€¦ · events in the social world. what sociely is doing and...

EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. What Sociely is Doing and Anti- cipating for Next Season. THE BLAIR LUNCHEON PARTY. Some Interesting Engagement Notes. The O'Connor Farewell Lunch. Clean-Up at the Various Resorts. Weddings in the Interior— The Tennis Tournament To-Day. Many Visitors. Miss Jennie Blair (cave a charming lunch party last Tuesday at tbe elegant residence ol Captain ana Mrs. Samuel U;alr, 1315 Van Ness avenue. rue ail ill was given In honor of Mrs. George Hauling, formerly Miss LilyJones, who left for net Louie on Thursday, It was distinctively a uluk lucelieon. Hie table decorations being chirtty lovely clusters of Ducliesse de Brabant roses, arrayed la Knee large bowls placed diagonally across the table. Daylight was banished for Hie occasion, and Its place v... taken by a Bolt lamp-glow, which littered prettily through pink silk shades. Aftei enjoying ilie delicacies provided lbs guests were Invited mto the aiaw ing-room, whcie several hour \u25a0ere delightfully passed. Those present were Mrs Geo Harding. Mrs. James Kcer.ey. Mrs. Chauncey Wlnslow, Mrs. Nellie Pluto, Mrs. Me- Cullch, Ml»<i Kllse Kelly. Ml« Nellie Jolille, Mis* Belle Smith, Jii:s l.iilie O'Counoi and -Miss Jennie Blair. Tlie I>rliutant«s. Anious those who v. ill be missed in the dance this coming season will be Miss Fall (now Mrs. Herman Oeliicbs; Miss Cecilia Miles, Miss Alice Stnipkiiis, Miss Hyde, Miss Claifc and Mis Kiniiy H«eer. Their places will be tilled by •oaae bright ii 'but; ntes, among wliani are: Miss Nina Macondray, who returns wlib Miijor ttatl bom-; Miss iMyra Nick ma . who lias also jiiit telutued from abioad; HIM Alice llob.nt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. a. ilobart, who lately icLU'iK'd from Europe ami will occu] y ilie lotßiei residence ol Mrs. ltany Uilllg; MUs Ma Huffman, who has been summering at B*U Rafael; miss rorteous, Ibe niece of sir. and Mi J. ; . Hale, vho are domiciled at the Occidental Hotel; .viss Alice Hager, daughter ot Colonel \u25a0id Mis. tleoige li.iger of Co!u»;i, who are also .it lue Occidental, and others not yet " entered." Mis- leout Is almost a debutante, bavins naae bei uinance to society at .Mr-. l.righam's ball ana teiiuaii only toward the end of last sea- -on. Uff Notes. \u25a0«».- Hie celebration of the birthday anniversary of the State bract cally commences today, and this column of The call, as the recognized soeta medium on the Pacific Coast, woulil be derelict in duty were llnot to proOer us ••many happy coins of the day," wuile congratulating the community upon the auspicious opening of til ß ••olegest" Unlay icuuiou in the history of California. Asa social event It Is being charac- terized aiming citizens by a true exhibition of California hospitality, which delights to seize the opportunity to entertain the brothei3 and ••i-ters visiting within our rates. For the ino- incut rigid foimMltln are forgotten and, while raits Major Is In the ascendant, all energies are devoted to welcoming our guests. I ; v anil by will come a breathing space when these lugnive meets will seek to be more permanently im- printed. Such a memorable anniversary doe* not occur oltcn, and It Is necessary to "gather i vi roses as we may" before we can store our pot /ouir; jar will) the fragraut petals of deliiiUtiol memories. Society In this city Is gradually assuming Its position for the coming season. Stragglers are arming in town flora allsideiand itIs only to be iei;ietirit 1 1 . . i many are meiely birds of passage fur the Eastern States. Vet while losingmany of uur leading entertainers lor a time, several new hiiK-os aie likely to be opened, while the dc- urea are doubtless graver In the prominence i.I the prospective absentees than In actual num- ber. Beside dinners, aud receptions, however, iliere li danctug, an Important consideration for our debutantes and bachelors, lv this respect, also, there seems unusually good piospects, and, although a Is eaiiy yet. ilia indications - \u25a0• already set for a seasou bf more than ordinary activity. Mrs. G. llarding was tendered a pleasant lunch party, tilor to her departure, by Miss l.ilhe O'>U»inor, at Her home on U'l-iuiell sue 'I lie talkie decor.tlous weieClima asters. Among ll.e guests weie: Mrs. McKlttilCß, Mr<. Kceuey, Miss Jennie Blair, Miss Mamie lloi brook. Miss Nellie Jolif!?, Miss Uelle Smith, Miss tE Al V.u"'lUf'a'el all energies have apparently bern conserved of late for the ti-nuis toiuna- it r ,t which begins to-day, continues to-morrow \u25a0ndwluds up with a hop to-morrow evening. fatlicuurs as to tulries. prizes, etc.. l)a%e already liecn published. A verj larjce atteud- aueJ Is auttetpaied on both «aya. Martin were Mr Louis Levjaad Miss M-ylileMartin were married yesterday al 722 liolden Gate avenue. Santa Una bids fair to become a tavonte site for summer leMdences. Among Hie present o»u- --m. of abiding places theie aie: Mr. and Mrs. rnelan and family at Fuelau I'arK. Mr. .1. fw. j^iboeai eottaice. Mi. J. I. Bmlln at Uun- »hlre Villa, Mis. U. \> tMlon and Mrs. Hear* McLean Mailin at Mlramas, while Majoi Frank MctJiUEbliD will build a liandsome couaao soon on l!e.ich HIU. Kng«ecment Notes. The engagement Is announced of Miss Ilarriel Sosers ltylaud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. I Kyiana, tho fornrr a well-known pioneer am ' capitalist of San -lose, where tie founded am was the llr-l I'iesldeul of Hie Commercial Hank to Mr. Joseph O'Keefe, also of San Jose. Tl wedding will take place about Hie middle of tin \u25a0 month 111 St. Joseph's Catholic Church la \u0084.11 Jose. Only members of the respective '.tmiilc: will be present. The brid* '} ,_ - '„-aughtei ,of the first Governor ol - 0 / ' \ . rU. Buiuett. \u25a0 r \u25a0-- - .^^_JUi^weddiwiTof Miss Nellie E. Hopkins and Mr. Charles MrI. aim Smith will take place at the lesideuce ot Mr. W. W. Mala, 'M'J UaK street next Monday The eus;si;:iMn'vit Is authoritatively announced lit Mi's Maud Nickerson, daughter of Mr. am Mis. A. A. Nickersoo of this city, to Dr. Side buiimn. n 1 ion : cut physician cf Cheshire, Kiic- land, II will shod remove to Bowlder t'liy, Colo., n-Jiere he v.lll re-ide 1:, the future. __— - „*"« -Vane Uuckii.ui. daughter &-\> t . and ..'.\u25a0••. (,eorge J. liui'kiuil, will niarrled on in Klay b , '" eral)< ; 30tU, to..'ri-rJani«s a. Ma- to.! ol Net! Vo.^J""'.-^ for D - A ' J " lel0U & Hiiro' iHifj!*? 61 Ml " Mar Pa r e' G. Conolly, the '.'\u25a0" IU . ™i,. l >r of Mr. Edward A. Conolly. and _\u25a0»\u25a0 I "!-'\u25a0— will take place next Wedues- day evening at 8 o'clock, at St. Mary's Cathedral. 'Hie yuuui; couple will leave the next inornlug fur a wedding nip through the northern part of the Stale. (aid* are out for tlie raarrttiP! ceremony of »ii>- Louie Dee Kello^eauil Mr. 15eu H. Maitic, eldest -on ol Couuly Clerk E. .Vartiu, which will be celebrated at Santa Cruz tn-dav. On Ihe2stfiol tins month Miss Gertrude Cohen ol \Ve»l Oakland will be married to Mr.M. A. lloooey. Chief of Police ot Seattle. The marriage will take place at the bilda's Lome. On thai day the will be 19 years old. Mr. aod Mi-. I.J. Goodman announce the en- j cageiueut of their daughter Mi's* J.illie lioodma n to Mr. Ted Colin of thu city. They will tecolve at their lesideuce 2331 Bush street on Sunday and Tuesday alternoons the 14th and lGth last. The wedding of Miss Clara limns and Mr. Charles Botbwetler will take place at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, lr.'3 Eddy street, next 1hursday evening. The marriage of Mr. W. C. Hilland Miss Mac Ixunn will tie solemnized at the residence of I Hi- bride's patent*, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodg- I sun. In Santa Bom next Wednesday evening. The engagement Is announced ol Mr. G.Selgler I 10 Miss ilaltle Lobe, both 01 this city. Miss Jessie imater, second daughter of Mr. aim Mr.«. <;. v B. DeLamater of Santa Cruz will be married In the near future to Mr. Joseph li.En tight of San Jose. The engagement of Mils t;ie Erliman to Mr. Albert itoieubaum, Dotn ot thli city is an- I nounced. The niiirrlagfl of Miss Carrie Welsslch of this cliy and Mr. <. l..;l->cl;iu:ui ot Phoenix, Ariz.. » ill lake 1lace Wednesday evenini: urxi aillie I home of 11,0 Dildc's parents, 1318 Buchanan I Mi '\u25a0:. lisiim.itu relatives of the family only 1 will ie proaeaL Alter an extruded lour of I Southern California the youn: couple will make then permanent homo in PtHßnli, Ariz. A .New >><iCiKiy (.'lull. Tie well-estaDllsbed Bachelors' Cotillion Club I baagnm way befoielhe pressure of numbers, I and by a process of natuial selection will be ie- I orKanizea tills reason. Under me Presidency of Mr. J. H. Crockett, j the Vlce-Preildeney of Mr. Henry T. Scott, and the management, of Mr. K. M.Urreuway, the 1 rildajClud win give a series of riiieitainiiieniH I uuiini! the season, u,e germao 10 form Hie piece 01 ', t "; l V, a " cc - Mr - Crockett, as a mail of means. '.""'lly, a " ( 1 strouir personal qualifications, ilei. ',",.".'", mat the organization is ear- L^utwi V" «'!" '' De » lala down. Ho willbe ably C i I,', !>U -, S , cl " l aim *' '\u25a0 Grcenwiy. who are v.H^.-' t ?a U c!,\ l ",. i '' llltl '' fCluD »'llb» Issued this mas. l "" lll| wniur«loiiowlu« after CUilst- ... 1 l !!. c WA^SSSSSit? ft » B "" amM Mr. Harry lui«oek, Mr Ki!St ?' collsl ' lt ' 1 ot ' J. Caiolan. Mr. Wii ,\u25a0„, ii*';.? fi ' 'ley, Mr. Frank li. Crockeit, Mr. JomoS "-uTV- Mr - \u25a0")se i i!l UEy.e, Mr', c.d, $$$• V r "V! 10 « \u25a0>'\u25a0• "I- K. er. Hr. ball McAllister, Mr Ms #1?* U "? X - LanstogMlzner, Mr. lieiiry'w p. l^ " 9011' Mr Heurv T. BcoU. Mr. K. 11 Si, e fd ", "{V,°"j,*£' Small. Lieutenant 1.. H.Btrother Dr. Haw! iV Xevls aud Mr. JioDert J. Woods. arry u- li-l Monte Rotas. At Monterey society still lingers, loath to ex- I change its delights for the less quiet ways' of town. . A few picnics have been varying the pleasures j of uuckeiel fishing, tennis and some bathing. A paily consisting of Mis. I. L. liarcda. Miss Jennie Sanderson, Miss Janet I'erlc, Miss Rose Kareda, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McDonald and Mr. Oiin wan agreeably culei tallied at a picnic by Mr.". (ieorgo Hearst 011 Saturday week. ' Another picnic was given Iv Mis. Cunning. I ham In honor of His. A. M. Eastern's birthday. The spot chosen was one ol the pretty groves near Cypress guest's are: Mr. ana Mrs. William Among the nuens arc: Mr. and Mra. \\ illlam Alvord, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crocker, Mr. and Mr?. 11. U. Hewlett, Mrs. Kobert Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Chapman, Mr. W. K. Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Gallatln, Mrs. E. D. Van Court. Mr. and Mrs. A. Page Blown, Mrs. A. M Kaston, Colonel Crocker and family. Mrs. W. li. Hearst, Miss Jennie Sanderson, Mrs. Ellis, Miss Hone tills. Miss Florence Heed. Mrs, Thomas Breeze and family, Mr. and Mm. C. H. Sirapklus and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Davis and fam- ily.Mrs. j. S. Fassett and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Ch esman, Mr. and Mrs." A. E. Head. Miss Auna Head, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Josselyu, Mr. A. Jos- selyn, Mr. W. 1.. Deao. Mrs. (>. W. ChiMs, Miss Emma Child j and .Miss Kutli Childs. Fox-Uemcnt Wedding In Itedwood City. The wedding ofMr. Claud Fox, Under Sheriff, of Kedwood City, nnd Miss Harriet liement of Alarncda County, took place Thursday at 1 o'clock under the most auspicious of circum- stances in the Congiegatlonal Church. liedwood City, Itev. 1.. D. Uathboue officiating. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Men- delssohn's " Wedding March," played by Miss Belle Crowe, and tooK their stand under an im- mense marriage-bell ol geranium bloom* and evergreen. Miss Zoe Fox and Mr. \\ illiam He- mem, brother ol the bride, came first, followed the malas of honor, Miss Ethel aim Miss Bee Fox. Then came me bride. Miss Harriet Be- inent, upon the arm of her betrothed. Mr. l'la::it Fox. The ushers were Mr.Charles Wentwortu and Mr. C. N. Christ. , After the ceremony 8 breakfast was served at the resilience or Mr. George W. l"ox. Only the relatives of the bildal couple and Key. and Mrs. Kathboue. Miss Ciowe and the ushers were present. The relatives from abroad were: Mr. and Mis. Dement, tarents of the bride; Miss Mud"c and Georce l'.enieut ot land, Mr. Cale P.emeut of Mountain lew and .Mrs. lloll- acker of San Francisco. Besides .Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fox, parents of the groom, ami Mr*. John Donald, his grandmother, the other relatives who reside In Kedwuod City were P1 Mr. and Mrs. Fox afterward left for Del Monte. They will icluiu tills week to Redwood City and willreside at the borne of Mr. George \\. rox. The presents were very handsome. A ITeseuUtlon Parly. On last Friday evening the pupils ol the Eighth tirade, Hermann-street school, pleasantly sur- prised their former teacher, Miss L. M. Graham, at her residence, COd Buchanan sticet. As tu- kens of their esteem and regard they presented Miss Graham with a richly upholstered oak rocker, a parlor table and bisijua ornament, A bountiful repast furnished by the children was enjoyed after an hour spent In games anil sons. At a seasonable hour they dispersed, expressing regrets hi baviug to lose so favorite aud capable a teacher. Const WediUne*. Last Thursday in Carson City Mr. Chancellor Morrison, Messenger of the senate In1880, aud Miss Alice liiowu, L'pili of Virginia City, weie married by Itev. J. Fred Holm Miss Lillian Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, o! Merced, and Mr. E. 11. Bronse, en- gineer of the Santa Cruz Electric Light anil rower Company, were married on Saturday at 11 Maple street, Santa Cruz, tbe summer hi>:iie of Mr. Smith's family. Tim honeymoon will be sient In Ban Francisco. .Mr. and will reside tn Hauta Cruz. On Thursday aiicriiuon St. Paul's Episcopal Church at Ventura was handsomely decorated for tl.e, uuptlal ceremonies of Mr. E. li. Wood- woith. formerly of tionverneur, New loik. aud Miss Kitiib Biaaley, of Ventura. An Interesting wedding In railway circles •'.: Los Angles took place there last Thursday. The con racting paries were Mis* Battle Will- lams of thai city and Mr.John Griffin, yardinas- I ter ot the Southern Pacific Company. On Tuesday evening last, at the residence of Mr. J. 11. Bammoo. near Plumas, Miss Mamie .-:.;!,. was united In marriage to Mr. Thomas J. Oslroui, sou <if Hon. 1). A. Ostrom, both >>! Vaoa County. The happy pair came to this city for the honeymoon. Yestercny tie marriage of Miss Mattle Bates ami Mr. William C. Raymond took place at the lesidencc of the brine's parents, 22:11) 0 street. Sacramento. Miss Bales Is a daughter of Super- vi-or George o. ll. ties, and a highly accomplisbed . young lady Ihecioom, formerly of iklnnd, "is a trusted agent of the Southern Pacihc Com- pany at Ciockei?, near Vallejo. r,-iru<B to Take I*l*c*». A leading feature of the celebration now In course will be the grand hall given to-morrow evening by the parlors of the Native Sons and Dauclitets of the Uo!d?n West. It will take place at the Pavilion, where me pr paratlom [ are on a scalo never beloie attempted In tun city. The September entertainment of the Native Sons of Vermont will be given at Odd Fellows' la. on Friday evening next, and au unusually tine programme is promised. social Council. No. 46, O. C. F., will Elvo their next ijuaiterly social and Ice-cream party at Washington Hall, ]; J Men's Building, next Thursday evening. 'Hie Bay Clly Wheelmen will celebrate their sixth anniversary by giving a dance at Cuiou- square Hall on the 2Gtu in it. Gennania Lodge, No. 20. U. E. A., will hold an open meeting on Saturday evening, the 20th lust., at Us hall m Shirls Building, '•$- O'Farrell street. The Lyceum Comedy Company will produce Auauttln Daly's comedy "ANight OfT at Sara- toga Hall next Friday. A apeclal Scottish concert will be held in the Howarrt-slrett Presbyterian Church ou Friday evening n-xt. Bay Lily Lodge. No. 117, K.of P.. will Rive an i eiileilalnmer.t and dunce ou may evening, Hie 20111 Ids!., al Saratoga all. By special request « 'tneftierinan 'Dramiiiic" Ciu'a Will proiiuce 'the drama My Partner." The Twilight club Rive their next social. In honor of the Native Sons and Native Daughters, ou Wednesday evenlue next at Boss Hall, cor- ner of Geary and Leaveuwortn streets. The openiDc exercises of the Kan Francisco Conservatory of Music, under the management of i'rofessor E. S. Bonelli, will lake place Thurs- day evening, the IStb nut., at Metropolitan Temple. Young Ladies' Institute, No. 2, will hoM their third annual recaption at Odd Fellows' Hall I Tuesday evening, October lilst. The County Kerry Social Club will give an en- j leitalumeut ou October 20th at Irisb-Ameneai Hall. Tne Klncon Yachting Club willgive tbelr third I annlversaiy ball at B'nai 1! nth Hall on Saturday 1 eveuluz, the 20th lust. An entertainment and illwill be tendered to I Mr. Guy Durrell by Professor Illinium at Mis' | sion Music Hall ou Tuesday, the Him Inst. - 'lLe Society of True Friends will irlveanen' tertalnmriit and social dauce at \V a \u25a0\u25a0 1 i 1 1) -; ' \u25a0 c Hall, 33 Eddy street, on Tuesday evening, ib- I ltitiiinst. I Unity Social Club will hold Its twcifUL^m nual Simchats Torali b?--: »l Odd F-' 1 \u0084,' ll. ii: . I Sunfl»y ejr^.liij, October ; \u25a0" if;e retular J uer«on Academy ha< . \u25a0•em poilpoued to Saturday evening, the 20tli i j just. I I Irvine's Dancing Academy will Eive a candy r parly at Mission Opera Hail Saturday evening uexi. - "The Henriettas will give their next dance al Mission Music Hall ou Friday evening, the l'Jtl. i ' lust. i A social and literary entertainment to be giver , by the members of ban Francisco Council, No 182. Order of Chosen Friends, at WasbinKtoi I 1 Hall, 35 Jiddy stieet, on Tuesday, the 30th lust I J Society I'er^nunls. - . -*\u25a0* ; .Mrs. O ; A. Ua:e_^d_^p_at>*yL- l Vi eu s uaVc J come lyirom San Jose to enjoy the celebration. ' Mr. and Mrs. U. J. ripeuce of Ban Jose an registered at the Baldwin Hotel. Vr. W. E. Dean returned Saturday from Del Jlnnte. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sherwood and the Misses I Jessie. Hose, Isahelie and Winnie Sherwood have returned to the city after passing the sum- mer ut their country residence near Halloas City, in .Muuterey County. I Mr. W. K. Biiagman. of Del Coronado Is one of our vlsltois. Mis. Sol. Runyou of Couitland. Sacramento County, Is la tins city slopping at the Grand lintel. Mrs. General Filsble Is down from Vailejo fur the holidays. Mr. W. c. I'evtou arrived from Santa Cruz Saturday and is stopping at the Palace Hotel. Mr. anil Mis. w. v. GrlaaSo of Sacramento, are domiciled at the I'al.ico Hotel. Mrs. J. W. Dwin.'lla ami the Misses Cnlpman 1 have returned Horn San Mateu to tliclr home m Al.ime<l.i. .Mis. l^wnielle is enterrafnlug her daughter, Mi. Joseph Trlpp. who will return to New York abont the first of October. Mr. and .Mis. John Mitchell of Tulare City came un lam Saturday. Tirey willgo later for a. \u25a0liorl time to Santa Cruz. Kx-Governoi H. G.«dellof Highland Park, Alameua, bos couo on a visit to White l'iue County, Nev. Mr*. .1. it. Urlgn and dsugnter. Miss Sadie Bilm.'", have come on a visit from Woodland Miss Ella McCarthy lias returned from a visit at Los Angeles to Her home in Oakland. Mlsa Mumie 1., Taylor, who has been spendlo" the last nine mouths in New Yurk and its vicinity, will leave this week for Boston, expect- liij; to lench [tils city al« m the Drat of October. Mrs. A. W. Farioos and MlssFailouc ol Gll- roy are among the numerous visitors in town. Dr. and Mis. A. E. Mluto ot S.iiila Kusii are so- journing at me Grand \u25a0:-.. .Mis. Adoli<h Sutio and Miss Clara Sutro have returned from au extended lour of Km ope. Mr. and Mrs. Mixunhave come lo town from St. Helena. Mrs. Mixou will remain for a few week's visiting relatives. Mrs. Fox mil her daughter, Miss Fox of Santa Ko-h, atilvtMl Saturday vii a \u25a0•••\u25a0•- ' - visit. Mr. and Mis. John W. Coleniau and Miss Jessie Coleman willupend in. week lii San Bafael. Mrs. Waller M. Castle returned to B-inuCruz on Sal nmay. Dr. I). G. McLean of Salinas has brouzlit His daughter. Miss Ivy Mcl^)an, to this city, where slie will atiKiid the Irving lu>titu.e. . Mrs. 1.. <). Hudson and her daughter, Mr* Lulu N. AiiUei-dii, of Stockion, have come down lo attend the celebration. Mis;, Mabel Whlitemure, who has been vlslt- teg her cousin. Mm. Cha.les L. WoMtoke, In halinas, has returned to her home iv s,ui Kauri "cue""- 11 -by her eontio, Mr. Sinclair liui- Jjr. Paris Kilburn Is vMtlug in Sallnai. Miss Etta I racy was the guest this week of li"el J. ji.hl| 4l "> Soilage hiiclua, lii Moute Major and Mrs. J. 1.. Rathbone and Mis, Macondiay expected to leave Paris on their relum HI. to ihelr home \u25a0„. this Coisi y ° " Cru7:o*?"i,lay. Jl "" a *'"• Maisua " Santa Mrs. William Dntton and children have re turned to this city after upending m summer nt tbelr counliy residence near So iom». al _ Miss Allco ( ulvei well bus come up from Santa Mr. A. L. Lfjeal i>nd family have returned to ie city after -i. iid.i.n the summer ai Old Saiwilito. \u25a0 Mr. li. 11. Ho'z and son visited the city from Sonoma yesterday. Miss Clara Maiidon, Miss Nellie Ualraud and Miss Ella Mjddon came up veslcrday lor a couple of weeks' visit. Mr«. Peter Decker. Mrs. Morton Che sinan \u25a0nd-'Mins Jennie Cheesroan remain In ltoss Val- y at present. Miss Dyer of thu city his returned home after Pjeasani. vmi wlihthe Misses Shaw of Sonoma. ,!,•"• '• Mitchell or this city with his sister, Uiisiiliio "" "' EM ' b(>eut la " Buudj y ln couw'e'll'f Annnron(t of Mare Island spent a Sl.'GulHeiTtJ 1 , l " c M0I «1 « 1 "' p.operty near ui?on S -. 