaee. Dr. Geo. P. Ljmu vfiraduate AttwriaaaSehooJef * Osteopathy OMe*Hours:9»3a.»., %m*mm yta»riiac>Avi»*ai. - Full J i,H>y caaiaensa^ arottr e«*jnnr.po«?S •We*j*fc| SpccriaiteBtkm i»{«Mtothe-irrifttjt ato*t- ot«Hra>i$u*. <UMtomtx.acBatr, JKX. Sttrfooo Deatfet , '1. C ill f 1 ttLLm Indian Motorcycles of Hogansburg, which was tried m Malope OR T^esdax, r |he jury brought in arverdict of ?500 in fayor of Oustin. This, case was brought by Dustin to recover damages for being; struck and injured by Crowley's automobile last ammner near the Westville bridge. In his testimony Dustin stated that the |] car came down the M! at the West- ville bridge f t a high rate of speed and hit him before he had time t o g e t out of the way. Mr. Crowley and the two other occupants of the car testi- fied t h a t Dustin stepped in front of the car. , The above cut snows the 1814 two-speed, twin eyKsoer, tafias I motorcycle, wxtfeside ear. This is the very mgbeet develnpMat of K motoreyeta hist ry, For 13 years the Ibdtaa bat ivigaed aopreeae aattw faste«t«atr'mgwJaiidbe*|i>uam!iudmotoreycie in the wectd Last year the I9li Indian won all the larger contests for streagth and ea- dttr«ice,fMmC^^tt toOeean. Tnis year the lflI4 laaian has been im- proved at3apoint». and finds itselffar a*>ead«f aiieompetitors. There will be W^WO MM Indians built, machines-turned oat every day, but thfldemaud is evengreater than the supply. ' ; We have contracted for quite a large namber of them, bat are liabk to rmrjl^rt. Be target yanrordtiriu early and voa wiH he to get one. Wealsohrtveafewseeoad-nand manhinee that faava overhauled and srem perfect oondiuen. e& Smith Co. I Phil Trath, That's Worth Meaey. Using Foley's Honey and Tarfor a cough or cold may *ave yon both sickness and inoney.' F. F. Monahan, Monomonie, Wfak, says: " am ex- posed to all kinds of weather and X find Foley 1 * Honey and Tar Ccea- pwiml always fixes me up fat seed shape when.I catch cold or have a ban eongh. I recommend It Kmoly. ItL" . Mr. Dujkxt^ »*« flat Hiierta has OKapiimfmt Hf lit Home Builders grossly when tbey'*-bink "Lambrr is Lumber" and tbat it can be bought hapbaxardly on price ajooe^ Y n'd doubtless be'greatly surprised if you knew the many grades into which alt lomber ki dhrided and yoa'd surely be very much ptovc4>rdshoaMjwci> tmy Na x sidinf thinking you. were gettiug the top notch grade only to discover later tiut "CLBAJt" is better than No. t. That's one way j nave of deceiving a feflow into " truth wiU prevail and " tion is irortb inore to as thaa UN9 aad when lionest valoesat fair Cbe order, we're oat of fL ' 1? m I "" • •- •"?**/ •"* --

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Post on 14-Feb-2018




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Page 1: FAGEJEW0 THE MASSENA OBSERVES. MASBENA, … · [rarfnify- with, his gas engine. \ -'Miss Maty Bradford-was a recent





Gaea* »t »a Elaborate Banquet Giren i l l fiK*:ffcncr's£$.* 'Visitor* ,; •

'.. 1 " : - " H e t a a r ^ e d g M O a ' ."""


F*U o f Mere I t o Tea- MOBea Dol­lars i s One Meaik.

. -Ctasbnv»j&Sp^s for t h e * e c t & e l United Sftateafor-Fe&ruary fe l l

i s 4 g $ l l £ ' m o w than fl&jPOCT Cfff,- conx-f l ^ e d r w i s l i February,' I 3 i & I • Ail&augh; E5. «f£aS3S" espJaSsefesn | w a > forthco"miiJg,-^fc was- foSnted-.-cot |H5st'ps£tee£ES o f dolIar3-!wtar& o f sa- , 1gaf l jad! Leea, in -fend • ta t£?K TforEfe. f SJew* ijfeeana g a l -cJfc-rr .points, -fes*3 |Ecr wes&s,- t^take'aifeqSJtage o f thS'2& Ipsx .ccjai ^edasfims £* d95fe^ f&stsm

- - „. IriS-iiate'-'la W c s l r i n ^ t e i fflllgd "Stjsn-New TorS, . '5Isrca-> J&-*-A" \ S 3 k i ^ | < ^ . t a . t b j ; f e ^ , ^ s ; < b ^ t e M ^ f a R -

g r a m - f r o s £e=4rn.-to-t£g.-0a2y' K«fe»f*—' -""' ""-*' -^—^-- * "•'" " —--*-- —

LOUISVILLE _ Sirs , Augusta WiHson Is minting a t

[ NathartJJenkbn* o f Mssuma* waa In. ftown'Wedtoesday;."- " |

, A- A . Smith has a force of tesma Jd«a^igsJqgs.tft.flar milf. - — . ..: ~' Joim "Sheen, i s "sawing wood In this.

