es 4498g lecture 7 - 2010

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  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    ES 4498G

    Engineering Ethics,

    Sustainable Development andthe Law 

    March 1, 2010

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    Last Class

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Introduction to the Canadian legal system

    • Business organization• Tort law

    • Princiles

    • !e"eloment and recedents• Products lia#ility

    • $ther torts

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    Today%s Class

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Tort law• Limitation eriods

    • Burden o& roo& • The engineer as e'ert witness

    • (riting law e'ams

    • Tort law case studies

    • Contract law• Basic elements

    • )nen&orcea#le contracts

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    Tort Law

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • !e&inition o& tort

    •  * ri"ate or ci"il wrong or in+ury other than #reach o&

    contract &or which a court o& law will a&&ord a remedy in the&orm o& an action &or damages- .(illiam Prosser/

    • undamental urose o& tort law is to compensate

    victims of torts, not to unish negligent wrongdoers

    • Basis &or tort lia#ility

    a/The de&endant owed the lainti&& a duty o& care,

    #/The de&endant #reached that duty #y his or her conduct, and

    c/The de&endant%s conduct caused the in+ury to the lainti&& 

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    Limitation Periods

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    •  *ctions &or tort and #reach o& contract must #ecommenced within a rescri#ed eriod o& time a&terthe time the cause o& action arose

    • Purose is to #alance rights o& lainti&& andde&endant

    • Certainty rationale 3 otential de&endants should #e securein 4nowing they will not #e sued a&ter a eriod o& time

    • 5"idence rationale 3 claims should not #e #rought #ased

    on stale- e"idence• !iligence rationale 3 lainti&&s should #e encouraged to

    #ring claims in a timely &ashion• airness to lainti&& re6uires that they should not #e

    statute7#arred &rom #ringing a claim #e&ore they are awareo& its e'istence

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    !e"eloment o& Limitation Periods

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Tort actions

    • Based on common law, si' years a&ter cause o&

    action arose

    • Contract actions

    • Basic 3 8 years

    •)nder seal- 3 20 years• Modi&ied limitations tyically seci&ied in contract

    • Pro&essional 5ngineers *ct

    • 12 months a&ter ser"ice er&ormed

     *#o"e has #een suerseded #y $ntario Limitations *ct 2002 and2008 re"isions

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010



    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • 9uestion #ecomes when does limitation eriod #egin:-, iewhen does the cause o& action- arise:

    • 1;

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  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    $ntario Limitations *ct, 2002

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • !ltimate "i"teen-ear limitation period• uns &rom the date that the act or omission on which the

    claim is #ased too4 lace

    • There&ore, e"en claims that may not ha"e #een disco"ered.and still not #arred under the #asic two7year limitationeriod/ may still #e #arred #y this ultimate limitation eriod

    • #o $ontracting %ut• )nli4e &ormer limitation eriods, the *ct states that the new

    limitation eriods aly desite any agreement to "ary ore'clude them

    • 5"en i& arties to a contract agree to e'clude or change thelimitation eriods that will aly #etween them, the *ctDslimitation eriod will ta4e recedence

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    2008 *mendments

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • $ontracting %ut

    • Parties to #usiness agreements are now entitled

    to agree uon di&&erent limitation eriods• Can e'tend or shorten #asic 27yr eriod, can

    shorten or e'tend ultimate 1E7yr eriod

    • $#"iously, where no contract e'ists .ie tort

    cases/, limitation eriods cannot #e changed

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    Burden o& Proo& 

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Ci"il roceedings .tort or contract/

    • #alance o& ro#a#ilities-

    • More ro#a#le than not

    • Criminal roceedings

    • #eyond a reasona#le dou#t-

    • reasona#le erson- .+udge or +ury/ would notha"e a dou#t

    • 5g 3 $A @imson

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    The 5ngineer as 5'ert (itness

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • 5ngineering is racticed in an increasingly

    litigious en"ironment

    • 5ngineers ha"e secial 4nowledge- which

    is o&ten relied uon in court roceedings

    • Legal and ethical imlications otentially

    serious 3 P5$ de"eloed Fuideline toin&orm engineers a#out their o#ligations,

    conduct and otential conse6uences•

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    The 5ngineer as 5'ert (itness

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Tyes o& *earances• 5'amination &or !isco"ery

