gloria female blue s vocal leads -

Gloria Irving Captures Female Blue s & Vocal Leads Ziggy Johnson Takes Starch Out of Phil Waddell's Sails By G. HOUSTON BYRD Gloria Irving hi: her stride thi* week and captured the lead in the "female vocalist’ and "female blues" de- partment*. replacing Ardine Loving in the former and Mae Ratter. -on in the latter. It ha* been a *ce-sa\v battle for 8 v.e»r.« between Gloria and Mat. Ardine only last week jegtined the "vocal:**" lead from Olive Brown. Diminutiv# Ziggy Johnson took tom of the starch out cl Phil Waddell's sails by snatch- ing tho M. C. load from the fabulous on*. Zwggy w«» tho leader two weeks ago. Phil has vowed to win this title. \V«i. re .V i• -i. •• .1 Vt •* V t" .< ,'i v. r. , or r G* c*- L '*'<• ak- in” up to a T’h \,W<‘ - w.v. Jiarold Bias v. as o:n .a : v. < k Bobbie Caslon Moves Up Air r. 2 the n rr.alo vocal. V* B ibbie C'a t n n, v-.d ;r.t « it:. p..Ht with Fv<: r. ■*• Cha Cha Hogan t /.l h.rr 11 in a tie with W J r.-.o tre "n ale hlu«v. ,* n k ..*ar r ay:n« Ca!v.t Fra/., p >-« -. r.! th. •i'" f: e G: ar.::» ' T'lOuß.n’ John Leo H oker t.t.J on v. third. I the .• aWn V t: . r .g* .-having 1 . n<* n 'i. he <ha rr:v? T n- I ~'tf Len:,i.! L. t V... r. -he 00. t. -<<•: - I Ji’n 1 :• -'b'j p- r * *n f-lUfal- h/ ri-p.,• Stir.Up Competition The S- aide: L "I- ’A* J ian;n, B,,kh . N.* M M K n- r •. Ma .' K.r.c : *i b ■• ** Hivar.t -■ < : < - r: #•!.•• were ?.rr:r.« -p f real t*. . V .it at i Pe r -"i : * p. .* wh. 1 e Ht>r. T'...:rp r. c;- •• to 13t.n p.« e t r the Bth place a:r. r.g the "lr.ttr* r ••at..* :ar..» L j O cr*.- t* v. *..r. 41 p' .r.V act fir -I* P 0- - . r: $ ..«< Ola.* A * : r.< ert. v v.:,« H or.c: u rft C* .*s!■ s . J n* ? _ * jj rl l irc* *■ i r. 1 !* r ? j r. ct r** 'i ci c * Tt r.e’v :nr ;• >h'w tjs* -• * hv v :!«.<■ r 1 h w rw. -♦, •1 , Deadlina May 25:h The voting will end at mid- night Tuesday May 25th. All votes must be postmarked by that hour or m the Tribune cffice 2146 St. Antoine. The winners will be announced Monday. May 31st. at a public dance. *.) .-a -be on -■ 1 . r *• r- V. :h- n MALE VOCALIST Warner Mallory 690 Austin Cromer 54S Kenny Preston 445 Willie Johns 030 Hank Ballard 220 Bobby Lewis 185 Harc.d Davis .50 George Bias 50 Marcus Childs .30 Cha Cha Hogan 130 Maurice Goins 125 Roland Benberry Tiny Duval 113 Clarence Paul . 110 Sonny Carter 105 Calvin Frasier 105 FEMALE- VOCALIST Gloria Irving Ardine Loving . 6 , C Jeanne Dunne 58J Olive Brown 415 Evelyn Moore 225 Bcbbe Castcn 225 Nellie Hill 155 Della Reese 155 Mae Patterson 130 Dakota 125 MALE BLUES Cha Cha Hogan 710 W'ilhe Johns 71C John Lee Hocker 435 Calvin Frazier 310 Bcbby Lewis 170 Kenr.y Prestcn 140 Muddy Water 105 Den Juan 100 FEMALE BLUES Glcr.a Irving 900 j Mae Patterson 890 Tonene Lemail 590 Laverr. Baker 365 Alberta Adams 28C Connie Allen 60 Dakota 110 Laura Johnson 110 Chubby Newsome 105 SINGING GROUP The Scalders 775 The Royals 615 The Carrels 435 The Jeis 155 The Melctones 150 The Imperials 120 The Serenaders 11C The Cavaliers 105 TAP DANCER Little Wi’lie 1100 LitLe Beaver ' 820 Kenneth Dur.lap 285 Dens Smart 275 Red Williams 105 INTERPRETATIVE DANCER Juanita Baker 590 Von Epps 390 Baby Banks 360 El.a Bearden 255 Vcn ar.d Vergie 200 Kilty Freeman 195 Bettie Taylor 190 Helen Thompson 180 Komta Quans 150 Bobcy Lopez . . 115 Marti Saylor 105 Toby Stevens 105 Alela Hines 105 M. C. . Ziggy Johnson 835 Phil Waddell 815 Kennv Preston 405 Cha Cha Hogan 220 Harold Davis 155 Sonny Carter 150 Leonard Reed 140 Al Henderson 130 Homer Jones 125 Tiny Duval 110 Warren Banks 105 COMEDIAN Gip Roberts 825 Leu Owens 790 Clay Tyson 495 Pat Taylor 345 Johnny Smiles 230 FEMALE IMPERSONATOR Nina Mae McKinney 960 Black Beauty 470 Priscilla Dean 275 Patricia Van Dyke 155 Janice La Cava 140 ORCHESTRA Maurice King 94Q Hank Moore 785 Joe Weaver 540 Bill Cuip 450 Kenny Burrell 175 Hooker's Ramblers 165 Candy Johnson 15° T. J. Fowler 14T Todd Rhodes 12. Lefty Edwards 115 Gene Nero 115 Eddie Bariell 110 Jack Perkins 105 Danny Kirkland 105 Sir Thomas 105 Tommy Barnett 105 Jimmy Hamilton 100 Boogie Ramblers 100 DISC JOCKEY Brisioe Bryant 1175 Jo Rae 890 | Leroy G. White 805 Jack Surrell 285 Ernie Durham 130 BYRDLAND fit'' a J' .*» sKgterf l «j _Jor iSr * lM fr*** ' Ji Ts JE» jmßh. *.A~saK3M. SUGAR RAY ROBINSON, the tap dancing ex-weltef and middleweight champion, will head an attraction at Broadway Capitol Theatre for one week, starting Friday. Others on the bill will .n- --elude Scotty. Ruth Brown, the Drifters and Butter Beans and Susie. Youth in Society FRESHMEN LETTERS AWARDED Three Detroit Negro men were among 12 players awarded fresh- man letter awards in recognition of their service to the Wayne University freshman basketball team, the school’s Athletic Ad- visory Committee announced at its most recent meeting. Included are George R. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown of 77 E. Canfield; Nelson R. Ford, of 5636 Tillman, and Ed- ward M. Williams of 7473 Han- over. Brown, a graduate of Cass Tech, led the freshman squad in scoring with 107 field goals and 44 free throws for 258 points in 17 games and a nifty 15.2 ave- rage. A center, he is being groomed to replace All-American Charlie Primas, who graduates this June. Brown was the big leason or Wayne's frosh season record of 10-8. He is enrolled in the College of Education. Ford, a diminutive guard, was fourth in team scoring with 30 field goals and 32 free throw’s for 92 points in 18 games and a 5.1 average. With varsity coach Joel Mason faced with a big lebuilding job next season. Ford will get considerable attention. Enrolled in the College of Lib- eral Arts, he expects to grad- uate in June. 1957. Williams, a U. S. Army vet- eran, was ninth in team scoring New Star' Found By C. HOUSTON BYRD I ! and n u;‘h Kollo S T..... , Diiect"i i . i m day to cl; - .ihi * might . . u to ' a i- pu'.. :ty of * ur !.* ; ’.:caJ t It I id been ( ;.v in ..t itr.d t.. t our i< i i- wire u.'i : ‘■ted in thr ' v .• by thi. iculS of the I‘.f irn' dl Poll v. i aie ton- due t .rig We felt it would be a goed idea to jam the the- atrical page with news of the theatre. But we thought it might also be a good idea to do something just a bit different. That’s when we hit on the idea of selecting a girl with little or no the- atrical experience, at least frem a professional view- point. "I hi. i occa-ion to tail on Y:; '.'i 11.11 lit his it cotd ►tor* h ated «.t 1 TOO St. Aub n. Whi n I r* .idy to I*n%* a i I on r.L’ cind attractive uni enh m . I had <on hi int th..' s’.ou M.viial times before and had .--pi»k* n but knew nothing Gloria Irving Fan Club Organized Ki r band leader Kenny Jom tms formed a ‘Gloria liv- ing K.m Club" ol which to is th** pii sidr nt. The club's tirst iiim i to have Gloria win the "hin.dc him " title In the Til- liuiv s lfij4 Theatrical Poll—and if possible, the "female vocalist" title also. Tha club hat also decided to support Ziggy Johnson (MC), Maurice King (orchestra). Clay lyson (comedian), Austin Cro- mer (male vocalist) and divida their support between Bristoe Bryant and Leroy G. While (disc jockey). This is the fust known organ, ized effort in this contest al- though sonic government employ cts have indicated a similar move m behalf of Ardine Loving (fe- male vocalist). There is an indication that Phil Waddell has a "machine’ but nothing has been made known about it. of !.»: I didn't even know her n«' I ; :c «nd a* s-he whs re- t . : ’i.y greeting. I asked : ,•.* .: 1., mtly, ran you sing? Hf. or was not direct. She .n*: rated a liking for the id' i although .-ha had never it much .serious thought. I -hr,: ba< k at her: how W' u! I yf'U like to he in show- bu «? Ju-t av direct, he ar-vve:,d that she would. I a.-K<d f'»r her name and how I could reach her. I was in a hurry and did not have the time to go into it further. On a small piece of paper, well written and in ink, she wrote her name, addres and phone number. She is Gwen, dolyn Peoples. Now you know who our girl is. In the weeks to follow we will tell you more about her and give you a first hand pic- ture of her development to- ward stardom. with 19 points. Used primarily in relief roles, he could develop into a varsity candidate next season. RUSH TEA The Detroit Chapter of the National Junior League Incorpo- lated held its 2nd Annual Rush Tea at the home of Mrs. Georgia Sawyer. Some of those present were; Helen Tolson Wilson, Regional Director: Mary Ann Digtiy, Pres- ident; Janet Shadd, Secretary. Daisy Eliot, Treasurer; Maybelle Watd, Civic Chairman; Lillian Hughes, Publicity Chairman, and others. The national officers of the National Juniors, Chicago, Illi- nois. will be here for the initia- tion of the provisional membc*rs Sunday, April 25. DELTA SORORITY Saturday night found members of the Delta .Sorority playing host to numerous guest at the Detroit Leland Hotel. Music was furnished by Kenny Burrcl and his orchestra. EXTENDS SYMPATHY The writer would like to ex- tend his deepest sympathy to the family of the deceased Kenny Rocquemore who developed ran. cer while serving in the U. S. By JEROME BALL f < <*l t MIIIVs -t,t IIS* —As she fMji i* *' < rot* 11. <1 ieir. il of the lnt< r - BBS K fr.lirrnilt < "inii il „t Colurnhiit mR||RBRk nnit»rsil.\ in Srtt \nrk. singing HH|| e *tar s.irah \ Niighn tuilli M **n< ts ia yr look" in frnmir hair sltlrs) plunla ttß| 11 on ~,r eherW of ( oiincll r.fh- BBS 1 1 Arthur .lames. II happen' <t ut BBS C - Ilm recent t oronatinn Hull. HH W Sarah nwarilrd an honorary W A l)o» torate of Music. (Ncwspresr H,- wr V Photo) 'Wiki-i M:s« 15-*I 5 -* *' c Taylor rjl >r. ••• t r.