[rarfnify- with, his g a s engine. \ -'Miss Maty Bradford-was a recent

j g u e s t c f Ms Aden*, Miss EmUie- BotaJ.-: "Sfcs. Stay SIcfiO-Eta coaasepsedi Iter'

toad and taring *Mmi aw wifl a a s * try «* interest ether*-who arar a s * in the habit « f regubtrly atteeding church.


fschoc! in t £ e .Bradford district March some t ime both?

fing eft, t k i tej^Bi-.tgafei?*' css^its d?r\ , ;*£p42j^i. in f£a 'He^.'tbrS' "WcrMichipA gt^st &9J&jp£Q&-&2&t ff&3;"thV \dSjy' te%,' .££*: v'^fceedori?. .8c<33^efiiijsc*»it#- ISsi- • Tfcsy srff • • fcojeful tfeit-•aflSr"fej£g ,-feied,-,,asd I J I ^ J J -eftterWi;^* -taepmg tb=s s c d JJ^ipoteaSfc'-fiR"--

' E^OQ -teas" efcsJifr'€S' S5r» ' Bcoi&z^iizsm -vL,vn.s8h& .^SitsedftiSfca 6» cos-• a^t&'jgfrty,s&ea.^.<^l^Q0"te|,£cTn3.-- <; .'.'-:,:-.. -,-.•,•.•:•

€teogi^ |^i^- ' feexd^-f<^^(JD-' tnimfe[ .e i"^ SSS^C^iSE^^"60is&*s86d* t o $&#-{ "' - - - - - - " J S ! § 4 1 9 in JPeJc&BstA J0J3; *Ete fe •sp?es£i,~ fie:&a jiiit fcsSflt -iifessaa aJj.

3a?^cj?K& majbter/of t fe . , 5 : 5 ^ ^ , - .V »V'4i*o ^ ' l * i f ^ ? , ; . a j » B a W 5 r -. fear':

, . .aaerojf»aTit'-.Qf'(Stiaa.^. yfco i3"-n?-"sJUJo-'

i ^ : s t ^ ' £ a F i a g . S i a t ' ' 5 3 r i ;Efegs«?iit Jeft-aa^ uiifurfeiii^te', i i a p ^ s i o n ;w3^err ^esSEfi&eirani."'" ' '.•-',•• '.'.•."'-'••."•"••• "'-iv.-:'

The artiste teDs of the elaborate en-' tartaimnentfOT Mr. Roosevelt :aad

• J i E ^ ^ - ^ . ^ . f . . • . . ' : : • ; ' ; • V'•--""<• ' - • ; * - • . . -

^ i f t e v ' '* i . " - -- • •••v,'; v!,/••••'':'•*: " ' i : •.•;':> '-'•''''

.^-^0iii"*fe. .d^.s':OE-fMarat-:nijdte,i ,ia. iBio d e Jaaeixo Bwse^dlfe'T s^m - -39 admrtea on ti».re^rtlias*.l!etw6en f t e United States and the Sotrth An»pW-f ^ i e g B h l i i s ; before t S e ; K 9 dft j?a-aairo Hirtorical and Geographical

- S o d e t y . w M i l i had incited h i m . to Sonfk America and made Mm an fcon-

• Wi^^^B*BJiier.i,ttle'.tegisesfe heflOT;v*t , coold confer. The audience was £OBK

- ipoaed of.attl)as3adoT3, gensrs l s , lead-iftg pdliticiaiia and members- of «6-

• eitt5» posaihly 100 in^alL •_>'.•--•• --'•". 1 ,...•^011 the night o f October. 2 6 Sfc. 1

' Soosevel t left for Sao Paolo in* spe-d a i train provided by by t h e govern' t n « * o i r the Central Braza railroad. S « visited points of interest on the Hnft looked over the capital and t i e

.-• ttcte o f Sao. Paolo and continned'on iu» Journey to Bnenos Ayres at • the K p e n s e of the'Brazil isn goTernmeat. - fT^After aH this the Historical a n d Geognrpbical Society reeetted -from J f o Roosevelt a biU of $5^)0* for-his feirfl«±i». AJready $40,000 or $50r

; i(i& i a d beeD sffest o s the visitors in ' «nt«rtaiBingi r. The Braziliaas poiite-i y p a i d t h t hill, bot they conld Dot coofeealHteiramagemenfc, :-&- :;,•!:4.; ;• M f l l l e B , the Americaa residents . of ^ i a de Janeiro learned, the facte their fnnniliation was inezpressibie. The s t o r y ?a» publiBhed i n the Jonmat de 'CojBJooorce, I pexsoMtliy asiud - the j •Count Candid Mednesd'Aiiaeida* own-«r:.a£ t h e Jonrsal de Brazil, i f the MUZJ wa» tmey - and.-' h e answered,

.'^BpAi'^'"'--'---^:-;- -?/..-;• -". Y'i ..4.-.,'^,-v;;; l,M was told that Kr. - Booaevelt, <*fc2e everywhere accenting public

' 3 o d private faoBpitality o n an £xtrara> •i.^«nt scale, charged fcr-fdl'. of * &

-bqrEeiEEEito .for- -fiW rEci^- ^a^ftdsd •TOB- r«a^pts -by # b e ^ ^ 0 0 £ y 3 ® / e j o n i » i ^ a i to to Ss*ess o f re^eintS.-fbT I^sfe.

/Feferts^ry' of' ,rnoxe.SS3n'Si-25&»0(3pl -fear .^te-;^cat year,'-t6s.e3se?S'" gf-jd1s!?prse7n^i^:;te^^ a%ii> ,^^HK>iKW»'

I i^nijf^wl. to. .aij jftgje^g .<sf.-iKserip^s iE^ ' • the iCorres^^d^^-^i^^. ' - t in i^ . fes t ' iSscal: SJe»-pf ,^4rauS^^Tte;cet ' 'b3 | - ;

'a^n^'"-inrffie--,&Ea^ry**- p*Sferal,.ffei!|d:-'Pebrnary-:2S*«!a3 . | ^ ! ^ § 5 ^ as&'ftS-;i!^d:.iotal.ofJ.cashi ias3ets ^ P O ^ S S ^ -^ * , > v - , V. :;. :•-;.- i,- .,-. .^--.:.r"vr •••J-

D « a t 8 of Mrs. ic P. Falwer a a d :-— ' --.-QB&mSmittu--- - - ^ /

Hatt iePi i tney Falmer, widow of ti^e l^te J . B. Palmer, u traveling saJe»> man* died" a t her Borne in t h i s nlstcef Sttarday, March 7, foBowiog a ^ o c k . Mrs- Pafaier h a s Jbeen *ery poorly for

AY. M A B C H ^ l g U ,

Drinkl tfyoo drink a brew, drink the

.. • - <piaUty kind.

