engine yearbook 2011

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As the only U.S.-based independent CF6-50 heavy maintenance, test, and overhaul center, the team at Kelly Aviation Center stands ready to make your engine our priority, delivering expertise and facilities unparalleled in the industry. Kelly Aviation Center features vast state-of-the-art MRO and test facilities that enable a quick response, customized to your specific needs. From quote through delivery, Kelly Aviation Center will deliver your engine quickly, reliably and affordably – every time.


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In 2009, there were approximately 20,500active air transport aircraft with 45,000 jetengines. This fleet flew about 114 million

engine flying hours, and generated $15.3bn inengine overhaul spend.

By these measures and many others, the airtransport engine market is thus one of greatsignificance. Engine OEMs and MROs aretogether responsible for the performance of anasset which is a prerequisite to airline reliabil-ity and aircraft availability and a driver of fuelcosts. It also represents the largest share ofMRO spend (see below).

This article provides the numbers behindthis engine market. It also highlights some ofthe key trends and challenges for the engineMRO supply chain, not only today in the reces-

sion but also in the coming years when the nextaerospace cycle moves into an upswing. Thereduced spend and the timing of this recoveryis, of course, one of the aforementioned short-term challenges!

Engine fleetAeroStrategy and UBM Aviation together

produce an independent forecast of the aircraftand engine fleet, and associated MRO spend,over the period 2009-2019. Based on this fore-cast, the engine fleet is expected to grow at2.5 per cent per annum, from 45,000 to57,500 over the next decade.

This fleet can be segmented in a number ofdifferent ways that can inform supplier strate-gies and focus in the coming years. For exam-

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Engine MRO represents the biggest part of MRO spend and the engine fleet is expected to growat 2.5 per cent a year over the next decade. David Stewart of industry consultancy AeroStrategylooks at the facts and figures.

Engine MRO outlook

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ple, the regional analysis of the fleets in 2009and 2019 (see Graph below) highlights someobvious yet dramatic conclusions. Everyoneknows that the growth rates in Asia (especiallyChina and India) will be relatively high. But whatdoes that mean in absolute terms? The activejet engine fleet in Asia Pacific (including Chinaand India) will grow from 9,650 in 2009 to15,500 in 2019 — that’s an additional 5,850engines to support and maintain. At 4,040engines, this is larger than the absolute enginefleet growth in North America and Europe com-bined. It is clear that engine MRO suppliers andothers in the related supply chain who have not

already developed corporate, capacity, cus-tomer support and logistics strategies for theAsia region risk losing out in a significant way.

A second way of segmenting the fleet is byengine OEM. Table 1 (above) provides the asso-ciated information.

This demonstrates (amongst other things)the huge growth in the narrowbody engine fleet(CFMI and IAE), the growing share of the fleetrepresented by GE (including its share of CFMIengines), and the significant decline in the Prattand Whitney fleet (excluding their share in IAE).

This table does not address one clarion issue:“What about the potential re-engining of the A320and the 737?” This subject that might havegreater clarity by the time this article is publishedand read. The data assumes that re-enginingdoes NOT occur, and by so doing, shows how mas-sively significant for some OEMs this re-enginingdecision is. For example, if the A320 family is re-engined with a Pratt & Whitney GTF (geared tur-bofan) and a CFMI alternative option (an outcomethat seems increasingly likely at this time), howdifferent would the above table look for Pratt &Whitney and IAE? Very different is the answer.

A third important segmentation approach isby maturity of the engine. Using the following cat-egories: in production (e.g., CFM56-5B, CFM56-7, CF6-80E, GE90); future (e.g., GENX, TrentXWB, SAM146); mature (e.g., CF6-80C2,PW2000, RB211-535); and old (e.g., JT8D, CF6-50, RB211-524). Graph 2 (p6) shows theemphatic switch in the engine fleet towards the“in-production” and “future” categories. In2009, these represented 50 per cent of thefleet, and in 2019 this share grows to 78 percent. The old fleet declines at 10 per cent perannum, the mature fleet at four per cent perannum. What’s the implication for the supplychain? For those suppliers with a portfoliofocused on mature and old engine types, it’sclear that the challenge of how to get capabilityon and access to newer engine types is nowlooming very large.

MRO spend outlookThe 45,000 engines and 20,500 air trans-

port aircraft generated an MRO market in 2009

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Engine OEM Fleet Size2009

Fleet Size2019

CAGR (%) Fleet Share2009 (%)

Fleet Share2019 (%)

CFMI 15,200 23,000 4% 34% 40%

GE 9,800 13,100 3% 22% 23%

P&W 8,570 4,730 -6% 19% 8%

Rolls-Royce 6,460 8,110 2% 14% 14%IAE 3,590 7,050 7% 8% 12%

Other 1,150 1,420 -4% 2% 1%

Table 1








2009 20190

Engine fleet growth by region 2009-2010(region, CAGR and absolute increase)

Rest of World, +3.3% p.a. + 2,800 engines

Asia-Pacific, +4.8% p.a. + 5,850 engines

Europe, +1.5% p.a. + 1,940 engines

North America, +1.3% p.a. + 2,100 engines

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worth $42.7bn, a decrease from the 2007peak year of spend of about $45bn. Thisdecline was driven primarily by the permanentparking of aircraft resulting from the high fuelprice and airline failures in 2008 and from therecessionary pressures of 2008 and 2009 thatresulted in declining fleet-wide aircraft utilisa-tion.

How does this MRO spend break down? Thelargest segment is engine overhaul at $15.3bn(36 per cent), followed by component overhaul($9.4bn, 22 per cent), line maintenance($8.7bn, 20 per cent), airframe heavy mainte-nance ($6.3bn, 15 per cent) and modifications($3bn, seven per cent). That is, engine over-haul, defined as off-wing engine maintenanceactivity only (i.e., excluding engine manage-ment and on-wing activity) is the biggest driverof airline MRO spend.

What are the expectations for growth?Whilst the total MRO market will grow to $58bnin 2019 at 3.2 per cent per annum (in constant2009 $ terms), engine overhaul is forecast togrow at above this rate, at four per cent perannum, to $22.5bn in 2019. This growth rateis higher than that for the engine fleet (2.5 percent per annum) because average aircraft utili-

sation is expected to increase as airlines seekto improve asset utilisation and reduce unitcost. The associated forecast shows annualengine utilisation growing from 114 millionhours to 174 million (4.3 per cent per annum).

Once again, the engine-related MRO spendinformation can be usefully segmented to illus-trate or re-emphasise the challenges for theengine MRO supply chain.

The MRO spend regional analysis (Table2) reinforces and exacerbates the previous

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Region Engine MROMarket 2009


Engine MROMarket 2019


AbsoluteGrowth ($B)

North America 5.3 6.0 0.8

Europe 4.5 6.0 1.4

Asia-Pacific 3.4 6.9 3.5

Middle East 0.8 1.7 0.9

Rest of World 1.4 2.0 0.6TOTAL 15.3 22.5 7.2

Table 2

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observation on the importance of Asia inthe future.

Asia Pacific accounts for almost 50 per centof the absolute growth in engine MRO spendand the region will be a larger engine MRO mar-ket than North America and Europe in 2019.This is driven not just by the fleet growth, butalso by the age demographics of the fleetalready in operation.

A different segmentation is by aircraft cate-gory: regional jet engine (e.g. CF34, AE3007),single-aisle (e.g., CFM56-7, V2500) and twin-aisle (GE90, PW4000, Trent family). Whilst twin-aisle engines account for 27 per cent of thefleet, such engines generate some 45 per centof the engine MRO spend, simply because theyare larger and more expensive to maintain.Regional jet engines represent 14 per cent andsix per cent of the fleet and spend respectively,whilst for single-aisle, the numbers are 59 percent and 49 per cent. This is of particularimportance to airlines because, unsurprisingly,there is less supplier choice on the largerengines and therefore typically less competi-tion.

It was pointed out in the earlier fleet analy-sis that “in-production” and “future” engineswill account for 78 per cent of the fleet in2019. The same is roughly true for engineMRO spend. And on newer engine models, itis also valid to say that engine OEMs have acompetitive advantage over other third-party

suppliers. OEMs have the ability to sell long-term MRO support deals at the point of air-craft purchase and they control access totechnical data, documentation and manyparts. They can also be more flexible on mate-rial pricing within their MRO offers, shouldthey choose to do so. As evidence of the mar-ket strength of OEMs, one just has to observethe market penetration of the Rolls-RoyceTotalCare offer on their own engine models,especially the Trent family.

So the 2019 information from this segmen-tation analysis (by engine maturity) raises animportant challenge for airlines - they need todevelop strategies that enhance competitionand/or help protect/reduce costs, especiallyon the larger, newer engines where OEMs tendto have a stronger market position. The abilityof the engine OEMs to raise/escalate theirprices even in the midst of the current reces-sion remains an open and regular complaint ofmany airlines.

One segmentation approach obviously notyet discussed is by engine type. In 2009, therewere five engine families that generated morethan $1bn in demand (in descending order ofmarket size): CF6-80C2, V2500, CFM56-3,PW4000 (all versions), and CFM56-7. In 2019,there are seven engine families with MROdemand greater than $1bn (in descendingorder of market size): V2500, CFM56-7,CFM56-5B, GE90, PW4000, CF6-80C2 and theCF34.

It is staggering to note that the largest threeengine markets, those that power the A320and 737NG, will alone generate a combined2019 market size of over $9bn! This is a hugepotential market, and this once again highlightsthe dramatic impact that a re-engining decisionof the A320 and 737NG (with a discussedentry into service of about 2014/2015) willhave on the future breakdown of the market.

Engine MRO supplyThere are four main categories of supplier in

engine MRO — the OEMs, in-house airlineshops, airline third-party providers (e.g., DeltaTech Ops, LH Technik, Iberia) and independents(e.g., MTU, Standard Aero and ST Aerospace).

In 2009, engine OEMs held a 43 per centshare of supply. This includes OEM-based jointventure suppliers such as TAESL, SAESL andHAESL. Some 23 per cent of engine MRO isconducted in-house, 19 per cent by independ-ents and 16 per cent by airline third parties.Note that in this calculation, where, for exam-ple, LH Technik overhauls engines forLufthansa, this is considered in-house.

There has been a significant shift in thissupply breakdown over the last 15 years (seeTable 3).

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Share of engine fleet by engine maturity, 2009 and 2019




In Production







Table 3

Measure 1995 2009

Market Size ($B) 6.5 15.3In-HouseShare 54% 23%OEMShare 13% 43%IndependentShare 14% 19%Airline ThirdParty Share 19% 15%OutsourcedMarket ($B) 3.0 11.8

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7The Engine Yearbook 2011

Since 1995, OEMs have increased theirshare of the market by 30 percentage points,primarily by taking work from “in-house” supply,the proportion of which has dropped by 31 per-centage points. Interestingly, the combinedshare held by airline third parties and inde-pendents remains virtually unchanged at 33-34per cent. As a result of this change in purchas-ing behaviour by airlines, the “available” or out-sourced market has grown at just over 10 percent per annum over this period, to $11.8bn in2009.

This outsourcing trend will likely continueinto the future, albeit not at such a fast rate ashistorically. The reasons for this are threefold.First, as airlines move into new aircraft, theassociated new engines are becoming increas-ingly reliable and the cost to establish overhaulcapability is getting higher. These two factorsmake the business case for in-house capabilitymore and more difficult to justify. Second, air-lines today are focusing more on their “corebusiness” of flying passengers. And enginemaintenance to most airlines is non-core.Third, a viable supply base exists for manyengine types, so airlines can and should lever-age this opportunity.

Engine MRO market in recessionThe recent recession has obviously

impacted spend on engine MRO. Airlines haveparked many of the old maintenance intensiveaircraft such as the 737 Classic and they havereduced overall aircraft utilisation to bettermatch capacity with demand.

Given the imperative to reduce costs, air-lines have sought many other ways to reducetheir engine MRO spend as well. Examplesinclude: a reduction in workscope for shop vis-its; where possible, more repairs and lessreplacement of expensive parts; deferment ofthe replacement of the very expensive life-lim-ited parts and use of short-stub engines;greater leverage of spare or surplus engines inlieu of an overhaul; and of course, some air-lines have sought to renegotiate their MRO con-tracts.

All these changes in behaviour have meantthat engine overhaul suppliers, depending ontheir engine and customer portfolio, have seenrevenues decline on average by 10-15 per cent.

When will recovery occur? This is ultimatelydriven by the financial health of the airlineindustry, which in turn is very dependent on

In 2009, there wereapproximately 20,500 activeair transport aircraft with45,000 jet engines. This fleetflew about 114 million engineflying hours, and generated$15.3bn in engine overhaulspend.

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economic growth and fuel prices. The currentoutlook is for relatively slow global economic(GDP) recovery in the order of two to three percent per annum, with fuel prices being quitehigh at over $80/barrel. In this case, 2010 willlikely be a year of low single digit percentagegrowth, with recovery really taking hold in2011.

However, a worst case scenario would beanother drop in economic growth and continu-ing high fuel prices. In this event, the engineMRO market is likely to remain depressed for awhile longer. In an upside scenario, where theexpected slow economic growth continues, andthe fuel prices drop below $80, the marketwould probably see a quicker and more “V-shaped” recovery.

Trends, challenges andopportunities in engine MRO

No engine MRO market review would becomplete without a comment on the status anddevelopment of PMA. The recession has seenthe use of PMA decline by some 17 per centsince the 2007 peak. There are a number ofreasons for this, including: airline use of bufferstock rather than buying of inventory; morerepairs rather than replacement of parts; park-ing and cannibalisation of the mature aircraftfleets where PMA had a higher penetration ofmaterial content; reduced airline resourcesavailable to the PMA approval process; and lastbut not least, OEM defensive measures. Thislatter point can be illustrated by GE/CFMI’sagreements with potential adopters/users ofPMA, the independent suppliers such asAVEOS and ST Aerospace. This has success-fully given GE/CFMI greater influence over theparts/material supply chain.

Despite this, PMA remains a strategic toolfor airlines to use in the face of increasingprices or poor parts availability from OEMs.Therefore, it is expected that adoption of PMAwill recover and increase, especially in the air-frame components and interior parts of the air-craft.

A number of key challenges have alreadybeen raised. In particular, there is the growingimportance of the Asia Pacific market and theperceived threat (to costs) of more limitedsources of supply on the new larger enginescoming into service in the next decade. In addi-tion, the size and growth of the single-aisleengine MRO market (A320/737NG) will havebeen an expected foundation for many suppli-ers’ revenue prospects over the next decade. Adecision to re-engine the A320 and the 737NGwould change the long-term outlook for the cur-rent engines significantly.

Opportunity obviously also exists. Marketrecovery is expected in the not too distantfuture and robust growth of four per cent perannum (in constant $) is forecast. This com-bined with an increase in outsourcing meansan even higher growth rate in the available mar-ket will occur. However, this higher market“availability” will only be realisable and acces-sible to airline third-party and independentMROs if they develop counter-strategies to thethreat of OEM-based long-term MRO contractssigned at aircraft delivery.

Engine MRO is a large, global, competitive,technologically and service demanding market.The critical long-term threats and opportunitiesare evident for all to see. The winners will bethose who take action, develop the appropriatestrategies and build the right capabilities, part-nerships and portfolio to succeed. �

The Engine Yearbook 2011

It is staggering to note that thelargest three engine markets,those that power the A320 and737NG, will alone generate acombined 2019 market size ofover $9bn! This is a hugepotential market, once againhighlighting the dramaticimpact that a re-enginingdecision of the A320 and737NG will have on the futurebreakdown of the market.

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Whether you are looking for savings on just one part, need someone to look at product improvement or want a full scale PMA Management and Development Program, HEICO has the perfect solution tailor made for you. In addition to our 6,000 PMA parts, HEICO offers state of the art component repair and distribution facilities to help reduce your costs. With a 50-year track record that speaks for itself, it’s easy to see why HEICO is the number one choice of the world’s largest airlines. So, if you need a partner that’s trusted in the air to keep prices on the ground, contact HEICO at (954) 744-7500 or visit www.heico.com.




S I N C E 1 9 5 7

Has the wool been pulled over your eyes?

With savings up to $100,000 per shop visit,who can afford a “No HEICO PMA” contract clause?

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10 The Engine Yearbook 2011

Everything is rosy during the ‘honey-moon period’, the first years of an aeroengine’s life cycle and main part of the

initial financial phase. The power plant hasbeen freshly delivered from the OEM andmated with its original operator who will gen-erally be able to enjoy its daily faithful, rev-enue-creating service without worrying muchabout prolonged and expensive mainte-nance. Premature engine removals for com-ponent deterioration should be covered bythe OEM as part of its product warranty, andeven foreign object damage (FOD) eventsmight fall under a separate insurance policy.Typically, the OEM will also make guaranteesfor fuel consumption, piece-part life and reli-ability, especially on new-generation equip-ment, and possibly even commit to cost perflight hour and/or flight cycle. Apart fromensuring compliance with the regulatoryrequirements and keeping a moderate levelof technical oversight (to make sure therequired maintenance and operational

processes are safely and adequately working),the operator has no more engine managementresponsibility.

But this sweet, uncomplicated life typicallycomes to an end after approximately sevenyears; although this does depend on the typeof aircraft and its utilisation. At this point theengine is taken off wing for its first scheduledmaintenance shop visit. The OEM’s warrantybegins to expire in individual areas, and itsfinancial support starts to dwindle. The enginebecomes ‘adolescent’, as David Garrison, MDengine and component maintenance at DeltaTechOps in Atlanta, US, puts it. For him, theoperator has to take on more responsibility forthe power plant’s maintenance planning in thissecond part of the financial phase. Garrisonstates: “During this phase one will be activelymanaging the unscheduled engine causes anddetermining the engine’s true capabilitiesbased on the current design and the owner’s[airline or lessor] operating parameters.During this phase one is also analysing the

An aero engine’s life cycle can be divided into three main stages: the financial, management andtrading phases. Careful and far-sighted management is necessary to balance maintenance costagainst operational risks whilst maintaining maximum asset value as the engine progressesthrough these different periods.

Managing engines wiselybest life-limited part (LLP) management phi-losophy.”

Power-by-the-hourA power-by-the-hour (PBH) or total support

agreement with the OEM or an MRO provider isone option for the operator. This would allow con-tinued flying without assuming the responsibilityof balancing maintenance costs against opera-tional risks and determining the maintenanceplanning. Normally, the engines stay in the serv-ice of the initial operator as there is only limitedaircraft remarketing taking place at this point intime. The operator can pay the OEM/MRO anindividually arranged, flight hour-based rate fortheir technical support services and concentrateon its main business of providing air transport.For example, Delta TechOps’s PBH contractsusually include fleet removal forecasting, servicebulletin modification and inspection recommen-dations, on-wing engine condition monitoring,and the development of a maintenance pro-gramme, according to Garrison.

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During the initial ‘honeymoon’ period of an engine’s life cycle, its maintenance is largely determined by the OEM’s product warranty policy andguarantees, and the operator/owner does not need to manage an engine plan.

However, even apparently comprehensivepackages do not necessarily cover all eventual-ities that might concern an aircraft operator orowner. “One comment about total support isthat all too often it is not really total support,”remarks Karl Gibson, operations director ofTES Aviation, an aero engine management com-pany based in the UK. He highlights that totalsupport and PBH agreements always carryexclusions and might not cover certain work;FOD removal as an example. These extra-con-tractual maintenance events have then to beaccomplished on the basis of their individual(man hour) time and material cost require-ments. In that case the operator incurs boththe cost of the regular PBH/total support pay-ments, whether any regular maintenance workhas actually been done or not, as well as theindividual time and material-based paymentsfor the additional work. Hence Gibson arguesthat, in order to forecast the entire MRO expen-diture for an engine over a given period of time,the operator has to make an analysis of likelytime and materials cost in the first place, irre-spective of whether the company then decidesto sign a PBH/total support contract or not.

This does not mean that a PBH/total sup-port agreement won’t still be the best option.“We look at what is best for our customer’srequirements and do studies across a numberof maintenance cost per flight hour agree-

ments,” explains Steve Froggatt, engineeringmanager at TES Aviation. “We won’t always gofor time and material if the power-by-the-hourcontract makes more sense. It all depends onthe engine, operator, any specifically harshoperating area or condition.”

For Abdol Moabery, CEO and president of GATelesis, an aircraft asset management firm,component supplier and maintenance providerin Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the issue comesdown to whether the operator wants to makeregular payments to a PBH/total supportprovider for the maintenance in advance or payfor the individual events as they come along.“The provider of that [PBH/total support] serv-ice is accumulating cash for a 10 or 15-yearprogramme. Some airlines view that cash asimportant to their business [now]. So theydon’t want to pay up front and would rather justdo it as time goes by.”

Whatever decision is eventually made, it isof fundamental importance to get a clear under-standing of the full maintenance cost that islikely to be encountered throughout the pro-posed service period for the engine. Althoughthese expenditures can vary substantiallybetween different operators and equipment,they can nevertheless be predicted with greatprecision over long periods of time. Analysingan engine’s remaining life cycle in light of itsoperational requirements and the financial

objectives of its owner, if it is a leased engine,is the first step for any technical managementteam before determining the future mainte-nance plan.

Management phaseThis becomes increasingly important as the

engine progresses from the financial phaseinto the management phase. By then the pow-erplant is between 12 and 15 years old, mayhave transitioned from one operator to thenext, its PBH/total support contract may beexpiring, and it will need to come off-wing for itssecond, third or fourth shop visit. All productwarranty and guarantees have finally expired,and the maintenance plan is no longer gov-erned by the OEM’s product and repair devel-opments. There will be a range of alternativePMA parts and DER repairs available on themarket, which will give the operator/ownersome choice to tailor the future maintenanceplan to its individual needs. “The managementphase is where most change is going to takeplace within an engine and its value,” statesFroggatt. “The management decisions onemakes at that particular point, for a number ofshop visits, is going to dictate the residualvalue when one gets towards the trading phase[when the engine will eventually be disassem-bled to serve as a parts source]. As the lessor,one is looking more into the asset value,

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“The risks of operating PMAparts are vast. The risks arecalculated over a fleet ofengines. So in the case of anairline with a vast fleet, onecan look at that risk anddecide it is worth doing. Butthe small operator may look atit and say, ‘for the cost savingsthat I save, it’s not worth it’.— Abdol Moabery, CEO andpresident, GA Telesis

Trading phase: when the value of the individual parts and components exceed the book value of acomplete engine, it is teardown time and the asset will serve as a spare part source.

because one is looking at the end and whatone wants to do with the asset. The operator,specifically, is looking at the cost per hour,because that’s what it is all about to turn aprofit.”

The main factors in the assessment of anengine’s remaining life cycle, which will indi-cate how long the engine may be able to stayon-wing until the next shop visit, are aircraftutilisation, the status of the LLPs and theirremaining flight hours/cycles, the mainte-nance history, and the airworthiness directive(AD) status. If the analysis is performed froman operator’s perspective who has leased theengine, the length of the proposed serviceperiod is another major determinant. Externalengine management consultants are typicallyengaged in contracts over three or five years.Engine trend monitoring data at differentpower settings (usually idle, take-off andcruise) will provide a clear picture of thepower plant’s current performance and what

deterioration can be expected in terms of bothextent and rate. Establishing the fuel flow andexhaust gas temperature (EGT) parameterswill allow the management team to outline aninitial overhaul strategy, according toMoabery. “As turbine blades get older, thewear starts to cause EGT margin degradation,and the engine will very quickly move from astrong performing engine to one that operateswith no EGT margin.”

Once all these parameters have been deter-mined, it becomes possible to predict whichmaintenance tasks will be necessary in thefuture, what this will cost, what options theoperator will have to control its spending, andhow this might be affected by additional,unscheduled maintenance. “We run thoseengines forward on our system which allows usto forecast all the events. We would work-scopeeach engine individually as a paper exerciseand identify what the costs were against thecritical elements within that work scope, whatthe material costs would be based on thematerial standard that is in there [the engine],”explains Gibson. “We would include all theunscheduled events that could potentially hap-pen, lease costs, everything ... and we wouldgive them effectively what the cost per hour oftheir operation would be.”

If it is a leased engine, the interests betweenthe operator and owner are likely to diverge asindicated above. The airline might only be con-tractually obliged to release the engine with acertain life left on it at the end of the leaseagreement. This would allow the company tominimise the workscope accordingly to reduceits costs during the lease period. On the otherhand, however, the lessor will be looking at thecost of operation over the entire ownershipperiod, which might go long beyond the originaloperator’s lease agreement. The lessor will wantto enhance the workscope as much as possiblein order to maintain a high asset value. Thiswould make it more attractive and marketable toother operators who might lease the engine inthe future. The two parties have then to findsome common ground to keep the cost per hourof the engine at a level that is acceptable forboth. If the lessor demands a technical standardthat is significantly higher than what is neces-sary to the operator, one solution could be thatthe lessor makes a contribution to the mainte-nance cost.

The use of PMA parts and DER repairs,instead of the standard OEM material andprocesses, is clearly one, if not the, most impor-tant and powerful means to reduce engine main-tenance costs. However, while their use hasbeen widely established throughout WesternEurope and North America, this is not neces-sarily the case in all other regions. PMA parts

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The use of PMA parts and DER repairs instead of the standard OEM material and processes is one of the central questions when an engine enters themanagement phase and the future value strategy is determined.

can become an obstacle when trying to find alessee for an overhauled engine, for example, inChina and India — two future growth markets.

But even within the boundaries of jurisdic-tion of the FAA and EASA, the cheaper alterna-tive repair materials and processes might notalways pay off either. In light of the increasedoperational risk of using PMA parts and DERrepairs, the potential cost savings might beconsidered much less tempting for an airlinewith, for example, 10 aircraft than a carrier witha fleet of 100 aircraft. “The risks of operatingPMA parts are vast,” believes Moabery. “Therisks are calculated over a fleet of engines. Soin the case of an airline with a large fleet, onecan look at that risk and decide it is worthdoing. But the small operator may look at it andsay, ‘for the cost savings that I save, it’s notworth it’. If I have a major engine failure or acatastrophic event, then all of those savingsare wiped out by one event.”

Trading phaseAt approximately 20 years of age, the

engine enters into the trading phase, the finalpart of its life cycle. By this time, the value ofthe entire aircraft is mainly driven by the enginevalue. Ironically, however, the book value of thepower plant in itself is coming down so far atthis point that it no longer warrants the cost for

an overhaul. The engine’s technical standardand performance has been surpassed by itsyounger counterparts in the fleet, and possiblyeven by new-generation equipment that hasemerged in the meantime. Furthermore, therewill be an increased number of other engines ofthe same type and similar age on the market,which have been phased out by other operatorsand have consequently brought down enginelease rates and spare part prices. Not onlydoes it then become cheaper for the operatorto swop an engine against a leased one ratherthan to repair or overhaul it, indeed therecomes the point where the value of the individ-ual parts and components exceed the bookvalue of the complete engine. It is teardowntime at this point and the engine will serve asa source for spare parts.

The dynamics of the trading phase are sub-ject to the economic conditions at the time. Inperiods of growth, when queues before airlinecheck-in desks and OEM sales offices are long,the service lives of older aircraft are stretchedtoo, and consequently lease prices for olderengines with some residual ‘green-time’ are sta-ble. ‘Green-time’ is the available period duringwhich an older engine can remain in serviceuntil its last maintenance records expire and itwill be torn down. Conversely, when the industrygoes into a downturn and airlines are cutting

capacity, the older, less efficient aircraft are thefirst ones to stay on the ground. “A good exam-ple right now is the CFM56-3 model [for 737Classics], where there are so many spareengines available in the market that an operatormay decide to run off ‘green-time’ on a leasedengine as opposed to putting in $2-3m to repairthe original engine,” reports Moabery.

While the deferral of maintenance andusing-up of surplus engines will help to driveolder equipment permanently out of the mar-ket, it would be a short-sighted waste of mate-rial and finances to take advantage of aircraftcapacity cuts in the current economic climateand apply the practice to younger equipmenttoo. Garrison warns: “In the airline industry,economic cycles are a way of life and have asignificant impact on an airline’s budget sensi-tivities. The airline industry is a cash hungrybusiness and during an economic downturn,airlines work hard to preserve cash. Thisstance can make engine management very dif-ficult, because you will need to invest in yourfleet during the shop visit to make sure thatyou build in the goodness to obtain your enginerun time and reliability plan. Airline customerswho do not maintain the investment disciplineduring the economic downturns can expecttheir cost per hour and total cost to increase infuture years.” �

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To say that the second quarter of 2010 didnot present a great outlook for aviationfinance is an understatement. Last year

saw the largest decline in air traffic since WWII.That was already on top of a massive trafficdecline in 2008. Record losses were sus-tained, according to IATA, and prospects remainpoor for this year. Airlines reacted quickly bycutting capacity: routes were culled and fre-quencies reduced; new aircraft deliveries,where possible, were delayed or even can-celled; and large quantities of existing aircraftwere parked in the desert, with the emphasison parking the less efficient aircraft and anobvious attendant downwards impact on their

values. Reduced flying means less MRO workand less demand for spare engines; all theengine lessors have equipment available forimmediate lease and rentals have dippedaccordingly.

Longer-term, the leasing companies havehad to accept that certain aircraft and associ-ated engine types have suffered a permanentreduction in value, which demands a write-downon their balance sheets. However, new aircrafttypes are overrunning on costs and timescales,which prolongs the valuable life of some olderaircraft types, at the same time as introducingmore uncertainty into residual value prediction.As if that was not enough, oil prices remain

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Just as the aviation industry was showing signs of economic recovery the ash cloud descendedand traffic figures slumped. It is hardly surprising that there is a reluctance to invest but thereare, as Jon Sharp, president and CEO of Engine Lease Finance Corporation, writes, some reasonsfor optimism.

Spare engine financing

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volatile thereby introducing yet more uncer-tainty into residual values in the shorter term(and airlines face the risk of making lossessolely from backing the wrong hedging policy,which does not help them or their lessor part-ners).

Through capacity cuts, load factors weremaintained in a reasonable range, but yieldssuffered badly; the special offers made by theair carriers to attract the flying public backinto their seats meant that prices wereslashed and revenues suffered, althoughthere is now evidence that fares are creepingback up to sustainable levels on key routessuch as the North Atlantic. The airlines needthese revenues and their suppliers — theleasing companies — are relieved to see ithappening; the airlines in the Northern hemi-sphere at least need to earn substantial sur-pluses in the summer months to seethemselves through the lean winter months.It is during the winter that defaults on rentalpayments are most frequent, due to cashshortages. Most leasing companies are hav-ing to deal with delinquencies and evendefaults or bankruptcies — as such, beingbetween the banks and the airlines, they pro-vide to the industry an essential mid- supplychain buffer that helps modulate the peaks

and cycles of the economy, both at regionaland global level, by absorbing some of thepain when times are bad.

Air finance and enginesSmall wonder then, there has been a flight

of capital from the air finance industry with onlya few of the cannier banks hanging on in there.Even now, with signs of global economic recov-ery quietly but steadily emerging , the upturnfor the airline industry has been confounded bythe ash cloud hanging over much of Europe;the scientists tell us that the eruption may goon for many months and we are in for a periodof randomly disrupted air travel. In the secondhalf of 2010 we are faced with a crisis in theeuro zone and the concern that Greece’s eco-nomic problems will become contagious, lead-ing ultimately to a double dip world-wideeconomic recession. The industry continues tostagger through these and similar problemsand reluctance to invest continues.

The real problems with air finance havebeen largely disguised by the continuance ofvery low interest rates thanks to the interven-tion of various governments following theglobal credit crunch. The banks that havefunded the industry have done so because theycan charge high margins as a result of low

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Leasing companies have hadto accept that certain aircraftand associated engine typeshave suffered a permanentreduction in value, whichdemands a write-down on theirbalance sheets. However, newaircraft types are overrunningon costs and timescales, whichprolongs the valuable life ofsome older aircraft types, atthe same time introducingmore uncertainty into residualvalue prediction.

Lessors like to receive maintenance reserves as the airline burns value off the engine asset

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underlying interest rates; low base rates willnot last forever, however, and without a struc-tural overhaul of the financial system, theindustry will only struggle on. Some bankshave now returned to the fray and somestrongly funded leasing companies are still writ-ing new business, but there remains a fundinggap for new deliveries of aircraft and engines.There is also the small matter of several verylarge leasing companies looking for a buyer.

The banks, not surprisingly, favour loansguaranteed by the Export Credit Agencies(ECAs), who have hugely increased their partic-ipation in the last year or two (ECGD [UK exportcredit agency] will probably guarantee twice asmuch in 2010 as they have in previous years)but the ECAs cannot alone sustain this gap inaircraft and engine financing markets, nor canthe Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).The leasing companies are next most attractiveto banks, who by lending to a lessor against aspecific asset will have a clear mortgage on anidentifiable piece of metal that is being man-aged by the lessor to maximise its future value.Thus the lessor is an essential part of the sys-tem, yet current OEM behaviour is actually dis-couraging to this form of external finance rightat the time when the market needs it most.

OEMs muscle in on the aftermarketTo explain: the OEMs spend vast amounts

of R & D in developing a new engine and needto recover those costs not just from new sales,but from the lifetime spares sales and MROservices. They are understandably gettingmore and more possessive about their after-markets, and preventing the use of non-OEMparts and repairs (PMA and DER) whilstsqueezing those leasing companies and MROs(Maintenance and Repair Organisations) andparts suppliers who are not owned or part-owned by them. Fair enough. Unfortunatelythe increasingly common OEM inclusive main-tenance packages are not friendly to non-OEMowned leasing companies and so reduce theamount of finance available from them. Theproblems leasing companies have with OEM‘Inclusive Care’-type maintenance packagesfall into three categories:

The first is the matter of security. The les-sor likes to receive maintenance reserves asthe airline burns value off the lessor’s asset, tooffset credit risk. With an inclusive mainte-nance package, the OEM and not the lessor,receives the reserves and holds them in afund, so the lessor’s security is at least dimin-ished or even becomes non-existent. Also thelessor is exchanging airline risk for OEM risk,admittedly in some cases a better credit, but itis the concentration of such risk in one MROprovider which is worrying to credit committees

who now have to review OEM risk as well as air-line balance sheet risk.

Secondly, there are concerns about theportability of the fund. When Airline A has fin-ished his lease, does the OEM pay the totalremaining amount of the fund to the lessor andcan the lessor transfer the benefit to his nextcustomer, Airline B? Possibly not, but even ifso, is the amount collected enough, given that(a) the hourly and cyclic rates will probably havebeen set at a concessionary level to win asales campaign, (b) with respect to engines atleast, depending on the package structure, thelevel of payments may refer to a first run andso not reflect true averaged lifetime cost and(c) the two airlines A and B may have very dif-ferent operational profiles meaning that ratemay not be enough overall and Airline B wouldhave to pay ‘catch-up’. Some aircraft inclusivemaintenance agreements do not even separateout the rate for engines from the total.

Thirdly, there is the choice of MROprovider. With an OEM maintenance pack-age, there is no choice and the asset has togo back to the OEM or its nominated serviceprovider. Airline B who wants the availableaircraft/engine from the lessor but is alreadylocked in to a long-term maintenance pro-gramme with a third-party provider will findhis choice of equipment restricted and the

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Lower labour costs available inAsia Pacific and South Americamake them attractive regionsto develop MRO facilities withall the associatedinfrastructure. China, Japan,Brazil, Russia and othercountries with aspirations todevelop commercial aircraftand engine manufacturing havean opportunity for a fresh startand should take note and thinkabout the structure of theirindustry and how theyinterface with the financialcommunity.

Manufacturers such as Rolls-Royce are becoming increasingly concerned with aftermarket support.

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lessor simultaneously find his re-marketingoptions restricted.

So the OEMs (engine OEMs in particular), byincreasing their efforts to sell inclusive mainte-nance packages are driving away the remainingindependent sources of finance for their prod-ucts; does this mean they are moving to amodel where they keep the engines they pro-duce on their own balance sheets? Is thisreally desirable? The trend is certainly grow-ing and some OEMs are talking about selling‘power only’ for the next generation of engines.These new engines will be designed to have afixed life with all LLPs at the same limit as theexpected power restoration interval and an air-line would pay a fixed amount for the engine forthat period of operation, before exchanging itfor another one, upon payment of another fixedamount. So there is never the matter of theownership of the engine passing from the OEM.Nothing for a bank to have security over andnothing for a lessor to own. I also wonder howan ECA can participate in such a structure.

The inevitable conclusion is that new stylerelationships between OEMs, the financial com-munity and MRO organisations are essential,not just for the benefit of those three parties,but also for their customers, the airlines.

Whatever signs of economic recovery in theaviation industry there are have been led bythe Middle East traffic growth, albeit from a rel-atively small base, and in the Asia Pacific

region, with growth in China continuing but ata slightly less frenetic level (which does givemore confidence of avoiding a nasty bubble).There is much press about the new aircrafttypes coming out of the Asia Pacific region.Abu Dhabi is investing heavily in the MRO sec-tor not only in the Middle East but also in theWest. Lower labour costs available in AsiaPacific and South America make them attrac-tive regions to develop MRO facilities with allthe associated infrastructure. China, Japan,Brazil, Russia and other countries with aspira-tions to develop commercial aircraft andengine manufacturing have an opportunity fora fresh start and should take note and thinkabout the structure of their industry and howthey interface with the financial community.The Chinese and Middle East airfinance mar-kets may well be largely be captive to their ownbanks and Sovereign Wealth Funds, but whatthe Western leasing companies do have is awealth of expertise and it is that which can beallied with the new wealth to create new, suc-cessful partnerships.

So, a new business model is needed. Asimple conclusion is the airfinance industryneeds new, fresh thinking alliances betweenthe airlines, lessors, OEMs and MROs on theone hand and new alliances of old expertiseand new money on the other. A really enlight-ened approach would be to combine the two.Somebody has to make this happen. �

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The ECAs cannot alone sustainthe gap in aircraft and enginefinancing markets, nor can theOEMs. The leasing companiesare attractive to banks, who bylending to a lessor against aspecific asset will have a clearmortgage on an identifiablepiece of metal that is beingmanaged by the lessor tomaximise its future value. Thusthe lessor is an essential partof the system, yet current OEMbehaviour is actuallydiscouraging this form ofexternal finance right at thetime when the market needs itmost.

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responsibility of the Committee for AviationEnvironmental Protection (CAEP), establishedin 1983, which published its first set of regula-tions (CAEP 1) in 1988.

After training and serving as a technician inthe Royal Air Force, followed by a number ofyears with a British regional aircraft manufac-turer, I was recruited by Snecma to join the CFMsales team with specific responsibility forScandinavia. It quickly became apparent thatenvironmental issues were a principle concernfor my new customers, one clue being that thepresident of the one-time Swedish domestic air-line Linjeflyg had his environmental advisorlocated in the office next to his! Meeting people

at airlines such as SAS, Braathens SAFE,Finnair and Icelandair, I came to understand thefragile nature of the Scandinavian environmentand how much it is under threat from externalsources of pollution such as large power sta-tions in other parts of Europe. While they couldnot do much about external sources they weredetermined to protect themselves from internalsources, developing the ‘bubble’ conceptwhereby any new industrial project was requiredto account for all emissions generated by itsactivity. It was as a result of this philosophy thatthe world’s first local emissions legislation wasapplied to Swedish airports in 1990, limitingNOx emissions emanating from all aspects of

The Engine Yearbook 2011

During the 1990s the aerospace industry was forced to confront the world’s growingenvironmental awareness, which manifested itself in tougher certification requirements foraircraft engines and the introduction of local environmental regulations, particularly in Europe.David Cook, President of ASM Consulting, was sales director at CFM International from 1989 to2001 with account responsibility for Northern Europe. Through sales campaigns at AustrianAirlines, Swissair, SAS and Finnair he saw firsthand how the aero-engine industry responded todemands for cleaner engines which, in turn, explains why the industry is so well-equipped tomeet the challenges facing a new generation of commercial aircraft engines.

The evolution of low-emissionscombustion chambers incommercial aircraft engines,1990 — 2010

As mass air travel started to develop inthe 1970s the public, particularly thoseliving around airports, became more and

more vocal in their concerns about aircraftnoise and atmospheric pollution. Images ofearlier generation four-engined jets heading fordistant destinations with engines bellowinglong plumes of smoke are emblematic of thisperiod. By the late 1970s the International CivilAviation Organisation (ICAO) decided to act bybringing in limits for aircraft engine noise andpolluting emissions, defining certification stan-dards for Nitrous Oxides (NOx), UnburnedHydrocarbons (UHCs) and Carbon Monoxide(CO). These standards were put under the

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the airport’s activities and initiating charges foraircraft movements dependent on the aircraftengine’s certified NOx emission levels. Whileground vehicle activity, in particular private cars,was clearly the main source of airport NOxemissions this concept was also aimed at cur-tailing, or at least penalising, movements of air-craft with high NOx emitting engines.

At around about the same time AustrianAirlines and Swissair launched an evaluation toreplace their ageing DC-9 fleets, finally select-ing the Airbus A320-family as their preferredairframe. This gave them an opportunity to eval-uate both CFM56-5B and IAE V2500-A1engines in a competitive selection process. AsSwitzerland had recently followed Sweden’sexample by introducing airport NOx emissionstaxes the message from the airlines was clear— all other things being equal, they wouldselect the engine with the lowest certified NOxemissions. The gauntlet had clearly beenthrown down and it was up to the aero-engineindustry to respond.

Controlling aircraft emissionsIt is perhaps worth reminding ourselves

what emissions are produced by an aircraftengine and how they may be controlled. As pre-viously mentioned, those emissions controlledby the engine’s certification process are NOx,UHCs, CO and smoke. Limits for these emis-sions are defined by ICAO dependant on theengine’s overall pressure ratio (OPR) and meas-ured through what is called the landing andtakeoff cycle (LTO) ie: the sequence of eventsbeginning with start-up and taxi out to the endof the runway, engine acceleration to takeoffthrust, through the takeoff run, up to 3,000feet on the climb-out, then from 3,000 feet onthe descent to touchdown on the runwaythreshold, the landing run, taxi in and shut-down. Visible smoke consists of small sootparticles in the jet exhaust and is created byinefficiencies in the combustion process.Similarly, UHCs and CO are produced by ineffi-cient combustion, particularly at low enginerpm. The most important pollutant in terms ofamounts produced and potential environmentalimpact is NOx. This is produced by an enginewhen air (consisting of oxygen and nitrogen) issubjected to high temperatures, particularlyduring the combustion process, and decom-poses. It plays many different roles in terms ofits environmental impact: it is a recognisedhuman health risk, promoting asthma and awide range of respiratory diseases and, in thepresence of sunlight, NOx creates ozone at lowaltitudes thus contributing to the greenhouseeffect. NOx is also very persistent, remaining inthe atmosphere for many years after other pol-lutants have either dispersed or decomposed.

As is often the case with anything to do withaircraft engines, the combustion chamberdesigner is faced with a multitude of conflictingpriorities. He must make sure that maximumthrust is produced at takeoff, that maximumfuel economy is achieved at cruise, that theflame does not go out at high altitude or inheavy rain ... and, of course, that the enginemeets its environmental certification require-ments. In order to minimise UHC and CO pro-duction the combustion chamber needs toavoid producing these compounds by a highlyefficient combustion process, or be able toburn off the by-products of inefficient, low-rpm,combustion. In order to minimise NOx produc-tion the combustion chamber needs to reduceas much as possible the amount of air sub-jected to the elevated temperatures of high-rpmoperation. This is achieved by either limitingthe volume of air subjected to high tempera-tures or by reducing combustion temperatures.The problem facing CFM and IAE back in theearly 1990s was how to resolve these two con-flicting design requirements to meet theAustrian/Swissair challenge.

Obviously, I was not privy to IAE’s proposalbut we at CFM were led to believe that theirsolution revolved around modifications to anexisting combustion chamber design.Conventional chambers function on the basisof what is called the Rich Quench Lean (RQL)process. The fuel mixture at the nozzle is rela-

The Engine Yearbook 2011





10 20 30 40 50

Overall pressure ratio (OPR)


X em


on le



n th


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TO c



Talon X?TAPS II?

Early turbofan enginesCFM56-5B4 familyCFM56-7B26 familyIAE V2527-A5 family

CAEP 4 limits

CAEP 6 limits

Conventional combustors

TAPS / TALON combustors

DAC combustors

tively rich, providing high power and good fueleconomy but generating large amounts of UHCand CO at low power settings. These pollutantswould be burned off as they moved into a rela-tively lean combustion environment when addi-tional air was introduced further down thecombustion chamber. At high power settingsthe NOx produced in this rich burn processwould be limited by quickly cooling, or ‘quench-ing’, the combustion gases by introducing largevolumes of cooling air just downstream of theburner flame. It is my understanding that thework done IAE/Pratt and Whitney at this stagemade a significant contribution to the develop-ment of their TALON (Technology for AdvancedLow NOx) combustion chambers which laterequipped the IAE V2500 and PW4000 seriesengines.

The CFM solution was to draw on a radicallynew combustion chamber design already in theprototype stage at GE (GE have design respon-sibility for the CFM56 engine core). Called thedouble annular combustor, or DAC, it effectivelysplit the combustion chamber in two, each sub-chamber having its own fuel nozzle. The outerchamber was relatively long and operated atthe lower thrust levels. This long chamber pro-vided the time in the combustion process toburn off UHCs and, together with a leanerfuel/air ratio, reduced CO. At high thrust levelsboth chambers were lit, providing the requiredlevels of thrust but with a relatively shorter

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ficult for them to agree on a replacement air-frame. As mentioned earlier, Sweden hadalready introduced emissions taxes at its air-ports and so SAS took a great deal of interestin the Austrian/Swissair engine selectionprocess. It was therefore inevitable that, onceSAS had decided to replace its DC-9 fleet withthe 737-600 aircraft, they too should specifythe DAC for their CFM56-7B engines.

Finnair was another airline which laterselected the DAC engine. While not subjectedto specific airport emissions taxes themselves,Sweden was an important market and they didnot want to be at a competitive disadvantagewith SAS. Having selected the Airbus A320-family to replace their DC-9s the decision was,to some extent easier for Finnair as theCFM56-5B DAC engine had already been inservice with its launch customers for a coupleof years. The first Finnair A321 with CFM56-5BDAC engines entered commercial service onFebruary 5, 1999.

Teething problemsWith such a complex combustion chamber

design, and the requirement to optimise thestaging of the two sets of fuel nozzles, it wasinevitable that there would be some teethingproblems. From the start of the DAC pro-gramme CFM recognised that this new cham-ber would generate additional maintenancecosts due to erosion of the centre body which

chamber compared to the equivalent conven-tional chamber, thus reducing the time at whichair was exposed to the high combustion cham-ber temperatures (residence time) and soreducing NOx. The design was complex andcould only be controlled by the use of an elec-tronic fuel control system, or FADEC, in order tocorrectly manage the staging of the two sets offuel nozzles throughout the flight regime.However, with its promise of over 30 per centNOx reduction compared to its equivalent sin-gle annular combustion design, and the factthat this programme had more credibility due toits advanced prototype testing, this was thesolution selected by Austrian and Swissair. InMarch 1995 the first CFM56-5B DAC-poweredA321 entered service with Swissair, the first ofa total of 375 DAC engines to go into airlineservice.

While Austrian and Swissair were the firstairlines to specify low-emission engines fortheir aircraft they were not the only ones inter-ested in the subject. During the 1990s therewere a number of attempts to create closealliances between Austrian, Swissair, SAS andLufthansa. While these early negotiations didnot reach a definitive conclusion they were tolead to what is now known as the Star Alliance.Much of the discussion focused on fleet com-monality but, despite the fact that these air-lines operated large numbers of Douglas DC-9and MD-80 series aircraft, it was extremely dif-

separated the two parts of the chamber. Totheir credit the airlines who selected the DACaccepted this additional maintenance cost bur-den, as well as a healthy supplement to theengine list price, believing it to be a fair price topay to demonstrate their environmental cre-dentials. In retrospect, it would probably be fairto say that the -5B engine entered service withrelatively few problems: some hot starts, someover-temping during taxiing, but no major diffi-culties as far as I recall. As the -7B used thesame core (HP compressor, combustion cham-ber, HP turbine) as the -5B CFM believed thatthey could confidently offer a -7B DAC to SASwhich would build on the Austrian/Swissairexperience and provide a ‘low risk’ entry intoservice. This was not the case.

