f 111 cij s - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov

i fwH'Ou times. 0 ‘.7, SEA V BV't" I(3A . ■f.<h r j: ov brought ’-egtilarly to v ; y and y, a- and geese are report and us '■> it* verv scarce. f> A. r. Tharmaa of Ohio has our ; v h> ate taVors. ih-o :g- s <.. ila .streets remind us summer i- at hand. ir n f * the Wisconsin Central KaiiroXid an i. ed at G reen Bay. -n ic> and Mimo o onr cili. u>, lasting a- ii tin ir g.-i dens to day. L qn . lies !:nh i> arri ing an 1 i .iris are .retting fille I I 1 id I'a\ pi up and I r 1) Sif s la.'t week ii ii s nu 1 . g dim on Thir i S net o Timm .son Ax enue^. •„ e\\ s 1 walk is to b laid on S- mud from Net lies on to Becker avenue, o > of Mr. il G. Coburn’s store has ,c i improved by a coat of paint, r. -! ha Lyturn’s house is ah pla<t"red m \ii can be ready lor an occupant. il (f. ( ihurn 1 tin tract to b t..d a pi -ket fence around the Court House. Lumbermen are getting retry to drive t e if i -gs down Pukegama creek Via; h i' now open. Wc now receive our mails regu'arly each da,, whicii is a great satisfaction to Bn- command \. The schooner Stranger has been bailed out, and now rides on the water like a liltl duck. 'k.j Cl ok and family are to live at lied ( iff, . point on the Indian reservation a few mi;es below' Bayfiel 1. The bad weather for the past two weeks has b on damaging to the progress of pub- lic improvements in this place. Livery street and alley should be cleared of es ru bisu before warm weather setts in, •id iL su airt r travel commences. We soon expect to hear some loud noise Irma the Sup rior Cornel Band, They have gi.it “brass” enough to make it. T;:t: T'nlutbi-ms-must be a very dry set . fin ntulsjuiging, from the large quantities U h r ; hipped from this point over there . ver. week. r ". ‘.lr-- L-tween here and I)nluib is . v at '. Tl’.ere wouhlbe more than double lount of li lif I fa was -u- -; five <u ms. k.l'.Wh clock Esq. is putting a subs tun ti 1 , ; around hi> garden of thirty-two lots, the wuolc number of which he owns, with .hv Keepiio.n cl thirty. The Overseer ot Ulghw tys i at work on Sev > i I Si. with a small force of men, clean- m j out ditches and s.iraighteulng things ;p nerally after the winter, in are at work upon the stone founda- tion for the new residence of Mr. llichard U If. When that foundation rots, the owners he id will he a different color. G o den fence.', are being bum a i I r pair id. Our people intend to raise enough vvgeiao.es , r tuemselves auyiiow. T.us is a hat toe (jail of Duluth calls meddling wit a industry. fna raft flogs belonging to Peyton A . ;fba , w'uich went out into the lake, \v<e p by the n rtheaster and the logs >, ed , hore. As ig and a large crew -.1 ail'll a; e picking them Up. Ihia ra.lway- ns .1 to have the oroad- gau r f-ver. Now from Massachusetts to Colorado they are threatened with the narr >w gauge.” Tney will yet come back to the old gaugi as a compromise. bk iu vwu 'kmn kh tuck is a game lha’ is pkiyed ‘-for keeps,” and vv.is unknown to ihe We would j ii i. still remained a mystery to the present g aeration. Ku-Klux isn’t a patch to h. Every laborer unprovided for ; a mid buv a lot tor a future home, even if he has to make m mlldy payments. Pitch in and e t a lot, when that is paid for, go to work and 1 1 , and any span nei w -rk and improve your own property. Bomeiiunu; Xkkded. —N t ing is waut- 1 V; r>e now than a good ferry scow on AO ua di river. Consj. 1 ■rehle far ling is no ca that side, and means of getting cross is very badly needed. 1 his as a mailer which should receive prom, t atten- tion from the proper authorities. Qj.iu; a nun her ot Duluthians were up- <>n iur streets \vst; r-lay. They all ’ueli v- . I the use es very wok and one of them -. and this i< Ike piaee after all.” We s : d ** Vy ;;u 1 kept as mute a- a grask p pel* I v i c condition of the “m mkty.” \ , lr. fheoiior* Jotiiisou, ■. no is e l ; wrk on the ue v rcs;- , t Mr. Kie..ard Bardon. met wit a a v r aceid nt hist M mday. In carrying aw ILT k iite ; o si cahl J and fe.l, his ie Wnd am e, m - g a large a< and ml wound. The , , In ed uud ing i . in-: wcalUct io. ! :c j i'L week has been .me hrt mixed. First we had a lb tiel and M-rnir h*r in !lie si; ‘pu ot u gentle north -uson 1 . acme tpani. -1 )y r In. Yes fi rda\ n 1 to-day brought just as bright l and Minski: v wea.her as ever “lay out ”_1 : v o>. the outside of a building near the Post (■ flee may bo seen a nice new sign with Win. Wonderle, Boot and Shoe-nmk- c! on it in ; a.-.y loiters. !fiv..u step inside vs ’i will so-- tlu' “‘bus--'’ h ns lr, who is one of the best H or;:m(‘ii on Lake superior, and can make a* good ah ot as . < i ever want to nut on \ our fut.” T.m: Young Chri-vian S -Idlers, children compri-dug (he Sunday Schools of tin- dif- re/ii denominations oftltis place, had quite a pleasant time last Thursday. Alter labelling through our principal streets in mi dorm with their banners, they brought up at Post’s Hall, where after refreshments and some exercises, the agreeable affair ended. Fisiiino Opeuvtions.— Tne crews of Smith >Sz Lach ;pelle, ami S!nyer & Bnnda, I’.