1 »""L°. M l y lio " eit «' Santa Clara came Mr w , i iiJ,.? v i, 'l " rel.iilves yesterday. taCSi^CT last luesday NATIVE SONS. A SOXG DEDICATED TO THE NATIVE SOXS OF THE GOLDEN WEST. i i i, rnVPTY our banners wave 'neath the BKOVDLY our banners wave 'neath the bine 3',;y, YjZ As imr banners unfurl, herald forth tho glad cry. Arise, Native Sons anil Daughters so fair. California's heart beats as our notes fill the air. Forever the fire of the great Golden v.'est Burns In or.r hearts for those we love best. (Hi Native Sons of the bright Golden West! Oh. so proudly we bear California's gold crest ! Triumphant our emblems and sacred cur trust, Our strength Is our glory and conquer we must. In union we strive anil Inunion we live. Our \u25a0•Mob "Duty!" and freedom we breathe. Forever tho fire of the bright Golden west Hums In hearts for thosa we love best. Ob Native Sous of the bright Golden West! Oil so proudly we bear California's goldcrest ! ion JVanetKO, September, ISM. N kllie I'bior. THE SHRATT. [The followingIs an Estbonlao tale, rendered here trim the man. wlilcli, It is believed, lias nut been given before In English.} fiNCE upon a time a young farmer's whole I \u25a0 3 r harvest bad tilled, his bay was spoiled. I p and Uls cattle bad died, so that he could ? -' uoi even do me work due his landlord. One Sunday lie was sluing sorrowfully at Ills door tue people passed by to clmrch. There; came i.pio hini oue Michael, an old tramp. 01 whom it was Bald mat lie could sue* the cows di call down ball on Hie oops, and biiusjdis- eascoi linen. Thanks to hi. reputation, lie whs never sent away einpty-naoaed when lie came "'"Good-day, tanner," said he as lie came up. "Good lack to you I" was the answer. " What's the matter with you?" asked the old man. " You look miserable." ••Yes tilings are going 111 with me. But, at least. iam glad to meet you. l-'olKs say you can do a lot of mlschlet, but that you are a clever man. Perhaps you can help me?", •\u25a0 folks thuii; me "ad because they aie bad tuemseives," leplled the old man. " but what "he farmer tola him all his misfortunes, ami the old man said: " Would you like to escape from your present poverty and become a ncn "'Vwtjbwlui all my Heart I could," cried the 'Then old Michael lau;hed anil said: "Ifi n-eicas young and strong as you. if l weie brave and uol afraid of the dark, \u25a0nil II I Knew bow to bold my tongue-well, 1 know what Tell"me what yon mean. I'll do anything to get ilch, lor, as things aie, my life Unburden to "'Then the old nun looked cautiously round about him and said soltly: "Do you know what * Tiio" faVnier answered in horror: "Idon't know, but 1 have heard dreadful tilings. ••I'll tell you then. It la a creature that any "man Call make for himself, but it must be done so secretly that ho human being sees him. Its body is a bruomHlck, Its head a uioken Jug, Its Diise a piece a glass ana us » two installs with whicu a woman 100 years old has spun. All these tblujssaie easily sot. On tlnee Thursday evenlnp* you mint co all alone to a cross-road, H't voui goblin upright and say the words 1 will teach yon. On Hie third Thursday the tobltu will Heaven deliver us fioui evil!" cried the '\u25a0 Ili-jvua deliver us fiom evil I" cried [lie "••"oi'i you're afraid? Then I've said too much already. \u25a0•No, I'mnot afraid ; so ou." The old man went ou: "Till! goblin is then the servant of him who has brought it to life at the cioss-road. It lives in lit! use, in the Bar- rel, anil must do whatever he bids It. .No one can see It uut It* master. It brings him money, corn and hay as often as he HKes, Out not moie at once than a man can carry." •• Hut, if you know nil that, why have you never made cue of these admirable treasure- bnugrrs lor yourself, instead of remaining a poor man all your lite?" , •• I have made up my mind to do It a hundred limes, and I've begun to do It a hundred times, but my courage always failed. A Inciid of mine, who hart one, used often to tain tome about It, but I was too timid to follow bis ex- ample My friend died, and lib maateiless goblin lived a long time In the village here, and |,Uy,a the people many a trick. Once he lore a woman's yam all to nieces, and, whtnth y found li out, and were going to throw the yarn away, behold meie lay a heap of goldunder it. Afier that the tobltu Ulisui,iie.'iied. At that time there was nothing 1 Wished «o much as to have a goblin if myown ; but now I am old uuj may, and dun't think of such lliiug*. \u25a0 •\u25a0 1 have courage enough," said the farmer; '•but wouldn't it be better to tali It over with the nuui-lei tir.«t?" •• Yon fool '. You mustn't talk It over with any one, but least el all with the minister, for, when you call the goblin to life, you make over your soul to the devil." lhe fanner started back In horror. "Don't be so liicliteued." said the old man. '\u25a0to up for It, you willI. live a louk life and eveiy:ni:<K heart could wish. Aud when you feel mat your last hour Is near, you may Mill es- cape from the claws of satan If you are clever enough to get rid of your gubliu." \u25a0• How can 1 do that?" " If you set htm a task he can't perform you are ijuii ol him. l'.ut you must -ft about it cleveily, fur it's uoi easy lo c<-t lhe better of him. The man 1 told you cl wauled lo get rid of his L-ol' he v ' him 10 till .1 cask tin water >avjir."l hi a sieve. Hut Hie gobllu carried water, and earned vtnin.if&ii'iever slowed till he had tilled the with the taop» that cluus to the sieve." ' -' \u25a0\u25a0Then he died without getting rid Ml lie goblin?" •'Will, why was he so stupid ? But one thing 1 must tell you; you must feed your goblin we.., to keep him good humor. A farmer output a plate of bioih Inlhe attic for his goblin, in he had always been accustomed to do. A servant noticed It. ate the broth, and tut rand in tie plate. That night the goblin beat the fanner cruelly; so he did eveiy night till the fanner found out the cau-f. and earned tin a fresh Male of Li oil), Then he let him alone. And now you know all about It." Tho aimer was silent. ISy-aod-bye he beganf "There Ita good deal about it that I don't ItK», Michael." > \u25a0You a«ke<l my advice, and I've gl>eu it," said the old man. ''Choose for yout 'el?, l'oveity and waul have come upou y.v.r, tEn it the only way to escape tlieMi-TiW become a rich man, and If you use your wlt». you'll be able to cheat ; "ie dev 1 ' your soul besides." f-iTui fanner thought a 111 lie, then said: "Tell '" r me what 1 am to say on (he 1 Sundays." "What will you give me for v ."' asked the 1 old man. "Once I've sot the goblin, you shall lead the life of a o>d." "Come on then l" said the old man; aud they went into the cottage together. After that Sunday the tanner was never to 1.8 seen Inlhe village. He neglected his li»id work, and his crop, such as II win. was spoiled. His house looked desolate ai,d forsaken. His ser- vant dawdled from tavern to tavern and bis maid . lay at home ; n'.'-.'i'f'WUJlA'Mliat JJ.*-fij.SsTer wasucttheA^plW^oihe woik him.eif. \u25a0 Meai^fije the farmer sat In his Mimkyroom, |w!Dr-TTie door boiled and the window-curtains drawn, woi king diligently day ami night at his gotilln by the light of a pint torch. He had got together all that was needed for it. Including even the distaffs with which an old woman 100 rears old had spun. He put an the pieces caie- fully together, set the jug on tie broomstick, fastened on a piece ol broken glass for a nose and painted the »yes and mouth with red paint. Then he wiappi'd the body in colored tags, as lie had been told to do; ami all the lime he thought with horror that now he had the power to call this uncanny creature to life, and that he should have to ki-en li beside him all his days. Hut when lie ieineiiib-red the lichi's It was >o bring tils abhonence subsided. The goblin was soon finished, ami next Thursday, after darK, the farmer earned it to v cross-road in the tot est. Iheie he set els goblin upright, sat down on a stone and watched It. Hut eveiy time he looked at It be almost fainted witu terror. Every pull of wind went through bis very marrow, and when an owl hooted 111 the distance ho thought he niii-iiily heard the goblin groaning, and his blood fioze Inhis veins. When day broke at last he look the goblin and stole cautinusly home. The second I hui -li.iy ho did Just the sains. At last me third Thursday night came, and now tn» charm was to take effect. The wind howled and ihe moon was hidden behind thick clouds, when the fanner, at dead of ululit, reached the cross- road with his goblin. He set it upright as before, hut thought as he did so: "Suppose I weie to break It In a thousand ii i \u25a0,\u25a0-. go home, and worK hard and steadily, I tired have nothing to do with the powers of evil." "Hut I am miserably poor." he answered him- self, "and this creature willmake me rich. Come what may, things can't bo woi .c with me." He looked round anxiously, turned tremblingly to the, dropped lime drope of blood from his finger upon It,and said the charm winch the old man hail taught him.* Suddenly the moon came out from behind the clouds and shone down on the place where tho farmer mi standing before his goblin. The farmer was petrilied with honor when lie saw the gublln coming to life. The creature rolled li iteyes hoi i ihly,turned slowly round nnd round, and when he again came face to face with hi* mailer, asked lira croaking voice: "VYliat do you want?" This was 100 much for the farm who was al- ready half-mad with fear. He lied as If for dear lite, not eailttl whither. Tim goblin mi, raillliig and gasping after him, and kept crying: "Why did you bilug me to life if you are to forsake me now?" Hut the father ran on and never looked be- hind. Then llin goblin seized hi* shoulder In Ills wooilen grasp mill cried: "You have failed In Your li.iiginu by iiinnluc away. You have pledged yiitusell io the devil mid now you'll gain nothing by It. You have set me free. I urn no longer your- servant, but 1 willbe your tormentor and plague you to (be lust hour of your life." The fanner rushed madly Into hi* cottage, but the gobliu, Invisible to all but him, fol- lowed. . I- mm that day forth the farmer tailed In what- ever he undertook. Nothing but weeds mew In bis fields, his ealtto always died, his roots fell In, and when he took hold of anything it broke In his hands. Neither man nor maid would enter his service, and at last every one held aloof from him. as though he were an evil spirit, bringing HI luck whoever lie appeared. llaivest had come round again, and the farmer was a iih'ik shadow of himself, when one day he met old Michael. Tho old man greeted him and limited mockingly in his face. Oli, it's you i"cried the farmer. "I'mglad to have (alien In with you, you hell hound ! Where i, .V P!' 01 " 1 *"- your riches Hud good fortune? iiMdv "l "i-Vr" l " llle devil, aud I'm In hell riM., A " d , 11 » all your fault.' - yon i v"w S ,'!h .V" " a " i the old Ina »- " w bade It, iid ; ' y i^a nid ?" we " "' cv " If you we. c moment you ' '| < k yO n 'w?v ni ;;: lly ' Ullt " tlie *& i knew?" ' 1 lead you a>tray: 1 oa] «old you what !"Then help me now." "Help yourself; 1 ran do nothing. I have more reason o complain of you than jiu-or in, i didn't defraud you. but where Is the provision for my old uue that you promised ? s You are me Clj^'l't HOI ' - *S'**'* l ™^^"tfirTflfcdMrßjf| < fWrJ^jTjiii [Q^ 1W " 1 1#Hi nil Ji "Well, utver uirud that now. . Show me how to B , MM > tellHie WD»t to do. I will do whatever £V# ! B £& the old man. "^dow no more -I must remain a beirgar, and v '.* VOOr jauil. With il:e«e words he turned and left nun. "Curse you I" crieu the farmer, whose last hope had vanished. "la mere no way or escape?" lie asked himself. "This cobllu. who holds onto mo like tho devil himself. is. ailer all, nothing hut my own woik— a ihingof wood ana potsherds. It must be possible to destroy him if I go the llj;lit way to work." He hastened to Ii 1 collage, where he now lived nil alone. There mood the goblin, in a corner. He received him will) an angry grin, ana eald: "Where is my supper?" "What will you take logo away and leave me In peace?" - •\u25a0Wiieie Is my supper? Give me my supper quiCK; I'm liuucry." ".lust wait. I'll give It you directly." The fanner seized a pine toicli which was buinlnc in the chimney corner, lushed out like a madman, and locked nil the doors fiom ouislde. It was a cold autumn night, and the wind blowing through the pines sounded like strange wallinc voices. '•Now burn nnd roast, you devil from hell 1" cii'd lhe limner, tin owingthe Inirniug torch on to Ihe thalched iOff, so that the whole cottage was soon In ablaze. Then the farmer laughed madly, and kei'tcivlug: "Nowbum and roa«t I" 1 he villagers weie soon wakened by the elnw of the flames, nnd flecked to the fcciid of the dliajler. They wanted to put out llio lire and save what they could, but the farmer thrust them back, saylnz: "I.c: Italone ! Wliai do I care about the house if only lie id Mils'.' He has lormenteil me long enough; now it's my turn to tonure him, aud then iblngs may come rtebt again." The people stared at him in amazement. Then the house fell in with a ciash, ana the fanner cried loudly: "Now he's burnt !" At that moment the goblin, visible to the fanner alone. ro«c unliuii from Die smoking ruins, with a threatening gesture. The moment the farmer saw him he fell to the grouud with a d:e.iillul cry. "What do yon see?" allied old Mlchnel, who bad lust come up, and was standing close beside him. But. the farmer give no answer. He was dead of fear.— Longman's Magazine. (•) In another tale tlie words of the ctiarra are given: ".May my soul and tby soul he one." HOW TO PaOCDRE A HOME. The West Oakland Mutual Loan «.--,,- --olal ion. At a meeting of tha Board of Directors of t!.e West Oakland Mutual Loin Associa- tion held last Thursday evening, Secretary A. Sbarboro presented Ills fifteenth annual report, wbi Ii shows the association to be iv a very prosperous condition. The third series of stock has jmt matured to the full value of 8200 per share. The borrowers will now receive a clean release of their mortgage?, and the now borrowers are entide 1 to £1000 for every Sj per month which they have paid the association. A remarkable state of facts is shown by this report While the non-borrower receives an average Interest of 0.86 per cent per nnnum On Ills investment, the borrower baa paid only (5 per cent per jninuin for Urn us*,* of tiie money which he has borrowed from the asso- ciatloa. This apparent anomaly is re o:int- d for by the fact that participating iv the parnines as a sto'kholder reduces his rate of icterest ns n borrower. Tin* West Oakland has helped its members to build nearly 100 houses in Oakland, Ala- med:t. Berkeley and San Francisco, and in the i ast fifteen years, since i:s Incorpora- tion, has not had the unpleasant duty of foreciosinz r. single mortgage, nor liis it suf- the loss of a single dollar. This association lias recently Introduced the system of permitting the borrowers to repay their loans at any time without sus- taining any loss. It «as a!so the first In- stitution which reduced the rate of interest in Alanieda County to 6 per e<>nt per an- num, free i.l mortgage, taxes, at which rate it still makes all its loans. The fifteenth annual meeting of the share- holders will beheld on September loth. The boo!; 3 for subscription to a limited number ol shares are now open at the, offices of the Secretary, 307 Sansome street, San Fran- cisco, daring business hours, and at the Masonic Hall Building, in West Oakland, on every Monday and Thursday, between the hours of ii and 8 o'clock in Hie evening. The present officers are as follows: Pres- ident, Adrian Merle; VTce-Pre»ident, U. 11. Spnulding; Treasurer, William Wagner; Secretary, A. Sbarboro; Directors— C. S. Martin, Joseph Schneily, Geors» 1). Welch, August Pick, C. A. Malm and G. B. Cevasco. .Some oi the directors have served since the incorporation of the society, and many have helped to bring the institution to its present prosperity for over ten years. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining unclaimed la tte.Vsitomr.a *v Si*. Set- - Cisco o-i MONDAY, Seyj^inber 8, 1«<)U. $t<j- To obtain sny^t these letter* the applicant must call for "Advertised Letters," and gire the date or the list. IS'not called fur within two weens thry will be sent )!o the Dead-letter omcc. i Adams, V.-n '|Aliertun J&tr ' iAnmvvuyt JWI«p (M-'.sslon *t) | Kalh M J !»ii:imii. .Mm f( .Alison, D0 Arnold, meg Adams, Jv Vr A Kent American Artree. Mm« Adams Miss ff HUM! [ Kiißenle v.isaun.i Anderson, Miss Ashes, Mr* Ncl- Atrncr, Mrs Allle Anderson, lie Alt™, .Miss Anderson, Jas Ashler, Mrs M Maude Andrews, Miss Ashmore. I) M Alker. Sol Josephine Ateuta, Miss AltT.cht, Octt- Andrews, MISSIAIwood, I>{ JJ,"-- lleb Louisa ,_U<VTr l -%~r'' Alden. Frank Andrews. MrJ JAubry, Arthur Allan,Miss Viatbiida Undery. Mrs II Alien. Thomnr Anders. Miss I Aufendion, Mrs •on X '- | Bertha : Louise Allen. «•\u25a0„, Anthoy, Mary ii Ayres, W W Alf.'.'"ubriei:er,Jos. Armstrong, Wm 'i:ai-on, lieu liinut, Miss 01- Brooks. Q Bacbtezer, All?- Ive '1 Brown, MIS 3 I alrd, Mrs M E'Bovhm. Mrs M Alice M Bally, IT [itoklrk,Win Drawn K(l Baker, P Bo d. Mrs I. Bro«n, Miss Baker, Mrs Rob- liumn,', Miss Harriet L crt I Kmlly rrowiif. Mrs X lialdwlD.MrsFOlßooue, Miss Brawn, Israel Uarboiir.Jas NKI kioisb Brown, Jus (Fel- llarkelewMrsCD ißooth, lien A ton si) Barnard, I: ); h, W A Brown. .I.iliu Barnard, Mrs | (Uarkettt) Young Sarah llsusbon, Mrs £1- Brown MrsLouls Barnes, Mr» Gco inira Drown. Hlsfl l.arnmn Ilros j norbon,Gabrlel2 Mary B Bißatt,CO iHornion, Uanleißrowa. Hi \u25a0 11 liarrett.J I Horton, A((ries [I'.rown, SM i:arrtngton, Mlsa lsoskoweby A:Co. Brown, W Fanny K.I i:riiu. A-I'>'ph Tarry, Mrs M C Roulilen, Thos llrunwln. Mr Batts, Mrs Cl> liuiilct. Ira Bryant'a V Mat- Baninan, Mi i l'.owers. Ueo \\\ ton's College l>ai. Miss w L Bowie, Or FBO|Brr«nl -U* Uiain. MrsJl Bowles, Chas, _ ll.»jnc!s<iii, Mrs H'-a/eilTMrs KB liowiniin.SlrsEr r.u'lib. ( I: is Becker, John ltnsur<l, i>r F D|Bncbanao,JMß lie. r. Mis X llradford, Hla i:ti.-iiaii..:i, MraS HeeTen, J II Helen II ii«ii;tt, Mrs M - ißradr, MlssMol- Buckwlnste r , Bendel, Mrs i: I lie Tar:, It BenedlcCMnDl llraly, Thoj H liuctoen Bros a l'»Mi L;ist'n. Marie lieare. Mm An- Keqoa Betlce, Hit me ißueKli-y.OrChan r.nniitrs, That D Bragg, Hiss Lil-I Buctley, Joan liensuli, A Han Bulger, Jas Benson, Mrs I M ISrancta, Miss Burkuart, BornlKird, Mr Nellie Unrke Dr Itcrnonelll, Dr. l Branson. Mrs TBnck, Mrs IC BemlMan, a m lirantrord. WUllßurnbaw, Mrs Bernstein, l*aulil:rann, Mrs L Alice Berry, .las J ißrander, Aioi llnriiham, Mr.i (Clara st ißraumout. Mr* Arthur Bertboff.OF I Donna Brooks! lturnham, C A Hetiel, Mr |Brawn, i. Itnn iws Uco Bißor, .Mrs Net! Bres-lngha in , l!ur>cil, Jai HKlioji,Win II Mr* Kate i'.ii<l.n-ss Colleee Blake, Prof .las Brewer. Mrs Jcnrnal MiikOlissMin; Henrietta Hutler, .vrs I! F Bleu, Carl BrUui.v iiu.irior Birtler, Miss UlooJ.Kdwardß Bnagt, Ualph \V Faustina Blum, i.nrsclien ; Brenns, Miss Bui Frank Kliiui, Max Emma ,'Uutler", .Mrs (i C Ilium, Mum Barm Ilritton.lClliottll; Byrne, Culoacl Blunkall.MrsJW I Bromley. Mrs l.i Lionel «ai(UMi,i.nv Chapey. Ceiestln.Conll, i,nul Callendar, Miss Chapman a Klu- Coombs, Chas 0 Bessie ler I'osucr lleurv Calvert, Miss KE Cnapman, Miss Cuoner.' Mrs V E Cameron, LeTl Nan Cooli.rlth, 1:., i Canny, John ChatanquaUter- Donna Caret, A.lulph ature Agent Cottwell J S (Ml)) ctK'uwlth, Key Coulter Mi»I ll- carey.Miss Susie Mrs It r >™"*" Carey, VI I ClicncyMrsKlttylCuiiiier w II Carpentcr,Jacob|Clarn A Welhe |CoirdJ Miss Hat- li Clarke, Mrs AA ! tie Carr, Miss MayE Clark, Mrs Char- Cox I!W Carroll,,! lotte « coio Tiinm«« Carroll-lames or Clark, James a' (raise * Brown Kranclseo Clarke, Ueo II Crate J«/lID] Carroll. W D Clayton, JIIs» CraiSeJllsiirtU Carter. I.) man Nora Crookcr CX Carter, Seymour] Clement. Miss Crooks 'win II X iClessou, Clia.s ('mm run w l-ariwrlght.lohn cieaton, Miss Crouch X CartwrlKht, Win Bale Cr.,,ii,« .'it.. Wm ss & v:^ 8b ' MrsMi " oSwKasaiS Ljse,.iorin lie (lllitt II Casel, Miss Babe Coady, Thomas Culver v 1 Cauwsll, Mrs .1 Contn.JCoollilKe L'umminM Miss Casiiln, Mlrh-iDlOogglus, Win i I !"i v R cariin. Patrick v ConenAJonnson CunninKßam - A Cut My. Edward Cohen, Max ! "„., T Cassulay. .lohn Calyer, John CnnnlnihamMn Catcs, Mrs OP i:oliuii Urals Canfleld, .1 A Colcman, Wlt Curii<Mi«Qii»inii central 1- C Tel Coin.,, Mrs I. ruru»>!i 9 "eua CM.mberla.n. 