Problems began even during initial enginetesting. Austrian and Swissair were using their-5B engines on A320 and A321 aircraft atthrusts ranging from 25,000lb up to 31,000lb.SAS had selected the 737-600 aircraft for theirdomestic and intra-Scandinavian routes and,as such, the aircraft were expected to operatewith very light fuel loads, little baggage and ina relatively cool operating environment. Theyonly required the -7B engine at its minimumcertified thrust of 18,000lb and, even then,expected to operate with a significant derate.Despite the fact that the -7B core was thesame as for the-5B, this lower thrust provedtroublesome for DAC development. No matter

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The author at the delivery of the first SAS 737-600 equipped with CFM56-7B20 DAC engines, September 1998. The green flower logo was used by SASto promote its environmental strategy.

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how they tried the GE engineers just could notget the -7B DAC to work correctly at 18,000lbthrust. Get the NOx right and the CO would gooff the scale. Get the NOx and the CO right thenthe smoke would be uncontrollable. In the endCFM were forced to accept that the -7B18 DACengine was not certifiable and agreed to pro-vide SAS with a -7B20 engine, 20,000lb thrustbeing the minimum thrust level at which theycould get the DAC to work effectively. Theengine was duly certified, the aircraft deliveredand the first scheduled flight of an SAS 737-600 equipped with CFM56-7B DAC technologytook place on October 31, 1988 - ironicallyenough, on an early morning rotation betweenStockholm and Paris Charles de Gaulle.

The -7B DAC quickly settled into service andseemed to bear out CFM’s claims of a reliable,derivative engine. However, during the long,dark winter of 2000, worrying stories began toemerge from the SAS flight line. An engine wasshowing signs of high vibration and borescopeinspection revealed that it had lost a low-pres-sure turbine (LPT) blade, sheared off cleanly atthe blade root. A few days later another engineexhibited the same symptoms and, within amatter of weeks, SAS had lost five engines.This was clearly a serious problem and the fullweight of CFM customer support swung behindthe effort to help this major customer. Engines

were replaced, unserviceable engines strippeddown, turbine blades and disks rushed into thelaboratories for analysis. The problem was obvi-ously related to LPT blade fatigue but what wasthe cause, and why had the other DAC opera-tors not experienced the same problem? Theanswer came from a careful analysis of SASflight data and an understanding of the waythey operated their 737 aircraft. DAC FADECsoftware was programmed to schedule a fairlyclear ‘switch’ from single, outer burner opera-tion at low rpm to double burner operation athigh rpm. What in fact was happening was that,in operating their aircraft into congestedEuropean airports, SAS were forced to fly longlanding approaches at intermediate altitudes,stepping down into the landing pattern. Thisforced the FADEC to keep switching the DACfrom single burner operation to double burneroperation during the landing approach, thusinducing a resonance in the LPT disk whichweakened the LPT blade root. After more than1,000 cycles or so blades started to break.

Alternative operating procedures wererushed in to avoid ‘long, low’ approaches, LPTdisks were re-designed and, over a period ofalmost two years, engines were modified. Thiswas a major challenge to both CFM and the air-line but again, their willingness to resolve theproblem and keep the DAC engine flying was a

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The combustion chamberdesigner is faced with amultitude of conflictingpriorities. He must make surethat maximum thrust isproduced at takeoff, thatmaximum fuel economy isachieved at cruise, that theflame does not go out at highaltitude or in heavy rain ... and,of course, that the enginemeets its environmentalcertification requirements.

The CFM56-5B entered service with relatively few problems.

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UHCs and CO at the burner nozzle, rather thanin the body of the combustion chamber, theywere able to revert to a more conventional RQLchamber design but with a highly sophisticatedstaged nozzle concept called TAPS — TwinAnnular Premixing Swirler. TAPS was initially con-ceived as part of the Tech56 technology acqui-sition programme aimed at developingtechnologies to be incorporated into a new gen-eration of engines to be introduced in the 2012-2013 timeframe when Boeing and Airbus wereoriginally expected to launch their next genera-tion single-aisle aircraft. However, as these newaircraft programmes began to slide further intothe decade CFM took the decision to commer-cialise the Tech56 technology by launching amajor product update of both its -5B and -7Bfamily of engines. The Tech Insertion (TI) pro-gramme provides for important improvements inthe engine core, with TAPS technology leading toa 28 per cent reduction in NOx compared to anengine with the original standard combustionchamber without the DAC complexity, as well asreductions in fuel burn and maintenance costs.While initially introduced as an upgrade kit theTI hardware is now standard build configurationfor all CFM engines.

CAEP continues to reduce NOxlevels

During this time the industry has continuedto come under both political and social pres-

sure from national governments and environ-mental groups. However, much to the frustra-tion of those airlines who had invested in DACtechnology, there was not, as feared, a wide-spread proliferation of airport environmentaltaxes. None the less CAEP continues to chal-lenge engine manufacturers to lower certifiedemission levels of new engines: CAEP 2, intro-duced in 1996, reduced NOx emission certifi-cation limits by 20 per cent compared to theoriginal levels. CAEP 4, in 2004, reduced NOxlevels by another 16 per cent and CAEP 6(2008) by a further 12 per cent. Emission lim-its have been tightened to such an extent thatno engine can be offered to the market todaywithout a low emissions combustor and allengine manufacturers have their low emis-sions technology programmes. IAE and Pratt &Whitney have continued to develop their TALONcombustor such that the new geared turbofanseries of engines, due to enter service in2013, will incorporate the latest TALON X tech-nology offering NOx emission levels 55 percent below current CAEP 6 certification limits.The Rolls-Royce Trent series of engines areequipped with the ‘Phase 5’ combustor, pro-viding margin relative to CAEP 6, but the‘Phase 6’ combustor programme currentlyunder development has even more ambitiousNOx objectives.

The aerospace industry, and in particularcommercial air transport, continues to comeunder close scrutiny and, as mass air traveldevelops, will continue to be asked to makeeven greater reductions to its environmentalimpact. The CAEP 8 meeting which took placein Montreal this February proposed a further 6-15 per cent reduction in certified NOx emis-sions for new aircraft engines from 2014, andalso ‘committed to a timetable for the devel-opment of a new Carbon Dioxide (CO2) stan-dard by the time of the next CAEP meeting(CAEP 9) in 2013’ (ICAO press release). Whilstcompetitive commercial pressure has broughtabout substantial reductions in fuel burn —and hence CO2 emissions — over the years ithas, until now, escaped the concept of certifi-able limits. Now, as a direct result of therecent Copenhagen Environmental Summit,the industry will be subjected to even furtherscrutiny.

I am convinced that, as a result of its expe-rience over the last 20 years, the aero enginemanufacturing industry is well placed to meetthose challenges and, while the DAC may soonbe consigned to the top shelf of history, Ibelieve it has played a vital role in helping theindustry to understand the infinite complexitiesof combustion chamber thermodynamics andthe operation of low emission combustors inscheduled airline service. �

The Engine Yearbook 2011

potent demonstration to their joint commitmentto the environmental challenges facing theindustry.

Learning from the DAC experienceAfter the initial problems the DAC has con-

tinued to operate well although anecdotal evi-dence suggests that the maintenance costpenalty of the split chamber design is ratherhigher than initially indicated. A number of air-lines who have ‘inherited’ DAC engines fromleasing companies following the break-up ofSwissair and Sabena in 2002 regret the highmaintenance costs of these engines and theproblems of intermix without necessarily under-standing (nor being sympathetic to) the impor-tant role they played in our industry’s battle withthe environmentalists. Let us not forget eitherthat the GE90 engine, powering over 500 777aircraft with various airlines around the world, isalso fitted with a DAC which has operatedimpeccably. However, GE maintains that theirchoice of this technology was aimed primarily attaking advantage of its short length to reduceengine weight rather than any specific environ-mental advantages. GE and CFM did, none theless, learn a lot from the DAC experience and,as their understanding of the complex issuesrelating to combustion chamber thermodynam-ics evolved, they were able to propose an alter-native to the split chamber design. Byeffectively resolving the contradictions of NOx,

CFM56-7B engines underwent extensive modification following a bumpy start with SAS.

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28 The Engine Yearbook 2011

There’s little question that Pratt &Whitney’s new PurePower PW1000G fam-ily of geared turbofan engines represents

a remarkable technological achievement andmany pundits are touting its potential as amajor contender in tomorrow’s narrowbody-propulsion market.

The PW1000G has already been chosen topower the Bombardier CSeries, Mitsubishi MRJand Irkut MC-21 narrowbodies, and — asrumours proliferate that Bombardier intends tostretch the CSeries into a 150-seat design —analysts see the PW1000G as a strong candi-

date to power any re-engined A320 or 737 thatAirbus or Boeing might respectively offer.

However, few observers have noted thatthe geared turbofan (GTF) concept is alreadyhighly proven in the civil aviation market —albeit in the form of engines rather less pow-erful than Pratt & Whitney’s new offering. Asdo all GTFs, these engines employ planetarygearboxes — driven by the low-pressurespool — to de-couple the low-pressure tur-bine (and low-pressure compressor) from thefan. This allows both the fan and the low-pressure spool to revolve at their optimal

Pratt & Whitney’s new PurePower PW1000G geared turbofan has already been chosen for threenew narrowbody programmes. Speculation is growing that the GTF could feature on a re-enginedA320 or 737, and even on a future widebody. Chris Kjelgaard looks at its prospects.

Gearing Up for the GTF

rates — fast for the low-pressure spool, quiteslowly for the fan.

Geared turbofans already inservice

Both the LF502/LF507 and the TFE731engine families (now made by Honeywell, butoriginally developed by Avco Lycoming andGarrett respectively) are geared turbofans thathave clocked up many millions of hours of flighttime — and new versions of the TFE731 in par-ticular continue to sell well, according to BillStorey, founder and president of aerospace

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It’s in our power.™

TThhe Pratt && WWhhitneeyy PPuurreePPoowweerr® Geaarreedd Turbofaann™™ eengiinne hass tttrruly aarrivveeed, bringing with it dramatic reduuccttiionnss iin emiissssiioonnss, nnooiissee aanndd fuell bbuurn. NNoot to mmeenttiioon, lowerr ooperraatinggg costs that can save up to $$1.55 milliioonn per aircraft per year. Our awwaard-wwiinniinngg, geaarredd tuurrbofann eenggiine ttteeechnology is the choice ooff mmuultiple airframmeerrss – hhheeerrraaallddiinngg a new era oof ssaavinnggs andd eeffficciiencieess forr commmmercial air transport. LLeearn moree aattt PPurePowerEngines.comm.

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research firm Teal Group. While the LF502 suf-fered serious reliability problems — which ledto the development of the LF507 — theseweren’t to do with its geared fan, says Storey,and the GTF concept has proved reliable inservice.

So why all the fuss about the PW1000G?The answer is that it’s a much bigger, morepowerful GTF than any previously designed.Storey says that where Pratt & Whitney (P&W)has made a breakthrough in bringing to marketa new GTF family is in managing “to get theweight of the gearbox down to a scale where itmakes the concept viable” for large-aircraftapplications. P&W duly patented this new gear-box technology, “so competitors can’t jump onit,” he notes.

The PW1000G’s fan and coreIn pursuing the narrowbody propulsion

market, P&W chose to develop a GTF ratherthan a more conventional turbofan becauseit believed its GTF design could offer thebest “value proposition” in two ways, saysPaul Adams, P&W’s senior vice president ofengineering.

First, because the PW1000G’s fan rotates30 per cent more slowly than that of a conven-tional turbofan, P&W could make the engine’s18-blade fan diameter very large without run-ning into the blade-tip shockwave problemsthat destroy a conventional engine’s efficiencyabove about 80 per cent of maximum thrust.The large fan diameter allows a much higherbypass ratio than would be possible with a con-ventional turbofan, increasing the PW1000G’spropulsive efficiency. The slower-turning fanalso minimises the chances of blade damagefrom bird ingestion, since most ingestion dam-age is caused by the speed at which the fan isturning, not the speed at which the bird is fly-ing.

In developing the PW1000G, P&W alsodesigned in a new, very durable core — basedon a core it developed with MTU, one of P&W’spartners in A320 supplier International AeroEngines — optimised for the high-cycle narrow-body operating environment. Because the low-pressure spool in the GTF can run at its optimalspeed without effecting the propulsive effi-ciency of the fan, P&W was able to remove sev-eral low-pressure turbine (LPT) stages: The

The Engine Yearbook 2011

We think we have the mostdurable blades, in combinationwith [operating] temperaturesmore conservative than thecompetition. The PW1000G willrun at lower temperatures thanwe think the competitors aregoing to run at.—Paul Adams, senior vicepresident of engineering, Pratt& Whitney

Final assembly of a PW1000G demonstrator engine.

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PW1000G has three, rather than the six orseven normally needed. Similarly, P&W coulddo away with two low-pressure compressor(LPC) stages, using three in the PW1000Grather than the conventional five.

Dropping five or six LPC/LPT stages pro-duced an engine with less than 50 per cent ofthe low-pressure stages in a conventional tur-bofan, and 1,500 fewer blades, says Adams. Atthe same time, P&W introduced into thePW1000G a new eight-stage high pressurecompressor, each stage of which is a single-piece, integrally bladed rotor (or “blisk”).

The PW1000G’s core also has anadvanced combustor based on P&W’s low-emissions TALON-X design. This features a“floatwall” of inner-lining panels — which canexpand and contract independently, reducinglining wear — as well as a rich-quench-leancombustion cycle to prevent nitrogen oxidesforming. Behind the combustor, P&W hasemployed new turbine cooling technologies,including advanced thermal-barrier coatings,powder-metal blade alloys, new cooling-air-path geometries within blades, and turbine-casing active clearance control.

“We do think we have the most advancedcombination [of cooling technologies],” saysAdams. “And we think we have the mostdurable blades, in combination with [operating]temperatures more conservative than the com-petition. The PW1000G will run at lower tem-peratures than we think the competitors aregoing to run at.”

Other key technologiesTwo other technologies are important in the

PW1000G, says Adams. One is the composi-tion of the engine’s fan blades, still largelysecret. Adams says the PW1000G has “ahybrid metallic fan blade” that P&W has devel-oped over the past two years. “It is actuallylighter and higher-efficiency than a compositefan blade” the same size would be, he claims.“We think we have got a concept that meets allstructural criteria and is significantly betterthan a composite fan blade. We have done full-scale, full-speed birdshots and we’re inextremely good shape. We don’t see any signif-icant risks with the fan blade.”

Another key technology is the PW1000G’sgearbox. P&W expects the gearbox, which ismade of high-strength gear steels, to be “verylow-maintenance”, says Adams. “We’re expect-ing the gear will be less than two per cent of themaintenance cost of the product. It’s designedto be full-life without any additional mainte-nance outside normal maintenance periods.”

Combining “a very efficient core designedspecifically for the high-cyclic narrowbody market”with the propulsive efficiency created by the

The Engine Yearbook 2011

PW1000G’s large fan and its high-strength gearboxwill create “a step change” which will provide “thebest value proposition” for the market, he says.

That market includes aircraft “up to theA321 or the large-737 class”. P&W has alreadyrun demonstrator GTF engines at 30,000lbf, isdeveloping a 30,000lbf PW1000G for the IrkutMC-21 — with a 12:1 bypass ratio, like theCSeries powerplant — and Adams says P&Wsees the PW1000G’s competitors as beingengines offering “more than 30,000lb”.

The company has been running a fullPW1000G core since late 2009, and reportedly

has scheduled the first CSeries engine to runin August and the first MRJ engine in October.With the CSeries expected to enter service in2013, P&W will bring the PW1000G to marketsignificantly before 2016, when CFM has saidits LEAP-X will be ready for its first application,China’s COMAC C919 mainline narrowbody.

The PW1000G’s market and itscompetition

This could help P&W in winning a positionon a re-engined 737 — and a re-engined A320.“Whether or not it proves to be a competitive

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advantage, it gives [P&W] good reason to thinkthey have a head start on the single-aisle war,”says Storey. “They may even stumble in by theback door if Bombardier builds a 150-seater.”Bombardier might well do so, he thinks: “Therehas always been a gulf from the regional jetsinto the single-aisle widebodies [such as theA320 and 737]. The CSeries might be a span-ner between the two, if they were to stretch it.”

CFM International’s new LEAP-X engine isP&W’s most obvious medium-term competition.“LEAP-X has been by far the most vocal in

there,” says Adams. But he believes CFM istrading away some of the vaunted maintainabil-ity of its existing CFM56 engine family to meetcustomers’ fuel-efficiency demands for a re-engined A320 or 737.

LEAP-X is “more like a widebody engine”,claims Adams. “The interesting thing here is, inorder to compete with the GTF product, theLEAP architecture has had to change signifi-cantly from the CFM56 architecture to a wide-body architecture,” optimised for fuel-efficiencyand low-cycle operation rather than high cyclesand durability. “We think the competition hashad to compromise maintenance cost,” hesays.

Meanwhile, Adams thinks that the openrotor’s noise, installation and blade-contain-ment challenges, along with the need to pro-vide a variable pitch mechanism for each of itstwo contra-rotating blade rows, will rule out anopen-rotor design in the medium term.“Variable pitch is 10 times less reliable than agearbox,” he says. “And square that” for tworows of blades.

Phased improvementsSome have pointed to the apparent gap

between the 12 per cent fuel-efficiencyimprovement P&W is promising from 2013 withthe PW1000G and the 15-16 per cent benefitCFM says it can offer from 2016 — and the 30per cent improvement Rolls-Royce is claiming

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Above: Pratt & Whitney is hoping that shouldeither a re-engined A320 or 737 appear, thePW100G would be selected to power it.

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from 2018-2020 with an open rotor. However,Adams says that, “apples to apples,” all threeengine manufacturers are essentially talkingabout the same levels of benefit being avail-able at the same dates.

P&W’s initial 12 per cent benefit with thePW1000G is only a starting point, he explains.In developing the new engine, P&W hasadopted a programme to introduce “technolog-ical injection” packages at phased intervals tokeep the programme “fresh”, both for new-buildengines and upgrades to in-servicePW1000Gs: “We think we get to the samenumber at the same point in time” as the othermanufacturers.

Generally, “turbomachinery [efficiency]improves at 0.75-1 per cent a year” throughmanufacturers’ continuing research, saysAdams. “The reason we stepped to thegeared turbofan was that we saw we wereactually getting nearer to the limit ... with tra-ditional concepts. We had to work harder andharder to get the improvements. The GTF-stylearchitecture allows us to continue that rate”more easily. “In 10 years the geared turbofancan be 7.5-10 per cent better than it is now.We think that for at least the next 15 years we

can continue to run that out at the historictrend or better.”

Will the 737 or the A320 use thePW1000G?

If a re-engined A320 or 737 appears, it willbe important to P&W to be on it, Storeybelieves. P&W was the sole provider for thefirst generation of 737s with the JT8D, but sub-sequently “Pratt & Whitney played themselvesout the game and they’re keen to get back in,in a big way, and to be at least one of theengines on the Airbus or Boeing plane. It wouldmean a lot for [P&W’s] bottom line.”

The PW1000G’s large fan size - the diame-ter of the CSeries fan is 73in, compared withthe CFM56-7B’s 61in, the IAE V.2500A5’s63.5in and the CFM56-5B’s 68.3in — will cre-ate challenges if it is chosen to re-engine the737. “It certainly fits pretty easily with theA320, even now,” says Storey. “At the time theA320 was designed [Airbus] probably antici-pated larger and larger engines” being used.But the same isn’t true for the 737, whosedesign started life some 20 years earlier.

However, Storey says senior P&W execu-tives have assured him the PW1000G could fit

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The full PW1000G core is tested.

In 10 years the gearedturbofan can be 7.5-10 percent better than it is now. Wethink that for at least the next15 years we can continue torun that out at the historictrend or better.—Paul Adams, senior vicepresident of engineering, Pratt& Whitney

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In developing the new engine, Pratt & Whitney has adopted a programme to introduce "technological injection" packages at phased intervals to keepthe programme "fresh", both for new-build engines and upgrades to in-service PW1000Gs.

under a 737 wing. “I think the possible road tothat is a somewhat lengthened nose gear,”says Storey. “It’s probably not feasible tolengthen the main gear on the 737 — youmight as well redesign the plane.” He declinescomment on how much longer the 737’s nosegear would need to be. But reports suggestthat, assuming the nacelle design was flat-tened like that of the CFM56-7B, a four-inchnose gear extension would produce about atwo-inch clearance for a PW1000G.

IAE and the PW1000GA320 re-engining presents a different prob-

lem: P&W is, along with Rolls-Royce, one of thetwo largest partners in IAE, which has wonmore than a 50 per cent market share on theA320 family with the V2500. Airbus hasstressed it wants any P&W path to market on are-engined A320 to be through IAE.

Asked for comment, IAE responds: “We intendto offer an engine solution that meets our cus-tomer’s needs and we’re in ongoing discussionswith Airbus and our shareholders to determinethe right approach to meet those needs. We areconsidering all available technology options andwill offer the best solution once Airbus has clearlydefined the aircraft’s requirements.”

Presenting P&W’s view, Adams says: “Weboth clearly state we like IAE and it’s a goodchannel to market, and we continue to workwith Rolls-Royce to see if there’s a resolution tothe problem. There are some philosophical dif-ferences and we’re not sure where it will comeout.” He confirms “we have done studies withboth airframers” and notes “a 737 approachwouldn’t necessarily have to be through IAE”.

What this means, says Storey, is that “Rolls-Royce obviously hasn’t jumped on the band-wagon. It’s always been a triple-spoolproponent and possibly also of an open rotor. Ican’t see Rolls-Royce coming out [for anA320/737 re-engining] with its own 25,000-30,000lb engine ... so I would think [Rolls-Royce’s presence] would be either through IAEor nothing. That would lead me to believe Pratt& Whitney thinks it is bringing the most to thetable and would want a bigger share” of a newGTF-based IAE engine for the A320 than the32.5 per cent it now has on the V2500.

Ultimately, says Storey: “I think both Boeingand Airbus are going to prefer two engineoptions, and if they’re not both open rotors, Ithink they will be the LEAP-X and P&W. It seemsRolls-Royce is the one not in lockstep.” WhileBoeing might not be actively favouring two

engine options, “if the LEAP-X doesn’t deliveras advertised and Airbus has options with boththe LEAP-X and the geared turbofan, Boeingwould be at a disadvantage. My assumptionnow is that both manufacturers will offer twoengines, and they’ll be the same two engines”.

The GTF as a widebody engineAdams confirms Embraer is also consider-

ing the PW1000G in its “studies of what itsnext product would be like”. But even moreinteresting is Adams confirmation that “theoverall concept of the geared turbofan is scala-ble up to pretty much any size”, including apotential 100,000lb-thrust engine for a 777-300ER replacement — or perhaps for theA350XWB-1000.

“We would architect a widebody product dif-ferently to the narrowbody product,” saysAdams. “For long missions, we would makesome design trades that advantaged fuel burnversus high-cycle maintainability, consistentwith low-cycle operations. The disk designwould trade weight for cycle life. We would runthe engine hotter, with higher operating ratios.The cooling technology would be different: thedesign margin in the turbine disks, how muchcooling air, what kind of cooling.” �

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Although the Trent 500 is certified for 60,000lbthrust, the two thrust versions are the53,000lb variant for the A340-500 and the56,000 lb variant for the A340-600.

FleetWith a fleet of about 125 Trent-powered

A340s in existence, the number of installedTrent 500s is about 500 and it can be esti-mated that the total number of Trent 500engines (covering both installed and spareengines) is about 600. The major Trent 500operators are Lufthansa, Virgin AtlanticAirways, Iberia, Etihad Airways, Emirates Airlineand Thai Airways. Etihad Airways and ThaiAirways are the only operators which have bothversions of the Trent 500 in their fleet. Theentire fleet of Trent 500 engines has accumu-lated just over 10 million engine flight hoursand about 1.2 million engine flight cycles. Thelead engines of the Trent 500 have over

30,000 engine flight hours and 4,000 engineflight cycles. The aggregate number of engineflight hours of the global fleet of Trent 500engines presently increases by two millionengine flight hours per annum. The averageflight duration for the Trent 500 engines isabout 8.7 flight hours and most operators usetheir Trent 500 engines for flights of betweeneight and 10 flight hours. Singapore Airlinesleads in using its Trent 500 engines on thelongest sectors: the average flight duration isregularly close to 17 flight hours per flight!

VersionsAs mentioned above, there are two thrust

versions for the Trent-powered A340s that arein service. The 53,000lb rated Trent 500 (forthe A340-500) is identified as Trent 553-61 orTrent 553A2-61. The 56,000lb rated Trent 500(for the A340-600) is identified as Trent 556-61or Trent 556A2-61.

In June 1997, Rolls-Royce was selected byAirbus to satisfy its requirements for a higherthrust engine to power the stretched ver-

sions of the A340. The Trent 500 was devel-oped by Rolls-Royce to be the exclusivepowerplant for the A340-500 and the slightlylonger A340-600. It combines elements fromboth the Trent 700 and the Trent 800. The fandiameter of the Trent 500 is the same as theTrent 700, whereas a reduced version of theTrent 800 core has been selected as core forthe Trent 500. All the compressor and turbineairfoils in the Trent 500 use advanced 3D aero-dynamics for improved efficiency. Like otherRB211 and Trent engines, the Trent 500 alsofeatures a three-spool design. The first run ofthe Trent 500 was in May 1999 and certifica-tion was awarded in December 2000. The firstflight of the Trent 500-powered A340-600 wasin April 2001 and the first A340-600 was deliv-ered to Virgin Atlantic Airways in July 2002.

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Maurick Groeneveld, director of aircraft management at Doric Asset Finance, takes a look atsmallest member of the Rolls-Royce Trent family.

The Trent 500 — designed forthe ultra long-haul

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According to Doric’s understanding, the dif-ference between the “A2” and the “non-A2”designation is linked with the embodiment of apackage of modifications that enhance the per-formance of the “A2” engines. The Trent 553and Trent 556 basically differ in thrust level.Both versions have the same turbine gas tem-perature (TGT) red line limit of 900 ˚C, whichobviously implies that the Trent 500 rated at53,000lb has a higher TGT margin than the56,000lb rated one. About 25 per cent of theTrent 500 engines in service are rated at53,000lb, whereas 75 per cent of the Trent500 engines in service are rated at 56,000lb.In terms of operational experience, the Trent500’s performance retention looks satisfactoryand the TGT deterioration is presently not a pri-mary contributor to engine removals.

Technical issuesIn managing Trent 500 engines, Doric has

come across the following more significantissues:� Cabin odour (oil smell): for some years

now, Trent 500 engines have beengenerating cabin odour events. This hascaused a number of engine removals. Theintensity and frequency of thisphenomenon varies and Rolls-Royce hasbeen working on it with different concepts.In the mean time, the engine manufacturerhas been able to find a solution for themajority of the cabin odour events. This isachieved by revised intermediate pressurecompressor stage 8 (IP8) air tubeassemblies with an increased tube sizeexternal diameter and complementarychanges (SB RB211-72-G120), whichaddresses the primary source of the oilsmell. The modification can beincorporated on-wing as well as in theshop. The majority of the engines are nowmodified and the modification lookssuccessful. A secondary source of the oilsmell is the intermediate gear box (IGB),which can leak across the hydraulic sealhousing joint and the IGB/intercase joint,and Rolls-Royce is developing a solution toaddress this as well.

� High pressure turbine nozzle guide vane(HPT NGV) convex airfoil cracking: duringregular inspections, cracking on the convexsurface of the airfoil has been reported.This is caused by higher than predictedtemperatures following local thinning of theairfoil thermal barrier coating in this area.Initially, extended limits have been providedby Rolls-Royce in combination withcomprehensive borescope instructions(NMSB RB211-72-G240). In the meantime, Rolls-Royce has also developed a

revised HPT NGV with improved leadingedge convex surface cooling, which shouldaddress the cracking issue. The revisedHPT NGVs are installed during shop visitsand hospital visits (SB RB211-72-G232).

� Intermediate pressure turbine nozzle guidevane (IPT NGV) thermal distress: due topotential fuel spray nozzle blocking duringoperation, there is a chance that — whensignificant fuel spray nozzle blockingoccurs — this may result in asymmetricthermal distress of turbine hardware.Accordingly, Rolls-Royce introduced in-shopmanifold cleaning and flow check fuel ofspray nozzles during each shop visit (AlertSB RB211-73-AG327). In the mean time,Rolls-Royce strongly recommends replacing(on-wing) the right hand fuel manifold (AlertSB RB211-73AG422) and an EASA AD islikely to be associated therewith. Amodification to the design of the right handfuel manifold assembly has reportedlybeen launched and could ultimatelyalleviate the requirement for that alert SB(and related EASA AD).

� Fuel pump bearing wear: wear isexperienced on the faces of the bearing inthe fuel pump (Mk3 version), which isleading to thermal distress and release ofmaterial into the hydro mechanical unit(HMU). This can ultimately lead to fuelpump and HMU removals. It isrecommended that a revised fuel pump(Mk4 version) be incorporated duringengine shop visits and — as acomplementary modification — anupgraded Mk4 HMU also be incorporated(replacing the MK3 HMU) at the samemoment.

� Spinner and spinner fairing polyurethane(PU) delamination: a new nose coneassembly and nose cone fairing assemblyis now available (SB RB211-72-G102).

� Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE): due to the

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Trent 500 Characteristics

LPC 1 fan stage

IPC 8 stagesHPC 6 stagesCombustor annular combustor chamber

HPT 1 stage

IPT 1 stage

LPT 5 stages

Fan Diameter (inches) 97.4

Length (inches) 155

Dry weight (lb) 10,660

It can be estimated that theTrent 500 engines would beable to remain on-wing foraround 3,000 engine cycles(for first-run engines) and foraround 2,500 engine cycles(for second and subsequentrun engines). In reality,however, particularly for thefirst run engines, the aboveon-wing periods are not beingachieved.

Like the RB211, the Trent 500 features athree-spool design.

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possibility of fuel restriction at the FOHEcooler matrix (like what occurred with thesimilar design Trent 800 FOHE), a revisedFOHE needs to be installed (Alert SBRB211-79-AG346). This Alert SB must beaccomplished on all Trent 500 engineswithin 6,000 engine flight hours after 10July 2009 (EASA)/03 May 2010 (FAA) or by01 January 2011, whichever is the sooner.This Alert SB is covered by EASA AD2009-0257 and FAA AD 2010-07-01.

Shop visitsIt can be estimated that the Trent 500

engines would be able to remain on-wing foraround 3,000 engine cycles (for first runengines) and for around 2,500 engine cycles(for second and subsequent run engines). Inreality, however, particularly for the first runengines, the above on-wing periods are notbeing achieved as the Trent 500 enginesrequire a replacement of the HPT disk, whichpresently has a certified life of 2,600engines (see below). Shop visit cost of Trent500 engines should not be underestimatedas — according to Doric — the price of arefurbishment shop visit is very expensivecompared with engines of a similar thrustlevel. Fortunately, the long average flightduration of the Trent 500 is able to some-what lower the high shop visit cost impactwhen expressed in an hourly rate. This alsomakes the cost per event somewhat less vis-ible, particularly since many Trent 500

engines are covered by flight-hour agree-ments.

Life limited parts managementAs with other Rolls-Royce engines, Rolls-

Royce is splitting the life limited parts intoGroup A and Group B parts. The Group A partscover the typical life limited parts in an engine(disks, shafts etc.), whereas the Group B partscover the fan blades and the annulus fillers(note that the annulus fillers presently have nolife limit). Although most of life limited parts inthe Trent 500 engines have a certified life of10,000 flight cycles, there are some Group Aparts which presently have a significantlyshorter certified life. These Group A parts arethe HPC stage 1-4 drum (with 5,000 cycles),the HPT front cover plate (with 4,000 cycles),the IPT disk (with 5,000 cycles), the LPT diskstage 3 (with 7,990 cycles) and the HPT disk(with 2,600 cycles). The HPT disk’s certified lifeis causing the engine to go into the shop sig-nificantly before it would have, had this HPTdisk’s certified life been higher (see above).Rolls Royce is working on extending the certi-fied life of the HPT disk (from 2,600 cycles to3,000 cycles) and it is likely that during thesecond half of 2010 Rolls-Royce will makemore details about this life extension available.

SupportThere are three engine shops, which are cer-

tified for Trent 500 maintenance and repair.These shops are Hong Kong Aero Engine

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Services Limited (HAESL) in Hong Kong (HAESLis a joint venture between Hong Kong AircraftEngineering Company Limited (HAECO), SIAEngineering Company (SIAEC) and Rolls Royce),Singapore Aero Engine Services Private Limited(SAESL) in Singapore (SAESL is a joint venturebetween SIAEC, HAESL and Rolls Royce) andN3 Engine Overhaul Services GmbH & Co. KG(N3 EOS) in Arnstadt (Germany). N3 EOS is ajoint venture between Lufthansa Technik andRolls-Royce. With Rolls-Royce having a stake ineach of the engine shops, it effectively controlsthe maintenance market of the Trent 500.Based on today’s fleet size of Trent 500engines and the lack of any new orders forTrent 500 powered A340s, it can be expectedthat the number of Trent 500 engine shops willnot increase. According to Doric’s assessment,most of the Trent 500 engines are under longterm dollar per flight hour maintenance supportagreements (“Total Care Agreements”) withRolls-Royce, which is using its network ofengine shops to do the maintenance and repairof the engines.

ConclusionThe Trent 500 is a modern and reliable

engine. Like any other engine, it does havesome issues, but Rolls-Royce either has a solu-tion in place or is working on it. For example,for the cabin odour issue Rolls-Royce has asolution in place and the majority of theengines have been modified. The short life ofsome of the life limited parts, particularly theHPT disk, has caused a somewhat shorter timeon-wing than would have been possible basedon the Trent 500’s performance. Through itsnetwork of engine shops, Rolls-Royce has beenable to control the maintenance market for theTrent 500 and unsurprisingly many Trent 500sare under long-term maintenance supportagreements. �

Doric Asset Finance, with offices inFrankurt, London and New York, provides pro-active, hands-on asset management andremarketing services to owners, investors, fin-anciers and operators of aircraft and engines.Aircraft and engines under long term assetmanagement include aircraft the Airbus A320-family, the A330/A340 family, the A380 andthe 777, and CFM56-5, the Trent 500, theGE90-115 and the GP7200 engines. The com-pany also performs asset management activi-ties via project assignments with a morelimited scope, such as aircraft inspections andtechnical records audits.

The Trent 500 received its certification in December 2000.

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Or just choose the all-inclusive solution: Total Engine Support TES® means you hand over full responsibility for technology and logistics to us — and in return, we offer top availability and perfect operation of your engines, including spare engine supply/coverage. Our Airline Support Teams AST® bring Lufthansa Technik’s seamless engine expertise right to your doorstep, with ultrashort response times. Let’s talk about it.

Lufthansa Technik AG, Marketing & SalesE-mail: [email protected] us: +49-40-5070-5553

More mobility for the world

An all-embracing programme of maintenance and overhaul: Lufthansa Technik Groups’ Engine Services.

General Electric: CF6-80C2, -80E1 CF34-3, -8, -10

CFMI: CFM56-2C, -3, -5, -7B

Pratt and Whitney: JT9D, -7A, -7F, -7J, -7Q, -7R, -59A, -70A PW4000-94 PW100 PW150

Rolls-Royce: RB211-535 Trent 500, 700, 900 Spey Tay

IAE: V2500-A5, -D5

Honeywell: LF507 ALF502

APUs: APS2000/3200, 2300 PW901A GTCP36-300, GTCP85-129H, GTCP131-9A, 131-9B, GTCP331-200, 331-250, 331-350, 331-500, 331-600 TSCP700-4E

as o

f Aug

ust 2


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41The Engine Yearbook 2011

whose technical skills complement oneanother are really in the best position to suc-ceed,” she added. “GE and Pratt & Whitneyhave very strong jet engine technologies thathave come together beautifully to create a high-performing engine.”

The GP7200 literally combines the bestengine technologies of both companies. Itscore is a derivative of the GE90 hot section,and its fan module and low-pressure sectionsincorporate technologies from P&W’s PW4000engines (see sketch A).

In addition to teaming with each other, GEbrought in Snecma and MTU as partners on theGP7000 high- pressure compressor and tur-bine, respectively, and P&W contracted withMTU and Techspace Aero on the fan moduleand low-pressure turbine section, respectively(see sketch B).

The GP7200 core is manufactured at GE’sDurham, North Carolina facility. That and otherengine modules are shipped to P&W’s enginecentre in Middletown, Connecticut for finalassembly and transport to Airbus headquartersin Toulouse, France.

EA personnel, who are seconded from thetwo member companies, are located at P&W inEast Hartford, Connecticut (EA East), and at GEin Cincinnati, Ohio (EA West). Although mem-ber company campuses are used, the EAoffices are located apart from the rest of P&Wand GE. Team members are entirely EA-focusedand constantly conscious of firewalls that allowonly appropriate sharing of information.Mandatory refresher training helps ensureeveryone remembers the non-disclosure termsof the EA agreement.

As with other JVs, the EA strives to maintainan equitable balance of representation fromthe member companies. The offices of thepresident and CFO are rotated equally betweenmembers of GE and P&W on a three-year plan.At the end of Jones’ term, the role of presidentwill be assumed by a GE executive. At thattime, the CFO’s position will be assumed by aP&W associate. The key functions of engineer-ing, customer support, industrial management,quality, and sales and marketing are equallystaffed at EA East and EA West.

GP7200 customersThe Engine Alliance won its first A380

engine order from Air France in 2001. Sincethen, Air France has increased its original orderfrom 10 aircraft to 12 and EA has garneredorders for an additional 84 aircraft. The JV isnow contracted to power 52 per cent of the186firm A380s (with engine selections) on order.

By the end of 2010, EA expects to have 19GP7200-powered A380s in service: Four withAir France and 15 with Emirates. Doric Asset

Finance (Doric) became the first lessor withGP7200-powered A380s in its portfolio when itpurchased two of the Emirates A380s in a sale-leaseback agreement. Korean Air is scheduledto receive its first A380 in 2011.

In-service performanceThe media is quick to criticise when the

A380 experiences any technical issues, but theaircraft’s reliability during its first 12 months inservice was actually better than that of today’smost-utilised widebody aircraft. The A380’sdispatch reliability rate exceeded 98 per centduring its first year of service. Compared to thefirst year dispatch reliability ratings for the 747-400 (91 per cent) and the 777 (97 per cent),the A380’s reliability has been remarkable.

The GP7200’s performance is equallyimpressive. Since entering service withEmirates in 2008, the GP7200-powered A380fleet has not experienced a single in-flight shut-down or aborted takeoff. The 12-month rollingaverage dispatch reliability rating for the EA-powered fleet typically exceeds 99.9 per cent.

These are numbers, Jones said, that areconsistent with a mature engine. “It’s the resultof continuously testing these engines underextreme conditions to expose potential issuesand resolve them before they can become prob-lems for our customers,” she noted. “It’s alsoa tremendous tribute to the teamwork inherentin this GE-Pratt & Whitney partnership.”

The specific fuel consumption (SFC) of theengine in service is one of its best features.

GE & Pratt & Whitney technologies in the GP7200 Turbofan

Pratt & Whitney GE1 - Swept hollow titanium fan 5 - 9-Stage HP Compressor2 - 5-Stage LP compressor 6 - Low Emission Single Annular

Combustor3 - Accessory Gearbox 7 - 2-Stage HP Turbine

4 - 6-Stage LP Turbine 8 - FADEC III

Prior to service entry, the engine demonstratedit would perform better than its specificationrequired. But analysis of the GP7200-poweredA380s in service show that the engines areperforming better still. Airbus notified EA inMarch, 2010 that it plans to revise the nextGP7200 performance document to reflect a0.5 per cent SFC improvement.

“We’re very pleased with the engine’s per-formance in service,” Jones said, “but moreimportantly, our customers are.”

“We’re delighted to be one of the mainGP7200 operators,” Adel Al Redha, EmiratesEVP engineering and operations, said. “The in-service experience of the engine has proven tobe meeting the performance and reliabilityexpectations set by the manufacturers.” Doric

Engine Alliance customersinclude:

Airline firm orders:

Air France 12Emirates 58ILFC 4Korean Air 10Etihad 10Air Austral 2

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is also pleased with the engines. “What wehave seen up to now with the GP7200 pointsto a very promising time on-wing, even in ademanding operating environment,” MaurickGroeneveld, Doric Aircraft management direc-tor, commented.

Worldwide customer supportEmirates, Air France and Korean Air, all cus-

tomers with engines in service or preparing forservice entry, are active participants in theEA’s airline working group (AWG), a team com-prised of EA engineering and customer sup-port leaders which meets periodically to reviewthe engine’s performance and developimprovements. These and other EA customershave full access to the GE and P&W membercompanies’ worldwide customer support net-works, for comprehensive coverage around theclock. “When customers choose the GP7200they have the option of selecting either mem-ber company as their single point of contactfor aftermarket support,” notes MikeHoffmeister, EA customer service director.“This is just one additional way our JV is anadvantage for them.”

The EA team sought input from its customersvery early in the programme, with particularattention paid to maintainability and logistics.For example, the vast majority of GP7200 linereplaceable units (LRUs) are readily accessibleand designed to be replaced within four hours.

Borrowing a best practice from the GE90,the GP7200’s fan and propulsor were designedto be separated for shipping to enable the largeengine to fit into a variety of aircraft. “We’vemodularised the engine so you can take itapart with minimal tooling,” John Romprey, EAquality manager, said. By design, any givenGP7200 propulsor will assemble with anyGP7200 fan. “This also allows for shipment ofjust a propulsor for off-station engine changes,”Romprey explained. “The customer doesn’talways need or want a full spare engine, so thisapproach helps them to manage their inventorycosts and also provides great transportationflexibility.”

Technical issuesAll jet engines experience at least a few

technical issues upon entry into service andthe GP7200 is no exception. All issues areaddressed with a rigorous root cause analysisand corrective action plan, which is thenreviewed with customers, to ensure they areresolved. For example:

� Three months after entry into service anengine experienced an oil hiding event. Theoil pressure reading briefly dropped andreturned to normal, indicating that oil was




GP7200 Revenue share participants

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temporarily hiding somewhere in theengine. The root cause was attributed to alow baffle clearance in the oil tank. Existingoil tanks were inspected for sufficientclearance and the assembly procedure wasmodified to ensure adequate baffleclearance on future builds.

� In 2009, an engine experienced rapid oilloss that was caused by a fracture in ascavenge tube fitting. The fracture wascaused by high cycle fatigue in the fitting. Abracket was added to the system toreposition the scavenge tube, effectivelyreducing the dynamic response.

� After a year in service, several pistonrings were found loose or missing duringa routine engine inspection. These pistonrings form a floating seal between theturbine centre frame (TCF) casing and theoil service lines that penetrate the TCFouter shell. The piston ring’s loose fit wasattributed to premature wearing of thecase cover plate and an excessive lead inthe chamfer at the assembly interface.The assembly interface was redesignedto eliminate the lead in the chamfer andthe TCF cover plate material was changedfrom Titanium to Inconel to improve thewear characteristics of the joint.

Emissions and noiseAt development, the GP7200 was required

to comply with CAEP4 emissions requirementsand London Heathrow QC4 noise standards.The engine’s emissions are well below CAEP4allowable levels and also meet the more strin-gent CAEP6 limits with margin.

In order to meet the stated QC4 noiserequirements, the GP7200 was configured witha 2.8m (110 in.) diameter fan that produced abypass ratio of 8:1. This would have easilyallowed the engine to meet QC4, but cus-tomers demanded that the A380 meet themore stringent QC2 noise requirements.Subsequently, the fan diameter was expandedto 2.96m (116.7 in.) effectively increasing thebypass ratio from 8:1 to 8:8. As a result, theGP7200 meets QC2 departure noise limits andQC0.5 limits on arrival. European AviationSafety Agency (EASA) certification test dataconfirmed the GP7200 is the quietest engineon the A380.

The GP7200-powered A380 may even be tooquiet. Four months after Emirates received its firstaircraft, It was reported that the Emirates crewwas finding it difficult to sleep on the A380 due tothe lack of engine noise, which they typically relyon to drown out passenger cabin sounds.

A look aheadThe Engine Alliance enjoys a fuel burn advan-

tage today, but realises it must continually exploreways to increase fuel efficiency to maintain itscompetitive advantage tomorrow. Since enteringservice, the GP7200 has lost 150lb of weight andEA engineers are working to trim it even more.

The EA also continues to run fleet leaderengines in the factory to identify potential issuesand improvements. Additionally, as each EA cus-

tomer prepares to enter service the AWG will grow,increasing the influx of ideas for enhancements.

“We want to ensure the GP7200 remainscompetitive for its current use on the A380 andfor any potential aircraft derivatives as well,”Jones said, “EA East and West are completelyaligned when it comes to maintaining theGP7200’s advantage”.

“Completely aligned” is a notable achieve-ment for two companies who weren’t supposedto get along. �

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Canadian Propellers that the company was offi-cially marked a manufacturer. This government-financed venture provided an opportunity forthe company to construct a new, distinct man-ufacturing plant.

After World War II, P&WC expanded itsvision and began to offer service to bothCanadian and US military. With successfuldeliveries to clients like Canadair, the RoyalCanadian Navy and others, thecompany slowly

began toreshape its business

model. Throughout the years and with theexpansion of customer markets, it kept itsfocus on being a trusted source of flight power.

Customer expansion brought dramaticincreases in both its workforce and profits.Responding to rapid business growth, Pratt &Whitney Canada matured from a small com-pany with 230 workers to a market leader with2,000 employees and saw earnings leap to$29m by 1956.

The late 1950s marked the informal devel-opment period for the PT6 engine. Market stud-ies in 1958 validated a new industry need for

turboprop 250-500 shaft horse power (shp)engines. Following its proven success in manu-facturing military aviation products, Pratt &Whitney Canada had the foresight to identify anew and potentially large growth opportunity toinnovate in an uncharted field. The companyconducted informal consultations with potential

customers such as Piper,Beech, Bell Helicopter and

Cessna, verifying theindustry’s needs and

learning more aboutthe infrastructure ofdifferent cus-tomers.

Initially, aftermuch speculation

and research, thecompany decided

on a 450 shp enginethat could be scaled

upwards to provide 500shp. Based on the current

aircraft wing loadings, this would provide simi-lar operating costs to piston engines of thesame power, but would allow aircraft to travel50 miles per hour faster. This new, cutting-edgeconcept was named the DS-10.

Working to incorporate a free turbinedesign, the DS-10 allowed for a no-clutch con-figuration, simpler fuel controls and use of ‘offthe shelf’ propellers rather than costly, custom-made prop blades. The PT6’s free turbine sys-tem incorporated a reverse-flow combustionpath and used two counter-rotating turbines —one driving the compressor and the other driv-ing the propeller through a reduction gearbox.The latter turbine is free of the compressor tur-bine, an innovation that has allowed the PT6

The Engine Yearbook 2011

After several years of tough economic challenges, the aviation industry is in the early stages of aperiod of renewal and prospective growth. February, traditionally the weakest month forpassenger air travel, showed a strong uptick in 2010, with passenger demand 9.5 per cent higherthan the previous year. As Anna Maria di Giorgio of Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) writes,engine manufacturers aim to lead and innovate as we enter a new era of renewal and growth.

Pratt & Whitney Canadaprovides a new chapter inPT6 engine development

Positive signs for commercial air travelbode well for business aviation as well. Arecent New York Times article, titled

Daring to Think Private Jet Again, noted thatbusiness aircraft flights in January, monitoredby the aviation research firm Argus, rose 5.3per cent over the same month in 2009.

Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) believes ithas prevailed because of sound business strate-gies and true market foresight, maintaining thatthe company’s engines have emerged as the realworkhorses of the business aviation industry.More than 700 airlines use P&WC engines,and the company works withmore than 35 originalequipment manufac-turers (OEMs). Withover 46,000 enginesin service, operatingin more than 198countries, it’s safe tosay that just aboutevery second a P&WC-powered aircraft is tak-ing off or landingsomewhere in the world.

The PT6 engine, used by 10,000global operators, is one example of the com-pany’s continued reinvention and responsive-ness to emerging customer needs. Duringperiods of dynamic transformation, like thosewe currently face, industry leaders take whathistory has taught us and use that knowledgeto drive further innovation.

Powering flight for 50 yearsPratt & Whitney Canada began in 1928 with

the assembly, overhaul and service for engines.It was not until 1941 with the launch of

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engine to cover a diverse range of applicationsacross all aircraft markets. The engine’s diam-eter remains constant although it is scalablefrom the original 500 to 2,000 shp. Morerecently, higher-powered models incorporate atwo-stage power turbine.