-ft his' nign for Lin- S nth Shore, hy the “fag Agate. The 1 i I’ s! named crew go to a point on the la e score a few miles above Iron river, while he latter <t w go to the Brule river. Both companies took a large supply ot barrels and salt, and intend to pu in i large lot of twine and will spare no expense in prosecuting their business vForoudy. We hop they may have fair weather and good luck. i > ERSOX-VL. —lion. Wyman Spooner As- ■'i'lanr Attorney General of the Stale of Wisconsin, was in the city last Thursday. Mr. X. W. Goodwin left on a business !rij> i -r Bavfield a tew days since. J. E Clough, an extensive piano manu- facturer of Deiroit, and brother of onr Ill- low townsman, Hon. S. 11. Clough, was in the city several days this week. Our old former fellow citizen, .Mr. John Scott of Thompson, -spent a few days in town this week. Capt. Win. Sharpe, left yesterday for Brule river, to make arrangements for put- ting up Iris new steam saw mill in that vicinity. The following are among the arrivals at the Superior House: E. D. Westlake, Wa- tertown, Wis.; Wm. Anthony, Buff do; John Scott, Thoms..n; J. li. Cleveland, Sr. Paul; J. F McLaren, Duluth; M. W. W i I>, Amboy, Ii I.; li. i>. Beals, Dubuque, Iowa; A. A. kleLeod, Duluth; A. Hem- <tr. t, Waterloo, Ind.; Jas. S. Trimble, Ug W. J. Simpson, Huron, Ohio. •Vituio!: (::vDo .; —Sea; -I proposals for the fiuddiag of ad >ek in the bay at L. ri ‘l, tu Upper 1 >wn, were opened by the Town B v.ar-l of S.qiervisors lam .Monday. The and >ck i't >bo twenty feet wide, built of or. os 10x20 Leg an I -A ) feet long, with four ‘••quare cribs at the end to he filled with stone. The whole dock to be plank- ed over in a substantial manner in the usu- al way. . The bidding was not so lively as antn iputed, there bring but eight, which are as follows: f. 2 H n ringtoil & Murphy 1,9-jo Strong & .Nkivon 1,770 Vi.-i tr Dt’.wiuival ],915 11. VV. Shaw 1,891 J. U. Caldwell 1,700“ Hubert Osborne 2,n(>o .’ 1,9(19 Af er an examination of the propo>als, the Board rejected the lowest iid and g & Nevin, FLt above firm are cxj> nenced lumbermen and do k ib iers, an In . and uht will exe- cute the work s uisfa -t'-ri y Tlie hmldmg of a good and >. kin I ppert .wn is a much n eded improvement, md we are glad to see that the proper sl- ps have ieen taken to accomplish this ohjo -t. .Marine Itkjis.— The MUiooner Plrrepont Cap .* Al xander Davidson, took her depar- ■u,-- 1 !br Ba '\voo I I-i in 1 'L me q'tarrv yes- terday. S h.o >ner Neshota left our hay the sth Ibr M . quetto, there to load with iron ore 10 Erie. Pennsylvania. Schooner Shape cleared yesterday for "Marquette and Cleveland. S dimmer Ch irli left yesterday for Bea- ver Bay o load with lumber for the North S r. Silver Mim s. Si -or Cliaska set sail Friday for i int i la i ! t 1 *ts. Tug Ague, i hi last night tor Brui 1 and Iron rivers. S:earner i. ; . 8.-ruard, of Uup e-i >r, ar- -11 v lie; e\ v.i'.ig from the North Shore Silver iMines. Steamer S. Simaa Wit* is r run this.sea- son in ta Su Louis river from Fondu!in- to On mta, I Mi! nth an I Sap rior. Tlu* fast iil’i" fi rry stea aer Fevo, is snaking four trips a day from here to Duluth. Steamer K:\sota will soon be ready to :F. -. the iim- <d action, with Captain Givenll-11 on 1 r n n u-e. -a ~j S : r i< at Quebec Pier avvtin_ repairs. t in a am tiayt‘s* .AND Scrxruua, A tsooxsix. THOMAS CL A jN. {t<>i* ne y ii t I si \v 9 Prob .tf R. trUtrar and U. S. Court > ommiss.o tor Douglas County, Wis. Removed to No. 232 Second Et,, UOR WISCONSIN. ISew pwellingr ll<mse, FOR SALE OR LENT ( HEAP. Contains nine rooms. Location pi .e-ant. Within five minutes walk of Quebec pier, Superior, quire of GEO. L. BROOKS, Shaw A Ingalls Store, Duluth, or Hiuam Llayks, Superior. marlß-tf. Established in 1857. Willinm Cranwell, REAL ESTATE AGENT, OFFICE ;; 13 2ND STREET, Scpkrioe, Wisconsin. H. M. PEYTON & CO., SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN, DEALERS IN LUMBER, LOGS AND TIMBER. We have ext--- i-<- facilities ut onr Mill on Conner’s Point I For the manufacture of lumber and timber of all | kinds, and alw:s; s keep on hand a full supply, both M-.ecn and seasoned, so that we are enabled to fill all I ° orders at very short notice ami low rates, j Our location on Conner’s Point, with our dock on 1 the steamboat channel, gives us superior conveniences foi filling orders from Duluth or points along the river I or along the line of the Northern Pacific. Wc pay particular attention to sawing timbers for ridges, &c. 22 JAMES BARDON, CLERK CIRCUIT COURT, WISCONSIN. Oi i y AX cut 31 a ukot ! I 8. WAKELIN, Prop’r, Nos. 30- ", it 307 , And St., Superior , Will keep constantly on hand a full stock of FRESH Bi F, 0 IK, \ EAL, MI ITUN SAD sAGE, FISH, Arc. Also S LIED MEATS and FL-il. Tlukeys, Chickens, Venison aml.Oysi i.i:s. Orders solicited and promptly tilled for lattre or small quant dies. Give im i call. lam sure you will be suited in price and quality. 15- S. WAKELIN SUPERIOR HOUSE, M. L. AVERY,; E. W. CLARK & CO., B A NOBS. Dn.LT H, Minn., March 23. 1871. Ilavli-g op.-; da Branch of our PHILADELPHIA BA' .. G HOUSE i citj of Duluth, eue row prepared to receive deposits, make collection's on all points, and furnish exchange on all the principal cili- s of the United States and Europe. We are also prepare and to make LOANS on GRAIN store .i. the Duluth El-\ -Tor, ami to NEGOTIATE PARE I drawn against Sill MENUS ot GRAIN and FLOUR. L. W. CLARK & CO., aprl-tf (' I £ <‘st 11 i* ;i ii t . U JL HILL. Prop v tor, Tii *. oddiugtuu 810- ii, Of .-m'.- I’o- Iti. . Meals at .ill hours, of the best ’he Mu kei :iii nK Oj; t, r St.-w- and I! ; C -ff.-e aervi-il up on -.hurt n- tice. B .rd b> tty Jay or wet k at n-.is..nal.le rate-. DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, CANDY, CIGARS, iC. -Pus iinJ C kt-s iilways on hau . i.u'lJ-ll STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF DOUGLAS. ln Circuit Court. Ann Marguriett Iluguier, Plaintiff, ) against Antoitie Saviui- r Maximillien Hnguier, D< fenden; i In th name of the State of Wisconsin, to the above natm and and fendant: You nre her- ht summoned and required to answer the complaint of th ' plaintiff in th above entitled ac- tion which said complaint is filed in the office of the C! . !