'ton. Miss Kata I Cash man titn rhainberlaln, Conant. Mrs ,1 j, "r,, ' ChM Condroy, Ben ("utter it«.. a ChamberlaluMrs Conley. Mli, . r ', r ,'chcs- Florence Hattle » ""< r,.wr,( lies Clianar, Willie Couson. wll l:*hneke,Mlss DeLong * AshleyI Doocan Win - Annie Oerrlciijohniiii !.„,.,\u25a0 ' m!« Dally,Henry Destin, Mrs Mcl- 1 5,, " ,' DallO, ABSnst vlllo Doiiii'biit Tampi Daileuge.GustaT Deamond, Clias DoSdJ, Mrs "if* V DlcKersou, Miss i*.,,,. fas Arthur Uaveuport, Miss Ada Dow w'l.- A * iDlckson, Mrs. l Doyle Bolivar G Davis. D Dillon. Matthew Do? el lolhi \u25a0 Davis, Gco Diva, Mine | i ,' i'h ms liavh.Jl. Doane, Miss Sa- Dram , lea ciiai Davis, Miss Mar- .lie DrSijiSlSS garetho Dobler. rhlllp ii,,,...; V ? . Davis, SP Dewallo, Mrs llnin,v MR. Dawes, -Wlnnold Maurl.e ,'„ "• Wlss Dawson, KIJ Dodd, Miss Mill- I),, ( hi« Dawson, Mrs nlo a I Du-'m M ,L Fr _ Matilda Do.lgo, FEDr \u0084„"• Mr » tr^ Day, John O Doilson Mrs Kate Uniiini. mmlii- Day, Thomas Dodson, Mlas I U lie lon ' MIM "•- Dean, John It 3 Nellie Hiinnhv Miss Deuau. .1 Dolens. Patrick | j c f' . M ll.'l '\u25a0:-! \u25a0 lens Miss Ilinanlii, Miss C 1ii,:,,, tr Maudo Donagan, Harry inn,.'. Albert DeMarebe, Miss Donahue. Mrs TJ Dwyorl&ll Mary F.asltnan, EL I Egan, W Erlckson. Born- Ebcrt, Miss Sll- lis K er.s, Wm hard ' - \u25a0anna - * Klsenacb, 'Mr Kriikson B Kckcr. Mrs Joe | (Peck 4 Klson- Evcrhani'MraMU Kile, Mary 8 | a<h) Ksiey, M>; Beeteaton, Mrs J i Elgcr, W Kvn« Kmllo \u25a0 V - Elllngswortli, Kvans, Uobt R Kildy. ItII Saini Kvans Tlt - Bdgar, IV M Klllater, Meek Urreos, Mlsi Kdmonds, Mrs Klwcrt. Max Mamie Annie Elliott, Miss ST Ewcn, Mrs Mag- Ednardson Han- Kincrson, (Una dallne »a ,: Kmpy & Wanz Ewcn, Miss MX Fanchee, UllbcrtiFletrher, MUs Foster, Mrs Josle Karell, Mr«Mary I Vleiiitn'ir, David Foster. S 8 Pared, Mn Mary Fleming, David Fraseli Henry Faulkner, 11 M FleniinliiK, Miss frauds, Aaron , Fiwke., Mr, A I Mauuiß \u25a0 Framlsßii, llal<l- l-awkes, Mrs A Xi Flint. Ella emus Ferro.MlMl.lillOiHynii, Timothy Frankllu, Miss 1 Rlnmna. H Forest. V O riuiic-il, Fuud- Koley, John \u25a0' , Frcdrltsoa, T JJjJn »V*" J Foiey, Miss Liz- redar .- - £?'"\u25a0« Herman \u0084 zle '--- •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••• i „.„„„, em : i hud, w x lulsgin, Rer oeo fries, John Firzr»trlclc.Jas de - - Frienl, F C Flamaut, Adolpti Fossberg, AH Frnstuck, Ifela- Flanagan, .las Forbes, lire rich Hanuiughaiii, Kuril. Mrs Annie Fry, Mrs Geo Mrs Forue, John Fuclis. Kuut vietcner A- Wan- Foster, Mrs C J Funk, Mrs H ' u ',-~<u.her: foster, Geo Furt. Edward Fleischer, E i .[ - Caober. 0 |O!lchrlst, TV J Gorry, MI« Gage, Fred A iGildiuelster, V J Mary w I,,,::,!.:!. Josepbl'-lknon, Jnc> Graeme, Dr L Gllmore. Jno II G.-aa, C L Gallardo, FF Gjvens, Horace Grau, W B Gardner, Mrs ulatz, Bert Green, Miss Fan- Eliza Gleas, Miss Mary nio Gardner, Miss Glenn, JII Green. Phil C IIS Gluyas, Miss Grimth, .Ino - Garvey, Miss Jennie Griffith, wII Mary S Godfrey, Jas V Grimm. Andrew Garabed, Simon Goesslemr.Henry JGrove, Theodore (i:irey.Al Golberg, E Grove, Miss I,on Garrett, MISS Golden Age Mill Ureenxwelg. Mr Klilcr Goldstein, Mr Gulldford, Mrs ' Garriock, R Goldmann, Juan Kill la <ia>kill, CO Gououd, EJ Guln, Mrs Ida Geddes, Andrew j Uoodale, LN Guard, I N. Geades, Chas E Gordon, Miss Gundeiseu, An- Gclss, Miss Lena) Clara I ilers Geiumao, It Gorlu, Maurice Gnnn, Miss Nora Genoa Exchange w , Guiiln.c Georgei J E . Goner, SJ Guy, Mrs Mary Gorman, Jno Ilafer, Jno) I llanser, Jacob Hoar, Mis«l<laD llalghl, I. M Ilanstcd, Fred Ho'lgklns MrsM Hale, X lilavcy, Misslirid- Huffman. Mrs Hall, Win 1 get lloldcrottlleury llarviirsen.C Hay. Mr Holland. P Hamilton, Mr illaydock. F lloiieubeck. Geo Hamilton. MrsEJ Hayes, David It Hamilton, lirid- Heaiiley. Miss Holllday.MrsEß ret Laura C Holliilay, Miss Hamilton, Jiß lleatoii, W I) 1.1111,1 ll. millton. Miss lled.schmcdlChas'lloliiies.Rlcliaril Liz/le llcln, Carl Illoiton, WT Hamilton, J R Hellion. Miss ill"!uiiian, lrvine Hampton, Cret Llilie I X Hanson, Miss Ileirrlck,E Hooks. Charley Lena Helniuth. Win I Hooper, Mls»An- Hurdlng, I)r WE Henderson, Miss nie' Harmon, Harry | lleloise Hopson, James llarney. Jas A Hcnncse;.. FW Uurnhlower A. Hanson, A1" I Henry, Tli McManlman Harrrman, X F Htrnics, Miss Botebklss, •' E Harris, Miss May! Anna Norton. AX. c Ilerwif;, Miss Howard. Miss Harris, MrsFran- bertUa Laura tie I Herzog, Philip Howard, JW Harris, Mrs IdaM Meyers, Chas Illuwell. Mrs C F Harris. Lieut HLnickel, J s a ; Hoyt, Wm B Harris Fro.l | HU'Slns. Harrison! llnticr, Mrs Mag- llarrls. HcrtliaM IllßKins, Miss (tie Harris HelenL Norali Hurley, Miss Harrison, li I. 111. Miss Nell M Mary Hart. Miss Elza-IHlll, 8 Bugler, Godfrey belli Hill. Ephrlam 1" Hughes, Pietfo Hart, MrsHelcue Hiiliiiaii, K.I SO Harvey, J 11 Ililkon I:/.. .lark ! Hummel. Mrs Harvey, Mrs Hlndle MrgFamiyj Humphrey!, Mrs .1,-uelie Hinders, .Mrs i Hunt, James S Harvey, Mrs Chas Kutn-i |Hunter..Mrs D i; lime. Theo lore | Hunter, Miss L Hansel), Miss Illist UevSainuclllluslug, D UanserMlssElsle Ilixon,J Foster I HUB.Fred Ichwalldt, II Incersoll, Luther lii'i.iden, Mrs Innlsbe, Miss a Still* I Malme Jackson, Johnson, Miss i Johnson. II A .la-kson, Sadie A Lizzie IJohnson, liM .l.i; . Icnsen, Neils C j Johnson, Hubert jackaon, FranlcA Jess, MA Jolinseu, Miss Jacob*, Lee Jeven. Miss Way Tilda Jacob, Mr Jatinis, Emll Jones. r II .Jaines.Kuward L Jobantilsen, In- Jones. II T Jameson, Miss Eiburic Johnston, Miss Lizzie JoUan>oi, E V Annie Japanese Tea Johanson, Mr Josep, MlssClara Importing Co ijobamon, Cbrl3- Ju.'lwich. John Jenulng, UrWOl Han Munich, August .-. -.-:i, v iJolinson Mangles, Jobu merer, IKelly. Miss |X Intella, Gerald Kuiile " I Geonile Ktrcliner, Miss Kassow, llerru |Kelly,MlSfNcllle Ida Krustll iKenin-v. Miss I Klrkland. .1 It Kaywr, Win I Mamie Klrsmal A liruce Kearny, MioS Kenyan, JW j Kite.James Annlo Ken W A I Klaus. Thos Kearuy, lion I) Kerrinjau, Miss Klamberg, Mrs Kldrafo, Miss \u25a0 Maiy I A^nes .lima Keiz'cr. Geo |Klotz, Matth KMianMlss.lulla Keyer, Charley JjKnspp, Mrs Kirlcy, Miss Klcmy.Derward Uophia Georgia I Kltiman, James Knights. \u25a0' V. Kult>ach,!'iidn'fg Ktnneair, Miss A Knuclielinann, Kelller.Jobn Kllburn, Mrs Win Kelter, Mrs Will] Parts Kuntsd, Mr KillvMlssAnnal. Klliilei, M:s; Rorbele, MIS 3 Krlly,Ml!9Agnes Mary Sophia Kelly, Mrs J Klniball, Mrs | Roller, Alvls ruiilipa j Mary It Kons, Henry Kelly, it F Kilmer Mfj Co Kutzcon, Miss Kelly, Thomas King, Geo X Louisa Kelly. James ].ainble,Gottlleb I.en, diaries Lane, Miss Flor- I ifranz, Miss I-eter. Charley ence Hargaretna Lemilll, Miss Loury, Miss La Grove, Ewd F Louisa Hiidur LalUley, FR Levy, L Loss. Mrs Frank La Inbert. Geo Levy, Mrs Mar L London, J Landen, Mrs II F Lewis, Eilcu U Lovejoi . Geo W I.ainprurliin.Jlin Lewis. Win Low, MISSBmma Lanflergin i'hillp Lewls.MrsM.May LOWden, J II Langtree, MISJ Llbbey, «lil Mont .same iLibby,I>u jLanney, MISS Larsson. Gns E iLieUtensta.Uer, i Hattle Larnon, Miss Martin V |Lubierlirownard Liua Light, Mrs Ella Lucas, Miss E I amrlea, Mary li.ljhtcap. II k E Luce. Ur 1) Latbrop. JW ii.iija, John Lnden Hermann Lande, Miss iLlnd, Miss Nina iLubmaun, Miss Lomhara. Willie 1.iv.1. Andy I Louisa Layton. Koland iLiinler, Miss SS I.uml. Leary, Llnville.Cleinent Lnndjrrln, Tilly Lee, Mr I) | R Lundqnest, Fred Lee. Michael Little.7. II Luge, Mrs I. F I.ercbman. JI. Little, Miss Jean Lux, Julius II Lfcsitt. MrsGW Laeb, Mrs L iLyncb, Thos Lemot, MI Lake. A Lynch. Samuel Li'inuiaii, Thos Loaii, ES l.>..:isMnsAuhie McAllister, E^qiMcDonoogb, jas McKluney, Sid- McCarthy, Chai A : nay s McCarthy, CJ |McGweln.Miis |McKee, Osseanl! MrCarty, Mr McGregor, Jaines;McLaue, Jas 11 UcColloagh, S G McGlaughllnJno'McLane, IE B >lr< arm, Jamos McUary, li W McLean. Mrs .1 \u25a0cCray W L McGlotnln, J W McLau?hlln,Mrs Sli'liouuell. N McUonnell Peter Amanda McDonald Jasll McGnneil, I'atk McMillan, Haul .McDonald, Mrs ,Ma|tli:re, Miss McNulty, .Miss Mary Theresa i Aggie McUjwell. J B McKeustry. Mr [McNeil Bros McDerinott. 11 J McKenzle, Mr Mil'lladli, A McAcy * C«» \u25a0 \u25a0 1-McKliiuyJobnnyi Mack. Ed iMatson, Mrs J V. Mitchell. Mrs :<lli..K.-<-.l(11.X.-1" .tlVlliiuuu, A r \u25a0JJrk-htJT-".!-.'— i Haddox, o Mayn.Miss Eti.: j-;-, »• ; e \u0084:,••„ F Matzan, Augus- Meadows, Ilenr*. M art Mr . wj, tine iMelsteikncclis/- ;\u25a0„.•.. , J Maiden, Mrs .IS Miss Julie f "(-barles Main. Mrs Mag- Mehan.JanW M ° Rom ," le A l- (rle . IMelueii, beorjL, exander Malln^ ss -is e b:,S l ri!aOlit» Mmitague. Capt Kief I j clin i e Mouteagle, Kobb "A^pes, Cbas Menjorcn, Mrs Q\u25a0 . Btanter, II L Katie Monroe, Miss Mark, Hdnricb Merle, Miss Annie Marine, Peter Daisy Moody,Mrs X Marls, HV, Merchants His- Moore. Charles Mmrott. G paten Trans Co A and Mrs Marsellus. EP Metcbauts Dls- Moore, Fred H Martlnolll,MrsC patcli XrauspiMoraii, Patrick Marshall, Mrs J Co Morris, George li Maeers. A L I Morris.UK Marshall, Miss 1 Meyer, Martin S, Morrow, Mr Annie Meyers, otto Mortensen. C B Martin A- .Tanez Meyer, T Mortimer A; Har- Martiu, Mrs men ris Martin. Luclen Miilllii, Miss Au- Mortenson, Fruk A nlo Moore. C S Martin, John P Milton, Miss Co- Mortimer, Mr Martin, Kicado | la I OSS, Arthur J .Masson, Paul Mllilgan, David l ci) Maskel * Sum- Millard, OX Ijliwj. G merneM Miller, Mrs E Moelicr, X'liarles Masterman Au- Miller, Fred T tomatic linker Miller. Albert Stamford, DX. Ei|l C Miller, EC- IMuiis SJ MallbCWS, Mrs K| Mills. Col Auson . Murphy.Jas X E Mills,s A Murphy.J M Mathleas, Gcr- Mlnely, Thomas Murray, IU ~Z dr::nt Mitchell, John ,1 - Kaogbton, Mlss|Nel?M, Hln I Noiand,Muoro>v Uarta i.'<evllle, SK Co mC>s.'!t:!g»i, H P Newell, Guil'l North, Abraham Nathan, T |Nc\vi;iark, Fl' . .Norton, P Nagel, Kdward ;Neinier, Fergus Novelty Soap NoastoodHyman Nickels. C ; Picture Co Neailles. Mr .Norton. Mrs A M Nyc, Mrs Oakman, Joseph Ulsen, P O'Nfill, .Miss Oentcrinan, Mm U'Hara,atissJen-| Katie Ida nic O'.\elll, Jos . Ogden, MISS O'.Mallir. Mrs u'liourke, i:ob Dolllo Bridget |0 Kourke, Miss o'l.earv, Mrs I) Omalup, Oyster I Houoria 111.;!- m, G M I *Co Oso, Anden (Unified. W D 'O'Neill. Frank .In;:, Klrhard Olnie, Jabunscii.D'Ncill, Miss A FiUley. MerccrWN jn I I radan, Mrs Mln-i Pearson, Miss Pierce, Paullnel" erva Mary Puck. Mrs Carrie Pac Bottling Pcavis. Rob ' Pollard, Mrs Ada Works I'oulield. Allen.lirone, c Park, Ueo M Peoples, Mrs lia- Fool, J It Parker, WII chel Porter, Mrs Parker, Mrs Max Peterson, Miss j (Clairvoyant) Parr, Miss F M Christina Powell, onus Parrnck, Adam Pcttersou, Miss Powers Mrs Clara Patzlg. Hugo Emil'.e Pratt, J H Paul, J w j Pcdcraon, Jens Preslio, Katie Pease, Sidney ! I'tiu.-liell. (has Purdon, Win Peltier, N I Pierce, ('has I) Qnlgiey, Miss Mary [tfuinn,Anna BasrausMO, Klcliardson.Mlsv.K.idemaclier, Christ Alice i Fritz Kan-son. Dr C II Klcbmond, Miss! Roilrlguei, P Kaymond, Sllss i Eva A llobey, UC Hilda nicli, FI. * Co |Rogers. A F iteodMrsJ.Saundlltlley, I I> Kb^cr.<. (has I) 2 l!c;'d,Ml3iNellle Itleuan, X ilioolir MlssSadie Becse, Nome Kisber, Mr F . Koss, .Miss Jeau- hefiait. Wm Itimaii, Ernest via Kehart, Mrs F Keardcn, ¥ J Hassan. F Iteliieker, Frank Robert, John Boeette, MISS ItiMiKlulu, Au- IKubertMrAllred 1 Lena gusto lltobi-rt, Miss Kussell, Miss r>emer, J J Emma I Louisa Betas, Christian Robert, Mr J 0 Rush, Mrs a M Ueynold, MrsliA Robertson. W IIRust Mrs F M HlCkard.Mrs An- Robinson, Mrs Kyan, Miss Oath me ! Allie Iliyan. Mr James Sager, Osar L Sluton. Mrs iStephens, John J Salisliurv. Mrs.N Henry Istephens. W P ll.isserui Small, Charles E >teiubere, Lionel SFWiraFence Smart.AnnleUee s Co Smith, Albert 11 Stevens, Mrs Saiiter, Frank Smith, Miss An- Mary ,Sa|.p. It W nlo Stevens, Thos W Saul, Lizzie Solinieath, All- Stewart, Mia LE Saner, Mrs Geo i gust steljllu, John Hie, Homer Smith, Dr Den- stun. John 1 Sariieni. Frank!" iil'ir Stone, Miss Jes- Sayle, Judge CG Smith, Mrs Sarah i ale Benin, o L smith, Win Ais stone, Matthias Schivo. Carl Schneider. Mrs Swain, Miss Ad Schroder, Win IISchneider, Fred strain, Miss AU- Hchro>n, A W soderbum, Mrs j bio Sjchuepp, Mmc Solomon, E E stein, I\V Frennd Spat ling, Mrs strain. J Schumacher, Sailtu Istroehle, Anton Henry Speck, W J studarus, John Schwartz, W Spencer, MrsAM|Sullard, Mrs 0 A Seaulauor, Henry Spencer, Dr F W Sullivan, John Scrlbner, Anna Spencer, M G Sullivan, Jouu- Serro, Charles - Sponeuberg, Geo nle Seymour, Joseph Sprague, larle- Sullivan, Maria Seymour, Mrs TJ lon isuudmau, Alkar Shaver, Norman Springer, Thoo- Sutherland, A D E (lore {swain. George Sharp, Mrs 11 11 St Clalr, Mrs Swenson, Dug- Sharpe. Mrs QB Florence I mar Shaw, Lewis St Charles, Mr Swenson, Mary Snick, TM stanwood, .1 A ! Smith. Kber Shlrkltaer, S Stanford, George Syckles, MrsCar- Ship, W Staub, KevJJ . rio - Slirleve « Wolf Stein, Uarney Sykes,Mrs Nellie Sloane, E A IStephens.MrsFE - \u25a0» »• Taylor. Mrs C B Titus, Jerome : Trotter. Col F E Taylor, Wm Todd, David 1 rumbull, Mr Tev.s, Carter Tooiney.MlchaCl Tryon. Mrs Hell Thompson. J X .. tunica. «•«\u25a0"» Tlllllllles, C L Torgenson, Hans Turner. Miss TiCklirr, Ben] Toramau, Cai>t _ Jennie m. \u25a0 Tierney! MIuM J W T Tuttie Bros TUhe, P F -.-\u25a0 I Trlbble. ElijahITlßers, Miss Ida Underwoo<l, OA „„„. Van Ueutbuscn,|V»nlell, Mrs Vernon.Mrs Rob- TO Bertie- \u25a0 crt van Buren. Tbos Van sickle, J X Vlnton, MISS 8..-.. Vehcs, Mrs Mat- Don \u25a0\u25a0 Van Diiren, Mrs tie . yon N05t1u, .... Tbenisl» , Vagei.Mlss ' I Oscar . •w-.cner' Mrs ' heeler, WII Williams, Leon- '- Aifiiist Wheeler, MG- nrd w«lli er 1) W Wheeler. X C Williams, Mrs . lace.Mrs JnojWhite, M1 Nellie w.iili Geul IWhite, Mrs C . Williamson, «W 3 Barney I) I White, Q M Wills, au.i , b Fenian. Miss White, Mrs Jas Wilson, 011 w i leniian. Missi White, J It « llson, AH i L White, X V Wilson, I-M Warner Miss Whltt.icre, Miss Wilson, Sam Kdlth Hannah Winship, Lillio Webb \K '-' Whlttlef.MrsJ Winters, ; Miss Webber, F.iKvin WimtlnKham, Lulls \u25a0; webbrr Inez Mr, Nettle Wlrcn, John Webber Mrs S J Whlteslde. Mrs Wolf. Miss Cella Webster. Thos 111 W -, Mrs Beuj Week Andrew It Wicks, O wo..d, E X ; .. welio, Jirnost Wieduian. LouinlWood, Geo RJ S. Walker, Al- Wlgglnton, MissiWolfsulll. J w \u25a0 fred \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 suslo \u25a0-: IWorm^r, Bk «- Welncr, \u25a0 Herr- |W liber \u25a0\u25a0 Mercau-i Wooduury.OeoE in»n -' I tile Agency I Wooubury, Isaac astern, AJi- iWniey, AJ 'i B , r. 1 ". uiar |willei«ou, Cbar- Woodward, Mrs West. Mrs CE \u25a0 I \u25a0 ley i - Molll* Westaway .'- f WiilHton, Adon-: Woolsey, g T Westhaus, Fer- run \u25a0 Vi'rea, Dr A Mrs dlnaud Iwilliams.sldney Veomaii'i. J n I Young, Thus - lYorstoa, J CiCo Youny, EC | . . I Zlmiii;riuj|nCas-(Z?rn,Cleuiciitlr.e'Zumvralt, par " \u25a0- 1 \u25a0*:\u25a0••\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0 :- \u25a0- -J;'.- LETTKES FRANCAISICS. lionrroullie, Ma-iLesar;e, Mo:is Parade, Pierre thow Lucas, Eugene " Tauze, G Caim-ros, Grat Vaiule. Achille Vloisoii, Jean Dc Vuux, (.'has Pcne, P.attlstc roUB I.KS DAMES. Ambrolse, Cc- DedleuCiemence Laurent. Clotiide lesie iGriinaiul, Jose- Mature, Mine D Piroctilcr, Jose- I phiue Nicola, Mine palue ILissiugcre, E | Marie LETTERE ITALIANE. Allloto, Glac iCanepa. Carlo GiannoniEmcrig i;- r :i:i \u0084-:.:. Fra- Cervelll, Narclso Giuliani. Horn lelil ICervelll, Basllio .Malno, Tomaso lieiliic mini. Cesharl. Carolina Mcclil. Ant clso Cuneo, I'.artollo Mlehelc, F \u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0. Mada- t'uneo, Michele Mores), Glov lene iDalplna, Glov [Novacovice Giov W.-iRI, Arturo liamlgelll, Eliza |Perazia, Ant I l'.o.sta, I*:,-:- 1 \u25a0 > De^'li ant on'reto, Glus Hoiisaiio. Nine I (Slav Puccl. Narclssj liudrovlce, NIC- Divoclcl.Marko Rouilto. Glus o:a Kcco, Aeoriaiio I".us>l. Harriots Kiisolaclhl, Glov Feri-iicl'i. IJI- Rossi, Olus Campl, tiarelso I erazio Savin, Lut Ciputo, Dene- Kuccigo, Ant TorrcAMorando dctto (iraniuo, sigrior Tonlolo. Antonio Caiiiiuada, Glor- Gazzolo, A IVarnl,Uuglle!nio KiO I CARTAS KSI'ANOLOS. Albania, S Delbral, Aurell- 'Hernandez, Ll- Anaya. Juan N a:io | brad) \u25a0 Bonavia, Manuel 1 Franc *Montovcano..T M Cebrero, lldel Frava. Nic inos jMuuoz. Patrlclo Cresclo, Ant Uutlcrcz, Ceaon I rlgo, J M Delavago, V | | SENORAS. Anaya, Maria M Esqnlbel, B.iut- Ol,ai:e«, Crlstlna Uerellesa, >t-Ilpa facia * Parrato. Lot a F iGonzalcs, Meo- Sanchez, Rosa Cauiacho, Flo- lasa Valdcz, Arqul- (|iilnla Men, Loreto lano Orespe, De Lene Moreno, MlssT A| - v S. W. BACKUS, l*ostina.ster. OCIiA.V >TliA>ll-.i;S. Datp* of t>ppirl nrr» From Smi T t riiir T -i"o. I SUN AND TIOK XAHI.E. Id racldc Standard Time. Compute! bjrTHiai 'Jkn'nknt. ciiroiiouiPter and liistruinoa^ Maker. IS Marlset street. SHIPPING INTICLf.KJKNCK. . tor tihipinns Jntrlli'tencn are i.vjhii l\vje. .Arrived. Sunday. Sept 7. Btmr Santa Rosa. Gasto, 61 hours from San I '.'\u25a0-". pasj and incise, to <ioodall, l'erklns .<: Co. Btmr Ciios Bay, Mi-iiolmiii. 18 hours rrom Fort I'.raKi;, etc; pass and mdae, to Guodall, rerkiiii A I'o. Smir Westport, Jacobs, in hours from Westport; 1l.'.'UO railroad ties, to L X White. Stinr nival, Johnson, US hours from Huenemc: liroduct*. to order. Gipsy, I'iuinmer, 15 hours fin Monterey, etc: produce, to Gooitalt, I'erklns A- Co. Btmr corona, Hauuati. 'JO hours from Eureka; pass and mdse, to (ioodali. Perkins ftCo. stmr Alex Duncan, Gray, Mi noon troiu Tort liar- ford; produce, tv Goodall, Perkins i Co. Soiled. Sunday. Sept 7. Stmr Walla Walla. Wallace, Victoria, etc. Stmr Knrrka. Smith, Wilmtuzlon. Hark Alex .McNeil, Sannden, Naualnio. llktll Skagit, Robinson, I'ort Gamble. Hktu Monitor, tversun, Hiilnholdt. Hrii; Courtney ford, Nielsen, Grays Harbor. N<-rir American Itoy. Hammond, Grays Harbor. Bchr AiaiTi,:iii Girl. Banders, Grays Harbor. Schr Koocrt Lewers. Penhallow, i'ort Townsend. Bcbr San liuciiavcutiirH, Dahllof, Ilumboldt. Tele? raohic. point LOBOS—Sept 7- 10 p. K. Weatber foggy; wind W. velocity 16 mllei Domestic I'orti. I'OKT TOWXSEXO-Arrived Sept 7-Br liarIs Isl- and city, from Hongkong. LANDING -Arrived Sept 7-Schr Ben- der r.ros. POINT ARENA— Arrived Sept 7— Stmr Record, hence Sept «5. GREENWOOD— BaIIed sept 7—Stmr Alcazar, for San Francisco. as l OKI A—ArrivedSept "— Stmr State of Califor- nia, hence sept 5. SAN DIEUO-Arrlvcd Sept7-Birk Samoset, from Xacoma. Sailed Sept 7—Schr Eclipse, for Eureks. Ati>vein«nt« of Tran«-itlaiiti*i Stemnßrc NEW VOKK—Arrived Sept 7-Stmr Alaska, Irom Liverpool; stmr La Champagne, from Havre: stuir Tower Hill, from London. \u25a0 ~ i iiiitui T.i( , -»[i». --- SAN DIKGO— Per Santa Rosa— '2 bis 4 sks bees- wax. 3 CS dry goods. 6 pkgi junk,5- bis lemons. 256 plus -11 bJls Jiiuk. 'Jl sks onions. 37 bxs 9 ska dried fruit, 6 rolls leather, 18 bd!s tallow, 4 cs slices, -UU bills cement, '.' bills skins. 193 sks when. '.' bills 99 hides, •-'•JO sks barley. V cs clothing, 19 bdls seal- skins. 4 sks beeswax, 6 skj beets. San Pedro— 'l sks chllles, 1 cs dry goods, 25 cs tin plate, iij^ixs lemons, 8 cs 3 bbls wine, 3 lixs Iron >t ink, 1 /it sks barley, 948 sks wheat, 1401 sks corn, 3 bxs soap. Santa Barbara— sfcs dried fruit. 1 bill dried skins, H Ins oranges. 37 bxs lemon*, 1 bx dry goods, 1 bx spice, 169 bus rlax, 108 ski .-Hells, 14 sks craw- fish. l'ort Harforil—s cs eg**. 1 sk dried beef. 1 bale tobacco. 3 pk^s hardware, 2 bdU I*B Hides, 6 hxs peaches. 1coop turkeys, 1 coop pigeons, 14 cs eggs, ft pkgs express 1 - bxs butter, 7 coops ctiickeus. 1 cs cheese. Sau Luis Obispo—l2 sks oats, 63 BkJ beans, 53 sks flax Nlpoim— sWs wheat. 140 oats. 74 sks flax. Santa Maria -:>i1 3 sks wheat, 355 sks beans. Bsks screenings, 3 slis chicken feed, 131 sks barley, 327 sks oats. Los Alamos— l9B7 sks wheat, 695 sks barley. 