The new design resulted in a much quieterengine. The engine’s mechanical configuration,with an opposing shaft design instead of con-centric shafts, also made the unit much easierto maintain. The combination of the opposingshaft and the free turbine served as the initialarchitecture of the PT6 engine.

As PT6 turboprop development continued,the engine evolved into three different familiesthat range in size — small, medium and large— all offering unique, scalable power levels.Regardless of engine size, they share thesame, basic game-changing architecture. Thesmall PT6A family has three stages of axialcompression and one centrifugal stage, drivenby a one-stage axial compressor turbine, and asingle, independent power turbine. With themedium PT6A, the company added a secondpower turbine to extract more power. The largePT6A added a fourth axial compression stageto increase the overall pressure ratio.

PT6A: An evolution in advancedtechnology

A complete PT6A with a propeller was firsttested on February 22, 1960, just 14 monthsfrom full design launch. This marked thebeginning of an 8,000-hour pre-productiontesting programme and by June 1961, thePT6A had made its first flight on a Beech 18mounted in the nose for flight-testing anddemonstration.

Many other experiments followed on variousinstallations, but the real breakthroughoccurred with Beech aircraft, when the PT6Awas selected to power the Beech Model 65Queen Air, originally produced with 340 horse-power Lycoming engines. In May 1963, thenewly designated NU-8F transport and trainingaircraft took to the skies for the first time withPT6A-6 engines for testing. And on December22, 1963, the first production PT6A engine,S/N 20001, was delivered to Beech Aircraft.Engine production began in 1963, and by 1964the PT6 engine entered into service.

P&WC says that since the engine’s com-mencement, the PT6 has become the penulti-mate turboprop engine, powering commuter,corporate and utility aircraft, aerobatic train-ers, agricultural aircraft, short takeoff andlanding (STOL) aircraft and water bombers. Itadds that ‘unmatched versatility’, dependabil-ity and performance have made the PT6A themost thoroughly proven and popular turbopropengine family in the 500- to 1,700-shp class.

Understanding what has worked in the past,evaluating the technologies that have servedas stepping stones throughout the decades,and then making improvements, will help carrythe industry and interested stakeholders intothe next era of business aviation. Pratt &Whitney Canada maintains that its innovativeconcepts, like the PT6 engine, have providedthe platforms from which the industry has liter-ally taken flight and will continue to do so inthis new, exciting era.

The PT6: a legendary enginePratt & Whitney Canada recently celebrated

the 50th anniversary of its landmark PT6A tur-boprop engine’s initial test run. At the 10thannual European Business Aviation Conventionand Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva, Switzerland,the company marked five decades of innova-

tion and flight while recognising what the futurestill holds for the engine. Its core technologyhas been developed and reshaped over theyears, redefining the possibilities and enablinga single engine technology, which has helpedpropel the industry forward. During this time,Pratt & Whitney Canada has become a valuedsupplier, trusted partner and thought leader inbusiness aviation. The company’s near-con-stant development and enhancement of thePT6A engine has made it one of the mostsought-after, proven sources of power for turbo-prop aircraft.

“Since its first test run, the PT6 has contin-ued to evolve with customer needs and throughthe application of innovative technology,”states Maria Della Posta, SVP sales and mar-keting. “The PT6 is a scalable technology thatcan be redeveloped and redesigned based on

Turboprops remain a workhorse of business aviation.

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the specifications of the customer or need.”She adds: “Pratt & Whitney Canada has

delivered more than 46,000 PT6 engines usingmore than 89 engine models. And today, morethan 26,000 PT6 engines are flying: this is atestament to the technology improvements,customer focus and reliability of the product.”

Keeping a watchful eye on the environmenthas been a hallmark of the engine’s develop-ment, even at its inception. The company hascontinually invested in the technology to makeall its engine families the most sustainable intheir class. This has offered immense value inthe form of higher performance and digitalengine control and has generated a loyal cus-tomer following.

P&WC maintains that the PT6 engine isunmatched in the marketplace and thatalthough others have made efforts to launchsimilar products, none has matched its versa-tility, durability and reliability. The engine manu-facturer has consistently introduced newerversions of the engine, leading to more than130 applications for business, commuter, util-ity and trainer aircraft and helicopters. Theengine has logged more than 350 million hoursof flight. P&WC has certified seven new PT6engine models in the last five years alone.These new models build upon the engine’salready legendary reputation for reliability anddurability.

Pratt & Whitney Canada is now writing a newchapter in PT6 development. The core archi-tecture is being supplemented with technologi-cal advances and scaled to meet the

46 The Engine Yearbook 2011

Disruptive technology that madegood sense

The design team selected the opposedshaft layout to:

� Avoid the complexity of concentric shaftsand the attendant bearing and turbinedisc design problems.

� Allow the packaging of the accessoriesbox at one end, and the output gearbox atthe other for safety and easy access.

� Maintain duct and exhaust losses tocompare favourably with a conventionalthrough-flow layout.

� Use a double scroll exhaust design tohandle the power turbine exit swirl (foundto be not needed).

� Use a screen protected compressor inletplenum to eliminate FOD.

� Allow a split between the power and gasgenerator sections for ease ofmaintenance.

� Allow use of a simple low frontal areatwo-stage epicyclical output gearbox, forfixed wing or helicopter installations.

� Reduce inlet noise level.

challenges of today’s business aviation indus-try. “Successful innovation requires equalmeasures of inspiration and discipline, as wellas a healthy and systematic process for bring-ing new ideas to the marketplace,” remarksDella Posta.

Inventing the future: nextgeneration turboprop

During EBACE 2010, Pratt & WhitneyCanada announced the creation of a new multi-disciplinary team to focus on the next genera-tion of turboprops. The team’s mandate is tocreate an even more impressive PT6 engineoffering and ensuring rapid entry into the mar-ketplace.

“Our ultimate objective is to bring incre-mental value to customers while maintainingour leadership position in the turboprop world,”says Della Posta. “The technology we developmay also be applied to existing PT6 enginemodels, and it will allow us to continue the tra-dition of adding value through technology evo-lution and innovation.”

The engine manufacturer has created theindustry standard with the PT6 engine. It hasbeen one of the few names in the market sec-tor that has not only kept pace with the chang-ing trends of the business aviation industry, butalso created the trend 50 years ago. The PT6has pushed the edge of what is possible andcontinues to expand the boundaries of per-formance. “We believe it offers boundlesspromise for decades to come,” concludes DellaPosta. �

Headquartered in Longueuil, Quebec, Pratt &Whitney Canada is a world leader in the design,manufacture and service of aircraft enginespowering business, general aviation and regionalaircraft and helicopters. The company also man-ufactures auxiliary power units and industrialgas turbines.

Beech Aircraft took delivery of the first PT6A engine in 1963.

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TOUGH TIMES, TIGHT BUDGETS REAL SOLUTIONSIn an economy where every penny counts, operators are looking for ways to minimize maintenance costs. Pratt & Whitney Canada’s Component Repair Business took up the challenge and developed improved repair processes to salvage key engine components that would otherwise be scrapped, enabling even more cost-effective solutions. Thinking outside the box. It’s what managing through tough times is all about. And it’s what you can depend on from P&WC.


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From an individual airline’s perspectivethis is good news — although the reali-sation that an engine needs to have

considerable amounts of cash spent on itwhile it’s being overhauled can come as ashock to the financial system if it hasn’tbeen adequately budgeted for. And even ifthe on-going costs have been fully taken intoconsideration, airlines are always looking toreduce their expenditure on maintenance —so long as passenger safety and airline reli-

ability aren’t compromised.At the outset it’s important to state that

CFM, unlike some other major internationalengine suppliers, neither has its own mainte-

nance operations nor does it offer any form of‘lease’ deal on its engines. All brand new CFMengines are bought outright on new airframesfrom either Boeing or Airbus.

However, the company does make an effortto offer operators customised service solutionsthat enhance the overall value of the CFM56product line. These offerings include every-thing from line maintenance support, torepairs, to inventory support and other cus-tomised material solutions, through to com-plete engine workscoping.

CFM — a 50/50 joint venture between GEAviation of the USA and France’s Snecma —believes that its on-going success with power-

The Engine Yearbook 2011

When it comes to maintenance, engine OEMs are frequently seen as being victims of their ownsuccess. Today’s high-by-pass ratio turbofans are so reliable that engines are frequently severalyears old — and with tens of thousands of hours on-wing — before they need a shop visit. AsGeoff Thomas of CFM International writes, many CFM56-5B and -7B engines are still operationalwith around 30,000-hours on-wing which equates to an operating cost of around $100 per hourif the upcoming shop visit costs between $2m and $3m, excluding life limited parts (LLP).

Engine maintenance from anOEM perspective

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Introducing our new, comprehensive customer care service.We love the engines we make and we’re very passionate about being given the opportunity to maintain them

for you. No other supplier knows our engines as well as we do. Our services are competitively priced and you

can be sure of quick turnaround, 24/7 support and reduced cost of ownership over the life of your engines.

Contact your local Snecma representative today for further details. Snecma. The Enginologists™www.snecma.com

We love our engines,that’s why we lookafter them for life.

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ing today’s single-aisle airliners is due to manyreasons. Not least of these is its claim to enjoya lower overall cost of ownership (includingmaintenance) than its direct competitors.

But don’t just take CFM’s word for it.Speaking in 2009 at the launch of the airline’sall-business class service between London’sCity and New York’s JFK airports, BritishAirways’ CEO Willie Walsh said: “The CFM56-5B-powered A318s will bring great operatingeconomics to this route. The Tech Insertionpackage brings a wealth of benefits includinglower fuel burn, lower emissions and lowermaintenance costs, all coupled with the out-standing reliability of the CFM56 product line.”British Airways is a long-time CFM customerand currently operates a fleet of more than 80CFM56 engines (including spares), powering its737 Classic and A320 families of aircraft.

CFM believes that maintenance costs are akey ‘value element’ in determining whether anairline buying new or second-hand aircraft fromthe A320-family of single-aisle airliners

chooses its engines, or those of its competitorInternational Aero Engines (IAE) which makesand sells the V2500 powerplant. In the case ofthe 737NG family, CFM is the sole supplier.

“The lowest cost shop visit is theone you don’t have.”

It has often been said that the only reallow-cost shop visit is the one you don’t have.But airlines are getting smarter and smarterat stretching time on-wing by investing in avariety of techniques and activities toenhance engine life. These include regularengine washes to ensure that the workingparts inside the engine are as clean and con-tamination-free as possible, as well as askingpilots not to use full throttle unless strictlynecessary due to load, airfield altitude oratmospheric conditions. According to CFM’sCincinnati-based Tom Henning, director, prod-uct marketing, all these techniques canincrease time on-wing by as much as 10 to 20per cent. Henning also explains that CFM is

continuously enhancing the engine data andanalysis capability of its remote monitor-ing/diagnostics to further improve time on-wing and departure reliability.

Both of CFM’s parent companies providesome level of remote diagnostics now andabout 13,000 CFM56 engines are covered bythe programme. Going forward, CFM plans toexpand the functionality of the service.

CFM is also conscious of considerableregional variations in the amount of wear andtear experienced by airlines in different parts ofthe world. Henning says that much of the vari-ation is ‘route specific’ and he explains thatCFM is working with airlines throughout theworld to identify geographic regions withadverse runway and atmospheric conditionssuch as sand, grit and FOD (foreign object dam-age) that can cause challenging situations.

Over 25 per cent of CFM56 fleetgranted TRUEngine status

CFM International’s TRUEngine programme,launched in mid-2008, has been well receivedby customers worldwide. CFM launched theprogramme to help the industry more accu-rately appraise used CFM56 engines and toenhance the resale value of these assets —yet another ‘key value element’ in the decision-making process when engine choice is on theagenda.

To date, more than 5,000 CFM56 engines inservice with more than 40 operators aroundthe globe have been granted TRUEngine status.

“The industry asked CFM for better ways todetermine the value of engines as they areredistributed in aircraft fleets,” says EricBachelet, president and CEO of CFMInternational. “The TRUEngine programmeallows you to more easily evaluate used CFM56engines by serial number, based on data cur-rently not widely accessible.”

The TRUEngine designation is available toall CFM56 engines meeting the criteria andseveral fleets of engines are currently beingevaluated.

To qualify for TRUEngine status, the engineconfiguration, engine overhaul practices, spareparts and repairs used to service the engine mustbe consistent with CFM requirements for thatengine model. In addition, all maintenance mustcomply with CFM-issued engine manuals andother maintenance recommendations. The qualifi-cation data is obtained through a combination offleet operational and maintenance records.

Commercial jet engines typically are in serv-ice for more than 25 years and change owner-ship at least once in their operational life. Theengine’s configuration, material content, main-tenance history, and supportability impact over-all value as it changes ownership.

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The CFM56-7.

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The TRUEngine designation also facilitatesCFM’s ability to provide technical support. Jetengines contain multiple, complex systemswhose interactions must be carefully con-trolled. CFM’s engine support is built upontechnical expertise for genuine CFM56 partsand configurations, as well as data gained fromthe vast operational history of the globalCFM56 engine population.

A modern high-by-pass ratio turbofanengine is an extremely complex and sophisti-cated piece of equipment that is designed byeach manufacturer to function effectively, effi-ciently and economically (and in an environ-mentally-friendly manner) with all itsthousands of parts operating within pre-deter-mined parameters and with each individualpart mutually dependent upon every othercomponent.

The original manufacturers argue that bychanging one or more parts in the engine forones that may be cheaper — parts manufac-turer approval (PMA) parts — at least when ini-tially purchased, may result in reliability issues,not to mention the possibility that the assetmay realise considerably less financial returnwhen it is eventually sold.

They are also concerned that the modifica-tion of engines they design and build, beyondthe type-certified configuration, reduces theirability to provide technical support. These con-cerns resulted in the FAA’s Aircraft CertificationService issuing a ‘special airworthiness infor-mation bulletin’ (SAIB) in August 2008 alertingowners, operators and certificated repair andmaintenance providers of the ‘responsibilitiesof type and production certificate (TC/PC) hold-ers, supplemental type certificate (STC) hold-ers and the PMA holders to support thecontinued operational safety (COS) of theirproduct or part design.

Advanced design tools help keepCFM56 engines on-wing longer

When CFM was designing the -7B engine,now used exclusively on 737NGs , future main-tenance was one of the major contributing fac-tors considered by the engineers.

Use of the latest digital product definitiontools at all stages of the engine’s design helpedto reduce definition cycle time and the first -7Bengines came to production faster than had everbeen done in the industry before. With full imple-mentation of the advanced CATIA numerical sys-

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The CFM56-7 rotor.

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tem for design, the engine was the first power-plant to be developed using a full digital mock-upat all engine and installation levels.

All this high-tech computer-aided designresulted in far improved accessibility as well asremoval and installation envelopes that havebeen optimised — with remarkable results. Thereplacement times for line replaceable units(LRUs) have been reduced by up to 80 per cent(compared with the CFM56-3 engine) while anentire engine replacement can now beachieved within four hours - an industry record.

A philosophy of continuousinvestment

CFM56 Tech Insertion, which is the produc-tion configuration for CFM56-7B and CFM56-5Bengines, had a highly successful entry intoservice in 2007 on both the 737NG and A320families.

Over the engine’s life cycle, CFM56 TechInsertion could provide operators up to one percent better specific fuel consumption, whichtranslates to better fuel burn and with longertime on-wing through an equivalent 15 - 20° Cadditional exhaust gas temperature (EGT) mar-gin; and between five and 15 per cent lowermaintenance costs (depending on the thrustrating) through enhanced durability.

The engine also meets the new InternationalCivil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Committee ofAviation Environmental Protection standards(CAEP /6) that took effect in early 2008. Thesebenefits are achieved through improvements tothe high-pressure compressor, the combustor,and the high- and low-pressure turbines.

In addition to the compressor kit, CFM alsooffers a full Tech Insertion core upgrade, aswell as high- and low-pressure turbine hard-ware, for the more than 7,250 CFM56-5B andCFM56-7B engines that were delivered prior tothe production shift in 2007.

Up to May 2010, more than 3,740 engineshad been delivered to 196 unique operators.This fleet has logged more than 15.3 millionflight hours and 8.6 flight cycles without a sin-gle engine-caused field issue.

In April 2009, Boeing and CFM togetherlaunched the new CFM56-7BE engine enhance-ment programme that coincides with 737NGairframe improvements.

The CFM56-7BE-powered 737NG enhancedaircraft/engine combination will provide a twoper cent improvement in fuel consumption,which, in turn, equates to a two per cent reduc-tion in carbon emissions. Additionally, theenhanced -7B will provide up to four per centlower maintenance costs, depending on the

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The CFM56 Tech Insertion on its test flight.

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thrust rating. This lower cost is achievedthrough a combination of longer time on-wing,improved durability, and lower overall partscount in the high- and low-pressure turbines.

CFM used advanced computer codes andthree-dimensional design techniques toimprove airfoils in the high- and low-pressureturbines to improve engine performance. Inaddition, it is improving engine cooling tech-niques and reducing parts count to achievelower maintenance costs.

In 2010, the engine completed an extensiveground test programme, which included a gru-eling 150-hour block test and a nearly 60-hourflight test programme on GE Aviation’s modifiedflying testbed. The engine is on track for FAAcertification in the third quarter of this year andbegins flight testing on the 737 in early 2011.The new aircraft/engine combination is sched-uled to enter service in mid-2011.

The spare CFM56 engine youneed, when you need it

When an airline needs a replacementengine fast — either because of maintenancerequirements or — rarely — a failure thatresults in an aircraft unable to fly on revenue-earning routes, CFM-subsidiary SES comes tothe rescue. Originally formed in 1988 andbased at Ireland’s Shannon Airport, SES is theworld’s largest CFM56 engine lessor. With aportfolio of more than 250 CFM56 engines -and with offices and pool locations located in13 different countries worldwide - SES is posi-tioned to deliver the most reliable, flexible andcost effective CFM56 spare engine solutions toCFM56 operators around the globe.

As the CFM56 in-service fleet continues togrow, SES continues to adapt the size and mixof its engine pool to ensure that its customershave access to a comprehensive range ofCFM56 spare engine solutions. It currentlyoffers a number of CFM56 engine leaseoptions including:

Short-term leaseSES offers its customers a genuine short-

term lease product whereby no minimum leaseterm applies. Customers pay for the number ofdays they need and redeliver when finished,with no hidden costs or extras built in.

Operating leaseThis is a more widely available product gen-

erally running over a longer term of three+years. There is an agreed delivery and redeliv-ery condition and the lease term is fixed. Theairline pays for the engine regardless ofwhether it is installed and typically takes main-tenance responsibility during the lease term.Operating leases are an effective solution

where expected utilisation is high over a givenperiod and where an airline is not in a positionto buy its own spares.

Engine sales & exchangeSES can offer its customers a wide range of

CFM56 assets for sale at any given time. Inaddition SES offers an engine exchange pro-gramme whereby an asset owner/operator mayelect to swap out its unserviceable or oldergeneration CFM56 engines with similar assettypes that have greater on-wing life remaining.With a large portfolio of CFM56 engines toselect from, SES can tailor a number of saleand exchange packages to suit specific cus-tomer requirements.

Guaranteed availabilityThis service is unique to SES and more

commonly known as ‘GAF’. It is an insurance-type product devised to protect airlines againstthe risk of an AOG (aircraft on ground). Enginesare made available for lease within 24 hours ofrequest.

Whatever the CFM56 spare engine require-ment, with access to more than 250 CFM56engines and expertise across a broad range ofspare engine solutions, SES is well-positionedto support its growing base of CFM56 opera-tors around the globe.

Today’s powerplants stay on-wing so longthat it’s easy to forget that the time will comewhen there will be a $2 or $3m bill for mainte-nance — albeit a shop visit that will return anengine ‘almost like new’ according to CFM. Ifan airline also invests in replacement of allLLPs then the engine will be fit for a further20,000/30,000 hours on-wing — figuresunimaginable only a decade or so ago. �

The Engine Yearbook 2011

It has often been said that theonly real low-cost shop visit isthe one you don’t have. Butairlines are getting smarterand smarter at stretching timeon-wing by investing in avariety of techniques andactivities to enhance enginelife. These include regularengine washes to ensure thatthe working parts inside theengine are as clean andcontamination-free as possible,as well as asking pilots not touse full throttle unless strictlynecessary due to load, airfieldaltitude or atmosphericconditions … all thesetechniques can increase timeon-wing by as much as 10 to20 per cent.

The CFM56-5B.

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56 The Engine Yearbook 2011

Today more than 40 per cent of the installedV2500 fleet is backed by an IAE AftermarketServices agreement, and over 80 percent offuture deliveries.

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standardising elements of the delivery toensure we can maintain the promised levels ofsupport for all our customers.”

Affordable aftermarket supportIAE has always been sensitive to its cus-

tomer’s needs and this is increasingly impor-tant in the tough economic environment. In2005, IAE introduced its latest IAE aftermarketservices programme, aimed at reducing cus-tomer costs. In the four years since its launch,85 per cent of customers completing newengine business with IAE utilised the OEM-backed aftermarket service agreement. And onthe product side, V2500 SelectOne enteredservice in 2008, delivering up to one per centgreater fuel burn benefit and 20 per cent longertime on-wing.

IAE aftermarket services agreements canalso include upgrading existing V2500-A5engines in service to the V2500 SelectOnestandard, providing much of the performancebenefits from the new engine design to existingengine assets. The incentive of a fleet houragreement creates a relationship in which thecustomer pays a fixed monthly cost without anysurprises while IAE is fully responsible for both

planned and unplanned engine maintenance.The result is the complete transfer of risk,budget visibility for the customer and thespreading of maintenance support costs,rather than forcing repair bills at the time of ashop visit.

In addition, IAE helps customers to proac-tively manage their V2500 fleet with resourcesdedicated to understanding their operations,and arranging maintenance as required, whenit best fits with the airline’s schedule or aircraftmaintenance plans. Working together with cus-tomers’ engineering departments, IAE’s fleetmanagers ensure a seamless flow of informa-tion in both directions to try and ensure thereare no surprises when it comes to engine serv-ices.

“Our aftermarket programme is incrediblystrong. It’s a great way for us to offer our cus-tomers the chance to have complete visibilityof the exact costs associated with their enginefleet. We help our operators to manage theirengine fleet more efficiently, which means wecan accurately forecast maintenance require-ments and our own scheduling of spare parts.There are no hidden costs, there are no sur-prises. Our operational business models are

The Engine Yearbook 2011

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Customers like US Airways and Etihad havesigned up for an IAE Aftermarket Servicesagreement to generate additional cost benefitsacross the engine lifecycle.

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aligned and the relationship is beneficial toboth parties,” comments Davie.

Bringing the best-of-the-besttogether

Throughout its existence, IAE has been ademonstration of taking the best-of-the-bestand creating a solution that is greater than thesum of its parts. Back in 1983, the V2500 wascreated using this approach, taking the besttechnologies from the four shareholder compa-nies (Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, MTU andJAEC) to produce an engine that has becomethe workhouse of nearly 200 airline fleetsaround the world.

When it came to designing the IAE after-market offering, the company adopted a similarapproach. While aftermarket services agree-ments are centrally managed and run by IAE,giving the customer one point of contact, aworld-class service is delivered through part-nering with market-leading service providers todeliver the key components of its engine man-agement solution.

Engine overhauls are completed by the IAEnetwork of maintenance centers which lever-age the capabilities of the company’s fourshareholders, and ensure worldwide overhaulcapability. So regardless of location, IAE’s cus-tomers will have a world-class maintenancefacility within easy reach.

Real-time engine health monitoring is astandard service included in IAE aftermarketservices and is administered through the class-

leading OSyS (Rolls-Royce) and ADEM (Pratt &Whitney) systems. Access to current enginehealth and performance enables IAE to proac-tively troubleshoot and offer maintenance rec-ommendations for engines in service whileminimising operational impact.

On-wing maintenance is delivered throughthe Pratt & Whitney line maintenance servicesand, in addition, IAE has partnered withHamilton Sundstrand to provide comprehensiveaccessories coverage through the company’scomprehensive accessory repair and exchange(CARE) programme.

Market successThis approach has proved successful in the

marketplace. Today more than 40 per cent ofthe installed V2500 fleet is backed by an IAEaftermarket services agreement, and over 80per cent of future deliveries are now accompa-nied by a fleet hour contract — a figure whichis set to rise as the backlog is delivered andservices agreements become almost thedefault option. This is a measure of the pro-gramme’s success when it’s considered thatthe organisation’s focus on providing compre-hensive and managed aftermarket services is arelatively recent development.

“The services offerings and the networkwe’ve put in place have become a massive partof our growth,” says Davie. “We have beendelivering over 300 V2500s a year for the lastfive to seven years and more than 1,800V2500 engines in service today have yet to seetheir first shop visit. These are now starting tohit the overhaul shops and there are a lot moreout there still to come in for their first shopvisit. It’s a pretty exciting future being in IAEwith that level of growth coming forward.”

These support arrangements even con-tribute to the selection of the V2500 in enginesales campaigns. But it is not just new enginedeals that have contributed to the growth of IAEaftermarket services as many customers signup to new contracts part way through theengine’s life. Similarly, several operators haveadded coverage to an existing fleet after takinga services agreement with a new engine order.

For example, at the Paris Air Show in 2009,Etihad placed a repeat order for the V2500SelectOne variant covered by an IAE aftermar-ket services agreement. It followed thisannouncement six months later at the DubaiAir Show with a retrospective services packagefor 30 installed and spare engines powering itsexisting, in-service fleet of 14 A320-family air-craft. In Singapore in 2010, Middle EastAirlines confirmed a similar agreement for sixfirm and three option A320s, citing the abilityto better retain performance levels as a keydriver in its decision.

The Engine Yearbook 2011

By talking to our customersand developing the serviceframework around theirrequirements, we’ve adopted acustomisable approach thattailors a services programmearound their needs, whilststandardising elements of thedelivery to ensure we canmaintain the promised levelsof support for all ourcustomers.—Chris Davie, SVP, IAE

V2500 overhaul is completed by network of maintenance centers that leverages the capabilities ofthe company’s four shareholders.

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As Davie explained: “Once we agreed anFHA to accompany the engine order for their 20new aircraft, it became clear that a similar serv-ices package for the V2500s already in-servicewas the way to go. Because their originalA320s came from various directions at differ-ent times — some new aircraft, some leased,and some from other operators — we’d simplynot got round to discussing an OEM servicescontract. Now we’ll see real benefits through aconsistent arrangement across the Etihadfleet.”

“In the last five years we have grown ouraftermarket delivery function to cope with therapid growth we’ve experienced and to ensurewe can deliver service levels that our cus-tomers expect,” says Davie. “Because of thisgrowth we’ve had to focus on our tools andprocesses to streamline work practices anddevelop the organisational structure to fullysupport our customers.”

Continuous improvementIAE has always maintained a philosophy of

continuous improvement and this has trans-lated into the aftermarket. Performance andreliability are the two major drivers of productupgrades, but with V2500 SelectOne, IAEdesigned for maintenance as well. With theintroduction of this new build standard, time-on-wing will increase by 20 per cent, meaning evenmore benefits for IAE customers.

“Again, it comes down to listening to whatour customers are asking for and delivering tomeet those needs,” says Davie. “More impor-tantly, we have made some of those benefitsavailable to existing customers by enablingsome of the V2500 SelectOne upgrades avail-able through retrofit at a scheduled shop visit,maintaining the continuous improvementcycle.”

On February 12, 2009, the first V2500SelectOne retrofit was completed by the Pratt &Whitney Columbus Engine Center overhaul facil-

ity in Columbus, Georgia. The V2500-A5engine, registration V10301, which is operatedby US Airways, has been in service sinceFebruary 16, 1998, successfully completed alltests and was returned to the customer onschedule. It has over 38,000 hours on-wingwith nearly 15,000 cycles.

“Updating existing assets adds great valuefor our customers. Without having to buy a newfleet of engines, we provide them with theoption to take the V2500 engines they alreadyown and upgrade them to the new build stan-dard. They receive the majority of the benefitsthey would from purchasing an engine that rollsdirectly off the shop floor, allowing for furtherreduced costs,” Davie adds. “The ability toupgrade existing equipment to the latest stan-dards is yet another mechanism IAE uses tokeep its customers satisfied and continuouslyup-to-date with technology.” �

The Engine Yearbook 2011

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V2500 fan blade repair.

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60 The Engine Yearbook 2011

The engine company pursues its manufac-turing activities at two locations — high-tech components for commercial and

military engines are manufactured at corporateheadquarters in Munich, while in Poland pre-dominantly low-pressure turbine parts are pro-duced. The company has a highly advancedmachine park. “What’s important, in addition tohaving in-depth know-how of the individual man-ufacturing processes, is the capability to opti-mally combine them into complex processchains,” explains Richard Maier, SVP produc-tion development and support at MTU AeroEngines in Munich. Comprehensive simula-tions, too, play an increasingly important role.

Engines are made up of a variety of materialswith very different properties; whereas the test-ing of actual components takes a lot of effortand money, computer simulations are lessexpensive and time- consuming, notes Maier.

Aircraft propulsion systems are a specialkind of high-tech product - their manufacturecalls for innovative technologies andprocesses. Use is made of conventional meth-ods of machining, such as turning, milling,drilling, grinding, and broaching. The materialsinvolved, for example nickel-base alloys, are dif-ficult to machine. They have a high strengthand a high temperature resistance — materialproperties that are essential to the proper

MTU Aero Engines has been providing propulsion systems to power aircraft for decades.Germany’s leading engine manufacturer designs, develops, manufactures, markets and supportscommercial and military aircraft propulsion systems and aero-derivative industrial gas turbines.MTU has made a name for itself around the globe with its compressors, turbines andmanufacturing techniques which are one of the company’s domains of expertise.

MTU Aero Engines:developing expertise in enginemanufacturing

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The MTU Maintenance group is renowned for excellent-value engine maintenance. For a quarter of a century,the company has been a reliable partner of many airlines, offering a compelling choice of customized service packages.

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62 The Engine Yearbook 2011

operation of engines. MTU has many years ofexperience in the field and is developing inno-vative methods and improving existing ones.“Our technological capabilities are top-notch,”says Maier, claiming that in some technologyareas, MTU is the undisputed number one inthe world.

Lasercaving Among the turbine and compressor special-

ist’s most important high-tech processes arelasercaving, a technique used to produce con-toured cooling air holes in high-pressure tur-bine blades and vanes, as well as adaptivemilling, precise electro-chemical machining(PECM) and friction welding for blisks produc-tion.

MTU’s engine specialists have developedthe lasercaving technique and hold a globalpatent on this method of manufacturing,which combines two separate processes -laser drilling and laser ablation - and is a keytechnology when it comes to boosting turbineefficiency further. It uses a laser to generateflared cooling air holes in high-pressure tur-bine blades and vanes. Through such holes,the outflowing air spreads more advanta-geously over the component surface. As aresult, less cooling air is required and effi-ciency is improved. On the GP7000, whichpowers the A380 mega-liner, high-pressureturbine efficiency is increased by fully onepercent, with a resulting reduction in fuelburn in the same order of magnitude of onepercent.

Blisk manufactureBlisks (blade integrated disks) are high-

tech components manufactured in one piecethat eliminate the need to fix separatelymanufactured blades to the disk. Thisincreases strength and reduces weight.Blisks are used in low-pressure and high-pressure compressors for military and com-mercial applications. Maier says: “We’recurrently also looking into options to useblisks in turbines.”

Larger blisk airfoils are fitted to the disk oneby one by linear friction welding and then finish-machined by adaptive milling. Medium-sizedairfoils are milled from the solid, whereas smallairfoils can alternatively be produced by PECM,the latter technique obviating the need for sur-face finishing, an operation otherwise routinelyrequired after electro-chemical materialremoval.

Tandem blisks and compressor spools —several successive compressor stagesarranged in line — are produced by rotary fric-tion welding. MTU says its shop in Munichboasts the world’s largest and most precise

In six minutes the laser drill shoots as many as 180 cooling air holes into a component.

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rotary friction welding machine. The equipment,which is about 20 meters in length, is a double-spindle configuration that permits a wide rangeof components to be welded with an ultra-highdegree of accuracy. When friction welding com-pressor spools, a pressure of 1,000 metrictons is applied.

For MTU, friction welding is a key technologyneeded for the production of rotors for next-generation engines that are made from higher-strength materials and are markedly larger insize than conventional components. The tech-nique lends itself to the manufacture of morecompact, highly integrated compressor rotorsmade from titanium and nickel-base materialswhose reduced weight helps cut down on fuelconsumption.

The reduction of fuel consumption will be akey success criterion for next-generation aeroengines. Engines will have to use less fuel, becleaner and quieter. MTU is pressing ahead withthe development of the technologies needed.Jointly with its partners — the world’s biggestplayers in the engine industry — the company ispursuing innovative engine concepts. TheGerman engine manufacturer is convinced thatthe geared turbofan, which it is developing andbuilding in partnership with Pratt & Whitney, willbe the propulsion system of the future. Anexpert in high-tech manufacturing processes,MTU contributes a key component to the gearedturbofan: the high-speed low-pressure turbine.MTU is the only manufacturer in the world tobuild this high-speed component. �

MTU Aero Engines is a long-establishedplayer in the engine community. Thecompany operates affiliates around theglobe and has a total workforce of about7,600 employees. In fiscal 2009, MTUposted consolidated sales of approxi-mately €2.6bn. The engine specialistexcels in low-pressure turbines and high-pressure compressors, as well as manu-facturing and repair techniques. In themilitary arena, MTU is Germany’s indus-trial lead company for practically allengines flown by the country’s armedforces; in the commercial area, MTUMaintenance is the world’s largest inde-pendent provider of engine maintenanceservices.

Above - left: At the Munich MTU facility,high-speed milling is used to produce blisks forthe EJ200 high-pressure compressor.Above: Blisk production of an EJ200low-pressure compressor at MTU Aero Enginesin Munich.Left: Laser-drilled shaped cooling holes in ahigh-pressure turbine vane.

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As the launch airline for the different typesof GE90 engine brought to market, AirFrance has, over time, acquired one of

the world’s biggest fleet of VBEs, and currentlyoperates 18 per cent of the global fleet. Thesize of its 777 fleet and the widespread adop-tion of this long-haul aircraft by other airlines,prompted AFI KLM E&M to develop MRO capa-bilities for this outsize engine very early on.“We positioned ourselves an alternative to theservices provided by the manufacturer, GeneralElectric (GE),” says Anne Brachet, SVP engineservices. “About 10 airlines or lessors cus-tomers thus benefit from our expertise andexperience. That’s because we are the only

operator able to integrate the unique require-ments of airlines into our service offering.”

New industrial resources to meetmarket demands

Despite the tough economic environment,AFI KLM E&M has committed to the long termby confirming its large-scale investment plansfor its ongoing PERFO engineering programme.The MRO wants to increase its capacity forGE90-94, GE90-115 and GP7200 engines, inorder to stay ahead of the curve with the loom-ing increase in maintenance operations onthese types. “The market shows that the age-ing of the global GE90 fleet will in the next few

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The Paris engine repair facilities overhaul (PERFO) project was launched in 2007 to provide AirFrance Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance (AFI KLM E&M) with a comprehensive MROcapability for the very big engines (VBE) powering the fleets of its parent airlines and third-partyclients. The group promises that not only will it see MRO capacity virtually trebled, but it will alsobe able to offer the market’s shortest turnaround time (TAT). The three-stage programme willequip AFI KLM E&M Paris facilities with new engineering resources, enabling it to keep pace withthe increase in GE90 and GE115 heavy maintenance operations due to those engines’ increasingmaturity worldwide.

Paris — future global capitalfor very big engine overhauls

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Constellation for star products The new Constellation facility, located on

the AFI KLM E&M maintenance base south ofParis, is central to the PERFO project. The11,000m2 building is exclusively dedicated tothe disassembly and reassembly of theengines repaired in Paris: GE90 series, CFM56family and in the near future, GP7200 engines.Inaugurated last summer, it was designed tomeet high quality environmental (HQE) stan-dards [the standard for ‘green’ building inFrance]. In addition to these environmental con-

siderations, the aim is to provide a suitable,comfortable work environment for the mechan-ics. The ultra-modern facility also has manyenvironmental and ergonomic qualities, includ-ing recovery of rainwater for re-use in all activi-ties not connected with human consumption; adecrease in noise pollution; improved visualcomfort; and increased insulation to avoid heatloss in winter and heat gain in summer. “Withrespect to engine overhauls,” explains Brachet,“a new study of disassembly and reassemblysequences has led to the development of newprocesses. The Constellation building has twoproduction lines- one for VBE and the other forCFM engines. For our engine disassembly oper-ations, we have chosen a system of gantriesand bridge cranes. This approach means wecan optimise the time spent on each operationand improve working conditions for ourmechanics.” Thanks to the lifting systems, allparts of the engine are at human height andtherefore more easily accessed.

The MRO has also paid special attention toengine reassembly processes. This sequenceis broken down into several distinct stages dur-ing which the engine itself is now moved. Ateach stage the requisite parts and tooling forthe job are deployed. Brachet maintains thatthis new approach to VBE reassembly is an AFIKLM E&M world exclusive. Last, but by nomeans least, the building is immediately adja-cent to the core engine and low-pressure mod-

The Engine Yearbook 2011

years lead to a sharp increase in the number ofshop visits,” notes Brachet. “But our industrialprogramme is also designed to help us keeppace with the constant development of theGP7200 engine.” As more and more A380s gointo service, the number of these engines in cir-culation looks set to grow substantially on theworld market. The PERFO programme will allowAFI KLM E&M to boost its GE90 overhaulcapacity from 40 engines a year to 110, whilemaintaining its capacity to handle CFM56s inParis at 180 engines a year. “It took us twoyears of research to develop the framework forthe programme,” explains Brachet. “Our clientshave strong expectations when it comes to cut-ting engine downtime. AFI KLM E&M is accord-ingly implementing an efficient system whosefoundations are rooted in optimised, new andsophisticated processes. What we are aimingfor is even better control over TAT. And while theprogramme was originally designed to meetlarge-scale demand in the VBE sphere, we havenevertheless built in all the aspects relative tohandling the CFM56 family. The innovationsrolled out for VBEs will also benefit this enginetype, which is still one of our flagship products.Our clients can also rest assured that we aredeploying our new programme without any dis-ruption to ongoing activities whatsoever. Ouroperational activities have been fully preservedthroughout the duration of the constructionwork.”

As the launch airline for thedifferent types of GE90 enginebrought to market, Air Francehas, over time, acquired one ofthe world’s biggest fleet of verybig engines, and currentlyoperates 18 per cent of theglobal fleet.

The guts of a GP7200.

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ules maintenance facilities. The improvementsand innovations give AFI KLM E&M a threefoldadvantage, namely an increase in VBE handlingcapacity, the continued availability of CFM56capacity, and a significant reduction in TAT.

Engine shop makeover The second phase of the PERFO programme

involves the renovation of the existing AFI KLME&M engine shop at Orly, which will be dedi-cated to module repairs. This is designed tosupport the growth of VBE-related activities byincreasing core engine handling capacity anddeveloping new low-pressure turbine and com-pressor repair capability. “This new directionclosely fits the maturity cycle of GE90engines,” says Brachet. “During the first yearsof their life, VBEs don’t usually require anyheavy maintenance on low-pressure modules.But the increased age of the worldwide GE90engine fleet now makes this industrial develop-ment perfectly in line with the next needs of themarket.”

The refurbished building will be ready inspring 2011 after 10 months’ work. Onceagain, AFI KLM E&M programmed the work toensure that normal operations were not dis-rupted. Engine overhaul operations will be con-tinue during the refurbishment. To achieve this,AFI KLM E&M used the findings of a series ofstudies which took place over a year. Thesesuggested an original solution, which is a bitlike a sliding-tile puzzle. “The delivery of theConstellation building last summer and thetransfer to it of the related activities, freed upa considerable amount of space (about a thirdof the surface area) in the engine shop,” saysBrachet. “This now-empty part of the building isthus currently being refurbished. Once that hasbeen finished, it will house the low-pressureturbine and compressor production lines,thereby freeing up a new space, and so on.”The last tranche of work will be carried out in asuccession of smaller moves. The refurbish-ment programme will allow the MRO to reor-ganise work areas, as it did for Constellation,so that it can optimise the mechanics’ differenttasks. It will also deliver an improvement in thesupply chain, notably through the creation of anair lock, the single point of entry and exit forparts. In addition to boosting handling capacity,this will also shorten TAT.

What does the future hold?To meet future engine overhaul require-

ments, AFI KLM E&M is to go even further, asthe final phase of the PERFO programmeinvolves the creation of a new test bench for allVBEs, the latest generations of which arealready being developed by the manufacturers.“This final phase,” declares Brachet,” which

should reach completion in June 2012, willenable us to concentrate the entire GE90 over-haul chain around Paris... and shorten TAT evenmore.”

The entire PERFO programme represents aninvestment of close to €80m. In this difficultperiod for the airline community, and despite adownbeat global economic climate, AFI KLME&M is planning for the future needs of its cus-tomers and thus committing to supportingthem. This extensive programme seeks toachieve a single objective, which is to continuesatisfying them at all times. AFI KLM E&Mbelieves it has what it takes to meet their cur-rent and future needs. �

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A technician gets to grips with a CFM56 engine.

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Since they mostly work at high speeddirectly in line with an airline’s operation,the airline support teams often feel like

they are playing in an imaginary sports sta-dium,” says Dr. Horst Zoeller, director mainbaseFrankfurt and AST engine services. “And what-ever they do, nothing escapes the customers’eyes,” adds Harry Haber, AST senior engineer.“But if they see their engine finally returning toservice after only a few days, saving roughly$2m for an overhaul, the work of our ASTleaves them with an impression that isabsolutely priceless.”

Saving engines from premature shop visitswas not the only focus when Haber and his col-leagues first started thinking about on-wingand on-site services as a reasonable comple-ment to the overhaul shop portfolio in 1989.“Besides a reduction in operating costs wesimply wanted to bring our technical expertisedirectly to the customer,” he explains. Havingfulfilled the plan with the introduction of the ini-tial AST services portfolio in 1996, Haber seesno competition between the shop crews andthe colleagues working in the field through ASTservices. “Both products have the same aim,”

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Sometimes even small defects can cause large engine overhaul events, resulting in high costsand unscheduled downtimes. To avoid such high-cost events and the need for spare engines,Lufthansa Technik (LHT) pioneered the idea to provide certain repair and modification productson-site or even on-wing. From foreign object damage and premature wear of life-limited parts, tocompliance with airworthiness directions of aviation authorities, the company’s Airline SupportTeams (AST) can resolve many problems directly at the customer’s base. The teams can not onlyquickly repair an engine to airworthy status, but also extend an engine’s on-wing time to reducethe cost per flight hour. The impact on an airline’s operation is minor, since AST can resolvemany issues without changing the affected engine.

On-wing and on-site repairs— Lufthansa Technik’s flyingdoctor service

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he says, “maintaining and improving flightsafety at competitive operational costs.”Although flight safety is and will be the mostimportant goal of LHT’s AST, during nearly 15years of on-wing and on-site services theircapabilities have extended far beyond whattechnicians initially thought possible.

Four different service categories“In general we are talking about four differ-

ent categories of AST services”, says Haber,“but we also see the boundaries between therespective fields often overlapping.” The firstcategory comprises mostly troubleshootingservices. Collisions with foreign objects suchas birds or small runway debris often groundaircraft due to damaged engine blades. TheAST can quickly be at hand to carry out com-prehensive borescopic inspections. Criticalparts can hence be assessed and, in somecases, even repaired to a certain extent withspecial tools. Many inspections and repairservices can be carried out overnight, enablingthe aircraft to return to service the next day. Ifthe borescopic inspection detects no detrac-tion to the engine’s safety and performance,the customer can quickly be assured that his

asset is safe. If the inspection brings up a riskto the engine’s airworthiness, LufthansaTechnik’s experts can use their decade-longexperience to advise the airline on what to do.“In 99 per cent of all AST troubleshooting serv-ices, a rectification can be provided in a waythat saves the customer from a costly shopvisit and the associated high costs and longdowntimes,” comments Haber.

The second group of Lufthansa Technik’sAST services comprises a large variety of per-formance optimisations. “All newer generationengines have a built-in design life of around40,000 flight hours,” explains Haber. “But onits journey towards this mark there will alwaysbe parts that fail or deteriorate and hencereduce the engine’s potential to reach itsdesigned life. Our focus is on getting theengine as close to its design life as possible —to a point where it simply makes no sense tocontinue.” Airline support teams can carry outnumerous procedures to help an engineachieve this goal. Optimisations of an engine’slife time often run in parallel with improving anengine’s fuel consumption. In times where highfuel prices are combined with public pressureto reduce carbon dioxide emissions, LHT’s AST

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Lufthansa Technik’s AeroTracer acts as an“artificial nose” that is capable of detectingand identifying different traces or pollutants incabin air.

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offer several services to improve the airflowand the inner friction within an engine’s ductleading to measurable reductions in fuel burn.

One product fulfilling this aim is the on-sitereplacement of worn high-pressure turbineblades. Being exposed to air contaminated withfine particles, these critical parts often showpremature signs of erosion on their trailingedges or a blockage of cooling holes, both lead-ing to sub-optimal airflow, overheating andhence a higher fuel burn. AST can replace a fullset or single blades of the CFM56-5 or -7Bengines on the customer’s site. Due to the factthat no disassembly of the high-pressure tur-bine module is necessary, the entire procedurerequires a turnaround time of only four days. Itsaves the customer an expensive and time-con-suming shop visit. Furthermore the customerregains an engine operating with maximum effi-ciency.

Another way to improve an engine’s per-formance is Cyclean engine wash, which is alsooffered world-wide through Lufthansa Technik.Operating with clean water and without chemi-cals, this high-pressure washing system is

mounted to the fan spinner and removes anyaccumulations of dirt from an engine’s duct.The friction reduction achieved hereby opti-mises the air flow and reduces fuel burn aswell as carbon dioxide emissions. This kind ofon-wing service has proven very successfulwith airlines operating in regions of the worldwhere engines are permanently exposed to ero-sion caused by particles in the air. An engineregularly relieved from accumulations of theseparticles with Cyclean can be saved from a pre-mature shop visit that is due when the EGTmargin gets too low. A single engine wash canalready improve an engine’s EGT margin by upto 15 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit),with regular applications indicating even higherimprovements. The main advantage of Cycleanis the ability to wash in normal short down-times, thus making it easy to wash within opti-mal intervals without disturbing the operation.

Airworthiness directives, servicebulletins and an artificial nose

The third group of AST tasks encompassesthe implementation of numerous airworthiness

Cyclean engine wash reduces the inner friction of an engine — lowering fuel burn as well as carbon dioxide emissions.

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directives and the service bulletins of aviationauthorities as well as aircraft or engine manu-facturers. During an engine’s on-wing-time,numerous change requests can occur for a vari-ety of reasons. In some cases, these directionshave to be implemented within a very shorttime frame. If this is the case, aircraft opera-tors are forced to act quickly, but retrofittingnon-compliant engines in the shop is a time-consuming and expensive issue. LHT’s AST cancarry out a large number of demanded modifi-cations at the customer’s site or even while theengine is still mounted to the aircraft, thusensuring that the customer is compliant witheven the most recent regulations.

If the reason for an engine’s malfunction isnot yet known, the fourth group of AST servicescomes into play: diagnostics. Oil smell in thecabin, abnormal readings of engine parame-ters, vibrations and many other phenomenaoften leave aircraft operators with an unsurefeeling and the fear of an in-flight shutdown ofan engine. In these cases AST can quickly helpto interpret early warnings and provide the cus-tomer with a comprehensive report on anengine’s condition. For example, oil smells canquickly be tackled by LHT’s AeroTracer services.

In this case, specially trained AST mechanicsexamine the cabin air with a handheld detec-tion device. This “artificial nose” is capable ofdetecting and identifying different traces or pol-lutants in cabin air. Focused on materials or oiltypes, this tool can trace residues in the cabinair back to specific oil types used in the enginethus identifying the region to search for faults.

A faulty seal is often responsible and replac-ing it normally requires a premature shop visitof the entire engine. As an alternative, AST canprovide a replacement method for engines on-site. With the engine removed in advance, theteams carry out the seal replacement in onlyfour days, leaving the customer with a safeengine and large cost-savings.