•; of tins Court in and for the Comity of Douglas i.i m - . in the To -n o, Superior, and to scrv a copy of year never upon the undersigned at his office in said town of Superior in said County within twenty >1 aft r tie' service of this summons exclusive of the day of service And if you fail to answer said com- : I>i;;i:i t within the time aforesaid the plaintifl in this a -ti m will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. TIIOS. CLARK, Plaintiff’s All’y, Superior, Wis. Dated March 28th A. D. 1871. 30-7 e; T.UKOK WISCONSIN, COUNTY-OF DOUGLAS—In Circu t > C >ih t. J Mi L. Morriam and 0.-n .- t„ Bt-cker, riairtiffs,) -,-a nst I i I’.- Tl i Hi-i-’teiil' wiJ i v ,>f Willi'ini 11 -Dins, | >!. : i- l it. n \ IT. it ■li-nshea-l, K.limiml }• Summons. Ho! 11 -i-hraJ, ti,.-n 11 >ll i i.~ 1j ij. an-1 Maiy 11- N | ! irei at, n.in ir children and heirs at law of I \\ ill am H- I'.insliea i devrased, Drtei.daitts. j TV e r ate of Wisconsin to the nl- -vr named defendants ; Y -u herel.y sumns -ne-1 a- J ieqnire-1 to an-wt thec-.niplaint .f.! .! i. M . : iam .a (i.- r-.-o I. it- k- i ii,.- j.l iintifi'-i in tli*nln>ve .-•1 tint action r-e.d c.-aiplamt lia- Ix-t-n tiled iu the t-ftice f■' -i -i k■ f 1 1 s ;'i tu i, in ami for the -am County ot D-niglug .•t i Town if Siij-i.r in raid County and tu serve a ropy of; >. .r at hi- ti l tie tinder.-; Vued at his office in the sdd Town : f ?UJ'*ri-‘!. Unra-itl Wiliiiu twenty da VS alt or the s. rvico of ni - up..ii y u o::.dii-ive the day of service and if ! fi t to an-v r the i. I .-..ti.pl tint within ti.e time :.foresail! ; t! - ; 1 iini.it- m ilii.-t a< t .-u Will apply far 1 ’on: t li-r the relief .K n.-ii-,.-I it: -d . on:.-.plaint. IJ. N, .-KfZKK, l*l‘ff- ArUv. 1 ,t. and April ;Sl. .)•> 7. SUL RIFE'S SALE. Vf < r WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF D* ‘CO LAS—In Circuit Comt. Fredere A. Nr-aii a, I’lainti.T, J agitn-it ( Jam-- P. Crr-.e , IT f-u 'art ) . vir* >i< -f in ex 11] .- I >n issued out -1 nnd under the seal f the Cir> ■i'i fr i y;i a.* (’ i-ati in the above rut it)... j action I- guj i -ii- iri r •! an-l h.m: -st the per- -t- it . r..| real and -;ef- mint J .in-- .. Oi. \es. I in- s-v,.- •i . . el up 1 . w-j.jt ■! :b- ! Ted ;u- --’ ; t. ft I 1.1 e. :■ et hi;h tlie --i 1 s ! \ubi t b -I iu a. ! to : . ;| ;.- •v, at llu- -l-ile I the •! ketiuit *.f !!:•• -aid judi- . nvc ii ut v i vip: .-a the 27:.' -i-e of l'-fo;ilr] -70. or .v have- ce i[iii!e 1 of, in and t- the emitbeast of . ;! -ptirf iof i'-li ' iv.-n-y-li . (25/ 0 lilaiaiug l-.rtv . . if, ;mi i t.- it in Moil tl!iy i r .< in the or! i atf of 1-' ,u. 11 : -tat;,Hi r -,y-live all iu tl u-ui;. fnrtv-uuir 1 ;•* n t- . 11 : :■ <e fr! i-ru ,• 1 ". et ill t to- t■> -II . f Sc|'o; lor, i . i-,,r i-iv-- •! Wi-iu-oin. li-'i; nii etv aoie-* of t, - -.I r--l - ia- :-i:.I li-ht, tine '-lin<■ e- I i> .11 xp ii. !• ■■ !sll at ill Iu- auction t - the Ii *;h ,t bi-l,ler on .NiIAY i dii AM; DAY OK M A V :s7l. t i..;i ..-.do ;. i t’.u- f a . tii it Jty. at the liter •!- <r of ! h i.; - !.. i.: C J. .1 H■ . k .1- '.test .-e- .i.ii Steel ill s.p i r, c-- 1 u. of Vi v, m- ii to i -ti-li . id e> .a: i, rt-, Tv .-.u-ti .IS. i p-.->. a inay tti.-ieto tn I. ;--a-. I. U!- 1 £M> i>T -|i r-ff. I !V. ii. iIATiN. in Atm u-y. i-,e-.i ,TX..u e 021.0, r*vr eth, 1871. 31- i No Itest for tlie Wicked! HARD TIMES AND PLENTY 01 MONEY. R. A. RIGGER, Provision and Grocery q X) x* 3 i y ia ib . Where you can get the worth of your money and no change back. me a call. Heavy Mess Pork aa 1 1 i 1 "t>ves a / and Butter an'’ Grindstones- Vinegar and Dried Apples- lard an I Tobacco- P.aspberry Jam and Salt Codfish. Sugar and °r>ap. A No. 1 Flour and Kerosene Oil. Syrup and Salt. Onions and Blacksmith Tools- Beans and Ox-Yokes- Cheese and Oakum- Teas "esin and Stovepipe Double and Stogie Blochs and Potatoes. Prunes and Mustard- Crackers and Snowsfcoes Log Chains and CopjTng Ink- Shovels and Carpet Sacks Trunks and Spike. Bags and Boring Machines- Brooms and Hewing Machines- Blankets and Rafting Rigging- Candles and Dried Currants- Rice and dried Peaches Coffee and Cigars- Corn Meal and Powder Horns- Lamps and Spile Rings- Hens Cbthii g and a full set of Cooking uten- sils for the Lumbi ring Business. CABBIES & GABBED FRUIT. All kinds of Groceries, every thing you want and a ' number of tilings you don’t want. It. A DIGGER, 272, Second St. 4- Superior, Wis. GREAT BARGAINS AT f E 111 CiJ S IN'— STOVES, TIN AND HARDWARE. Having just received a full and complete stock of the above goods, 1 now propose to sell them at the very lowest pos-ible figures for cash. Don't rely on what some may say, but call and examine my gOods and prices for yourselves, before purchasing el-where, for I am e- iifident you will find it to vonr advantage. Among my stock of stoves will be found the "ALL RlGHT,(beating) 4< AND THE “REVOLVING RESERVOIR,” (Cook,) besides a great variety of other styles. In my stock you will find BOG KB’S, WOODIIEAD’S and AMERICAN I Pocket Cutlery, J. RUSSEL & CO.’S TABLE CUTLERY. - ROGERS k BROS. No. 1, Table Spoons and Forks, SEYMOUR’S i S-.‘NS SHEARS AND SCISSORS. WHEELER MADEN k CLEMSON’S wood Ak 1) o Tii : : i us. RED JACKET, HUNT’S A EE NX'S AXKS, Universal Clothes Wringer, Extra. WILLIAMS AND GO’S LADIES, GENTS AND BOYS SKAT E S , BUILDERS’ HARDWARE of every i-- -tript’on, and I,no I other things, too numerous to mention, including the useful RUBBER STRIPS for Windows and Dour.