    • Interrogatory

    • Courts o& Law

    • Pu#lic Tri#unals

    • Audicial 5n6uiries

    • oyal Commissions

    • Coroner%s In6uests•  *r#itrations

    • Pro&essional !iscilinary >earings

    •  *eal >earings

    •  *micus Curiae

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    The 5ngineer as 5'ert (itness

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    •  *cceting an *ssignment• 5thical Considerations

    • Cometence

    • Con&lict o& Interest

    • Conditions

    • estrictions

    • Con&identiality

    •  *greement and ees

    • Conducting In"estigations and ield (or4• !egree o& Thoroughness

    • !ata to #e $#tained

    • !ocumentation

    •  *ccess

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    The 5ngineer as 5'ert (itness

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • !e&ining the Pro#lem• Testing

    •  *nalysis• ormulating Conclusions• Preser"ation o& 5"idence• eorts• Fi"ing o& 5"idence

    • Prearation &or the *earance• !ress and Beha"iour • (hat to 5'ect in the Courtroom• Procedures and ules

    • Conduct )nder 5'amination

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    (riting Law 5'ams

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Pro&essional Practice 5'am .PP5/

    • Part * 3 Pro&essional Practice and 5thics

    • Part B 3 5ngineering Law and Pro&essional


    • inal e'am in this class

    • Learn &undamental legal rinciles and

    aly them to &actual situations

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    (riting Law 5'ams

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    1/ The acts• ead care&ully, #ut do not restate

    • !iagram to illustrate relationshis may #e hel&ul

    • !o not assume additional &acts not gi"en in the 6uestion

    2/ Fi"e easons• Communicate your understanding o& rele"ant legal rinciles

    • @tate rele"ant rinciles &irst

    • !iscuss aroach court would ta4e•  *ly rinciles to &acts identi&ied in 1/ and come to a

    reasona#le conclusion

    • Possi#ility &or more than one correct- answer 

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    (riting Law 5'ams

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    G/ ormat• Length and &ormat is u to you

    • Point &orm usually acceta#le

    • 5&&ecti"e communication is 4ey

    ?/ e&erences• Hot a#solutely necessary, #ut a good added em#ellishment- i&


    • @ome 4ey cases may #e use&ul to 4now and aly wherealica#le

    E/ ocus on Chaters 1, 2, ?72?, 2=, G0, G2, GG, G8

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010



    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • @te"e Moore 3 Todd Bertuzzi case

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010



    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • @te"e Moore 3 Todd Bertuzzi case

    • Tort re6uirements

    • icarious lia#ility

    • Limitation eriod

    • Monetary damages

    • Location

    • (hat do you thin4 the li4ely outcome will #e:

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    5'amle Tort Case @tudy

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Case 1 3 Pg 8E o& Marston Te't .?th 5d/• Manu&acturing comany retained architect to design a

    new lant•  *rchitect retained structural engineer • @tructural engineer designed steel &rame structure•  *&ter lant oened, crac4s de"eloed and &loor had to

    #e relaced

    • Consultant hired to redesign &loor &ound seriousde&iciencies in original design• (hat otential lia#ilities in tort law arise:

    • 5'amle answer ro"ided

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  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    i"e 5ssential 5lements

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    or a #inding and en&orcea#le contract

    1 $&&er made and acceted

    2 Mutual intent to enter into the contract

    G Consideration

    ? Caacity to contract

    E Law&ul urose

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    1 $&&er and *ccetance

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    •  *n o&&er is a romise made #y the o&&eror to the o&&eree

    • $&&er need not #e in writing

    • Pre&era#le &or en&orcement reasons• (ithdrawal

    • $&&er may #e withdrawn #y o&&eror #e&ore #eing acceted #yo&&eree, unless irre"oca#le

    • $&&er will lase i& not acceted a&ter a reasona#le length o&

    time•  *ccetance

    • Must #e clearly communicated

    •  *n accetance which includes "ariations in the termsconstitutes a countero&&er and does not &orm a contract

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  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    1 $&&er and *ccetance

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Timing• Means o& communication can #e seci&ied in contract and a&&ects

    timing issues•

    Mail 3 accetance e&&ected when osted• $ther 3 accetance e&&ected when actually recei"ed #y o&&eror • e"ocation only e&&ecti"e when o&&eree actually recei"es notice o&

    re"ocation 3 can create comlications• 5'amle

    • Fo"erning law

    • Law o& location where o&&er is acceted alies• Better to seci&y clearly in contract