14 sks beans. Los cllvos—lsß9 sks wheat. FOIM' liKAiiU, ETC— Pet Coos Bay— l cs egga. 2 bids US Ins butter, 1bx fruit, 1 coop chickens. 1 cs cigars. l bill carpet, 4 pkjs express. 1 bdl pelts. 2. bxs apples, 4 pkgs uidsc. 4 ski abaloues, 1sack sear "^**ieKXsEi'-r.£r isy-il bxi 8 bbls 1 maj_ flsli. '11 sks beans. \u25a0\u25a0 r *~*~— „\u25a0" Moss Landing—2oo sks potatoes, 10 cars. Santa Cruz— 4 cs cheese, Ibx butter, 1 bbl hard- ware. 2 bxs tin shingles, 36 sits rags, 10 ska old metal, 10 sks bones, SJ.) bbls lime. Pigeon Point—lo7 sis cheese, 0 bis butter. Amesport— 4S» sks barley, 307 sks potatoes, 3 sis vegetables. HI sks beans, 2 sks 5 chests cheese. KUBJSKA—Par Corona- SIS Mshingles, 11,500 ft lumber, 1 cs canned good?, 4 cs clothing, 1cs to- bacco. 4 pkgs hardware, 3 bis fur goods, 1 bx books, I hx tables, 2 cs washing maculae*. 2 cs cigars. 2 c.i dry goods, 29 bis pears. 1 box ham, 1 b\ crockery. 1 box paper, 1 tidl dried skins, 1pki; saws, 2 cs beer, 3 Coops chickens, 4 sks potatoes, lbur»e. 274 sks peas, 5 bills Ti hf kegs 0 >ir kegs 61 bxs butter. 9 rolls leather. 3 his muse, 4 bxs seed. 3 pkgs express, 25 bxs prunes, 1pkfj treasure ($1992 24). HUE.NEMK—Her Rival—18S5 ski barley. 11 bales wool, i bill skins, 2 cs tallow, S3BS sks wheat, 359 sks mustard, 29 us beans, 1 coop eulckcus, 1 bx samples. KKUON'DO-rer Alex Duncan— 6l7B sks barley, 266 .sks wheat, 201) cs canned goods. Coii»lsnee«. rer Santa nosa-Caln « Mitchell; Davis* Son; Porter Bros ftCo: Baker.t Hamilton; ,1 L llobart: Marshall, icgiiart * llrorsen; Krown * Adams: K. M Cohen; Dodge, Sweeney * Co; Getz 15ros & Co; A J It Inline!; Uuss. Samlcrs £ Co; W C Price A-Co; U W Futr Co: Wlt Sunnier A Co: D(i Cainarlnos; . II Dotard; St'harlit. Lcinciie <& Btelaer; Grecnbauin, Weil A;Co; Hiasin^er A Co: -i :\u25a0-,:\u25a0.\u25a0,,;• «£ ;\u25a0\u25a0[.\u25a0>. American II Co: II Cowell A- Co: Davis A Co; Duff li Co: Gaill Fruit Co: Hassett A Hunker: 1, 0 Sreso- soricn .v Co: Walton Bros; KveiethA Nash; stu'ie- baker liros; Payot, UpliainA- Co: ft F ilel Valle- J J Mellus: lie Hernardl A vTestphal; Dreyfus A Co: W IV Chase* Ci; Smith's Cash store; Phillips Bros: Fclllni;, Henry * Co: Kis.ioii, Cihru 41 «\u25a0•\u25a0; I.i.i \u25a0 : A Earnest: Grangers' lluislneis Ass'n; Nawtnark * Co; Shatiuck, Kowalsky i- Co; c E Whitney A Co; Wells, Karso A- Co; Ketlln£ton * Co; Haas. Barurh * Co: Sliishfliner Bros: Ualdnln, Glrvlu A res: Moore, Ferguson * Co; Roger Uros * Co: J lvauco- vichiCo: M Garcia A Co; w It Strong: LMeyer- stein: II llnddleston A Co: California Oil Works' X It Stevens, Gnstt A Anton:il: Los (Jatos Ice Co: American MfgCo; Lemoln A; Plenon; J & a Wlg- more; II llec.inau .1 Co; 11 Kirshbauui: Bray Sons &Co; .1 V Thomas. Per Coos Hay—Kirns, Sanders A- Co; Rlnaltlo Uros; Mitchell Peterson; VerTallu A; Howe: V Van 4* Mark: De Uernardl A Wostphal; Ross A Hewlett; Wells, Fargo Je Co; WIISunnier i Co ; W 1" Piuin- 'pe'r (iiji'y-H Levy i Co: Whlttlcr. Fuller &Co: Kuss, SauUws* Co; c E Whitney Co; II liutard; Wetmore Bros: li M Atchluson A Co; A Levy A- Co: (has Harlcy Ac Co: UrUliaiu, lloppeA Co: 1' O SS Co; Klsdon, Cahen ,t Co; Norton, Teller * Co; II <-o\vi!ll A- Co: M T Kreltas.l Co; Conllii A- Roberts: Sliatim k. Kowalsky A- Co; W IIRouse A Co: Wolf & .Son; I) Kecfe A- Co; 8 Mclleury A Co; It Martenl jfc Co; Deßeniaritl 4 Westplial: L X Larzelcrc- Oooital'.. Perkins* Co. Per Corona— Overland Freight anil Transfer Co; B Pracey; Preston A- MfKliirion ; Payot, fpham A; Co: J EverdlUK.V Co; Palmer A Key: Getz Bros Ac Co; M p Kohlben;: Sawyer laniilng Co: Jones & Co; T A Meyers; 1> Keefo * Co; Wheat, in A; Lulirs: Mlchael- Itske Uros: Marshall, Tcugart * llrorsen ; ADlnkeu. spiel: Hills Uros; Vervalin * Howe; it F Sawyer- A C Nichols & Co; Thos A Cox; A Peters: L llo- nessl: Norton. Teller * Co; Wltiel AHalter; Union Ice Co: Shatluck, Kowalsky A Go: \u25a0' V Thompson' Ittsdou. (alien * Co: Kuss, Sanders & Co: I'ac Saw MfgCu: we: Price* Co: Wells, Fargo * Co: Duff « Co: >v Wolff A- Co; .1 MurT: Tatinil A- liowcn; Miller; W Parrott; X H.Stevens; I!G Kuiil Ac Co; ii U Fultan. l'er nival— Erlanger * Gallnger; Field * Stone; A Gernerdlnfi A Co; 11 l>utard; Fcchheliner Jt Levy. Per Alex Duncan— Newmark A: Co: II Dutard: J ,i Molllns; If or tana* Co. - - - THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO._MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, IS9O-EIGHT PAGES. 6 SIKAUtCIL I l>K-itIS\T!OS. I SAf.i. | Wnat- ron i Portland | sept 10. \u25a0\u25a0 Spear [a Kosa.. Sun Uiepo [Kt'i.tlO.l lam! Bdw'y? Dim illuiiiutiiilt llay.. |Si*|itlO, Haji liclw'y1 Angeles., sail I'edro Septll, Basi IMw'yli I'uebls.. Vie .v I'at Mound Beptl2, Ham llilw'y 1 [rails... Honolulu 8ept13.12 m Ucea:UC tlau Kep l'llget Holiuil.... Sejicl'J.lOAsi Mlsa'u 1 1011 a San IMeuo Sei.tKl.l 1 m Bdw*r'i of.NY.. eanains Septia.l'-! « PUSS nnbU.... Portland Septia.ldAM Spear miuMc .. Huiul>uld(Usr..|Sciitl3. »AM|l.'lav iiinette V'lVaiiutna l!ay....|Septls, HAlllBeaWl4 iportare or Australian steamer utjeuii oiiii) lisli mails. 'y l n.w. 11. W. SmatL L.W. Largo. L.W. 2 SuialL | OBOB 8... I 7.*0 PM! M.O» AMI 9.... B. IS ph'io.oo ah| .0.... i-Mlio :fj aii Sinai). I Large. 1.... H. 53 rv 11.14 AM •J.... 10.^3 i-M11.40 »' 3-.. 11.11 py'll.S!) am 4 11.4H IM 0.15 I'M 1 1.44 am 1.V51 I'M j.4ti|«.'j'.l I 2,39 am Z.SB paiis.4Bt».'J7 j 3.yj am 'S;i9 I'M 5.47 .IDHam 4.07 i->i 5. IS •!.'.'! ' 4.51 ah 4.41 fus.4Xii.2-.' i5.03 am 8.13 Pu15.6018.20 ; 6.:H ill' 5,45 .i.riiM. l'l RAILROAD TRAVEL. SOUTHERN , PACIFIC COMPANY. (PACIFIC SYSTEM.) Trains Leave and Are I»ue {-, Arrive it SAN FItANCISCO. LUTE Fkom .fULY 11. IH3O AIIBIVH 7:30* Ilaywards. Mies and Sail Jose... *'l:lT,r 7:3Ua Sacramento &Keddln;. via I.Ui-i« 7:15r 1 :30a Sacramento. Auburn, Uolfax 4:Hf b :Uua M;irtinrz. Vallejo, Calistoga Santa Kosa ":lst f:tOAl.cs An;e:es Express,, Jiakersllcld, .Vnjavd and Eili and Los Anceles lU:l5i ttSOAMie.!, San Joso, Btocnton. lone, Sacramento, Marysvllle.orovlild and Ked Bluff 4:O 12:00u Ilayward3, Mies and i irermore.. H:«."«i» •1 :oOp Sacramento River steamers «»6:004 3 -.OOP Ilaywards, Mies and SaaJose.... 0:45* 8:301" Second cuss for Ogden and i-:.h: w.iir 4 :Uor Suiist-t Koute. Atuutij Expreu, >:mt.i i;arb.ira. Los AD;c;e9, Demiiig, El l'aso, New Orleanj and Bast H:lsr «*OpMartini'/. Vallejo, Caliitoja and Santa Kosa 9:13t 4:o')p Laturoiiand Stockton 10:15» Sacramento and Kninnt'a Landing via l)avH 10: l".» •4:SOpNllesaiidLlvermore. '8:lSk. •«:30pM1os and San Joss , ja:lsr tirOOi' IlaywardsandMles. 7:43* t-.UCP Central Atlantic J—presj, o^dju r.nd East 9:ij* S) Shasta lioute Express, Sacra- mento, MarySTllle, Reddln-*. Portland, Pnget Sound auJ i_i; 7:45 v SANTA ( 111 DIVISION. 17:15.* Kxcur-ion to Santa Cruz.... ;cJ;Uj,f b:lsi Newark, I'entervilie. Saa Jo<o. *'elLon, Uoulder Creek and Santa Cruz 6:20; •£:4Sr Centerville, Sau Jose, Almaden, - I'clton, boulder Creek and Santa Cruz '11:201 <:45r Centerville, San Jose and I.oi Gat-j^.iiudSaturdays &Sundays to Sauta cm/.. 0:50* COAST iilVls'.n-rniiiiaim T««use 11,1 St». 7!BB*Ban Jose, Almaaen, ano~Way sa- 1 tions •«.. Z:3of }7:50a Monterey aua Santa C-r*" SuaUV» tSOA"Zr ""use, u'liroy. Tr'_*vJ»nos."l'*- 1— s " jr.ic.oanta CruJ. yt/tatirer, ***• cillcUrove, Ballnaa, -i-,k->i ,i|. s i-i Miguel,Paso Koines and Sans* Margarita (San LuisOblspo] ami ' .:<• ' l'rlucipal Way Stations S-llp jo-SOa San Jose and Way Stations 7:30p li Mr Cemetery, Memo Pars and Way Stations 6:13f •2:30p (Del Moute L.tii) Memo Park, ban Jose.Uiiroy. Fajaro. Ca.stroville, Montcrev and Pacific 1ir0v0. ... '11:15* •S:SOPSan Jose, Trcs Finos, Santa Cruz, ballnas, Monterey, Pacific (iroTt) and Principal WayStatlons *10: )1* •4:2opMenlo Park and Way S'atlons.... \u26667:VJ» b:'lor San Jose and Way Stations , 9:0 6 :30p Menlo Park and Way Stations B:3i* 111 .»;>»- San Jose and Principal Way Sty _________ tiuus ; :i:2Sr A forMornl;i?. ~ I' lor Afternoon. •Sundays exceptcd. tSaturdays only. ISundays only. _ ">< excepte<t SAN FRANCISCO AND N. P. RAILWAY. "The Donahue lSroa<l*Gatig:e ICouto." pOMMF.XCINO SUNDAY. JULY 13. ISOO. AMI »-> until further notice, ltoats and Triiiu will leai-« from and arrive at the San Francisco Passen^jr Depot. .Market-street Wharf. as follows: Prom San Francisco for Point Tlbnron an<t Siri Rafael— Week days: 7:40 a. m., 0:20 a. m.. 11:9) a.m. 1 ::«) p, M.,a::«) r.m., 6:O0 p. m., o:- - 5 p. m. Sandays: B:i»>.\. m . »::«)a. m., 11.00 a. m., 1:30 »•..».,?j»r.:u, £,:u;. I*. M .. : 1 1* P. U. From San Karaei for San Francisco— Week dan: Han A. M.. «:>i A. Jl., 0:00A.M.. 11:40 A. M.. l:4OP. «.. 8:40 P. M..f,:05 P. a.. 0:*) I". M. Sundays: 8:10 a. m.. U:4oa. M., 11:10 AM. 1:401". \u0084u : 4OP . 11., 5:00 I. m.. 0 ""i 1* M from' Point Tlbnron for San Francisco— Week day?: 7:15 A. m., »:-"0 a. M.. 9:55 A. M., l'J:O.-, i\m. L'jlil'H, 4ii"»P .M.. 5:30 P. 51., 7:00 I. M. Sundays: 8:35 A. i. 10:05 A.M.. 1138 A.M., 2;oj 1". M., 4:05 P. M. 6:JJ r.M.,U :5O P.M. . . l^ave I Destisa- | Arrive In San Francisco. I TIUN. I San t ranclsco. WEEK I SUN- i ' I SL-N- I « kek " DATS._ I PAYS. I I DAT* ! DATS. 7:40 a. m S:6iia..M I l'ctalnma 10:40 a. m I B:SHA.*^, S^aSp m imiii and B*s 10 j3oa.W^ 6.011 P. sW)P.>llsta Kona.l 7:I'SP.M I0:031' M I I V\i tim j 7'4OA. M \u0084m,,, llraldsb'g .^i-, 10:30 A.-11 S : 3OP. _ 8:00A.M \u25a0 , llSi,, "'• * «:USP.M Clnvrilaloi I i YVayJSts I I \u25a0 I IlopUllld I 7:40 a. m|8:00A.»! "3"'' 17:25 V. M j 0:03 P. « I Lkian. I 7:40 A. M I 8;O0a.M I Uueruvle I 7:2j 1-. .11 i 10:31) J.M SdO P. MI I I I b:O5r..H 7-46~aTm"|S^0a.m| Sononn 1 10:41 a.m j 8:50 A. X 6:00 P. M I 5:00F.M I Hlenßll'n I li:"3 PM I lijOj P. it iisFS t^Sfeji I m-w I 'g^pii 1 '\u25a0Sfea Staites connect at S;iuta Kosa for White sulphur BprUuS and M.irk West Sprlma; at Uejrsurvil.a for si«j SDringa; at Cloverdale for the Bey- \u25a0en: at Hop and for iiiKhiami Sprlnits. k.i-- 'tile. l-ik.'i.'.rt mill l!;ir;i«-lt Springs, at Uklah for Vichy Springs,^a Siinngs, Hlua Lakes, ' pi' l ", l ' Lake, iik"i"rt. wiiiih. Shto, lai «. Potter Aal- ley/ Sherwood Valley. Mendodno^ City. llfdesrtue. Kurt'k^i. U<»> Hvlll-anil < Jret'iiwu^'d. - "eXCUBSION^ TICKETS, from Saturday* o Mon. dan lo Petaluma. II SO; to Santa Kos» »J -\u25a0• « -&&&& 40: t"Uttou ;w-,.it:<. »..\u25a0-'. "Cto? - &ncA!e.ii &«on^ .V^^'ulS L&£ PefSJS^?^o T^- T Ka?r.l f °wfr]pM^ unwneviUe sit W: to S.<nnnvi.»l; to men Kllen. »lia Ouerneviue.»-v ou. g w 11 1 TIN (1. ucuentl JLiuaser. PETER •>. Pass.* Ticket V-t. Ticket olllces at Ferry and M .Montgomery meet. _ EAUSALITO-SAN RAFAEL-SAN QTIENTIN NORTH PACIFICJCOAST RAILROAD. TIMK TAM.K. rmmnpnelnsr M.m.lay. SpptPinliep I,18f)B, and until lurther notice, boats and tmins will run as From BAS FBAXCISCO fox SAUSAUTOand SAN HAIAKi. (week days)— 8:30,11:00 a. m.; (gandays)-8.-00. ioleO, A.M.; 1:30. 3:00, 6:05, 6:30 r. M. ' ; Trom san n;.vM r isco for MILLVALLEY (week \u25a0lavs)— 11:00 a. v. : .i:J3. 4:55 P. it. (Simd/iys)-S 100. 10:00, 11: JO A. *. ; 1:30, 3 :0O, 5:05 P. M. _____^ * \u25a0- V*em RAFAKI/tSf SAN FRANCISCO (Wee* ila"^ ti:10. 7:45. 9:30,11:15 a. M. : 1^0.3:20. <Mir' <>%:<><>. A. v.; 12:00 V.: 1:30.3:30, 6 00 i. m. Extra trip on Saturday at 6:30 1: m. fare, 50 cents, rouud trip.. <-. MILL VALLKV tor SAN FRANCISCO (week days)— 7:ss. 11:05 a. m.: 3:35, 5:05 P. M. (Bnndsys)-8:18, 10:10, 11:40 a. m.; 1:45. 3:13, 5:15 »\u25a0. m. Fare, 50 cents, round trip. from SAL'SALITO— for SAN FRANCISCO (weet days)-6:45. 8:15, 10:05 a. m. ; 12:05,2:15, 4:05. (Siiudays)-8:45, 10:40 ' A.M.;' 12:45, 2:15, 4:15, 6:15 l*. m. Extra trip on Saturday at 7:10 p. m. Fare, '25 cents, round trip. ' _ . . . THROLUH TRAINS. 11:00 A. M., Daily (Saturdays and Sundays ex- ccpted) from San Francisco for Cazadero and in- termediate station*. Returning, leaves Caz:idero dally (Sundays exrepted) at 0:45 a. m., arrivingill San Francisco at 12:35 p. m. l:3O I", 31., Satur only, from San Francisco i for Cazailero and intermediate stations. 8:00 V. M., Sundays only, from San Francisco for \u25a0 Point Keyes and iiit<imi'dlato stations. Keturn- Ing. arrives In San Francisco at 6:15 r. v : - KXCUKSIO.N KATES. Thirty-day excurslon-Kouud-trip Tickets to ami from an stations, at 25 per cent reduction from single tarllf rate. Excursion— Round-trip Tickets Frld.iy to Monday Eicursion-Round-trlp Ticket* sold on Fridays and Saturdays, good to return fol- lowing Monday: Camp Taylor, $175; Toralotna lid Point Keyes, V* 00; Tumales, *.' -.'3; Howard's, $.1 50: Cazadero, *•00. .. Sunday Excurslon-Hound-trlp Tickets, Rood on (lay | sold only: Camp Taylor, «1 50; localom» and Point Beyes, *i75. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0'--- - ; T~, bTAUB CONNECTIONS. Stages leave Oaaadero daily (except Mondays) for Stewarts Point, Uualala. point Arena, Cuireyi Cove, Na»arro, Mcndocluo city and all points on the North Coast \u25a0 . - '- \u25a0 mO, W. COLEMAN, F. B. LATHAM, - General Manager. ?-\u25a0" ' . Oen. Pass. A; Tkt. Ast, Ooncral OtHcf «. :'.:tl Pino Slre»-t. sel tf Weekly Gall, $125 per Year MISCELLANEOUS A St<:, of Beauty Is a Joy For«T«r. UK. T. .FELIX OOL'UAI'U'S «Orlental Cream, or Magical Beautlfler_> c= , £&)&&*** Kfniovcs Tan, Pimples R^SS c- iSSi^HBk ire - ! ' l>1 ». Muth -Patches, m* '\u25a0\u25a0a E^_SS Ka " b i "" 1 •'"'"" ''iscasea, £"^\u25a0^2 *-— JK iggpHi^B * ut * ever i' h I cmis h .'a _<"S °£ cE&.'a' it has stood the _^_ £t 3 _E?^^^ t&r test of forty C ° xtj^^C'- >' ear:i: uo other >B^Ss3^f £_** ~~*lsL a/ harmless w e J \ erly made.-Ao :ani to a lady of in" Jtnvt ton a patient): "Am you | ladles wilt-,^f- them, Irecommtna •(JourautVs (yearn' I at the. least htir/;ifui of oil Bktn preparation*." Ona bottle will last six months.-uslng it every day. Also Poudre SubtCe removes superfluous hair without !D:«ry to the skin. FEllb T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones st, N.T. tor sale by all Druggists and Fancy Uoods Dealer! I ilirou^hout the U. Be, Canada-* and Europe. **- cf Base im'.tatlons. $1000 Rewara , or uret: and proof of any one silling the same. . Br3oSaMoep ly THE WEEKLY GALL contains sarial and complete stories, miscal* laneous articles by the best writers, special articles by home authors; the new 3 of tho coast; the news of the world and all that serves to make a complete family journal, free from objection. $1 25 a year postpaid. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN A^l rranciso for ports in Alaska. 'J a. m., July 'M. Au|?. a. 13, 18, 'JB, Sept. and Oct. '1 and 17. For HrltUb Columbia ami rune: Sound ports. 4 A. «.. July SI9, August 3, 8, 13, in, 23, 28, Sept. \u25a0-', 7, 18,17 l 82, 27. For Eureka, Iluinboldt Bay, Wednesdays, 9 a. «. for >:\u25a0:..-. .;. i. Hart Una. eta, Mondays an! Thursdays. 4 P. M. >'or Santa Ana, Los Angeles, and all way ports every fourth day, 8 a. m. 1 or San Diego, stopping onlyat Lot Ancraloi. S»n;» Ea"rbafamnrfeAß.i!U*^nr.:.lfO. eYerjr-laana MTJS _ 11A. M. For ports In Mptlco. 25tli of each month. Ticket Oitice— l'alaco Hotel,* New Montgomery at, GOOIJAX.L, PEKKINS .*CO., Ueueral AuenM. ee3o -. 10 Market street, San Franclsca FOR PORTLAND OSTORIA, ORESOM THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY- _;_» Ocean Division—and PACIFIC COAST _&_££ BTEAMSHIP COMPANY will dispatch Iroin Spear- itrcet Wharf, at 10 a. m., lor the ahuve ports uuo tlieir A 1 Iron steamships, viz.: bTATE OK CALIFORNIA—JuIy 31, August 12, 24. Sept. 5, 17,ti!>. COLUMBIA—AUitust 8. 'JO, Sept. '.'. IS. 05. OREGON 4. 14. 'J?<. Sept. 10. 21. L'oiineciinsTiaPorilaud with the Northern P.MIIH Ilailroad. Oregon Short Lino and other dlverjrinj lines, for ail points in Oregon. Washington, isrltish Columbia. Alaska, Idaho. Montana. Dakota. Utah, Wyoming, Yellowstono Paris, ana ail polntiEast and South and to K:ir<n>a, Fare to Portland— Cabin. ?1U: steerage, *8: rouaa trip, cabin. $30. , 1 lcket unices— l Montgomery s:reot and laiace Hotel. 4 New Montgomery street. goouaLL, PEIIKINS * CO., General Agouti. nirDS 10 Market ttreet, San rraacisco. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. THE COMI'ANV'S BXKAaURa WILL iWI. ion M W tork, VI r.W.UII, , S5 CITY OF NKW yokk, Saturday. Bent. lath, at I-. 1 o'clock »r.. taking Jrelsut and passensors direo: for Mazatlan, San Bias, W»nan:'lo. Acapuico, Cba^- perlco, Sau Jose de Guatemala, La Llbertad and Panama, and via Aeapnlco for all lower Mexican and Central American poits. - - -• \u25a0 niK H()<i<i KO>(> via VOKOH UK&, direct 111Y OF KIO DB JANEIRO. Tuesday « \u25a0 . .-...September 23d, at 1 pv CHINA ..... ....Thursday, October »th. at 1 in CITY OF PEKING. Saturday. November Ist, at 1 I'M l!ound trip tickets to nokoiiaina aud rotlira H reduced nitea. tor freight or |ia.»s.-vie apply as the offlca. cora— lustaad lirannan streets. l^rauch Office— l rout street. 1 , 1 li A . JOHNSON, Actln? Gen'l Agent <lelstf ' OKORQE It KICK. Traina Manager. "oceanic STEAMSHIP company. Cnrrj-injrl'ulte.l States. Hawaiian anil Co- lonial Mai!*. \\MLL LEAVE THE COMPANY'S Art II Wharf, loot of Folsom street, ' :•_ -jUx or II. hi. >l "I". Auckland and Sytlucy, WITHOUT CUANOK, The Splendid New 3000-ton Iron Steamer Alamcdu ..September iiOlli. at IJ M. . For Honolulu. frs. Anstrnli:i <30u0 tons) Sept. 12th. at 13 *. oruniucdlately ou arrival of the bnglbh lualll. Iff For freight or passage, apply at office, 327 Market street. JOUN iX SPHECKELS A BROS., \u25a0 fcuuii t: \u25a0 ijeneral Agents. COWPAGNIE GENERALE 1 It A > S A T _ A N 1 I <l V K. ' - ' l'"l«-m-h l.iim to Havrp. (\u25a0\u25a0OMPANY'S I'IKK (NKW). 42 NORTH _Aa_l_. Vl ver. toot of Morton St. Traveler) by __9«j this line avoid both transit by English railway anil the discomfort of crossing the Chauuul In » small Loat. -\u25a0• -i ;.. LACHAMPAGNE, Traab \u25a0-"•"V ; iV;i'i'od_'_ ; . Saturday. Sept. IS. at 4 :00 a. M. LANOK.MAMJIK, De Kersiblcc... .......\u25a0•.••_ Saturday, Sept. JOtn. »..!«_ _ LAIioUKUOONE. ifcTK'sYwi * LAiJu-rAUNE. *»?£££&; oii-aac »iw;i _ LA i NE;sa, ;; ellK...^ ; . ( .. r . •H^^i, ,_ . \u25a0mrifiSi VVe^or ,*« apply '»__ A) _- . ;:,-\u25a0.?-\u25a0 No. 3 ItowiUg Ureen, Now York. : J. P. FUUAZI A CO., Agents. 5 Montgomery are. Ban Francisco. \u25a0 limit) U ANCHOR LINE. \u25a0 - : Atlantic Kxpre*s Service. r \.-'V LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. : Eteamshlp "CITY OP liO.UX" : from New York SATUUUAY, Sept. 21), Oct. IS. '...- -£alcon,9su and upward. Second-claw, B3o and 935 .• : GLASGOW SKItVICE. ... . \u0084;*:. - Steamers every Saturday from New Tort ti GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. : .Cabin passage to Glasgow or Londonderry, SSO and »UO. hvuuil-trlp, S!)D and 1In, Second-class, i . •>:(!>. Steerage passage, either Service, to. . Saloon Kxuurslun i .•-..<\u25a0\u25a0, at Reduced Hatos. Travelers' Circular Letters of Credit, and Draft*; - for any Amount Issued at lowest current rate). I For books or Tours, i lckets or lurther Information Apply to 111-.Mil i llll.KS. New York. vrUEOKUK W. KLETCIIEB, 013 Market St.; or T. I>. JIiKAV, 83 Montgomery at.; or J. 1. FCiiAZZI & Co.. 6 Montgomery aye.. San Praucisco, or UEO. 1).BEAMAN,1075 Uroadway, Oaklaud. miS4 wind MISCELLANEOUS. GROCERS, Tea, Wine and Cigar Importers ! V* \u25a0 -# ,".-' " ' ' -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' \u25a0 Tlie World. Represented ! 426, 428, 430 and 432 PINE STREET, g* pranoisco. In c-i m i "r™npe of IniitationsofL^^^nißl^^AUc'E"' li T hl.r'^Vi*^- ' fli cd to deceive the public, LEA & PERKINS beg to draw attention to the fact ' X 1 that each bottle of the Original and Genuino jl WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE j^k bears their Signature thus •-*. Si *f \/ll& f^--- 111 gZ^^^^£^^S re^^ra For Sale inBottles only (not in bulk),by Dealers ia Sauces throughout the World JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW YORK. WOULD LIKE- TO 10W —IfItIs true that belles wear smaller shoes since the discovery or tho <;<\u25a0: man Corn Keinover. —Why the young man with tlßht boots always •peaks so highlyor German Corn ltemorer. —If the "corn" crop is not greatly diminished by the German Corn KUMnr boom. —Why the man who uses German Corn He- mover Is always good tempered. - —Why the ladles with tno daintiest feet are sacn rut friends if German Corn Ifi-mover —If the man uslnif German Corn Remover is not a better husband than one who is "corned. ', - —Why any one willsnlfer from corns when they can Ret a bottle of tha "German Cora !{«•- -mover"— sure and painless remedy for both corns and bunions— ot any Druggist for -5 cents. C. N. CRITTENTOIf, Sole Proprietor, 115 Fulton Street, New. York. r Glrnn'B Sulphur Soap Improve* the Skin. Hill's Han- Uyc, Mark or lirown, 00 Cents. ; - tf Mult "