-'h ••«i ;»•. j:r.' i * J>*: 1 v<• rl ! •• t v-v ••' *c « y '■< t«• L». «■ IV. r. .n 1..’ I .V f To her .• p; ** *•«*. : 'I v-f, I.’- in 71tliiVM: 1 < i•; .! nl l A. ... I »<•*• dar/.n« for * l i‘ t f< .v y< >r or. v :< < rit. I tr.’i •o.r.f'j *• f .o>.b o: rr o, «... . "N* *•:*<•• ' I *»rr 1 . \ :tm b< * n . •'.l a pi < tati*. •• and« f ' '' . I«• t'.» m all, ar.'i la a a •.* . Cli r-fcn 1 Sml.r.c **: ,v * p r #• on r ■< 'i . ’: , ' ''try. ha" r.r ,r. .' ]i <;• tiitiVt car.'.:.^ f.harlr.- *V>- J,., o. \ r.f A y•. I. I ' '. 2'. 4 « xp# < *: .< r. . •: i Ap i f Navy during the Korean Waj Although doctors pr. dieted Ken- neth would live on y two year* after having discovered hi> ldn . cer, he lived two years and thu* months. SPHINX CLUB The Sphinx Club of the Alps* Phi Alpha Fraternity i s bu-y making preparation to sclc-a a Queen and Court fur the Sweet, hearts Ball which rs to take P | ac during the first week of M dv Any gii 1 who attends college ',j eligible to compete for the honors You may enter by mailing vy „r picture with your name and ad. dress attached in care of the Alpha House, 293 Eliot, Wjnneu will be selected on the basis „f. personality, beauty and poise. AH* pictures must be entered by Mij. night Thursday. The Sphinx Club will o meet with the Pledge Clubs throughout the city during t.. t month of May, to discuss the possibility of closer fraternal relationship among the pledge clubs throughout the city. HOME ON FURLOUGH Pvt. Jack Davison of Vitgmia Park ave. returned home on furlough after having spent -.p\. eral months in Germany. The writer hopes that he enjoys h i 30-day furlough. ' <r. * .r-:.;2 '• g and 1 ■■ L ..►,.<•* P it, j 1 f. (~■'( (. r- - f . , * < r , . t ,r m , * c - .tn Ca, .n h i'<'■ •* i b ! . T r ». t : :< :.d- | *. p b * C .* r - Your.a, ?• r ... I.' •■> '.tali- then tu.t.g o*.:..v<-r.- ■: Sunday (: ,h I. 2 v. ■•! 1• | ; ; ''. ;,* ,r,al l I ;• :• •: h' *«• Y K Ap.-1. i *•<;•• v t r.< r < /.bid i . < ' > .v.'. .r.y .*. N. Y j "I * < ' >; j; ;<-, 1 o*-. r. 2 1 ' ' .*'< *.: . P > ill T• Ha ': r i!■ •„■ *t I r *•;«*.*<■ 'Ai.'! ’2' Ki .' I: < *J'f P; ;,an* !- i . P.« . Tr.< ~* COMMUNITY - NEWS - MISS M. A CONNER 2933 Rivard TEmple 3-4595 WEEKLY BIBLE LESSON: Psalm 112:1—Praise ye the L> i, Blessed is the man that fcareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly m his commandments . . His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the g. n- ciation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever. .., Unto the upright there ariseth light in darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and right, eous. A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion. . . Surely he shall not be moved forever: the righteous shall be in everlast- ing remembrance. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trust- ing m the Lord. . . . His heart is SOS to All Theatrical l*o 11 Entries Entries in the Detroit Tri- bune Theatrical Poll are re- quested to forward, oy mail, their addresses and phone numbers to G. Houston Byrd, Theatrical Editor. This information should be mailed rather than called-in so that telephone facilities will not he taxed. The request is made in order to reach entries quickly and accurately. Send information to G. Hous- ton Byrd, Detroit Tribune, 2146 St. Antoine, Detroit 1. PART TIME WORK ' MAKL EA.-Y MONEY PART TIME. If von work ir, fa< t.orv or k\ov. larg<- groups of wom<*n who likr* to look !l, <*;<<■<*Ur-tit quality rnuk«*-up for colored *kin. Resell* \* rv i*a*ily. Writ**— Elegante Cosmetics, 505 sth Ave., New York 17, N.Y." *#>o« a ffir/ ft##/* •• 7jf/v Viiffulo A mention in Jet Magazine a lew weeks ago about Ardinc Loving has given her a push in show business. The popular pocket size mag indicated that Miss Loving had gotten herself a ‘'real” job with the Department of Internal Rev- enue and that her managers were trying to convince her to follow her theatrical career. Jimmy Lyons, Duffalo, N. Y., showman and promoter, prompt- ly offeied Miss Loving a week end spot at the Picadilly. She just returned from Duffalo amid praises and new follower* who feel she should follow her singing career. Newscaster on Tour WJR Newscaster Joseph Main- line left Tuesday for a two-week Pan American airway cruise of Europe on anew non-stop flight from Detroit to Hamburg, Ger- many. Joe took anew tape recorder to air mail special interviews from Europe to News Editor Jack White. Dale Marr will report the 6 and 11 p.m. news while Joe is away. Mainline ia the only De- troit radio man taking the trip. OFFICIAL BALLOT, DETROIT TRIBUNE W.I /- I/iHi/nVfi/ 1.9. J / Pltase cast my votes for th* Male Vocalist Female Vocalist Male Blues . Female Blue* Singing Croup ...... Tap Dancer Interpretative Dancer M. C Comedian Female Impersonator ...... Orchestra - .. Disc Jockey .. .... —Clip and mail to— G. Houston Byrd Detroit Tribune 2146 St. Antoine 81, Detroit 1. Mich. (All votes must be in or mailed by midnight, Wednesday. May 25. 