Expertise far beyond the engineitself

However, sometimes it is a long and windingroad to achieve such customer satisfactionbecause assigning an AST in many casesrequires much more than just comprehensiveengine expertise. As Haber points out: “One ofour most interesting AST services took place insouthern America. An airline contacted usbecause they found production errors in the

All newer-generation engineshave a built-in design life ofaround 40,000 flight hours. Butthere will always be parts thatfail or deteriorate and hencereduce the engine’s potential toreach its designed life. Ourfocus is on getting the engineas close to its design life aspossible — to a point where itsimply makes no sense tocontinue.—Harry Haber, AST seniorengineer

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combustion chambers of no less than fiveengines.” Under normal conditions, such find-ings would force all the engines to the overhaulshop immediately, leaving the airline exposedto long unscheduled downtimes alongside withhigh costs.

The airline support teams quickly workedout a solution to replace the faulty combus-tion chambers on the customer’s premisesand modified five engines in five weeks, sav-ing the customer from an unscheduled with-drawal of several engines from service.“Spare combustion chambers can be easilyprocured and a team to carry out the servicesin southern America was quickly selected.But at that point the tricky part of AST serv-ices often begins, leaving us with a lot ofquestions ranging far beyond the engineexpertise itself” says Haber. “Is all the nec-essary tooling available at the customer’ssite? Does the equipment brought in by theAST have an adequate power supply and thecorrect power plugs? Does the tooling workunder the different environmental conditions?Do we work in conformity with regional air-worthiness regulations and local employmentlaws? Do our employees need an extra pass-port or visa to enter the country, or even spe-cial vaccinations?” He adds that experiencehelped LHT to answer all these questionsquickly so it could get teams to the customeras soon as possible. Sometimes team mem-

bers do not know where they will spend theirnext night, or even on which continent, and sofar LHT has covered all of them, excludingonly Antarctica.

The exploration of different continents andcultures is not the only factor driving the highmotivation to work in an airline support team.Most employees like to work in the small, flex-ible teams coping with the unexpected. “It’sone team pulling together where one can relyon the expertise of each carefully selectedmember. And everyone is directly interactingwith the customer,” says Zoeller. “The technicalexpertise of our team members is further com-plemented by the fun and the experience ofworking with different cultures and people.Working in an AST really shapes the character.”

Knowledge tailored to thespecifics of the on-site business

The selection of the teams follows somebasic principles in order to achieve the bestqualifications. Thus, the AST are mixed forevery new assignment, tailored to the specifictasks or products. Moreover, the quality mixtureis not only emphasised in terms of age or expe-rience, but if possible also in terms of nation-ality. Hence, technicians in AST are assignedfrom nearly all facilities throughout the world-wide engine services network of LufthansaTechnik. If an aircraft is grounded in Asia, forexample, both colleagues from Frankfurt and

Oil smells can quickly betackled by LHT’s AeroTracerservices. Specially trainedmechanics examine the cabinair with a handheld detectiondevice. This “artificial nose” iscapable of detecting andidentifying different traces orpollutants in cabin air, tracingresidues in the cabin air backto specific oil types used in theengine, thus identifying theregion to search for faults.

Airline Support Teams can replace a full set or single blades of the CFM56-5 or -7B engines directly at the customer’s site.

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LHT`s Australian subsidiary LTQ Engineeringare assigned to get it quickly back into the air.As Haber explains: “The mixture increases theunderstanding of other colleagues’ solutionsand helps all team members to learn from eachother. Besides the collective feeling this isanother factor that drives motivation of our ASTmembers.”

The exact number of employees performingAST services from the six locations Frankfurt,Tulsa, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Johannesburgand Melbourne is hard to tell because of theconsequent selection according to qualifica-tions and the hence regular fluctuations in theformation of the teams. “To this date, around50 full time-equivalents of LHT’s engine divi-sion are assigned to AST services, performingaround 500 AST services per year,” reportsZoeller. He claims the number has expanded inrecent years and expects the number to growin the future. “We still see a large potential,”says Zoeller, “hence we are working to con-stantly expand the portfolio of AST services,tailored to the markets and customerdemand.” The product development carried outby special core competence teams in coopera-tion with the engineers hence focuses on newproducts as well as on the application of exist-ing products on a steadily increasing numberof engine types. “On average the developerscome up with two new products every year,”adds Haber.

With the further expansion of its already largeportfolio of on-site and on-wing services Zoellersees LHT well on its way towards its initial goalof bringing comprehensive engine expertisedirectly to the customer. “Despite the incrediblyhigh pressure, the close cooperation and con-tact between our enthusiastic teams and thecustomers during AST assignments in the endoften leaves both parties with a lot of fantasticmemories and a long-lasting relationship,” saysZoeller. “But the most important thing is that thecustomer’s aircraft can quickly take to the skiesagain.” After four days of pulling together, the“imaginary stadium” at the customer’s site, onlywinners leave the playing field. �

The AeroTracer.

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Organisational changes arecrucial to shorter TATs — butmajor challenges lie ahead

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Customer surveys have consistently con-firmed the importance of reduced turn-around times (TATs) and lower costs.

Having comprehensively restructured its opera-tions, shop layout, and all related processes,SR Technics is now able to offer aircraft opera-tors an industry-leading 45 calendar day (CD)TAT for engine maintenance, thereby improvingengine availability and reducing engine leaseperiods and the number of spare enginesrequired.

How was the new TAT achieved? The ground-work was laid by a major company restructuringthat began in 2009, during which commercial,operational and engineering functions werecentralised to realise improvements throughsynergies across all business units (aircraft,components and engines). Applying best prac-tices in all business areas and downsizingmanagement structures were responsible forconsiderably improved performance and deci-sion-making speeds. Furthermore, focusing oncore operational functions and optimising inter-faces to the new supporting organisationsresulted in output boosts in the maintenanceshops. Additional factors that also helpedimprove overall performance include internalcontracting, the elimination of non-value addedwork, together with setting new and ambitioustargets.

Lean sigma — key toreorganisation

An essential factor in the restructuring wasthe introduction of a lean sigma programme,which quickly involved staff in workshops wherethey analysed and restructured their own work-ing environments. Changes and solutions werethen implemented promptly, with all financialimprovements calculated and verified afterimplementation.

In the experience of SR Technics, to be suc-cessful lean sigma must include:

� Training of all employees.� Expert availability for the chosen toolboxes

(DMAIC, RCA root cause analysis, PARETO

analysis, VSM value stream mapping, etc.).� Full employee involvement and idea

management tools.� Company-wide standardised visualisation.� Capital for investment (new machines and

equipment, refurbishing and painting, etc.).� Resources to adjust IT tools and data


Coupled with the structured lean pro-gramme, communication with the workforcehas been vital to providing a clear understand-ing of why changes are needed and why contin-uous improvement focused on customers isessential for success.

Achieving a 45 CD TAT for enginemaintenance

In 2009, the engine maintenance group ini-tiated a project with the target of defining andimplementing processes and workflows toachieve a 45 CD TAT. Having started with adetailed analysis of the entire maintenanceprocess, team members from all businessareas met to develop and implement the actionrequired. Communication through an intranetplatform ensured that all employees wereinformed about the project goals and couldtrack the progress of their individual tasks atall times. Within a two-week period, over 200ideas had been suggested by employees onhow to improve processes, reduce TAT, andsave costs. The goal was to make improve-ments by reducing complexity in the workflowand eliminating non-value added work.

Work stagesThe maintenance process starts with the

contract, which defines the TAT (start and end),material exchange procedure (new or repairedmaterial), workscope (performance restoration,repair, overhaul, ADs, SBs, DOA/DER usage,LLPs), pricing, on-wing time, EGT margin andwarranty, etc. Reasons for excusable delays aredefined as clearly as possible and minimised.

As soon as the documentation is finalisedand the workscope defined, the shops start

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The financial crisis and subsequent industry downturn havedramatically increased the pressure on airlines to reduceoperating costs. They are constantly looking for more flexibilityand transparency, and demanding more innovative solutionsfrom their MRO providers. In response, SR Technics has engagedin a major organisational restructuring that has significantlyimproved engine maintenance and parts repair turnaroundtimes (TATs) to both contract and single-event customers. Whileexcellent progress has been made, it is crucial to be aware ofthe MRO challenges that lie ahead.

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work. The disassembly and assembly of theengine is driven by the TAKT parameter.Visualisation boards (waterfall charts) showthe status of the engine and the tear down tomodules, as well as the assembly. SR Technicsnow operates three engine lines: PW4000 (94”and 100”), CFM56-5B/7B and CFM56-5C.Staff cross-training provides maximum flexibil-ity to cover variations in workload on the differ-ent engine lines.

Improvements deliver shorterTATs

Improvements were achieved in the kittingarea by using standardised kitting carts thatinclude material as well as consumables andexpendables. Major changes were also madeto the shop layout to minimise travel dis-tances and avoid unnecessary movements,since optimising the transport system anddelivery stations supports parts-tracking andTAT control. The existing interactions betweenroutine (engine) and non-routine (part repair)work were also streamlined during processoptimisation. Routine work is now limited todisassembly and assembly work. All partswhich need repair are now assigned to inter-nal or external rework within a very shorttime. Inspection for internal rework is nowdone in part repair as the first step in therepair cell. Wherever possible, a ‘ship dirty’process is applied in order to avoid duplica-tion of cleaning and inspection processesand to save TAT.

Part repairs with 21 CD TATsThe 45 CD TAT for engines has resulted

in a 21 CD TAT requirement for in-house andexternal part repairs. SR Technics hasstrong in-house repair capabilities (82 to 89per cent of all manual repairs) on all main-tained engine types, and uses two mainlocations for engine part repair: Zurich andCork.

SR Technics Airfoil Services Ltd (SRTAS) isthe turbine engine hot section componentrepair company within the SR Technics Group.Acquired in May 2006, the company is basedin Cork, Ireland, and has 25 years’ experi-ence of providing engine component repairsolutions for airlines and engine shops.SRTAS’ repair capabilities cover all CFM-56variants, Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Roycelarge commercial engines. Covering a host ofOEM-approved repairs, the facility consis-tently produces higher than industry normrepair yields, which represents a significantbenefit for SR Technics’ worldwide customerbase.

The remainder of SR Technics’ in-houserepair capabilities are centralised in Zurich.To achieve the targeted engine 45 CD TAT, anyexternally repaired parts must leave Zurichwithout delay. All LPT parts sent to the Corkfacility are shipped dirty and go directly fromdisassembly to shipping. This alone hasresulted in an average TAT improvement oftwo to four calendar days.

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Lean in ZurichIn the past, SR Technics’ part repair organi-

sation used a ‘home shop’ structure. Thesetup has now been changed from a functionalstructure (milling/welding/plating area) to apart-oriented structure (blades and vanes,etc.). Parts responsibility was previously withthe home shops, but parts were still travellingaround the shop, which resulted in unneces-sary handovers and travel distances. Althoughresponsibility for costs and TAT was then givento home shops for their part group, it becameclear that a non-optimised layout was prevent-ing major improvements.

Centres of excellenceIn response, a new centre of excellence

(CoE) structure was introduced. The CoE holdsfull responsibility for repair costs, TAT, and thequality of the repaired products. Furtherimprovements have been made by introducingdedicated shop layouts allowing a part to beprocessed within the cell as far as possible.

A CoE consists of several cells charac-terised by:� U-shaped cell structure with

counter-clockwise workflow and pullsystem.

� Maximum transparency across the wholerepair process.

� Minimised floor space.� Maximised in-cell production.� Dedicated transport station.

Technicians perform a vane inspection.

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� Service level agreement with centralisedservice centres (cleaning, NDT, plating,water jet).

� Visual boards showing work in progressand performance indicators (TAT and OTD[on time delivery]).

The evaluation and optimisation of theentire maintenance process resulted in numer-ous changes. Major improvements were madein terms of process responsibility, organisa-tional (affiliation) assignment, workflow andresource utilisation. With the new setup fullyaligned with the new process requirements, nocompromises were made to fit previous organi-sational structures.

The human factor in the changes cannotbe overestimated. According to RobertoFurlan, VP part repair, “transparency in theshop and performance visualisation is the keyto world-class performance. People like totake responsibility and they want to see theirperformance. Non-performance is a stimulusto identifying the root cause and to improving.Data integrity and traceability are essential tosuccess.”

Visual control of process flowsIn part repair, the new cell layout allows

visual control of process flows. Bottlenecksbecome visible very fast and can be fixed eas-ily. Not all processes can be handled within thecell, however, and some must take place inservice centres. Typical processes in cen-

tralised service centres are cleaning/NDT (FPI[fluorescent penetrant inspection] and x-ray),plating and thermal coating (plasma/HVOF).Single machines with high capital costs likewater jet strippers, laser/EB welders, vacuumfurnaces and horizontal lathes serve many dif-ferent cells. Local cleaning and FPI, as well asdedicated plasma equipment and vacuum fur-naces, are installed wherever possible.

SR Technics has taken the opportunity toanalyse the flow of products in the new setup.As an example, it took just three weeks toreduce the TAT of an LPT case repair from over59 CD to 35 CD. About 40 per cent of the work-ing steps were saved by optimising the shoprouter, thus reducing the number of handoversby 59 per cent. Travel distance was reduced byanother 73 per cent. Further capital investmentinto the LPT case cell will lead to the requiredTAT of 21 CD in the near future.

Airfoil excellence: lean in Cork Over the past three years, SR Technics has

also used a comprehensive lean programme toimprove performance at its Cork plant.Employees equipped with the standard leanmethodology have successfully tackled issuesthat affect plant performance across all func-tions. As a result, Cork is now the SNECMACoE for the repair of CFM LPT blades, a signifi-cant recognition of performance by a leadingOEM.

As well as achieving internally focusedimprovements, the company is continually

working to develop relationships with its cus-tomers through new repair developments:OEM, DER and DOA, and participating in inter-national projects on new repair processesthrough the Marie Curie EU programme. Addedto these activities, improved operational logis-tics such as the ship dirty programme androtable material support programmes give cus-tomers a comprehensive airfoil repair servicethat meets, and often exceeds, their opera-tional requirements.

Major changes ahead for the MRObusiness

As the industry changes in response tothe economic environment, airlines areincreasingly focusing on their core business:operating aircraft. Although most major air-lines still have their own technical divisionsfor aircraft, component and engine mainte-nance, a major change has taken place withthe conversion of airline technical supportshops to competitive service providers. SRTechnics was a pioneer in this process in1997, when the technical division of Swissairwas established as a separate subsidiarywithin the SAirGroup.

To keep costs under control, airlines requirecompetitive market prices and TATs from theirown maintenance shops. As a result, they havestarted to compete with OEMs, and have devel-oped repairs where no OEM repairs are avail-able. This has led to the situation today wherethere is strong competition between OEM-

An engineer inspects a fan module.

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owned, airline-owned and independent MROshops.

Third-party repair business — achallenge to get right

Many airline MRO shops are now forced toaccept third-party repair business in order tocover cyclical shop loads and fixed costs.Higher utilisation of resources and innovativeparts repair development can make an impor-tant contribution to profitability. However, suchshops are often poorly prepared to take third-party repairs, leading to difficulties in handlingparts and unsatisfied customers. The criticalissues are:� Goods receiving: this needs careful

management. � Inspection: individual customer requirements

instead of routine workscoping.� TAT tracking: particularly important for

parts for the engine build-up plan.� “No exchange”: parts are made

serviceable or scrapped.� Customer communication: this is very

different for third-party business. � Packing and shipping: a highly time-critical

aspect.� Invoicing: the process may be totally

different from an engine invoicing process.� Pricing: it is an advantage to have fixed

prices.To successfully drive third-party business,

shop layout is critical. If the repair shop isnot constantly performing in all areas, the

biggest challenge is to get priority for third-party parts. Third-party business alsorequires a different setup in commercialorganisations compared to those in theengine part repair business. Quick responseson RFQs (requests for quotations), intensivecommunication with the external customer,and flexibility in fulfilling customer require-ments are mandatory.

Competition is strong in third-party busi-ness as customers can select between manydifferent providers. Independent repair spe-cialists have the advantage of being fullyfocused on third-party business requirements.On the other hand, they lack system know-how(parts interaction) and performance feedbackon the repaired parts. It takes close collabo-ration between the repair shop, engine engi-neering and operator, as well as with the OEM,to guarantee the best solutions for the cus-tomer.

Flight hour agreements benefitOEMs

Looking into the future, the next enginegeneration looks likely to be more closelylinked with the OEM than in the past. Airlinesare increasingly seeking flight-hour agree-ments on their leased engines, but to maintainthe value of their assets, leasing companiesoften forbid the use of non-OEM solutions(PMA material and DOA/DER repairs). By offer-ing flight-hour agreements, OEMs are thus try-ing to keep the maintenance business in their

own shops, and offering operators predictableoperating costs.

New technologies in nextgeneration engines will impactrepairs

Major technical changes to engine designand manufacturing are being driven by evermore demanding requirements to lower emis-sions, fuel consumption and noise levels. Toachieve these goals, OEMs are following a vari-ety of approaches. One OEM, for example, isfocusing on a new geared turbofan concept,whereas other OEMs are optimising their cur-rent two- or three-shaft turbofan engines. In allcases, new materials and designs will helpachieve the targets. Customers will appreciatethe cost savings, but should be concernedabout life cycle costs.

The on-wing time delivered by modernengines has been increasing over the pastdecades, and first engine removal can bedriven by LLP exchange requirements. Ideallythe new materials and technologies shouldresult in reduced maintenance costs.However, due to the increasing number ofproprietary and protected technologies, themarket is becoming controlled by fewerproviders. It is understandable that develop-ment costs need to be covered by aftermar-ket business, but this should be withinreason. For independent maintenanceshops, access to these new technologies willbecome crucial to survival.

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Repair concepts will change in line with thenew materials and technologies introduced inthe next generation of engines. CFRP (carbonfibre reinforced plastics) or composite materialusage will be extended in the low-pressurecompressor section. Composite material willbe used to manufacture fan blades, vanes andfan cases. Introducing blisks (blade integrateddisks) in the LPC and HPC sections will enableweight and thus fuel savings. Ceramic matrixcomposites and titanium aluminides will bettersupport the high temperatures in the turbinesection. Complex 3D airfoil geometries, shapedlaser drilled cooling holes, and next-generationthermal barrier coatings are also being intro-duced.

Although new designs and materials claimto be more damage tolerant against FOD orDOD, repairs will still be required. The testingand validation of new repairs has always beena cost driver in the past. Repairs will becomeeven more expensive in future due to increas-ing large-scale integration. OEMs are marketingthe reduced number of parts in an engine as abenefit. This may be correct in terms of therequired logistical effort, but on the other hand,repairs on highly integrated parts will becomemuch more complex and expensive.

What about (DOA/DER) repairs?In the past, the growth of DOA/DER repairs

and PMA usage was eagerly followed by non-

OEMs in the industry. Discussions on the qual-ity of DOA/DER repaired parts versus OEMrepaired parts remain ongoing, and there arestill countries where operators and localauthorities are unfamiliar with or do not acceptthe legality and processes of DOA/DER repairs.However, since an engine OEM started todevelop PMA parts for a competitor’s engine,the discussions have shifted from a legal to amore technical level.

A great deal of know-how has been built upby non-OEM maintenance companies on exist-ing engines, and has been used to approveminor repairs. Customers accepting DOA/DERrepairs have benefited from these extendedrepair capabilities, which have prevented theexchange of material. However, the more com-plex the repair, the higher the validation andapproval costs.

Ready for changeThe MRO business faces major changes

over the next decade. Financial pressures willfurther increase the need for cost savings by air-lines, and MRO providers will be called on tohelp airlines reduce their operating costs andrespond more flexibly to their needs. The nextgeneration of engines will be linked moreclosely with OEMs since flight hour agreementsand increasing numbers of leased engines, cou-pled with the refusal of engine lessors to acceptDOA/DER or PMA solutions, will favour OEMbusiness. The introduction of new technologiesby OEMs will also provide challenges for MROs.

SR Technics is preparing for these chal-lenges today. Strengthened by its membershipof the Mubadala MRO network and using leansigma processes, SR Technics will continue tooffer innovative and cost-effective solutions.TAT times of 45 CD on CFM engines, and newsale and leaseback arrangements with ourpartner company Sanad Aero Solutions willhelp customers save money, while new tech-nologies developed with OEMs will guaranteethat SR Technics customers continue to receiveoutstanding service in future. �

SR Technics is well-known in the industry forits high quality standards based on over 40years of experience in engine MRO. With itsextensive engineering expertise, SR Technicshas developed solutions that can substantiallyenhance engine performance and therebydeliver longer time on-wing. A significant numberof in-house repairs on high-cost engine partshave been developed over the years, several ofwhich have been approved by OEMs and foundtheir way into the corresponding engine manu-als. SR Technics will continue to cooperateclosely with OEMs, but will also use its DOAorganisation to develop new repairs.

Due to the increasing numberof proprietary and protectedtechnologies, the market isbecoming controlled by fewerproviders. It is understandablethat development costs need tobe covered by aftermarketbusiness, but this should bewithin reason. For independentmaintenance shops, access tothese new technologies willbecome crucial to survival.

A check on a core module.

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Abit of history: Fred Rohr, who designedand developed the fuel tanks for CharlesLindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis, founded

Rohr Aircraft Corporation on August 6, 1940. Inthe 1960s and ‘70s, Rohr Industries made aforay into mass transit equipment manufactur-ing. The company manufactured railcars forthe Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) in the SanFrancisco Bay area, and the first 300 subwaycars for the Metro in Washington, D.C., amongothers. In 1970, it produced an experimentalaérotrain design. Rohr divested itself of or dis-continued these programmes by the late1970s to focus on aerospace. Rohr Industriesbecame Rohr, Inc. in 1992.

BFGoodrich was founded in the late 1800sand over its 140-year history was best knownfor its line of tyres. The company diversified,entering the aerospace business in the 1940s.In 1988, it sold its tyre brand to Michelin inorder to focus on aerospace products. Rohrwas acquired by the BFGoodrich company in1997. In 2001, Goodrich divested its specialtychemicals business to focus even further onthe aerospace industry. To signify the comple-tion of its transformation into a defined aero-space supplier, BF Goodrich dropped the “BF”

and became the Goodrich Corporation. Today,the company has 11 major business units,spanning aerospace capabilities such as land-ing gear, wheels and brakes, surveillance sys-tems, lighting, interiors and evacuationsystems, actuation systems, flight control sys-tems and nacelles. Goodrich technology isonboard more than 90 per cent of the world’scommercial aircraft and aims to continuallybuild on that.

Since 1956, Goodrich has provided nacellesystems and products on over 50 commercialaircraft; 50 nacelles in 50 years. It has pro-duced for Lockheed, Convair, McDonnellDouglas, Boeing, Airbus, and Embraer; and theproduct portfolio continues to expand. Thecompany has a strong product presence on the787 Dreamliner and A350XWB, along with itsnewest contract award — the Pratt & WhitneyPW1000G geared turbofan (GTF), which willpower regional jets built by Mitsubishi andBombardier. Goodrich is also positioned to par-ticipate in the development and delivery of thenacelle system for the next-generation single-aisle aircraft.

Today, its main focus is integration; inte-grating its technology into the physical product,

integrating overall design to deliver the neededplatform airframe and engine performance,integrating systems to optimise the core air-craft systems, and focused support integrationwith direct airline customers.

Integration; development anddesign

Today, Goodrich’s technology, research anddesign are focused on specific platform needsfor the future. Technologically advanced materi-als, manufacturing processes, and compositesystems are used and overall designs arefocused on operating efficiency and perform-ance of the engine and airframe. At a very highflight level, nacelles and thrust reversers servetwo purposes: the first is directional control ofthe airflow into and out of the engine, and thesecond is acoustic attenuation of engine noise.These designs concentrate on drag reduction,machine efficiency, weight optimisation, andmaximising acoustic performance. The struc-tural and systems composition is then honedto deliver the performance needs, while bal-ancing the drive for cost reduction and main-tainability. The company maintains its majorinput into the design process is the element of

The Engine Yearbook 2011

When the world aerospace community thinks of engine nacelles and thrust reversers, one nameusually comes to mind — Goodrich Aerostructures. Formerly known as Rohr Aircraft Corporation,its main products are nacelles and mounting pylons for both commercial and military aircraft.Kenneth Karl, lead: integrated nacelle services, Goodrich Aerostructures, details the history ofnacelle integration at the company.

Nacelle integration

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plete the propulsion package. In one applica-tion, the nacelle will provide an advanced sys-tem to optimise engine performance duringdifferent ranges of the flight envelope. Thisengine and Goodrich’s complementary nacellewill deliver performance currently not realisedon a commercial regional aircraft, such as rev-olutionary improvements in fuel efficiency,exhaust emissions, and noise.

Integration, OE customer:The production and physical delivery of

these technologically advanced nacelles isanother form of integration with the engine andairframe customer. For many years, Goodrichhas embraced and engaged lean (a Toyota pro-duction system) throughout all areas of thebusiness. The focus is to eliminate waste,resulting in efficiency in design, manufacturing,and parts and services delivery to the end user.During the development phase, the Goodrichlean product development system (GLPDS) isemployed and includes the use of several leantechniques. Innovative technologies demand athorough look at risks and the development ofqualified counter-measures. Every aspect ofthe programme is rationalised to eliminatewaste and deliver repetitive quality in the mostefficient system possible.

One important element of this programmeinvolves a process known as voice of the cus-tomer (VOC). Through a series of collaborativeefforts, Goodrich strives to thoroughly under-stand each specific customer need, without

“lessons learned”. It believes its wide productbreadth and history have allowed it to amass asignificant database of in-service productissues and opportunities.

The development process begins manyyears before aircraft programme launch. Anexample is Goodrich’s involvement with Boeingon advanced acoustic design programmessuch as the Quiet Technology Demonstrator 2(QTD2). This programme began in 2005 as ajoint effort with Boeing and its QTD2 part-ners—General Electric Aircraft Engines,Goodrich Corporation, NASA, and All NipponAirways. The goals were simple: firstly toreduce interior cabin noise to enhance passen-ger comfort, and secondly to reduce externalcommunity noise to allow an aircraft to fly ear-lier in the morning and later at night. This pro-gramme resulted in technology embedded onthe 787 and available for other future designs.Enhanced engine exhaust mixing, a singlepiece inlet cowl acoustic inner barrel, andheavy use of acoustic composites developedand used in this testing are all core features.Add to these technologies a laminar flow inletdesign and optimised reverser actuation sys-tem, and the nacelle for the 787 is the mostadvanced ever designed and built by Goodrich.

Another example has been the company’sefforts on the Pratt & Whitney GTF.Development work on this nacelle system andintegration also began in 2005. The uniquecharacteristics of this new engine technologyrequired specific nacelle performance to com-

assumption. Understanding product needs,optimising delivery to just-in-time and co-loca-tion are all significant elements of VOC, whichis also a key component of GLPDS activity. Forairline customer services, the company is oneof the few suppliers in the industry to measureitself against actual customer delivery expecta-tions (see below).

Integration, production:Another example of integration is in produc-

tion, where Goodrich has moved to customisedsystems delivery. For the 787, through manylean events, it was determined that the finalintegration of the nacelle system should be co-located with final assembly of the aircraft.Goodrich will do final integration of its nacelleat a specific facility dedicated to this activitynear the Boeing final assembly plant location inEverett, Washington. Another example is withAirbus, where Goodrich has maintained manu-facturing capability specific to the Airbus fleetin its Toulouse plant for over 30 years. To fur-ther optimise delivery, production processeshave changed to that of a moving assembly lineas a best fit to the aircraft production schedul-ing and pace. The A350XWB will benefit fromthese and other continuing improvements.

Integration, customer support:On most of its programmes, the company is

committed to providing a full suite of aftermar-ket services for nearly the entire lifetime of theflying fleet. Goodrich maintains that its culture

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is driven by a theme of customer intimacy,whether it is delivery of technical support,spare parts or MRO services. All aspects ofthe aftermarket are focused around thistheme, using the foundational concept ofspeed and ease. One specific example is spareparts delivery, where the company measuresitself against customer request date. Everyaspect of the supply chain is driven to thismeasure, including inventory management,external suppliers and production valuestreams.

Goodrich maintains the largest nacellerepair capability in the world and has an exten-sive global presence. In addition to the mainfacilities in Singapore; Foley, Ala. in the US; andPrestwick, Scotland, Goodrich has MRO capa-bilities in several other locations. Its Dubaicampus in the United Arab Emirates, Toulouse,France MRO facility; Istanbul, Turkey facility (in-work), and newest location in São Carlos, Brazilwere established specifically to supportregional customer activity. MRO services arefurther facilitated through an array of rotableassets which can support both unscheduleddemand and planned repair and overhaul on aglobal basis.

Design evolutionThe original commercial aircraft nacelles

were typically built of sheet metal; basically anaerodynamic fairing. Their relatively simple con-struction was mostly impervious to environ-mental damage and if damaged, easy to repair.There was not much consideration or planninginvolved with maintenance. As designs haveimproved and matured, the nacelle has trans-formed into a highly complex and integratedsystem, serving a much more critical role inacoustics, fuel burn, landing efficiency, aircraftsafety, and even delivering structural strengthto assist with engine weight reduction.

Over the years, airlines have typically foundthemselves striving to keep up with technology.Some have built vast infrastructures to supportmaintenance and overhaul, outsourced repairs,spare parts, troubleshooting and line mainte-nance. These support systems have and willcontinue to be challenged by the general growthin complexity and size of the nacelle, examplesbeing the 777, 787, and A350XWB.Transportability and logistics issues involvedwith nacelle damage mitigation have been cru-cial elements of design and support servicesplanning. Inlet design had to incorporate tech-nology for transport packaging to fit into cargoaircraft and to accommodate many global over-the-road transport limitations. Robotic installa-tion of fasteners is used in the 787 nacellesystem to maintain ultra-tight tolerances, a cru-cial technology which allows the laminar flow

inlet. Reparability needs to be addressed as tra-ditional methods will not serve. Composite sys-tem repair involves the use of an autoclave ofsufficient size to accommodate these products.Single-piece 360° acoustic inner barrels aredesigned to deliver the maximum acoustic areaavailable in nacelle design, yet these technolo-gies push the need for such autoclaves andcomplex support/bond tooling. Today’s nacelleis not a simple sheet metal fairing.

Maintenance planning for cost control isimportant, for example, consider the thrustreverser. The industry drive in its design hasbeen toward weight reduction, acoustics, andreverse thrust efficiency. From a systems pointof view, all modern reversers are designed withredundant systems for operation, attachmentmounting and latching. As such, Goodrichdesigns are reliable and extremely safe, whichminimises their attention during maintenanceplanning development (MSG III and typical);they are all typically identified as “on-condi-tion.”

All reversers will require overhaul; the chal-lenge is balance and optimised time-between-overhaul, continued on-wing reliability, andmaintenance cost relative to the overhaulevent. Time on-wing is a function of severalvariables, including thrust rating, reverser oper-ational procedure, relative operating environ-ment, thermal cycling (stage length), rigging,preventative maintenance levels, etc.Understanding the impact of these variables ischallenging due to complexity. As an originalequipment manufacturer, Goodrich has clearlyfound that reversers of a like configuration willbehave and mature differently across the fleet.

Yet, maintenance (overhaul) cost escalatesexponentially with time on-wing. If an operatordoes not take a proactive approach to reversermaintenance, an “on-condition” removal willlead to a considerable overhaul event atbetween six and 10 years, depending on vari-ables. There needs to be balance in life cyclemanagement.

Integration, life cyclemanagement:

This has been a focus of Goodrich for thepast 10 years. While it has instilled lean prin-ciples into business and aftermarket services,these services typically perform in a reactivenature, triggered by customer request. Thechallenge has been to push engagement to thenext level, a level where the company can workproactively with airline customers.

Goodrich’s concept of aftermarket integra-tion comes in the form of its Prime Solutionsproducts. It has developed proactive systemsand methodologies of support to deliver unin-terrupted service. Spare parts inventories can

be pre-positioned and maintained to tailoredsafety stock levels at multiple store locations.Spare major unit assets can be pre-positionedon a global basis to support incidental demandfrom damage; no longer will aircraft sit on theground for days waiting for a replacement inletcowl due to bird strike. Inherent in these prod-ucts is a Goodrich-developed nacelle mainte-nance and overhaul programme that offersstructure, repeatability, and cost efficiency tolong-term customers.

Prime Solutions hinges on Goodrich embed-ding its intellectual property knowledge, involv-ing detailed shop sampling to determine wearpatterns and developing optimised on-wingmaintenance and shop removal schedules. Akey component is its assumption of the airlineinfrastructure to manage the nacelle using ded-icated systems and on-site product managersto coordinate all activity. The net result can bea complete transfer of operational and cost riskfrom the airline to Goodrich; a virtual life ofplatform warranty. The customer base, includ-ing airlines such as British Airways and Airtran,says Prime Solutions provides considerableproduct reliability and maintenance cost reduc-tion over traditional reactive maintenanceapproaches.

Goodrich Aerostructures has been a proudindustry supplier and integrator of nacellecomponents and systems since the rise ofglobal commercial aerospace. It is excitedabout the pending delivery of its latest sys-tems and ready to support these new plat-forms for their lifetime. Tomorrow will bring thenext-generation single-aisle aircraft andanother wave of nacelle technological improve-ments. With each generation, the companypledges to continually hone its products andservices in order to remain at the forefront ofnacelle integration. �

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During the early 1990s, the airline indus-try suffered from worldwide economicrecession, concerns with the Gulf War,

and the backlash of airlines over-ordering air-craft in the late 1980s, causing an excess ofoverhead costs to many carriers who struggledto stay solvent in the leaner years which wereto follow. It was during these lean years thatairlines started recognising the need for majorchanges in their operations to ensure their sur-vival and profitability. Many made aggressivecost cuts to reduce capacity and increase theirload factors. These actions helped start toreturn the industry as a whole to prosperity, butmany airlines remain under-profitable com-pared to the success they once enjoyed in the1980s.

Today, a number of factors remain whichrequire airlines to become even more efficientin their operations. The European Union (EU)has ruled that governments in Europe shouldnot be allowed to subsidise their unprofitableairlines. Elsewhere around the world, wheresome governments run the major airlinesoperating in their countries, those govern-ments are becoming more and more con-cerned with their own finances, and somehave begun to recognise the benefits of air-line privatisation. This has led to a gradualtransfer of ownership of airlines from thestate to the private sector.In order to appealto prospective shareholders, these airlineshave had to streamline their operations andbecome more competitive.

The Engine Yearbook 2011

The past 10 years have been extremely challenging for the aviation industry, and airlineprofitability has been closely tied to economic growth and trade, especially in today’s emergingeconomies. As Jim Harkenrider of Triumph Air Repair (TAR) writes, how the commercial aviationindustry arrived at its current state can be attributed to many factors, which go back muchfurther than just the past decade.

Keep them flying — the secretsof a successful MRO shop

Airlines today are offering conveniencessuch as ticketless travel, bar coded boardingpasses, touch screen entertainment systemsand more comfortable seating to attract newcustomers and retain their existing customerbase. Many airlines have entered intoalliances, offering customers extended bene-fits for using their services. On the other hand,to increase cost savings, it is becoming morecommon for airlines to charge customers foritems such as carry-on baggage, drinks andmeals.

In 2010, airline markets in general startedrecovering, with growth concentrated in Asia,Latin America and the Middle East. In Europeand North America the growth has been slower,putting even more pressure on those airlines to

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find ways to keep costs down. Fuel prices haveremained the wildcard as far as planning forfuture costs. As airline demand, capacity andload factors have risen steadily, so have fuelprices. Airlines have responded to this chal-lenge by operating more fuel-efficient aircraftwhen possible, and by reducing non-fuel relatedcosts wherever they can.

Provide exceptional valueAs airlines have been weighing their options

and developing various strategies for increasedprofitability, some have found that partneringwith a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)shop for the repair and upkeep of specific prod-uct lines can provide exceptional value. AnMRO may have specific experience and capa-bilities that fill a gap in an airline customer’sown capabilities. Additionally, because of work-in-process volumes and specific technicalexpertise, an MRO may be able to perform cer-tain functions more efficiently and economically

than the airline customer. If the MRO has morerepair experience with a certain component, itmay be able to provide a more reliable product,thereby reducing disruptions in their cus-tomer’s operations and the associated costs,ultimately resulting in reduced cost per aircrafthour. As every airline operator knows, an air-craft can only be profitable when you are ablekeep it flying.

In order to be an effective partner, an MROneeds to be sensitive to the customer’s opera-tional needs, as well as having the know-howand desire to provide innovative solutions to acustomer’s problems (a.k.a. ‘opportunities’.)Solving some of a customer’s maintenanceproblems can allow the operator to focus moreon other areas of their business as needed. AnMRO partner providing an airline with efficientsolutions makes for more cost-effective opera-tions overall. That’s the pay-off to the airlinecustomer. What’s in it for the MRO organisationis a steady stream of challenging work, which

The Engine Yearbook 2011

TAR works with customers to determine what parts are negatively impacting reliability of the APU and affecting operating costs.

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not only keeps a shop busy and profitable, butalso keeps a shop nimble enough to come upwith new and better solutions for the customer.The MRO must also become a true partner withtheir customer, to have their finger on the pulseof the customer’s specific operational needs.

One such MRO, Triumph Air Repair (TAR), anFAA-approved repair station specialising inrepair and overhaul of APUs and related acces-sories, has taken up the challenge of becominga real partner with the airline customers it serv-ices.

As a senior APU R&O engineer, RobSummey joined the Triumph Air Repair team in2009. Summey has this to say about decidingto end a long career working for an OEM andstart afresh with this Phoenix, Arizona-basedMRO facility:

“I had worked for an OEM for over 29 years,and as I came toward early retirement age Istarted thinking about a move away from thatbig corporation feeling... Where it seemed tome there was little room for individual creativefulfillment. At the same time, I was havingdoubts about giving up big corporation securityand benefits. While at the OEM, I had sup-ported TAR for many years, as one of our OEM-

authorised service centers. In dealing with TARI got the feeling those folks felt like they weremaking an individual contribution, and I foundthe innovation and flexibility they portrayedinvigorating. Now that I’m onboard, I experiencethat feeling myself on a daily basis.”

He says Triumph Air Repair is a businessunit small enough to adapt quickly to customerneeds, but large enough to keep most of thework inhouse and under their control. The back-ing of the larger Triumph Group of companiesmeans the resources and security of a largercorporation are still there.

Elizabeth Rakestraw, TAR president furtherexplains: “Triumph Group’s operating philoso-phy, respecting the autonomy of the individualoperating units, allows us the agility of anentrepreneurial company, with the strength of alarger organisation. We take pride in thestrength of our engineering capability and theability to provide our customers with a widerrange of options for the repair and overhaulrequirements.”

The Triumph Group companies began aspart of the former Alco Standard Corporation, aconglomerate of companies in a variety ofindustries. Alco called itself a ‘corporate part-

The Engine Yearbook 2011

I had worked for an OEM forover 29 years, and as I cametoward early retirement age Istarted thinking about a moveaway from that big corporationfeeling.—Rob Summey, APU engineer,Triumph

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nership,” which provided the advantages of alarge corporation, while its individual compa-nies remained entrepreneurial and responsiveto the needs of their local markets.

A group of Alco Standard’s management inleague with key outside investors bought out aselect 13 of these individual companies, andTriumph Group became an independent com-pany. To achieve greater strategic focus,Triumph Group began to acquire additionalaerospace companies, and divested its non-avi-ation companies, all the while maintaining theoriginal philosophy of the corporate partner-ship. As an integral part of this larger group,TAR continues that tradition.

Close relationship with customersTriumph Air Repair’s management team

keeps in mind that as many companies grow inthe industry, they sometimes tend to insulatethemselves from their customers through lay-ers of management, procedures, cost cutting,and outsourcing. TAR strives to stay away fromthat way of doing business, and insteaddesires to maintain a more intimate workingrelationship with individual customers, anddemonstrates to the customer that they careabout their needs, no matter how big or small.

This internal communication is essential increating an MRO that can adapt and can effec-tively provide the customer with the personalattention they deserve. Kevin Rhodey, TAR’s

director of operations has a favorite saying: “Ihave three words for you: communicate, com-municate, communicate.”

Whenever there is a breakdown in commu-nication, Rhodey is not afraid to slow down fora second and pull the teams together to ensurethat everyone is onboard and on track, with theneeds of each job fully understood by eachmember of the larger team. Triumph Air Repairoperates on the knowledge that good commu-nication is easier with a flatter structure andthat layers of management tend to inhibit thatflow.

Sports legend Vince Lombardi once said: “Individual commitment to a group effort —

that is what makes a team work, a companywork, a society work, a civilization work.”

This individual commitment to the groupgoal is another facet to the philosophy of cor-porate partnership, and is a big part of the rea-son why TAR is still going strong in times ofuncertain market conditions, maintaining theirstatus as one of the world’s top APU MROs.

This philosophy sounds good, but at somepoint you’ve got back it up with actions whichdemonstrate success. You’ve got to put yourmoney where your mouth is,, go beyond wordsand sentiments and produce the desiresresult. The end product must speak for itself. Asuccessful MRO organisation must have thetalent, know-how, equipment, and facilities togo the distance. So, besides having a forward

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Because of work-in-processvolumes and specific technicalexpertise, an MRO may be ableto perform certain functionsmore efficiently andeconomically than the airlinecustomer. If the MRO has morerepair experience with a certaincomponent, it may be able toprovide a more reliable product,thereby reducing disruptions intheir customer’s operations andassociated costs, ultimatelyresulting in reduced cost peraircraft hour.

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thinking philosophy how has TAR equippedthemselves to become a successful MRO busi-ness?

Experience is invaluable and with more than32 years in the aviation MRO business, TARhas repaired over 8,000 APUs and 200,000accessories. As an authorised Honeywell serv-ice center, it became the exclusive factory serv-ice centre for the GTCP 660 and TSCP700product lines. Through the expertise and dedi-cation of the company’s workforce, the MROoffers a flexible range of services in support ofa large range of APU models. It not only hasexperience supporting airlines, but also sharesits knowledge in support of OEM operations,whether by providing reliability information ofOEM parts, assisting in sourcing hard to findmaterials and parts, or assisting the OEM withoverflow from their shops.

Equipment is a key factor. In any successfulbusiness you have got to have the right tools forthe job. TAR has three cross-functional, OEM-cor-related, APU test cells to support the GTCP85,GTCP131, GTCP331, GTCP660, TSCP700 andPW901 series of products, and the organisationis continually evaluating the opportunities to addmore APU models to their capabilities.

Let’s get technicalIn a competitive industry, an MRO will not

last long unless they possess an intimate tech-nical knowledge of the products they support.TAR utilises its knowledge not only to performmanual repairs, but to develop and performadvanced technology repairs, as an importantcontribution to reducing the operating costs oftheir customers. These alternate repairs targetcomponents that have high replacement ratesand high failure rates. The ability to rebuildcomponents to reduce the failure rate ulti-mately improves the on-wing performance andreliability of the APU. With an in-house engi-neering department, TAR works with customersto determine what parts are negatively impact-ing reliability of the APU and affecting operatingcosts. Once the specific components are high-lighted, the experienced engineering team pur-sues repairs and establishes processes thatreduce operating costs while maintaining thereliability of the part. In many cases, theapplied repairs improve the durability of com-ponents. To bring these alternate repairs to lifeTAR has its own in-house DER, who is certifiedto create and document non-manual alternaterepairs to parts which might otherwise bescrapped if either no manual repair exists, or ifthe manual repair is limited or simply notrobust enough to serve the need. All of this isdone in close collaboration with the operator, tosave cost to the customer and increase prof-itability.

The customer-focused team at Triumph AirRepair adapts their services to meet many var-ied customer requirements. Support includes24-hour AOG support, troubleshooting, cus-tomer-training programnes, and APU healthtrend monitoring. A programme manager isassigned as the single point of contact for eachcustomer. If a customer has an ‘expedite’request or trouble-shooting requirement, thededicated programme manager provides thecustomer with immediate options to meet theneed. In less urgent situations, this same cus-tomer care team takes time to customise main-tenance programmes and proposals to meeteach customer’s special needs. The mainte-nance programmes can be tailored to addressa customer’s operational, regulatory and/orcash flow requirements.

As a FAA-approved repair station, TriumphAir Repair takes great care to maintain qualityassurance (QA). Their QA group is dedicated tostrict adherence to FAA and EASA requirementsand believes that quality cannot be an after-thought at the end of a job. The QA process ofany job performed begins before the cus-tomer’s unit arrives for repair. The QA groupworks closely with the customer’s quality pro-gramme to assure compliance with the govern-

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ing agencies as well as the customer’s uniquequality requirements which may go beyond FAAor EASA requirements. Triumph Air Repair is onthe audit schedule of major airline and cargocarriers and is CASE-registered and audited ona bi-annual basis.

It would be impossible in the context of thisarticle to present every possible aspect of anMRO. A successful MRO is in tune with the cus-tomers they service, so it could be said that theadvantages of partnering with an MRO are myr-iad as the variety of aviation customers thatexist in the world— each customer beingunique with different needs. This article seeksto give some insight into the many reasons anairline might seek to partner with an MRO fortheir repair and overhaul needs. There aremany choices available, which in a healthy mar-ket helps keep pricing competitive. In any busi-ness action, the advantages must be weighed,and whether an airline chooses an OEM or anMRO, the important thing to remember is thatthere is a choice. The best advice for an airlineconsidering an MRO would be to make contact,and find out what that MRO has to offer. Checkout as many shops as needed until an MRO isfound that is a good fit your unique operationalneeds. Keep them flying! �

TAR has repaired more than 8,000 APUs and 200,000 accessories.

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Co-Operative Industries Aerospace andDefense has supported the aerospaceindustry for over 63 years with the

design and manufacture of electrical wiring har-nesses. The company is a small, privately-heldbusiness that built a reputation as an organi-sation that could turn a ‘design parameter’specification into a cost-effective, repeatableand efficiently manufactured electrical wiringharness. The company has also achieved certi-

fication as a repair station for the FAA, EASAand CAAC on electrical wiring harnesses for air-craft engines. This puts it in that unique cate-gory of being both an original equipmentmanufacturer (OEM) as well as a part 145repair station. Virtually all the harnessesrepaired in its repair station are manufacturedby other OEMs, allowing it to keep the busi-nesses (OEM vs repair) completely independ-ent from one another.

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Making it in today’s aerospace market can be tough. Even tougher if you are a small business.Small fish in a big pond face many challenges and stiff competition from the major players aseveryone battles for a bigger piece of an ever-shrinking pie. Sam Symonds, president and CEO ofCo-Operative Industries, discusses his views on the subject and explains his company’s approach.

Small businesses challengetoday’s aerospace market

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Challenges facing today’s smallbusinesses

There are challenges as well as advantagesto being a small OEM-type business in adynamic industry such as aerospace. However,being a small business does not necessarilytranslate to small capabilities and service.Some of the challenges faced when competingwith larger OEMs include:

� Less marketing muscle.� Less investment capital available.� Difficulty obtaining an invitation to

participate in new projects.� Fewer resources.

Most medium and large businesses in aero-space understand the value of marketing to tar-geted customers, regions or products. Theyalso have the budgets available to take advan-tage of high-end media and broader circula-tions. The rule of thumb that two to five percent of sales should be spent in market-ing/advertising can represent a very significantdifferentiator when comparing a small businessbudget to a large one.

Additionally, the availability of investmentcapital for new product research and processespales in comparison to that which is availableto medium and large businesses. The down-side here is that sometimes the ability to com-pete for projects, or getting into thecompetition, can be affected because a smallbusiness may need to wait until it has the fund-ing to purchase necessary equipment or tech-nology.

The industry continues to evolve inresponse to the requirements of the populationas well as the environment. This evolutionleads to new engines and aircraft. These inturn require upgraded accessories, which arethen supplied by companies that specialise inthe necessary components. Engine and air-craft manufacturers won’t always search out allcapable firms, as development time is shortand it is easier — and more cost effective —to stay with suppliers they already know. For asmall business, it is very difficult to get an invi-tation to participate in the quoting of these newprogrammes.

With limited resources at their disposal, thesmall business is forced to be selective aboutthe projects it focuses on. Unfortunately, thiscan often stifle growth potential and compoundthe challenges.

However, it is not all doom and gloom. Thereare just as many benefits and advantages tobeing a smaller organisation, and thus oppor-tunities to overcome the challenges of compet-ing with the big firms. For many businesses it

is how we manage these challenges and lever-age our advantages that sets us apart and pro-vides solutions that aid in our growth.