-* Last, but not h ast. the charming, ,-ilout, WILL COX AND GIBB'S Sc\viii Machines, which will be sold on most liberal terms for the pur chaser. N. B. The old Tin Shop still runs sit R. W. FRENCH’S. { A. ZACHAU, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, j GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, Crockery, Glass Ware, "Willow are, ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPER, STATIONERY, Canned Fruits, TOBACCO, CIGARS, WINES AND LiaUORS. .V ZACHAU. Superior City Brewery, KLEIN <fc DESEMVAL, Proprietors. it t E have tec-nOv ;■ U-1 cxti --i*e arid valuable inipmve- \\ ; nt- mi-ur lirvwer.. an.! are new manufacturing a first cla-'an u -f Ga "er lie er, :.ii h we tl deliver t-> onr <-n-'o around the head of Late S. .-'i i oi a* >- o e N-Mtli.ru laufi; K. K. iu Urge or small V\), , st h it,-' which we re wlli- g -it lowmt r-: -. Tiv u, t- n- o er ng <* sewle- v. KL.LIN & DE£J-M\AL. j R. G. COBURN. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in taecsEsss. A X D 111 II VIS I o s , SECOND ST., SUPERIOR, VMS. 1 have now on hand one of the largest stocks of GRO- CERIES AND PROVISIONS, on Lake Sup- nor. To enumerate the articles would be sup* rfluous. My stock if complete in ever branch and will be sold at a small margin for CASH. M\ stock of BUTTER IS A. NO. 1. I have also a large supply of FEED, MEAL, CORN, OATS, &C„ CALL AND GET PRICES. I would also say that my PGAMNG MIGG, On ih# Supei ior City Dock is in good running ord< r and working up daily the large supply of Seasoned Lumber, Which I have just received. Contractors and others wih find it t<< their advantage to give us a call and examine our work. We make DOORS, SASH WINDOW FRAMES, AND Window 1 51in<lsto order. PIONEER BAKERY. FREDERICK BISHOP F Takes this method of informing the public and his oid friends and patrons that he has returned tj Superior and established his BAKERY at the old stand, corner of Nettleton Avenue and Sec- ond Street, where he will, as in year- of yore, always keep on band the largest and best stock of Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, &c. A Iso Candies ior* Sale. 52^*Families and others supplied daily at their res- idences with fresh bread. WINTER ROUTE. ”"wlB7l.- rr-1871.-^ BAYFIELD, SUPERIOR, DULUTH Sragi s ii in\nui\. R. D. PIKE, ) J. A. ,) Prop’rs. st-i.es of this line, carrying freight, pa-eeugera and V. s Mail leave Bayfield on MONDAF, EDNESDAY, and FRIDAY of each week, hi riving in Superior on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY. Return Stages leave Superior on each TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY arriving io Bavfiehi on every TUESD \\\ TUUuSDAY/aml SATURDAY. T' (Ris if the P . :nv \v;)I rt ixv< \ pos- ♦•nirers and freijflit to : Ti l fr in i, Depot f I k Supen r .V Mianiss ppi i(. K-, con-| uecting with m trnii a-.d t-v lug t sins. i Hi format! u r<;-r i r f-ei. lit, r-te of pa-sige, 4c., run be 1 -iU.il up II aj- -at -II t- I) Pi ... (iii It I . Wl-! VI L ▼*■?, It Wta .r 1 - Agent ii i 8.1 tnees r l>'lu ii Minta J. A Clu tey, < ffi •LS. AM. tt. i: . Bt, I'm I Miunesi.la, jau2B-tf ' D field, \\ i- -.msin, January 14th. 1-71. D. GEO. MOBBISOir, Register of Dcods^ TOWN CLERK NOTARY PUBLIC, AND ) COMMISSIONER FOR MINNESOTA. Office No 293 (V est 2nd St., Superior, Wis. OPENED I Superior Meat Market. THOS. GARRETY, Proprietor. All kinds of Fresh and Salted Meats constantly . n hand. Also fresh vegetables. Give me a call. r r ii i: Wakeh’n House, S. WAKELIN, PropT. Board, 3- O wen Sliei-iclaii, Second St., Superior, DEALER IN Iron, Steel & Nails, Heavy and Shell HARDWARE. Stoves, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, &c. Hiram Hayes, Attorney at Law, SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN, j ESTABLISHED IK 1857. WILLIAM CRAXWLLL, Seal Estate Agent, OFFICE, 343 SECOND ST , Superior, Wisconsin. Weal Kstato Hoit girt mi cl Hold. Land Warrants located. TIILES EX AMIN ED, AUS Til A CIS FURNISHED , TAXES PAID FOP EOX-EESIBE^TS. and (I EX EIIA L LM'OK MATiUX'Co MMLXI (’ A TEL respecting the value of property iu this section of the country. [( or.R’ypoM'iM.1,1 itk;>.] NON-RESIDENT CAPITALISTS, j who contemplate investing money here, will find it j for their advantage to address the undersigned for 1 advice in the matter, as bv so doing thev will .rain ! !.-io, ■((/'/< respecting three important th'ngs— Is . J“ know pkkcisely the locality or spot where to uirest their money. 2nd. To k now coukkctlv the value of the property they desire to p o-chase. 3d- To know Bttl r.j.v the way or manner iti which to proceed to yet It at the lowest figure. 3 W. GRAN WEIL, D . SC ii I T T St. Corner of Second St., and Ilollinshead Ave. Supjciiioit, Wisconsin, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GROCERIES, —AND—- wMwmmws* FLOUR, MEAL, & EE D , CANNED & PRESERVED FRUITS C OCKEEY km WOOLEN WARE, —ALSO—- DRY GOODS, CL O THING, 11. I TS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AO., AC., AC. For salt i y 1 1; Barrel, Case or Bottle a large selec- tion of CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS. BRANCH STORE m DULUTH* OH BAY DOCK. b y : HEAD CESTRB or THE GREAT UNBOUNDED UNIVERSE. i BOOTS, AT LOW PRICES. Vincent Roy, No. oCP, West Second Street, Has on hand a choice and well selected stock of BET GBBBS, PROVISIONS, a ROC Id RIES, CLOT BIA'G, BOOTS AM) SHOES, L \ DIES WEAR, Fancy Notions, Etc,, All of which he will sell cheap tor R tdv Mon- v. So come forward all—Sec and Exam' ne for v.nn-- (,’all early and call often, aud . uir an i nough money Buys and Sells I'ursi.