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Page 1:€¦ · EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. What Sociely is Doing and Anti-cipating for Next Season. THE BLAIR LUNCHEON PARTY. Some Interesting Engagement Notes


What Sociely is Doing and Anti-

cipating for NextSeason.


Some Interesting Engagement Notes.

The O'Connor Farewell Lunch.

Clean-Up at the Various Resorts.

Weddings in the Interior— The

Tennis Tournament To-Day.

Many Visitors.—————•

Miss Jennie Blair (cave a charming lunch party

last Tuesday at tbe elegant residence ol Captain

ana Mrs. Samuel U;alr, 1315 Van Ness avenue.rue ail ill was given In honor of Mrs. George

Hauling, formerly Miss LilyJones, who left fornet Louie on Thursday, It was distinctively auluk lucelieon. Hie table decorations being

chirtty lovely clusters of Ducliesse de Brabantroses, arrayed la Knee large bowlsplaced diagonally across the table. Daylight

was banished for Hie occasion, and Its place v...

taken by a Bolt lamp-glow, which litteredprettily through pink silk shades. Aftei enjoying

ilie delicacies provided lbs guests were Invitedmto the aiaw ing-room, whcie several hour\u25a0ere delightfully passed. Those present wereMrs Geo Harding. Mrs. James Kcer.ey. Mrs.Chauncey Wlnslow, Mrs. Nellie Pluto, Mrs. Me-Cullch, Ml»<i Kllse Kelly. Ml« Nellie Jolille,Mis*Belle Smith, Jii:s l.iilie O'Counoi and -MissJennie Blair.

Tlie I>rliutant«s.Anious those who v. illbe missed in the dance

this coming season will be Miss Fall (now Mrs.Herman Oeliicbs; Miss Cecilia Miles, Miss AliceStnipkiiis, Miss Hyde, Miss Claifc and MisKiniiy H«eer. Their places will be tilled by

•oaae brightii'but; ntes, among wliani are: MissNina Macondray, who returns wlib Miijor ttatlbom-; Miss iMyra Nick ma . who lias also jiiittelutued from abioad; HIM Alice llob.nt,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. a. ilobart, wholately icLU'iK'd from Europe ami willoccu] y ilie

lotßiei residence ol Mrs. ltany Uilllg;MUs MaHuffman, who has been summering at B*URafael; miss rorteous, Ibe niece of sir. and MiJ. ;. Hale, vho are domiciled at the OccidentalHotel; .viss Alice Hager, daughter ot Colonel

\u25a0id Mis. tleoige li.igerof Co!u»;i, who are lue Occidental, and others not yet


Mis- leout Is almost a debutante, bavinsnaae bei uinance to society at .Mr-. l.righam'sball ana teiiuaii only toward the end of last sea--on.Uff Notes. \u25a0«».-

Hie celebration of the birthday anniversary ofthe State bract cally commences today, and this

column of The call, as the recognized soetamedium on the Pacific Coast, woulilbe derelict

in duty were llnot to proOer us ••many happy

coins of the day," wuile congratulating thecommunity upon the auspicious opening of tilß••olegest" Unlay icuuiou in the history ofCalifornia. Asa social event ItIs being charac-terized aiming citizens by a true exhibition ofCalifornia hospitality, which delights to seizethe opportunity to entertain the brothei3 and••i-ters visiting within our rates. For the ino-incut rigid foimMltln are forgotten and, while

raits Major Is In the ascendant, all energies aredevoted to welcoming our guests. I;v anil bywill come a breathing space when these lugnive

meets will seek to be more permanently im-printed. Such a memorable anniversary doe*not occur oltcn, and ItIs necessary to "gatherivi roses as we may" before wecan store our pot/ouir; jar will)the fragraut petals of deliiiUtiolmemories.

Society In this city Is gradually assuming Itsposition for the coming season. Stragglers arearming in town flora allsideiand itIs only to beiei;ietirit11..imany are meiely birds of passagefur the Eastern States. Vet while losingmany ofuur leading entertainers lor a time, several newhiiK-os aie likely to be opened, while the dc-

urea are doubtless graver Inthe prominencei.I the prospective absentees than Inactual num-ber. Beside dinners, aud receptions, however,iliere lidanctug, an Important consideration forour debutantes and bachelors, lvthis respect,also, there seems unusually good piospects, and,although a Is eaiiy yet. ilia indications


already set fora seasou bf more than ordinaryactivity.

Mrs. G. llarding was tendered a pleasantlunch party, tilor to her departure, by Missl.ilhe O'>U»inor, at Her home on U'l-iuiellsue'Ilie talkiedecor.tlous weieClima asters. Among

ll.e guests weie: Mrs. McKlttilCß, Mr<.Kceuey, Miss Jennie Blair, Miss Mamie lloi

brook. Miss Nellie Jolif!?, Miss Uelle Smith, MisstE

Al V.u"'lUf'a'el all energies have apparently

bern conserved of late for the ti-nuis toiuna-it r ,t which begins to-day, continues to-morrow\u25a0ndwluds up with a hop to-morrow evening.

fatlicuurs as to tulries. prizes, etc.. l)a%e

already liecn published. A verj larjce atteud-aueJ Isauttetpaied on both «aya.

Martin wereMr Louis Levjaad Miss M-ylileMartin were

married yesterday al722 liolden Gate avenue.Santa Una bids fair to become a tavonte site

for summer leMdences. Among Hie present o»u---m. of abiding places theie aie: Mr. and Mrs.rnelan and family at Fuelau I'arK. Mr. .1. fw.j^iboeai eottaice. Mi. J. I.Bmlln at Uun-»hlre Villa, Mis.U. \> tMlon and Mrs. Hear*McLean Mailinat Mlramas, while Majoi FrankMctJiUEbliD willbuild a liandsome couaao soonon l!e.ich HIU.

Kng«ecment Notes.The engagement Is announced of Miss Ilarriel

Sosers ltylaud,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. IKyiana, tho fornrr a well-known pioneer am'capitalist of San -lose, where tie founded amwas the llr-lI'iesldeul of Hie Commercial Hank

to Mr.Joseph O'Keefe, also of San Jose. Tl•

wedding willtake place about Hie middle of tin\u25a0 month 111 St. Joseph's Catholic Church la \u0084.11

Jose. Only members of the respective '.tmiilc:willbe present. The brid* '} ,_ - '„-aughtei

,of the first Governor ol-0/'\ . rU.

Buiuett.\u25a0 r \u25a0--

-.^^_JUi^weddiwiTof Miss Nellie E. Hopkins and

Mr.Charles MrI.aim Smith will take place at thelesideuce ot Mr. W. W. Mala, 'M'J UaK streetnext Monday

The eus;si;:iMn'vit Isauthoritatively announcedlit Mi's Maud Nickerson, daughter of Mr.amMis. A. A. Nickersoo of this city, to Dr.Sidebuiimn. n 1 ion : cut physician cf Cheshire, Kiic-land, II will shod remove to Bowlder t'liy,Colo., n-Jiere he v.lllre-ide 1:, the future. __—

-„*"«-Vane Uuckii.ui. daughter &-\>t. and..'.\u25a0••. (,eorge J. liui'kiuil, will niarrled onin Klay b,'"eral)<; 30tU, to..'ri-rJani«s a. Ma-

to.! ol Net! Vo.^J""'.-^ for D-

A'J"lel0U &

Hiiro'iHifj!*?61 Ml"MarPa re' G. Conolly, the'.'\u25a0" IU.™i,.l>r of Mr. Edward A. Conolly. and

_\u25a0»\u25a0 I "!-'\u25a0— will take place next Wedues-day evening at 8 o'clock, at St. Mary'sCathedral.'Hie yuuui; couple will leave the next inornlugfura wedding nip through the northern part ofthe Stale.

(aid* are out for tlie raarrttiP! ceremony of»ii>- Louie Dee Kello^eauil Mr. 15eu H. Maitic,eldest -on ol Couuly Clerk E. .Vartiu, which willbe celebrated at Santa Cruz tn-dav.

On Ihe2stfiol tins month Miss Gertrude Cohenol \Ve»l Oakland will be married toMr.M. A.lloooey. Chief of Police ot Seattle. The marriagewilltake place at the bilda's Lome. On thai daythe willbe 19 years old.

Mr. aod Mi-.I.J. Goodman announce the en- jcageiueut of their daughter Mi's* J.illie lioodma nto Mr. Ted Colin of thu city. They will tecolveat their lesideuce 2331 Bush street on Sundayand Tuesday alternoons the 14th and lGth last.

The wedding of Miss Clara limns and Mr.Charles Botbwetler will take place at the resi-dence of the bride's mother, lr.'3 Eddy street,next 1hursday evening.• The marriage of Mr. W. C. Hilland Miss MacIxunn will tie solemnized at the residence of IHi- bride's patent*, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Hodg- Isun. In Santa Bom next Wednesday evening.

The engagement Is announced ol Mr.G.Selgler I10 Miss ilaltle Lobe, both 01 this city.

Miss Jessie imater, second daughter ofMr. aim Mr.«. <;. v B. DeLamater of Santa Cruzwill be married In the near future to Mr.Josephli.En tight of San Jose.

The engagement of Mils t;ie Erliman toMr. Albert itoieubaum, Dotn ot thlicity is an- Inounced.

The niiirrlagflof Miss Carrie Welsslch of thiscliy and Mr. <. l..;l->cl;iu:ui ot Phoenix, Ariz..» illlake 1lace Wednesday evenini: urxi aillie Ihome of 11,0 Dildc's parents, 1318 Buchanan IMi '\u25a0:. lisiim.itu relatives of the family only 1will ie proaeaL Alter an extruded lour of ISouthern California the youn: couple willmakethen permanent homo inPtHßnli, Ariz.

A .New >><iCiKiy (.'lull.

Tie well-estaDllsbed Bachelors' Cotillion Club Ibaagnm way befoielhe pressure of numbers, Iand by a process of natuial selection willbe ie- IorKanizea tills reason.

Under me Presidency of Mr. J. H. Crockett, jthe Vlce-Preildeney of Mr.Henry T. Scott, andthe management, of Mr. K. M.Urreuway, the 1rildajClud win givea series of riiieitainiiieniHIuuiini! the season, u,e germao 10 form Hie piece01 ',t";lV,a"cc -


Crockett, as a mail of means.'.""'lly,a"(1strouir personal qualifications,ilei.',",.".'", mat the organization is ear-L^utwiV" «'!"

''De» lala down. Ho willbe ably

C iI,',!>U-,S,cl"laim *'

'\u25a0 Grcenwiy. who are

v.H^.-'t?a Uc!,\l",.i''llltl''fCluD »'llb» Issued this


lll|wniur«loiiowlu« after CUilst-... 1l!!.c WA^SSSSSit? ft» B""

amMMr.Harry lui«oek, Mr Ki!St ?' collsl'lt

'1 ot'

J. Caiolan. Mr. Wii ,\u25a0„, ii*';.?fi''ley,Mr. Frankli.Crockeit, Mr.JomoS "-uTV-Mr

-\u25a0")se ii!l

UEy.e, Mr', c.d, $$$• Vr"V!10« \u25a0>'\u25a0• "I- Hr. ball McAllister, Mr Ms #1?* U"?X

-LanstogMlzner, Mr. lieiiry'w p.l^

"9011' Mr

Heurv T. BcoU. Mr.K. 11 Si,e fd ", "{V,°"j,*£'Small. Lieutenant 1.. H.Btrother Dr. Haw! iVXevls aud Mr.JioDert J. Woods.

arry u-li-lMonte Rotas.

AtMonterey society still lingers, loath to ex- Ichange its delights for the less quiet ways' oftown..A few picnics have been varying the pleasures jofuuckeiel fishing, tennis and some bathing.

A paily consisting of Mis. I.L. liarcda. MissJennie Sanderson, Miss Janet I'erlc, Miss RoseKareda, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McDonald and Mr.Oiin wan agreeably culei tallied at a picnic byMr.". (ieorgo Hearst 011 Saturday week.'

Another picnic was given Iv Mis. Cunning. I

ham In honor of His. A. M. Eastern's birthday.

The spot chosen was one ol the pretty grovesnear Cypress guest's are: Mr. ana Mrs. WilliamAmong the nuens arc: Mr. and Mra. \\ illlamAlvord, Mr.and Mrs. Henry Crocker, Mr. andMr?. 11. U. Hewlett, Mrs. Kobert Sherwood, Mr.and Mrs. W. I).Chapman, Mr. W. K. Sherwood.Mr.and Mrs. Albeit Gallatln, Mrs. E. D. VanCourt. Mr. and Mrs. A.Page Blown, Mrs. A. MKaston, Colonel Crocker and family. Mrs. W. li.Hearst, Miss Jennie Sanderson, Mrs. Ellis, MissHone tills. Miss Florence Heed. Mrs, ThomasBreeze and family,Mr. and Mm. C. H. Sirapklus

and family, Mr.and Mrs. W. B. Davis and fam-ily.Mrs. j.S. Fassett and family,Mr. and Mrs.J. K. Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. MortonCh esman, Mr.and Mrs." A.E. Head. Miss AunaHead, Mr.and Mrs. G. A. Josselyu, Mr. A.Jos-selyn, Mr. W. 1.. Deao. Mrs. (>. W. ChiMs, MissEmma Childjand .Miss KutliChilds.Fox-Uemcnt Wedding In Itedwood City.

The wedding ofMr. Claud Fox, Under Sheriff,

of Kedwood City,nnd Miss Harriet liement of

Alarncda County, took place Thursday at 1

o'clock under the most auspicious of circum-stances in the Congiegatlonal Church. liedwoodCity, Itev.1.. D.Uathboue officiating. The bridalparty entered the church to the strains of Men-delssohn's

" Wedding March," played by MissBelle Crowe, and tooK their stand under an im-

mense marriage-bell ol geranium bloom* andevergreen. Miss Zoe Fox and Mr. \\ illiam He-mem, brother ol the bride, came first, followed

the malas of honor, Miss Ethel aim Miss BeeFox. Then came me bride. Miss Harriet Be-inent, upon the arm of her betrothed. Mr. l'la::itFox. The ushers were Mr.Charles Wentwortuand Mr.C. N.Christ. ,

After the ceremony 8 breakfast was served atthe resilience or Mr.George W. l"ox. Only therelatives of the bildal couple and Key. and Mrs.Kathboue. Miss Ciowe and the ushers werepresent. The relatives from abroad were: Mr.and Mis. Dement, tarents of the bride; MissMud"c and Georce l'.enieut ot land, Mr.Cale P.emeut of Mountain lew and .Mrs. lloll-acker of San Francisco. Besides .Mr. and Mrs.George W. Fox, parents of the groom, ami Mr*.John Donald, his grandmother, the other

relatives who reside In Kedwuod City wereP1

Mr.and Mrs. Fox afterward left for Del Monte.They will icluiutills week to Redwood City andwillreside at the borne of Mr. George \\. rox.The presents were very handsome.

A ITeseuUtlon Parly.

On last Friday evening the pupils ol the Eighth

tirade, Hermann-street school, pleasantly sur-prised their former teacher, Miss L.M.Graham,

at her residence, COd Buchanan sticet. As tu-kens of their esteem and regard they presentedMiss Graham with a richly upholstered oakrocker, a parlor table and bisijua ornament, Abountiful repast furnished by the children wasenjoyed after an hour spent In games anil sons.At a seasonable hour they dispersed, expressingregrets hi baviug to lose so favorite aud capablea teacher.

Const WediUne*.Last Thursday in Carson City Mr. Chancellor

Morrison, Messenger of the senate In1880, aud

Miss Alice liiowu,L'piliof Virginia City, weie

married by Itev.J. Fred HolmMiss Lillian Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

A.Smith, o! Merced, and Mr. E. 11. Bronse, en-gineer of the Santa Cruz Electric Light anilrower Company, weremarried on Saturday at11 Maplestreet, Santa Cruz, tbe summer hi>:iieof Mr. Smith's family. Tim honeymoon will besient In Ban Francisco. .Mr. and Jirs.l3rou.sewillreside tn Hauta Cruz.

On Thursday aiicriiuon St. Paul's EpiscopalChurch at Ventura was handsomely decoratedfor tl.e, uuptlal ceremonies of Mr. E. li. Wood-woith. formerly of tionverneur, New loik. audMiss Kitiib Biaaley, of Ventura.

An Interesting wedding In railway circles •'.:

Los Angles took place there last Thursday.The con racting paries were Mis* Battle Will-lams of thai city and Mr.John Griffin,yardinas-

Iter ot the Southern Pacific Company.On Tuesday evening last, at the residence of

Mr.J. 11.Bammoo. near Plumas, Miss Mamie.-:.;!,. was united Inmarriage to Mr.Thomas

J. Oslroui, sou <if Hon. 1). A. Ostrom, both >>!Vaoa County. The happy pair came to this cityfor the honeymoon.

Yestercny tie marriage of Miss Mattle Batesami Mr. William C. Raymond took place at thelesidencc of the brine's parents, 22:11) 0 street.Sacramento. Miss Bales Is a daughter of Super-vi-or George o. ll.ties, and a highly accomplisbed

. young lady Ihecioom, formerly of iklnnd,"is a trusted agent of the Southern Pacihc Com-pany at Ciockei?, near Vallejo.

r,-iru<B to Take I*l*c*».

A leading feature of the celebration now Incourse will be the grand hall given to-morrowevening by the parlors of the Native Sons andDauclitets of the Uo!d?n West. It will takeplace at the Pavilion, where me pr paratlom

[ are on a scalo never beloie attempted In tuncity.

The September entertainment of the NativeSons of Vermont willbe given at Odd Fellows'la. on Friday evening next, and au unusually

tine programme is Council. No. 46, O. C. F., willElvo their

next ijuaiterly social and Ice-cream party atWashington Hall, ]; J Men's Building, nextThursday evening.

'Hie Bay Clly Wheelmen will celebrate theirsixth anniversary by giving a dance at Cuiou-square Hall on the 2Gtu init.

Gennania Lodge, No. 20. U. E. A., will holdan open meeting on Saturday evening, the 20thlust., at Us hall m Shirls Building,'•$- O'Farrellstreet.

The Lyceum Comedy Company will produceAuauttln Daly's comedy "ANightOfT at Sara-toga Hall next Friday.

Aapeclal Scottish concert will be held in theHowarrt-slrett Presbyterian Church ou Fridayevening n-xt.

Bay LilyLodge. No. 117, K.of P.. will Rive anieiileilalnmer.t and dunce ou may evening, Hie

20111 Ids!., al Saratoga all. By special request« 'tneftierinan 'Dramiiiic" Ciu'a Will proiiuce 'the

drama My Partner."The Twilight club Rive their next social. In

honor of the Native Sons and Native Daughters,ou Wednesday evenlue next at Boss Hall, cor-ner of Geary and Leaveuwortn streets.

The openiDc exercises of the Kan FranciscoConservatory of Music, under the managementof i'rofessor E. S. Bonelli, willlake place Thurs-day evening, the IStb nut., at MetropolitanTemple.

Young Ladies' Institute, No. 2, willhoM theirthird annual recaption at Odd Fellows' Hall

ITuesday evening, October lilst.The County KerrySocial Club will give an en-

j leitalumeut ou October 20th at Irisb-AmeneaiHall.

Tne Klncon Yachting Club willgive tbelr thirdIannlversaiy ball at B'nai 1! nth Hall on Saturday1 eveuluz, the 20th lust.

An entertainment and illwillbe tendered toIMr.Guy Durrell by Professor Illinium at Mis'| sion Music Hall ou Tuesday, the Him Inst.

-'lLe Society of True Friends will irlveanen'

tertalnmriit and social dauce at \Va \u25a0\u25a0 1i11)-;' \u25a0 c• Hall, 33 Eddy street, on Tuesday evening, ib-I ltitiiinst.I Unity Social Club will hold Its twcifUL^m

nual Simchats Torali b?--: »lOdd F-'1 \u0084,' ll.ii:. ISunfl»y ejr^.liij,October ; \u25a0"if;e retular J uer«on Academy ha<. \u25a0•em poilpoued to Saturday evening, the 20tli

i j just.

II Irvine's Dancing Academy will Eive a candyr parly at Mission Opera Hail Saturday evening

uexi.-"The Henriettas will give their next dance alMission Music Hall ou Friday evening, the l'Jtl.


lust.i A social and literary entertainment to be giver, by the members of ban Francisco Council, No

182. Order of Chosen Friends, at WasbinKtoiI1 Hall, 35 Jiddy stieet, on Tuesday, the 30th lustIJ Society I'er^nunls.

- . -*\u25a0*

; .Mrs. O;A. Ua:e_^d_^p_at>*yL- lVieu s uaVcJ come lyiromSan Jose to enjoy the celebration.'

Mr. and Mrs. U. J. ripeuce of Ban Jose anregistered at the Baldwin Hotel.

Vr. W. E. Dean returned Saturday from DelJlnnte.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sherwood and the MissesI Jessie. Hose, Isahelie and Winnie Sherwood

have returned to the city after passing the sum-mer ut their country residence near Halloas City,in .Muuterey County.

I Mr. W. K. Biiagman. of Del Coronado Is one ofour vlsltois.Mis. Sol. Runyou of Couitland. Sacramento

County, Is la tins city slopping at the Grandlintel.

Mrs. General Filsble Is down from Vailejo furthe holidays.

Mr. W. c. I'evtou arrived from Santa CruzSaturday and is stopping at the Palace Hotel.

Mr. anil Mis. w. v. GrlaaSo of Sacramento,are domiciled at the I'al.ico Hotel.

Mrs. J. W. Dwin.'lla ami the Misses Cnlpman1 have returned Horn San Mateu to tliclr home m

Al.ime<l.i. .Mis. l^wnielle is enterrafnlug herdaughter, Mi.Joseph Trlpp. who will return toNew York abont the first of October.

Mr. and .Mis. John Mitchell of Tulare Citycame un lam Saturday. Tirey willgo later for a.\u25a0liorl time to Santa Cruz.

Kx-Governoi H. G.«dellof Highland Park,Alameua, bos couo on a visit to White l'iueCounty, Nev.

Mr*. .1. it. Urlgn and dsugnter. Miss SadieBilm.'", have come on a visit from WoodlandMiss Ella McCarthy lias returned from a visit

at Los Angeles to Her home in Oakland.Mlsa Mumie 1., Taylor, who has been spendlo"

the last nine mouths in New Yurk and itsvicinity, will leave this week for Boston, expect-liij;to lench [tilscity al« m the Drat of October.

Mrs.A. W. Farioos and MlssFailouc ol Gll-roy are among the numerous visitors in town.

Dr.and Mis. A.E.Mluto ot S.iiila Kusii are so-journing at me Grand \u25a0:-..

.Mis. Adoli<h Sutio and Miss Clara Sutro havereturned from au extended lour of Km ope.

Mr. and Mrs. Mixunhave come lo town fromSt. Helena. Mrs. Mixou will remain for a fewweek's visitingrelatives.

Mrs. Fox mil her daughter, Miss Fox ofSantaKo-h, atilvtMlSaturday viia \u25a0•••\u25a0•-'-

visit.Mr.and Mis.John W. Coleniau and Miss JessieColeman willupend in. week liiSan Bafael.Mrs. Waller M.Castle returned to B-inuCruzon Salnmay.Dr. I).G. McLean of Salinas has brouzlit Hisdaughter. Miss IvyMcl^)an, to this city, where

slie willatiKiid the Irving lu>titu.e. .Mrs. 1.. <). Hudson and her daughter, Mr*

Lulu N. AiiUei-dii,of Stockion, have come downlo attend the celebration.Mis;, Mabel Whlitemure, who has been vlslt-teg her cousin. Mm. Cha.les L.WoMtoke, Inhalinas, has returned to her home iv s,ui Kauri

"cue""- 11 -by her eontio, Mr. Sinclair liui-Jjr. Paris Kilburn Is vMtlug in Sallnai.Miss Etta Iracy was the guest this week of

li"elJ. ji.hl| 4l"> Soilage hiiclua, liiMouteMajor and Mrs. J. 1.. Rathbone and Mis,Macondiay expected to leave Paris ontheir relum ihelr home \u25a0„. this Coisi y°"

Cru7:o*?"i,lay. Jl"" a *'"• Maisua" SantaMrs. William Dntton and children have returned to this city after upending m summer nt

tbelr counliy residence near So iom». al_Miss Allco ( ulvei wellbus come up from SantaMr. A. L. Lfjeal i>nd family have returned toie city after -i. iid.i.n the summer ai Old

Saiwilito. \u25a0

Mr. li. 11. Ho'z and son visited the city fromSonoma yesterday.Miss Clara Maiidon, Miss Nellie Ualraud and

Miss Ella Mjddon came up veslcrday lor acouple of weeks' visit.Mr«. Peter Decker. Mrs. Morton Che sinan\u25a0nd-'Mins Jennie Cheesroan remain Inltoss Val-y at present.Miss Dyer of thu city his returned home afterPjeasani. vmi wlihthe Misses Shaw of Sonoma.,!,•"• '• Mitchell or this city with his sister,

Uiisiiliio"" "' EM' b(>eut la

"Buudjy ln

couw'e'll'f Annnron(t of Mare Island spent aSl.'GulHeiTtJ 1,l"c M0I«1«1

"'p.operty near

ui?on S-.1»""L°.Mly lio"eit «' Santa Clara cameMr w,iiiJ,.? vi,'l" rel.iilves yesterday.

taCSi^CT last luesday



i i i, rnVPTY our banners wave 'neath the

BKOVDLYour banners wave 'neath the

bine 3',;y,YjZ As imr banners unfurl, herald forth tho•

glad cry.Arise, Native Sons anil Daughters so fair.

California's heart beats as our notes fillthe air.Forever the fire of the great Golden v.'est

Burns Inor.r hearts for those welove best.(Hi Native Sons of the bright Golden West!

Oh. so proudly webear California's gold crest !

Triumphant our emblems and sacred cur trust,

Our strength Isour glory and conquer we must.

Inunion we strive anil Inunion we live.

Our \u25a0•Mob "Duty!"and freedom webreathe.

Forever tho fire of the bright Golden westHums In hearts for thosa we love best.Ob Native Sous of the bright Golden West!

Oil so proudly we bear California's goldcrest !

ionJVanetKO, September, ISM. NkllieI'bior.

THE SHRATT.[The followingIs an Estbonlao tale, rendered

here trim the man. wlilcli,It is believed, lias

nut been given before In English.}

fiNCEupon a time a young farmer's whole

I\u25a0 3 r harvest bad tilled, his bay was spoiled.Ip and Uls cattle bad died, so that he could

? -'uoi even do me work due his landlord.