Advantages of small businesses include:� Agility in response.� Usually ‘no job is too small’.� Teaming attitude.

There is a great deal of flexibility and agilityin a small business’ ability to respond to achallenge. There are fewer layers of bureau-cracy and therefore decisions can be madequicker. If a project requires special tooling orother resources, we can move quickly if wedeem it worthwhile to the success of a project.This added flexibility can be a huge advantagein certain circumstances. Should a specialadvertising opportunity arise with a narrow win-dow, many large organisations may not be ableto get the required approval within the allottedtime. A small business could have a decisionin a matter of minutes. In many cases this willoffset the advantage of a much larger budget.We also tend to be more focused with our mar-keting budget — targeting resources to nicheareas, thereby maximising marketing dollars.

Along the same lines, a small business willseldom turn down a new opportunity due to theproject being too small. These opportunitiesare viewed as the beginnings of larger futurebusiness. Small business tends to believe

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Most of the engine andairframe OEMs realise there isa great deal of ‘tribalknowledge’ that hasaccumulated throughout theyears and when they decide tooutsource the product, thedocumentation will have holesin it. Some large companiesmay just build to thedocumentation “as-is” becausethey are too focused on otherprojects to do a thoroughreview.

Outsourcing to small businesses that specialise in specific components and accessories allowsmajor OEMs to focus on their core competencies.

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that every opportunity will spur growth.Additionally, there is the added incentive thatthis may be a ‘niche’ product on the cuttingedge of an industrywide solution. This sce-nario offers another potential growth opportu-nity for the smaller enterprise.

Many small businesses approach cus-tomers with a ‘teaming’ type attitude. Thisapproach can be very appealing to major OEMsthat are seeking to utilise the supply base andreduce their vertical integration.

These programmes become a ‘build-to-print’business as the OEM outsources existing pro-grammes. A small business is willing toexpend the resources to perform a completeprogramme review during the quote phase toensure they will be capable of performing to thecustomer’s requirements. At times, there areincongruities in the customer documentation.With a focused approach by an experienceddesign team, these can be identified prior toproduction.

Most of the engine and airframe OEMsrealise there is a great deal of ‘tribal knowl-edge’ that has accumulated throughout theyears and when they decide to outsource theproduct, the documentation will have holes init. Some large companies may just build to thedocumentation “as-is” because they are too

focused on other projects to do a thoroughreview. Often this results in a wiring harnessthat will not fit or function properly. This coststhe customer time and money to establishwhat went wrong and then to correct it.

Offering alternate design solutions duringthe preliminary review and preventing adesign/process flaw that may be difficult, if notimpossible, to manufacture results in a win-winsituation for all involved. This type of teamworkcan lead to lower costs with faster throughput,and most importantly, results in a quality fin-ished product. A company that is willing toaccept this responsibility early on and identifywhere additional information is needed will berewarded for that effort.

Challenges in the MRO marketLet’s examine the challenges involved in

MRO for a small repair station. Perception is avery real challenge for a small repair business.The prospective customers may be concernedthat the volume of wiring harnesses they needrepaired may be too much for a small businessor that the turnaround time (TAT) may be toolong. There may be a customer belief that thesmall business won’t have the inventory to sup-port their programmes and the customer willneed to supply components or wait for supplier

A focus on good customer communicationsand the ability to offer alternative designsolutions can improve throughput and reducecost, resulting in win-win scenarios foreveryone involved.

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lead-time prior to their repair commencing.Communication with existing and potential

customers will generally dispel these concerns.As far as TAT, many large MROs that are alsoOEMs may try to run repairs concurrently withnew production and therefore increase TAT. Co-operative Industries, for example, maintains adedicated workforce for repairs and is notassociated with new production. This greatlyreduces TAT issues.

Companies with a dedicated workforce areable to ensure optimal turnaround times.There are some small businesses (such asours) that have made it a major part of theirbusiness plan to perform repairs for the air-frame and engine MROs. These large MROshave the benefit of reducing their cost by nothaving to support the component maintenanceshops as part of their operation. This thenallows these organisations to concentrate ontheir core competency, be it engine or air-frames.

Additional savings are realised by outsourc-ing to an organisation with lower operationalcosts. Such an organisation also accepts theresponsibilities of meeting the requirements ofconsistent product TAT.

Consistency and redundancy is an addedbenefit of dealing with a specialty company. Acompany that specialises in electrical wiringharness designs that range from the simplestconstruction to interconnects intended forextreme environments should give added confi-dence to the engine or airframe MRO that therepairs will be done correctly the first time.

One final benefit that small businessesbring to the industry is that they serve as a‘training ground’ for many of the employeesthat large businesses will hire in the future.Conversely, when the large OEMs and MROsare downsizing, it is small business helps withemployment. Generally speaking, an employeecoming from a small business has a broaderexperience base than a contemporary with thesame years from a large business. This broadexperience is born out of necessity in a smallbusiness. By the same token, an employeeleaving a large firm may relish the freedom toexpand their capabilities from lack of restraintsthat may come with the more rigid work struc-ture and boundaries of large companies.

The commercial and military aerospacemarket is a very large industry in terms of dol-lars, but it is very small in terms of humanresources. Many of us that have been servingthis sector for 25-plus years continuallyencounter many old friends and acquaintances,albeit at different companies than you mayhave remembered them.

As has been illustrated and discussedthroughout this article, there are a multitude of

challenges that face small business in theaerospace industry. But hopefully, it has alsobecome evident that there are just as many ifnot more benefits, advantages and opportuni-ties for the small business.

If people have the ability to exercise theircreative instincts, are hard-driving achievers,and like to take calculated risks, working in asmall business is the place to be. Almost allchallenges can be overcome with hard work,persistence and optimism. �

Co-Operative Industries Aerospace & DefenseCo-Operative Industries is an AS9100 regis-

tered company based in Fort Worth, Texas. Thecompany designs and manufactures electricalwiring harnesses, junction boxes, panel assem-blies, ignition leads, and flexible conduits forairframe, engine, ground support equipment,and space applications. In addition to manu-facturing capabilities, Co-Operative Industriesalso provides part 145 repair services such ascheck & test, overhaul and repair, and S/Bincorporation for many of the aircraft wiring har-nesses in service today.

Generally speaking, anemployee coming from a smallbusiness has a broaderexperience base than acontemporary with the sameyears from a large business.This broad experience is bornout of necessity in a smallbusiness.

Flexibility in manufacturing processes can be key for small business survival.

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Weight reduction of key componentswhich result in reduced fuel consump-tion and a reduction of noise emis-

sions are the most significant areas ofresearch and innovation in the aerospaceindustry. These goals are achieved by utilisingnew materials and applying new technologieswhich can improve the thermo-dynamic proper-ties of aero engines. When it comes to safety,cost efficiency and eco-friendliness, blast strip-ping and blast cleaning processes play a keyrole in manufacturing as well as MRO. Rösleroffers custom engineered shot blast systems— from relatively simple dry or wet blast clean-ing systems to high-tech high-pressure waterjet blasting and shot peening systems. Thesesystems provide a high degree of automation,

repeatable results due to constant monitoringand adjustment of all relevant blast parametersand high equipment quality. By taking advan-tage of innovative know-how, which the com-pany has acquired during its takeover of Baikerand Vapor Blast, Rösler has become a techno-logical leader in the field of aerospace surfacefinishing and surface preparation.

Dual cabin wet blast system forturbine blades

Aircraft engine components are exposed toextreme mechanical and thermal loads, whichis why they are made from highly heat resistantsteel and titanium or nickel-based alloys. Shotpeening is used for newly manufactured turbineparts as well as for refurbishment of existing

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Due to stringent safety requirements, consistency and repeatability is essential in both themanufacturing of new aircraft engines as well as the associated MRO operations, while at thesame time increased cost pressures require a high degree of cost efficiency. Both requirementscan only be fulfilled with innovative production and maintenance systems. Surface finishingspecialist Rösler describes its surface preparation and finishing processes which help companiesto achieve these objectives.

Cleaning turbine blades

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Water loss due to evaporation and carryout ismade up with a special replenishment system.A specially-designed wear resistant pumppumps the mix of media and water to the blastguns from where it becomes accelerated withthe introduction of compressed air. Thisprocess ensures that the ratio between waterand media remains constant at the presetvalue.

The customer specifications called for anAlmen value of 0.370 - 0.450mm on an “N”strip within a cycle time of 10 minutes, and 15sequential Almen readings can only show adeviation of 0.02mm from the specified values.To maintain such tight tolerances all blastparameters concerning process stability andrepeatability, such as media concentration inthe slurry and air pressure, are constantly mon-itored and documented.

Highly flexible shot peening ofturbine parts

Another leading manufacturer of aircraft tur-bines recently purchased a shot peening instal-lation from Rösler for the peening of turbinecomponents up to 1,200mm in width and1,000mm in height. The blast system isequipped with two load stations which allowthe shot peening of one part in the blast cham-ber, while the swing table is beingloaded/unloaded with another part.

However, there are additional double fea-tures integrated into this system: It is equippedwith two blast systems and two four-axisgantries that are mounted to the ceiling of thecabin and the rear wall. Each blast system isequipped with three guns. This arrangementallows the targeted blasting of different sec-

tions on the parts. Two double pressurevessels guarantee a consistent and contin-uous shot peening process. This dual con-cept allows simultaneous blasting of the

outer and inner partssurfaces with differentblast intensities, and italso allows the use oftwo different sizes ofmedia, which can be

The Engine Yearbook 2011

parts as it induces residual compressivestresses into the outer surface layers of theparts and, thus, increases their tensile andbending strength resulting in higher resistanceto wear and fatigue corrosion.

Recently, Rösler delivered a custom-engi-neered wet blast peening system for turbineblade refurbishment to a leading aerospacecompany. The wet peening system is

equipped with two highly

wear resistant stainless steel cabins whichensures high parts throughput.

The peening system itself is designed forprocessing up to 14 different turbine blades,mainly fan blades, with a maximum length of1,150mm. To start the programme the opera-tor registers the blade to be peened with a bar-code reader. Subsequently, the graphic displaybuilt into the control panel shows a picture ofthe turbine blade and the parts-specific workpiece fixture. The fixture, which is completelymasking/protecting the root of the turbineblade, is mounted onto a rotating satellite sta-tion. A computer numerical control (CNC) multi-axis gantry system working with a positionalaccuracy of 0.1mm controls the movement ofthe 12 blast guns. The combination of satelliterotation and blast gun movement ensures thatthe blast media, accelerated by compressed airand consisting of a mix of ceramic beads andwater, always hits the parts surface of thecurved turbine blades at an optimum angle.

A sophisticated rinse system reaching thecomplete interior of the cabin flushes thethrown blast media from the cabin and trans-fers it to the media cleaning and classificationsystem. Broken-down media that is no longerusable is discharged with a hydro cyclone, andundersize media left in the water/slurry mix iscarried out with a moving bed paper filter. The

cleaned, re-usable media is trans-ported back into the slurry tankwith an auger.

Turbine blades undergo a shot peening processto induce a compressive residual stress in theupper surface layers of the parts. This appliesto newly manufactured turbine blades as wellas blades that need to be refurbished.

The work piece fixtures holding the turbine blades areplaced on rotating satellite stations. The 12 blast gunsare moved by a multi-axis CNC gantry system with anaccuracy of 0.1 mm. The slurry consisting of media andwater is accelerated in the blast gun by compressed air.

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quickly exchanged. This flexibility guarantees ahighly effective operation, even though thecycle times may last for several hours.

To ensure a high degree of process safetyand repeatability, all process parameters suchas media flow rate, pressure in the blast sys-tem and air volume are constantly monitored,adjusted and documented. The varying datatracking and adjustment systems are very pre-cise so that the tolerance of the media flowrate is less than five per cent, and the pressuretolerance is not larger than 0.05 bar.

This particular peening installation is par-tially enclosed with a sound enclosing cabin sothat the emitted noise level does not exceed75 dB(N)

Stripping of thermal coatings withpure water

Refurbishment of aircraft turbines requires,among other operations, the removal of ther-mal coatings, such as very hard plasma coat-ings from various components. One of thelargest maintenance and refurbishment organi-sations in the world is utilising a high pressurewater jet system from Rösler for its strippingoperations. The Rösler system is equipped witha stainless steel blast cabin and a turntablethat can be moved in a linear direction whichallows the treatment of turbine componentswith different widths and diameters.

The high performance plunger pump, with a132 kW motor, generates a high pressure4,000 bar water jet which is dispensed with amulti-rotational nozzle that is guided by a six-axis robot. For safety reasons all of the pipingis specified for a pressure of 6,000 bar. Thewater delivery of 11.7 litres/minute combinedwith the nozzle rotation generates a “grinding”effect which causes a fast and precise, but, atthe same time very gentle stripping of the coat-ing without any deformation of the parts sur-face and without any residual surfacecontamination. Depending on the type andthickness of the coating, stripping speeds fromfour up to 75 mm_/sec are possible.

The high pressure water jet system is alsoequipped with a waste water treatment plantthat allows the recycling of the process waterfor multiple uses. In a first step the processwater contaminated with particles from thecoating material is passed through a bag fil-ter whose specifications depend on the typeof coating material being stripped. Theremust be a bag filter for every type of coatingin order to prevent a potential chemical reac-tion that could be caused by mixing the parti-cles of different coating materials. Thepre-cleaned process water then passesthrough a centrifugal filter with a centrifugalforce of 2,010g that removes about 99 per

Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Vorstadt 1, D-96190 UntermerzbachContact: Mrs Barbara Müller, Tel.: +49 9533/924-802, Fax: +49 9533/924-300, Email: [email protected],www.Rösler.com

The Engine Yearbook 2011

cent of all solid fines from the water. Finally,in a downstream cartridge filter all fines witha particle size of less than or equal to 1.0µare removed. Rösler’s unique water treat-ment process guarantees a long life of thehigh pressure pump. Any bacteria that mightcontaminate the process water are removedwith a special ozone unit.

Shot peening and thermal coating removalprocesses are nothing new to the aerospaceindustry, however Rösler maintains that by com-bining experience and innovation it is possibleto produce a range of state-of-the -art machinesthat ensure process repeatability and continu-ous monitoring of every variable. �

This shot peening system with two load/unload stations is equipped with two independent blastsystems and two four-axis gantries guiding the blast guns. This allows the simultaneous peening ofthe inside and outside surface of the parts.

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Addressing complexities is the missionof the equipment health management(EHM) services provided by Optimized

Systems and Solutions (OSyS). With morethan a decade in the field, OSyS currentlymonitors more than 8,000 assets dailyacross multiple industries. OSyS’ EHMprocess has the foundation of not only thelessons learned from experience, but alsothe industry trends in civil aviation duringthat time.

The focus of EHM remains the same —avoiding service disruption and reducing main-tenance costs. However, in the last decade,the civil aviation industry has begun to move

away from dedicated EHM teams within the air-line to outsourced services delivered by theoriginal equipment manufacturer (OEM) or spe-cialist service providers. This change is par-tially driven by the industry trend towardtransitioning to an engine leasing or ‘power bythe hour’ aftermarket business model. Withthis model, the risk and costs associated withengine downtime and repair reside with theOEM, which provides the airlines with a morepredictable cost model and allows them toconcentrate on their core business. It alsoallows the OEMs to benefit from an engine’sinherent reliability and their accumulated prod-uct knowledge.

With the OEM performing EHM, a fleet-wideview is achieved by establishing a single EHMdatabase, a move that delivers a step changein EHM effectiveness. This enables first-of-typefailures to be quickly investigated, diagnosisestablished, and the entire fleet examined,enabling proactive remedial action if any otherengines are identified as exhibiting early signsof that failure.

Another industry change over the last 10years has been the rise in effective utilisationof EHM data within the OEM. Rolls-Royce, forwhom OSyS has provided extensive EHM serv-ices and helped develop long-term serviceagreement strategies, is a case in point. During

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Translating in-service data from an aircraft or engine into information that enables rapid actionsounds like a simple operation — collect the data on the aircraft, transmit to a location foranalysis, and issue an alert if that analysis indicates impending or potential failure. In reality, thetypical conditions in which airlines operate make the process of engine condition monitoringmuch more complex. Optimized Systems and Solutions (OSyS), a wholly-owned subsidiary ofRolls-Royce, discusses the intricacies of equipment health monitoring (EHM).

Unlocking the secrets ofsuccessful equipment healthmonitoring

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Launched in 2007, The MRO Yearbookis an official annual publication ofaward-winning magazine, Aircraft Technology Engineering &Maintenance (ATE&M).

The MRO Yearbook is distributed in printto over 4,000 airline, OEM and MROprofessionals worldwide. Readers includekey decision-makers, working withinairline engineering and maintenancedepartments; airframe; engine andcomponent MROs; spare partsdistributors; plus the OEMs. In addition,the online (e-book version) goes to over20,000 aviation professionals worldwide.

The next MRO Yearbook (2012 edition) will bepublished in September 2011 and will also benefitfrom being at the MRO Europe Show 2011, plus atmany UBM Aviation Conferences and Exhibitionsthroughout late-2011 and 2012.


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concerns, enabling the use of EHM-specificsensors.

The next step is to acquire the data. Thedata acquisition systems, most often providedby the Aircraft Condition Monitoring System(ACMS), routinely deliver a handful of small‘snapshot’ reports recorded at specific flightconditions such as takeoff, climb, cruise andengine shut-down. They can also deliver excee-dence reports when certain pre-defined condi-tions, such as shaft overspeed, are breached.

Modern engines such as the Rolls-RoyceTrent 900 on the A380 and the Rolls-RoyceTrent 1000 on the 787 also have an engine-mounted monitoring unit (EMU). Essentially amobile computing platform for running dataacquisition, conditioning and analyticalprocesses, EMUs are commonly configured toacquire detailed vibration spectral data or infor-mation on engine accessory behaviour. The bigadvantage of an EMU is that it is more easilyupdated to incorporate new algorithms than theACMS. If a new type of fleet issue is detected,a new EHM algorithm can rapidly be developedand deployed throughout the fleet to help man-age the emerging behaviour.

Once the data has been acquired, the nextstep is analysis. In most cases, that meanstransmitting the data from the aircraft to an on-ground location. Typically, the data OSyS analy-ses is transmitted off the aircraft in AircraftCommunications Addressing and ReportingSystem (ACARS) messages, small text packetsof data transmitted by VHF radio link androuted to OSyS by a global network of groundstations. Using this method has proven highlysuccessful during the course of OSyS’ EHMservices history.

In some instances, the choice has beenmade to do the analysis onboard in order toavoid the cost and potential delay that resultsfrom transmitting the data for offboard analy-sis. This onboard option can also allow a muchmore detailed analysis of the vibration and per-formance data as there is no loss in resolutionthrough summarisation of the raw data.However, in using this method, it is often diffi-cult to accurately predict exactly how algo-rithms will behave. This is particularly truewhen all the interactions with other engine andaircraft systems are taken into account andwhen maintenance activity is carried out on theequipment, all of which may upset the output ofthe onboard analytical processes.

OSyS’ ground-based processing and analy-sis of the fleet data normally consists of thefollowing steps:

1. The acquired data is compared to a high-fidelity model that represents what is expectedbased on the normal engine operation at the


this period, Rolls-Royce has invested signifi-cantly in their operations centre. Approximately10 per cent of employees staffing the centreprovide expert, real-time advice to customers24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In addition to this front-desk team, a largerback-office team works to achieve long-termgoals such as: maintenance practice develop-ment, design validation for current and futureengine programmes, logistic process develop-ment and commercial contract administration.This type of dedicated organisation is essentialfor extracting the maximum value from EHMdata.

EHM processComprehensive EHM services such as

these underpin an airline’s financial, fleet andmaintenance-capacity planning decisions. Theend-to-end EHM process developed by OSySaddresses the difficulties of providing valued,reliable, actionable information to the cus-tomer. Some data challenges the customermay experience include:

� Frequently, the aircraft or engine dataneeded to diagnose problems is at a levelof complexity from which only an expertwould be able to distinguish abnormalbehaviour from normal, often “noisy” data.

� Time is of the essence. Once an abnormalcondition is detected, the correct diagnosis

and recommended course of action needto be relayed to the OEM and the aircraftoperator within minutes.

� The alerts generated need to be accuratein order to avoid unnecessary flight delays,cancelled flights, and operationaldisruption due to false alarms.

� As engine fleets age, new failure modesnot seen before nor anticipated,materialise. This makes it particularlychallenging for an EHM service provider tocatch every disruptive event.

OSyS’ EHM process follows a series ofsteps that begins with receiving informationfrom aircraft sensors. Most modern enginesare equipped with a range of transducers thatenable a comprehensive analysis of engine per-formance. Only a handful, however, are dedi-cated to EHM purposes. Most are actively usedin control or cockpit indication systems, moni-toring such aspects as temperatures and pres-sures in the engine, shaft rotational speeds,vibration levels, etc. At this time, there is somereluctance to add additional sensors specific toEHM data acquisition, based on an historicalmindset that they will add cost, weight andcomplexity. However, as the industry pro-gresses and moves toward the aftermarketmodel, we may see more recognition that thebenefits and savings to be realised in the totallife costs of running the engine outweigh those

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Engine health alerts need to be accurate in order to avoid unnecessary flight delays.

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particular operating conditions, such as alti-tude, airspeed, air temperature, etc.

2. Any differences between ‘actual’ and‘expected’ engine performance are identifiedas anomalies that require further investigation.

3. All anomalies are correlated with other datato determine a diagnosis of the potential prob-lem. This process could include using peer-to-peer comparisons with other engines, otherperformance data, the engine modificationstandard, or similar data.

Added valueFollowing the process generates a diagno-

sis that is based on the use of cutting-edgealgorithms and delivered in near real-time.However, if that information is not acted uponin a timely manner, there is little value in hav-ing it. Therefore, the final step in the OSyS EHMprocess is to communicate the information to adefined set of people who can take the actionnecessary to mitigate the effects of a potentialfailure.

There are definite expectations concerningthe EHM notifications delivered and the infor-mation they contain. The notifications must be:

� Delivered in time for mitigating action to betaken to prevent the incipient failure.

� Directed to the right people, those who areboth empowered to act on the alerts andhave knowledge of the defined processesto follow.

� Standardised in terms of the alertingterminology and message format to ensurethat a consistent workflow is alwaysfollowed.

� Complete with all the informationnecessary so the user has no gaps in thedata.

� Correct, such as parameter valuescorrectly reported and engine serialnumbers and installation positionscorrectly identified.

� Auditable, which can be achieved by storingmeta data about the EHM notification inorder to monitor how well the EHM serviceis performing.

� Able to support investigation into its rootcause, which OSyS typically accomplishesby providing detailed plots containing thehistory of the parameter trends with thesignificant trends highlighted.

There are also some less tangible expecta-tions for the notifications that are more difficultto qualify. For example, the information in thenotification must be trusted. The recipientmust be confident that the notification has

The Engine Yearbook 2011

come from a reputable source and can beacted on without question. If an EHM systememploys an impenetrable ‘black box algorithm’at any point in the process, that lack of trans-parency results in less immediate trust in theinformation.

Independent of the need to trust the qualityof the data, there is also a need for the infor-mation to be perceived as fit for the purpose.Notifications are valuable to customers only ifthey meet their operational requirements forinformation. If the information cannot meet thisexpectation, then meeting all the other criteriais immaterial.

OSyS and Rolls-Royce routinely gather infor-mation about the number of alerts and advi-sories that have been issued, the timeliness ofthe notifications and the root causes of thenotifications. That information, together withfrequent input from our customers, allowsOSyS to continuously improve its EHM serviceand meet customer expectations.

Future of EHM Looking to the future, it appears clear that

the growth the EHM service operation hasexperienced during the past 10 years will con-tinue. Indeed, past successes have placedgreater expectations on the system, and cus-tomers are seeking processes to detect evenmore subtle failure modes with greater cer-tainty in shorter timeframes.

As OSyS strives to meet the demands pro-jected to result from this growth, we have iden-tified particular areas of future systemdevelopment, including the following:

� Continual development of advancedanalytical capabilities, particularly aroundthe more detailed dataset that is availablefrom EMU-equipped engines.

� Fusion of such EHM data as performance,vibration, lifting, and oil debris in order toprovide a richer information source fordiagnosis and prognosis activities.

� Further integration of the airborne andground-based elements of the end-to-endEHM system.

� Improved knowledge managementsystems, embedded within the EHMsystem, to support the continualimprovement process.

� Greater integration of the EHM system withexternal enterprise systems such aslogistical planning systems, maintenancedatabases, etc.

� Expansion of equipment monitored, basedon the cost of failure of the equipment(e.g., landing gear, avionics).

� Integration with novel service offeringssuch as fuel management.

� Closer integration of EHM with associatedservices such as forecasting of requiredspares inventory and repair/overhaul shoploading.

The future may offer many new opportuni-ties and hold many new challenges for airlineoperations. Employing a comprehensive EHMsolution is an effective tool enabling airlines toface that future with value-added decisionsconcerning significant aspects of their equip-ment’s operation. �

The focus of engine health monitoring remains the same — avoiding service disruption andreducing maintenance costs.

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Erosion, component fretting, and friction,as well as foreign object damage (FOD)are the main sources for aero engine fan

blade damage. The first three of these usuallycause consistent, gradual deterioration over agiven period of flight hours/cycles, which canbe planned for and rectified during scheduledmaintenance intervals. By contrast, FOD (suchas a bird strike) can happen at any time duringoperation and may require immediate repair.Deformations such as nicks and dents in thefan blade’s leading edge are typical conse-quences of FOD. Provided it is not too exten-sive, this may even be repaired on-wing. Forexample, blending a chipped leading edgewould mainly be done to secure the weakenedarea in the highly stressed part and prevent thedamage from becoming larger over time.However, depending on the foreign object’s sizeand mass as well as the aircraft’s airspeed andengine power setting, FOD can be more severe

and extend further across and/or into the aero-foil’s body, potentially causing an unscheduledshop visit.

The ingestion of particulate matter such assand, dust, salt or ice is the main cause of ero-sion of aerofoils in the fan as well as com-pressor modules; the cold-section of a gasturbine aero engine. Fan blades typically sufferfrom leading edge erosion and worn chords,which translate into a loss of aerodynamicshape and reduced efficiency. As a conse-quence, flight crew might select higher thrustsettings, which may further accelerate theengine’s deterioration. Also midspan shrouds(‘clappers’) on older-type engines with narrow-chord fan blades suffer wear and tear througherosion. However, it is not just airborne debristhat can damage an engine’s aerofoils: MD-80s, for example, are notorious for fan bladeleading edge erosion as a result of water cavi-tation taking place during takeoff and landing

The components of the fan and compressor sections in aero engines are subject to wear andtear from a range of different causes. This article addresses some of these issues and looks atcurrent developments in the industry.

Cold-section engine repairs

due to the position of the landing gear andwing relative to the engine.

Fan blade repairWorn fan blade roots, midspan shrouds and

blade tips are typical example of fretting andfriction-related wear and tear in the engine’sfront section. Root fretting is caused by the dif-ferent loads and movements that fan bladesare subjected to. Plasma sprayed coatings, usu-ally copper nickel or copper nickel indium, areused as lubricating, sacrificial protection layersto provide wear and impact resistance; as asacrificial coating they need to be periodicallyre-applied. Midspan shrouds are subject to con-stant impact and friction and can be restored bytungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, subsequentmachining and the application of high-velocityoxygen fuel (HVOF) tungsten carbide coating. Atthe top end of the fan blade, tip length andshape may be lost as a result of friction against

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abradable coatings in the fan casing. The origi-nal dimensions can be restored by welding astrip of titanium along the tip, followed byreworking to obtain the correct profile.

In principle, the same process is employedto return eroded leading edges to their originalshape and measurements. If the damage onthe aerofoil section of a titanium fan bladeextends further along the chord width or theblade material has become too thin in places,the relevant section may be cut out and areplacement patch inserted through an elec-tron-beam (EB) welding process. The weldwould then also be machined back to seam-lessly blend in with the original blade material.

GKN Aerospace Chem-tronics in San Diego,California, specialises in the repair of fanblades and has approvals from all major engineOEMs. The company uses a range of processessuch as hot reforming, TIG and EB welding,automated optical aerofoil inspection systems,computer numeric controlled (CNC) precisionmachining as well as manual blending.Protective coatings can be applied via plasmaor HVOF spray processes. “The main challengeswith the fan blade is to ensure the repaired itemhas maintained its dimensional conformity andstructural integrity following the repair process,”says Steve Pearl, VP and GM. “Each item mustalso complete rigorous non-destructive testing(NDT) to ensure the repair has left no defectsthat could cause the part to fail.”

Given the high prices for new fan blades, it isnot surprising that repairs offer substantialexpenditure savings. The cost for a repair rarelyexceeds 10 per cent of the cost of a replacementpart, according to Pearl. This is even more thecase with the newer wide-chord fan blades (nomatter whether they are solid or hollow) despitethe fact that they are less suitable for conven-tional welding than solid, shrouded fan blades.The reason is that the prices for these new fanblades have outpaced the increase in repair cost.The repair process for the wide chord fan bladesis actually simpler. However, the NDT require-ments have become more intense.

The increasing use of carbon fibre rein-forced plastic (CFRP) is arguably the most sig-nificant development in the fan section at themoment. While the GE90 has long been thesingle large commercial aero engine with com-posite fan blades, after it was introduced in1995, the similarly equipped GEnx-family ofengines will enter service on the 787 and 747-8 in due course. Furthermore, GE and SNECMAare planning to install composite fan blades inthe CFM LEAP-X engine, provided the consor-tium pursues the new engine generation in aturbofan rather than open rotor configuration. Ifthis is the case, the CFM56 successor isplanned to enter service in 2016. “The change

to composite blades will have a pronouncedeffect on repairs,” states Phil Grainger, seniortechnical director and chief technologist atGKN Aerospace. “For the run of the mill dam-age created to [titanium] leading edges fromFOD common to short range applications, theprocedures for blending and polishing will bevery similar. Where more severe impacts fromsmall birds or other FOD occur, a more complexerosion shield removal and laser repair of thesacrificial carbon layers can take place.Another common area of slight damage is theabradable tip, which can be undertaken at firstline maintenance using standard adhesiverepair techniques. There are some special ero-sion protection materials on the blade whichcan tolerate quite high degrees of damage with-out anything more than a paint touch-up.Beyond that, it is a factory replacement.”

Compressor repairsFurther downstream from the fan, erosion is

also the major source of aerofoil damage in thecompressor section. An extreme example ofthis kind of deterioration is the deployment ofmilitary helicopters to desert areas with sandparticles of over 200µm (0.2mm) in size, wherethe aerofoils in the compressor have been

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Midspan shrouds are prone to wear and tear, and periodically require material building and machining.

The ingestion of particulatematter such as sand, dust, saltor ice is the main cause oferosion of aerofoils in the fanas well as compressor modules;the cold-section of a gas turbineaero engine. Fan bladestypically suffer fromleading-edge erosion and wornchords, which translate into aloss of aerodynamic shape andreduced efficiency.

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reduced to paper thin sheets after justa few hundred flying hours. While mostcommercial operators will not have toworry about these kinds of conditions, itshould be noted that sand can formpart of the atmosphere up to 10,000ftabove the Gobi desert. Volcanic ash canrise to even greater altitudes.

In the initial stages of the low-pres-sure compressor, where the air streamis still relatively slow, erosion is mostsignificant towards the blade tip at theleading edge; the loss of material there-fore results in a reduction of the aero-foil’s chord width. Further downstream,however, with increasing air velocity andchanging direction, the blade erodesmore laterally towards the trailing edge,resulting in a reduction of the aerofoil’sthickness. The loss of chord width andblade geometry, as well as generallyroughened surfaces in the gas path,reduce the engine’s efficiency and henceare directly linked to specific fuel con-sumption (SFC).

PAS Technologies’ aerospace divi-sion in Kansas City, Missouri, has tradi-tionally offered cold-section part repairservices and is now expanding into pro-viding comprehensive material manage-ment programmes across a wider areaof the engine, increasingly including the

hot section. Typical examples of the company’sservices are: dimensional restoration of fanand compressor blades and subsequent coat-ing with varying overlays against erosion andcorrosion; weld-repairs of the variable inletguide vanes (VIGV); renewal of abradable coat-ings and liners in the shrouds on the inside ofthe compressor cases and adjacent to statorvanes; and restoration of carbon seals, sealseats and housings in the bearings compart-ment. One of the latest innovations is a sealsurface restoration for the inside diameters ofbooster stage vane rings of the low-pressurecompressor, which is based on low tempera-ture curing of grades of room temperature vul-canised rubber (RTV) that are reinforced withhollow glass spheres.

Aside from material and technologicaladvances, one of the main areas of develop-ment since 2006 has been to improve processefficiency through lean and six sigma initia-tives. Making the company more competitivethrough shorter turnaround times (TAT), higherproductivity and consequently greater yieldshas certainly been the main objective.However, it has become equally important tomake material savings in the face of everincreasing material prices. “One of our largermaterial costs is powder applied in our coatingtechnology,” reports Robert Weiner, CEO.“Using six sigma, we were able to refine thecoating processes and work the output closertoward the lower specification limit in coatingthickness. Using kaizen events on coating fam-ilies of parts, for example, we were also ableto adjust spray patterns and nest parts withinpreviously wasted space to make better use ofour powder. The result was a 25 per centimprovement in powder savings.”

Repair versus replacementFor Tony Matacia, GM of General Electric’s

(GE) repair technology centre of excellenceheadquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, one of themain areas of development at the moment isblisk (bladed disk) repairs. While the new com-ponent generation offers significant weight sav-ings and aerodynamic efficiency/performancegains, it will also shift the ‘repair versus replace-ment’ debate firmly towards the ‘repair’ side.There will be no argument to replace a blisk if,for example, one or two blades have sufferedFOD or erosion damage and need to bereplaced. GE has been working on EB weldingprocesses to cater for such a scenario but, asMatacia explains, welding metal with conven-tional methods, including EB welding, tends togo with a varying degree of material propertydegradation at the joint between the individualmetal pieces. There may be certain repairswhere the conventional welding methods will

Worn fan blade roots, midspanshrouds and blade tips aretypical examples of fretting andfriction-related wear and tear inthe engine’s front section. Rootfretting is caused by thedifferent loads and movementsthat fan blades are subjected to.Plasma sprayed coatings,usually copper-nickel orcopper-nickel-indium, are usedas lubricating, sacrificialprotection layers to providewear and impact resistance; asa sacrificial coating they need tobe periodically re-applied.

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High-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spray can lead to better coatings compared to standard thermalspray in atmospheric conditions.

not provide sufficient strength to sustain thestresses in a blisk. “A normal welding processis a fusion process, where the material actuallymelts. [In this area] one gets cast material prop-erties. So the material properties are generallynot as good as a forged material.” As a solutionthe company’s research and development teamis looking at at a number of unique solid statewelding processes. “With solid state welding,such as translational friction welding, you obtainimproved material properties compared to con-ventional fusion welding,” says Matacia.

Making sure that a repair process will notlead to any material deficiencies in the respec-tive part, to ensure the safe operation and con-tinued performance of the engine, is the overallobjective in the development of repairs. High-cycle material fatigue is thus one of the mainchallenges that engineers need to address. Asthe compressor blades rotate in-between thestationary vanes inside the engine, they aresusceptible to excitations which will causethem to vibrate. If, for example, the compressorhas 50 vanes at the respective stage, everyblade receives 50 pulses per revolution. Theresulting vibrations will not only vary accordingto different power settings and changes in theatmospheric conditions, they may also induceother, secondary vibrations within the blades.To make the matter even more complex, theblades might receive further impulses throughcontact between the tip and the shroud, turbu-lences or foreign objects, which could inducefurther, secondary vibrations and associatedstresses.

It is this kind of intimate knowledge aboutthe design and manufacturing of parts andcomponents which gives the OEM a naturaladvantage over independent companies whenit comes to the development of DER/DOArepairs as well as PMA parts. As the technol-ogy is becoming more advanced, the challengeto develop alternative repairs and materialsthat are as reliable as the OEM’s offeringsmight become too large to overcome, asMatacia suggests: “We [GE] have all thedesign engineers, materials engineers, andmanufacturing engineers. We have the capa-bility to engine-test our parts and component-test our parts. As these parts [compressorblades] go from simple two-dimensionalshapes to very complex three-dimensionalshapes, you need that kind of engineeringexpertise in order to develop a successfulrepair. If you don’t have that, there is somerisk that you may miss. That may have worked20 years ago, [but] may not work now.”

For Tom van der Linden, VP sales ofChromalloy, the main challenge for the futuredoes not lie in mastering the technology, mate-rials or complexity of parts for new engine gen-

erations, but in the availability of the engineer-ing data that is necessary to develop alterna-tive repairs and spare part material. TheOrangeburg, New York-based company hasbeen a specialist for cold and hot sectionrepair processes for decades, encompassingcasing repairs, section restorations for bladesand vanes, flange replacements for differentparts, and various coating applications, includ-ing abradable coatings. The company is alsoaggressively expanding its development andproduction of PMA parts.

van der Linden maintains that the OEMsare trying to protect the aftermarket for theirparts by restricting engineering data andinstructions in the engine maintenance manu-als (that was previously available and is nec-essary for the safe maintenance and operationof the engine), and requiring aircraft operatorsto use only the OEM or their approvedlicensees for engine maintenance. “The OEMsare protecting their data and engines in such away that is very difficult to be able to fairlycompete in the aftermarket for certainengines. What we see is that the OEMs tryvery hard to prevent their customers from hav-ing an alternative source.”

The situation is particularly dramatic for air-craft such as the 737, 777-200LR/300ERseries and the two A340 generations, whereairlines do not have a choice between enginemodels. While all OEMs have delivered in pro-viding highly modern and efficient engine tech-nology despite this market of relatively limitedchoice — compared to other industries — havecustomers also had a chance to arrange themost cost-effective maintenance? No doubt,the debate goes into another round while thetechnology continues to advance. �

The change to composite bladeswill have a pronounced effect onrepairs. For the run-of-the-milldamage created to [titanium]leading edges from FODcommon to short-rangeapplications, the procedures forblending and polishing will bevery similar. Where more severeimpacts from small birds orother FOD occur, a morecomplex erosion shield removaland laser repair of the sacrificialcarbon layers can take place.—Phil Grainger, senior technicaldirector and chief technologistat GKN Aerospace.

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Consisting of two rows of counter-rotatingblades outside the core engine, open-rotorpropulsion systems have higher levels of

propulsive efficiency due to their very large bypassratios when compared with modern ducted turbo-fans. However, without an inlet duct, they tend tobe noisier because it is not possible to design thefan for first blade passing frequency cutoff, or tosuppress noise using acoustic treatment.

GE is in a unique position to advance open-rotor technology as it pioneered the concept. In1973, the Organization of Petroleum ExportingCountries (OPEC) declared an oil embargo thatresulted in an eight-fold increase in fuel prices.This prompted a shared-cost initiative between

GE and the US National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA) that culminated in thecounter-rotating unducted fan (UDF) flightdemonstrator in the 1980s.

Snecma of France, a 50/50 partner with GEsince the early 1970s in the CFM engine pro-gramme, assumed a 35 per cent share in thedesign, development, and fabrication of theUDF engine.

The 1980s UDF technology programmefocused primarily on the propulsor. It includedtwo unducted, counter-rotating stages of syn-chronised, variable-pitch blades. A unique char-acteristic of the blades at that time was theirfabrication from lightweight advanced compos-ite material that was corrosion-proof and highlyresistant to impact damage. Moreover, thestrength-to-weight ratio of the blades wasmeasurably superior to that of titanium blades.

A gas generator drove a counter-rotating tur-bine that was directly linked to each of thepropulsor stages. The simplicity of direct-drive,rather than a geared-drive arrangement, was adefining feature of the UDF engine.

A GE F404 turbofan engine, without tailpipeand exhaust components, served as the gas

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Increasing fuel costs coupled with anticipated international fuel emission (CO2) regulations haveprompted renewed interest in open-rotor technology. In addition, the United Nations’ Committeeon Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) is considering noise regulations stricter than currentChapter 4 standards.

Fulfilling The Promise OfOpen-Rotor Technology

Above: Following UDF tests on a 727, GEmounted the engine on an MD-80 and flew itto and from the 1988 Farnborough Air Show.

Below: Flight-testing of the UDF engine on a727-100 aircraft was successfully completedin 1986.

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generator during engine testing, demonstratingthe premise that other “off-the-shelf” enginescould be adapted for other open rotor applica-tions. The F404 engine normally powers the F-18 Hornet and the F-117A Nighthawk militaryaircraft.

Proof-of-concept testing began in 1984, andfull-scale engine testing began in August 1985.The UDF engine produced 25,000 pounds (111kN) of static takeoff thrust and demonstrated20 per cent lower specific fuel consumption(SFC) than any turbofan engine in the samethrust class at that time. The fan bypass ratioof 35:1 figured significantly in the attainmentof the unprecedented SFC.

Flight-testing of the UDF engine, installed asone of the engines on a 727-100 twinjet air-craft, was successfully completed in 1986, fol-lowed by a similar flight test the next year on anMD-80 twinjet. The MD-80 flew to and from the1988 Farnborough Air Show, and was demon-strated during the show.

Following the demonstrator programme, asignificant amount of engineering design workand component testing continued in support ofthe GE36 product design. A new core enginewas tested in mid-1989 for approximately 50hours, and design engineering of a full gas gen-erator and a product propulsor were well alongwhen the program was terminated.

Open-rotor development, stimulated by rap-idly rising fuel prices in the 1970s, succumbedto an equally rapid decline in fuel prices thatcurtailed the interest of potential customers inthe continued development of the UDF engine.

However, the UDF demonstrator had vali-dated the open rotor design concept.

Today, GE believes that the open-rotor con-cept holds significant promise as the propul-sion system for the next generation ofsingle-aisle, narrowbody aircraft. Therefore, GEhas launched a comprehensive open-rotor tech-nology development programme to demon-strate fuel burn advantages while minimisingnoise levels to meet more stringent futurenoise regulations.

Based on its long-term potential, GE’s open-rotor programme has been awarded funding bythe U. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),under provisions of the Continuous LowerEnergy, Emissions, and Noise (CLEEN) pro-gramme, specifically to support critical tech-nologies such as blade aero-acoustic designand pitch-change mechanism. The CLEEN pro-gramme represents a joint FAA/GE effort in thedevelopment and maturation of key enginetechnologies that reduce fuel burn, noise andemissions for future aviation products.

GE is leveraging its highly successful UDFprogramme and the subsequent GE36 open-rotor product design experience to develop a

modern open-rotor propulsion system. It isadvancing its open-rotor experience with mod-ern design technology and resources to inte-grate advances in engine technology that havematured during the 25 years that have elapsedsince the UDF programme.

Snecma is a partner in this effort.Under the modern open-rotor engine pro-

gramme, a model-scale test demonstration anddevelopment programme was launched inclose cooperation with NASA.

Current state-of-the-art modelling and simula-tion tools facilitate analytic evaluation of enginecomponents and systems. For example, compu-

The Engine Yearbook 2011

CMM (Coordinates Measuring Machine) inspection of an open rotor reduced-scale blade.

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tational aero-acoustics codes enable designoptimisation for aircraft engine noise. The reduc-tion of noise, which continues to be a significantchallenge for open-rotor propulsion, requires theuse of physics-based advanced design tools anddiagnostics to develop innovative blade designsthat do not sacrifice aerodynamic performanceand, hence, fuel burn reduction. One changefrom the 1980s design was the incorporation oflarger-diameter, lower-speed blades.

During 2009-10, GE and NASA jointly con-ducted tests in the Low Speed Wind Tunnel atNASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland,Ohio. To facilitate testing of the modern open-rotor model-scale blade designs, NASArestored the original UDF test rig. The extensiverig refurbishment included several newlydesigned and built sub-systems. Each blade-set of the counter-rotating rig is independentlycontrolled via a nested shaft design. Separatedigital telemetry units for each shaft transmitdata through a base unit to the facility per-formance data measurement system.

Acoustic technology development testing ofthe modern so-called generation-one model-scale blade designs has yielded results that,when projected to full-scale conditions, demon-strate significant progress relative to 1980s’test data. The full-scale projections indicatethat an aircraft powered by such open-rotorpropulsion would easily meet current CAEPChapter 4 standards.

The generation-one designs tested in therecent acoustic campaign included five sets offorward and aft blades. Each set is distinctlydifferent and was designed using three-dimen-sional aero-acoustic design tools to optimiseacoustics and aerodynamic performance. GEdesigned three of the modern blade setstested, and Snecma designed two.

Testing in the High Speed Wind Tunnel atthe Glenn Research Center is planned to eval-uate aerodynamic performance and acousticsat high-altitude cruise conditions.

In addition to the generation-one blades,generation-two blades are being designed fortesting in 2011. The cumulative results of all ofthe testing, targeted for completion in 2012,will provide current state-of-the art acousticand aerodynamic performance for modernopen-rotor concepts over the full spectrum ofengine operation, from takeoff to cruise.

Fuel savings are the essential benefit to beoffered by an open-rotor engine. To that end, GEis maturing the critical technologies related tolarge-diameter, variable-speed and variable-pitch rotor blades that will enable double-digitreductions in fuel consumption compared withthe most advanced turbofan engines. Theseinclude a reliable blade pitch-change systemthat will control the blade angle throughout the

full range of engine operation, including reversethrust, plus drive mechanisms for the large-diameter, lower-speed rotors.

Open-rotor rig tests have confirmed that thetechnology development is on track to deliverdramatic fuel burn reduction and impressiveacoustics. The tests have also substantiated theuse of advanced aero-acoustic computationaltools to guide future open-rotor designs. �

The Engine Yearbook 2011

Preparation for water-jet machining of an open rotor reduced-scale blade.