    • Terms and conditions•  *n accetance- that does not accet the terms and conditions

    set out in the o&&er is actually a counter7o&&er • Imortant to not o"erloo4 &ine rint-

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    2 Intent

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Both arties must mutually intend to enter

    into the contract under the seci&ic terms

    • Imortant to communicate e&&ecti"ely

    • Letters o& intent

    • 5'ress interest in roceeding

    •  *greements to agree• Hot en&orcea#le contracts

    • Consult a lawyer to ensure letter o& intent is not

    in &act a contract

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    G Consideration

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • The cause, moti"e, rice or imelling in&luence that

    induces a contracting arty to enter into a contract-

    • @omething o& "alue that is e'changed #y contractingarties .money, romises that reresent "alue/

    •  *de6uacy not imortant

    • In lace o& consideration, a contract may #e made

    under seal- .eg tendering/• Hote this seal is di&&erent &rom the 5ngineer%s seal

    • (ithout consideration or seal, an o&&er is a gratuitous

    romise and not en&orcea#le

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    G Consideration

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • E&uitable Estoppel

    • 5"en though no legal re6uirement to &ul&ill gratuitous

    romises, there is a moral o#ligation• In cases where a gratuitous romise is relied uon

    and su#se6uently re"o4ed to the detriment o& the

    arty that relied uon it, there may #e e6uita#le

    reasons &or the court to en&orce the gratuitousromise

    • !eends strongly on the &acts o& the articular case

    • 5'amle

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    ? Caacity

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    •  *ll arties must ha"e the necessary legal caacity tocontract

    • Minors• Contract en&orcea#le #y minor #ut unen&orcea#le #y other arty

    .unless necessary/• Contract can #e rati&ied #y minor uon reaching age o& ma+ority

    • !run4s and Lunatics• )nen&orcea#le ro"ided so#er arty is aware o& the inso#riety

    or lunacy and the incaacitated arty reudiates the contractwithin a reasona#le eriod o& time

    • Cororations• Must #e within owers o& contracting cororation to carry out

    o#ligations 3 use caution

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    E Legality

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • Contract is unen&orcea#le i& the urose isunlaw&ul

    • Contrary to statute law• )nlicensed ractice

    • Ban4rutcy *ct

    • (or4ers% Comensation *ct

    • Cometition *ct• Contrary to common law

    • Hon7cometition agreements

    • 5'amle

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    @tatute o& rauds

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • In general, contracts need not #e in writing to #e en&orcea#le.although ad"isa#le/

    • @tatute o& rauds .ro"incial/ stiulates that certain tyes o&

    contracts must #e in writing to #e en&orcea#le• @ale o& land

    •  *greements that are not to #e er&ormed within a year 

    • 5g some construction contracts

    • Fuarantees o& inde#tedness

    • Indemni&ication need not #e in writing .#ut ro#a#ly a good idea/•  *lthough a contract may #e unen&orcea#le under the @tatute o&

    rauds, it will not #e treated as "oid .eg cannot retain deositche6ue &or "er#al sale o& land agreement/

    • $#"iously, written is re&erred

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    )nen&orcea#le Contracts

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • In addition to @tatute o& rauds, there are

    other situations that may result in

    unen&orcea#le contracts• Misreresentation

    • !uress

    • )ndue in&luence

    • Mista4e

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  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010



    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • raudulent misreresentation

    •  * &alse statement made 4nowingly or without

    #elie& in its truth or rec4lessly, careless whether it#e true or &alse

    • !ecei"ed arty is entitled to rescind the contract

    and to claim comensation &or reasona#le costs

    They can also sue &or damages &or deceit

    • May also #e lia#le in tort

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    !uress and )ndue In&luence

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario

    • !uress• Intimidation used to induce a arty to enter into a

    contract• Threatened or actual "iolence or imrisonment• 5conomic duress ossi#le• esults in contract #eing "oida#le

    • )ndue In&luence• @imilar to duress, #ut less drastic• $ne arty has an un&air dominance o"er the other • are in #usiness, o&ten in"ol"es related arties

  • 8/19/2019 ES 4498G Lecture 7 - 2010


    He't Class

    TheThe UniversityUniversity of of  Western OntarioWestern Ontario


     3 More Contract Law


     3 Marston, Chaters 1E 3 22, G0, *endi'