^s- BKBCHEBTOWN Scott- i s cawing wo«d •§ :

Grss^eterer, A c a r i ^ ' < ^ e r f a a s k s e B i ^ ? 3 r t s ^ ' - : ;

6 3 i o t£2 tos?n fcaQ Marsli i 7 fcy 'Wad-{-dicgtcoji teTsEt,-

-'; .-Jssies- S&gattsej .a ia i M l c g r a n * Gecrgs,. BsRte»,i3f S&a&fi^. spent'

-Frt&y i ^ f t fr2eEd?ie?fe.- •-... -(i

Hertsrt^T^jsfaaf,;,**© i s faMng #

itesfceSaeagrse, gi.S'jjarase,, TOK ftosie .'; .Mrs. '.WiO&ni ^Pfealeis -and d a i g h -

. .ta? AEgg-as^ .feeEe Jef* Tin£$day-t»; ' " * j ^ . ' . i ( ^ t i ^ ^ j p e t i i i 9 r a l t 4 '*..;'i.. .."', JfcseM.' 'Barry ,'c? -aia^iag. g ? a w |

^omltts'/'Cbsa^-jrife ^ W . - f e tw& ition: o j .a-'rco3si5Eetei: floor' m':fcg4arge' .'Ctaznv .4- -;j - -t- _ - u.. ^ ,^-

jfer^cv^'JEswBifHpTfe'Erid^? ^err ? : i^g M s a A ' i 3 , ' JtLveJ&ISjik -fipntafa^Bj- if. extended t ? a Q «nd a-gleasant-it ime

."CAS- J I P I A N

J4anipteer» M J S . Id*-0nt fon . a p i f*»: • ^ r a i d f e i ^ I r t ^ T h a s a t a s 4 H3d« Itat>: t e n , wno. i&r«i wj ih her a » i £$xs& f a r fcer, afea « n e . ^ t e r > Mrs . weti&etfc •JLcsri?, "wliff- te feeea sjjeEdin*. • -tti^ wfster jtt-HotSJju--- F a c i i s I mil", .he fceld 3fc fee -etaircif Tae^da^.At 5 p* n*. V -CtofeB-Smith: died a t •&& hosSB o f Ju> tUprt&fe* -Mrai Archi l •'B«56»; a i

f S y l ^ s a F a f e Friday-and w * s , fettdeoi ati^iToxtiJajefeoavSEBidaSi Jfc-Swash-died- of-caneer after at -Sscaosd sntr*-jgon » #6ork *ana ago* H e l i v i d 6 o »

1«nf j | «fei|e?recen%« ,T3mei &&&&**••. and iaat s » ; . « 9 e v w B i .Catee, .•®'"&ev: Oral,: the « ^ ^ ^ > i f e i . . j B H t . - . C ! f a » e ; wjenfc>Sunday3».^UaSs ^JfaaxaL 3 t e Snijt|»-'Sra»;ji-,atejgle>^ivyir' Jhy|

l-feadfc. ; . - - : .Mi

- So.' ;.V

'.If'foa 4Sit!fc Yipo -M«v>J?e- '-jfe&fyjihtzSmJL ;.::'' -7 '...-">Y-"*6"**iJ^V't ' ' " -. 7-s.!-i ..-' AI&jany^S6Ht*;0>-A:l!2I- -m 4 » ' * B * day. trial "and, social interests o f the j Ocacdagu Nation and other Indians of the state has been introdnced in the

Baffak>. H enacted i t i s believed that i t wiQ c ^ K ^ t e ^ correct n^rny Of the conditions waich have been complain­ed of for years, .'';': >;-i';^'; •-,'.; "r:-tV.

The roeasnre s a y s that the governor shaD appoint a white man and; wife t o reside on each of the Indian reserr vation3 o f the state/ 'The inah. i s to be the diiector of the agricnltnral and indilstriaJ work of tte reservation and hi s wife i s to be an inspector and di­rector among the Indian women in the snbjeets of domestic science, proper Jiving and better honsing eott-

One difEcnlt requirement i s that both within the 1irst year most learn the langnage of the Indians, The bill also provides that the costs «djndged against a n Indian in any action before a- jast ice of the peace are t o be paid -6y:-th*'Statei#,;?;'-:/:, ?t>^^?,vf;_;^;::V

promised, r: -

:As-3'feiKn.o£':jeesojMit-to'_i<6fe.Jate;M3SS^ ^ e A i e x ^ « i i | s e y ^ n ^ B | f S a , the tatf&rt forwarded a" beautiftil wreath o f artir

farfaj '6<XH^'^b^'.|^a|ed^»n_6e^iKr^ye-TO-tie-, (jOTfettSjV;'-;_, -- ./ . i<- (-.-»•','I -£.-«'-,';..:3F._ ^ t i h e r ^ t ^ < t & * ^ * & v d p n ^ a J 4

OTfJ t ^ ^ > - ^ ^ t ^ ^oi^th^'IBhaitini: -faria*' on Town Bldge. hag inoved to , the Eaw^rd 35^5ger^M:farrpi' ^-iffiL:hg?e i^xfr^ecfl^ sanie A i r ^ the seaaoa.