1954) List Sprint* I acution Events Puppets, movies, and a chance to sketch in the galleries are highlights of three Spring Vaca- tion Programs for young people scheduled for the week after Easter at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Films suitable for children of all agas will be shown April 22, at 2 p.m. in tha Lac- tur# Hall. Thara is no charge. “Stories of Knights and Cas- ties’’ will be told by Vivian M Puhek, assistant principal of Thomas Houghton School, at 2 p.m. on Friday, April 23. in the Lecture Hall and afteiward youngsters will sketch in the museum galleries. This program is also free of charge. A puppet show, RumpeLstilt- skin,” produced by the Gary Jennings' Puppets, will pe given at 2 pm. and agaih at 4 p.m. on April 24 in the Lecture Hall. Admission charge of 25 cents for children and 50 cents for adults. 3 o™= MONDAY EVE APRIL 18 £ Mats. Sat. Ic Sun. Special Pop. Priced Mat., Wed.. April 21 Nightly Including Sunday. No Monday Perfs. after first week. "Absolutely the best in theatre. Held a capacity audience enthralled and spellbound." Frank C. Bolden, Pittsburgh Courier. tr% nflGV*' Y^^hess Seats Now on Sale Box Office Open 10 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Eves.: (Except Sat.) Orch. 54.20; Bale. 3.60. 2.40, Sats Eves.: Total Orch. 4.60, Bale. 4.20, 3.60. 2.40: Sat.. Sun. Mats.: Orch. 3.60: Bale. 3.00. 2.40. 1.10. Enclose stamped envelope lor return tickets. | SPECIAL BARGAIN MATINEE WED, APRIL 21. 52.40 k 61.60 "HARLAN" L V lj^ RADIO -SMj Repairing Day-Night-Sunday-Holidayi CONTINUOUS REPAIR SERVICE Same Location for 32 Years We»t Side TY 4-0170 Ea»t Side TY 4-5676 established, he .shall not be if.., J, until he see his desire upon h.i enemies. SICK AND SHUT-INS: The j list this week is from Friendshio Baptist Church. Mattie Gardr,. 1542 Edison; Bessie Robins n. fiß9 Garfield; Dorothy Scott, 3i.i9 Illinois; Nelson Johnson, 633 Wat- *<>n; William Smith. 1336 Wilkirc; Eugene Thomas. 96p Alfred; El- sie Crouch. 4826 Concord; Eliza both Walker. 1449 Eliot. Also Mattie Green, 2281 le- land; Ruby Waller. 1662 Ei.n- hurst; Gesselda Smith. 1930 Alex, and tine; Janie Green. 3414 E. Vernor; Annie Booker, 3b'2b Hunt; Katie Lewis. 2978 Bru-a, Idell Lewis, 3125 Momoe; Jolm Miller. 1634 Blame. » In the following hospitals arc: D<x-k Brantley. Trinity: Wilburn Griffin. Dinai; Jennie Smith and William Roberts, Fairvicw; Gcoige Brooks. Tommie King and Ruth Bennett. Wayne General: Daisy King, Ypsilanti; Izetta Gripper, Park General; Ethel Taylor. Re- ceiving. # Mr. and Mr*. Thaolius Mat- thew of 933 Watson, enjoyed : having their niece, Mr*. Elnora Oliney of Lake Providence, La., to visit sometime with them. . .. Last rites for Mrs. Dovie Mason of 570 Leland. a deaconess of Ebenezer AME Church and past grand officer of the Eastern Star, were held last week. Your writer was unable to hold regular Easter services as is the case each year at Mercy General Hospital because of pressing bus- iness matters, but I am happy to report that a good portion of Easter spirit was spread if noth- ing else. Mrs. Annie Austin, Ebeneser Missionary, helped me to hold * prayer and song service, then distribute six dosens of Easter eggs and other refreshments to the patients. tit Mrs. Emma Lowe of East Wil- kins was able to celebrate hoi birthday this year since recently recovering from a lengthy ail- ment. She is still youthful in mind also because she would not tell her age although admitting to drawing an old-age pension .. Miss Bernice Harris returned to the city from Chicago where she had stayed for about three months with her aunt, Mrs. Pat- tie Campbell. Last rites for Herbert Green of 49 Calvary were held *ast week. He is the son of Mrs. Blanch Gree, who is Worthy Matron of Golden Gate No. 28 and a member of the Queen Vasti Grand Chapter. . . . Name of the newest singing group in the city is the Arpegyins, com- posed of six fellows and one girl. They will present a program at Lucy Thurman YW on Mat 9 at 3:30 p.m. Dost printing Corp. Specialising in Newspapers. 4-color Circulars and Tabloids. WO. 1-9833 1441 BRUSH STREET Between Madison and Gratiot LINDY’S STANDARD SERVICE Tire Repairers—Accessor its. Lubrication . Phone TY. 4 MS? McOraw at 15th Street TRIBUNE—SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1954 4

