engage jan 2010

ENGAGE. Remember the moment you stepped into your first college class? You may have been excited, even a bit nervous. Now imagine your surprise if, when entering that classroom for the first time, you found a 22 year-old graduate student as your teacher. Unlike a lot of other universities, CSU doesn’t ask its graduate assistants to teach. Rather grad assistants on campus work side-by-side with faculty and staff to fill vital roles in the opera- tions of the university and the colleges within. In return, CSU pays for some of their tuition and rewards them with a monetary stipend. Kathy Ungvarsky loves every minute of her grad assistantship in CSU’s Office of Admissions. Although she’s chasing her Master’s Degree in Business Administration (with a concentration in Accounting), she enjoys learning about how a university recruits and markets itself to potential students. Plus - she likes working in Admissions because it’s fun, she enjoys the staff and other students that she works with and REALLY likes talking about being a CSU student. A resident of Parma, Kathy works as a grad assistant three days a week and her duties consist of everything from event planning and logistics to working at the front desk to answer calls and questions from prospective students to any other duty that may need to get accom- plished on any given day. When she’s not at work and not in class, she is usually hanging out with her fiancé and friends, working out at CSU’s Rec Center, babysitting her nephews, catching a quick flick or hitting the malls to fulfill her self-proclaimed shopping addiction. Kathy was recently chosen over 5 other candidates from universities across the country to work in the accounting division at Cleve- land’s own KeyBank – one of the largest banks in the country. The job offer came as a result of posting her resume on the CSU’s Career Services website, an on-campus interview and several more interviews. She’ll start her sweet new gig in June after graduation. Her days in class and working on campus will soon be over but the fun she’s had and the memories she’s gained as a CSU undergrad honors student and grad student, and the life and work skills she’s acquiring as a GA, will surely last a long, long time. An occAsionAl look inside life @ csU spring 2010 • Week 2 True Life - I’m a CSU Grad Assistant FUN KATHY FACTS 1 Kathy just got engaged last fall 2 She does NOT own an MP3 player. WOW! 3 Her wheels? A 2007 Mazda 3 4 Her last meal would include a Bud Light 5 Taylor Swift lives in Kathy’s CD player 6 She hearts the Cheesecake Factory… but doesn’t eat cheesecake CSU Chill Fest JANUARY 18-29, 2010 www.csuohio.edu/chillfest ENGAGE. An occAsionAl look inside life @ csU spring 2010 • Week 2 THURSDAY, JAN. 21 UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION WAETJEN AUDITORIUM NOON Join President Berkman at the Convocation Ceremony followed by a reception, photo exhibition and musical tribute that celebrates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. FRIDAY, JAN. 22 COMEDIAN HOWARD MOORE MAIN CLASSROOM AUDITORIUM 6PM You won’t be chilly when you laugh yourself silly at this comedy show. The first 100 people get a FREE giveaway. We’re not joking about that. SUNDAY, JAN. 24 MEN’S BASKETBALL VS. MILWAUKEE WOLSTEIN CENTER 2PM WOMEN VS. YOUNGSTOWN STATE 4:30PM Warm up inside the Wolstein Center and cheer the Viking men and women on to two victories at this special doubleheader of hoops action. As always – admission for all students is absolutely, completely and 100% FREE! MONDAY, JAN. 25 FACULTY FRIENDS RECEPTION MAIN CLASSROOM ROOM 103 2PM Billed as “fun, fondue, faculty and friends,” we see it as a chance to form that special warm and fuzzy bond with one of your favorite professors. Besides, getting to know them may just earn you a few extra brownie points on that next test. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 27 STUDENT ORGANIZATION FAIR MAIN CLASSROOM ATRIUM 10AM – 3PM Don’t waste time! Get involved! Do it now! You’re crazy if you don’t! Act now! Go today! Okay don’t go today but do head over to the MC on the 27th to learn about CSU’s more than 160 student organizations. . CAVALIERS VS. MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES QUICKEN LOANS ARENA 7PM Check out the Guys Nite Out at the Cavs game. It includes a ticket to the game, an all-you-can-eat pre-game buffet with Cavalier Legends, a Cavaliers t-shirt and a 20 minute Q&A with one of the Cavaliers “beat writers.” THURSDAY, JAN. 28 CITY IS OUR CAMPUS MARKETPLACE MAIN CLASSROOM ATRIUM 10AM – 2PM Have you heard the City is Our Campus? Do you know what that means? See how you can use your Viking Card to get CHEAP and sometimes FREE access to a variety of fun venues and events in and around Cleveland. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10 LAKE ERIE MONSTERS VS. MILWAUKEE QUICKEN LOANS ARENA 7PM It’s hockey night in Cleveland and it’s the Monsters College ID Night! What does that mean? We don’t know but we’re guessing it involves discounted tickets and/or some free stuff?!? CSU to do list: DEVELOPED BY UNIVERSITY MARKETING ROB A. SPADEMAN ASSISTANT V.P. OF MARKETING [email protected] BEN SABOL, ’05 EDITOR/CHIEF WRITER [email protected] PATSY D. KLINE GRAPHIC DESIGN [email protected] WILLIAM RIETER, ’88 PHOTOGRAPHY [email protected] HAVE AN IDEA FOR THE NEXT ISSUE OF ENGAGE.? WANT TO COMMENT ON THIS ONE? INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CONTRIBUTOR/WRITER? SHOOT AN EMAIL TO [email protected] CSU IS AN AA/EO INSTITUTION / ©2010 UNIVERSITY MARKETING 10-00105 S T R I K E A P O S E ! S T R I K E A P O S E ! top model SEARCH CSU MARKETING’S MAIN CLASSROOM, ROOM 103 11:30-1:00 P.M. JAN. 28 The Marketing Department is looking for students to model for our new engaged learning campaign and other marketing programs. Want to become one of the new faces of CSU?