•cenSy-. entertained- five, o f - the; Stiow Shoe Clnb of Waddingtdn.; fheyjinade •'She: tpp,-'.TOp3^;iof.'i--tH6i-:^r «p:-^enr-: i|M$js,: 'sTfaey; a!^ifia^''.^|j|tor^iesJJl ; at-Wite^nt^Ca^tie^-vVN r;'::'/-<;,;- f. .-,'-' /, John Dond i s a* the . ^ y ?10sTntai'a^ Ogdensbarg where he w a s operated, on

visited K m recently :^3%ie^iriahxa-w^ai;.3^easles. .and i^,als**jiiider. tr^tr .

i I MCXSON .NEIGHBORHOOD School onenedbereMarch 2 a f t e r a

Iwusatiott^fiv^-weikai-J >\ %..'>. ' r:•:'•.:< Nelson Seed took dinner a t Charlie

|3Bangj0t^«.1tof %&&.': ' .>- •? ^ ' - 6 : -: uMr. and" Mrs. Wejley* Monson v i» t* <^MJI31fe':S|aee>«*.Itt^-w«*i"i ;••-,-•.. :Mr». Faye t te Mnnson and son S a r i v&ited a t Frank Mnnson'e Tdesdsy- -M EbV Kfagsley and wife waited iheir

Brazfl Wx» Hesored (?> tw'-A cable dispatch t y w a y 'of-;jija» cdoo t o the New York Times says

Col. Roosevelt i s not making a t impression for himself or his

asoiohtry in Brazil, • wtiere they say , t iHifae i s not only nngenerona, but ignuping . fli« conduct in Bio w a t the

- *»nb3iet o f native comment of a p a r -iticttlarifj- scathing character. H e and ,lris; party were seceived -with royal dxmora and the palace waa evacuated -by th* president w h o placed i t • with i ^ e h n n d r e d servants a t the disposal Srf t h * visitors. They-stayed * week,

' -ware &m r e d p « n t s o f regal hofpital-.. -I fj. govemm<ent>, • and cMe"- - ' Mtflsa i

'nunjerotilP autofflobile drive*,: 'private | . courtesies from many notables, had •the use of apecial trains and were en-^er ta inedat an expense of from $4&,» « 0 0 t o $ 5 0 , « 0 , and then he sent the historical and geographical society « bill for JS.0OO for givinjr a 30 -uiin* Trte lectnre before them. I t has g ives them a dinagreeable impTC3sion of the United States as a people of dis-

4' (COTn&sy '&$•&&& .'Br- pftims Ab-bot says Col. Roosevelt created no

TioeS feel ing; fliey estpected to .jwy f c r t h e J e c t a * and.:hayen*t misin-

tftrpseteti M m a s , fa'-'&g&dtJid' -•-Jegie^-ji^ft.'Ifc'eattBat.'Jie denied that

.4t swunds characteristic of the Col­onel. In his notion BraxO. was just as highly honored in , entertaining trim « * " ! » was^^in being entertained,,--so-- t t i t pari lof fji w a s a tfcand off and ;£bi- iectarfe w a s ^ertr^r-Waterfewn

T t n « » , . v - -.' •' ..". • ;••. ..'. ••• '• : r , -.'

Charles Waldraff has gmfc toLotris-I v E l e . • •..•-;.. '.,-~i;.--r-.-i-:,\:h?z-,:--_•.;,.,•

Wi A . Robson is visit ing i n Barling-ton; Vt, {^v.-r-'-.Y.-r i..-'^>ir''

James E o c k w o o d h a a moved t o Jenkins Neiehborhood.. --J ••n^t. £is>.;

Mr. and Mi& J a y BkbardKm. visit­ed a i Stanley Castle's Friday night and Saturday. H*' . - —

'Mr,and.Btr?. Charles Djow-and son,j Mr. and Mrs. Almon Brink and s o a | and Mry.;andMTSj Henry Deleel visited at Sanford Dew's Sunday and attend-.ed^chtjrch,., - ,':',^,'-,,,':;.;,"• •«- '.,., , v '.' .^"Mip. ^ ' F - s S k r o ^ v i s i t e d ' - a t R - i Bobsbn's ,ti[te, pa^-.wiEsei^' '.'She. «$jrn*s l

'&#£}*&'• fc^^Wg^faw? Mrs, fw>fjS» accomAanfed | S ^ a s i&pp as ' l^bon- ' whe*e''ftey' spent tte -dmr with their cousin, Mrs. G« E , H i l t .,

ISajr StaB*s*,:«f l la s sena , visited a t • - ' - • -"- * ' s «,few'4fey«'iteji^3**.

A;.- ree^jt -ffetjfeT. ; ^mJ(;3pSl i . .. „ . , Sliort. who is v i ^ n t ; ^ J0a^lm, Manitoba, inform^ us t h a t the f e a t h e r was 50 d e c r e e below zero during'the .^ibce^^-coid^'^peffii/'MSar^SJpt- ^ i n 4 ;

dfetii tef e^Bfrto; wtn^JtojKm^to

..-;•; No inafl.-was-farwOTdedj'flr- yeieeved.' -;a| j^Es' -^rafc. 0fa4feg$if« .'.ofv,, If^t week.on account of the guow.hle«feid« and Aaron Martin, o f the Chase Mills

blockade .on the John Meinroad.',,,..;^.,.. ^-.',Wh^,nli|^^ha*e lJ)«!ef- * ; - a t j ^ - « - • •«a(e^.-*occarre#jae^t$..1^-EP^.-1C^ erine. dauehter of 'Micnae^'O'Brian,

wEjii . p a y f m . w o f|»e^;;j-X^seeins-, ^ y ^ y e ^ - o l J , ^ h j d ^ * ' ;ffla|fo-r jher;' japf, 1 Tfearwtest a*'- f i e fojofc ef^fl6fe !j^«d«^sr'

sap v^-.^u-a^^'^ma^v*^" ',w»3 passing .d.6wjtt,'--an§_ 6efbfe"'.'fl«f: Ijentt-:co^-.fe.;i*»ppea;,:a-"£erse i^L'^f^ -.o^ ;ea^:«iae..'an^aeil)ean\oi.^-fjronl' sled over t h e child witn no serious in-

" -" -.<-> , •' .BfASSSJfA, SPRINGS ,••.': Mrs, Fred, J. Balch, of Ottawa, i s

p e n d i n g a f e w days at Fred Balch's. r | f r . and Mrs. Clarence CovelL from