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Page 1: Gloria Female Blue s Vocal Leads -

Gloria Irving Captures Female Blue s & Vocal LeadsZiggy Johnson Takes StarchOut of Phil Waddell's Sails

By G. HOUSTON BYRDGloria Irving hi: her stride thi* week and captured

the lead in the "female vocalist’ and "female blues" de-partment*. replacing Ardine Loving in the former and MaeRatter.-on in the latter. It ha* been a *ce-sa\v battle for 8v.e»r.« between Gloria and Mat. Ardine only last weekjegtined the "vocal:**" lead from Olive Brown.

Diminutiv# Ziggy Johnsontook tom of the starch out clPhil Waddell's sails by snatch-ing tho M. C. load from thefabulous on*. Zwggy w«» tholeader two weeks ago. Phil hasvowed to win this title.

\V«i. re .V i• ‘ -i. •• .1 Vt•*

V t" .< ,'i v. r. , orr G* • c*- L ■ '*'<• ak-

in” up to a T’h \,W<‘ ♦ - w.v.Jiarold Bias v. as o:n .a :

v. • < kBobbie Caslon Moves Up

Air r. 2 the n rr.alo vocal. V*B ibbie C'a t n n, v-.d ;r.t ■ « it:.p..Ht with Fv<: r. ■*•

Cha Cha Hogan t /.l h.rr 11in a tie with W J r.-.o tre"n ale hlu«v. ,* n k ..*arr ay:n« Ca!v.t Fra/., p >-« -. r.!

th. •i'" f: • e ■ G: ar.::» '

T'lOuß.n’ John Leo H oker t.t.Jon v. third.

I the .• aWn Vt: .r.g* .-having1 . n<* n 'i. he <ha rr:v? T n-I ~'tf Len:,i.! L. t V... r. -he 00.

t. -<<•: - * • I Ji’n1 :• -'b'j p- -

r * *n t.hrf-lUfal- h/ ri-p.,•

Stir.Up CompetitionThe S- aide: L "I- ’A* ■

J ian;n, B,,kh . N.* „ M M K n-r • •. Ma .' ■ K.r.c : *i b ■• **

Hivar.t -■ • < : < -

r: #•!.•• were ?.rr:r.« -p f ■ • realt*. .

V .it at i Pe r -"i : *

p. .* wh. 1e Ht>r. T'...:rp r. c;-•• to 13t.n p.« e t r the Bthplace a:r. r.g the "lr.ttr*r ••at..* :ar..» • L j O cr*.-

t* v. *..r. 41 p' .r.V act fir -I*

• P 0- - . r: *• •• $ ..«< Ola.*

A * : r.< ert. v v.:,« H or.c:u rft . C* .*s!■n£ s . J n* ?

_ * jj rl l irc* *■ i r. 1 !* r ? j • r. ct * r** 'i ci c* Tt r.e’v :nr ;• >h'w tjs*-• * * hv v :!«.<■ r 1 h w rw. -♦, •1 ,

Deadlina May 25:hThe voting will end at mid-

night Tuesday May 25th. Allvotes must be postmarked bythat hour or m the Tribunecffice 2146 St. Antoine. Thewinners will be announcedMonday. May 31st. at a publicdance.

*.) .-a -be . on• • ■ -■ • 1 . r*• r- • V. :h- n

MALE VOCALISTWarner Mallory 690Austin Cromer 54SKenny Preston 445Willie Johns 030Hank Ballard 220Bobby Lewis 185Harc.d Davis .50George Bias 50Marcus Childs .30Cha Cha Hogan 130Maurice Goins 125

Roland BenberryTiny Duval 113Clarence Paul . 110Sonny Carter 105Calvin Frasier 105

FEMALE- VOCALISTGloria IrvingArdine Loving . 6,CJeanne Dunne 58JOlive Brown 415Evelyn Moore 225Bcbbe Castcn 225Nellie Hill 155Della Reese 155Mae Patterson 130Dakota 125

MALE BLUESCha Cha Hogan 710W'ilhe Johns 71CJohn Lee Hocker 435Calvin Frazier 310Bcbby Lewis 170Kenr.y Prestcn 140Muddy Water 105Den Juan 100

FEMALE BLUESGlcr.a Irving 900 jMae Patterson 890Tonene Lemail 590Laverr. Baker 365Alberta Adams 28C •Connie Allen 60 ’Dakota 110Laura Johnson 110Chubby Newsome 105

SINGING GROUPThe Scalders 775The Royals 615The Carrels 435The Jeis 155The Melctones 150The Imperials 120The Serenaders 11CThe Cavaliers 105

TAP DANCERLittle Wi’lie 1100LitLe Beaver ' 820Kenneth Dur.lap 285Dens Smart 275Red Williams 105