One Sunday lie was sluing sorrowfully at Ills

door a» tue people passed by to clmrch. There;came i.piohini oue Michael, an old tramp. 01

whom it was Bald mat lie could sue* the cowsdi

•call down ball on Hie oops, and biiusjdis-

eascoi linen. Thanks to hi. reputation, lie whsnever sent away einpty-naoaed when lie came

"'"Good-day, tanner," said he as lie came up."Good lack to you I"was the answer."

What's the matter with you?" asked the oldman.

"You look miserable."

••Yes tilings are going 111 with me. But, at

least. iam glad to meet you. l-'olKs say you cando a lot ofmlschlet, but that you are a cleverman. Perhaps youcan help me?",

•\u25a0 folks thuii; me "ad because they aie badtuemseives," leplled the old man.

"but what

"he farmer tola him all his misfortunes, amithe old man said:

"Would you like to escape

from your present poverty and become a ncn"'Vwtjbwluiall my Heart Icould," cried the

'Then old Michael lau;hed anil said: "Ifi

n-eicas young and strong as you. iflweie

brave and uol afraid of the dark, \u25a0nil IIIKnew

bow to bold my tongue-well, 1 know what

Tell"me what yon mean. I'lldo anything toget ilch,lor, as things aie, my lifeUnburden to

"'Then the old nun looked cautiously roundabout him and said soltly: "Do you know what*

Tiio" faVnier answered in horror: "Idon'tknow, but 1 have heard dreadful tilings.

••I'lltell you then. Itla a creature that any"man Call make for himself, but it must be doneso secretly that ho human being sees him. Itsbody is a bruomHlck, Its head a uioken Jug, ItsDiise a piece a glass ana us » ™ two installswith whicu a woman 100 years old has spun. Allthese tblujssaie easily sot. On tlnee Thursdayevenlnp* you mint co all alone to a cross-road,

H't voui goblin upright and say the words 1 willteach yon. On Hie third Thursday the tobltuwill

Heaven deliver us fioui evil!" cried the'\u25a0 Ili-jvua deliver us fiom evilI" cried [lie

"••"oi'i you're afraid? Then I'vesaid too muchalready.

\u25a0•No, I'mnot afraid ;so ou."The old man went ou: "Till! goblin is then

the servant of him who has brought it to life atthe cioss-road. It lives in lit! use, in the Bar-rel, anil must do whatever he bids It. .No onecan see Ituut It*master. Itbrings him money,corn and hay as often as he HKes, Out not moieat once than a man can carry."••

Hut, if you know nil that, why have you

never made cue of these admirable treasure-bnugrrs lor yourself, instead of remaining apoor man all your lite?" ,•• Ihave made up my mind to do It a hundredlimes, and I've begun to do Ita hundred times,

but my courage always failed. A Inciid ofmine, who hart one, used often to tain tomeabout It, but Iwas too timid to follow bis ex-ample My friend died, and lib maateilessgoblin lived a long time Inthe village here, and|,Uy,a the people many a trick. Once he lore awoman's yam all to nieces, and, whtnth yfound li out, and were going to throw the yarnaway, behold meie lay a heap of goldunder it.Afier that the tobltu Ulisui,iie.'iied. At that timethere was nothing 1 Wished «o much as to have agoblin ifmyown;but nowIam old uuj may,and dun't think of such lliiug*.\u25a0

•\u25a0 1 have courage enough," said the farmer;'•but wouldn't it be better to tali It over withthe nuui-lei tir.«t?"•• Yon fool '. You mustn't talk Itover with anyone, but least el all with the minister, for, whenyou call the goblin to life,you make over yoursoul to the devil."

lhe fanner started back Inhorror."Don't be so liicliteued." said the old man.

'\u25a0to up for It, you willI.livea louk life andeveiy:ni:<K heart could wish. Aud when you

feel mat your last hour Is near, you may Milles-cape from the claws of satan Ifyou are cleverenough to get ridof your gubliu."

\u25a0• How can 1 do that?""Ifyou set htm a task he can't perform you

are ijuiiol him. l'.ut you must -ft about itcleveily, fur it's uoi easy lo c<-t lhe better of him.The man 1 told you cl wauled lo get ridof hisL-ol' he v

' him 10 till .1 cask tin water>avjir."lhi a sieve. Hut Hie gobllu carried water,

and earned vtnin.if&ii'iever slowed tillhe hadtilled the with the taop» that cluus to thesieve."

' -'\u25a0\u25a0Then he died without getting rid Ml lie

goblin?"•'Will, why was he so stupid ? But one thing

1 must tell you; you must feed your goblin we..,to keep him good humor. A farmer outputa plate of bioih Inlhe attic for his goblin,in hehad always been accustomed to do. A servantnoticed It. ate the broth, and tut rand in tieplate. That night the goblin beat the fannercruelly; so he did eveiy night till the fannerfound out the cau-f. and earned tina fresh Maleof Lioil), Then he let him alone. And now youknow all about It."

Tho aimer was silent. ISy-aod-bye he beganf"There Ita good deal about it that Idon't ItK»,Michael." >

\u25a0You a«ke<l my advice, and I've gl>eu it,"said the old man. ''Choose for yout 'el?, l'oveityand waul have come upou y.v.r, tEn it the onlyway to escape tlieMi-TiWbecome a rich man,and Ifyou use your wlt». you'llbe able to cheat; "ie dev1

'your soul besides."

f-iTui fanner thought a 111lie, then said: "Tell'"r me what 1 am to say on (he 1Sundays.""What will you give me for v ."' asked the

1 old man."Once I've sot the goblin, you shall lead the

life of a o>d.""Come on then l"said the old man; aud they

went into the cottage together.After that Sunday the tanner was never to 1.8

seen Inlhe village. He neglected his li»id work,and his crop, such as IIwin. was spoiled. Hishouse looked desolate ai,d forsaken. His ser-vant dawdled from tavern to tavern and bis maid.lay at home ;n'.'-.'i'f'WUJlA'Mliat JJ.*-fij.SsTerwasucttheA^plW^oihe woik him.eif.

\u25a0 Meai^fije the farmer sat Inhis Mimkyroom,|w!Dr-TTie door boiled and the window-curtains

drawn, woiking diligently day ami night at hisgotillnby the lightof a pint torch. He had gottogether all that was needed for it. Includingeven the distaffs with which an old woman 100rears old had spun. He put an the pieces caie-fully together, set the jug on tie broomstick,fastened on a piece ol broken glass for a noseand painted the »yes and mouth with red paint.Then he wiappi'd the body incolored tags, as liehad been told to do; ami all the lime he thoughtwith horror that now he had the power to callthis uncanny creature to life,and that he shouldhave to ki-en li beside him all his days. Hutwhen lie ieineiiib-red the lichi's It was >o bringtils abhonence subsided. The goblin was soonfinished, ami next Thursday, after darK, thefarmer earned it to v cross-road in the totest.Iheie he set els goblin upright, sat down on astone and watched It. Hut eveiy time he lookedat Itbe almost fainted witu terror. Every pullofwind went through bis very marrow, and whenan owl hooted 111 the distance ho thought heniii-iiilyheard the goblin groaning, and his bloodfioze Inhis veins. When day broke at last helook the goblinand stole cautinusly home.

The second Ihui-li.iy ho did Just the sains. Atlast me third Thursday night came, and now tn»charm was to take effect. The windhowled andihe moon was hidden behind thick clouds, whenthe fanner, at dead of ululit, reached the cross-road with his goblin. He set it upright as before,hut thought as he did so: "Suppose Iweie tobreak ItIna thousand i i i\u25a0,\u25a0-. go home, and worKhard and steadily, I tired have nothing to dowith the powers of evil."

"Hut Iam miserably poor." he answered him-self, "and this creature willmake me rich. Comewhat may, things can't bo woi.c with me."

He looked round anxiously, turned tremblinglyto the,dropped lime drope of blood fromhis finger upon It,and said the charm winch theold man hail taught him.*

Suddenly the moon came out from behind theclouds and shone down on the place where thofarmer mi standing before his goblin. Thefarmer was petrilied with honor when lie sawthe gublln coming to life. The creature rolledliiteyes hoiiihly,turned slowlyround nnd round,and when he again came face to face with hi*mailer, asked lira croaking voice: "VYliat doyou want?"

This was 100 much for the farm who was al-ready half-mad with fear. He lied as If for dearlite, not eailttl whither. Tim goblinmi, raillliigand gasping after him, and kept crying: "Whydid you bilugme to lifeif you are to forsake menow?"

Hut the father ran on and never looked be-hind.

Then llin goblin seized hi* shoulder In Illswooilen grasp mill cried: "You have failed InYour li.iiginu by iiinnluc away. You havepledged yiitusell io the devil mid now you'llgain nothing by It. You have set me free. Iurn no longer your- servant, but 1 willbe yourtormentor and plague you to (be lust hour ofyour life."

The fanner rushed madly Into hi* cottage,but the gobliu, Invisible to all but him, fol-lowed. .

I-mm that day forth the farmer tailed In what-ever he undertook. Nothing but weeds mew Inbis fields, his ealtto always died, his roots fell In,and when he took hold of anything it broke Inhis hands. Neither man nor maid would enterhis service, and at last every one held aloof fromhim. as though he were an evilspirit, bringing HIluck whoever lie appeared.

llaivest had come round again, and the farmerwas a iih'ikshadow of himself, when one day hemet old Michael. Tho old man greeted him andlimited mockingly in his face.• Oli,it's you i"cried the farmer. "I'mglad tohave (alien In with you, you hell hound !Wherei,.V P!'01"1*"-your riches Hud good fortune?iiMdv"l"i-Vr"l

" llle devil, aud I'mIn hellriM., A"d,11 » all your fault.'

-yon i v"wS,'!h .V"

"a"ithe old Ina »- "w"°

badeIt,iid;'yi^a nid ?" we""'


If you we.cmoment you

''|< k

yOn'w?vni;;:lly'Ullt "tlie *&

iknew?"'1lead you a>tray: 1oa] «old you what

!"Then help me now.""Help yourself; 1 ran do nothing. Ihave morereason o complain of you than jiu-or in, ididn't defraud you. but where Is the provisionfor my old uue that you promised ? s You are meClj^'l'tHOI

'-*S'**'*l™^^"tfirTflfcdMrßjf|<fWrJ^jTjiii[Q 1W"

11#HinilJi"Well,utver uirud that now.. Show me how to


> tellHie WD»t to do. Iwill do whatever

£V#!B£& the old man. "^downo more -Imust remain a beirgar, and v '.* VOOr jauil.

With il:e«e words he turned and left nun."Curse you I"crieu the farmer, whose last hope

had vanished. "la mere no way or escape?" lieasked himself. "This cobllu. who holds onto molike tho devil himself. is. ailer all, nothing hutmy own woik—a ihingof wood ana potsherds.Itmust be possible to destroy him ifIgo thellj;litway to work."

He hastened to Ii1 collage, where he now livednilalone. There mood the goblin,in a corner.He received him will)an angry grin, ana eald:

"Where is my supper?""What willyou take logo away and leave me

Inpeace?" „-

•\u25a0Wiieie Is my supper? Give me my supperquiCK; I'm liuucry."

".lust wait. I'llgiveItyou directly."The fanner seized a pine toicli which was

buinlnc in the chimney corner, lushed out likea madman, and locked nil the doors fiom ouislde.

It was a cold autumn night, and the windblowingthrough the pines sounded like strangewallinc voices.

'•Now burn nnd roast, you devil from hell 1"cii'd lhe limner, tin owingthe Inirniug torch onto Ihe thalched iOff, so that the whole cottagewas soon In ablaze. Then the farmer laughedmadly, and kei'tcivlug: "Nowbum and roa«t I"1he villagers weie soon wakened by the elnw

of the flames, nnd flecked to the fcciid of thedliajler. They wanted to put out llio lire andsave what they could, but the farmer thrustthem back, saylnz:

"I.c:Italone !Wliai doIcare about the houseif only lie idMils'.' He has lormenteil me longenough; now it's my turn to tonure him, audthen iblngs may come rtebt again."

The people stared at him in amazement. Thenthe house fell in with a ciash, ana the fannercried loudly:

"Now he's burnt !"At that moment the goblin, visible to the

fanner alone. ro«c unliuii from Die smokingruins, with a threatening gesture. The momentthe farmer saw him he fell to the grouud with ad:e.iillul cry.

"What do yon see?" allied old Mlchnel, whobad lust come up, and was standing close besidehim.

But. the farmer give no answer. He was deadof fear.—Longman's Magazine.

(•) Inanother tale tlie words of the ctiarra aregiven: ".May my soul and tby soul he one."


The West Oakland Mutual Loan «.--,,---olal ion.

At a meeting of tha Board of Directors oft!.e West Oakland Mutual Loin Associa-tion held last Thursday evening, Secretary

A. Sbarboro presented Ills fifteenth annualreport, wbi Iishows the association to be iva very prosperous condition.

The third series of stock has jmt maturedto the full value of 8200 per share. Theborrowers willnowreceive a clean releaseof their mortgage?, and the now borrowersare entide 1 to £1000 for every Sj per monthwhich they have paid the association.A remarkable state of facts is shown by thisreport While the non-borrower receives anaverage Interest of 0.86 per cent per nnnumOn Illsinvestment, the borrower baa paid only(5 per cent per jninuin for Urn us*,* of tiiemoney whichhe has borrowed from the asso-ciatloa. This apparent anomaly is re o:int- dfor by the fact that participating iv theparnines as a sto'kholder reduces his rate oficterest ns nborrower.

Tin* West Oakland has helped itsmembersto build nearly 100 houses in Oakland, Ala-med:t. Berkeley and San Francisco, and inthe iast fifteen years, since i:s Incorpora-tion, has not had the unpleasant duty offoreciosinz r. single mortgage, nor liis it suf-iVi.ilthe loss of a single dollar.

This association lias recently Introducedthe system of permitting the borrowers torepay their loans at any time without sus-taining any loss. It «as a!so the first In-stitution which reduced the rate of interestin Alanieda County to 6 per e<>nt per an-num, free i.l mortgage, taxes, at which rateitstill makes all its loans.

The fifteenth annual meeting of the share-holders willbeheld on September loth. Theboo!;3for subscription to a limited numberol shares are now open at the, offices of theSecretary, 307 Sansome street, San Fran-cisco, daring business hours, and at theMasonic Hall Building, in West Oakland,on every Monday and Thursday, betweenthe hours of iiand 8 o'clock in Hie evening.

The present officers are as follows: Pres-ident, Adrian Merle; VTce-Pre»ident, U. 11.Spnulding; Treasurer, William Wagner;Secretary, A. Sbarboro; Directors— C. S.Martin, Joseph Schneily, Geors» 1). Welch,August Pick, C. A. Malm and G. B.Cevasco.

.Some oi the directors have served sincethe incorporation of the society, and manyhave helped to bring the institution to itspresent prosperity for over ten years.

LIST OF LETTERSRemaining unclaimed la tte.Vsitomr.a *vSi*.Set-

-Cisco o-iMONDAY,Seyj^inber 8, 1«<)U.

$t<j- To obtain sny^t these letter* the applicantmust call for "Advertised Letters," and gire thedate or the list. IS'not called fur within two weensthry willbe sent )!o the Dead-letter omcc. iAdams, V.-n '|Aliertun J&tr 'iAnmvvuytJWI«p

(M-'.sslon *t) | Kalh M J!»ii:imii..Mm f( .Alison, D0 Arnold,megAdams, Jv Vr AKent American Artree. Mm«Adams Miss ffHUM! [ Kiißenle

v.isaun.i Anderson, Miss Ashes, Mr*Ncl-Atrncr, Mrs Allle Anderson, lieAlt™, .Miss Anderson, Jas Ashler, Mrs M

Maude Andrews, Miss Ashmore. I)MAlker. Sol Josephine Ateuta, MissAltT.cht, Octt- Andrews, MISSIAIwood,I>{JJ,"--

lleb Louisa ,_U<VTrl-%~r''Alden. Frank Andrews. MrJ JAubry, ArthurAllan,Miss Viatbiida Undery. Mrs IIAlien. Thomnr Anders. Miss IAufendion, Mrs•on X '- | Bertha : LouiseAllen. «•\u25a0„, Anthoy,Mary ii Ayres, W WAlf.'.'"ubriei:er,Jos. Armstrong, Wm'i:ai-on, lieu liinut, Miss 01- Brooks. QBacbtezer, All?- Ive '1 Brown, MIS 3Ialrd, Mrs M E'Bovhm. Mrs M Alice MBally,IT [itoklrk,Win Drawn K(lBaker, P Bo d. Mrs I. Bro«n, MissBaker, Mrs Rob- liumn,', Miss Harriet L

crt I Kmlly rrowiif. Mrs XlialdwlD.MrsFOlßooue, Miss Brawn, IsraelUarboiir.Jas NKI kioisb Brown, Jus (Fel-llarkelewMrsCD ißooth, lienA tonsi)Barnard, I:); j» h, W A Brown. .I.iliuBarnard, Mrs | (Uarkettt) Young

Sarah llsusbon, Mrs £1- Brown MrsLoulsBarnes, Mr» Gco inira Drown. Hlsfll.arnmn Ilros jnorbon,Gabrlel2 Mary BBißatt,CO iHornion, Uanleißrowa. Hi \u25a0 11liarrett.J IHorton, A((ries [I'.rown,SMi:arrtngton, Mlsa lsoskoweby A:Co. Brown, W

Fanny K.I i:riiu. A-I'>'phTarry, Mrs M C Roulilen, Thos llrunwln. MrBatts, Mrs Cl> liuiilct.Ira Bryant'a V Mat-Baninan, Mi i l'.owers. Ueo \\\ ton's Collegel>ai. Miss w L Bowie, OrFBO|Brr«nl -U*

Uiain. MrsJl Bowles, Chas,_

ll.»jnc!s<iii, MrsH'-a/eilTMrs KB liowiniin.SlrsEr r.u'lib. ( I:isBecker, John ltnsur<l, i>r F D|Bncbanao,JMßlie. r.Mis X llradford, Hla i:ti.-iiaii..:i,MraSHeeTen, J II Helen IIii«ii;tt,MrsM

-ißradr, MlssMol- Buckwlnste r,

Bendel, Mrs i: I lie Tar:, ItBenedlcCMnDl llraly,Thoj H liuctoen Bros al'»Mi L;ist'n. Marie lieare. Mm An- KeqoaBetlce, Hit me ißueKli-y.OrChanr.nniitrs, That D Bragg,Hiss Lil-IBuctley, Joanliensuli, A Han Bulger,JasBenson, Mrs IM ISrancta, Miss Burkuart,BornlKird, Mr Nellie Unrke DrItcrnonelll, Dr.lBranson. Mrs TBnck, Mrs ICBemlMan, a m lirantrord. WUllßurnbaw, MrsBernstein, l*aulil:rann,MrsL AliceBerry, .las J ißrander, Aioi llnriiham, Mr.i

(Clara st ißraumout. Mr* ArthurBertboff.OF I Donna Brooks! lturnham, C AHetiel, Mr |Brawn, i. Itnn iws UcoBißor, .Mrs Net! Bres-lngha in, l!ur>cil, JaiHKlioji,Win II Mr*Kate i'.ii<l.n-ss ColleeeBlake, Prof .las Brewer. Mrs JcnrnalMiikOlissMin; Henrietta Hutler,.vrs I!FBleu, Carl BrUui.v iiu.irior Birtler, MissUlooJ.Kdwardß Bnagt, Ualph \V FaustinaBlum, i.nrsclien ;Brenns, Miss Bui FrankKliiui,Max Emma ,'Uutler", .Mrs (iCIlium,Mum Barm Ilritton.lClliottll;Byrne, CuloaclBlunkall.MrsJW IBromley. Mrs l.i


«ai(UMi,i.nv Chapey. Ceiestln.Conll, i,nulCallendar, Miss Chapman a Klu- Coombs, Chas 0

Bessie ler I'osucr lleurvCalvert, Miss KE Cnapman, Miss Cuoner.' Mrs VECameron, LeTl Nan Cooli.rlth, 1:.,iCanny, John ChatanquaUter- DonnaCaret, A.lulph ature Agent Cottwell J S

(Ml)) ctK'uwlth, Key Coulter Mi»Ill-carey.Miss Susie Mrs It

™r>™"*"Carey, VII ClicncyMrsKlttylCuiiiier wIICarpentcr,Jacob|Clarn A Welhe |CoirdJ Miss Hat-li Clarke, Mrs A A! tieCarr, Miss MayE Clark, Mrs Char- Cox I!WCarroll,,! lotte « coio Tiinm««Carroll-lames or Clark,James a' (raise *BrownKranclseo Clarke, Ueo II Crate J«/lID]Carroll. W D Clayton, JIIs» CraiSeJllsiirtUCarter. I.)man Nora Crookcr CXCarter, Seymour] Clement. Miss Crooks 'win II

X iClessou, Clia.s ('mm run wl-ariwrlght.lohn cieaton, Miss Crouch XCartwrlKht, Win Bale Cr.,,ii,«.'it.. Wmss & v:^8b'MrsMi" oSwKasaiSLjse,.iorin lie (lllittIICasel, Miss Babe Coady, Thomas Culver v 1Cauwsll, Mrs .1 Contn.JCoollilKe L'umminM MissCasiiln, Mlrh-iDlOogglus, Win iI!"iv R

cariin. Patrickv ConenAJonnson CunninKßam

-ACutMy.Edward Cohen, Max ! "„.,T

•Cassulay. .lohn Calyer, John CnnnlnihamMnCatcs, MrsOP i:oliuii UralsCanfleld, .1A Colcman, Wlt Curii<Mi«Qii»iniicentral 1- C Tel Coin.,, Mrs I. ruru»>!i 9"euaCM.mberla.n.

'ton. Miss Kata ICash man titnrhainberlaln, Conant. Mrs ,1 j, "r,, 'ChM Condroy, Ben ("utter it«..aChamberlaluMrs Conley. Mli, • .r ',r,'chcs-Florence Hattle

» ""<r,.wr,( lies

Clianar, Willie Couson. wlll:*hneke,Mlss DeLong*AshleyIDoocan Win-

Annie Oerrlciijohniiii !.„,.,\u25a0' m!«Dally,Henry Destin, Mrs Mcl-1 5,,


DallO, ABSnst vlllo Doiiii'biit TampiDaileuge.GustaT Deamond, Clias DoSdJ, Mrs "if*V DlcKersou, Miss i*.,,,. fas ArthurUaveuport, Miss Ada Dow w'l.-A * iDlckson, Mrs.l Doyle Bolivar GDavis. D Dillon. Matthew Do? el lolhi \u25a0

Davis, Gco Diva, Mine | i,'i'h msliavh.Jl. Doane, Miss Sa- Dram,lea ciiaiDavis, Miss Mar- .lie DrSijiSlSSgaretho Dobler. rhlllp ii,,,...; V ?.Davis, SP Dewallo, Mrs llnin,v MR.