Post Mills, visited a t W . G. Wilson's - 'OttrUtg t h e -^isst week.-. -f

Mrs. Edward Lovegrore, of Newark, N . J., i s spending some time with iter sister, Mrs. Ixmise Cassidy. -r Mr. and Mr?. Robert:* Wilson, of,

• Bensselaer Fal ls , are spending s f e w days w i t h Ida brother, W. G. Wilson and family. •••• ;:•'.•.-: •;.--

Miss Esther Canton returned Thurs­day from Ogdensburg and she hopes to be able t o g o back to her school at

- Norwood in » few days, .,

y' Mara, '-gfla&^ifanQ- **&&*& news of the death of her grandfather, li^'JRfesrce;''- '•- "'-.-"-'-',.,'';.-, . . ' -" •

J fee camera a t R. J* |»Dson?a Stifar-day were Mrs , Stanton^ Mrs. Carl Casfie; Mrs. F*eet Crane .and . M O T Georgie. Anna H a l t " "•' '(}-'.

The,%5fk ijenjg; I l o y d D * W tirt i i -day, and f&g 26th his gister Fjirniie's

;birthday, a large ninnber of ^ti&eir friends jstftered a t their home .the evening o f the 2ptk t9 cetenrateltfiea' birthdays. A pleasant time was en­joyed by all. . ,. ; ;

; ". .J,';. ;.•:•' J ;

- ;.-.;poBfer'."isia^urtney ''Wedding."'"];!' On Wednesday. March 4th^pcctirr^d

the ,marriage of; Mr," W^Iiam Gomd Hunter, o f S%rantoi},.;l^,: an# MlSs Fiorense Marar^ey.dir iglrter o f Mr. and Mrs. George H . Macartney^of this town, iMf.TEIuiter,is fhe'sori:of Mr^ rand,.Mrs, William P. Hunter, of Scrisn.-ton,. Pa^ formerly of Savannah, Ga.,j and is a $e f hew «?f Mrs. William N.

1 Mrs. EOey tJ(mgl»ri;of'«Gro2i,)i;1ts>: | r a ^ w a s , g t . ^ s e n ^ ; | ^ ^ ; i V ' r - ; : ' :

(:Mmd -tqdk *fi| '*!«? %iw^jrscea -«t..-M*5r [4WBU,,..' , -*. :. '.. .. -.. )'t'...-..'.'.'• 1 ... V( 4

«r4ay.. i M i s s Susie Browning, who h a s been

attending a case a t Massena, retained

Busse 1 Page nnd:familyJjave naov-ed-itp Massenfc'fto afe^^wih-jfarnl. ^

J j t t l e Elwood P a g e / w h o Jbroke.his l e g January a , i s - a b l e , t o wiUk aga in . : • -My; m$ Iftte^HEJt. U M ^ J r i s S a i * * : Ftey'd Griswold'u afc'Wlnfln^.^hftesJ-]

^Mrb-r<)Wor. Wam:-J(lpeftt/*' , _ , •sritfcifer 8fe%>-..|^-B<-'0J.-'3K^jJMffe] 'W^eki-Ct''^ ft"fcJ^? •:•/-> ^ >jt A.--,-.-.- yt.iC,C ,v_-Si.:&r- .Bc^^' .a^0tatt^. - !dai ighter . Minnie visited » t "Alfred.' McCJnre'ff 'Jfttfrl01ljfcX< - V.-v' •*vt)'i',..l.;»- i'i»"'» wi"-'-• jKiis B i y f h Eewia, «f> Albany, f re* .cenlJyf.anerxt several days'visiting'Mrs. ,Johw'ManloiDu.,''.< - r.v '-j ;j r . - . - / j - '^ ^

Miss M a r y L y n c l t was .home. J*rt week frnm P o t s d a m - N o r m a l 'enter-tairiingiCerrnarfiinielttJetr,- A^iw -->j f>' •;r M«ry Dodyefhks. CT*arneV| honi»;af-ter visiting. h e £ annt, *•;• Jtnfo J a m e s F o r b « ' a t Racket Rivw- . f o r four

'mS0aif-r.-Y-"-"' -^-- "-V i f ^ ' v w , fe rOxi^jmaiIr.^^<^M^-'£ew^,'-aiiLS :

cream inanv Carl 3?o*e,w*Be unable t o g e t throngb l a s t M o i ^ y : OIL accoa i t

'#tff^cff;sll(Mir..'.'.'.,.i ^ - i f 4-' - s'^'p ', , Mrs*' Frisd Crane ehtertamed 'her cousin.! BGss, G e o r g i a w a HaHi of-B> : * ^ - 3 M E ' l K S « f t | « f e ^ « | * ,»^'Wt: ris^^/Miss^Cailier^..&»tnian,.-.of 'Sbf i !d^^Mi^- i£U^. '#M3K -i* «'Jv^A'.:

Mrs. .HaL Jfunson -was-awanewhat surprised on the evening of Martttjfi.i when?d-company of f r i e n d - j r a f l ^ a i h e r nome, r £ h e i n r M r s . . M r a * ^ birthdiy aOTrPETSary.: *• ^ ' good t ime

"wasi lagpoyedt'^hy- • -MlLr v'SoJpe^ w a s served to 4 5 persons . ' -fti-.'.' i-i ff*.-'rjUjt''»J'»AUj-'?r: 4'- rt;i.5. -?rfr t'tyUWUJKJffi-s

R o c h e s t e r

olio Beer -|? Briwery Bottling '-'--.' <fe I iiit-sjrpajr)fe3in| and full of

_ 1 " V " ^ - • • • * " ; » • • -

'- - -^"^ta^lo^irfiaOjp"''

K e f c w . K n s i U d f t r i e a d . i B Potsdam Saturday.

John Wilbwr, of North Lawreaee, rk i ted a t Sdward Garrey's last MOB- | day. -•

Mr. and Mrs. J a n e s Cotter visited her mdiher Mrs. Dennia Gollma, Taea-day. . The ;3L A . S . w in meet with M r * V. H . TSalon for dinner tm .Thursday, March 12. . .