INTERPRETATIVE DANCERJuanita Baker 590Von Epps 390Baby Banks 360El.a Bearden 255Vcn ar.d Vergie 200Kilty Freeman 195Bettie Taylor 190Helen Thompson 180Komta Quans 150Bobcy Lopez . . 115Marti Saylor 105Toby Stevens 105Alela Hines 105

M. C. .Ziggy Johnson 835Phil Waddell 815Kennv Preston 405Cha Cha Hogan 220Harold Davis 155Sonny Carter 150Leonard Reed 140Al Henderson 130Homer Jones 125Tiny Duval 110Warren Banks 105

COMEDIANGip Roberts 825Leu Owens 790Clay Tyson 495Pat Taylor 345Johnny Smiles 230

FEMALE IMPERSONATORNina Mae McKinney 960Black Beauty 470Priscilla Dean 275Patricia Van Dyke 155Janice La Cava 140

ORCHESTRAMaurice King 94QHank Moore 785Joe Weaver 540Bill Cuip 450Kenny Burrell 175Hooker's Ramblers 165Candy Johnson 15°T. J. Fowler 14TTodd Rhodes 12.Lefty Edwards 115Gene Nero 115Eddie Bariell 110Jack Perkins 105Danny Kirkland 105Sir Thomas 105Tommy Barnett 105Jimmy Hamilton 100Boogie Ramblers 100

DISC JOCKEYBrisioe Bryant 1175Jo Rae 890 |Leroy G. White 805Jack Surrell 285Ernie Durham 130


fit'' a

J' .*» sKgterf l

«j _Jor iSr*lMfr*** ' Ji Ts

JE» jmßh.—*.A~saK3M.

SUGAR RAY ROBINSON,the tap dancing ex-weltef andmiddleweight champion, willhead an attraction atBroadway Capitol Theatre for

one week, starting Friday.Others on the bill will .n-

--elude Scotty. Ruth Brown, theDrifters and Butter Beans andSusie.


Three Detroit Negro men wereamong 12 players awarded fresh-man letter awards in recognitionof their service to the WayneUniversity freshman basketballteam, the school’s Athletic Ad-visory Committee announced atits most recent meeting.

Included are George R. Brown,son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brownof 77 E. Canfield; Nelson R.Ford, of 5636 Tillman, and Ed-ward M. Williams of 7473 Han-over.

Brown, a graduate of CassTech, led the freshman squad inscoring with 107 field goals and44 free throws for 258 points in17 games and a nifty 15.2 ave-rage. A center, he is beinggroomed to replace All-AmericanCharlie Primas, who graduatesthis June. Brown was the bigleason or Wayne's frosh seasonrecord of 10-8. He is enrolled inthe College of Education.

Ford, a diminutive guard, wasfourth in team scoring with 30field goals and 32 free throw’sfor 92 points in 18 games and a5.1 average. With varsity coachJoel Mason faced with a biglebuilding job next season. Fordwill get considerable attention.Enrolled in the College of Lib-eral Arts, he expects to grad-uate in June. 1957.

Williams, a U. S. Army vet-eran, was ninth in team scoring

New Star' FoundBy C. HOUSTON BYRD

I ! and n u;‘h Kollo ST..... • , Diiect"i

■ i . i m day to cl; --

.ihi • * might. . u to ' a i- pu'.. :ty of * ur’ !.* ; ’.:caJ t ■ It I id been

( • ;.v in ..t itr.d t.. t ouri< i • i- wire u.'i : • ‘■ted in thr• ' v .• by thi. iculS of theI‘.f irn' dl Poll v. i aie ton-

due t .rig

We felt it would be agoed idea to jam the the-atrical page with news ofthe theatre. But we thoughtit might also be a good ideato do something just a bitdifferent. That’s when wehit on the idea of selectinga girl with little or no the-atrical experience, at leastfrem a professional view-point.

"I hi. i occa-ion to tail onY:; '.'i 11.11 lit his it cotd ►tor*h ated «.t 1 TOO St. Aub n.Whi n I r* .idy to I*n%* ai I on r.L’ cind attractive unienh m . I had <on hi int th..'s’.ou M.viial times before andhad .--pi»k* n but knew nothing

Gloria Irving FanClub Organized

Ki m» r band leader KennyJom tms formed a ‘Gloria liv-ing K.m Club" ol which to isth** pii sidr nt. The club's tirstiiim i to have Gloria win the"hin.dc him " title In the Til-liuiv s lfij4 Theatrical Poll—andif possible, the "female vocalist"title also.

Tha club hat also decided tosupport Ziggy Johnson (MC),Maurice King (orchestra). Claylyson (comedian), Austin Cro-

mer (male vocalist) and dividatheir support between BristoeBryant and Leroy G. While(disc jockey).

This is the fust known organ,ized effort in this contest al-though sonic government employcts have indicated a similar movem behalf of Ardine Loving (fe-male vocalist).

There is an indication thatPhil Waddell has a "machine’but nothing has been madeknown about it.

of !.»: I didn't even know hern«' •

I ; :c «nd a* s-he whs re-t . : ’i.y greeting. I asked: ,•.* .: 1., mtly, ran you sing?Hf. or was not direct.She .n*: rated a liking for theid' i although .-ha had it much .serious thought.I -hr,: ba< k at her: howW' u! I yf'U like to he in show-bu «? Ju-t av direct, hear-vve:,d that she would. Ia.-K<d f'»r her name and how

I could reach her. I was in ahurry and did not have thetime to go into it further.