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i fwH'Ou times.0 ‘.7, SEA V BV't" I(3A .

■f.<h r j: ov brought ’-egtilarly to

v ; y and y,a- and geese are report and us

'■> it* verv scarce.f> A. r. Tharmaa of Ohio has our; v h> ate taVors.

ih-o :g- s <.. ila .streets remind us

summer i- at hand.ir n f * the Wisconsin Central KaiiroXid

an i. ed at Green Bay.

■ -n ic> and Mimo o onr cili. u>, lastinga- ii tin ir g.-i dens to day.L qn . lies !:nh i> arri ing an 1

• i .iris are .retting fille I •

I 1 id I'a\ piup and I r 1) Sif s

la.'t week ‘ ii ii s nu

1 . g dim on Thir i S net

o Timm .son Ax enue^.

•„ e\\ s 1 walk is to b laid on S-mudfrom Net lies on to Becker avenue,

o > of Mr. il G. Coburn’s store has,c i improved by a coat of paint,

r. -! ha Lyturn’s house is ah pla<t"redm \ii can be ready lor an occupant.

il (f. ( ihurn 1 tin tract to

b t..d a pi -ket fence around the CourtHouse.

Lumbermen are getting retry to drivet e if i -gs down Pukegama creek Via; h i'now open.

Wc now receive our mails regu'arly eachda,, whicii is a great satisfaction to Bn-command \.

The schooner Stranger has been bailedout, and now rides on the water like a

liltl duck.'k.j Cl ok and family are to live at lied

( iff, . point on the Indian reservation afew mi;es below' Bayfiel 1.

The bad weather for the past two weekshas b on damaging to the progress of pub-lic improvements in this place.

Livery street and alley should be clearedof es ru bisu before warm weather setts in,

•id iL su airt r travel commences.We soon expect to hear some loud noise

Irma the Sup rior Cornel Band, Theyhave gi.it “brass” enough to make it.

T;:t: T'nlutbi-ms-must be a very dry set. fin ntulsjuiging, from the large quantitiesU h r ; hipped from this point over there

. ver. week.r". ‘.lr-- L-tween here and I)nluib is

. v at '. Tl’.ere wouhlbe more than doublelount of li lif I fa was -u-

-; five <u ms.k.l'.Wh clock Esq. is putting a substun ti 1

, ; around hi> garden of thirty-two lots,the wuolc number of which he owns, with.hv Keepiio.n cl thirty.

The Overseer ot Ulghw tys i at work onSev > i I Si. with a small force of men, clean-m j out ditches and s.iraighteulngthings ;p

nerally after the winter,

in are at work upon the stone founda-tion for the new residence of Mr. llichardU If. When that foundation rots, theowners he id will he a different color.

G o den fence.', are being bum a i I r pairid. Our people intend to raise enoughvvgeiao.es , r tuemselves auyiiow. T.us is

a hat toe (jail of Duluth calls meddlingwit a industry.

fna raft flogs belonging to Peyton A. ;fba

, w'uich went out into the lake, \v<e

p by the n rtheaster and the logs>, ed , hore. As ig and a large crew-.1 ail'll a; e picking them Up.

Ihia ra.lway- ns .1 to have the “ oroad-gau r •

’ f-ver. Now from Massachusetts to

Colorado they are threatened with the“ narr >w gauge.” Tney will yet come backto the old gaugi as a compromise.

bk iu vwu 'kmn kh tuck is a game lha’ ispkiyed ‘-forkeeps,” and vv.is unknown to ihe

We would j “

ii i. still remained a mystery to the presentg aeration. Ku-Klux isn’t a patch to h.

Every laborer unprovided for ; a mid buva lot tor a future home, even if he has to

make m mlldy payments. Pitch in and e t

a lot, when that is paid for, go to work and1 1 , and any span nei

w -rk and improve your own property.Bomeiiunu; Xkkded.—N t ing is waut-

■ 1 V; r>e now than a good ferry scow onAO ua di river. Consj. 1 ■rehle far ling is

no ca that side, and means of gettingcross is very badly needed. 1 his as a

mailer which should receive prom, t atten-

tion from the proper authorities.

Qj.iu; a nun her ot Duluthians were up-<>n iur streets \vst; r-lay. They all ’ueli v-. I the use es very wok and one of them-. and this i< Ike piaee after all.” We s : d** Vy ;;u 1 kept as mute a- a grask p pel*

I v i c condition of the “m mkty.”

\ , lr. fheoiior* Jotiiisou, ■. nois e l ; wrk on the ue v rcs;-

, t Mr. Kie..ard Bardon. met wit a a

v r ■ aceid nt hist M mday. In carryingaw ILT k iite ;o si cahl J and fe.l, his

■ - ie Wndam e, m - g a large a< and ml wound. The

, , In ed uud ing i . ■

in-: wcalUct io. ! :c j i'L week has been• .me hrt mixed. First we had a lb tiel

■ and M-rnir h*r in !lie si; ‘pu ot u gentlenorth -uson1. acme tpani. -1 )y r In. Yesfi rda\ n 1 to-day brought just as bright land Minski: v wea.her as ever “lay out

”_1 : vo>. the outside of a building near the

Post (■ flee may bo seen a nice new signwith Win. Wonderle, Boot and Shoe-nmk-c! on it in ; a.-.y loiters. !fiv..u step insidevs ’i will so-- tlu' “‘bus--'’ h ns lr, who is oneof the best H or;:m(‘ii on Lake superior, andcan make a* good ah ot as . < i ever want

to nut on \ our “ fut.”T.m: Young Chri-vian S -Idlers, children

compri-dug (he Sunday Schools of tin- dif-re/ii denominations oftltis place, had quite

a pleasant time last Thursday. Alterlabelling through our principal streets in

mi dorm with their banners, they broughtup at Post’s Hall, where after refreshmentsand some exercises, the agreeable affairended.