Owen Hazen went oat doors Shmflay for the first time after five weeks sick­ness . . B e is iarprovrng' quit* .fast." 1. - Mrs. .Geos?e. .Mtartie was called to Bloomingdaie on aceoBnt;of th«f sjad-d e s fflne.=s «|l her sisJtery wift is-Bot iear-r

Good Health u jJawQie, V a . - ^ I t e » o « r y i * « t * "

do i ianon y o w medkiBe a a i I » • » a s

• 'H- _"• V*!h(me'*t<|- -


g e ^ e d t o l i v e i . . .. t

- Marjorie- H a w a received.'..-ihe' sad news-of the 4eath of 6ar. grandf aHierr

"|Levi FieMe^ "of --|^wrwe««ille«" -' wh»" na'ssed-'atwjaiy Sunday;.nightv March 1. H e leaves t » moxtm Iris' 3os» * w|fe i nne" s o n . t w o . d«agh|er» and ten grimdenilarett besides otibl^r relatrres andt'nwryfriends^- --'-;-. .;.-.

IW^roVrrd Kieaera Caoae Mi»err-ay, sleen-

• ; # A J E b - SlKff iABE M l . 'ft. - - .. ; - ' ' . •.'. 0:y.

With pain and misery by day , sl( 4i=tmsbitjg bladder weakneas a t night,

Itired, nervous run-down iwpiairf! wo^ inea'jeverywheTe ar^ialad-'.^ta -.'Irnrtwl' « ^ m » f e y j ? a h e y Pil ls res&r« * e e j a : a r ^ rfrength.'and t h e r « « l a r ar twa i o f |Sanf iys"s^-h l8ddeR-^£^3?fegoe ,"

# a ^ r * r ^ / M a r 5 b S.-r-eopies" ,- off- . . . . . . *- . |»itt,in*rM9ced-:-,-m ,'^*asemW -* ,.V.f ^jAW'I^G^aMaftr -vrL-- ] .:;•. sa«y> h^- lAiisemBTyman.-" 'Johtt-:;^6.|X^'^^^^

Jm*eft, nrnfidttngfor t h e regolatibn. o f f fmedf&L* bottle .of Pslrhy^ <feeimt'Ale< A e flow o f rt«ers.-iaf .•She k t s ^ . ) ^ ,wifc f S % # . i t ' alv-home.:'..PIiOT»'-i;:Jr0SBI?H tejF-storajBe weire.w?Mtveii.he»B: :to%^|B9lIEO»'aistraKiitm ,i."' :-,"-'ifer ---'vl-,.

-jkno^n * * $ % f e # i ^ f o y ^ m e T . 1 f e » | v

wsts-Br«B»*i?--b3r Aj*iOTejr*Sdward:3E.| iSmtfc -as^##'"lfejrri?se^f«thfe;, - o | ' -''«&*,{ chamberof cpnini^cearidwconfofmb-t y w U i t thfijreport which Mfe Sflfifii madesome^i in ie a g o to;Jthe <^ conxuiercet



' ^ ^ - ^ • ^

," . . fj'.VR .

Mrs. Jess ie Bydene, o f N e w T&wk, j was a r e c e n t v i s i t o r i n . t o w n . rt;('ifef*' v^ .^ . 'Min i sOTf l s - j ipe f i i^ / ,* ' ^ ' ' d » ^ % e w i r o t k ^ / ^ ^ i / ;

Mri .and Mrs. Fred (lanell and ami1

i^twrnf*.''-: ri-.-pf-JBraai-'

Foley Cathartie Tablets are entirely effecttve thoroughly cleansing and al­w a y s pleasant; in action. They tontain Wne flag, are a remedy for constip«^ fhm and sluggish liver, and a tonle lor tte Ixwels which are hnnrwnd b *

*ffcrff pse> T r y wem.- ' 5Pl>ey do n e t flaQ to g i w relief ana satisfaction. S . I*, nesee.

. —r-3Por, .fi;aleM. <gd 'tfob HaBfonTs Hete im ft first takes t t e

"JPfee imiiet ;home wedding took place at. noon, Key.' Mr. Jv H . Gardner"bf-ficiatnig. The bride wore white cltiffon wifb ye3 and earned a •bridal feira-g B e i o f fosfes ajid violets, and wits; ttu-< attended save for Miss Elin and Miss Caroline Macartney, who were dressed in white with pink sashes and carried pmk,rbs*mjd& '•!&# grwm% i H ^ n f a were jpresent from Soeanwn. The new,-ly ; wedded pair took the train f o r Montreal ana g o from there to New York mi}? Atlantic City. The? wil l reside, ajt 5 $ Adftms 'Stttn Scrainio% Pa^For**€o?ingjtott Advertiser.

- . . • • • . • • • i n 1 • . ;•)•••—11.1.1*11 " ' - i f . i i . ' -•

• Np Romantic Demand, -Gwendolyn—Papa, can you make

an appointment to see Algernon some j time to-morrowt H e s a y s h e has something important t o s a y t o yon ,

Ff f ter—Tf« , r know. H e wantt m e t o sign %w nomination papers. 0

'•1-111 11 1 n in ill 11; 1 m 11 r, .

What every besteM desires t o g ive - ^ a pleasant eveamg with enjoyable refreetaientCi Bhwie CONGRESS Beer ahravs ready. Phone 142-R, JOSEPH ROMEO, distributor, for a ease.

Miss Mabel Alexander, , o f Lonis-'j vBle, visited a t Ivan Munson's a f ew days? last'week. - . ,'.'!' '.• *",".-'

Mr. arid Mrs . Wijliam TSsliajlce are entertaining R. 6*' Vallance and sister =NeKiev o f Ojdensbnij^ % • ' , ,

Miss Mary Powers, of ion l sv i l l e , reHB^ened her ^ h o o t . h e r e Marj3t 9 , a f t e r s few weeks vacation. • •• •

Mr. and Mrs. Wabam M. Carneyr

of Massena, wefe guests of Mr. and I ^ ^ T i l B h m m i i n Sunday; y ' .