On a small piece of paper,well written and in ink, shewrote her name, addres andphone number. She is Gwen,dolyn Peoples.Now you know who our girl

is. In the weeks to follow wewill tell you more about herand give you a first hand pic-ture of her development to-ward stardom.

with 19 points. Used primarilyin relief roles, he could developinto a varsity candidate nextseason.RUSH TEA

The Detroit Chapter of theNational Junior League Incorpo-lated held its 2nd Annual RushTea at the home of Mrs. GeorgiaSawyer.

Some of those present were;Helen Tolson Wilson, RegionalDirector: Mary Ann Digtiy, Pres-ident; Janet Shadd, Secretary.Daisy Eliot, Treasurer; MaybelleWatd, Civic Chairman; LillianHughes, Publicity Chairman, andothers.

The national officers of theNational Juniors, Chicago, Illi-nois. will be here for the initia-tion of the provisional membc*rsSunday, April 25.DELTA SORORITY

Saturday night found membersof the Delta .Sorority playinghost to numerous guest at theDetroit Leland Hotel. Music wasfurnished by Kenny Burrcl andhis orchestra.EXTENDS SYMPATHY -

The writer would like to ex-tend his deepest sympathy to thefamily of the deceased KennyRocquemore who developed ran.cer while serving in the U. S.


f < <*l t MIIIVs -t,t IIS* —As she fMjii* *' < rot* 11. <1 ieir. il of the lnt< r - BBS

K fr.lirrnilt < "inii il „t ColurnhiitmR||RBRk nnit»rsil.\ in Srtt \nrk. singing HH||e *tar s.irah \ Niighn tuilli M **n< ts

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C - Ilm recent t oronatinn Hull. HHW Sarah nwarilrd an honoraryW A l)o» torate of Music. (Ncwspresr H,-

• wr V Photo) 'Wiki-i■

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Navy during the Korean WajAlthough doctors pr. dieted Ken-neth would live on y two year*after having discovered hi> ldn .cer, he lived two years and thu*months.SPHINX CLUB

The Sphinx Club of the Alps*Phi Alpha Fraternity i s bu-ymaking preparation to sclc-a aQueen and Court fur the Sweet,hearts Ball which rs to take P| ac


during the first week of MdvAny gii 1 who attends college ',jeligible to compete for the honorsYou may enter by mailing vy „rpicture with your name and ad.dress attached in care of theAlpha House, 293 Eliot, Wjnneuwill be selected on the basis „f.personality, beauty and poise. AH*pictures must be entered by Mij.night Thursday.

The Sphinx Club will „ omeet with the Pledge Clubsthroughout the city during t.. tmonth of May, to discuss thepossibility of closer fraternalrelationship among the pledgeclubs throughout the city.HOME ON FURLOUGH

Pvt. Jack Davison of VitgmiaPark ave. returned home onfurlough after having spent -.p\.eral months in Germany. Thewriter hopes that he enjoys h i30-day furlough.

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MISS M. A CONNER2933 Rivard • TEmple 3-4595

WEEKLY BIBLE LESSON: Psalm 112:1—Praise ye the L> i,Blessed is the man that fcareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly mhis commandments . . . His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the g. n-ciation of the upright shall be blessed.

Wealth and riches shall be inhis house: and his righteousnessendureth for ever. ..,Unto theupright there ariseth light indarkness: he is gracious, andfull of compassion, and right,eous.A good man sheweth favour,

and lendeth: he will guide hisaffairs with discretion. . . Surelyhe shall not be moved forever:the righteous shall be in everlast-ing remembrance.

He shall not be afraid of eviltidings: his heart is fixed, trust-ing m the Lord. . . . His heart is

SOS to AllTheatricall*o 11 Entries

Entries in the Detroit Tri-bune Theatrical Poll are re-quested to forward, oy mail,their addresses and phonenumbers to G. Houston Byrd,Theatrical Editor.

This information should bemailed rather than called-inso that telephone facilities willnot he taxed. The request ismade in order to reach entriesquickly and accurately.

Send information to G. Hous-ton Byrd, Detroit Tribune,2146 St. Antoine, Detroit 1.


If von work ir, fa< t.orv or k\ov. larg<- groups of wom<*nwho likr* to look w« !l, <*;<<■<*Ur-tit quality rnuk«*-upfor colored *kin. Resell* \* rv i*a*ily. Writ**—

Elegante Cosmetics, 505 sth Ave., New York 17, N.Y."

*#>o«affir/ ft##/* •• 7jf/v ViiffuloA mention in Jet Magazine a

lew weeks ago about ArdincLoving has given her a push inshow business.

The popular pocket size magindicated that Miss Loving hadgotten herself a ‘'real” job withthe Department of Internal Rev-enue and that her managers weretrying to convince her to followher theatrical career.

Jimmy Lyons, Duffalo, N. Y.,showman and promoter, prompt-ly offeied Miss Loving a weekend spot at the Picadilly. Shejust returned from Duffalo amidpraises and new follower* whofeel she should follow her singing


Newscaster on TourWJR Newscaster Joseph Main-

line left Tuesday for a two-weekPan American airway cruise ofEurope on anew non-stop flightfrom Detroit to Hamburg, Ger-many.

Joe took anew tape recorderto air mail special interviewsfrom Europe to News Editor JackWhite. Dale Marr will report the6 and 11 p.m. news while Joe isaway. Mainline ia the only De-troit radio man taking the trip.


W.I /- I/iHi/nVfi/ 1.9. J /

Pltase cast my votes for th*

Male Vocalist

Female Vocalist ..