Dawes, -Wlnnold Maurl.e ,'„ "• WlssDawson, KIJ Dodd, Miss Mill-I),, ( hi«Dawson, Mrs nlo a • IDu-'m

M,L Fr_

Matilda Do.lgo, FEDr \u0084„"• Mr» tr^

Day, John O Doilson MrsKate Uniiini. mmlii-Day, Thomas Dodson, Mlas I



Dean, John It3 Nellie Hiinnhv MissDeuau. .1 Dolens. Patrick | jc f'.Mll.'l'\u25a0:-! \u25a0 lens Miss Ilinanlii,Miss C 1ii,:,,, trMaudo Donagan, Harry inn,.'. AlbertDeMarebe, Miss Donahue. Mrs TJ Dwyorl&llMary

F.asltnan, EL IEgan, W Erlckson. Born-Ebcrt, Miss Sll- lisKer.s, Wm hard'-

\u25a0anna- * Klsenacb, 'Mr Kriikson B

Kckcr. Mrs Joe | (Peck 4 Klson- Evcrhani'MraMUKile, Mary 8 | a<h) Ksiey, M>;Beeteaton, Mrs JiElgcr, W Kvn« Kmllo

\u25a0 V-

Elllngswortli, Kvans, Uobt RKildy.ItII Saini Kvans Tlt •

-Bdgar, IV M Klllater, Meek Urreos, MlsiKdmonds, Mrs Klwcrt.Max Mamie

Annie Elliott,Miss ST Ewcn, Mrs Mag-Ednardson Han- Kincrson, (Una dallne»a ,: Kmpy & Wanz Ewcn, Miss MXFanchee, UllbcrtiFletrher, MUs Foster, MrsJosleKarell, Mr«MaryIVleiiitn'ir, David

Foster. S 8Pared, Mn Mary Fleming, David Fraseli HenryFaulkner, 11 M FleniinliiK, Miss frauds, Aaron ,Fiwke., Mr,A

I Mauuiß\u25a0

Framlsßii, llal<l-l-awkes, MrsA XiFlint.Ella emusFerro.MlMl.lillOiHynii,Timothy Frankllu, Miss 1Rlnmna. H Forest. V Oriuiic-il, Fuud- Koley, John \u25a0' , Frcdrltsoa, T

JJjJn »V*"J Foiey, Miss Liz- redar .- -£?'"\u25a0« Herman

\u0084zle '--- •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••• i„.„„„,em :ihud, w x lulsgin,Rer oeo fries,John

Firzr»trlclc.Jas de-- Frienl, F C

Flamaut, Adolpti Fossberg, AH Frnstuck, Ifela-Flanagan, .las Forbes, lire richHanuiughaiii, Kuril.Mrs Annie Fry, Mrs Geo

Mrs Forue, John Fuclis. Kuutvietcner A- Wan- Foster, Mrs C J Funk, Mrs H'u',-~<u.her: foster, Geo Furt. Edward

Fleischer, E i .[-

Caober. 0 |O!lchrlst, TVJ Gorry, MI«Gage, Fred A iGildiuelster, V J Mary wI,,,::,!.:!. Josepbl'-lknon, Jnc> Graeme, Dr

L Gllmore. Jno II G.-aa, C L •

Gallardo, FF Gjvens, Horace Grau, W BGardner, Mrs ulatz, Bert Green, Miss Fan-

Eliza Gleas, Miss Mary nioGardner, Miss Glenn, JII Green. Phil C

IIS Gluyas, Miss Grimth, .Ino-

Garvey, Miss Jennie Griffith, wIIMary S Godfrey, Jas V Grimm. Andrew

Garabed, Simon Goesslemr.Henry JGrove, Theodore(i:irey.Al Golberg, E Grove, Miss I,onGarrett, MISS Golden Age Mill Ureenxwelg. Mr

Klilcr Goldstein, Mr Gulldford, Mrs 'Garriock, R Goldmann, Juan Killla<ia>kill,CO Gououd, EJ Guln, MrsIdaGeddes, Andrew jUoodale, LN Guard, IN.Geades, Chas E Gordon, Miss Gundeiseu, An-Gclss, Miss Lena) Clara I ilersGeiumao, It Gorlu, Maurice Gnnn, Miss NoraGenoa Exchange w , Guiiln.cGeorgei J E . Goner, SJ Guy, MrsMaryGorman, JnoIlafer,Jno) Illanser, Jacob Hoar, Mis«l<laDllalghl,I.M Ilanstcd, Fred Ho'lgklns MrsMHale, X lilavcy, Misslirid- Huffman. MrsHall,Win 1 get lloldcrottlleuryllarviirsen.C Hay. Mr Holland. PHamilton, Mr illaydock. F lloiieubeck. GeoHamilton. MrsEJ Hayes, David ItHamilton, lirid- Heaiiley. Miss Holllday.MrsEß

ret Laura C Holliilay,MissHamilton, Jiß lleatoii, W I) 1.1111,1

ll.millton.Miss lled.schmcdlChas'lloliiies.RlcliarilLiz/le llcln,Carl Illoiton, WT

Hamilton, J R Hellion. Miss ill"!uiiian,lrvineHampton, Cret Llilie I XHanson, Miss Ileirrlck,E Hooks. Charley

Lena Helniuth. Win IHooper, Mls»An-Hurdlng, I)rWE Henderson, Miss nie'Harmon, Harry | lleloise Hopson, Jamesllarney.Jas A Hcnncse;.. FW Uurnhlower A.Hanson, A1" IHenry, Tli McManlmanHarrrman, XF Htrnics, Miss Botebklss, •'EHarris, Miss May! Anna Norton. AX.

c Ilerwif;, Miss Howard. MissHarris, MrsFran- bertUa Laura

tie IHerzog, Philip Howard, JWHarris, Mrs IdaM Meyers, Chas Illuwell.Mrs C FHarris. Lieut HLnickel, J s a ;Hoyt, Wm BHarris Fro.l |HU'Slns.Harrison! llnticr,Mrs Mag-llarrls. HcrtliaM IllßKins, Miss (tieHarris HelenL Norali Hurley, MissHarrison, liI. 111. Miss NellM MaryHart. Miss Elza-IHlll, 8 Bugler, Godfrey

belli Hill.Ephrlam 1" Hughes, PietfoHart,MrsHelcue Hiiliiiaii,K.I SOHarvey, J 11 IlilkonI:/...lark !Hummel. MrsHarvey, Mrs Hlndle MrgFamiyj Humphrey!, Mrs

.1,-uelie Hinders, .Mrs iHunt, James SHarvey,Mrs Chas Kutn-i |Hunter..Mrs Di; lime. Theo lore |Hunter, Miss L

Hansel), Miss IllistUevSainuclllluslug, DUanserMlssElsle Ilixon,JFoster IHUB.Fred Ichwalldt, II Incersoll,Lutherlii'i.iden, Mrs Innlsbe, Miss a

Still* I MalmeJackson, Johnson, Miss iJohnson., Sadie A Lizzie IJohnson, liM.l.i;. Icnsen, Neils C jJohnson, Hubertjackaon, FranlcA Jess, MA Jolinseu, MissJacob*, Lee Jeven. Miss Way TildaJacob, Mr Jatinis, Emll Jones. rII.Jaines.Kuward L Jobantilsen, In- Jones. IITJameson, Miss Eiburic Johnston, Miss

Lizzie JoUan>oi, E V AnnieJapanese Tea Johanson, Mr Josep, MlssClara

Importing Co ijobamon, Cbrl3- Ju.'lwich. JohnJenulng, UrWOl Han Munich, August.-. -.-:i, v iJolinson Mangles, Jobu

merer, IKelly. Miss |XIntella, GeraldKuiile

"I Geonile Ktrcliner, Miss

Kassow, llerru |Kelly,MlSfNcllle Ida

Krustll iKenin-v. Miss IKlrkland. .1ItKaywr, Win I Mamie Klrsmal A liruceKearny, MioS Kenyan, JW jKite.James

Annlo Ken W A IKlaus. ThosKearuy, lion I) Kerrinjau, Miss Klamberg, MrsKldrafo, Miss \u25a0 Maiy I A^nes

.lima Keiz'cr. Geo |Klotz, MatthKMianMlss.lulla Keyer, Charley JjKnspp, MrsKirlcy, Miss Klcmy.Derward Uophia

Georgia IKltiman,James Knights. \u25a0' V.Kult>ach,!'iidn'fg Ktnneair, Miss A Knuclielinann,

Kelller.Jobn Kllburn, Mrs WinKelter,Mrs Will] Parts Kuntsd, MrKillvMlssAnnal. Klliilei, M:s; Rorbele, MIS 3Krlly,Ml!9Agnes Mary SophiaKelly, Mrs J Klniball, Mrs |Roller, Alvlsruiilipa j Mary It Kons, Henry

Kelly,it F Kilmer MfjCo Kutzcon, MissKelly,Thomas King,Geo X LouisaKelly.James].ainble,Gottlleb I.en, diaries Lane, Miss Flor-Iifranz, Miss I-eter. Charley ence

Hargaretna Lemilll, Miss Loury, MissLaGrove, Ewd F Louisa HiidurLalUley,FR Levy,L Loss. Mrs FrankLa Inbert. Geo Levy,MrsMar L London, JLanden, Mrs IIF Lewis, Eilcu U Lovejoi. Geo WI.ainprurliin.Jlin Lewis. Win Low, MISSBmmaLanflergin i'hillpLewls.MrsM.May LOWden, J IILangtree, MISJ Llbbey,«lil Mont

.same iLibby,I>u jLanney, MISSLarsson. Gns E iLieUtensta.Uer, i HattleLarnon, Miss Martin V |Lubierlirownard

Liua Light, Mrs Ella Lucas, Miss EIamrlea, Mary li.ljhtcap. IIk E Luce. Ur 1)

Latbrop. JW ii.iija,John Lnden HermannLande, Miss iLlnd, Miss Nina iLubmaun, MissLomhara. Willie 1.iv.1. Andy I LouisaLayton. Koland iLiinler,Miss S S I.uml.Leary, Llnville.Cleinent Lnndjrrln, TillyLee,Mr I) | R Lundqnest, FredLee. Michael Little.7. II Luge, MrsI.FI.ercbman. JI. Little,Miss Jean Lux,Julius IILfcsitt. MrsGW Laeb, Mrs L iLyncb, ThosLemot, MI Lake. A Lynch. SamuelLi'inuiaii, Thos Loaii,ES l.>..:isMnsAuhieMcAllister, E^qiMcDonoogb, jas McKluney, Sid-McCarthy, Chai A : nay sMcCarthy, CJ |McGweln.Miis |McKee, Osseanl!MrCarty, Mr McGregor, Jaines;McLaue, Jas 11UcColloagh, S G McGlaughllnJno'McLane, IE B

>lr< arm, Jamos McUary, liW McLean. Mrs .1

\u25a0cCray W L McGlotnln, J W McLau?hlln,MrsSli'liouuell. N McUonnell Peter AmandaMcDonald Jasll McGnneil, I'atk McMillan, Haul.McDonald, Mrs ,Ma|tli:re, Miss McNulty, .Miss

Mary Theresa i AggieMcUjwell.J B McKeustry. Mr [McNeilBrosMcDerinott. 11 J McKenzle,Mr Mil'lladli,AMcAcy *C«» \u25a0 \u25a0 1-McKliiuyJobnnyiMack. Ed iMatson, Mrs J V.Mitchell. Mrs

:<lli..K.-<-.l(11.X.-1" .tlVlliiuuu,A r \u25a0JJrk-htJT-".!-.'— iHaddox, o Mayn.Miss Eti.: j-;-,»•;e \u0084:,••„ FMatzan, Augus- Meadows, Ilenr*. Mart Mr. wj,tine iMelsteikncclis/- ;\u25a0„.•.. ,JMaiden, Mrs .IS Miss Julie f "(-barles

Main. Mrs Mag- Mehan.JanW M°Rom,"

leAl-(rle . IMelueii, beorjL, exanderMalln ss-iseb:,S lri!aOlit» Mmitague. Capt

Kief I jclinie Mouteagle, Kobb"A^pes, Cbas Menjorcn, Mrs Q\u25a0 .Btanter, IIL Katie Monroe, MissMark, Hdnricb Merle, Miss AnnieMarine,Peter Daisy Moody,Mrs XMarls, HV, Merchants His- Moore. CharlesMmrott. G paten Trans Co A and MrsMarsellus. EP Metcbauts Dls- Moore, Fred HMartlnolll,MrsC patcli XrauspiMoraii, PatrickMarshall, Mrs J Co Morris,Georgeli Maeers. A L IMorris.UK

Marshall, Miss 1Meyer, Martin S, Morrow, MrAnnie Meyers, otto Mortensen. C B

Martin A- .Tanez Meyer, T Mortimer A; Har-Martiu, Mrs men risMartin. Luclen Miilllii,Miss Au- Mortenson, Fruk

A nlo Moore. C SMartin, John P Milton, Miss Co- Mortimer, MrMartin, Kicado | la I OSS, Arthur J.Masson, Paul Mllilgan,David l ci)Maskel * Sum- Millard, OX Ijliwj.G

merneM Miller,Mrs E Moelicr,X'liarlesMasterman Au- Miller,Fred T

tomatic linker Miller. Albert Stamford, DX.Ei|l C Miller,EC- IMuiis SJ

MallbCWS, MrsK|Mills.Col Auson .Murphy.Jas XE Mills,s A Murphy.J M

Mathleas, Gcr- Mlnely, Thomas Murray,IU ~Zdr::nt Mitchell, John ,1


Kaogbton, Mlss|Nel?M, HlnI Noiand,Muoro>vUarta i.'<evllle, SK Co

mC>s.'!t:!g»i, HP Newell, Guil'l North, AbrahamNathan, T |Nc\vi;iark, Fl' ..Norton, PNagel, Kdward ;Neinier, Fergus Novelty SoapNoastoodHyman Nickels. C ; Picture CoNeailles. Mr .Norton. Mrs A M Nyc, MrsOakman, Joseph Ulsen, P O'Nfill, .MissOentcrinan, Mm U'Hara,atissJen-| Katie

Ida nic O'.\elll, Jos • .Ogden, MISS O'.Mallir. Mrs u'liourke, i:ob

Dolllo Bridget |0 Kourke, Misso'l.earv, Mrs I) Omalup, Oyster I Houoria111.;!-m, G M I *Co Oso, Anden(Unified. W D 'O'Neill. Frank .In;:, KlrhardOlnie, Jabunscii.D'Ncill, Miss A FiUley.MerccrWNjn I I

radan, MrsMln-iPearson, Miss Pierce, Paullnel"erva Mary Puck. Mrs Carrie

Pac Bottling Pcavis. Rob'Pollard, Mrs Ada

Works I'oulield. Allen.lirone, cPark, Ueo M Peoples, Mrs lia- Fool, J ItParker, WII chel Porter, MrsParker, Mrs Max Peterson, Miss j (Clairvoyant)Parr, Miss F M Christina Powell, onusParrnck, Adam Pcttersou, Miss Powers MrsClaraPatzlg. Hugo Emil'.e Pratt, J HPaul, J w jPcdcraon, Jens Preslio, KatiePease, Sidney !I'tiu.-liell.(has Purdon, WinPeltier, N IPierce, ('has I)

Qnlgiey, Miss Mary [tfuinn,AnnaBasrausMO, Klcliardson.Mlsv.K.idemaclier,

Christ Alice i FritzKan-son. DrC IIKlcbmond, Miss! Roilrlguei,PKaymond, Sllss i Eva A llobey,UC

Hilda nicli,FI.*Co |Rogers. A FiteodMrsJ.Saundlltlley, II> Kb^cr.<. (has I)2l!c;'d,Ml3iNellle Itleuan, X ilioolirMlssSadieBecse, Nome Kisber, MrF . Koss, .Miss Jeau-hefiait. Wm Itimaii,Ernest viaKehart, Mrs F Keardcn, ¥ J Hassan. FIteliieker, Frank Robert, John Boeette, MISSItiMiKlulu,Au- IKubertMrAllred 1 Lena

gusto lltobi-rt, Miss Kussell, Missr>emer, J J Emma I LouisaBetas, Christian Robert, Mr J 0 Rush, Mrs a MUeynold, MrsliA Robertson. W IIRust Mrs F MHlCkard.Mrs An- Robinson, Mrs Kyan, Miss Oath

me ! Allie Iliyan.Mr JamesSager, Osar L Sluton. Mrs iStephens, John JSalisliurv. Mrs.N Henry Istephens. W P

ll.isserui Small, Charles E >teiubere, LionelSFWiraFence Smart.AnnleUee s

Co Smith, Albert 11 Stevens, MrsSaiiter, Frank Smith, Miss An- Mary,Sa|.p. ItW nlo Stevens, Thos WSaul, Lizzie Solinieath, All- Stewart, Mia LESaner, Mrs Geo i gust steljllu, JohnHie, Homer Smith, Dr Den- stun. John 1Sariieni. Frank!" iil'ir Stone, Miss Jes-Sayle, Judge C G Smith, Mrs Sarah i aleBenin, o L smith, Win Ais stone, MatthiasSchivo. Carl Schneider. Mrs Swain, Miss AdSchroder, Win IISchneider, Fred strain, Miss AU-Hchro>n, A W soderbum, Mrs j bioSjchuepp, Mmc Solomon, E E stein, I\V

Frennd • Spat ling, Mrs strain. JSchumacher, Sailtu Istroehle, Anton

Henry Speck, W J studarus, JohnSchwartz, W Spencer, MrsAM|Sullard, Mrs 0 ASeaulauor, Henry Spencer, Dr F W Sullivan, JohnScrlbner, Anna Spencer, MG Sullivan, Jouu-Serro, Charles - Sponeuberg, Geo nleSeymour, Joseph Sprague, larle- Sullivan, MariaSeymour, MrsTJ lon isuudmau, AlkarShaver, Norman Springer, Thoo- Sutherland, A D

E (lore {swain.George

Sharp, Mrs 11 11 St Clalr, Mrs Swenson, Dug-Sharpe. MrsQB Florence I marShaw, Lewis St Charles, Mr Swenson, Mary

Snick, TM stanwood, .1 A !Smith. KberShlrkltaer, S Stanford, George Syckles, MrsCar-Ship, W Staub, KevJJ . rio

-Slirleve « Wolf Stein, Uarney Sykes,Mrs NellieSloane, E A IStephens.MrsFE -

\u25a0» »•Taylor. Mrs C B Titus,Jerome : Trotter. Col FE

Taylor, Wm Todd, David 1rumbull, MrTev.s, Carter Tooiney.MlchaCl Tryon. Mrs Hell

Thompson. J X .. tunica. «•«\u25a0"»Tlllllllles,C L Torgenson, Hans Turner. Miss

TiCklirr,Ben] Toramau, Cai>t _Jennie m.\u25a0

Tierney! MIuMJ W T Tuttie BrosTUhe,P F •

-.-\u25a0 ITrlbble.ElijahI»ITlßers, Miss Ida Underwoo<l, O A „ „„„.Van Ueutbuscn,|V»nlell, Mrs Vernon.Mrs Rob-

TO Bertie- \u25a0• crt

van Buren. Tbos Van sickle, J X Vlnton, MISS8..-.. Vehcs, Mrs Mat- Don \u25a0\u25a0

Van Diiren, Mrs tie . yon N05t1u,....Tbenisl» , Vagei.Mlss

' I Oscar .•w-.cner' Mrs ' heeler, WII Williams, Leon-'- Aifiiist Wheeler, MG- nrd

w«llier 1) W Wheeler. X C Williams, Mrs .lace.Mrs JnojWhite, M1 Nellie

w.iiliGeul IWhite, Mrs C . Williamson, «W

3Barney I)IWhite, Q M Wills, au.i,b

Fenian. Miss White,MrsJas Wilson, 011

wileniian. Missi White, J It « llson, AHiL White, X V Wilson, I-M

Warner Miss Whltt.icre, Miss Wilson, SamKdlth Hannah Winship, Lillio

Webb \K '-' Whlttlef.MrsJ Winters, ;MissWebber, F.iKvin WimtlnKham, Lulls \u25a0;webbrr Inez Mr,Nettle Wlrcn, JohnWebber Mrs S J Whlteslde. Mrs Wolf. Miss CellaWebster. Thos 111 W, Mrs Beuj

Week Andrew It Wicks, O wo..d, EX ;..welio, Jirnost Wieduian. LouinlWood, Geo RJ S.Walker, Al- Wlgglnton, MissiWolfsulll.J w \u25a0

fred \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 suslo \u25a0-: IWorm^r, Bk «-Welncr, \u25a0 Herr- |W liber \u25a0\u25a0 Mercau-i Wooduury.OeoE

in»n-' I tileAgency IWooubury, Isaac

astern, AJi- iWniey,AJ 'i B • , r.1".uiar |willei«ou, Cbar- Woodward, Mrs

West. MrsCE\u25a0

I\u25a0 ley i-Molll*

Westaway .'- fWiilHton,Adon-: Woolsey, g TWesthaus, Fer- run \u25a0 Vi'rea, Dr A Mrs

dlnaud Iwilliams.sldneyVeomaii'i. J n IYoung, Thus

-lYorstoa, J CiCo

Youny,EC | . . IZlmiii;riuj|nCas-(Z?rn,Cleuiciitlr.e'Zumvralt,


"\u25a0-1 \u25a0*:\u25a0••\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0 :-\u25a0- -J;'.-

LETTKES FRANCAISICS.lionrroullie, Ma-iLesar;e, Mo:is Parade, Pierre

thow Lucas, Eugene"

Tauze, GCaim-ros, Grat Vaiule. Achille Vloisoii, JeanDc Vuux, (.'has Pcne, P.attlstc

roUB I.KS DAMES.Ambrolse, Cc- DedleuCiemence Laurent. Clotiide

lesie iGriinaiul, Jose- Mature, Mine DPiroctilcr, Jose- I phiue Nicola, Mine

palue ILissiugcre, E |Marie

LETTERE ITALIANE.Allloto, Glac iCanepa. Carlo GiannoniEmcrigi;- r :i:i\u0084-:.:. Fra- Cervelll, Narclso Giuliani. Horn

lelil ICervelll, Basllio .Malno, Tomasolieiliicmini. Cesharl. Carolina Mcclil.Ant

clso Cuneo, I'.artollo Mlehelc, F\u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0. Mada- t'uneo, Michele Mores), Glov

lene iDalplna, Glov [Novacovice GiovW.-iRI, Arturo liamlgelll,Eliza |Perazia, AntIl'.o.sta, I*:,-:-1 \u25a0 > De^'li ant on'reto, GlusHoiisaiio. Nine I(Slav Puccl. Narclssjliudrovlce, NIC- Divoclcl.Marko Rouilto. Glus

o:a Kcco, Aeoriaiio I".us>l. HarriotsKiisolaclhl, Glov Feri-iicl'i. IJI- Rossi, OlusCampl, tiarelso I erazio Savin, LutCiputo, Dene- Kuccigo, Ant TorrcAMorando

dctto (iraniuo, sigrior Tonlolo.AntonioCaiiiiuada, Glor- Gazzolo, A IVarnl,Uuglle!nio


Albania, S Delbral, Aurell- 'Hernandez, Ll-Anaya. Juan N a:io | brad) \u25a0

Bonavia, Manuel 1 Franc *Montovcano..T MCebrero, lldel Frava. Nic inos jMuuoz. PatrlcloCresclo, Ant Uutlcrcz, Ceaon Irlgo, J MDelavago, V | |

SENORAS.Anaya, Maria M Esqnlbel, B.iut- Ol,ai:e«, CrlstlnaUerellesa, >t-Ilpa facia

*Parrato. Lot a

F iGonzalcs, Meo- Sanchez, RosaCauiacho, Flo- lasa Valdcz, Arqul-(|iilnla Men, Loreto lano

Orespe, De Lene Moreno, MlssT A|- • v

S. W. BACKUS,l*ostina.ster.

OCIiA.V >TliA>ll-.i;S.

Datp* of t>ppirlnrr» From Smi TtriiirT -i"o. I


Id racldc Standard Time. Compute! bjrTHiai'Jkn'nknt. ciiroiiouiPter and liistruinoa^

Maker. IS Marlset street.

SHIPPING INTICLf.KJKNCK.. tor tihipinns Jntrlli'tencn are i.vjhiil\vje.

.Arrived. Sunday. Sept 7.Btmr Santa Rosa. Gasto, 61 hours from San

I'.'\u25a0-". pasj and incise, to <ioodall, l'erklns .<: Co.Btmr Ciios Bay, Mi-iiolmiii. 18 hours rrom Fort

I'.raKi;, etc; pass and mdae, to Guodall, rerkiiiiA I'o.

Smir Westport, Jacobs, inhours from Westport;1l.'.'UO railroad ties, to LX White.

Stinr nival, Johnson, US hours from Huenemc:liroduct*. to order.

Gipsy, I'iuinmer, 15 hours finMonterey, etc:produce, to Gooitalt, I'erklns A- Co.Btmr corona, Hauuati. 'JO hours from Eureka;

pass and mdse, to (ioodali. Perkins ftCo.stmr Alex Duncan, Gray, Mi noon troiuTort liar-

ford; produce, tv Goodall, Perkins iCo.Soiled.

Sunday. Sept 7.Stmr Walla Walla. Wallace, Victoria, etc.Stmr Knrrka. Smith, Wilmtuzlon.Hark Alex .McNeil, Sannden, Naualnio.llktllSkagit, Robinson, I'ort Gamble.Hktu Monitor, tversun, Hiilnholdt.Hrii;Courtney ford, Nielsen, Grays Harbor.N<-rirAmerican Itoy.Hammond, Grays Harbor.Bchr AiaiTi,:iiiGirl.Banders, Grays Harbor.Schr Koocrt Lewers. Penhallow, i'ort Townsend.Bcbr San liuciiavcutiirH, Dahllof,Ilumboldt.

Tele? raohic.point LOBOS—Sept 7- 10 p. K.


foggy; wind W. velocity 16 mlleiDomestic I'orti.

I'OKTTOWXSEXO-Arrived Sept 7-Br liarIs Isl-and city, from Hongkong.

LANDING-ArrivedSept 7-Schr Ben-der r.ros.

POINTARENA— Arrived Sept 7— Stmr Record,hence Sept «5.

GREENWOOD— BaIIedsept 7—Stmr Alcazar, forSan Francisco.

as lOKIA—ArrivedSept "—Stmr State of Califor-nia, hence sept 5.

SAN DIEUO-ArrlvcdSept7-Birk Samoset, fromXacoma.

Sailed Sept 7—Schr Eclipse, forEureks.Ati>vein«nt« ofTran«-itlaiiti*i StemnßrcNEW VOKK—Arrived Sept 7-Stmr Alaska, Irom

Liverpool; stmr La Champagne, from Havre: stuirTower Hill,from London.


iiiiituiT.i(, -»[i».

— — ---SAN DIKGO—Per Santa Rosa— '2 bis 4 sks bees-

wax. 3 CS dry goods. 6 pkgijunk,5- bis lemons. 256plus -11bJls Jiiuk. 'Jl sks onions. 37 bxs 9ska driedfruit,6 rolls leather, 18 bd!s tallow, 4 cs slices, -UUbills cement, '.' bills skins. 193 sks when. '.' bills 99hides, •-'•JO sks barley. V cs clothing, 19 bdls seal-skins. 4 sks beeswax, 6 skjbeets.

San Pedro— 'lsks chllles, 1cs dry goods, 25 cs tinplate, iij^ixslemons, 8 cs 3 bbls wine, 3lixs Iron>t ink, 1/itsks barley, 948 sks wheat, 1401 sks corn,3bxs soap.

Santa Barbara— sfcs dried fruit. 1 billdriedskins, HIns oranges. 37 bxs lemon*, 1 bx dry goods,1bxspice, 169 bus rlax,108 ski .-Hells, 14 sks craw-fish.

l'ortHarforil—s cs eg**. 1 sk dried beef. 1 baletobacco. 3 pk^s hardware, 2 bdU I*B Hides, 6 hxspeaches. 1coop turkeys, 1 coop pigeons, 14 cs eggs,ftpkgs express 1

-bxs butter, 7coops ctiickeus. 1cs

cheese.Sau Luis Obispo—l2 sks oats, 63 BkJ beans, 53 sks

flaxNlpoim— sWs wheat. 140 oats. 74 sks flax.Santa Maria -:>i13 sks wheat, 355 sks beans. Bsks

screenings, 3 slis chicken feed, 131sks barley, 327sks oats.

Los Alamos— l9B7 sks wheat, 695 sks barley. 14sks beans.

Los cllvos—lsß9 sks wheat.FOIM'liKAiiU,ETC—Pet Coos Bay—l cs egga. 2

bids US Ins butter, 1bx fruit, 1coop chickens. 1 cscigars. lbill carpet, 4 pkjs express. 1 bdl pelts. 2.bxs apples, 4 pkgs uidsc. 4ski abaloues, 1sack sear

"^**ieKXsEi'-r.£r isy-il bxi 8 bbls 1 maj_flsli. '11 sks beans. \u25a0\u25a0 r *~*~— „\u25a0"

Moss Landing—2oo sks potatoes, 10 cars.Santa Cruz—4 cs cheese, Ibx butter, 1 bbl hard-

ware. 2 bxs tin shingles, 36 sits rags, 10 ska oldmetal, 10 sks bones, SJ.) bbls lime.

Pigeon Point—lo7 sis cheese, 0 bis butter.Amesport— 4S» sks barley, 307 sks potatoes, 3 sis

vegetables. HIsks beans, 2 sks 5 chests cheese.KUBJSKA—Par Corona- SIS Mshingles, 11,500 ft

lumber, 1cs canned good?, 4 cs clothing,1cs to-bacco. 4 pkgs hardware, 3bis furgoods, 1bx books,Ihx tables, 2 cs washing maculae*. 2 cs cigars. 2 c.idrygoods, 29 bis pears. 1 box ham, 1 b\ crockery. 1box paper, 1 tidl dried skins, 1pki; saws, 2 cs beer, 3Coops chickens, 4 sks potatoes, lbur»e. 274 sks peas,5 bills Ti hf kegs 0 >ir kegs 61bxs butter. 9 rollsleather. 3 his muse, 4 bxs seed. 3pkgs express, 25bxs prunes, 1pkfjtreasure ($1992 24).