Fisiiino Opeuvtions.— Tne crews ofSmith >Sz Lach ;pelle, ami S!nyer & Bnnda,I’.-ft his' nign for Lin- S nth Shore, hy the“fag Agate. The 1 i I’ s! named crew go to apoint on the la e score a few miles aboveIron river, while he latter <t w go to theBrule river. Both companies took a largesupply ot barrels and salt, and intend topu in i large lot of twine and will spareno expense in prosecuting their businessvForoudy. We hop ■ they may have fairweather and good luck.

i >ERSOX-VL. —lion. Wyman Spooner As-■'i'lanr Attorney General of the Stale ofWisconsin, was in the city last Thursday.

Mr. X. W. Goodwin left on a business!rij> i -r Bavfield a tew days since.

J. E Clough, an extensive piano manu-

facturer of Deiroit, and brother of onr Ill-low townsman, Hon. S. 11. Clough, was inthe city several days this week.

Our old former fellow citizen, .Mr. JohnScott of Thompson, -spent a few days intown this week.

Capt. Win. Sharpe, left yesterday forBrule river, to make arrangements for put-ting up Iris new steam saw mill in thatvicinity.

The following are among the arrivals atthe Superior House: E. D. Westlake, Wa-tertown, Wis.; Wm. Anthony, Buff do;John Scott, Thoms..n; J. li. Cleveland, Sr.Paul; J. F McLaren, Duluth; M. W.W i I>, Amboy, Ii I.; li. i>. Beals, Dubuque,Iowa; A. A. kleLeod, Duluth; A. Hem-<tr. t, Waterloo, Ind.; Jas. S. Trimble, UgW. J. Simpson, Huron, Ohio.

•Vituio!: (::vDo .; —Sea; -I proposalsfor the fiuddiag of ad >ek in the bay at L.

ri ‘l, tu Upper 1 >wn, were opened by theTown B v.ar-l of S.qiervisors lam .Monday.The and >ck i't >bo twenty feet wide, builtof or. os 10x20 Leg an I -A ) feet long, withfour ‘••quare cribs at the end to he filledwith stone. The whole dock to be plank-ed over in a substantial manner in the usu-al way. . The bidding was not so lively asantn iputed, there bring but eight, whichare as follows:f.

. 2H n ringtoil & Murphy 1,9-joStrong & .Nkivon 1,770Vi.-i tr Dt’.wiuival ],91511. VV. Shaw 1,891J. U. Caldwell 1,700“Hubert Osborne ... 2,n(>o

“ “ .’ 1,9(19Af er an examination of the propo>als,

the Board rejected the lowest iid andg & Nevin,

FLt above firm are cxj> nenced lumbermenand do k ib iers, an In . and uht will exe-cute the work s uisfa -t'-ri y Tlie hmldmgof a good and >. kin I ppert .wn is a muchn eded improvement, md we are glad tosee that the proper sl- ps have ieen takento accomplish this ohjo -t.

.Marine Itkjis.— The MUiooner PlrrepontCap .* Al xander Davidson, took her depar-■u,-- 1 !br Ba - '\voo I I-i in 1 'L me q'tarrv yes-terday.

S h.o >ner Neshota left our hay the sthIbr M . quetto, there to load with iron ore10 Erie. Pennsylvania.

Schooner Shape cleared yesterday for"Marquette and Cleveland.

S dimmer Ch irli • left yesterday for Bea-ver Bay o load with lumber for the NorthS ■ r. Silver Mim s.

Si -or Cliaska set sail Friday fori int i la i ! t 1 *ts.

Tug Ague, i hi last night tor Brui 1 andIron rivers.

S:earner i. ■ ; . 8.-ruard, of Uup e-i >r, ar-

-11 v lie; e\ v.i'.ig from the North ShoreSilver iMines.

Steamer S. Simaa Wit* is r run this.sea-son in ta ■ Su Louis river from Fondu!in-to On mta, I Mi! nth an I Sap rior.

Tlu* fast iil’i" fi rry stea aer Fevo, issnaking four trips a day from here to

Duluth.Steamer K:\sota will soon be ready to

:F. -. ■ the iim- <d action, with CaptainGivenll-11 on 1 r n n u-e.

-a ~j . S : r i< at Quebec Pieravvtin_ repairs.

t ina am tiayt‘s*

.ANDScrxruua, - A tsooxsix.

THOMAS CL AjN. {t<>i* ne y ii t I si \v 9

Prob .tf R. trUtrar and U. S. Court > ommiss.otor Douglas County, Wis.

Removed to No. 232 Second Et,,UOR - - - WISCONSIN.

ISew pwellingr ll<mse,FOR SALE OR LENT ( HEAP.

Contains nine rooms. Location pi .e-ant.

Within five minutes walk of Quebec pier, Superior,

quire of GEO. L. BROOKS,

Shaw A Ingalls Store, Duluth,or Hiuam Llayks, Superior. marlß-tf.

Established in 1857.Willinm Cranwell,


Scpkrioe, -- - Wisconsin.




We have ext--- i-<- facilities ut onr

Mill on Conner’s PointI For the manufacture of lumber and timber of all

| kinds, and alw:s; s keep on hand a full supply, both

M-.ecn and seasoned, so that we are enabled to fill allI °orders at very short notice ami low rates,

j Our location on Conner’s Point, with our dock on

1 the steamboat channel, gives us superior conveniencesfoi filling orders from Duluth or points along the river

I or along the line of the Northern Pacific.Wc pay particular attention to sawing timbers for

ridges, &c. 22



Oi i y AX cut 31 a ukot ! I8. WAKELIN, Prop’r,

Nos. 30-", it 307,- And St., Superior,

Will keep constantly on hand a full stock of FRESHBi F, 0 IK, \ EAL, MI ITUN SAD sAGE, FISH,Arc. Also S LIED MEATS and FL-il. Tlukeys,Chickens, Venison aml.Oysi i.i:s. Orders solicited andpromptly tilled for lattre or small quant dies. Giveim i call. lam sure you will be suited in price andquality. 15- S. WAKELIN


E. W. CLARK & CO.,

B A NOBS.Dn.LT H, Minn., March 23. 1871.

Ilavli-g op.-; da Branch of our PHILADELPHIABA' .. G HOUSE i citj of Duluth, euerow prepared to receive deposits, make collection's onall points, and furnish exchange on all the principalcili- s of the United States and Europe.

We are also prepare and to make LOANS on GRAINstore .i. the Duluth El-\ -Tor, ami to NEGOTIATEPARE I drawn against Sill MENUS ot GRAIN andFLOUR. L. W. CLARK & CO.,aprl-tf •

(' I £ <‘st 11 i* ;i ii t .