Please do not forget * t e meeting of the LadiesVAuxfliary Thursday, March 12, with Mrs. Nelson, "fa/steer. ,-' ;, Merton Raymond has a dandy pair of Ferchfeos horses wjdeh 1m frmr ! chased a t Norwood iecentty; / • i

Miss Elizabeth Richard* spent Bi couple. o f days with her cdujin, Mrs. W, G. Putnam, a t Massena las t week.

Mr. aad .Jfirtu 0. P* Benson were pleasantly entertained * by Mr. and MRS, William Leao a t Massena, Toes-

Edward Potter returned to his home at Belginmv N. Y., Monday after tey-teraf weeks5 spent at the home.of 8- 8. BeB. . y

Mr. ar«l Mrs; I srae l , Nichols, o f Cole's Creek, visited tfcjjir daughter, Mrs. Clifford Hume, a t Massena Sua day. "

Ed. Hammill has been laid n p for some t ime from being kicked in the back by a col l he w a s breaking t o drive. • .

Mr. and Mrs. £ « v i Pewer, of Louis­ville, have been vis i t ing their daugh­ter, Mrs. George Browning, enring tte week; '

"iKr. 'and Mrs. t , O. Buffham, eC Newark, N . T ^ spent Friday wMh Mr. and Mrs. James BeSiday, Mrs. Beffham's brotber.

Horace Cliami e r Fa l l s , visited Mrs. d a v - ' ' ""' ' " ' ' • •'-

Frank Stooks, stiperni tendeirt of-the -Xevy.'f&dry 'Co^was-* Basiaesff c a p e r .|ni.-fowa";Friday.-\.' : • • - ' . -- '.. .-

Claude Hodjtsk&is and hride have re ­turned and are boarding a t O. Holmes' on River street . t . v . . '"• .**"''„'.''

Mies. Robbie M<KJee, w h o 3ats been caring f o r Mrs. Kmg^bury," h a s been i t immoped t o SJadrid t » ea te f o r * •si^pejrsmi. ''

'Newfr h a s been jeee i fed Aere o f fite; marriage, of Miss Anna'Richardson i<^ WiHiam flerman Nodd which took place a t t t t e ' Jiom^ « f [ Urn J?fide% . -; 'Adtia, Clfwnfir -Hnat S e t t l e . : ;

parents . Mr- and Mrs; Frank » c h a r d x f w % J f ^ t - ^ & ^ i r ^ i a ^

Mies Aletfcs Locke, who has been having whooping eaagjk and Oeraan measles, l is i l e i liswi riiiiiliilil ti" his

. n V - T f l W r I M V ' l l ' I M i ^ w | l w f a

*rjjp 10 tfi;*J;j-ar-«-- »? 'A w-y? ?i?Jf-T.

H n v OTBMHs7a 'WmMsVm £»•>%••• W H i • - j ^

March 8. Af ter a slmrt wedding-triF they w i l l be a t Borne At Maiden, Mass.

f s Richardson is a granddaughter o f | and Mrs., David jEtiekardsos, o f

m i s place and ha» virjited here. Their many friends wash thetp boa * i a » g e .

Mrs.' Ola Converse, our R. F . D . carrier "met w i t h quite a serione ae* cident l a s t Thursday dn her return tr ip from deUverinf thd m a i t W e driving in to take m a S from a n o * her covered s le ieh -was overturned in a huge snow drift which freisrhteaed her horse causing him to start on a run, overturning the tlefgk and throwing Mrs. Converse out, dislocating her shou'der and bruising her badly. Th i s happened about one m U e f r o m Fort Jackson, near the Byron Will is home, where Mrs. Onrferw w a s taken. Dr. Wells and B r . Smith were summoaed and she w a s able to ride home' Friday and las t accounts report her d o n g welL

Foley Kidney PtTta are • » thorooejb-ly effective for baekaehe, ; swollea, a e n n g Jotata, Iddaey Madder aOoMnte that they are

A i - A i " MeOraWi NebrM eayer ' ^ r rni i inemei ia ; Totoy Kiekwy M l e f « n a m . in a * t i e * ; « a « befera I finished if dbappaeaWU^s v>r%- u^i»n{ -jtiT

t ime and ft w a s largely through i d s I efforts that t h e Surd water s torage 'amendniSn^, which paved the way v for this bill, waa carried a t the general election l a s t fall . The b i l ^ a * introduc­ed b y Mr. Jones , i s a n amendment t o & e conservation Jaw. I t i n s e r t s a new section, known a s 7 A and i s entitled an act for riyer regulation by storage jce*erv.ofwt- .

c; The bill waa gotten under w a y through, » general committae' ,which Aras formed of members o f t h e asio> ciation for t^e, preservatiotE o f , t h e .Adirondack, the N e w York Board- o f Trab> ai^ZCrjinsportatipn,' the N o w T<BrJfe^ft|te jWaterways AasocfiMa«^ the Epchester Chamber o f Commerce, the Buffalo, Chamber of Commerce and the: local- chamber o f conunerca. The, actual drafting o f tbe-tnTl «wa»

!done by Mr. Smi thand Frank S . GaroV H«r o f N e w Yorkv I t w a g submitted t o j the-general committee in N e w York Monday and approved b y tins com­mittee, i , t .