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Engine overhaul directory — worldwideCompany Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cells

GE Aviation, Services GE Aviation, Services - Strother John Macaulay CFM56-2, -3, -5, -7 HSI, MC, MO, OH Five test cells4th and A Streets - Strother Field GM CF34-All HSI, MC, MO, OHArkansas City T (1) 620 442 3600 CT7-All HSI, MC, MO, OHKansas 67005 F (1) 620 442 9003USA E-mail: [email protected]


GE Aviation, Services GE Aviation, Services - Celma Marcelo Soares CFM56-3, -5, -7 HSI, MC, MO, OH Two test cellsRua Alice Herve 356 GM CF6-80C2, -50 HSI, MC, MO, OHPetropolis, Rio de Janeiro T (55) 24 2233 4401Brazil 25669-900 F (55) 24 2233 4263

E-mail: [email protected]

GE Aviation, Services On-Wing Support Cincinnati Robert Soehner CFM56-All HSI, MC N/A3000 Earhart Ct. Ste 100, MD W21 Business leader CF34-All HSI, MCHebron T (1) 859 334 4015 CF6-All HSI, MCKentucky 41048 F (1) 859 334 4005 GE90-All HSI, MCUSA E-mail: [email protected] GEnx-All HSI, MC

http://www.geaviation.com/services/ GP7000-All HSI, MCmaintenance/ows/

GE Aviation, Services On-Wing Support Dallas Joel Corbitt CFM56-All HSI, MC N/A3010 Red Hawk Drive. Suite 100-A Business leader CF34-All HSI, MCGrand Prairie T (1) 214 960 3323 CF6-All HSI, MCTexas 75052 http://www.geaviation.com/services/ GE90-All HSI, MCUSA maintenance/ows/ GEnx-All HSI, MC

GP7000-All HSI, MC

Honeywell Aerospace 1300 West Warner Road Bill Wright ALF502 HSI, MC, MO, OH 28 test cells2101-2N Director technical sales ALF507 HSI, MC, MO, OHTempe, AZ† 85284 Air Transport and Regional ATF3 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA T (1) 480 592 4182 CFE738 HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] TFE731 HSI, MC, MO, OHTPE331 HSI, MC, MO, OHHTF7000 HSI, MC, MO, OHHoneywell APUs

Pratt & Whitney 500 Knotter Drive Kevin Kearns F117/PW2000 all HSI, MC, MO, OH Eight test cellsEngine Services MS 303-01 General sales manager PW4000 all HSI, MC, MO, OH(Cheshire Engine Cheshire T (1) 203 250 4457Center) CT 06410 F (1) 860 755 9959

USA E-mail: [email protected]

Pratt & Whitney 8801 Macon Road Sean Treacy V2500-A1, A5 HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cellEngine Services PO Box 84009 General sales manager(Columbus Engine Columbus T (1) 860-565-3922Center) GA 31908 F (1) 860 353 1304

USA E-mail: [email protected]

Pratt & Whitney St Hubert Service Center Jean-Luc Couderc PT6A, B, C, T HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cellCanada 7007 Chemin de la Savane Global sales manager PW100 HSI, MC, MO, OH

St-Hubert T 450 468 7730 PW150A HSI, MC, MO, OHQuebec F 450 468 7807 PW200 HSI, MC, MO, OHJ3Y 3X7 E-mail: [email protected] ST6 HSI, MC, MO, OHCanada www.pwc.ca ST18 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Snecma America Engine Acceso IV no.6 Int. A Wilfried Theissen CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B, HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cellServices Fracc. Industrial Benito Juarez GM CFM56-7B

76120 CP Queretaro T (52) 442 296 5600Mexico F (52) 442 296 5624

E-mail: [email protected]

Rolls-Royce Brazil Rua Dr. Cincinato Braga, 47 Alessandro David Cinto AE3007 All HSI, MC, MO, OH Three test cellsBairro Planalto Customer business director M250-All HSI, MC, MO, OHS„o Bernardo do Campo - S„o Paulo T (55) 11 4390 4804 TAY650-15 HSI, MC, MO, OHCEP09890-900 F (55) 11 4390 4898 T56 Series II,III HSI, MC, MO, OHBrazil Trent 700 HSI, MC

Rolls-Royce Canada 9500 CÙte de Liesse Road Diana Hargrave AE3007 HSI, MC, MO, OHLachine, PQ, VP programmes BR710 HSI, MC, MO, OHQuÈbec H8T 1A2 T (1) 514 828 1647 Spey HSI, MC, MO, OHCanada F (1) 514 828 1674 Tay HSI, MC, MO, OH

[email protected] V2500 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.rolls-royce.com

Rolls Royce On Wing Care 2135 Hoffman Road Rick Pataky AE2100 HSI, MC, NilServices (in field, on/off-wing Indianapolis, IN 46241 Programme manager & GM AE3007 all HSI, MC,maintenance) USA Tel: 317-240-1221 BR 700 Series, 710,715,725 HSI, MC,

Tel: 317-213-0164 RB211 all HSI, MC,[email protected] Tay 611 HSI, MC,

Trent 500,700,800,900,1000 HSI, MC,


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Engine overhaul directory — worldwide (cont...)Company Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cells

American Airlines 3900 N. Mingo Road David Smith JT8D-217/219 HSI, MC, MO, OH Four engine test cells(AA Maintenance Tulsa, OK Manager, powerplant marketing CF6-80A/-80C2 HSI, MC, MO, OH Two APU test cellsServices) USA T (1) 918 292 2567 CFM56-7 HSI, MC, MO, OH

M (1) 918 289 7368 Honeywell APUs OHF (1) 918 292 6734E-mail: [email protected]

BizJet International 3515 North Sheridan Pete DuBois TFE731 HSI. Two test cells(subsidiary of Tulsa VP sales and marketing JT15D HSI, MC, MO, OHLufthansa Technik) OK 74115-2220 T (1) 918 831 7628 CF34 HSI.

USA F (1) 918 832 8627 CJ610 HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] CF700 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.bizjet.com Spey Repair, Mid-life, OH

Tay Repair, Mid-life, OH

Delta TechOps Dept 460 Jack Turnbill CFM56-3 HSI, MC, MO, OH Four engine test cells1775 Aviation Blvd VP, technical sales and marketing CFM56-5 HSI, MC, MO, OH APU test cellAtlanta Hartsfield T (1) 404 773 5192 CFM56-7 HSI, MC, MO, OHInternational Airport, Atlanta F (1) 404 714 5461 CF34-3A/B HSI, MC, MO, OHGA 30320 E-mail: [email protected] CF34-8C HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA www.deltatechops.com/ CF6-80C2B1/B1F HSI, MC, MO, OH

CF6-80C2B2/B2F HSI, MC, MO, OHCF6-80C2B4/B4F HSI, MC, MO, OHCF6-80C2B6/B6F HSI, MC, MO, OHCF6-80C2B7F HSI, MC, MO, OHCF6-80C2B8F HSI, MC, MO, OHCF6-80C2D1F HSI, MC, MO, OHJT8D-219 HSI, MC, MO, OHPW2000 HSI, MC, MO, OHPW4000-94 HSI, MC, MO, OHGTCP 131-9B HSI, MC, MO, OHGTCP 131-200 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Lufthansa Technik AERO 3515 North Sheridan Road Andreas Kehl PW100 series HSI, MC, MO 1 test cellService Center Tulsa Tulsa Oklahoma VP marketing and sales PW 150 series HSI, MC, MO

OK 74115 Raimund Schnell CF34-3 series HSI, MC, MOUSA VP marketing and sales CF34-8 series HSI, MC, MO

T (918) 605 1883 CF34-10 seriesF (918) 831 9095E-mail: [email protected]

TAP Maintenance and Estrada das Canarias, 1862 Ricardo Vituzzo PW118/A/B HSI, MC, MO, OH Two test cellsEngineering Brazil 21941-480 Rio de Janeiro / RJ Sales GM PW120/A HSI, MC, MO, OH

Brazil Tel: (+55 21) 3383 2782 PW121 HSI, MC, MO, OHFax: (+55 21) 3383 2047 PW125B HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] PW127 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.tapme.com.br T56 HSI, MC, MO, OH

United Services United Services Maint. Center Paul Lochab PW2000 HSI, MC, MO, OH Two test cells (allSan Francisco Intíl Airport MD sales and services PW4000 (all) HSI, MC, MO, OH listed engines)Building 74 - SFOUS T (1) 650 634 4104 San Francisco F (1) 650.634.5926 CA 94128 E-mail: [email protected] www.unitedsvcs.com

Aveos Fleet Performance 7171 Cote Vertu Ouest Jim Andrews CF34-3 series HSI, MC, MO, OH Two test cellsZip 8040 VP and GM, engine solutions CF34-8 series HSI, MC, MO, OHDorval (QuÈbec) T (1) 514 828-3517 CFM56-2 series HSI, MC, MO, OHH4S 1Z3 F (1) 514 945-3830 CFM56-3 series HSI, MC, MO, OHCanada [email protected] CFM56-5 series HSI, MC, MO, OH

[email protected] JT9D-7 (A-J), JT9D-7R4 (D/E) HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.aveos.com GTCP85-129 HSI, MC, MO, OH

GTCP331-200 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Aeromaritime America (ITP) 4927 E. Falcon Drive Anita L. Goodwin RR M250-All series HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cellMesa GM PW200 Servicing N/AAZ 85215-2545 T (1) 480 830 7780USA F (1) 480 830 8988

E-mail: [email protected]

APECS Engine Center 13642 SW 142nd Avenue Fred Laemmerhirt JT8D (all) HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells availableMiami Director JT8D-7B HSI, MC, MO, OH On-wing repairsFL 33186 T 305 255 2677 JT8D-9A HSI, MC, MO, OH C7 blade blendingUSA F 305 255 0277 JT8D-15, -15A HSI, MC, MO, OH Hushkit installations

E-mail: [email protected] JT8D-17, -17A, -17AR HSI, MC, MO, OH QEC Installs/swapswww.a-pecs.com JT8D-200 series Gearbox overhaul

Atech Turbine 1 St Mark Street Jay Kapur JT15D OH N/A - componentComponents Auburn GM PT6 OH OH & repair only

MA 01501 T (1) 508 721 7679 PW100 OHUSA F (1) 508 721 7968 PW200 OH

E-mail: [email protected] PW500 OHwww.atechturbine.com



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Engine overhaul directory — worldwide (cont...)Company Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cellsAviation Engine 8050 NW 90th St Guillermo Galvan JT3D HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells availableService Miami President JT8D-1-17R HSI, MC, MO, OH

FL 33166 T (1) 305 477 7771 JT8D-200 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA F (1) 305 477 7779

E-mail: [email protected]

CD Aviation Services 2707 E. 32nd Street Suite #2 Rick Gibbs TPE331 HSI, MC, MO, OHPO Box 2367 GM TFE731 HSI, MCJoplin T (1) 417 206 2327MO 64803 F (1) 417 206 2336USA E-mail [email protected]

[email protected]

Complete Turbine Service Turbine Engine Services Konrad J. Walter CF6 series BSI, EMG, FS, HIS, MC, MPA, OH, QEC, TCI3300 SW 13th Avenue President/member CF34 Series BSI, EMG, FS, HIS, MPA, MC, QEC, TCIFt. Lauderdale Ed Blyskal CFM56 series BSI, EMG, FS, HIS, MC, MPA, QEC, TCI, Florida 33315 VP marketing and sales JT3D series BSI, FS, HSI, MC, TCIUSA Mike Bartosh JT8D series EMG, MPA, QEC

VP-Mtc operations JT9D series BSI, EMG, FS, HSI, MC, MPA, QEC, TCIT (1) 954 764 2616 PW2000 series BSI, EMG, FS, HSI, MC, MPA, QEC, OH, TCIF (1) 954 764 2516 PW4000 series BSI, EMG, FS, MPA, QECwww.completeturbine.com RB211 Series BSI, EMG, FS, MC, MPA, QEC

RR Tay Series BSI, EMG, FS, MC, MPA, QECRR BR710 BSI, EMG, MPA, QECV2500 Series BSI, EMG, MPAHoneywell Series APU BSI, EMG, FS, MPA, QEC

Dallas Airmotive 900 Nolen Drive Christopher Pratt PW100 HSI, MC, MO, OH 7 test cells in Dallas, TX(BBA Aviation) Suite 100 Dir. marketing & strategic planning PT6A & T HSI, MC, MO, OH 4 test cells in Neosho, MO

Grapevine T (1) 214 956 2601 JT15D HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cell in Charlotte, NCTX 76051 F (1) 214 956 2825 TFE731 HSI, MC, MO, OH Five test cells in USA E-mail: RR model 250/T63/T703 HSI, MC, MO, OH Portsmouth, UK

[email protected] Spey HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.BBAAviationERO.com Tay HSI, MC, MO, OH


FJ Turbine Power 8195 West 20th Ave. Jose Gomez de Cordova CFM56-3 (all series) HSI, MC, MO, OH One test cell (JT8D)Hialeah CEO JT8D-7, -7B, -9A,-15, -15A HSI, MC, MO, OH 24/7 AOG fieldFlorida 33014 E-mail: [email protected] JT8D-17, -17A, -17AR HSI, MC, MO, OH for customersUSA Manny Castanedo JT8D-209, -217, -217A, -217C HSI, MC, MO, OH

VP JT8D-219 HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] JT8D gearboxesVernon CraigVP MarketingE-mail: [email protected] (1) 305-820-8494F (1) 305-820-8495C (1) 954-593-9988www.fjturbinepower.net

ITR Acceso IV No 6 Emilio Otero JT8D-STD HS1, ESV1/2, EHM, MO, MC, OH Two test cellsZona Industrial Benito Ju·rez CEO JT8D-200 HS1, ESV1/2, EHM, MO, MC, OHCP 76120 E-mail: [email protected] TPE-331 HSI, CAM, MO, MCQuerÈtaro, Qro. Julio RamÌrezMÈxico Commercial director

E-mail: [email protected] (52 + 442) 296 3915 / 00F (52 + 442) 296 3906 / 08www.itrmexico.com.mx

Kelly Aviation Center 3523 General Hudnell Drive Frank Cowan CF6-50 HSI, MC, MO, OH Four large engine San Antonio Director, business development turbofan cells with oneTexas 78226 T (1) 210 928 5052 capable of afterburnerUSA C (1) 210 827 5275 operation,

F (1) 210 928 5470 Four turboprop/E-mail: [email protected] turboshaft cellswww.kellyaviationcenter.com

Marsh Aviation 5060 East Falcon Drive Ed Allen TPE331 HSI, OH TPE331Mesa GM T76 HSI, OH T76AZ 85215-2590 T (1) 480 832 3770USA F (1) 480 985 2840

E-mail: [email protected]

MTU Maintenance 6020 Russ Baker Way Ralf Schmidt CF6-50 HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cellCanada Richmond BC CEO and president CFM56-3 MC

V7B 1B4 T (1) 604 233 5755Canada F (1) 604 233 5719

E-mail: [email protected]

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Engine overhaul directory — worldwide (cont...)Company Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cellsNewJet Engine Services 13945 SW 139 Court Muazzi L. Hatem JT8D-7B, -9A, -11, -15, -15A HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells available

Miami VP sales JT8D-17, -17A, -17AR HSI, MC, MO, OHFL 33186 T (1) 305 256 0678 JT8D-209 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA F (1) 305 256 0878 JT8D-217, -217A, -217C HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail:[email protected] JT8D-219www.newjet.net

Patriot Aviation 9786 Premier Parkway Virgil Pizer JT3D series HSI, MO, OH, Global capabilityServices Miramar T (1) 954 462 6040 JT8D series HSI, MO, OH

FL 33025 F (1) 954 462 0702 JT8D-200 series HSI, MO, OHUSA E-mail: [email protected] JT9D series HSI, MO, OH

www.patriotaviation.com CF6 series HSI, MO, OHCFM56 series HSI, MO, OHCF34 series HSI, MO, QECV2500 series HSI, MO, QECPW2000 series HSI, MO, QECPW4000 series HSI, MO, QECTAY series HSI, MO, QECRB211 series HSI, MO, QECBR700 series HSI, MO, QECT56 series HSI, MO, QEC, BSIAE2100 series HSI, MO, QEC, BSIAPU/GTC all series BSI

Prime Turbines 630 Barnstable Road Jack Lee PT6 all HSI, OH Test cellBarnstaple Municipal Airport Customer service managerHyannis T (1) 508 771 4744MA 02601 F (1) 508 790 0038USA E-mail: [email protected]


StandardAero Corporate Offices Mike Turner AE2100 MC, MO, OH Test cells for all 1524 West 14th Street #110 Director marketing and corp comm. AE3007 HSI, MC, MO, OH displayed engine Tempe T (1) 480 377-3195 CF34-3/-8 HSI, MC, MO, OH types availableArizona 85281-6974 F (1) 480 377-3171 CFM56-7 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA E-mail: [email protected] GTCP 36, GTCP85, RE220, APS2300 Full MRO cap.

www.standardaero.com Model 250 HSI, MC, MO, OHPT6A HSI, MC, MO, OHPW100 HSI, MC, MO, OHPW600 HSI, MC, MO, OHT56/501D HSI, MC, MO, OHTFE731 HSI, MC, MO, OHTPE331 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Texas Aero Engine 2100 Eagle Parkway Jim Holmes Trent 800 HSI, MC, MO, OH Trent 800Services Fort Worth Senior manager, customer business RB211-535 HSI, MC, MO, OH RB211-535(JV, American Airlines TX 76177 T (1) 817 224 1042and Rolls-Royce) USA F (1) 817 224 0043

E-mail: [email protected]

TIMCO Engine Center 3921 Arrow Street Dennis Little JT8D series HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cell Oscoda GM JT8D-200 series HSI, MC, MO, OH for JT8D seriesMI 48750 T (1) 989 739 2194 ext 8532 JT8D series On wing JT8D-200 seriesUSA F (1) 989 739 6732 JT8D-200 series On wing

E-mail (1): [email protected] CFM56-3/-5/-7 On wingE-mail (2): [email protected]

Timken Overhaul Services 3110 N Oakland St Larry Batchelor PT6A Series HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cell for all listed engMesa, Sr Product Sales Manager PT6T Series HSI, MC, MO, OH Fuel control overhaulAz 85215-1144 T (1) 480 606 3011 T53USA F (1) 480 635 0058

E-mail: [email protected]/mro

United Turbine 8950 NW 79 Ave. Ali Mozzayanpour PT6A & T HSI, MC, MO, OH DynamometerMiami President Test cellFL 33166 T (1) 305 885 3900USA F (1) 305 885 0472

E-mail: [email protected]

Vector Aerospace PO Box 150 Tim Cox PW100 HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells availableEngine Services - Atlantic Hangar 8 VP engine & component sales PT6A HSI, MC, MO, OH

Slemon Park T (1) 817 416 7926 JT15D HSI, MC, MO, OHSummerside F (1) 817 421 2706 307A HSI, MC, MO, OHPE E-mail: [email protected] 308A/C HSI, MC, MO, OHCanada C1N 4P6 www.vectoraerospace.com

Wood Group 4820 NW 60th Ave Rana Das T56/501D HSI, MC, MO, OH T56/501DTurbopower Miami Lakes VP, GM PT6A HSI, MC, MO, OH PT6A prop cell

FL 33014 T (1) 305 423 2300 PT6T HSI, MC, MO, OH PT6T dyno cellUSA F (1) 305 820 0404 ST6 APU HSI, MC, MO, OH T56 prop cell

E-mail: [email protected] 90,000ft2 facilitywww.woodgroupturbopower.com

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Engine overhaul directory — worldwide (cont...)Company Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cells

Air France Industries BP7 Rob Pruim CFM56-5A, -5B, -5C HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cell up to 100,000lb(AFI KLM E&M) Le Bourget Aeroport VP Sales International CFM56-3, CFM56-7 HSI, MC, MO, OH CFM56

93352 Le Bourget Cedex T (31) 20 649 1100 CF6-50 HSI, MC, MO, OH CF6France F (31) 20 648 8044 CF6-80A, -80C2, -80E1 HSI, MC, MO, OH GE90

E-mail: [email protected] GE90 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.afiklmem.com

Alitalia Maintenance Systems Leonardo da Vinci Airport Oreste Murri CF6-50 C2/E2 HSI, MC, MO, OH CF6 test cellPiazza Almerico da Schio Manager of marketing & sales CF6-80 C2 HSI, MC, MO, OH00050 Rome-Fiumicino T (39) 06 6543 5236 CFM56-5B HSI, MC, MO, OHItaly F (39) 06 6543 5111

M†(39) 335 7389 719 E-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]

Finnair Engine Services Finnair Technical Services Mika H‰nninen CFM56-5B HSI, MC, MO, OH Turbofan up toHelsinki-Vantaa Airport VP sales and marketing CF6-80C2 HSI, MC, MO, OH 100,000lbDE/83 T (358) 9 818 6443 PW2037/2040 MC01053 FINNAIR F (358) 9 818 6900Finland [email protected]


Iberia Maintenance Madrid-Barajas Airport JosÈ Luis QuirÛs Cuevas CFM56-5A, -5B, -5C HSI, MC, MO, OH Three test cellsLa MuÒoza. Edif. Motores Commercial & development director CFM56-7B HSI, MC, MO, OH 1 up to 100,000lbE-28042 Madrid T (34) 91 587 5132 CF34-3A1, -3B1 HSI, MC, MO, OH 2 for JT8DSpain F (34) 91 587 5884 JT8D-217, -219 HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] RB211-535E4, -535C37 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.iberiamaintenance.com

KLM Engineering & Maintenance Dept SPL / TQ Rob Pruim CFM56-5A, -5B, -5C HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cell up to 100,000lb(AFI KLM E&M) PO Box 7700 VP sales international CFM56-3, CFM56-7 HSI, MC, MO, OH CFM56

Schiphol Airport T (31) 20 649 1100 CF6-50 HSI, MC, MO, OH CF61117 ZL Amsterdam F (31) 20 648 8044 CF6-80A, -80C2, -80E1 HSI, MC, MO, OH GE90Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] GE90 HSI, MC, MO, OH


Lufthansa Technik HAM TS Walter Heerdt JT9D HSI, MC, MO, OH Six test cellsWeg beim Jaeger 193 SVP marketing & sales JT15 HSI, MC, MO, OH up to 100,000lbHamburg T (49) 405070 5553 PW4000 HSI, MC, MO, OH Airline support teamsD-22335 F (49) 405060 8860 ALF502/LF507 HSI, MC, MO, OH Total engine supportGermany E-mail: [email protected] CF6-80C2 HSI, MC, MO, OH Spare engine coverage

www.lufthansa-technik.com CF6-80E1 HSI, MC, MO, OH On-spot borescopeCFM56-2, -3, -5, -7 HSI, MC, MO, OH Engine leaseV2500 HSI, MC, MO, OH HSPSCF34 HSI, MC, MO, OHPW100 HSI, MC, MO, OHPW150 HSI, MC, MO, OHTrent 500 HSI, MC, MO, OHTrent 700 HSI, MC, MO, OHTrent 900 HSI, MC, MO, OHSpey HSI, MC, MO, OHTay HSI, MC, MO, OH

Lufthansa Technik Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 10 Andreas Kehl PW100 series HSI, MC, MO, OH 1 test cellAERO Alzey D-55232 Alzey VP Marketing and Sales PW 150 series HSI, MC, MO, OH

Germany Raimund Schnell CF34-3 series HSI, MC, MO, OHVP Marketing and Sales CF34-8 series HSI, MC, MO, OHT +49 (0) 6731 4970 CF34-10 seriesF +49 (0) 6731 497333E-mail: [email protected]

Lufthansa Technik Naas Road Paul Morgan JT9D-7A/F/J HSI, MC, MO, OH JT9DAirmotive Ireland Rathcoole Commercial manager JT9D-7Q HSI, MC, MO, OH JT9D

Co. Dublin T (353) 1 401 1109 CFM56-2, -3, -7 HSI, MC, MO, OH CFM56Ireland F (353) 1 401 1344 V2500 HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected]

Lufthansa Technik Switzerland P.O. Box Thomas Foth ALF502/LF507 HSI, MC, MO, OHCH-4002 Basel Director sales & marketingSwitzerland T (41) 61 568 3070

F (41) 61 568 [email protected]

N3 Engine Overhaul Gerhard-Hoeltje Str. 1 Wolfgang Kuehnhold Trent 500 HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cell forServices D-99310 Arnstadt GM Trent 700 HSI, MC, MO, OH Trent 500/700/900

Germany T (49) 3628 5811 211 Trent 900 HSI, MC, MO, OH up to 150,000lbF (49) 3628 5811 8211E-mail: [email protected]

TAP Maintenance & Marketing & Sales Pedro Pedroso CFM56-3 HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cellEngineering P.O. Box 50194 GM engine sales CFM56-5A/5B/5C HSI, MC, MO, OH up to 100,000lb

1704-801 Lisbon T (+351) 218 415 430 CFM56-7B HSI, MC, MO, OHPortugal F (+351) 218 415 913 JT8D (standard) HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] RB211-524B4 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.tapme.pt RB211-524D4 HSI, MC, MO, OH


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118 The Engine Yearbook 2011

Engine overhaul directory — worldwide (cont...)Company Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cellsTurkish Engine Center Sabiha Gokcen Int/l Airport Aykut Tutucu CFM56-3/-5/-7 series Maint., Repair, OH Uses Turkish Technic’s

34912 Pendik Sales, Mkng and Cust. Supp. Dir test cellIstanbul T (90) 216 585 4810 V2500 series Maint., Repair, OHTurkey F (90) 216 585 4805

[email protected]

Turkish Technic Turkish Technic Inc. Altug Sokeli CFM56-3 Series HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells for all listedAtaturk Intíl Airport Gate B Technical marketing & sales mgr CFM56-5A/ -5B/ -5C Series HSI, MC, MO, OH engines34149 Yesilkoy T (90) 212 463 63 63 ext. 9223 CFM56-7B HSI, MC, MO, OHIstanbul F (90) 212 465 25 21 CF6-80A Series HSI, MC, MO, OHTurkey [email protected] CF6-80C2 HSI, MC, MO, OH

[email protected] LF507-1F HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.turkishtechnic.com V2500 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Aeromaritime Mediterranean (ITP) 7, Industrial Estate Mario Mazzola M250-all series HSI, MC, MO, OH One test cellHal Far BBG 06 MDMALTA T (356) 21 65 1778

F (356) 21 65 1782E-Mail: [email protected]

Air Atlanta Shannon Airport Martin O’Boyle CF6-80 On-wing repairsAero Engineering Co. Clare T (353) 61 717780 JT8D On-wing repairs

Ireland F (353) 61 717709 CFM56 On-wing repairsE-mail: [email protected] RR Tay On-wing repairswww.airatlanta.ie RB211 On-wing repairs

JT9D On-wing repairs

Avio Avio - MRO Division Werner Schroeder PW100 (120,121,124B,127, HSI, MC, MO, OH No. 8 up to 100,000lbCommercial Aeroengines VP Avio MRO Division 127E,127F,127B,120A, HSI, MC, MO, OH thrustViale Impero T (39) 081 316 3268/3809 PW123, PW123AF,127G HSI, MC, MO, OH80038 Pomigliano dÌArco F (39) 081 316 3716 JT8D-200 Engine Family HSI, MC, MO, OHNapoli E-mail: [email protected] CFM56-5B, -7B HSI, MC, MO, OHItaly www.aviogroup.com

CRMA 14 avenue Gay-Lussac Luc Bornand CF6-80C2, CF6-80E1 MO and repair parts None(Construction reparation ZA clef de st-Pierre CEO CFM56-3 / -5 / -7 MO and repair partsmaterial aÈronautique) F 78990 Elancourt T (33) 1 3068 37 01 GE90, GP7200 MO and repair partsSubsidiary of Air France France F (33) 1 3068 3620

E-mail:[email protected]

EADS SECA 1 boulevard du 19 mars 1962 Jean-Jacques Reboul PW100 series HSI, MC, MO, OH Four test cellsBP 50064 VP sales & marketing PT6A HSI, MC, MO, OH95503 Gonesse Cedex T (33) 1 30 18 53 13 JT15D HSI, MC, MO, OHFrance F (33) 1 30 18 54 90 TFE731 series HSI, MC, MO, OH

[email protected] CF700 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.seca.eads.net PW300 series HSI, MC, MO, OH

Euravia Engineering Euravia House Steve Clarkson PT6A Series HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells for allColne Road Director customer services PT6T Series HSI, MC, MO, OH listed enginesKelbrook T (44) 1282 844 480 ST6L HSI, MC, MO, OHLancashire F (44) 1282 844 274 GTCP 165 HSI, MC, MO, OHBB18 6SN E-mail: [email protected] Artouste Mk 120-124 HSI, MC, MO, OHUK www.euravia.aero Rover Mk 10501 HSI, MC, MO, OH

H+S Aviation Airport Service Road Steve Bull CT7-2 through -9 HSI, MC, MO, OH Five test cells(BBA Aviation) Portsmouth, Territorial sales director JT15D HSI, MC, MO, OH

Hamphsire PO3 5PJ T: (+44) 23 9230 4256 PT6T HSI, MC, MO, OHUK F: (+44) 23 9230 4020 RR250/T63/T703 HSI, MC, MO, OH

[email protected] T700 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.BBAAviationERO.com GTCP 36-100/150 APU HSI, MC, MO, OH

GTCP 331-200/250 APU HSI, MC, MO, OHPW901 APU HSI, MC, MO, OHT40-1 APU HSI, MC, MO, OH

Industria de Turbo Propulsores M-108, Ctra. Torrejon-Ajalvir Jose Luis Zubeldia ATAR 9K50, F404-400, EJ200 HSI, MC, MO, OH Seven test cells(ITP) Ajalvir 28864 - Ajalvir In service support executive director TFE731-2/3/4/5, CF700 HSI, MC, MO, OH Two turbofan cells

Madrid T (34) 91 205 4611 PW100 (123AF, 127G) HSI, MC, MO, OH Up 25.000lbPostBox: F (34) 91 205 4650 PT6T-3, TPE331-All, T55, T53 HSI, MC, MO, OH Two turboshaft cells Apdo. 111 E-mail: [email protected] LM2500 HSI, MC, MO, OH Up to 5,000shp28850 - Torrejon de Ardoz www.itp.es TP400, MTR390-E HSI, MC, MO, OH (WIP) One Turboprop cell (Prod) Madrid BR715 Parts repair only Up to 20,000shpSpain Two Turboshaft (Prod)

Industria de Turbo Propulsores Parque Aeron·utico y LogÌstico Santiago Tellado CT7 TP (-5, -7A, -9C) HSI, MC, MO, OH One Test Cell(ITP) Albacete Ctra. de las PeÒas ISS business commercial director CT7 TS (-2A, -8A, -8E, -8F5) HSI, MC, MO, OH Up to 5,000 hp

02006 - Albacete T (34) 91 205 4592 PW206 A/B/B2/C/E HSI, MC, MO, OHF (34) 91 205 4650 PW207 C/D/E HSI, MC, MO, OH

PostBox: E-mail: [email protected] T700-GE-401/C, -701A/C/D HSI, MC, MO, OHApdo. 7036 www.itp.es02080 - AlbaceteSpain

MTU Maintenance Dr.-Ernst-Zimmermann-Str. 2 T (49) 3378 824 0 CF34-3, CF34-8, CF34-10 HSI, MC, MO, OH Four test cellsBerlin-Brandenburg D-14974 Ludwigsfelde F (49) 3378 824 300 PT6A, PW200, PW300 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Germany E-mail: [email protected] PW500 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.mtu-berlin.com


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A partnership between Pratt & Whitney and Turkish Technic

Pratt & Whitney, a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines.

Turkish Technic, leading maintenance center in its region, providing MRO Services for airframe, engine, APU, landing gear and components.

25.000 m2 facility designed and built with state of the art technology and certifi ed as LEED® Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council for its sustainable design and green building features.

Pratt & Whitney Turkish TechnicAircraft Engine Maintenance Center LLPSabiha Gökçen International Airport,34912 Kurtköy, Pendik, İstanbul – TurkeyPhone : +90 216 585 48 00 Fax : +90 216 585 48 05E-mail: [email protected]

CFM and CFM56 are trademarks of CFM International / V2500 is a trademark of IAE

CFM56®-3 CFM56-5C CFM56-7B V2500®-A5Maıntenance Capabılıty

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120 The Engine Yearbook 2011

Engine overhaul directory — worldwide (cont...)Company Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cellsMTU Maintenance Muenchner Str. 31 Dr. Martin Funk CF6-50, -80C2 HSI, MC, MO, OH Two test cellsHannover D-30855 Langenhagen President & CEO CFM56-7 HSI, MC, MO, OH 150,000 lb

Germany T (49) 511 7806 0 PW2000 series HSI, MC, MO, OHF (49) 511 7806 2111 PW6000 HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] V2500-A1, -A5, -D5 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.mtu-hannover.de

OGMA 2615-173 Alverca M·rio Lobato Faria AE2100/D3, AE3007 HSI, MC, MO, OH Six test cellsPortugal VP aviation services T56/501 series HSI, MC, MO, OH 30,000 lb

T (351) 21 958 1000 Turmo HSI, MC, MO, OHF (351) 21 957 9010 Artouste HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected]

Vector Aerospace Engine 12 Imperial Way Philip Self ALF502/ LF 502 HSI, MC, MO, OH T/fan cell up to 40,000lbServices UK Croydon Director - sales UK PW 307/308 HSI, MC, MO, OH T/shaft cell up to 10,000 shp

Surrey CR9 4LE T (44) 20 8688 7777 RR T56/501D series HSI, MC, MO, OHUK F (44) 20 8688 6603 RR 250 series HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] RR Conway & Dart series HSI, MC, MO, OHFleetlands Building 110 www.vectoraerospace.com Hamilton 54H60 Propellers Fareham RoadGosportHampshire PO13 OAAUK

SR Technics Zurich Airport Sean O’Connor CFM56-5B/C, -7 HSI, MC, MO, OH One test cellCH-8058 EVP sales (acting) PW4000 (94 & 100 fan) HSI, MC, MO, OH 100,000lbSwitzerland T (41) 43 812 13 01

F (41) 43 812 97 98E-mail: [email protected]

Summit Aviation Merlin Way Bruce Erridge JT3D HSI, MC, MO, OH One test cellManston Commercial director JT8D-Std All Series HSI, MC, MO, OH 40,000lbKent CT12 5FE T (44) 1843 822444 JT8D-200 Series HSI, MC, MO, OHUK F (44) 1843 820900

E-mail: [email protected]

Turbine Motor Works Hangar 1, Upwood Airpark David Billington CF6-50 HSI, MC, MO, OH(TMW) Ramsey Road Director of sales and marketing CF6-80 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Bury, Cambridge PE26 2RA T (44) 1487 711650 JT9D HSI, MC, MO, OHUK F (44) 1487 710777 JT3D

E-mail: [email protected]

Abu Dhabi Aircraft PO Box 46450 Kirubel Tegene CF6-50C/E HSI, MC, MO, OH 100,000lbTechnologies Abu Dhabi VP marketing and sales commercial CF6-80C2 series HSI, MC, MO, OH

International Airport T: (+971) 2 5057 234 CFM56-5A series HSI, MC, MO, OHAbu Dhabi F: (+971) 2 5757 263 PT6 series HSI, MC, MO, OHUAE E-mail: [email protected] Trent 500 (planned) HSI, MC, MO, OH

www.adat.ae Trent 700 MC & TEST (planned MO,OH)V2500A5 (planned) HSI, MC, MO, OHGTCP331-200, -250, -350 series HSI, MC, MO, OH

Ameco Beijing PO Box 563 Mr Teng Bin/Mr Olaf Albrecht PW4000-94 HSI, MC, MO, OH 100,000lb (one cell)Capital International Airport Senior directors, marketing & sales RB211-535E4 HSI, MC, MO, OHBeijing T: (+86) 10 6456 1122 X 4100/4101China 100621 F: (+86) 10 6456 1823

E-mail: [email protected] www.ameco.com.cn

Bedek Aviation Engines Division Michel Levy CFM56-2/-3/-5-7 HSI, MC, MO, OH Four jet enginesBedek Aviation Group GM JT3D-3B/-7 HSI, MC, MO, OH One turbopropIsrael Aircraft Industries T: (+972) 3 935 7064 JT8D-7 to -17R HSI, MC, MO, OH Three turboshaftBen-Gurion Airport F: (+972) 3 935 8740 JT8D-217/-219- HSI, MC, MO, OH70100 E-mail: [email protected] JT9D-7A/-7F/-7J HSI, MC, MO, OHIsrael www.iai.co.il JT9D-59A/-70A/-7Q/-7R4/

-7R4G2/-7R4D/E HSI, MC, MO, OHT53-13/-703 HSI, MC, MO, OHT56/501 HSI, MC, MO, OHPW4000-94 HSI, MC, MO, OHPT6A-27 to -42/-50/T HSI, MC, MO, OHV2500-A5 HIS, MC

Ethiopian Airlines PO Box 1755 Zemene Nega JT8D HSI, MC, MO, OH One 100,000lb test cellBole International Airport Director tech. sales and marketing JT9D HSI, MC Two turboshaft test cells Addis Ababa T: (+251) 11 6651192 PW2000 HSI, MCEthiopia F: (+251) 11 6651200 / 11 6611474 PT6 HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] PW120, PW121, HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.ethiopianairlines.com

GE Aviation, Services GE Aviation, Services - Malaysia Alan Jones CFM56-3, -5 HSI, MC, MO, OH One test cellMAS Complex A-AA1802 GM PW4056, PW4168 HSI, MC, MO, OHSAAS Airport T (603) 5039 450247200 Subang, Selangor D.E F (603) 5039 4702Malaysia E-mail: [email protected]



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Engine overhaul directory — worldwide (cont...)Company Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cellsGE Aviation, Services On-Wing Support Korea DY Kwon (acting) CFM56-All HSI, MC

Aircraft Maintenance B Area Business leader CF34-All HSI, MCIncheon International Airport T (82) 32 744 5971 CF6-All HSI, MC2840 Woonseo-Dong, Jung-Ku F (82) 32 744 5979 GE90-All HSI, MCIncheon 400-430 E-mail: [email protected] GEnx-All HSI, MCSouth Korea http://www.geaviation.com/services/ V2500 HSI, MC

maintenance/ows/ PW4000 HSI, MC

GE Aviation, Services On-Wing Support Xiamen Li Jun CFM56-All HSI, MCNo. 3 Road of Xiamen Business leader CF34-3 HSI, MCAviation Industry T (86) 592 573 1501 CF34-10 (Planned)Xiamen, 361006 F (86) 592 573 1605 GE90-All (Planned)P.R. China E-mail: [email protected] GEnx-All (Planned)


GMF-AeroAsia Indonesia Marketing building Bimo Agus CFM56-3B1, 3C1 HSI, MC, MO, OH 120,000lbSoekarno-Hatta International Airport VP Bus. development & cooperation Spey 555 ser HSI, MC, MO, OHPO Box 1303, BUSH 19130 T (62) 21 550 8609, 550 8670Cengkareng, Jakarta F (62) 21 550 2489Indonesia E-mail: [email protected]


HAESL 70 Chun Choi David Radford RB211-524 C2/D4 HSI, MC, MO, OH 130,000lbStreet Tseung Customer business manager RB211-524G/H-T HSI, MC, MO, OHKwan O Industrial Est T: (852) 2260 3264 Trent 500 HSI, MC, MO, OHNew Territories F: (852) 2260 3277 Trent 700 HSI, MC, MO, OHHong Kong E-mail: [email protected] Trent 800 HSI, MC, MO, OH


Honeywell Aerospace 161 Gul Circle Bob Norazni TPE331 HSI, OH TPE331Singapore Singapore 629619 GM/ISC director

Singapore T: (65) 6861 4533F: (65) 6861 2359E-mail: [email protected]

IHI 229, Tonogaya Kazuo Satou CFM56-3 HSI, MC, MO, OH Two test cells capableMizuh-Machi GM sales group CF34-3/-8 HSI, MC, MO, OH of 115,000lb and Nishitama-Gun T: (81) 425 68 7103 V2500 HSI, MC, MO, OH 60,000lb Tokyo 190-1297 F: (81) 425 68 7073Japan E-mail: kazuo_satou


Jordan Airmotive Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) Qassem Omari JT3D-7/-3B HSI, MC, MO, OH 100,000lb(JALCo) PO Box 39180 Vice chairman/GM JT8D standard HSI, MC, MO, OH JT3D

Code 11104 T: (962) 6445 1181 RB211-524 series HSI, MC, MO, OH JT8DAmman F: (962) 6445 2620 CF6-80C2 Partial repair - mod. cap. RB211-524Jordan E-fax: 1 801 340 6924 CFM56-5 QEC build-up CF6-80C2

E-mail: [email protected]

LTQ Engineering 70-90 Garden Drive Marek Wernicke CFM56-3 HSI, MC, MO, OH(formerly Jet Turbine Services, Tullamore VIC 3043 CEO CFM56-7B HSI, MC, MO, OHJV of Lufthansa Technik Australia T: (61) 3 8346 2002 CF6-80C2 HSI, MC, MO, OHand Qantas) F: (61) 3 8346 2111 CF6-80E1 HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected]

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Capability(Current)Full Overhaul & TestingJT8D - STD SeriesRB211 - 524 SeriesCF6 - 80C2 SeriesCFM56 - 3 Series

Partial RepairCFM56 - 5B

(Future)Full Overhaul & TestingCFM56 - 5BCFM56 - 7

CertificatesFAA E31Y372YEASA EASA.145.0090CARC CARC.AMO.02

O�ce: (962 6 4451440) Mobile: (962 779100031) Fax: (962 6 4452620)P.O.Box 39180, Queen Alia Int. Airport , Amman, 11104, Jordan

Email: [email protected]









Jordan Airmotive ad.pdf 10/20/10 12:49:38 PM

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124 The Engine Yearbook 2011

Engine overhaul directory — worldwide (cont...)Company Address Contact details Types (commercial) Checks Test cellsLufthansa Technik MacroAsia Special Economic Zone Richard Haas CF6-80C2 QEC build-up, minor repairsPhilippines Villamor Air Base VP marketing & sales CF6-80E1 QEC build-up, minor repairs

Pasay City T: (63) 2855 9310 CFM56-3 QEC build-up, minor repairsMetro Manila F: (63) 2855 9309 CFM56-5B/-5C QEC build-up, minor repairs1309 Philippines E-mail: [email protected]

Emaill: [email protected]

MTU Maintenance Zhuhai 1 Tianke Road Holger Sindemann V2500-A5 HSI, MC, MO, OH 150,000 lbFree Trade Zone President & CEO CFM56-3 HSI, MC, MO, OHZhuhai, 519030 T (86) 756 8687806-177 CFM56-5B HSI, MC, MO, OHP.R. China F (86) 756 8687910 CFM56-7 HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected]

Pratt & Whitney Eagle Services ASIA Ulrico Zubler JT9D-7Q, 7R4, 7A, 7J HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells for allEngine Services 51 Calshot Road General sales manager PW4000-94, 100 HSI, MC, MO, OH listed engines(Eagle Services Asia) Singapore 509927 T (65) 65 48 29 25 HSI, MC, MO, OH

F (65) 65 49 46 54E-mail: [email protected]

Pratt & Whitney Christchurch Engine Centre Steven Robinson JT8D-STD, -200 HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells for allEngine Services 634 Memorial Ave General sales manager V2500 A1, A5, D5 HSI, MC, MO, OH listed engines(Christchurch Engine Christchurch International Airport T (64) 3 374 7007 RR Dart All HSI, MC, MO, OHCenter) F (64) 3 374 7001

E-mail: [email protected] www.pw.utc.com

Pratt & Whitney Shanghai Pratt&Whitney Stephen Sun CFM56-3, -5B, -7B HSI, MC, MO, OH Test cells for listedEngine Services Aircraft Engine Maintenance General sales manager engines(Shanghai Engine No.8 Block1 T (86) 21-3923-0023Center) 8228 Beiqing Road F (86) 21-3923-0088

Qingpu District E-mail: [email protected] www.pw.utc.comPost Code:201707PR China

SAA Technical Room 309, 3rd floor Ismail Randeree JT8D-7/-7A/-9/-9A/-15/ Test cell for JT8D, JT9D, Hangar 8 Executive mgr mkg & cust. support -15A/-17/-17A HSI, MC, MO, OH CF6-50C2, RB211-524G/HJones Road T: (27) 11 978 9993 JT9D-7R4G2/-7F/-7J HSI, MC, MO, OHGauteng F: (27) 11 978 9994 RB211-524G/H MCJohannesburg International E-mail: [email protected] V2500 MCAirport 1627 www.flysaa.com CFM56-3/-5B/-7B MCSouth Africa

Sichuan Snecma Aero-engine Shuangliu Airport Jean-Louis Sauvetre CFM56-3 HSI, MC, MO, OH Two tests cellsMaintenance Sichuan Province DG CFM56-5B HSI, MC, MO, OH

610201 Chengdu Chine T : +86 28 8 572 16 93 CFM56-7B HSI, MC, MO, OHF: +86 28 8 572 16 [email protected]

Snecma Morocco Engine BP87 Mohammed V Airport Alexandre Brun CFM56-3, CFM56-5B and HSI, MO, OH one test cellServices Nouasser - Casablanca GM CFM56-7 (piece part level)

Morocco T : +212 2 253 69 00F: +212 2 253 98 42

ST Aerospace 501 Airport Road Yip Hin Meng CFM56-3/-5/-7 HSI, MC, MO, OH Five test cellsPaya Lebar VP/GM (STA Engines) JT8D all HSI, MC, MO, OHSingapore 539931 T: (65) 6380 6788 F100 HSI, MC, MO, OH

F: (65) 6282 3010 F404 HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] J85 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.staero.aero T53 HSI, MC, MO, OH

T56/501 series HSI, MC, MO, OHMakila 1A/1A1 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Thai Airways Tech marketing and sales dept. Bunloo Varasarin CF6-50 MC, Mo, OH CF6-50/-80C2Technical department Dir. tech. mktg. & sales dept. CF6-80C2 MC, Mo, OH PW4158Suvarnabhumi Airport T: (662) 137 6300 PW4158 MC Trent 800Bangphli Samut Prakarn 10540 F: (662) 137 6942 Trent 800 MCThailand E-mail: [email protected]


Turbomeca Africa Atlas Road Robert Bonarius Turmo 3C4, 4C HSI, MC, MO, OH TurmoPO Box 7005 Manager sales & customer service Makila 1A, 1A1, 1A2, 1K2 HSI, MC, MO, OH MakilaBonearo Park 1622 T: (27) 11 927 2000 Arrius 2K2, 2K1, 2B1, 2B2 HSI, MC, MO, OH ArriusSouth Africa F: (27) 11 927 2956 Arriel series MC Adour

E-mail: [email protected] Adour MCwww.turbomeca.co.za

AbbrevationsHIS: hot section inspectionMC:module changeOH:full engine overhaulMO: module overhaul

If you wish to be listed in next year’s EYB contact [email protected]

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APU overhaul directory 2011Company Address Contact details APU types CapabilitiesAbu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies PO Box 46450, Kirubel Tegene GTCP331-200 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Abu Dhabi International Airport VP Sales & Marketing GTCP331-250 HSI, MC, MO, OHAbu Dhabi T (971) 2 505 7530 GTCP331-350 HSI, MC, MO, OHUAE F (971) 2 575 7263

E-mail: [email protected]

Aerotec International 3007 E Chambers St Colin Fairclough GTCP36-150RR/RJ HSI, MC, MO, OHPhoenix Director of sales GTCP85-98 HSI, MC, MO, OHAZ 85040 T (1) 602 253 4540 GTCP85-129 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA F (1) 602 252 0395 GTCP131-9A/B/D HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] GTCP331-200 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.aerotecinternational.com GTCP331-250 HSI, MC, MO, OH


Air Asia Company Tainan Airfield Glenn C.L. Lee GTCP85-98 HSI, MC, MO, OH# 1000, Sec. 2 Ta-Tung Rd. Director, Marketing GTCP85-129 HSI, MC, MO, OHTainan 7025 T (886) 6 268 1911 Ext. 205 / 260-5907Taiwan E-mail: [email protected]

Aircraft Power & Service 2415 W, Arkansas Street Dale Owens GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OHDurant Senior VPOK 74701 T (1) 580 920 0535USA F (1) 580 920 1235

E-mail: [email protected]

Air India Engineering Department S.S.Katiyar PW901 HSI, MC, MO, OHOld Airport Deputy GM (Eng.) GTCP331-250H HSI, MC, MO, OHMumbai T (91)-22-2626 3237 GTCP131-9B HSI, MC, MO, OH400029 F (91) 22-2615 7068 / 2615 7046India E-Mail: [email protected]

Air New Zealand Engineering Geoffrey Roberts Road Paul Chisholm GTCP85-129 HSI, MC, MO, OHServices (ANZES) PO Box 53098 Account manager APU marketing, sales GTCP95 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Auckland International Airport, M (+61) 0417790059 GTCP331-200 HSI, MC, MO, OH1730 Auckland F (+64) 3 374 7319 GTCP331-250 HSI, MC, MO, OHNew Zealand E-mail: [email protected]


Ameco Beijing P.O. Box 563 Christian Reck GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OHBeijing Capital Intl. Airport Executive Director Sales & Supply100621 Beijing T (86) 10 6456 1122-4000P.R.China F (86) 10 6456 7974

E-Mail: [email protected]

American Airlines 3900 N Mingo Rd Bobby Bigpond GTCP85-98DHF HSI, MC, MO, OHMaintenance & Engineering MD 21 Senior contract account manager GTCP131-9 HSI, MC, MO, OHCenter Tulsa T (1) 918 292 2582 GTCP131-9B HSI, MC, MO, OH

OK 74166 F (1) 918 292 3864 GTCP331-200 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA E-mail: [email protected] GTCP331-500B HSI, MC, MO, OH

Alturdyne 660 Steele Street Frank Verbeke T62 Series HSI, MC, MO, OHEl Cajon President One test cellCA 92020 T (1) 619 440 5531USA F (2) 619 442 0481

[email protected]

Aveos Fleet Performance 2311 Alfred-Nobel Boulevard, Zip 8060 Brenda Stevens GTCP36-300 HSI, MC, MO, OHVille Saint-Laurent, (QC) Market Intelligence AnalystH4S 2B6 T (1) 514 856-7158Canada [email protected]

[email protected]

CD Aviation Services 2707 E. 32nd Street Suite #2 Rick Gibbs GTCP30 HSI, MC, MO, OHPO Box 2367 GM GTCP36 HSI, MC, MO, OHJoplin T (1) 417 206 2327 RE100 HSI, MC, MO, OHMO 64803 F (1) 417 206 2336 RE220 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA E-mail [email protected]

[email protected]

Coastal Aerospace 21419 Fair Oaks Rd T (1) 757 787 3704 GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OHMelfa F (1) 757 787 4704 GTC85 HSI, MC, MO, OHVA 23410 E-mail: [email protected] GTCP95 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA www.coastalaerospace.com

Chase Aerospace 4493 36th Street Brad Scarr GTCP36 HSI, MC, MO, OHOrlando Managing Director GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OHFlorida 32811 T (1) 407 812 4545 GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA F (1) 407 812 6260