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Cleveland Sate Universtiy Student Newspaper


Page 1: ENGAGE Jan 2010

engage.Remember the moment you

stepped into your first college class? You may have been excited, even a bit nervous. Now imagine your surprise if, when entering that classroom for the first time, you found a 22 year-old graduate student as your teacher.

Unlike a lot of other universities,

CSU doesn’t ask its graduate assistants

to teach. Rather grad assistants on

campus work side-by-side with faculty

and staff to fill vital roles in the opera-

tions of the university and the colleges

within. In return, CSU pays for some of

their tuition and rewards them with a

monetary stipend.

Kathy Ungvarsky loves every minute

of her grad assistantship in CSU’s

Office of Admissions. Although she’s

chasing her Master’s Degree in Business

Administration (with a concentration in

Accounting), she enjoys learning about how a

university recruits and markets itself to potential

students. Plus - she likes working in Admissions

because it’s fun, she enjoys the staff and other

students that she works with and REALLY likes

talking about being a CSU student.

A resident of Parma, Kathy works as a grad

assistant three days a week and her duties

consist of everything from event planning and

logistics to working at the front desk to answer

calls and questions from prospective students

to any other duty that may need to get accom-

plished on any given day.

When she’s not at work and not in class,

she is usually hanging out with her fiancé

and friends, working out at CSU’s Rec Center,

babysitting her nephews, catching a quick flick

or hitting the malls to fulfill her self-proclaimed

shopping addiction.

Kathy was recently chosen over 5 other

candidates from universities across the country

to work in the accounting division at Cleve-

land’s own KeyBank – one of the largest banks

in the country. The job offer came as a result

of posting her resume on the CSU’s Career

Services website, an on-campus interview and

several more interviews. She’ll start her sweet

new gig in June after graduation.

Her days in class and working on campus

will soon be over but the fun she’s had and the

memories she’s gained as a CSU undergrad

honors student and grad student, and the life

and work skills she’s acquiring as a GA, will

surely last a long, long time.