-Asrexplaioed by Mr."Smra»r t f a e b © •prpvidesi in general , for;-the dxvisioa i f Jhe-state into watersheds; as -r iver} regulatico jdisjaacla^seach watershed a tjyer.?egjiIatBJg district . There are 20 o f these in the s t a | e and t h e local one

{eonsists o f t h e Black river rwaterahedv ,E<cJt..ugaferahed-'is organixed into a pubBc eoTporation wi th a governing body t o b e appointed b y the goyernor, t b * majority, o f whose member* ,are-fo be residenps o f t h e xfistrJcts. These: bodies wi l l h a v e al l -necessary powers t o construct reservoirs, levy the e x ­penses-on the fnwperty benefitted and

|,is«ue bonds t o pay for the improve-, meatsi the bonds t o he-raised b y - a s ­sessments. 'The biB Is universal a n d

[applies t o the Jands both in and out­side of the fores t preserve.

T h e mil does n o t i n v o l v e the s t a t e i n any extravagant scheme of expend­i ture but each district .locally i s t o de­termine the ^nprovements and the amount t o be expended, subject only to.approval by -fte edftservalion *omi, mjasSoifc, $bax.' i s 'fp. be> n # waste inJJ construction ,'at expenditate xfi pri*'* vate o r public funds . I t differs from other bifis %?.-.crea^na; * giffilic <or> poration w i t | tke ; poii«ra o f . a s j e s s i men* o i t i h e properties benefitted. . .


did wfcea the doctor was treating aw. I dea't tvi******-bearing down peiea a t a S n o w a a d l s t e e p WHS. J e a m o t s a y enoaghfbrLydesB. Fiokiuat ' i Vegjfta-bfe Caea»eawd> s a d I4f^:paa>-aa-*ejf-^ have doa« s o «Mdi fyr«a*.' I am«Brj^6« •--.

iaggood health BOW and OW«ft-aB'ta--voor retnediea. I take ateeaare at tiM-fagmy friends and wightoifs abee* them. " - M r s . Mjm«' 'ElU«rvaW'Co^' ,

^pla««'Staee^]k«iriBa,Tav>- --''-•"' . N o womeat aaaTwiift, f i w a amy f e a t o f feaasle troubles sheaid k » # hop* ttav ' ta'" she ha* given Lfdia E. FfaVkaaiT»

-:~..*£ife^xp0& 'reiaedy,-^ a>*4kiaef. i n g r e d i e n t s o f whieit are decivadi.

forty -veara umvad t o be; aaaaet valaa* :' b l e ; t o d c a n d iavigoiatot a f f t e f»»

-male.' Oegaalsm. Woaoea ^everywfceea -bearw3ene:teetioMBV te -aWwiaiaarcal"'

;aJw;€Sm^aaaJi'-'"V?'i-.-'-"-•-._.-, ;.;.>-J^J


raa4aadajtsw«r0diky* aaoThe3dlnatr*i^<»erftdeaaee.

Dr. Geo. P. Ljmu vfiraduate AttwriaaaSehooJef

* Osteopathy O M e * H o u r s : 9 » 3 a . » . , %m*mm

yta»r i iac>Avi»*a i . - Full J i ,H>y

caaiaensa^ arottr e«*jnnr.po«?S •We*j*fc|

SpccriaiteBtkm i»{«M to the-irrifttjt ato*t-ot«Hra>i$u*. <UMtomtx.acBatr, JKX.

Sttrfooo Deatfet , '1. C ill f 1


Indian Motorcycles

of Hogansburg, which w a s tr ied m Malope OR T^esdax, r |he jury brought i n arverdict o f ?500 in fayor o f Oustin. This, case wa s brought b y Dustin to recover damages for being; struck and injured by Crowley's automobile las t ammner near the Westville bridge. In h is testimony Dustin stated that the |] car came down the M ! a t the West­vi l le bridge f t a high rate of speed and hit him before h e had t ime t o g e t out of the way . Mr. Crowley and the t w o other occupants of the car test i ­fied t h a t Dustin stepped in f r o n t o f the car.

, The above cut snows the 1814 two-speed, twin eyKsoer, tafias I motorcycle, wxtfeside ear. This i s t h e very mgbeet d e v e l n p M a t of K motoreyeta hist ry , For 13 years the Ibdtaa bat iv igaed aopreeae aat tw

faste«t«atr'mgwJaiidbe*|i>uam!iudmotoreycie in the wectd Last year the I 9 l i Indian won all the larger contests for streagth and e a -dt tr« ice , fMmC^^tt toOeean. Tnis year the lflI4 laaian has been im­proved at3apoint» . and finds i t se l f far a*>ead«f aiieompetitors. There wi l l be W^WO MM Indians built, 3 » machines-turned o a t every day , but thfldemaud i s evengreater than the supply. ' ;

W e have contracted for quite a large namber of them, bat are l iabk to rmrj l^rt . Be t a r g e t yanrordtiriu early and voa wiH he to g e t one. Wea l sohr tvea fewseeoad-nand manhinee that faava overhauled and s r e m perfect oondiuen.

e& Smith Co.


P h i l Trath, That's Worth Meaey. U s i n g Foley's Honey and T a r f o r a

cough or cold may *ave yon both sickness and inoney. ' F . F . Monahan, Monomonie, Wfak, s a y s : " am ex­posed to all kinds of weather and X find Foley1* Honey and Tar Ccea-pwiml always fixes me up fat s e e d shape when.I catch cold or have a ban eongh. I recommend It Kmoly.

I t L "

. Mr. D u j k x t ^ »*« flat Hiierta has O K a p i i m f m t

H f

l i t

Home Builders

grossly when tbey'*-bink "Lambrr is Lumber" and tbat it can be bought hapbaxardly on price ajooe^ Y n'd doubtless be'greatly surprised if you knew the many grades into which alt lomber ki dhrided and yoa'd surely be very much ptovc4>rdshoaMjwci> tmy N a x sidinf thinking you. were gettiug the top notch grade only to discover later tiut "CLBAJt" is better than No. t. That's one way j nave of deceiving a feflow into " truth wiU prevail and " tion is irortb inore to as thaa UN9 aad when lionest valoesat fair Cbe order, we're oat of fL ' 1?

m I

"" • •- • " ? * * / •"* --