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APU overhaul directory 2011 (cont...)Company Address Contact details APU types CapabilitiesChromalloy 391 Industrial Park Road James Furguson GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH

San Antonio VP & GM GTCP331-200 HSI, MC, MO, OHTexas 78226 T (1) 210 331 2405 GTCP331-250 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA E-mail: [email protected]

Dallas Airmotive 900 Nolen Drive, STE 100 Christopher Pratt GTCP36 HSI, MC, MO, OH(BBA Aviation) Grapevine Director of Marketing RE100 MC

TX 76051 T (1) 214 956 3001USA F (1) 214 956 2810

E-mail: [email protected]

Delta TechOps Dept 460 Jack Turnbill GTCP131-9 HSI, MC, MO, OH1775 Aviation Blvd VP technical sales GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHAtlanta Hartsfield T (1) 404 773 5192International Airport, Atlanta F (1) 404 714 5461GA 30320 E-mail: [email protected] www.deltatechops.com

Euravia Engineering Euravia House Steve Clarkson ST6L HSI, MC, MO, OHColne Road Director customer services GTCP165 HSI, MC, MO, OHKelbrook T (44) 1282 844 480Lancashire F (44) 1282 844 274BB18 6SN E-mail: [email protected] www.euravia.aero

El Al Israel Airlines PO Box 41 Eli Uziel GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OHBen Gurion International Airport Marketing & sales manager GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHTel Aviv T (972) 3 9717278 GTCP331-200 HSI, MC, MO, OH70100 F (972) 3 9717205 GTCP331-500B HSI, MC, MO, OHIsrael E-mail: [email protected] GTCP660 HSI, MC, MO, OH

www.elaltech.com GTCP660-4 HSI, MC, MO, OHGTCP131 HSI, MC, MO, OH

EPCOR (subsidiary of Bellsingel 41 Paul ChunAir France KLM) 1119 NT Schiphol-Rijk MD GTCP331-350 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Netherlands T (31) 20 316 1740 GTCP131-9 HSI, MC, MO, OHF (31) 20 316 1777 GTCP331-500 HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] APS 2300 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.epcor.nl

Finnair Finnair Technical Services Mika H‰nninen APS 3200 HSI, MC, MO, OHHelsinki-Vantaa Airport Vice President, Sales and marketingDE/83 T (358) 9 818 644301053 FINNAIR F (358) 9 818 6900Finland [email protected]


GMF AeroAsia Marketing Building Winston T. Milner GTCP36-4A HSI, MC, MO, OH(Garuda Indonesia Group) Soekarno Hatta Intíl Airport VP sales & marketing GTCP85-129 series HSI, MC, MO, OH

Cengkareng 19130 T (62) 21 550 8609 GTCP85-184/185 HSI, MC, MO, OHIndonesia F (62) 21 550 2489 TSCP700-4B/E HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected]

H+S Aviation H+S Aviation APU centre Steve Bull PW901A HSI, MC, MO, OH(BBA Aviation) Airport Service Rd Sales director GTCP36-100/-150 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Portsmouth, T (44) 23 9230 4256 GTCP331-200/250 HSI, MC, MO, OHHants PO3 5PJ F (44) 23 9230 4020 T-62T-40-1 HSI, MC, MO, OH UK [email protected]


Honeywell Aerospace Frankfurter Str. 41-65 Volker Wallrodt GTCP36 HSI, MC, MO, OH(Germany) D-65479 Raunheim T: (49) 6142 405 201 GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Germany F: (49) 6142 405 390 GTCP131-9 HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.honeywell.com GTCP660 HSI, MC, MO, OH


Honeywell Aerospace 161 Gul Circle Bob Norazni GTCP36 HSI, MC, MO, OH (Singapore) Singapore 629619 GM GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH

T (65) 686 14 533 GTCP131-9 HSI, MC, MO, OHF (65) 686 12 359 GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] TSCP700 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.honeywell.com

Honeywell Aerospace Engine Services Brian Shurman GTCP36 HSI, MC, MO, OH(USA) 1944 East Sky Harbor Circle Aftermarket Services, Mechanical GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH

MS 2101-2N T: 602-365-3279 GTCP131-9 HSI, MC, MO, OHPhoenix 85034 F: 602-365-4029 GTCP165-1B HSI, MC, MO, OHArizona E-mail: [email protected] GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA www.honeywell.com GTCP660-4 HSI, MC, MO, OH


Iberia Iberia Maintenance Jose Luis QuirÛs Cuevas GTCP36-300 HSI, MC, MO, OH Madrid-Barajas Airport. La MuÒoza. Commercial & Business Development director GTCP85-98DHF HSI, MC, MO, OHE-28042 Madrid T (34) 91 587 5132 GTCP131-9A HSI, MC, MO, OHSpain F (34) 91 587 4991

E-mail: [email protected]

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APU overhaul directory 2011 (cont...)Company Address Contact details APU types CapabilitiesInflite (Southend) North Hangar Ken Tracy GTCP36-100M HSI, MC, MO, OHWAS (Components) Aviation Way Commercial director GTCP36-150M HSI, MC, MO, OH

Southend T (44) 1702 348601 GTCP85-115 series HSI, MC, MO, OHEssex SS2 6UN E-mail: [email protected] GTCP85-129 series HSI, MC, MO, OHUK www.inflite.co.uk GTCP85-71 HSI, MC, MO, OH

GTCP36-4A HSI, MC, MO, OHGTCP85-98 HSI, MC, MO, OHGTCP85-180/185 HSI, MC, MO, OHAll associated LRUs

Innotech Aviation 10225 Ryan Avenue Scott Mistine GTCP36-100/-150 HSI, MC, MO, OHDorval Director of MaintenanceQuebec H9P 1A2 T (1) 514 420 2943Canada [email protected]

IAI - Bedek Aviation Israel Aerospace Industries Tali Yoresh GTCP85 Series HSI, MC, MO, OHBedek Aviation Group Director sales & customer service GTCP131-9B/D HSI, MC, MO, OHComponents Division T (972) 3 935 7395 GTCP331-200 HSI, MC, MO, OHBen Gurion IntÌl Airport F (972) 3 935 7757 GTCP331-250 HSI, MC, MO, OH70100 E-mail: [email protected] GTCP660 HSI, MC, MO, OHIsrael www.iai.co.il

Japan Airlines International M1 Building Maintenance Centre Masaaki Haga GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OH3-5-1 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, MD engineering & maintenance GTCP660 HSI, MC, MO, OHTokyo 144-0041 T (81) 3 3474 4134 TSCP700 HSI, MC, MO, OHJapan PW601A HSI, MC, MO, OH

JAT Airways JAT Tehnika Srdjan Miskovic GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OHAerodrom Beograd 59 VP engineering, maintenance & repairBeograd 11180 T (381) 11 2601475Serbia E-mail: [email protected]


Korean Air Maintenance Planning Dep. T (82) 2 2656 3574 GTCP331-250 HSI, MC, MO, OHMaintenance & Engineering Korean Air F (82) 2 2656 8120

1370, Gonghang-dong E-mail: [email protected] www.mro.koreanair.co.krSeoul, Korea157-712

Lufthansa Technik Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 10 Andreas Kehl PW901A HSI, MC, MO, OHAero Alzey D-55232 Alzey VP Maerketing and Sales

Germany Raimund SchnellVP Marketing & SalesT +49 (0) 6731 4970F +49 (0) 6731 497333E-mail: [email protected]

Lufthansa Technik Dept HAM TS Walter Heerdt APS 2000 HSI, MC, MO, OH Weg beim Jä ger 193 SVP marketing & sales APS 2300 HSI, MC, MO, OH D-22335 Hamburg T (49) 40 5070 5553 APS 3200 HSI, MC, MO, OHGermany F (49) 40 5070 5605 PW901A HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] GTCP36-300 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.lufthansa-technik.com GTCP85-98/-129H HSI, MC, MO, OH

GTCP131-9 HSI, MC, MO, OHGTCP331-200/-250/-350/-500/-600 HSI, MC, MO, OHGTCP660-4 HSI, MC, MO, OHTSCP700-4E HSI, MC, MO, OH

Pakistan International Airlines Engineering & Maint. Dept Tariq Farooq GTCP85-129 OHQuaid-E-Azam International Airport Chief Engineer GTCP660-4 OHKarachi 75200 Engineering Business Development, PIA TSCP 700-5/4B OHPakistan T: (92) 21 9904 3574 GTCP331-250 OH

F: (92) 21 9924 2104E-mail: [email protected]

Piedmont Aviation Component 1031 East Mountain St Alan Haworth GTCP36 HSI, MC, MO, OHServices Building #320 Director sales & marketing GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Kernersville T (1) 336 776 6279 GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHNorth Carolina 27284 F (1) 336 776 6301USA E-mail: [email protected]

Pratt & Whitney St Hubert Service Center James Temple ST6L-73 HSI, MC, MO, OHCanada (Canada) 1000 Marie-Victorin (05DK1) General sales manager APS3200 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Longueil T (1) 450 468 7730Quebec J4G 1A1 F (1) 450 468 7807Canada E-mail: [email protected]


Pratt & Whitney 10 Loyang Crescent Ron Norris APS 3200 HSI, MC, MO, OHCanada (Singapore) Loyang Industrial Estate Manager marketing & sales

Singapore 509010 T (65) 6545 3212F (65) 6542 3615E-mail: [email protected]

Revima APU 1 Avenue du Lathan 47 Jean Michel Baudry GTCP85-98 HSI, MC, MO, OH(Hamilton Sundstrand Power 76490 Business development manager GTCP331-200/-250 HSI, MC, MO, OHSystem subsidiary) Caudebec en caux T (33) 2 35 56 35 82 PW901A/C HSI, MC, MO, OH

France F (33) 2 35 56 35 56 PW980 HSI, MC, MO, OH

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APU overhaul directory 2011 (cont...)Company Address Contact details APU types CapabilitiesRevima APU E-mail: [email protected] TSCP700-5/-4B/-4E HSI, MC, MO, OH(cont...) www.hamiltonsundstrand.com APS 2000 HSI, MC, MO, OH

APS 3200 HSI, MC, MO, OHXavier Mornand APS 500 HSI, MC, MO, OH T (33) 2 35 56 36 04 APS 1000 HSI, MC, MO, OHE-mail: [email protected] GTCP131-9A/B HSI, MC, MO, OH

South African Technical Private Bag X12 Kobus Kotze GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OHRoom 212 Hangar 8 Senior manager, APU GTCP660 HSI, MC, MO, OHJohannesburg 1627 T (27) 11 978 9513South Africa E-mail: [email protected]


SR Technics Sales Department [email protected] GTCP85 series* HSI, MC, MO, OH* in cooperation with 8058 Zurich Airport GTCP131 series* HSI, MC, MO, OHpartner companies Switzerland GTCP331 series* HSI, MC, MO, OH

www.srtechnics.com GTCP660 series* HSI, MC, MO, OHAPS3200* HSI, MC, MO, OHATSCP700-4E* HSI, MC, MO, OH

StandardAero Augusta 1550 Hangar Road Tony Gay, engine shop manager GTCP36-100 series HSI, MC, MO, OHAugusta T +(1) 706-771-5677 GTCP-150 series HSI, MC, MO, OHGa 30906-9684 F +(1) 706-771-5628 GTCP-3092 HSI, USA

Bill McIlwraith, APU customer supportT +(1) 706-560-3356F +(1) 706-790-5122

Greg Washburn, APU crew chiefT +(1) 706-771-5631F +(1) 706-790-5122

StandardAero Maryville 1029 Ross Drive Tim Fischer GTCP36 series HSI, MC, MO, OH, LRUMaryville VP & GM GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH, LRUTennessee 37801 T + (1) 865-981-4673 RE220 HSI, MC, MO, OH, LRUUSA F + (1) 865-983-2092 APS2300 HSI, MC, MO, OH, LRU

Toll Free: + (1) 800-906-8726 from [email protected]

TAP Maintenance & Engineering Marketing and Sales Carlos Ruivo GTCP85 series HSI, MC, MO, OHLisbon Airport VP marketing & sales APS3200 HSI, MC, MO, OH1704-801 Lisbon T (351) 21 841 5975Portugal F (351) 21 841 5913

E-mail: [email protected]

TAP Maintenance & Estr das Canarias, 1862 Anderson Fenocchio APS500 T62-T-40C11 HSI, MC, MO, OHEngineering Brazil Rio de Janeiro Ricardo Vituzzo GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH

21941-480 Marketing & sales GTCP36-150 HSI, MC, MO, OHBrazil E-mail: [email protected] GTCP660-4 HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] GTCP331-200ER HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.tapme.com.br TSCP700-4B/-4E/-5 HSI, MC, MO, OH


Triumph Air Repair 4010 S 43rd Place Jim Jackalone GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH Phoenix Vice President ñ Sales and Customer Support GTCP131 HSI, MC, MO, OHAZ 85040-2022 Phone 602-470-7231 GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHUSA Fax 602-470-7230 GTCP660 HSI, MC, MO, OH

[email protected] PW901 HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.triumphgroup.com TSCP700 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Triumph Aviation Services 700/160 ñ Moo 1 Dan McDonald GTCP85 HSI, MC, MO, OH Asia T. Bankao, A. Pantong VP Sales and Customer Support GTCP131 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Chonburi 20160 T (66) 38-465-070 GTCP331 HSI, MC, MO, OHThailand F (66) 38-465-075 GTCP660 HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] PW901A HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.triumphgroup.com TSCP700 HSI, MC, MO, OH

Turkish Technic Ataturk Intíl Airport Gate B Altug Sokeli APS 2000 HSI, MC, MO, OH34149 Yesilkoy Technical marketing & sales manager APS 3200 HSI, MC, MO, OHIstanbul T (90) 212 463 6363 X9223 GTCP85-98C/CK/DHF HSI, MC, MO, OHTurkey F (90) 212 465 2121 GTCP85-129H HSI, MC, MO, OH

E-mail: [email protected] GTCP139-9B HSI, MC, MO, [email protected] GTCP331-250F/H HSI, MC, MO, OHwww.turkishtechnic.com

United Services United Services Maintenance Center Paul Lochab GTCP331 -200, -500 HSI, MC, MO, OHSan Francisco International Airport MD supply chain, pma and sales, mktg & svcs PW901 HSI, MC, MO, OHBuilding 74 Ò SFOUS T (1) 650 634-4269San Francisco F (1) 650 634 5926CA 94128-3800 E-mail: [email protected] www.unitedsvcs.com

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Specialist engine repairs directoryCompany name Address Contact Component capabilites Engine type Specialist skills

Aero Propulsion Support

Aerospace Welding

Aerospace Component Services (P&WC)

Aircraft Ducting Repair

Aircraft Power and Services

AMETEK Aerospace and Defense(Reynosa Service Center)

APECS Engine Center

Britt Metal Processing

108 May Drive Harrison Ohio 45030USA

890 Michele-BohecBlainvilleQuebecCanada J7C 5E2

1000 Marie-VictorinLongueuilQuebecCanada J4G 1A1

101 Hunters CircleForneyTX 75126USA

2415 West ArkansasDurantOK 74701USA

1701 Industrial BoulevardHidalgoMukilteoTX 78557USA (ship-to address)

13642 South West 142nd AvenueKendallFL 33186USA

15800 North West 49th AvenueMiamiFL 33014USA

Allan SlatteryPresident/CEOT (1) 513 367 9452F (1) 513 367 7930Email: [email protected]

Michel DussaultVice President Sales/General MgrT (1) 450 435 9210F (1) 450 435 7851E-Mail: [email protected]

Dominique DallaireGMT (1) 450 468 7896F (1) 450 468 7786E-mail: [email protected]

Steve AlfordPresidentT (1) 972 552 9000F (1) 972 552 4504E-mail: [email protected]

Dale OwensVP, sales and customer servicesT (1) 580 920 0535F (1) 580 920 1235Email: [email protected]

Joe LynchAftermarket managerT (1) 978 988 4869F (1) 215 323 9538E-mail: [email protected]

Nick TrooninManagerT (1) 305 255-2677F (1) 305 255-0277E-mail: [email protected]: a-pecs.com

Tim WaggonerDirector of Mktg and Bus. Dev.T (1) 305 621 5200F (1) 305 625 9487E-mail: [email protected]

Honeycomb seals, compressor diffusers, compressor shrouds, turbine nozzles, turbine supports, engine sheet metal components, seals and abradable parts

Exhaust systems, jet pipes, heat shields, ducting (bleed pipes, de-icing), tubing, nose cowls (CL 600), tracks, rings, landing gear, fuel tanks, engine mounts, thrust reverser (CL 600)

Accessory & Component repairsGas Generator Cases (PW100), Liners, Life Cycle Parts, Fuel Controls, Flow Dividers, Fuel Nozzles, TSCU, EEC, Electrical, TSCU, AFU,Bleed Valves and Fuel Pumps

Engine exhaust tailpipes, pneumatic ducts, tubes and manifolds, APU exhaust ducts

Overhaul of internal enginecomponents for the P&W PT6, ST6, JT15D, JFTD12, JT8D, JT8D-200, JT3D and the Honeywell TPE 331,TFE 731, GTCP36 APU, GTCP85 and GTCP331 APU. Overhaul of the complete 85 series APU and its accessories andselected 36 series APU accessories

Fuel flowmeters, oil level sensors, temperature sensors, EGT, switches, speed sensors, wiring harnesses

Gearbox Overhaul & ExchangeCertified insitu. blade blending (on-wing), line maintenance support, testing, trouble-shooting, vibration analysis, breather checks, digital video borescope inspections, fieldservice repair team, gearbox and fan specialists, repair, modification, overhaul and sales of JT8D parts, piece parts and components

Stationary component repair - Supports, Scrolls, Diffusers, Compressor, Inlet, Diff. Hsngs. Hot section components Exotic materials

All Honeywell APUs, Sundstrand APUsGTCP-331, GTCP-36, GTCP-131, TSCP-700, RR-250 all series,C30, C40,C47, C20,C28, PW901 APU, GE CT7

JT3D, JT8D, JT9D, JT15D, PT6A,PW100, RB211, Dart, Avon, APUs, Garrett, Sunstrand

PT6, JT15D, PW100, PW150, PW200, PW300, PW500 and PW600

JT3D, JT8D, JT8D-200, CF6-50,CF6-80C2, CFM-56-3/-3B/-3C, CFM-56-7B, PW4000, V2500

P&W PT6, ST6, JT15D, JFTD12, JT8D, JT8D-200 and JT3D and Honeywell TPE331, TFE 731, GTCP36, GTCP85, GTCP331

CFM56, CF6, PW, GP7200, CF34Honeywell engines

JT8D - 7B, -9A, -15, -15A, -17JT8D - 209, -217A, -217C, -219

PUs: GTCP331, GTCP131-9GTCP660, TSCP700, GTCP85Pneumatics: Air Cycle Machine Air Turbine Starters, Valves & moreHydraulics: Hsngs, Adapter Blocks

GTAW and resistance welding, vacuum and atmosph. furnace braze and heat treatment, precision machining, NDT, liquid penetrant, pressure test, plasma welding, EB welding

FPI, MPI, eddy current, fusion welding for robotic thermo spray cells (plasma, HVOF, thermo spray) full metallurgical labconventional milling and turning equipment, computerised spot and seam welding, furnace brazing

Manual brazing, brazing, Automatic Welding, CNC Machining, Manual Machining, no mechanical machining, blendingbalancing, vacuum furnace, pressure test, FPI, MPI, STI, X-Ray,eddy current pressure flush,water jet stripping, ultrasonic cleaning, plasma spray, painting, plating, TBC, manual &automatic peening (shot & glass), Nano-plating (Q4 2010)

TIG welding, NDT, CNC machining

TID, MIG and resistance welding, plasma spray, vacuum furnace braze, precision machining, NDT, liquid penetrant, MPI, heat treating, shotpeening, balancing, air flow machprecision hand blend, specialised coating, accescorytest benches, APUtest cell

Intricate assembly, fuel flow calibration

JT8D engine overhaul, repair and modifications. ASB: 6431 specialists, HPC exchanges for quick turn time, custom work scopes

Balancing, Vacuum Brazing, Plasma and Thermal CoatingsWelding, NDT, Heat TreatingCNC Machining, Paint and more


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Specialist engine repairs directory (cont...)Company name Address Contact Component capabilites Engine type Specialist skills









303 Industrial ParkSan AntonioTX 78226USA

330 Blaisdell RoadOrangeburgNY 10962

30 Dart RoadNewnanGA 30265USA

3636 Arrowhead DriveCarson CityNV 89706USA

1720 National BoulevardMidwest CityOK 73110USA

6161 West Polk StreetPhoenixAZ 85043USA

2100 West 139th Srt.GardenaCA 90249USA

1071 Industrial PlaceEl CajonCA 92020USA

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423FE-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Turbine engine modules, cases and frames, combustors, disks, shafts, hubs

Aircraft and industrial gas turbine engines

HPC components

HPT/LPT blades and vanes

Gas turbine components

Gas turbine engine components

High and low pressure turbine vanes

Gas turbine engine components

CF6, CFM56, PW2000, PW4000,RB211-535, V2500

PW4000, PW2000, V2500, JT9D, JT8D, V94, GG8, CF6, CFM56

PW4000, 94" RCC, 100", 112", PW2000, JT9D, FT4, FT8, GG3, GG4, GG8, JT8D, RB211, RB211-524,RB211-535 E4, Trent 500, Trent 700,Trent 800, V2500, Mars, Titan,Taurus

LM1600, LM2500, LM5000, LM6000, CF6-50, CF6-6, CF6-80A, CF6-80C2,CF6-80E, CFM56-2, CFM56-3, CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B, CFM56-5C,CFM56-7, JT8D-200, PW2000

501K, 570/571K, 601K, CF34-3, CF700/CJ610, CT58, JT8D-200, JT9D-3/-20J, JT9D-7Q, PW2000,501D, RB211-535E4

GTCP131, GTCP331-200/250, GTCP 331-350, GTCP36-100/150, GTCP36-280/300, GTCP660, GTCP85, LTS101,TFE731, TPE331, TSCP700

LM1600, LM2500, LM5000, LM6000, CF6-50, CF6-6, CF6-80A, CF6-80C2,CF6-80E, CFMI, Tf39/HT-90, F108, F404

CF6-6, CF6-50, CF6-80A, CF6-80C2, LM2500, LM5000, LM6000, TF39,F101/F108/F110, CF34, TF34/9, JT3D, JT8D, JT9D, PW2000, PW4000, CFM56-2, CFM56-3, CFM56-5, CFM56-7, RB211-22B, RB211-524,RB211-535, TAY, V2500 (A1), V2500(A5), V2500 (D5)

CNC grinding, CNC machining,CNC welding, coordinate measuring machine, electronbeam welding, gas tungsten arcwelding, heat treating, non-destructive inspection, plasma spray, vacuum brazing

CBN abrasive tip, customized repair development, EDM, fullengineering analysis, grinding,heat treating, hydrogen flouride cleaning, laser drilling, LPW, metallurgical analysis, multiple axis machining, precision machining, tool design/manufacture, vacuum brazing,welding

Coating restoration, EDM, grinding, plasma spray, vacuum brazing,water jet stripping and cutting

Acid strip, alkaline cleaning, atomic absorption analysis, automated TIG welding, belt sanding, braze pre-forms, braze sinter cake,brazing, CNC CO2 laser fusion,CNC machining, computerizedairflow testing, computerizedtomograph inspection, CMM, eddy current inspection, EDM, electro-stripping, FPI, fluoride-ion cleaning, glass bead peening, grinding, gritblast, investment casting, metallurgical analysis, SEM, welding

Atomic absorption analysis, braze pre-forms, chemical stripping/ cleaning, CNC welding, CMM, DDH, electro plating, electron beam welding, fluoride-ion cleaning,heat treating, laser drilling,laser machining, LPW, SEM, welding

Acid strip, ATPS, aiflow testing,curvic grinding, DERs, eddy current inspection, EDM, electro-chemical grinding, electron beam welding

TIG and laser weld, laser drilling, EDM, brazing, vacuum furnaces, CNC machining & grinding, high temperature diffusion coatings, air plasma spray, NDT: FPI, airflowand EMU assembly & set management

DER repairs, turbine seals repair, CNC welding, CMM, heat treating

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Component Repair Technologies


GE Aviation, Services - CincinnatiAviation Component Service Center

GE Aviation, Services -Strother Field

GE Aviation, Services - McAllen

GE Aviation, Services - Tri-Reman

GE Aviation, Services -Symmes Road

1777 Stergios RoadCalexicoCA 92231USA

601 Marshall Phelps RoadWindsorCT 06095USA

14042 Distribution WayDallasTX 75234

8507 Tyler BlvdMentorOhio 44060USA

8131 East 46th StreetTulsaOK 74145USA

201 W. Crescentville RdCincinnatiOH 45246-1733

Strother Field Industrial ParkArkansas CityKS 67005

6200 South 42nd StMcAllenTX 78503

3390 East Locust StTerre HauteIN 47803

3024 Symmes RoadHamiltonOH 45014-1334

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423FE-mail: [email protected]

Rich MearsSales managerT (1) 440 255 1793F (1) 440 225 4162E-mail: [email protected]

Andy ClarkSales and customer serviceT (1) 918 627 8484F (1) 918 627 8446E-mail: [email protected]

24/7 AOG Hotline+1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

24/7 AOG Hotline+1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

24/7 AOG Hotline+1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

24/7 AOG Hotline+1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

24/7 AOG Hotline+1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

High and low pressure turbinevanes and blades

Gas turbine engine components

Gas turbine engine components

Cases, shafts, bearing housings, frames

VSV bushings, lever arms, anti-vortex tubes, gangnut channels, bearing housings, shoulder studs, air seals, guide plates, comb. retaining blots, air inlet screens

Cases, frames, structures,combustors, LLPHPT shrouds,LPT & HPT nozzles

LPT nozzles and bladesLPT vanesHPC supports and hangersHPC vane sectors & stationary seals


Cases, frames, structuresCombustors, LLPHPT blades & shroudsLPT & HPT nozzles

LM2500, CF34-4, CF6-50, CF6-6, CF6-80A, CF6-80C2, LM6000, CFM56-3, CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B, CFM56-5C, CFM56-7, GG4, JT3D, JT8D, JT8D-200, JT9D-3/-20J, JT9D-7Q, JT9D-7R4D/E/H, JT9D-7R4G2, PW4000, GTCP331-200/250, GTCP331-350, GTCP-131-9, V2500A1,V2500A5/D5

GG3, GG4, GG6, CF6-80A, CF6-80C2, CFM56-2, CFM56-3, CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B, CFM56-5C, CFM56-7,V2500A5/D5, JT8D, JT8D-200, PW2000, PW4000-94"

CF34, TF39, CF6-6, CF6-50, CF6-80A, CF6-80C2, LM2500, LM5000, CFM56-2,CFM56-3, CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B,CFM56-7B, V2500-A1, V2500-A5, V2500-D5,JT8D-1/17AR, JT8D-209/219, PT6/ST6, PW2000, PW4000,RB211-22B, RB211-524, RB211-535C,RB211-535E4

JT8D, JT8D-200, CFM56,CF6-6, -50, -80A, -80C2, CT7, CF34, PW2000, PW4000, V2500

JT8D, JT9D, PW2000, PW4000,PT6, CFM56, CF34, CF6, V2500

CFM56, CF6, GE90, CF34, LM (Industrial Engines)

CF34-3/-8/-10CFM56-2/-3/-5B/-7CT7, T700

CF6-50, CF6-80A/C/E,CFM56-2/-3/-5/-7/-7BCF34-3/-8/-10LM2500/5000/6000GE90-94B/-115B


CF34-3/-8/-10CFM56-2/-3/-5B/-7CT7, T700

CNC grinding, eddy currentinspection, electro-chemicalgrinding, electro-dischargemachining, electron beam welding, FPI, laser drilling/cutting, laser CO2 welding, machining,plasma spray, shot peening

Adhesive bonding, brazing,eddy current inspection,FPI, grinding, heat treatment,magnetic particle inspection,non-destructive testing,ultrasonic inspection, vacuumfurnace, x-ray inspection

CMM, EDM, FPI, heat treat-ment & furncace braze, horizontal milling, lathe turning, profiling system,radiographic inspection, surfacegrinding, TIG welding, verticalmilling, vibro super polishing

Chemical stripping, plating, HVOF, EBW, CNC machining, vacuum furnace,NDT, X-ray, eddy current

Wet and dry abrasive cleaning, grinding, heat treating, machining, surface treatment, TIG, welding, brazing, vacuumbrazing, SWET NDT,FPI, dimensional inspection

Cleaning/surface treatmentsNon-destructive testingWelding/brazingCoatings, CNC and adaptive milling Robotic metal sprayWire and CNC EDM systemsLean induction furnace

Superior LPT yield programsSalvation reviewsKitting and assembly programs, Accessory repairs

Honeycomb seal & segment repairs, LPT cases and frames, honeycombreplacement, weld repair, plasma spray, honeycomb manufacturing, TIG and EG welding, vacuum brazing and heat treating, balancing, NDT,TBC, plasma spray, SVPA, electrochemical grinding, laser cutting and drilling, EDM

Cleaning/surface treatmentsNon-destructive testingWelding/brazingCoatings, CNC and adaptive milling, Robotic metal sprayWire and CNC EDM systemsLean induction furnace

Specialist engine repairs directory (cont...)Company name Address Contact Component capabilites Engine type Specialist skills

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132 The Engine Yearbook 2011

Specialist engine repairs directory (cont...)Company name Address Contact Component capabilites Engine type Specialist skillsGKN Aerospace - Chem-tronics

Honeywell Aerospace - Phoenix(Engine accessories)

Honeywell Aerospace (Engine piece part advanced repair)

Honeywell Aerospace (Engine piece part advanced repair)

Honeywell Aerospace (Engine accessories)

Honeywell Aerospace(Engine accessories)

Honeywell Aerospace (Engine accessories)

Jet Aviation Specialists

Liburdi Turbine Services

NordamRepair Division

PAS Technologies

Box 16041150 West Bradley AveEl CajonCA 92022USA

1944 East Sky Harbor CirclePhoenixAZ 85034USA

1944 East Sky Harbor CirclePhoenixAZ 85034USA

85 Beeco RoadGreerSC 29652USA

3475 North Wesleyan BoulevardRocky MountNorth Carolina, 27804USA

6930 North Lakewood AvenueTulsa, Oklahoma74117USA

Hangar 8, Slemon PrkSummersidePrince Edward Island, COB 2A0Canada

3373 North West 107th StreetMiami Florida 33167USA

400 Highway 6 NorthDundasOntarioL9H 7K4Canada

11200 East Pine St.TulsaOK 74116USA

1234 Atlantic StreetNorth Kansas CityMO 64116-4142USA(other facilities at Hillsboro, OH; Miramar, FL; Phoenix, AZ, Singaporeand Ireland)

Steve PearlGMT (1) 619 258 5220F (1) 619 448 6992E-mail: [email protected]

Bill WrightTechnical salesAPU/propulsionT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Bill WrightTechnical salesAPU/propulsionT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Bill WrightTechnical salesAPU/propulsionT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Bill WrightDirector, technical salesMechanicalT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Bill WrightDirector, technical salesMechanicalT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Bill WrightDirector, technical salesMechanicalT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Andrew WalmsleyVP, sales and marketingT (1) 305 681 0160F (1) 305 681 7356E-mail: [email protected]

Scott HastieEngineering ManagerT (1) 905 689 0734F (1) 905 689 0739E-mail: [email protected]

Thomas HenningDirector, marketingT (1) 918 878 6313F (1) 918 878 6796E-mail: [email protected]

Marsha FarmerCommunications directorT (1) 816 556 4600F (1) 816 556 4615E-mail: [email protected]

Fan blades, fan discs, fan cases, compressor blades, compressor cases

Engine generators/IDG/CSDFuel/oil coolers and heatersFuel control units and componentsAll engine related accessories

Complete cold section part restoration including gearboxes, cases, knife edge seals,impellers, blisks, fan blades, compressor blades

Complete hot section part restoration, fan blades, compressor blades, stator vanes, combustors, NGVs, turbine blades, cases, seals

Mechanical and hydraulic actuators, hydromechanical fuel controls, pneumatic fuel controls

Aircraft heat exchangers,precoolers, ozone converters,valves, water separators,fuel heaters, oil coolers

Fuel controls, flow dividers,fuel pumps, fuel nozzlespropeller governors, pumpselectronics, electronic engine controls (EEC), torque signal conditioners, electrical equipment, generatorsharnesses

Combustion assemblies, turbine cases, stators, supports, spinner cones

Industrial turbine blades, buckets, NGVs, vane stators,fuel nozzles

Exhaust nozzles, sleeves, plugs, centrebodies, fairings, ducts, thrust reversers

Commercial fan blades, carbon seals, military fan blades, compressor blades,variable guide vanes, rotor assemblies, bevel gears, seal seats, housings,honeycomb, feltmetal, shrouds

JT9D, PW2037, PW4000,RB211-524, -535, Trent, AE3007,CFM56-2, -3, -5A, -5B, -5C, -7,CF6-50, -80A, -80C, CF34, ALF502, 507, TFE731, V2500

All Honeywell engines / APUs JT8, JT9, JT10, JT11, JT15D, CF6, CT7, CFM56, CF34,PT6, P108, PW100, PW100, PW4000,RB211, RR250

V2500, CF34, PW100, PT6, JT15D, T56, 501K, TFE731, TPE331, all small 36 series APU, large 36 series APU, 331-200/250, 331-350, 331-500, 131-9

V2500, CF34, PW100, PT6, JT15D, T56, 501K, TFE731, TPE331, all small 36 series APUs, large 36 series APUs, 331-200/250, 331-350, 331-500, 131-9, T53, T54, AGT 1500

All Honeywell engines

All Honeywell engines / APUs JT8, JT9, JT10, JT11, JT15D, CF6, CT7, CFM56, CF34,PT6, P108, PW100, PW100, PW4000,RB211, RR250, Spey, Tay, T64, T76

All Honeywell enginesPW100, PW4000

JT8D, JT8D-200, CF6-6, CF6-50, CF6-80A, CF6-80C2CFM56-3, CF34, T56, TF33

Industrial Avon, Marine Spey,Industrial RB211, ALF502, A501K, LM2500, LM1600,authorised Rolls-Royce industrial repair vendor

CF6-50, CF6-80, CFM56, JT8D, JT9D, PW2000, PW4000, V2500, RB211

JT8D, JT9D, CF6, CFM56, PW2000, PW4000, F117, V2500, JT15D, F100, GG4, TF39, PW100, PW300, PW901, RB211, Spey, Tay

Chemical stripping, EBW, HVOF/plasma,waterjet technology, high speed optical inspection, precision airfoil recontouring,automated airfoil machining and finishing


EBW, CNC, TIG, FPI, MPI, CMM, HVOF, NDT, EBM, LPPS, EDM, waterjet, EBPVD, laser welding, fluoride ion cleaning, "jet fix" crack restoration, platinum aluminide coatings, full brazing and heat treat

Plasma spray, paint, welding, brazing, precision machining, grinding NDT, heat treatment

Coatings, HVOF and air plasma, heat treat, GDAW, PAW and laser welding, EDM, NDT, X-ray

Vacuum brazing and bonding

Inspection, machining, grinding,finishing, lapping, CNC milling, welding, vacuum and atmospheric heat treatment, automated glass and ceramic shot peening, plasma and D-gun coating, full NDT, EBW, airfoil straightening andblending, electrolytic, chemical and mechanical stripping, grit blasting, vibratory finishing, plating, HVOF, TIG, FPI, MPI,CMM, LPPS, EDM

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Pratt & Whitney CanadaAccessories and Component Services

Pratt & Whitney CanadaAccessories and Component Services

Pratt & Whitney CanadaAccessories and Component Services

Pratt & Whitney Component Solutions

Pratt & Whitney Engine ServicesAccessories and Component Services

Propulsion Technologies Int'l(A JV of Snecma Servicescleaning, diamond grinding, and Technology Corp.)

Timken Aftermarket Solutions

TCI - Turbine Controls

Turbine ComponentsTCI

Whyco Finishing Technologies

(Windsor Airmotive, Connecticut)Barnes Aerospace Aftermarket

(Windsor Airmotive, Ohio)Barnes AerospaceAftermarket

1000 Marie-VictorinLongueuilQuebecCanada J4G 1A1

3101 Hammon RoadWichita Falls, TX, USA

1000 Marie Victorin BlvdLongueuil, Quebec, Canada J4G 1A1

4905 Stariha DriveMuskegon, MI, USA

1525 Midway Park RdBridgeport, WV, USA

15301 SW 29th StreetMiramarFlorida 33027USA

3110 N Oakland StMesa, Az 85215-1144USA

5 Old Windsor RoadBloomfieldCT 06002USA

8985 Crestmar PointSan Diego, CA 92121USA

670 Waterbury RoadThomastonCT 06787USA

7 Connecticut South Dr.East GranbyCT 06026USA

9826 Crescent Park Dr.West ChesterOH 45069USA

Dominique DallaireGMT (1) 450 468 7896F (1) 450 468 7786E-mail: [email protected]

Robert KirshGeneral ManagerT (1) 940-761-9200F (1) 940-761-9292E-mail: [email protected]

Eric MacIntyreMarketing & Customer Service MgrT (1) 450-442-6802F (1) 450-442-6810

Pete GibsonGeneral ManagerT (1) 231-798-8464F (1) 231-798-0150E-Mail: [email protected]

Jeff PowellManagerT (1) 304-842-1207F (1) 304-842-1229E-mail: [email protected]

Oscar [email protected]: (1) 786 999 0672Web: www.snecma-services.com

Larry BatchelorSr Product Sales ManagerTel:- +1-480-606-3011Fax:- +1-480-635-0058 Email:- [email protected]/mro

David TetreaultVP, salesT (1) 860 761 7533 F (1) 860 761 7591E-mail: [email protected]

Raffee EsmailiansT (1) 858 678 8568F (1) 858 678 0703M 858 442 6045E-mail: [email protected]

Peter MasellaDirector of Sales and MarketingT (1) 860 283 5826F (1) 860 283 6153E-mail: [email protected]: www.whyco.com

William GonetVP, SalesT (1) 860 325 1125F (1) 860 653 0397E-mail: [email protected]

William GonetVP, SalesT (1) 860 325 1125F (1) 860 653 0397E-mail: [email protected]

Component repairs

Component repairs

Accessory Repair and Overhaul for all P&WC engine models

Rotable exchange support and serviceable parts sales for all P&WC engine models

Component repairs

CFM56, CF6-50, CF6-80, JT8Dand V2500

Bearing Repair

Component repair

Fuel Control

Engine component support ofdiscs, shafts, hubs, seal ringholders, air seals, bearinghousings, supports, spools,MGB and AGB housings and gears, engine accessory support of fuel, oil and pnuematice components, i.e. pumps, actuators, valves, starters

Turbine Component repairs;Combustion Liners, Housings, Compressor Cases, Turbine Hsg.Honeycomb Exh. Nozzles/Sleeves,Exh. Ducts, Nozzles, Stators,Hot Section Components & more

Major component repair/overhaul:

Chromium, copper, nickel, plating, abrasive blastingspecialised cheming cleaning,chemical removal of coatingsand braze alloys,chemical stripping HVOF coatings

Casings and Frames, Rotating Air Seals, Discs, Drums, Spacers,OGVs, Bearing Housings

High Pressure Turbine Shrouds honeycomb Seals

All P & WC engine series

All P & WC engine series hot section engine components

PT6A, PT6T, JT15D, PW300, PW500

For parts repair only

All platforms, all manufacturers

A250, PT6, T53

PT6, T53

CFM56, CF6, CF34, PW4000,PW2000, V2500, F100. GG4, GG8, LM Series

Honeywell APU seriesP&WC PT6, PW100, JT15 series PWA PW4000, PW2000, JT9 seriesPWA JT12/JFTD12 Hamilton Sundstrand APU seriesHoneywell TFE731, TPE331, GE CF34, RR T56/501PT6, PW1000, JT8, JT9

All makes, all models

JT8D, JT9D, PW2000, PW4000, RB211, Trent 700,Trent 800, Trent 500, Trent 900, CFM56, CF6, Tay, GE90 LM2500, LM6000, LM5000, GG4/8Avon, 501K

CFM56, GE90, CF6, CF34, TayRB211

Bearing Inspection, Repair & TestCompressor case & turbine nozzle repair and exchange

Repair, Overhaul & Exchange

CMM, NDT, FPI, MPI, chemicalcleaning, EBW, dabber tig,heat treat, 6-axis roboticplasma and thermal spray, shot peen, grit blast, paint, CNC turning, milling & grinding,engine accessory repair and overhaulfuel, oil, hydraulic, pneumatictesting

EBW, Vacuum Furnace Brazing & Heat Treating, EDM, CNC Mach./Milling Centers, CMM, 6-Axis Robotic Plasma/Thermal and HVOFCoating, Micro Plasma Arc Welding Waterjet Machining, NDT and Repair Development Engineering FAA, EASA, ISO 9000

EBW and Automatic TIG welding;High Pressure Water Jet;CNC Milling, Turning, andGrinding; Plasma and WireArc Coating; Heat Treat,Thermal Processing, and Vacuum Brazing; X-ray, FPI, Eddy Current and Ultrasonic Testing; EDM; Rotable Pool Support

CNC Grinding and Turning; Laser Drilling; Vacuum Brazing and Heat Treat; EDM; FPI; Several Coatings includ-ing SVPA;Rotable Pool Support

Specialist engine repairs directory (cont...)Company name Address Contact Component capabilites Engine type Specialist skills

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Specialist engine repairs directory (cont...)Company name Address Contact Component capabilites Engine type Specialist skillsWoodward Aircraft Engine Systems

1Source Aero Services

Chromalloy - France

Chromalloy - Netherlands

Chromalloy - UK


GE Engine Services - Hungary

GE Engine Services - Wales

Goodrich Engine Control Systems

Honeywell Aerospace Raunheim(Engine Accessories)

One Woodward WayPO Box 405RocktonIll 61072-0405USA

P.O. Box 16332009 SchimatariGreece

BP 7120Ave Des Gros ChevauxZ I du Vert GalantF-94054France

Siriusstraat 555015 BT TilburgNetherlands

1 Linkmel RoadEastwood, NottinghamNG16 3RZ

14 Avenue Gay-LussacZA Clef de Saint-PierreF-78990 ElancourtFrance

Levai utca 33Veresegyhaz 2112Hungary

Caerphilly Road, NantgarwCardiff, South GlamorganSouth Wales, UK CF15 7YJ

The RadleysMarston GreenBirminghamB33 0HZUK

Frankfurterstrasse 41-65RaunheimD-65479Germany

Tony DzikManager, cust. support and bus. dev.T (1) 815 639 6983F (1) 815 624 1929E-mail: [email protected]

Greg FergusonGMT (30) 226 204 9301F (30) 226 204 9422Email: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Yves CosaqueMarketing, sales and development GMT (33) 1 3068 3702F (33) 1 3068 8819E-mail: [email protected]: www.crma.fr

24/7 AOG HotlineT +1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

24/7 AOG HotlineT +1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

Niki CourtMarketing Co-ordinatorT (44) 121 788 5000F (44) 121 779 5712E-mail: [email protected]@goodrich.com

Bill WrightDirector, technical salesMechanicalT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Fuel controls, actuators, fuel nozzles, augmenters and fuel manifolds

Most types of engine accessories, including fuel, oil, pneumatic, actuators, and electrical

AL and CR coatings, blades, vane segments, vane rings, honeycomb seal repairs, manufacturing of honeycomb and felt

Honeycomb seals, shrouds, frames, cases, supports, fan discs and spools, NGVs

Small engine component repair,large engine component and Honeycomb repair, IGT bladerepair

Combustion chambers, casings, HPT supports, booster vanes, turbine centre frame (TCF)rotating & stationary seals, spools, QEC accessories, harnesses, sensors, VBV mechanism

Pipe repair & kittingLiner panelsHoneycomb

Fuel metering controls, fuelpumping systems, electronicscontrols (software and hardware), afterburner systems, fuel drivenactuation controls, engine health monitoring systems, variable geometry actuation control, microprocessors, variable displacement vane pumps

Engine generators/IDG/CSDFuel/oil coolers and heatersFuel control units and components

GE90, CF6, CFM56, F110, RB211, V2500, CF34, BR700, TPE331, PT6,PW4000, PW206, PW207, PW2000, FJ44, JT8, JT9, CT7, CT700

CFM56, CFM53, CFM55, CFM57V2500 A1, A5, D5PW2000F-100

All PWA, all GE, all CFM series

CF6-50, CF6-80A, CF6-80C2, CF6-80E, CF34, LM1600, LM2500, LM5000, LM6000, V2500, 131B, CFM56-2, CFM56-3, CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B (P),CFM56-5C, CFM56-7B, PW4000,A250, BR700

501K, AVON, 501D, Dart, RB211-22B, RB211-524B/C/D, RB211-524G/H,RB211-535C, RB211-535E4, Tay, Trent 500/700/800, AL5512, ALF502/LF507, PW100, PW901

CF6-80C2, CF6-80E1, CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B, CFM56-5C, CFM56-7B, GE90 series, GP7200military engines


GE90, GP7000CFM56-3/-5/-7

EJ200, Argo APU, F404, F414, CF34-1, CF34-3, CF6-50/80A, CT2106 APU,V2500, TFE 1042, LF507, TF55, LT101, GTCP36-170, PW305/6, Pegasus, RB211-524G/H, RB211-535,Spey, Tay, Trent 700/800, Trent 500, Viper, AE2100, AE3007, T406, A250-C40,C20/R2, C47B, BR710

All Honeywell engines / APUs JT8, JT9, JT10, JT11, JT15D, CF6, CT7, CFM56, CF34,PT6, P108, PW100, PW100, PW4000,RB211, RR250, Spey, Tay, T64, T76, All Honeywell engines and APUs

Heat treating, brazing, welding,surface coating, advanced machining, EBW, laser welding, TIG welding, EDM, plasma coating, vacuum brazing

Component and accessory MRO, FPI, MPI, full accessory test capability, EB welding, plasma spray, parts balance

Chemical stripping and plating, TIG, MIG and EB welding, laser drilling, pack and vapour phase deposition, LPPS, HVOF,EDM, ECG, CNC turning and milling

High speed grinding, laser drilling, Tungsten inert gas & EB welding,EDM, eddy current

Acid strip, blending, CNC milling and turning, CMM, degreasing, eddy current inspection, EDM, electron beam welding, FPI,grinding, LPW, vacuum brazing,vibro super polishing

CFM56-5C, CFM56-7B, laser drilling, cutting and welding, thermal spray, heat treatment, brazing, EDM NDT inspection, CMM and CNC machining,multi colling holes drilling, airflow test

Chemical cleaning, anodize and alodine, CNC shotpeening and dry blasting, machining, NDT inspection, CNC unicoat plasma spraying, CNC resist-ance spot welder, vacuum brazing and heattreatment, TIG and orbital welding

Engine control systems supplier,engine control equipment, tailored support contracts


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Honeywell Aerospace Bournemouth(Engine Accessories)

Jet Technology Centre

LPW Technology

Lufthansa Technik Intercoat

PWA International


Summit Aviation


Turbine Component Repair(TCW)



Woodward Aircraft Engine Systems

Bournemouth International AirportChristchurch, Dorset BH23 6NWUK

Ridgewell HouseHollywood,BallyboughalCo. Dublin Ireland

PO Box 768AltrinchamCheshireWA15 5ENUK

Kisdorfer Weg 36-38D-24568KaltenkirchenGermany

Naas RoadRathcooleCo. DublinIreland

Unity GroveSchool LaneKnowsley Business ParkPrescot L34 9GTUK

Merlin Way,Manston, Kent, UKCT12 5FE

Hangar 3, Upwood AirparkRamsey RoadBury, Cambridge PE26 2RAUK

Hangar 2, Upwood AirparkRamsey RoadBury, Cambridge PE26 2RAUK

Bramble WayClovernook Industrial Estate,SomercotesDerbyshire DE55 4RHUK

Granta ParkGreat AbingdonCambridgeCB16ALUK

5 Shawfarm RoadPrestwickAyrshire KA9 2TRUK

Bill WrightDirector, technical salesMechanicalT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Michael O ConnellSales & Marketing ManagerT (353) 1 8432 221F (353) 1 8433 849E-mail: [email protected]: www.jtc.ie