U JL HILL. Prop v tor,Tii *. oddiugtuu 810- ii, Of .-m'.- I’o- Iti. .

Meals at .ill hours, of the best ’he Mu kei :iii nKOj; t, r St.-w- and I! ; C -ff.-e aervi-il up on -.hurt n- tice.

B .rd b> tty Jay or wet k at n-.is..nal.le rate-.


-Pus iinJ C kt-s iilways on hau . i.u'lJ-ll


Ann Marguriett Iluguier, Plaintiff, )

againstAntoitie Saviui- r Maximillien Hnguier, D< fenden; i

In th name of the State of Wisconsin, to the abovenatm and and fendant:You nre her- ht summoned and required to answer

the complaint of th ' plaintiff in th ■ above entitled ac-tion which said complaint is filed in the office of theC! . !•; of tins Court in and for the Comity of Douglasi.i m - . in the To -n o, Superior, and to scrv ■ a copyof year never upon the undersigned at his office insaid town of Superior in said County within twenty>1 - aft r tie' service of this summons exclusive of theday of service And if you fail to answer said com- :I>i;;i:i t within the time aforesaid the plaintifl in thisa -ti m will apply to the court for the relief demandedin the complaint. TIIOS. CLARK,

Plaintiff’s All’y, Superior, Wis.Dated March 28th A. D. 1871. 30-7


J Mi L. Morriam and 0.-n .- t„ Bt-cker, riairtiffs,)-,-a nst I

i I’.- Tl i Hi-i-’teiil' wiJ i v ,>f Willi'ini 11 -Dins, |>!. : i- l it. n \ IT. it ■li-nshea-l, K.limiml }• Summons.

Ho! 11 -i-hraJ, ti,.-n 11■ >ll i i.~ 1j ■ ij. an-1 Maiy 11- N |! irei at, n.in ir children and heirs at law of I\\ ill am H- I'.insliea i devrased, Drtei.daitts. j

TV e r ate ofWisconsin to the nl- -vr named defendants ;

Y -u herel.y sumns -ne-1 a- J ieqnire-1 to an-wt thec-.niplaint.f.! .! i. M . : iam .a (i.- r-.-o I. it- k- i ii,.- j.l iintifi'-i in tli*nln>ve

.-•1 tint action r-e.d c.-aiplamt lia- Ix-t-n tiled iu the t-fticef■' -i -i k■ f 1 1• ■ s ;'i tu i, in ami for the -am County ot D-niglug

.•t i Town if Siij-i.r in raid County and tu serve a ropy of;>. .r at hi- ti l tie tinder.-; Vued at his office in the sdd Town :f ?UJ'*ri-‘!. Unra-itl Wiliiiu twenty da VS alt or the s. rvico of

ni - - up..ii y u o::.dii-ive the dayof service and if !fi t to an-v r the i. I .-..ti.pl tint within ti.e time :.foresail! ;

t! - ; 1 iini.it- m ilii.-t a< t .-u Will apply far 1 ’on: t li-r the relief.K n.-ii-,.-I it: -d . on:.-.plaint. IJ. N, .-KfZKK, l*l‘ff- ArUv.

1 ,t. and April ;Sl. .)•> 7.


Comt.Fredere A. Nr-aii a, I’lainti.T, J

agitn-it (

Jam-- P. Crr-.e , IT f-u 'art )

. vir* >i< -f in ex 11] .- I >n issued out -1 nnd under the seal fthe Cir> ■i'i fr i y;ia.* (’ i-ati in the above rut it)... j actionI- guj i -ii- iri r •! an-l h.m: -st the per- -t- it . r..| real

and -;ef- mint J .in-- . . Oi. \es. I in- • s-v,.-•i . . el up 1 . w-j.jt ■! :b- ! Ted ;u-

--’ ; t. ft - I 1.1 e. :■ et hi;h tlie --i 1 s ! \ubi t b -I iu a. ! to: . ; | ;.- •v, at llu- -l-ile I the •! ketiuit *.f !!:•• -aid judi-

. nvc iiut v i vip: .-a the 27:.' -i-e of l'-fo;ilr] -70. or.v have- ce i[iii!e 1 of, in and t- the emitbeast of

’ . ;! -ptirf iof - • i'-li ' iv.-n-y-li . (25/0 lilaiaiug l-.rtv. • • . if, • ;mi i t.- it in Moil tl!iy i r .< in the or! i atf of1-' ,u. 11 : -tat;,Hi r -,y-live all iu tl u-ui;. fnrtv-uuir

1 ;•* n t- . 11 : :■ <e fr! i-ru ,• 1 ". et ill t to- t■> -II . f Sc|'o; lor,

■ i . • ■ i-,,r i-iv-- •! Wi-iu-oin. li-'i;_ nii etv aoie-* of

t, ■ - - -.I r--l - ia- :-i:.I li-ht, tine '-lin<■ e- I i> .11xp ii. !• ■■ !sll at • ill Iu- auction t - the Ii *;h ,t bi-l,ler on

.NiIAY i dii AM; DAY OK M A V :s7l.t i..;i ..-.do ;. i t’.u- f a • . tii it Jty. at the liter •!- <r of

! h i.; - !.. ... i.: C J. .1 H■ . k .1- '.test .-e- .i.ii Steel ills.p i r, c-- 1 u. ■ of Vi v, m- ii to i -ti-li . ide> .a: i, rt-, Tv .-.u-ti .IS. i p-.->. ■ a inay tti.-ietotn I. ;--a-. I. U!- 1 £M> i>T -|i r-ff.

I !V.ii. iIATiN. in - Atm u-y.

i-,e-.i ,TX..u e 021.0, r*vr eth, 1871. 31- i

No Itest for tlie Wicked!HARD TIMES AND PLENTY 01


Provision and Groceryq X) x*3 i y ia ib .

Where you can get the worth of your money and nochange back. me a call.

Heavy Mess Pork aa 1 1 i 1 "t>vesa / and Butter an'’ Grindstones-

Vinegar and Dried Apples-lard anI Tobacco-

P.aspberry Jam and Salt Codfish.Sugar and °r>ap.

A No. 1 Flour and Kerosene Oil.Syrup and Salt.

Onions and Blacksmith Tools-Beans and Ox-Yokes-

Cheese and Oakum-Teas "esin and Stovepipe

Double and Stogie Blochs and Potatoes.Prunes and Mustard-

Crackers and SnowsfcoesLog Chains and CopjTng Ink-

Shovels and Carpet SacksTrunks and Spike.