Male Blues .

Female Blue*

• Singing Croup ......

Tap Dancer „ _

Interpretative Dancer

M. C „ „

Comedian ....„

Female Impersonator......

Orchestra - ..

Disc Jockey..


—Clip and mail to—G. Houston Byrd Detroit Tribune2146 St. Antoine 81, Detroit 1. Mich.

(All votes must be in or mailed by midnight, Wednesday.May 25. 1954)

List Sprint*I acution EventsPuppets, movies, and a chance

to sketch in the galleries arehighlights of three Spring Vaca-tion Programs for young peoplescheduled for the week afterEaster at the Detroit Institute ofArts.

Films suitable for childrenof all agas will be shownApril 22, at 2 p.m. in tha Lac-tur# Hall. Thara is no charge.“Stories of Knights and Cas-

ties’’ will be told by Vivian MPuhek, assistant principal ofThomas Houghton School, at 2p.m. on Friday, April 23. in theLecture Hall and afteiwardyoungsters will sketch in themuseum galleries. This programis also free of charge.

A puppet show, ’ RumpeLstilt-skin,” produced by the GaryJennings' Puppets, will pe givenat 2 pm. and agaih at 4 p.m. onApril 24 in the Lecture Hall.

Admission charge of 25 centsfor children and 50 cents foradults.

3 o™= MONDAY EVE APRIL 18 £Mats. Sat. Ic Sun. Special Pop. Priced Mat., Wed.. April 21Nightly Including Sunday. No Monday Perfs. after first week."Absolutely the best in theatre. Held a capacity audienceenthralled and spellbound."

Frank C. Bolden, Pittsburgh Courier.

tr%nflGV*'Y^^hessSeats Now on Sale Box Office Open 10 a.m. 9:00 p.m.

Eves.: (Except Sat.) Orch. 54.20; Bale. 3.60. 2.40, Sats Eves.:Total Orch. 4.60, Bale. 4.20, 3.60. 2.40: Sat.. Sun. Mats.: Orch.3.60: Bale. 3.00. 2.40. 1.10. Enclose stamped envelope lor return

tickets.| SPECIAL BARGAIN MATINEE WED, APRIL 21. 52.40 k 61.60


RADIO -SMjRepairing

Day-Night-Sunday-HolidayiCONTINUOUS REPAIR SERVICESame Location for 32 Years

We»t Side TY 4-0170Ea»t Side TY 4-5676

established, he .shall not be if.., J,until he see his desire upon h.ienemies.

SICK AND SHUT-INS: Thej list this week is from FriendshioBaptist Church. Mattie Gardr,.1542 Edison; Bessie Robins n.

fiß9 Garfield; Dorothy Scott, 3i.i9Illinois; Nelson Johnson, 633 Wat-*<>n; William Smith. 1336 Wilkirc;Eugene Thomas. 96p Alfred; El-sie Crouch. 4826 Concord; Elizaboth Walker. 1449 Eliot.

Also Mattie Green, 2281 le-land; Ruby Waller. 1662 Ei.n-hurst; Gesselda Smith. 1930 Alex,and tine; Janie Green. 3414 E.Vernor; Annie Booker, 3b'2bHunt; Katie Lewis. 2978 Bru-a,Idell Lewis, 3125 Momoe; JolmMiller. 1634 Blame.

• » •

In the following hospitals arc:D<x-k Brantley. Trinity: WilburnGriffin. Dinai; Jennie Smith andWilliam Roberts, Fairvicw; GcoigeBrooks. Tommie King and RuthBennett. Wayne General: DaisyKing, Ypsilanti; Izetta Gripper,Park General; Ethel Taylor. Re-ceiving.

• # •

Mr. and Mr*. Thaolius Mat-thew of 933 Watson, enjoyed

: having their niece, Mr*. ElnoraOliney of Lake Providence,La., to visit sometime withthem. . . . Last rites for Mrs.Dovie Mason of 570 Leland. adeaconess of Ebenezer AMEChurch and past grand officerof the Eastern Star, were heldlast week.Your writer was unable to hold

regular Easter services as is thecase each year at Mercy GeneralHospital because of pressing bus-iness matters, but I am happyto report that a good portion ofEaster spirit was spread if noth-ing else.

Mrs. Annie Austin, EbeneserMissionary, helped me to hold* prayer and song service, thendistribute six dosens of Eastereggs and other refreshments tothe patients.


Mrs. Emma Lowe of East Wil-kins was able to celebrate hoibirthday this year since recentlyrecovering from a lengthy ail-ment. She is still youthful inmind also because she would nottell her age although admittingto drawing an old-age pension.. . Miss Bernice Harris returnedto the city from Chicago whereshe had stayed for about threemonths with her aunt, Mrs. Pat-tie Campbell.

• • •

Last rites for Herbert Greenof 49 Calvary were held *astweek. He is the son of Mrs.Blanch Gree, who is WorthyMatron of Golden Gate No. 28and a member of the QueenVasti Grand Chapter. . . . Nameof the newest singing group inthe city is the Arpegyins, com-posed of six fellows and onegirl. They will present a programat Lucy Thurman YW on Mat9 at 3:30 p.m.Dost

printing Corp.Specialising in Newspapers.

4-color Circulars and Tabloids.WO. 1-9833

1441 BRUSH STREETBetween Madison and Gratiot


Tire Repairers—Accessor its.Lubrication

. Phone TY. 4 MS?McOraw at 15th StreetTRIBUNE—SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 19544