Phil CarrollTechnical supportT (44) 845 539 0162F (44) 845 539 0163E-mail: [email protected]

Sebastian DavidSales managerT (49) 4191 809 100F (49) 4191 2826E-mail: [email protected]

Vince GaffneyInternational sales managerT (353) 1 4588100F (353) 1 4588106E-mail: [email protected]

Stephen Lewis-BrammerGMT (44) 151 482 0444F (44) 151 482 4400E-mail: [email protected]

Bruce ErridgeCommercial directorT (44) 1843 822444F (44) 1843 820900E-mail: [email protected]

David BillingtonDirector, sales and marketingT (44) 1487 711650F (44) 1487 710777E-mail: [email protected]: www.turbinemotorworks.com

David BillingtonDirector, sales and marketingT (44) 1487 711650F (44) 1487 710777E-mail: [email protected]: www.turbinemotorworks.com

Andrew AdamsMarketing and contracts managerT (44) 1773 524400F (44) 1773 836327Email: [email protected]

T: (44) 1223 891162F: (44) 1223 892588

Jim HoustonGeneral ManagerT (44) 1292 677 633F (44) 1292 677 612E-mail: [email protected]

Environmental control, cabinpressure control, heat transfercompressor, starter, oxygenhydraulics, electronic systems and equipment

Fuel nozzles, MECs, FCUs, pumpsEVC/EVBC, fuel, air, oil and hydraulic accessories, safety equipment, slides, vests, rafts, airframe structural

Specialist laser cladding/deposition consultancy, supplier of thermal spray and welding wire and powder

Fuel pump housings, hydraulic housings, oil pump housings, Arkwin actuators,Boeing and Airbus hydraulic parts

Case overhaul (all models)

Surface finishing of aero engine blades and vanes (in both compressor and turbine section), vane assemblies and multi-span components, supply of machines, consumables, subcontract and Keramo process

QEC removal and installation

MRO airframe and engineaccessories, fuel, hydraulicpneumatic, oil, electrical, wheel and brake, safety, airframe structural wide and narrow body airframes and respective engine types

Compressor and turbine airfoils, frames and cases,air seals and other rotating parts and Combustors

HP, IP, LP blades,HP, IP, LP nozzle guide vanes,nozzle guide vane, assemblies

Engineering solutions inclwelding, joining andassociated technologies,technology transferconsultancy and project support. Contract R&D, training and qualification

Repair and overhaul, fuel control, propellor governer unit test stands

JT3D, JT8D, JT9D, CFM56, CF6-50, CF6-80, 707/727/737/747/757/767DC8/9/10 MD80, MD11A300/310/320/330/340

All engine types

JT8-D, JT9-D, CFM56-3, -5, -7CF6-50, CF6-80, RB211, Trent 500V2500, PW2000, PW4000Boeing and Airbus components

JT9D, PW2000, PW4000, V2500

All engine types

Pratt and Whitney JT8D (STD) / 217 / 219Pratt and Whitney JT3D (All Series)

CF6-50/80, CFM56, JT9D, JT8D, JT3DALF502, ALF507

CF6-50/80, JT9D, JT3D

T500 - T700 - T800RB211-524-535 (All varients)

All engine types

CFM56-2/-3, CFM56-5, CF34-3, CF6-6/-50, RB211-535E4, PT6, PW100, CT7, Allison 250, TPE331, V2500

Overhaul, repair, test, Part SalesExchange Rotables

Application and process development, process optimisation, enclosure andfixture design, supply of specialist laser, cladding gas and plasma, atomised powders, powder handling and process

Interfill, FPI, CMC measuring, CNC machining

NDT, EBW, TIG, CNC machining,plasma, HVOF, grinding, vacuum furnace, EDM, shot peen, press test, R&D cell

Keramo finishing to <10 microinches(<0.25 micrometres) Ra,shot peening and shot blasting

Complete overhaul, repair and test

Complete overhaul, repairand testing components

Airframe types:747, 777, 767, 757, 737NG, 737, 717, 707MD-11, DC-10, MD-80, DC-9RJ85, RJ100, BAE146A340, A330, A321, A320, A319, A300

TIG and lazer weldingvacuum furnace brazing, heat treatmentNDT, FPI, X-Ray, EDMCNC machining, precision grinding

Arc, gas and resisitance welding,plasma spray, cold spray,vacuum furnace braze, lasercladding and deposition,NDT, liquid penetrant, MPI,eddy current and ultrasonicinspections, EBW, laser welding and cutting

Specialist engine repairs directory (cont...)Company name Address Contact Component capabilites Engine type Specialist skills

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GE Aviation, Service - ATI

GE Aviation, Services - Singapore

GE Celma

GE Engine Services Malaysia

Honeywell Aerospace Singapore(Engine accessories)

Honeywell Aerospace - Xiamen(APU and Propulsion)

Honeywell Aerospace - Melbourne(Engine accessories)

Windsor Airmotive AsiaBarnes Aerospace Aftermarket

25 Moo 5 BungkhampoiLamlukka, PathumthaniThailand 12150

62 Loyang WaySingapore 508770

23 LoyangSingapore 508726

Rua Alice Herve, 356 BingenPetropolis RJ, CEP: 25669-900Brazil

MAS Complex A-AA1802SAAS Airport47200 Subang Selangor D.E.Malaysia

17 Changi Business Park Central 1Singapore 486073Singapore

Xiamen Gaoqi Int'l AirportXiamenFujian361006China

34 Fraser Street, Airport West Victoria, Melbourne, 3042Australia

21 Loyang Lane508921Singapore

Tom van der LindenVP, SalesP +31 13 5328 423E-mail: [email protected]

Jimmy TanMDT (65) 543 7818F (65) 543 7839E-mail: [email protected]

24/7 AOG HotlineT +1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

24/7 AOG HotlingT +1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

24/7 AOG HotlingT +1-513-552-3272Toll Free in USA: 1-877-432-3272Email: [email protected]

Paul DavidDirector, technical salesMechanicalT 480 592 4089E-mail: [email protected]

Bill WrightTechnical salesAPU/PropulsionT 480 592 4182E-mail: [email protected]

Paul DavidDirector technical salesMechanicalT 480 592 4089E-mail: [email protected]

Sebastian LimSales Manager, AsiaT (65) 6541 9222F (65) 6542 9364

Gas turbine engine parts

HPC blades and vanes,fan blades, HPC cases

Combustors, HPT blades & nozzles, LPT blades & nozzles

Engine generators/IDG/CSDFuel/oil coolers and heaters,fuel control units and components, all engine related accessories

Technical expertise in APUsAPU accessories, engine starters, heat exchangers

Air turbine startersbleed air and pneumatic valves, cooling turbines,electro-mechanical actuators

Casings and Frames,Honeycomb Seals, TOBI Ducts, OGVs, Rotating Air Seals, Disks

CFM56-2B/-2C, CFM56-3, CFM56-5A/5B/5C, CFM56-7B, CF6-50, CF6-80A,CF6-80C2, CF6-80E1, LM2500, LM5000,LM6000, PW4000 94/100"

CF6, CFM56, GE90, CF34, LM,Honeywell


CF6-50, CF6-80C2CFM56-3/-7


All Honeywell engines / APUsCT7, CF6, CF34, CFM56, JT8, JT9, JT10, JT11, JT15D,PT6, P108, PW100, PW4000, RB211, RR250, Spey, Tay

APU GTCP 85 seriesAPU 85, 331-200/250 series

JT8D, JT9D, PW4000, Trent 700,Trent 800, Trent 500, Trent 900RB211, CFM56

Blending, chemical plating, CMM, ECG, EDM, furnace brazing, gas tungsten arc welding, grinding, heat treat-ing, instruction brazing,metallurgical analysis, steel shot peening, vacuum brazing, welding

HPC airfoils repair, servicemanagement, new make manufacturing, automatic chemical stripping line, micro plasma automated welding, coining and stamping, net shape machining and grind-ing (2D & 3D airfoil), RD305leading edge inspection & leading edge re-profiling

Rejuvenation/enhanced reju-venation, nozzle fabrication repair, shank coating strip, Al Green coating, EB weld repair, laser cladding, NDT - FPI, radioscopic inspection,current, airflow testing, specialprocesses, machine shop

EBW and Auto TIG Welding;High Pressure Water Jet;CNC Milling, Turning, Grinding; Plasma and WireArc Coating; Heat Treat,Thermal processing and Vacuum Brazing; X-ray, FPI, Eddy Current and Ultrasonic testing; EDM; Several Coatings including SVPA;Rotable Pool Support

Specialist engine repairs directory (cont...)Company name Address Contact Component capabilites Engine type Specialist skills


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137The Engine Yearbook 2011

Directory of major commercial aircraft turbopropsManufacturer Designation Max Max Dry Length Comp Turb Aircraft

Mech SHP Shaft RPM Weight (lb) (in) stages stages applicationsGeneral T64-P4D 3400 1188 110 14 axial 2H, 2L C-27A SpartanElectric CT7-5A2 1735 783 96 6 axial 2H, 2L Saab 340

CT7-7A 1700 783 96 6 axial 2H, 2L CN235CT7-9B/C 1870 805 96 6 axial 2H, 2L Saab 340, CN 235CT7-9D 1940 805 96 6 axial 2H, 2LCT64-820-4 3133 1145 110 14 axial 2H, 2L

Honeywell LPT101-700A-1A 700 335 37 1 axial, I cent Piaggio P.166-DL3T35-L-701 1400 693 59 5 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L OV-1 MohawkT76-G-400 341 44 OV-10 BroncoTPE331-5/-5A/-6 840 360 2 cent 3 Ayres S2R-G6, Dornier 228, Mu-2, Beech King Air B100TPE331-8 715 370 2 cent 3 Cessna Conquest TPE-10/-10R/-10U 1000 385 46 2 cent 3 Ayres S2R-G10, Jetstream 31, Merlin III, Commander 690TPE331-11U 1000 405 46 2 cent 3 Merlin 23, Metro 23TPE331-12U/-12JR 1100 407 46 2 cent 3 C-212-400, Metro 23, Jetstream Super 31TPE331-14A/B 1645 620 53 2 cent 3 PA-42-100 CheyenneTPE331-14GR/HR 1960 620 53 2 cent 3 Ayres Vigilante, Jetstream 41TPE331-25/61 575 335 2 cent 3 MU-2B

Pratt & Whitney PT6A-11 550 2200 328 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Piper Cheyenne 1A, Piper T1040Canada PT6A-11AG 550 2200 330 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Air tractor AT 402A/B, Schweizer G-164B AG-Cat Turbine

PT6A-15AG 680 2200 328 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Air tractor AT 402A/B, AT 502B, Ayres Turbo Thrush T-15, Frakes Turbo Cat Model A/B/C, Schweizer G-164B AG-Cat Turb.

PT6A-21 550 2200 328 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Raytheon Beech King Air C90A/B/SEPT6A-25 550 2200 353 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Raytheon Beech T-34CPT6A-25A 550 2200 343 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L FTS Turbo Firecracker, Pilatus Turbo Trainer PC-7, PZL-

Okecie PZL-130 TE Turbo-Orlik, Raytheon Beech T-44APT6A-25C 750 2200 346 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Embraer EMB-312 Tucano, Pilatus Turbo Trainer PC-7 MK IIPT6A-27 680 2200 328 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L CATIC/HAIG Y-12, deHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter Series

300, Embraer Bandeirante EMB-110, LET L410, Raytheon Beech 99A, Ratheon Beech B99

PT6A-28 680 2200 328 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Piper Cheyenne II, Raytheon Beech 99A, Raytheon Beech King Air A100/E90

PT6A-34/34AG 750 2200 331 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Air Tractor AT 502B, Ayres Turbo Thrush T-34, CROPLEASE Fieldmaster, Embraer Bandierante EMB-110/-111, Embraer Caraja, Frakes Mallard, Frakes Turbo Cat Model A/B/C, JetPROP DLX, Pacific Aero Cresco 750, PZL-Okecie PZL-106 Turbo-Kruk, Schweizer G-164B AG-Cat Turbine, Schweizer G-164D AG-Cat Turbine, Vazar Dash 3 Turbine Otter

PT6A-36 750 2200 331 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Raytheon Beech C99 AirlinerPT6A-112 500 1900 326 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Cessna Conquest I, Reims F406 Caravan IIPT6A-114 600 1900 345 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Cessna 208/208B Caravan 1PT6A-114A 675 1900 350 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Cessna 208/208B Caravan 1PT6A-121 615 1900 326 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L PIAGGIO P-166-DL3PT6A-135A 750 1900 338 62 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Cessna Conquest I, Embraer EMB-121 XINGU II, Piper

Cheyenne IIXL, Raytheon Beech King Air E90-1, Vazar Dash 3 Turbine Otter

PT6A-42 850 2000 403 67 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Raytheon Beech C12F, Raytheon Beech King Air B200PT6A-42A 850 2000 403 67 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Piper Malibu MeridianPT6A-50 1120 1210 607 84 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L deHavilland DHC-7 Dash 8PT6A-60A 1050 1700 475 72 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Raytheon Super Beech King Air 300/350PT6A-60AG 1050 1700 475 72 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Air Tractor AT 602, Ayres Model 660PT6A-61 850 2000 429 68 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Piper Cheyenne IIIAPT6A-62 950 2000 456 71 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Pilatus Turbo Trainer PC-9PT6A-64 700 2000 465 70 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Socata TBM700PT6A-65AG 1300 1700 486 75 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Air Tractor AT 602, AT 802/802A/802AF/802F, Ayres Turbo

Thrush T-65, CROPLEASE Fieldmaster, CROPLEASE Firemaster

PT6A-65AR 1424 1700 486 75 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L AMI DC-3, Shorts C-23B Super SherpaPT6A-65B 1100 1700 481 75 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Polish Aviation Factory M28 Skytruck,

Raytheon Beech 1900/1900CPT6-65R 1376 1700 481 75 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Shorts 360/360-300PT6A-66 850 2000 456 70 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L PIAGGIO Avanti P-180PT6A-66A 850 2000 450 70 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Ibis Aerospace Ae 270 HPPT6A-67 1200 1700 506 74 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Pilatus Turbo Porter PC-6, Raytheon Beech RC-12KPT6A-67A 1200 1700 506 74 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Raytheon Beech StarshipPT6A-67AF 1424 1700 520 76 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Conair Aviation - S2 Turbo-FirecatPT6A-67AG 1350 1700 520 76 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Air Tractor AT 802/802A/802AF/802FPT6A-67B 1200 1700 515 76 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Pilatus PC-12PT6A-67D 1271 1700 515 74 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Raytheon Beech 1900DPT6A-67R 1424 1700 515 76 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Basler Turbo BT-67, Greenwich Aircraft DC-3,

Shorts 360/360-300PT6A-68 1250 2000 572 72 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Raytheon T-6A Texan II

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Directory of major commercial aircraft turboprops (cont...)Manufacturer Designation Max Max Dry Length Comp Turb Aircraft

Mech SHP Shaft RPM Weight (lb) (in) stages stages applications

PT6A-68B/68C 1600 2000 572 72 4 axial, 1 cent 1H, 2L Pilatus PC-21PW118 1800 1300 861 81 2 cent 1H, 1L Embraer EMB120PW118A 1800 1300 866 81 2 cent 1H, 1L Embraer EMB120PW118B 1800 1300 866 81 2 cent 1H, 1L Embraer EMB120PW119B 2180 1300 916 81 2 cent 1H, 1L Fairchild Dornier 328-110/120PW119C 2180 1300 916 81 2 cent 1H, 1L Fairchild Dornier 328-110/120PW120 2000 1200 921 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR42-300/320PW120A 2000 1200 933 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR42-400/500,

Bombardier Aerospace Q100PW121 2150 1200 936 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR42-300/320,

Bombardier Aerospace Q100PW121A 2200 1200 957 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR42-400/500PW123 2380 1200 992 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Bombardier Aerospace Q300PW123AF 2380 1200 992 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Canadair CL-215T/CL-415PW123B 2500 1200 992 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Bombardier Aerospace Q300PW123C 2150 1200 992 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Bombardier Aerospace Q200PW123D 2150 1200 992 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Bombardier Aerospace Q200PW123E 2380 1200 992 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Bombardier Aerospace Q300PW124B 2500 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-200PW125B 2500 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Fokker 50/High PerformancePW126A 2662 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Jetstream Aircraft ATPPW127 2750 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-210/500PW127B 2750 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Fokker 50/High Performance, Fokker 60 UtilityPW127C 2750 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L XIAN Y7-200A, Ilyushin Il-114, Socata HALEPW127E 2400 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR42-400/500PW127F 2750 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-210APW127G 2920 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L CASA C295PW127H 2750 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L Ilyushin IL-114-100PW127J 2880 1200 1060 84 2 cent 1H, 1L XIAN Aircraft Co. MA-60PW150A 5071 1020 1521 95 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L Bombardier Aerospace Q400PW150B 5071 1020 1521 95 3 axial, 1 cent 1H, 1L AVIC II Y8F600

Rolls-Royce Dart RDa7 Mk536 2280 1257 98 2 cent 3 Fokker F-27Dart RDa7 Mk529 2250 1257 98 2cent 3 Gulfsteam 1Dart RDa10 Mk542 3060 1397 99 2 cent 3 Convair 660, YS 11Dart Mk552 2465 1303 98 2 cent 3 Super HS 748-2B, F27Tyne Rty 20 Mk 515 5730 2275 109 6L, 9H 1H, 3L CL44Tyne Rty 20 Mk 21/22 6,100 2394 115 6L, 9H 1H, 3L Transall C.160Tyne Rty 20 Mk 801 4860 6L, 9H 1H, 3L

Rolls-Royce USA 250-B17 420 50,970 195 45 6 axial, 1 cent Nomad(Allison) 250-B17B, B17C/D 420 50970 198 45 6 axial, 1 cent Nomad, Turbine Islander, Turbostar, Viator, Fuji T-5,

SF260TP, AS 202/32TP, Redi Go, Siai Marchetti, Turbo Pillan250-B17F, B17F/1, B17F/2 450 50970 205 45 6 axial, 1 cent Beech 36, Cessna P210, Nomad, Canguro, Redi Go,

SF260TP, Ruschmeyer 90-420AT, Turbine Trilander, Defender 4000, Fuji T7, Grob G140, Beechcraft A36

AE2100A 4152 15,375 1578 116 14 axial 2H, 2L Saab 2000AE2100C 3600 15375 1578 116 14 axial 2H, 2L N-250-100AE2100D 4591 14268 1655 116 14 axial 2H, 2L LMATTS C-27J, Lockheed C-130J, Lockheed L-100FAE2100J 4591 14268 1655 116 14 axial 2H, 2L ShinMaywa501-D22 4050 13820 1835 146 14 axial 2H, 2L L-100501-D22A/C/G 4910 13820 1890 147 14 axial 2H, 2L Convair 580A, L100-20/-30

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CFM CFM56-2-C1 22,000 86 6 95.7 68.3 4,635 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L DC-8-71, -72, -73CFM56-2A-2/3 24,000 90/95 5.9 95.7 68.3 4,820 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L E-3, E6, E-8B

KE-3CFM56-2B-1 22,000 90 6 95.7 68.3 4,671 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L KC-135R

C-135FRCFM56-3-B1 20,000 86 5 93 60 4,276 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-300, -500CFM56-3B-2 22,000 86 4.9 93 60 4,301 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-300, -400CFM56-3C-1 23,500 86 5 93 60 4,301 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-300, -400, -500CFM56-5-A1 25,000 86 6 95.4 68.3 4,995 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L A320CFM56-5A3 26,500 86 6 95.4 68.3 4,995 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L A320CFM56-5A4 22,000 86 6 95.4 68.3 4,995 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L A319CFM56-5A5 23,500 86 6 95.4 68.3 4,995 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L A319CFM56-5B1 30,000 86 5.5 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A321CFM56-5B2 31,000 86 5.5 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A321CFM56-5B3 33,000 86 5.4 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A321CFM56-5B4 27,000 86 5.7 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A320CFM56-5B5 22,000 86 6 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A319CFM56-5B6 23,500 86 5.9 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A319CFM56-5B7 27,000 86 5.9 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A319, A319CJCFM56-5B8 21,600 86 6 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A318CFM56-5B9 23,300 113 6 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A318CFM56-5C2 31,200 86 6.6 103 72.3 8,740 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 5L A340-200, -300CFM56-5C3 32,500 86 6.5 103 72.3 8,740 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 5L A340-200, -300CFM56-5C4 34,000 86 6.4 103 72.3 8,740 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 5L A340CFM56-5B1/3 30,000 86 5.5 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A321CFM56-5B2/3 31,000 86 5.5 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A321CFM56-5B3/3 33,000 86 5.4 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A321CFM56-5B4/3 27,000 86 5.7 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A320CFM56-5B5/3 22,000 86 6.0 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A319CFM56-5B6/3 23,500 86 5.9 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A319CFM56-5B7/3 27,000 86 5.9 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A319, A319CJCFM56-5B8/3 21,600 86 6.0 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A318CFM56-5B9/3 23,300 113 6.0 102.4 68.3 5,250 1F + 4L, 9H 1H, 4L A318CFM56-7B18 19,500 86 5.5 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-600CFM56-7B20 20,600 86 5.4 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-600, -700CFM56-7B22 22,700 86 5.3 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-600, -700CFM56-7B24 24,200 86 5.3 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-700, -800, -900CFM56-7B26 26,300 86 5.1 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-800, -900CFM56-7B27 27,300 86 5.1 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-800, -900CFM56-7B20/3 20,600 86 5.4 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-600, -700CFM56-7B22/3 22,700 86 5.3 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-600, -700CFM56-7B24/3 24,200 86 5.3 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-700, -800, -900CFM56-7B26/3 26,300 86 5.1 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-800, -900CFM56-7B27/3 27,300 86 5.1 103.5 61 5,257 1F + 3L, 9H 1H, 4L B737-800, -900

General Electric CJ610-5-6 2,950 59 40.5 17.6 403 8 2 Learjet 24D, 25B, 25C,Westwind 1121

CJ610-8-9 3,100 59 40.5 17.6 411 8 2 Westwind 1123CJ610-8A 2,950 59 40.5 17.6 411 8 2 Learjet Century IIICF700-2D2 4,500 59 75.6 33.1 767 8 2 Falcon 20, Rockwell Sabre 75ACF34-1A 8,650 59 6.2 103 49 1,625 1F, 14H 2H, 4L Challenger 601CF34-3A 9,220 70 6.2 103 49 1,625 1F, 14H 2H, 4L Challenger 601CF34-3A1 9,220 70 6.2 103 49 1,625 1F, 14H 2H, 4L Challenger 601

Canadair Regional JetCF34-3B 9,220 86 6.2 103 49 1,670 1F, 14H 2H, 4L Challenger 604CF34-3B1 9,220 86 6.2 103 49 1,670 1F, 14H 2H, 4L Canadair Regional JetCF34-8C1 13,790 86 4.9 128.5 52 2,350 1F, 10H 2H, 4L Canadair CRJ-700CF34-8C5 14,500 86 4.9 128.5 52 2,470 1F, 10H 2H, 4L Canadair CRJ-900CF34-8E 14,500 86 4.9 128.5 52 2,470 1F, 10H 2H, 4L Embraer ERJ-170/175CF34-10A 18,050 86 5 90 53 3,800 3L,9H 1H, 4L ACAC ARJ21CF34-10E 18,500 86 5 90 53 3,800 3L, 9H 1H, 4L ERJ-190/195CF6-6D 40,000 88 5.72 188 86.4 8,176 1F + 1L, 16H 2H, 5L DC-10-10CF6-6D1A 41,500 84 5.76 188 86.4 8,966 1F + 1L, 16H 2H, 5L DC-10-10

Manufacturer Designation Takeoff Flat rate Bypass Length Fan tip Basic Comp Turb Aircraft thrust (lb) temp (oF) ratio (in) dia (in) weight(lb) stages stages applications

Directory of major commercial aircraft turbofans

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CF6-45A2 46,500 97 4.64 183 86.4 8,768 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L B747-100B SRB747SP

CF6-50C 51,000 86 4.26 183 86.4 8,966 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L DC-10-30A300-B2,-B4

CF6-50E 52,500 78 4.24 183 86.4 9,047 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L B747-200CF6-50C1 52,500 86 4.24 183 86.4 8,966 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L DC-10-30

A300-B2, -B4CF6-50E1 52,500 86 4.24 183 86.4 9,047 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L B747-200CF6-50C2 52,500 86 4.31 183 86.4 8,966 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L DC-10-30

A300-B2, -B4CF6-50C2R 51,500 86 4.31 183 86.4 8,966 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L DC-10-30CF6-50E2 52,500 86 4.31 183 86.4 9,047 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L B747-200CF6-50C2B 54,000 79 4.25 183 86.4 8,966 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L DC-10-30CF6-50C2R 51,000 79 4.25 183 86.4 8,966 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L DC-10-30CF6-50E2B 54,000 86 4.24 183 86.4 9,047 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L B747-200CF6-80A 48,000 92 4.66 166.9 86.4 8,760 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L B767-200CF6-80A1 48,000 92 4.66 166.9 86.4 8,760 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L A310-200CF6-80A2 50,000 92 4.59 166.9 86.4 8,760 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L B767CF6-80A3 50,000 92 4.59 166.9 86.4 8,760 1F + 3L, 14H 2H, 4L A310-200CF6-80C2-A1 59,000 86 5.15 168.4 93 9,480 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A300-600CF6-80C2-A2 53,500 111 5.31 168.2 93 9,480 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A310-200/ -300CF6-80C2-A3 60,200 86 5.09 168.3 93 9,480 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A300-600

A310-300CF6-80C2-A5 61,300 86 5.05 168.3 93 9,480 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A300-600CF6-80C2-A5F 61,300 86 5.05 168.3 93 9,860 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A300-600CF6-80C2-A8 59,000 95 5.09 168.3 93 9,480 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A310-300CF6-80C2-B1 56,700 86 5.19 168.3 93 9,670 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L B747-200, -300CF6-80C2-B1F 58,000 90 5.19 168.3 93 9,790 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L 747-400CF6-80C2-B2 52,500 90 5.31 168.3 93 9,670 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L B767-200/-ER/-300CF6-80C2-B2F 52,700 86 5.31 168.3 93 9,790 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L B767-300ERCF6-80C2-B4 58,100 90 5.14 168.3 93 9,790 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L B767-200ER/-300ERCF6-80C2-B4F 58,100 77 5.14 168.3 93 9,790 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L B767-300ERCF6-80C2-B5F 60,800 77 5.14 168.3 93 9,790 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L B767-300ERCF6-80C2-B6 60,800 86 5.06 168.3 93 9,670 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L B767-300ERCF6-80C2-B8F 60,800 86 5.06 168.3 93 9,790 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L B767-300ERCF6-80C2-D1F 51,250 86 5.03 168.3 93 9,790 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L C-5MCF6-80E1-A2 65,800 86 5.1 173.5 96.2 11,225 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A330CF6-80E1-A3 69,800 86 5.1 173.5 96.2 10,627 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A330-200CF6-80E1-A4 68,100 86 5 168.4 96.2 9,790 1F + 4L, 14H 2H, 5L A330-200GE90-76B 76,000 86 8.7 287 123 16,644 1F + 3L, 10H 2H, 6L B777-200GE90-77B 77,000 86 8.7 287 123 16,644 1F + 3L, 10H 2H, 6L B777-200GE90-85B 84,700 86 8.7 287 123 16,644 1F + 3L, 10H 2H, 6L B777-200GE90-90B 90,000 86 8.7 287 123 16,644 1F + 3L, 10H 2H, 6L B777-200/-200ER/-300GE90-94B 93,700 86 8.7 287 123 16,644 1F + 3L, 10H 2H, 6L B777-200ER/-300GE90-110B1 110,100 92 7.2 287 128.2 18,260 1F + 3L, 9H 2H, 6L B777-200LRGE90-115B 115,300 86 7.2 287 128.2 18,260 1F + 3L, 9H 2H, 6L B777-300ERGEnx-1B54 53,200 86 9 184.7 111.1 18,822 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 7L B787-3GEnx-1B64 63,800 86 8.8 184.7 111.1 18,822 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 7L B787-8GEnx-2B67 66,500 86 7.4 169.7 104.2 18,822 1F + 3L, 10H 2H, 7L B747-8GEnx-1B70 69,800 86 8.6 184.7 111.1 18,822 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 7L B787-9

GE-P&W Alliance GP7270 70,000 86 8.7 187 116 12,906 1F + 5L, 9H 2H, 6L A380GP7277 77,000 86 8.7 187 116 12,906 1F + 5L, 9H 2H, 6L A380

Honeywell AS907 6,500 85 4.2 92.4 46.3 1364 1F + 4L, 1CF 2H, 3L Continental JetAS977-1A 7,092 85 4.2 92.4 49.9 1,364 1F + 4L, 1CF 2H, 3L Avro RJX and BAe 146 ALF502L 7,500 59 5 56.8 41.7 1,311 1F + 1L,7H + 1CF 2H, 2L Canadair 600 Challenger ALF502R-3A/5 6,970 71 5.6 58.6 41.7 1,336 1F + 1L, 7H + 1CF 2H, 2L BAe 146ALF502R-6 7,500 71 5.6 58.6 41.7 1,375 1F + 1L, 7H + 1CF 2H, 2L BAe 146LF507-1F 7,000 74 5 58.6 41.7 1,385 1F + 2L,7H + 1CF 2H, 2L Avro RJLF507-1H 7,000 74 5 58.6 41.7 1,385 1F + 2L,7H + 1CF 2H, 2L BAe 146TFE731-2 3,500 72 2.5 49.7 28.2 743 1F + 4L,1H 1H, 3L Dassault Falcon 10

CASA C101Learjet 31/35AT-3, IA-63

TFE731-2A/B/J/L/N 3,600 73.4 2.56 49.7 28.2 750 1F + 4L, 1CF 1H, 3L K-8

Manufacturer Designation Takeoff Flat rate Bypass Length Fan tip Basic Comp Turb Aircraft thrust (lb) temp (oF) ratio (in) dia (in) weight(lb) stages stages applications

Directory of major commercial aircraft turbofans (cont...)

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141The Engine Yearbook 2011

Manufacturer Designation Takeoff Flat rate Bypass Length Fan tip Basic Comp Turb Aircraft thrust (lb) temp (oF) ratio (in) dia (in) weight(lb) stages stages applications

Directory of major commercial aircraft turbofans (cont...)

TFE731-3 3,700 76 2.67 49.7 28.2 742 1F + 4L, 1CF 1H, 3L 731 Jetstar, Jetstar IICASA 101Dassault Falcon 50Hawker 400/700WestwindSabreliner 65

TFE731-3A 3,700 76 2.66 49.7 28.2 766 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Learjet 55Astra

TFE731-3B 3,650 70 2.65 49.7 28.2 760 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Citation III, VITFE731-3C 3,650 70 2.65 49.7 28.2 777 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Citation III, VITFE731-4 4,060 76 2.4 58.15 28.2 822 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Citation V11TFE731-5 4,304 73.4 3.33 54.7 29.7 852 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Hawker 800

CASA C101TFE731-5A 4,500 73.4 3.15 67.8 29.7 884 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Dassault Falcon 900

Dassault Falcon 20-5TFE731-5B 4,750 77 3.2 67.8 29.7 899 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Dassault Falcon 900B

Dassault Falcon 20-5Hawker 800XP

TFE731-20 3,500 93 3.1 59.65 34.2 895 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Learjet 45TFE731-40 4,250 77 2.9 51 28.2 895 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Falcon 50EX

Astra SPXTFE731-60 5,000 89.6 3.9 72 30.7 988 1F + 4L, 1H 1H, 3L Falcon 900EX

IAE V2500-A1 25,000 86 5.4 126 63 5,210 1F + 3L, 10H 2H, 5L A320, ACJV2522-A5 23,000 131 4.9 126 63.5 5,210 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 5L A319V2524-A5 24,500 131 4.9 126 63.5 5,210 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 5L A319V2525-D5 25,600 86 4.9 126 63.5 5,610 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 5L MD-90V2527-A5 26,600 115 4.8 126 63.5 5,210 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 5L A320V2528-D5 28,600 86 4.7 126 63.5 5,610 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 5L MD-90V2530-A5 30,400 86 4.6 126 63.5 5,210 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 5L A321-100V2533-A5 32,000 86 4.5 126 63.5 5,210 1F + 4L, 10H 2H, 5L A321-200

PowerJet SaM146 13,750 TBA 4.43 81.49 48.2 TBA 3L, 6H 1H, 3L Superjet 100-75BSaM146 15,650 TBA 4.43 81.49 48.2 TBA 3L, 6H 1H, 3L Superjet 100-75LR/-95

Pratt & Whitney JT3C-6 11,200 dry ? ? 138.6 38.8 4,234 9L, 7H 1H, 2L B707-120DC-8-10

JT3C-7 12,000 dry ? ? 136.8 38.8 3,495 9L, 7H 1H, 2L B720JT3C-12 13,000 dry ? ? 136.8 38.8 3,550 9L, 7H 1H, 2L B720JT3D-1, -1A 17,000 dry ? 1.4 136.3 53.1 4,145 2F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L B720B


JT3D-1 & -1A -MC6 17,000 dry ? 1.4 145.5 53.1 4,540 2F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L B707-120BJT3D-1 & -1A-MC7 17,000 dry ? 1.4 145.5 53 4,165 2F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L B720BJT3D-3B, -3C 18,000 dry 84 1.4 136.6 53.1 4,340 2F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L DC-8-50,-61,-61F,-62,-63

B707-120B, -320B, -CB720B, VC-137C

JT3D-7, -7A 19,000 dry 84 1.4 136.6 53.1 4,340 2F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L B707-320B, C , FDC-8-63, -63F

JT4A-3, -5 15,800 N/K N/A 144.1 43 5,020/4,815 8L, 7H 1H, 2L B707-320DC-8-20

JT4A-9, -10 16,800 N/K N/A 144.1 43 5,050/4,845 8L, 7H 1H, 2L B707-320DC-8-20

JT4A-11, -12 17,500 N/K N/A 144.1 43 5,100/4,895 8L, 7H 1H, 2L B707-320DC-8-20, -30

JT8D-1, -1A, -1B 14,000 N/K 1.1 123.5 42.5 3,155 2F + 4L, 7H 1H, 3L B727-100, -100CDC-9-10, -20, -30Caravelle 10B, 10R

JT8D-7, -7A, -7B 14,000 84 1.1 123.5 42.5 3,205 2F + 4L, 7H 1H, 3L Caravelle 10B, 10R, 11RDC-9-10/-30B727, B737

JT8D-9, -9A 14,500 84 1.04 123.5 42.5 3,377 2F + 4L, 7H 1H, 3L Caravelle 12B727-200B737-200

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Manufacturer Designation Takeoff Flat rate Bypass Length Fan tip Basic Comp Turb Aircraft thrust (lb) temp (oF) ratio (in) dia (in) weight(lb) stages stages applications

Directory of major commercial aircraft turbofans (cont...)

DC-9-20, -30, -40T-43A, C-9A, C-9B, VC-9C

JT8D-11 15,000 84 1.05 123.5 42.5 3,389 2F + 4L, 7H 1H, 3L DC-9-20/-30/-40JT8D-15, -15A 15,500 84 1.03/1.04 123.5 42.5 3,414/3,474 2F + 4L, 7H 1H, 3L B727-200

B737-200DC-9-30,-40, -50Mercure

JT8D-17, -17A 16,000 84 1.01/1.02 123.5 42.5 3,430/3,475 2F + 4L, 7H 1H, 3L B727-200DC-9-30, -50B737-200

JT8D-17R 17,400 77 1 123.5 42.5 3,495 2F + 4L, 7H 1H, 3L B727-200JT8D-17AR 16,400 77 1 123.5 42.5 3,600 2F + 4L, 7H 1H, 3L B727-200JT8D-209 18,500 77 1.78 154.2 49.2 4,435 1F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L MD-81JT8D-217 20,850 77 1.73 154.2 49.2 4,470 1F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L MD-82JT8D-217A 20,850 84 1.73 154.2 49.2 4,470 1F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L MD-82, MD-87JT8D-217C 20,850 84 1.81 154.2 49.2 4,515 1F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L MD-82, -83, -87, -88JT8D-219 21,700 84 1.77 154.2 49.2 4,515 1F + 6L, 7H 1H, 3L MD-82, -83, -87, -88JT9D-3A 43,600 dry 80 5.2 154.2 95.6 8,608 1F + 3L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-100JT9D-7 45,600 dry 80 5.2 154.2 95.6 8,850 1F + 3L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-100/-200B, C, F

B747 SRJT9D-7A 46,250 dry 80 5.1 154.2 95.6 8,850 1F + 3L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-100/-200B, C, F

B747 SR, SPJT9D-7F 48,000 dry 80 5.1 154.2 95.6 8,850 1F + 3L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-200B, C, F,

B747 SR, SPJT9D-7J 50,000 dry 80 5.1 154.2 95.6 8,850 1F + 3L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-100, -200B, C, F,

B747 SR, SP

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143The Engine Yearbook 2011

Manufacturer Designation Takeoff Flat rate Bypass Length Fan tip Basic Comp Turb Aircraft thrust (lb) temp (oF) ratio (in) dia (in) weight(lb) stages stages applications

Directory of major commercial aircraft turbofans (cont...)

JT9D-20 46,300 dry 84 5.2 154.2 95.6 8,450 1F + 3L, 11H 2H, 4L DC-10-40JT9D-59A 53,000 86 4.9 154.2 97 9,140 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-200

A300-B4-100/-200JT9D-70A 53,000 86 4.9 154.2 97 9,155 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-200JT9D-7Q, -7Q3 53,000 86 4.9 154.2 97 9,295 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-200B, C, FJT9D-7R4E, E1 50,000 86 5 153.6 97 8,905 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B767-200, -200ER, -300

A310-200,-300JT9D-7R4E4, E3 50,000 86 4.8 153.6 97 9,140 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B767-200ER,-300

A310-200, -300JT9D-7R4H1 56,000 86 4.8 153.6 97 8,885 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L A300-600PW2037 38,250 87 6 141.4 78.5 7,300 1F + 4L, 12H 2H, 5L B757-200PW2040 41,700 87 6 141.4 78.5 7,300 1F + 4L, 12H 2H, 5L B757-200, -200FPW2043 43,000 87 6 141.4 78.5 7,300 1F + 4L, 12H 2H, 5L B757-200, -300PW4050 50,000 92 5 153.6 97 9,213 1F + 4L, 12H 2H, 5L B767-200, -200ERPW4052 52,200 92 5 132.7 94 9,213 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B767-200, -200ER, -300PW4056 56,000 92 4.9 132.7 94 9,213 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B767-200, -200ER, -300PW4056 56,750 92 4.9 132.7 94 9,213 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-400PW4060 60,000 92 4.8 132.7 94 9,332 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B767-300, -300ERPW4062 62,000 86 4.8 132.7 94 9,400 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B767-300PW4062 62,000 86 4.8 132.7 94 9,400 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L B747-400PW4074 74,000 86 6.4 191.7 112 14,995 1F + 6L, 11H 2H, 7L B777-200PW4077 78,040 86 6.4 191.7 112 14,995 1F + 6L, 11H 2H, 7L B777-200PW4084 84,600 86 6.4 191.7 112 14,995 1F + 6L, 11H 2H, 7L B777-200PW4090 91,790 86 6.4 191.6 112 15,741 1F + 6L, 11H 2H, 7L B777-200, -300PW4098 98,000 86 6.4 194.7 112 16,170 1F + 7L, 11H 2H, 7L B777-300PW4152 52,000 108 5 132.7 94 9,332 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L A310-300PW4156 56,000 92 4.9 132.7 94 9,332 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L A300-600, A310-300PW4158 58,000 86 4.8 132.7 94 9,332 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L A300-600, -600RPW4164 64,000 86 5.1 163.1 100 11,700 1F + 5L, 11H 2H, 5L A330PW4168 68,000 86 5.1 163.1 100 11,700 1F + 5L, 11H 2H, 5L A330PW4460 60,000 86 4.8 132.7 94 9,332 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L MD-11PW4462 62,000 86 4.8 132.7 94 9,400 1F + 4L, 11H 2H, 4L MD-11PW6122A 22,100 86 4.8 108 56.6 4,840 1F + 4L, 5H 1H, 3L A318 PW6124A 23,800 86 5 108 56.6 4,840 1F + 4L, 5H 1H, 3L A318

P & W Canada JT15D-1, -1A, -1B 2,200 59 3.3 56.6 27.3 514/519 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L Cessna Citation 1JT15D-4 2,500 59 2.6 60.4 20.8 557 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L A»rospatiale Corvette

Cessna Citation IIMitsubishi Diamond 1

JT15D-4C 2,500 59 2.6 60.4 20.8 575 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L Agusta S211JT15D-5 2,900 80 2 60.4 20.5 632 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L Beechjet 400A

Cessna T-47AJT15D-5A 2,900 80 2 60.4 27 632 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L Cessna Citation VJT15D-5B 2,900 80 2 60.4 27 643 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L Beech T-1A JayhawkJT15D-5C 3,190 59 2 60.4 27 665 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L Agusta S211AJT15D-5D 3,045 80 2 60.6 27 627 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L Cessna Citation V UltraJT15D-5F 2,900 80 2 60.4 27 635 1F + 1CF 1H, 2L Raytheon Beech PW305A 4,679 93 4.3 81.5 30.7 993 1F, 4H + 1CF 2H, 3L Learjet Model 60PW305B 5,266 74.3 4.3 81.5 30.7 993 1F, 4H + 1CF 2H, 3L Raytheon Hawker 1000PW306A 6,040 89 4.5 75.6 31.7 1,043 1F, 4H + 1CF 2H, 3L Gulfstream G-200PW306B 6,050 95 4.5 75.6 31.7 1,062 1F, 4H + 1CF 2H, 3L Fairchild 328JETPW306C 5,770 91.4 4.3 75.726 31.7 1,150 1F, 4H + 1CF 2H, 3L Cessna Citation SovereignPW307A 6,405 92.1 4.31 86.02 32.7 1,242 1F, 4H + 1CF 2H, 3L Falcon 7XPW308A 6,904 98.6 4 84.2 33.2 1,365 1F, 4H + 1CF 2H, 3L Raytheon Hawker HorizonPW308C 7,002 100.4 4 84.2 33.2 1,375 1F, 4H + 1CF 2H, 3L Dassault Falcon 2000EXPW530A 2,887 73 3.2 60 27.6 616 1F, 2H + 1CF 1H, 2L Cessna Citation BravoPW535A 3,400 81 3.7 64.8 29 697 1F + 1L, 2H + 1CF 1H, 3L Cessna Encore UltraPW545A 3,804 83 4 75.7 32 815 1F + 1L, 2H + 1CF 1H, 3L Cessna Citation ExcelPW610F-A 950 97 1.83 45.4 14.5 259.3 1F, 1H + 1C 1H, 1L Eclipse Aviation E500PW615F-A 1,390 77 2.8 49.5 16.03 310 1F, 1H + 1C 1H, 1L Citation MustangPW617F-E 1,780 68 2.7 52.6 17.7 366 1F, 1H + 1C 1H, 1L Embraer Phenom 100PW800 10,000 to 20,000 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA

Rolls-Royce AE3007A 7,580 86 5.3 106.5 38.5 1,608 1L , 14H 2H, 3L Embraer EMB-135/145A3007C 6,495 86 5.3 106.5 38.5 1,586 1L, 14H 2H, 3L Citation X

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144 The Engine Yearbook 2011

Manufacturer Designation Takeoff Flat rate Bypass Length Fan tip Basic Comp Turb Aircraft thrust (lb) temp (oF) ratio (in) dia (in) weight(lb) stages stages applications

Directory of major commercial aircraft turbofans (cont...)

BR710-A1-10 14,750 86 4.2 134 51.6 3,520 1L, 10H 2H, 2L Gulfstream VBR710-A2-20 14,750 86 4.2 134 51.6 3,600 1L, 10H 2H, 2L Global ExpressBR710-C4-11 15,385 86 4.2 134 51.6 3,520 1L, 10H 2H, 2L Gulfstream V-SPBR715-58 22,000 50 4.4 142 62.2 4,660 1 + 2L, 10H 2H, 3L B717RB211-22B 42,000 84 4.8 119.4 84.8 9,195 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L L-1011-1, -100RB211-524B & B2 50,000 84 4.5 119.4 84.8 9,814 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L L-1011-200/-500

B747-200/SPRB211-524B4D/ 50,000 84 4.4 122.3 85.8 9,814 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L L-1011-250/500B4 improvedRB211-524C2 51,500 84 4.5 119.4 84.8 9,859 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B747-200/SPRB211-524D4 53,000 86 4.4 122.3 85.8 9,874 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B747-200/SPRB211-524D4 53,000 86 4.4 122.3 85.8 9,874 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B747-200/-300upgradeRB211-524G 58,000 86 4.3 125 86.3 9,670 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B747-400/B767-300RB211-524H 60,600 86 4.1 125 86.3 9,670 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B747-400/B767-300RB211-524G-T 58,000 86 4.3 125 86.3 9,470 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B747-400RB211-524H-T 60,600 86 4.1 125 86.3 9,470 1L, 7I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B747-400/B767-300RB211-535C 37,400 84 4.4 118.5 73.2 7,294 1L, 6I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B757-200RB211-535E4 40,100 84 4.3 117.9 74.1 7,264 1L, 6I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B757-200/-300RB211-535E4B 43,100 84 4.3 117.9 74.1 7,264 1L, 6I, 6H 1H, 1I, 3L B757-200/-300, Tu 204Spey 511-8 11,400 74 0.64 109.6 32.5 2,483 5L, 12H 2H, 2L Gulfstream GI, II, IIISpey 512-5W/-14DW 12,550 (wet) 77 0.71 109.6 32.5 2,609 5L, 12H 2H, 2L Trident 2E/3B

BAC 1-11-475, -500Tay 611 13,850 86 3.04 94.7 44 2,951 1 + 3L, 12H 2H, 3L Gulfstream IVTay 620 13,850 86 3.04 94.7 44 3,185 1 + 3L, 12H 2H, 3L F100, F70Tay 650 15,100 86 3.06 94.7 45 3,340 1 + 3L, 12H 2H, 3L F100Tay 651 15,400 82.4 3.07 94.7 45 3,380 1 + 3L, 12H 2H, 3L B727Trent 553 53,000 86 7.7 154 97.4 10,400 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L A340-500Trent 556 56,000 86 7.6 154 97.4 10,400 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L A340-600Trent 768 67,500 86 5.1 154 97.4 10,550 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 4L A330-300Trent 772 71,100 86 5 154 97.4 10,550 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 4L A330-300Trent 772B 71,100 100 5 154 97.4 10,500 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 4L A330-200, -300, FreighterTrent 875 74,600 86 6.2 172 110 13,100 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L B777-200Trent 877 77,200 86 6.1 172 110 13,100 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L B777-200, -200ERTrent 884 84,950 86 5.9 172 110 13,100 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L B777-200/-200ER/-300Trent 892 91,600 86 5.8 172 110 13,100 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L B777-200ER/-300Trent 892B 91,600 86 5.8 172 110 13,100 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L B777-200ER/-300Trent 895 95,000 77 5.8 172 110 13,100 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L B777-200ER/-300Trent 970 70,000 86 8.7 179 116 14,190 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L A380-800Trent 972 72,000 86 8.6 179 116 14,190 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L A380-800Trent 977 76,500 86 8.5 179 116 14,190 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 5L A380-FTrent 1000-A 63,800 86 11 160 112 11,924 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 6L B787-8Trent 1000-C 69,800 86 11 160 112 11,924 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 6L B787-8, -9Trent 1000-D 69,800 95 11 160 112 11,924 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 6L B787-8, -9Trent 1000-E 53,200 86 11 160 112 11,924 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 6L B787-3, -8Trent 1000-G 67,000 86 11 160 112 11,924 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 6L B787-8, -9Trent 1000-H 58,000 86 11 160 112 11,924 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 6L B787-3, -8Trent 1000-J 73,800 86 11 160 112 11,924 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 6L B787-9Trent 1000-K 73,800 91 11 160 112 11,924 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 1I, 6L B787-9Trent XWB-74 74,000 TBA TBA TBA 118 TBA 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 2I, 6L A350-800 XWBTrent XWB-83 83,000 TBA TBA TBA 118 TBA 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 2I, 6L A350-900 XWBTrent XWB-92 92,000 TBA TBA TBA 118 TBA 1L, 8I, 6H 1H, 2I, 6L A350-1000 XWB

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