HUE.NEMK—Her Rival—18S5 ski barley. 11baleswool, ibill skins, 2 cs tallow, S3BS sks wheat, 359sks mustard, 29 us beans, 1coop eulckcus, 1bxsamples.

KKUON'DO-rer Alex Duncan— 6l7B sks barley,266 .sks wheat, 201) cs canned goods.

Coii»lsnee«.rer Santa nosa-Caln « Mitchell; Davis* Son;

Porter Bros ftCo: Baker.tHamilton; ,1 L llobart:Marshall, icgiiart *llrorsen; Krown * Adams: K.MCohen; Dodge, Sweeney *Co; Getz 15ros & Co; A JItInline!; Uuss. Samlcrs £ Co; W C Price A-Co; UW Futr Co: Wlt Sunnier A Co: D(iCainarlnos;.IIDotard; St'harlit. Lcinciie <& Btelaer; Grecnbauin,Weil A;Co; Hiasin^er A Co: -i :\u25a0-,:\u25a0.\u25a0,,;• «£ ;\u25a0\u25a0[.\u25a0>.American IICo: IICowell A- Co: Davis A Co; DuffliCo: Gaill Fruit Co: Hassett A Hunker: 1, 0 Sreso-soricn .v Co: Walton Bros; KveiethA Nash; stu'ie-baker liros; Payot, UpliainA- Co: ft FilelValle- J JMellus: lie Hernardl A vTestphal; Dreyfus A Co: WIV Chase* Ci; Smith's Cash store; Phillips Bros:Fclllni;, Henry *Co: Kis.ioii, Cihru 41 «\u25a0•\u25a0; I.i.i \u25a0 :A Earnest: Grangers' lluislneis Ass'n; Nawtnark

*Co; Shatiuck, Kowalsky i-Co; c E Whitney ACo;Wells, Karso A- Co; Ketlln£ton

*Co; Haas. Barurh*Co: Sliishfliner Bros: Ualdnln, GlrvluA res:Moore,Ferguson *Co; Roger Uros *

Co: J lvauco-vichiCo: M Garcia A Co; w ItStrong: LMeyer-stein: IIllnddleston A Co: California Oil Works'X It Stevens, Gnstt A Anton:il: Los (Jatos Ice Co:American MfgCo; Lemoln A; Plenon; J & a Wlg-more; IIllec.inau .1 Co; 11 Kirshbauui: Bray Sons&Co; .1 VThomas.

Per Coos Hay—Kirns, Sanders A- Co; Rlnaltlo Uros;Mitchell Peterson; VerTallu A;Howe: V Van 4*Mark: DeUernardl A Wostphal; Ross A Hewlett;Wells, Fargo Je Co; WIISunnier iCo;W 1" Piuin-'pe'r (iiji'y-HLevyiCo: Whlttlcr. Fuller &Co:

Kuss, SauUws* Co; c E Whitney Co; IIliutard;Wetmore Bros: liM Atchluson A Co; A Levy A- Co:(has Harlcy Ac Co: UrUliaiu, lloppeA Co: 1' O SSCo; Klsdon, Cahen ,t Co; Norton, Teller*Co; II<-o\vi!ll A-Co: M T Kreltas.l Co; Conllii A- Roberts:Sliatim k.Kowalsky A- Co; W IIRouse ACo: Wolf&.Son; I)Kecfe A- Co; 8 Mclleury A Co; It MartenljfcCo; Deßeniaritl 4 Westplial: L X Larzelcrc-Oooital'.. Perkins* Co. •

Per Corona— Overland Freight anil Transfer Co; BPracey; Preston A-MfKliirion; Payot, fpham A;Co:J EverdlUK.V Co; Palmer A Key:Getz Bros Ac Co; Mp Kohlben;: Sawyer laniilng Co: Jones &Co; T AMeyers; 1> Keefo *Co; Wheat, inA;Lulirs:Mlchael-Itske Uros: Marshall, Tcugart *llrorsen ;ADlnkeu.spiel: Hills Uros; Vervalin*Howe; it F Sawyer-A C Nichols & Co; Thos ACox; A Peters: L llo-nessl: Norton. Teller * Co; WltielAHalter; UnionIce Co: Shatluck, Kowalsky AGo: \u25a0' V Thompson'Ittsdou. (alien*Co: Kuss, Sanders &Co: I'ac SawMfgCu: we:Price* Co: Wells, Fargo *

Co: Duff« Co: >v Wolff A- Co; .1MurT: Tatinil A- liowcn;Miller;W Parrott; X H.Stevens; I!G Kuiil AcCo; iiU Fultan.

l'er nival—Erlanger *Gallnger; Field*Stone; AGernerdlnfi A Co; 11 l>utard; Fcchheliner Jt Levy.

Per Alex Duncan— Newmark A: Co: IIDutard: J,iMolllns; Ifortana* Co. - - -


SIKAUtCIL Il>K-itIS\T!OS.I SAf.i. |Wnat-

ron iPortland |sept 10. \u25a0\u25a0 Spear[aKosa.. Sun Uiepo [Kt'i.tlO.llam! Bdw'y?Dim illuiiiutiiiltllay..|Si*|itlO, Haji liclw'y1Angeles., sailI'edro Septll, Basi IMw'yliI'uebls.. Vie.v I'atMound Beptl2, Ham llilw'y1[rails... Honolulu 8ept13.12 m Ucea:UCtlau Kep l'llgetHoliuil.... Sejicl'J.lOAsi Mlsa'u 11011 a San IMeuo Sei.tKl.l1m Bdw*r'iof.NY.. eanains Septia.l'-! « PUSS

nnbU.... Portland Septia.ldAM SpearmiuMc.. Huiul>uld(Usr..|Sciitl3. »AM|l.'laviiinette V'lVaiiutna l!ay....|Septls, HAlllBeaWl4iportare or Australian steamer utjeuii oiiii)lislimails.


n.w. 11. W.SmatL


L.W. 2SuialL |


8... I 7.*0 PM! M.O» AMI9.... B.IS ph'io.oo ah|.0.... i-Mlio:fjaii

Sinai). I Large.1.... H.53 rv 11.14 AM•J.... 10.^3 i-M11.40 »'3-.. 11.11 py'll.S!)am4 11.4H IM0.15 I'M

1 1.44 am 1.V51 I'M j.4ti|«.'j'.lI 2,39 am Z.SB paiis.4Bt».'J7

j 3.yj am 'S;i9 I'M 5.47

.IDHam 4.07 i->i5. IS •!.'.'!'4.51 ah 4.41 fus.4Xii.2-.'

i5.03 am 8.13 Pu15.6018.20; 6.:H ill'5,45 .i.riiM.l'l RAILROAD TRAVEL.


Trains Leave and Are I»ue {-,ArriveitSAN FItANCISCO.

LUTE Fkom .fULY 11. IH3O AIIBIVH7:30* Ilaywards. Mies and Sail Jose... *'l:lT,r7:3Ua Sacramento &Keddln;. via I.Ui-i« 7:15r1:30a Sacramento. Auburn, Uolfax


b:Uua M;irtinrz. Vallejo, Calistoga u.ilSanta Kosa ":lst

f:tOAl.cs An;e:es Express,,Jiakersllcld, .Vnjavd and Eiliand Los Anceles lU:l5ittSOAMie.!, San Joso, Btocnton. lone,Sacramento, Marysvllle.orovlildand Ked Bluff 4:O

12:00u Ilayward3, Mies and i irermore.. H:«."«i»•1:oOp Sacramento River steamers «»6:0043 -.OOP Ilaywards, Mies and SaaJose.... 0:45*8:301" Second cuss for Ogden and i-:.h: w.iir4:Uor Suiist-t Koute. Atuutij Expreu,

>:mt.i i;arb.ira. Los AD;c;e9,Demiiig, El l'aso, New Orleanjand Bast H:lsr

«*OpMartini'/. Vallejo, Caliitoja andSanta Kosa 9:13t

4:o')p Laturoiiand Stockton 10:15»Sacramento and Kninnt'a Landing

via l)avH 10:l".»•4:SOpNllesaiidLlvermore. '8:lSk.•«:30pM1os and San Joss , ja:lsr

tirOOi' IlaywardsandMles. 7:43*t-.UCP Central Atlantic J—presj, o^dju

r.nd East 9:ij*S) Shasta lioute Express, Sacra-

mento, MarySTllle, Reddln-*.Portland, Pnget Sound auJ i_i; 7:45 v


17:15.* to Santa Cruz.... ;cJ;Uj,fb:lsi Newark, I'entervilie. Saa Jo<o.

*'elLon,Uoulder Creek and SantaCruz 6:20;

•£:4Sr Centerville, Sau Jose, Almaden,-I'clton,boulder Creek and SantaCruz '11:201

<:45r Centerville, San Jose and I.oiGat-j^.iiudSaturdays &Sundaysto Sauta cm/.. 0:50*

COAST iilVls'.n-rniiiiaim T««use 11,1 St».7!BB*Ban Jose, Almaaen, ano~Way sa- 1

tions L« •«.. Z:3of}7:50a Monterey aua Santa C-r*" SuaUV»

tSOA"Zr ""use, u'liroy. Tr'_*vJ»nos."l'*- 1—s"

jr.ic.oanta CruJ. yt/tatirer, ***•cillcUrove, Ballnaa, -i-,k->i,i|.s i-iMiguel,Paso Koines and Sans*Margarita (San LuisOblspo] ami

'.:<• 'l'rlucipal Way Stations S-llp

jo-SOa San Jose and Way Stations 7:30p

liMrCemetery, Memo Pars and WayStations 6:13f

•2:30p (Del Moute L.tii)Memo Park, ban •Jose.Uiiroy. Fajaro. Ca.stroville,Montcrev and Pacific 1ir0v0.... '11:15*

•S:SOPSan Jose, Trcs Finos, Santa Cruz,ballnas, Monterey, Pacific (iroTt)and Principal WayStatlons *10:)1*

•4:2opMenlo Park and Way S'atlons.... \u26667:VJ»b:'lor San Jose and Way Stations , 9:06:30p Menlo Park and Way Stations B:3i*

111 .»;>»- San Jose and Principal Way Sty_________ tiuus ; :i:2SrA forMornl;i?.

~I'lor Afternoon.

•Sundays exceptcd. tSaturdays only.ISundays only. _ ">< excepte<t

SAN FRANCISCO AND N. P. RAILWAY."The Donahue lSroa<l*Gatig:e ICouto."

pOMMF.XCINO SUNDAY. JULY 13. ISOO. AMI»->until further notice, ltoats and Triiiu will leai-«from and arrive at the San Francisco Passen^jrDepot. .Market-street Wharf. as follows: •

Prom San Francisco for Point Tlbnron an<t SiriRafael— Week days: 7:40 a.m., 0:20 a. m.. 11:9) a.m.1::«) p, M.,a::«)r.m., 6:O0 p.m., o:-

-5 p.m. Sandays:

B:i»>.\. m . »::«)a. m., 11.00 a. m., 1:30 »•..».,?j»r.:u,£,:u;. I*.M.. :11* P. U.

From San Karaei for San Francisco— Week dan:Han A.M..«:>iA.Jl., 0:00A.M..11:40 A. M.. l:4OP. «..8:40 P. M..f,:05 P. a..0:*)I". M. Sundays: 8:10 a.m..U:4oa. M.,11:10 AM. 1:401".

—\u0084u:4OP.11., 5:00 I.m..

0""i1* Mfrom'Point Tlbnron for San Francisco— Week day?:

7:15 A. m.,»:-"0 a.M.. 9:55 A. M., l'J:O.-, i\m. L'jlil'H,

4ii"»P .M..5:30 P. 51.,7:00 I.M. Sundays: 8:35 A. i.10:05 A.M.. 1138 A.M., 2;oj 1". M., 4:05 P. M. 6:JJr.M.,U:5OP.M. . .

l^ave IDestisa- | ArriveInSan Francisco. I TIUN. I San tranclsco.


I SL-N- I« kek"

DATS._ I PAYS. I I DAT* ! DATS.7:40 a. m S:6iia..M Il'ctalnma 10:40 a. m I B:SHA.*^,S^aSp m imiii and B*s 10 j3oa.W^6.011 P. sW)P.>llsta Kona.l 7:I'SP.M I0:031' M

I I V\i tim j

7'4OA. M \u0084m,,, llraldsb'g .^i-,„10:30 A.-11S:3OP.

_ 8:00A.M \u25a0,



IiYVayJSts I I\u25a0

IIlopUllldI7:40a. m|8:00A.»! "3"''17:25 V. M j 0:03 P. «

ILkian. I7:40 A. MI8;O0a.M IUueruvle I7:2j 1-. .11 i10:31) J.MSdO P. MI I I Ib:O5r..H7-46~aTm"|S^0a.m| Sononn 110:41 a.m j8:50 A. X

6:00 P. MI5:00F.M IHlenßll'n Ili:"3PMIlijOjP. it

iisFS t^SfejiIm-wI'g^pii1'\u25a0SfeaStaites connect at S;iuta Kosa for White sulphur

BprUuS and M.irk West Sprlma; at Uejrsurvil.afor si«j SDringa; at Cloverdale for the Bey-\u25a0en: at Hop and for iiiKhiami Sprlnits. k.i--'tile. l-ik.'i.'.rt mill l!;ir;i«-lt Springs, at Uklah forVichy Springs,^a Siinngs, Hlua Lakes, ' pi'l",l


Lake, iik"i"rt.wiiiih.Shto, lai «. Potter Aal-ley/ Sherwood Valley. Mendodno^ City. llfdesrtue.Kurt'k^i. U<»> Hvlll-anil < Jret'iiwu^'d.

-"eXCUBSION^ TICKETS, from Saturday* o Mon.dan lo Petaluma. IISO; to Santa Kos» »J -\u25a0• «

-&&&&40: t"Uttou ;w-,.it:<. »..\u25a0-'. "Cto?

-&ncA!e.ii&«on^.V^^'ulS L&£PefSJS^?^o T^-TKa?r.lf°wfr]pM^unwneviUe sit W:to S.<nnnvi.»l; to men Kllen. »liaOuerneviue.»-v ou.g w11 1TIN(1. ucuentl JLiuaser.

PETER •>.* Ticket V-t.Ticketolllces at Ferry and M.Montgomery meet.



rmmnpnelnsr M.m.lay.SpptPinliep I,18f)B,and until lurther notice, boats and tmins willrunas


HAIAKi.(week days)— 8:30,11:00 a. m.;

(gandays)-8.-00. ioleO, A.M.; 1:30. 3:00,6:05, 6:30 r.M.

' ;Trom san n;.vMrisco for MILLVALLEY (week

\u25a0lavs)— 11:00 a. v.:.i:J3. 4:55 P. it.(Simd/iys)-S 100. 10:00, 11:JO A. *.;1:30, 3:0O,5:05 P. M. _____^

* \u25a0-


ila"^ ti:10. 7:45. 9:30,11:15 a. M.:1^0.3:20.<Mir' <>%:<><>. A. v.; 12:00 V.:1:30.3:30,

6 00 i.m. Extra trip on Saturday at 6:30 1: m.fare, 50 cents, rouud trip..


days)— 7:ss. 11:05 a. m.: 3:35, 5:05 P. M.(Bnndsys)-8:18, 10:10, 11:40 a. m.; 1:45. 3:13,

5:15 »\u25a0. m. Fare, 50 cents, round trip.from SAL'SALITO—for SAN FRANCISCO (weet

days)-6:45. 8:15, 10:05 a. m. ;12:05,2:15, 4:05.(Siiudays)-8:45, 10:40

'A.M.;'12:45, 2:15, 4:15,6:15 l*.m. Extra trip on Saturday at 7:10 p. m.Fare, '25 cents, round trip.'_...THROLUH TRAINS.

11:00 A. M., Daily (Saturdays and Sundays ex-ccpted) from San Francisco for Cazadero and in-termediate station*. Returning, leaves Caz:iderodally (Sundays exrepted) at 0:45 a. m., arrivingillSan Francisco at 12:35 p. m.

l:3O I",31., Satur only, from San Franciscoi for Cazailero and intermediate stations.8:00 V. M., Sundays only, from San Francisco for

\u25a0 Point Keyes and iiit<imi'dlato stations. Keturn-Ing.arrives InSan Francisco at 6:15 r.v:


Thirty-day excurslon-Kouud-trip Tickets to amifrom an stations, at 25 per cent reduction fromsingle tarllf rate.

Excursion— Round-trip TicketsFrld.iy to Monday Eicursion-Round-trlp Ticket*

sold on Fridays and Saturdays, good to return fol-lowingMonday: Camp Taylor, $175; Toralotna•lidPoint Keyes, V*00; Tumales, *.'-.'3; Howard's,

$.150: Cazadero, *•00. • ..Sunday Excurslon-Hound-trlp Tickets, Rood on (lay|sold only: Camp Taylor, «1 50; localom» and

Point Beyes, *i75. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0'---- ;—

T~, bTAUB CONNECTIONS.Stages leave Oaaadero daily (except Mondays) for

Stewarts Point, Uualala. point Arena, CuireyiCove, Na»arro, Mcndocluo city and allpoints onthe North Coast \u25a0 . - '- \u25a0

mO, W. COLEMAN, F. B.LATHAM,- • General Manager. ?-\u25a0" '. Oen. Pass. A;Tkt. Ast,Ooncral OtHcf«. :'.:tl Pino Slre»-t. sel tf

Weekly Gall, $125 per Year

MISCELLANEOUSA St<:, of Beauty Is a Joy For«T«r.

UK. T. .FELIX OOL'UAI'U'S«Orlental Cream, or Magical Beautlfler_>

c= , £&)&&*** Kfniovcs Tan, PimplesR^SS c- iSSi^HBk ire-!'l>1». Muth -Patches,m* „'\u25a0\u25a0a E^_SS Ka"b i""1 •'"'"" ''iscasea,£"^\u25a0^2 *-— JK iggpHi^B *ut

*ever i'h Icmis h .'a

_<"S °£ cE&.'a' ithas stood the_^_ £t 3 _E?^^^ t&r test of fortyC°

xtj^^C'- >' ear:i:uo other

>B^Ss3^f £_** ~~*lsL a/ harmless w e

J \ erlymade.-Ao

:ani toa lady of in"Jtnvt ton a patient): "Am you |ladles wilt-,^f-them, Irecommtna •(JourautVs (yearn' Iat the. least htir/;ifuiof oil Bktn preparation*." Onabottle willlast six months.-uslng itevery day. AlsoPoudre SubtCe removes superfluous hair without!D:«ry to the skin.FEllb T.HOPKINS,Prop'r, 37 Great Jones st,N.T.

tor sale by all Druggists and Fancy Uoods Dealer! Iilirou^hout the U.Be, Canada-* and Europe.** cf Base im'.tatlons. $1000 Rewara ,

oruret: and proof of any one sillingthe same..Br3oSaMoep ly

THE WEEKLY GALL contains sarial

and complete stories, miscal*

laneous articles by the best

writers, special articles by

home authors; the new 3of tho

coast; the news of the world

and all that serves to make a

complete family journal, free

from objection. $125 a year




DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN A^lrranciso for ports in Alaska. 'J a. m.,July 'M. Au|?. a. 13, 18, 'JB, Sept. and Oct. '1and 17.

For HrltUb Columbia ami rune: Sound ports. 4A. «.. July SI9, August 3, 8, 13, in, 23, 28, Sept. \u25a0-', 7,18,17


For Eureka, Iluinboldt Bay, Wednesdays, 9 a. «.for >:\u25a0:..-. .;. i. Hart Una. eta, Mondays an!

Thursdays. 4 P. M.>'or Santa Ana, Los Angeles, and all way ports

every fourth day, 8 a. m.1or San Diego, stopping onlyat Lot Ancraloi. S»n;»

Ea"rbafamnrfeAß.i!U*^nr.:.lfO. eYerjr-laana MTJS_

11A. M.For ports In Mptlco. 25tli of each month.Ticket Oitice— l'alaco Hotel,* New Montgomery at,

GOOIJAX.L, PEKKINS .*CO., Ueueral AuenM.ee3o -. 10 Market street, San Franclsca



BTEAMSHIP COMPANY will dispatch Iroin Spear-itrcet Wharf, at 10 a. m., lor the ahuve ports uuotlieir A 1 Iron steamships, viz.:

bTATE OK CALIFORNIA—JuIy 31, August 12,24. Sept. 5, 17,ti!>.

COLUMBIA—AUitust 8. 'JO, Sept. '.'. IS. 05.OREGON

—4. 14. 'J?<. Sept. 10. 21.

L'oiineciinsTiaPorilaud with the Northern P.MIIHIlailroad.Oregon Short Lino and other dlverjrinjlines, for ail points in Oregon. Washington,isrltish Columbia. Alaska, Idaho. Montana.Dakota. Utah, Wyoming, Yellowstono Paris, ana ailpolntiEast and South and to K:ir<n>a,

Fare to Portland— Cabin. ?1U: steerage, *8:rouaatrip,cabin. $30. „,1lcket unices—lMontgomery s:reot and laiace

Hotel. 4 New Montgomery street.goouaLL, PEIIKINS

*CO., General Agouti.nirDS 10 Market ttreet, San rraacisco.



ion MW tork, VI r.W.UII, ,S5 CITYOF NKW yokk,Saturday. Bent. lath, atI-.1o'clock »r.. taking Jrelsut and passensors direo:for Mazatlan, San Bias, W»nan:'lo. Acapuico, Cba^-perlco, Sau Jose de Guatemala, La Llbertad andPanama, and via Aeapnlco for all lower Mexicanand Central American poits.

-- -•\u25a0

niKH()<i<i KO>(> via VOKOHUK&,direct111Y OF KIO DB JANEIRO. Tuesday « \u25a0. .-...September 23d, at 1 pv

CHINA ..... ....Thursday, October »th. at 1 in

CITY OF PEKING.Saturday. November Ist, at 1I'M

l!ound trip tickets to nokoiiaina aud rotlira Hreduced nitea.

tor freight or |ia.»s.-vie apply as the offlca. cora—lustaad lirannan streets.

l^rauch Office— lrout street.1,1li A.JOHNSON, Actln? Gen'l Agent


OKORQE ItKICK.Traina Manager.

"oceanic STEAMSHIP company.Cnrrj-injrl'ulte.l States. Hawaiian anil Co-

lonial Mai!*.\\MLLLEAVE THE COMPANY'S ArtIIWharf, loot of Folsom street, ' :•_ -jUx

or II.hi.>l"I".Auckland and Sytlucy,WITHOUT CUANOK,

The Splendid New 3000-ton Iron SteamerAlamcdu ..September IJM.. For Honolulu.frs.Anstrnli:i <30u0 tons) Sept. 12th. at 13 *.

oruniucdlately ouarrival of the bnglbh lualll.

IffFor freight or passage, apply at office, 327Market street. JOUN iX SPHECKELS ABROS.,

\u25a0 fcuuii t: \u25a0 ijeneral Agents.


_A N 1I<lV K.

' - 'l'"l«-m-h l.iimto Havrp.

(\u25a0\u25a0OMPANY'S I'IKK (NKW). 42 NORTH _Aa_l_.Vl ver. toot of Morton St. Traveler) by __9«jthis line avoid both transit by English railway anilthe discomfort of crossing the Chauuul In » smallLoat. -\u25a0• -i;..LACHAMPAGNE, Traab \u25a0-"•"V

;iV;i'i'od_'_; . Saturday. Sept. IS. at 4 :00 a. M.LANOK.MAMJIK,De Kersiblcc... .......\u25a0•.••_

Saturday, Sept. JOtn. »..!«__

LAIioUKUOONE. ifcTK'sYwi*LAiJu-rAUNE. *»?£££&; oii-aac »iw;i_LA iNE;sa,;;ellK... ;.(.. r.•H^^i,,_.

\u25a0mrifiSi VVe^or ,*« apply '»__ A)_- .

;:,-\u25a0.?-\u25a0 No. 3 ItowiUgUreen, Now York. :J.P. FUUAZI A CO., Agents. 5 Montgomery are.

Ban Francisco. \u25a0 limit)U


- :Atlantic Kxpre*s Service. r\.-'VLIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN.

:Eteamshlp "CITY OP liO.UX":from New YorkSATUUUAY,Sept. 21), Oct. IS. '...--£alcon,9su and upward. Second-claw, B3o and 935

.• : GLASGOW SKItVICE.... .\u0084;*:.-Steamers every Saturday from New Tortti

GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. :.Cabin passage toGlasgow or Londonderry, SSO and

»UO. hvuuil-trlp,S!)D and 1In, Second-class, i. •>:(!>. Steerage passage, either Service,•

to. .Saloon Kxuurslun i.•-..<\u25a0\u25a0, at Reduced Hatos.

Travelers' Circular Letters of Credit, and Draft*;-forany Amount Issued at lowest current rate).

IFor books or Tours, ilckets or lurther InformationApply to 111-.Mil i llll.KS. New York.vrUEOKUK W. KLETCIIEB, 013 Market St.; or T.I>. JIiKAV,83 Montgomery at.; or J. 1. FCiiAZZI&Co.. 6Montgomery aye.. San Praucisco, or UEO.1).BEAMAN,1075 Uroadway, Oaklaud. miS4 wind


GROCERS,Tea, Wine and Cigar Importers !

V* \u25a0 -# ,".-' " ' '-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '


Tlie World. Represented !

426, 428, 430 and 432 PINE STREET,g* pranoisco.

In c-imi"r™npe ofIniitationsofL^^^nißl^^AUc'E"' liT hl.r'^Vi*^-'fli cd to deceive the public, LEA&PERKINS beg todraw attention to the fact


X1 that each bottle of the Originaland Genuinojl WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCEj^k bears theirSignature thus •-*.

Si *f \/ll& f^---

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WOULD LIKE- TO 10W—IfItIs true that belles wear smaller shoes since

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•peaks so highlyor German Corn ltemorer.—If the "corn" crop is notgreatly diminished by

the German Corn KUMnrboom.—Why the man who uses German Corn He-

mover Isalways good tempered. -—Why the ladles with tno daintiest feet are sacn

rut friends if German Corn Ifi-mover—If the man uslnif German Corn Remover is

not abetter husband than one who is "corned. ',-—Why any one willsnlfer from corns when they

can Ret a bottle of tha "German Cora !{«•-

-mover"— sure and painless remedy for bothcorns and bunions— ot any Druggist for -5 cents.

C. N. CRITTENTOIf, Sole Proprietor,115 Fulton Street, New. York.r

Glrnn'B Sulphur Soap Improve* the Skin.

Hill's Han- Uyc, Mark or lirown, 00 Cents.;

-tf Mult