An occAsionAl look inside life @ csU spring 2010 • Week 2

True Life - I’m a CSU Grad Assistant

FUn KAThy FACTS 1 Kathy just got engaged last fall 2 She does NOT own an MP3 player. WOW! 3 Her wheels? A 2007 Mazda 34 Her last meal would include a Bud Light 5 Taylor Swift lives in Kathy’s CD player6 She hearts the Cheesecake Factory… but doesn’t eat cheesecake

CSUChill Fest

January 18-29, 2010

www.csuohio.edu/chillfest enga


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Thursday, Jan. 21universiTy ConvoCaTionWaeTJen audiToriumnoonJoin President Berkman at the ConvocationCeremony followed by a reception, photo exhibition and musical tribute that celebrates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, Jan. 22Comedian hoWard mooremain Classroom audiTorium6pmYou won’t be chilly when you laugh yourself silly at this comedy show. The first 100 people get a FREE giveaway. We’re not joking about that.

sunday, Jan. 24men’s BaskeTBall vs. milWaukeeWolsTein CenTer2pm

Women vs. youngsToWn sTaTe4:30pmWarm up inside the Wolstein Center and cheer the Viking men and women on to two victories at this special doubleheader of hoops action. As always – admission for all students is absolutely, completely and 100% FREE!

monday, Jan. 25FaCulTy Friends reCepTionmain Classroom room 1032pmBilled as “fun, fondue, faculty and friends,” we see it as a chance to form that special warm and fuzzy bond with one of your favorite professors. Besides, getting to know them may just earn you a few extra brownie points on that next test.

Wednesday, Jan. 27sTudenT organizaTion Fairmain Classroom aTrium10am – 3pmDon’t waste time! Get involved! Do it now! You’re crazy if you don’t! Act now! Go today! Okay don’tgo today but do head over to the MC on the 27thto learn about CSU’s more than 160 studentorganizations. .

Cavaliers vs. minnesoTa TimBerWolvesQuiCken loans arena7pmCheck out the Guys Nite Out at the Cavs game. It includes a ticket to the game, an all-you-can-eat pre-game buffet with Cavalier Legends, a Cavaliers t-shirt and a 20 minute Q&A with one of the Cavaliers “beat writers.”

Thursday, Jan. 28CiTy is our Campus markeTplaCemain Classroom aTrium10am – 2pmHave you heard the City is Our Campus? Do you know what that means? See how you can use your Viking Card to get CHEAP and sometimes FREE access to a variety of fun venues and events in and around Cleveland.

Wednesday, FeB. 10lake erie monsTers vs. milWaukeeQuiCken loans arena7pmIt’s hockey night in Cleveland and it’s the Monsters College ID Night! What does that mean? We don’t know but we’re guessing it involves discounted tickets and/or some free stuff?!?

CSU to do list:

developed by university Marketing rob a. spadeManAssistANt V.P. of mARketiNg [email protected] sabol, ’05editoR/Chief WRiteR [email protected] d. kline gRAPhiC desigN [email protected] WilliaM rieter, ’88PhotogRAPhY [email protected] an idea for tHe next issue of engage.? Want to coMMent on tHis one? interested in becoMing a contributor/Writer? sHoot an eMail to [email protected]

csu is an aa/eo institution / ©2010 university Marketing 10-00105


top modelSEARCH

C S U M A R K E T I N G ’ S

MAIN CLASSROOM, ROOM 10311:30-1:00 P.M.

JAN. 28

The Marketing Department is looking for students to model for our new engaged learning campaign and other marketing programs.

Want to become one of thenew faces of CSU?

Page 2: ENGAGE Jan 2010

The New STudeNTCeNTer for dummieSCSU’S new StUdent Center lookS aweSome from the

oUtSide bUt we were CUrioUS aboUt what the inSide

will be like onCe it’S Complete. So we foUnd Some

info on the arChiteCt’S webSite gwathmey-Siegel.Com.

UnfortUnately it iS written in diffiCUlt to

UnderStand arChiteCt Speak So we’ve taken the

liberty of tranSlating it.

architect speak: Level one provides street level access to the atrium floor, bookstore, pub, and cyber lounge as well as to ramp circula-tion that leads to a redesigned outdoor plaza. TranslaTion: You can walk from the street right into the atrium, bookstore, bar and computer lounge, and to a ramp that leads to a new outdoor area where you can chill on warmer days.

architect speak: the second level contains the primary dining and food court areas as well as a conve-nience store and student senate office suite. it also provides direct access to the campus-wide interior walkway system. TranslaTion: Most of the food options will be on the second floor and the sGa offices will be there too. The inner link will also run through the second floor.

architect speak: On the third level are located a large, flexible conference center; prefunction spaces; and the student life administration and student office suite that includes interconnected lounge and conference rooms. there is also an outdoor terrace fronting euclid avenue.TranslaTion: There’s a big conference room on the third floor, a lounge and other places to hang out, and the student life office will also be here. Plus – there’s a balcony where you can down some grub and take in some downtown scenery out on Euclid ave.