Bags and Boring Machines-Brooms and Hewing Machines-

Blankets and Rafting Rigging-Candles and Dried Currants-

Rice and dried PeachesCoffee and Cigars-

Corn Meal and Powder Horns-Lamps and Spile Rings-

Hens Cbthii g and a full set of Cooking uten-sils for the Lumbi ring Business.

CABBIES & GABBED FRUIT.All kinds of Groceries, every thing you want and a

' number of tilings you don’t want.It. A DIGGER, 272, Second St.

4- Superior, Wis.


f E 111 CiJ S- IN'—


Having just received a full and complete stock ofthe above goods, 1 now propose to sell them at thevery lowest pos-ible figures for cash.Don't rely on what some may say, but call and

examine my gOods and prices for yourselves, beforepurchasing el-where, for I am e- iifident you will findit to vonr advantage. Among my stock of stoves willbe found the

"ALL RlGHT,(beating) 4<


“REVOLVING RESERVOIR,” (Cook,)besides a great variety of other styles. In my stockyou will find



ROGERS k BROS.No. 1, Table Spoons and Forks,



wood Ak 1) o Tii : : i us.RED JACKET, HUNT’S A EE NX'S

AXKS,Universal Clothes Wringer, Extra.



BUILDERS’ HARDWARE of every i-- -tript’on,and I,no I other things, too numerous to mention,including the useful RUBBER STRIPS for Windowsand Dour.-* Last, but not h ast. the charming, ,-ilout,


Sc\viii Machines,which will be sold on most liberal terms for the purchaser. N. B. The old Tin Shop still runs sit






Crockery,Glass Ware,

"Willow are,


Canned Fruits,TOBACCO, CIGARS,


Superior City Brewery,KLEIN <fc DESEMVAL, Proprietors.

it t E have tec-nOv ;■U-1 cxti --i*e arid valuable inipmve-\\ ; nt- mi-ur lirvwer.. an.! are new manufacturing a first

cla-'an u -f

Ga "er lie er,:.ii h we tl deliver t-> onr <-n-'o around the head ofLateS. .-'i i oi a* >- o e N-Mtli.ru laufi; K. K. iu Urge or small

V\), , st h it,-' which we re wlli- g -it lowmtr-: -. Tiv u, t- ’ n- o er ng <* sewle- v.



R. G. COBURN.Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

taecsEsss.A X D

111 II VIS I o s ,


1 have now on hand one of the largest stocks of GRO-CERIES AND PROVISIONS, on Lake Sup- nor. Toenumerate the articles would be sup* rfluous. Mystock if complete in ever branch and will be sold ata small margin for CASH. M\ stock of

BUTTER IS A. NO. 1.I have also a large supply of




I would also say that my

PGAMNG MIGG,On ih# Supei ior City Dock is in good running ord< r

and working up daily the large supply of

Seasoned Lumber,Which I have just received. Contractors and otherswih find it t<< their advantage to give us a call andexamine our work. We make


Window 1 51in<lsto order.


Takes this method of informing the public and his oidfriends and patrons that he has returned tj Superiorand established his

BAKERYat the old stand, corner of Nettleton Avenue and Sec-ond Street, where he will, as in year- of yore, alwayskeep on band the largest and best stock of

Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, &c.A Iso Candies ior* Sale.

52^*Families and others supplied daily at their res-idences with fresh bread.

WINTER ROUTE.”"wlB7l.- rr-1871.-^BAYFIELD,


Sragis ii in\nui\.R. D. PIKE, )J. A. ,) Prop’rs.

st-i.es of this line, carrying freight, pa-eeugera and V. sMail leave Bayfield on

MONDAF, EDNESDAY, and FRIDAYof each week, hi riving in Superior on every


Return Stages leave Superior oneachTUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY

arriving io Bavfiehi on every


T' (Ris if the P . :nv \v;)I rt ixv< \ pos- ♦•nirers and freijflit to :Ti l fr in i, ■ Depot f I k - Supen r .V Mianiss ppi i(. K-, con-|

uecting with m trnii - a-.d t-v lug t sins.i Hi format! u r<;-r ’ i r f-ei. lit, r-te of pa-sige, 4c., run be 1

-iU.il up II aj- -at -II t- I) Pi ... (iii It I . Wl-! VI L▼*■?, It Wta .r 1 - Agent ii i 8.1 tnees rl>'lu ii Minta J. A Clu tey, < ffi •LS. AM. tt. i: . Bt,I'm I Miunesi.la, jau2B-tf 'D field, \\ i- -.msin, January 14th. 1-71.

D. GEO. MOBBISOir,Register of Dcods^



COMMISSIONER FOR MINNESOTA.Office No 293 (V est 2nd St., Superior, Wis.

OPENED ISuperior Meat Market.

THOS. GARRETY, Proprietor.All kinds of Fresh and Salted Meats constantly . n

hand. Also fresh vegetables. Give me a call.rr ii i:

Wakeh’n House,S. WAKELIN, PropT.


O wen Sliei-iclaii,Second St., Superior,


Iron, Steel & Nails,

■ Heavy and Shell

HARDWARE.Stoves, Paints,

Oil, Glass,Putty, &c.

Hiram Hayes,Attorney at Law,




Seal Estate Agent,OFFICE, 343 SECOND ST,

Superior, - - Wisconsin.

Weal Kstato

Hoitgirt mi cl Hold.

Land Warrants located.TIILES EXAMINED,


TAXES PAID FOP EOX-EESIBE^TS.and (IEXEIIA L LM'OK MATiUX'CoMMLXI (’ A TELrespecting the value of property iu this section of thecountry.

[( or.R’ypoM'iM.1,1 itk;>.]


j who contemplate investing money here, will find itj for their advantage to address the undersigned for

1 advice in the matter, as bv so doing thev will .rain!

!.-io, ■((/'/< respecting three important th'ngs—

Is . J“ know pkkcisely the locality or spot where to

uirest their money.

2nd. To k now coukkctlv the value of the property theydesire to p o-chase.

3d- To know Bttl r.j.v the way or manner iti which toproceed to yet It at the lowestfigure.3- W. GRANWEIL,

D . SC ii I T T St.Corner of Second St., and Ilollinshead Ave.

Supjciiioit, - - Wisconsin,Wholesale and Retail Dealer in




EE D ,






For salt i y 1 1; • Barrel, Case or Bottle a large selec-tion of



b y :




Vincent Roy,No. oCP, West Second Street,

Has on hand a choice and well selected stock of




L \ DIES WEAR,Fancy Notions, Etc,,

All of which he will sell cheap tor R tdv Mon- v. Socome forward all—Sec and Exam' ne for v.nn--(,’all early and call often, aud . uir an inough money

Buys and Sells I'ursi.