Joe PiedmonteseniOrCreative Writing MajorSheffield village, oh

i really want my band to be a SUCCeSS bUt if not i’ll head to grad SChool to get a maSter’S degree with the hopeS that i Can work in a library Someday. i jUSt really like being aroUnd bookS.

Soundtrack of My Life

Home by edward SHarpe & THe magneTic ZeroS Aside from

Edward’s amazing whistling ability, this song is innocent and fun to listen to. It always puts a sm

ile on my fa


wake Up by THe arcade Fire First of all because it reminds m

e of “where the wild things are” and second of all because it’s just plain epic.


by FeiST Because it’s my driver’s seat karaoke song of choice :)

HoSpiTal bedS by THe cold war kidS I really enjoy Nathan Willett’s voice. It’s strong and kinda edgy. They have a neat style

of m


StePhanie JuhaSzseniOrCommunication Majorlorain, oh

i’d like to work in health CommUniCation. i like the hoSpital environment and the feeling that i Can make a differenCe in people’S liveS.

Brendan Whitt • freShman • cLeveLand

In My Satc hel

wiShing yoU had another poCket? hUnt down brendan and aSk him to throw Some of yoUr StUff in hiS SatChel.

he’S that gUy everybody knowS that’S alwayS holding other people’S StUff SinCe he’S never withoUt hiS trUSty book bag.

1Cell phoNe: i Send aboUt 2

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What SiteS on camPuS do ProSPective StudentS Seem to like moSt?

m: rec Center hands down.J: fenn tower is always a big hit.

Why did you Join vike creW?

m: i had experience giving campus tours from working in orientation and i thought joining vike Crew would be a good way to meet some new friends.J: i like to have fun and talk so i figured i might as well join the team and get paid to do what i do best!

Vike Crew Q & amike bodak, a senior urban planning major from mentor,

and Joe robiNSoN, a junior occupational therapy major from brookpark, have a unique talent. they can’t

swallow fire, keep it from snowing on campus in the spring or play a guitar with their teeth – but they can walk backwards and talk while

giving a CSU campus tour. this unique skill qualified them to become members of the vike Crew, a group of CSU students who give presentations to prospective

students and their parents and also conduct campus tours. we threw a few questions at them.

moSt embarraSSing moment?

m: without a doubt it had to be running into a pole and falling flat on my face in the main Classroom while giving a campus tour.

there’S a lot of rumor out there about a

Potential cSu football team So We figured

We Would helP clear uP Some rumorS With

our oWn verSion of fact or fiction.

The fooTball Team hasn’T losT a game since 1964.

fact. we haven’t played one and consequently haven’t been able to lose one.

csU coUld play iTs games in cleveland browns sTadiUm.

fiction. Come on, that’s just ridiculous.

The sTUdenTs will have a voice.

fact. Students will be voting online this spring on whether or not they would like to

have a team. keep your ears open for news regarding when this will be happening.

Cheryl Kemp is a CsU street teamer

and junior marketing major from Columbus,

oh who marches to the beat of her own

drum. if you see someone singing their heart

out to mushaboom while cruising down

euclid Avenue — chances are it’s her.





magnuScsU mascOtUndecided MajorCleveland, oh

i like what i’m doing now and Can’t really See mySelf doing anything elSe. people alwayS aSk whether i aSpire to go pro - perhapS to work for the minneSota vikingS of the nfl. not a ChanCe.


hen I grow up . . .…

in Addition to Wishing thAt he WAs the most fAmoUs neW York YAnkee plAYer to dAte mArilYn monroe,

Joe serves As the president of csU’s chApter of tAU BetA pi – the nAtionAl engineering honor societY –

And Also Works for the groUnds depArtment on cAmpUs.


e bodak

