electronics ii lab manual 4

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  • 7/25/2019 Electronics II Lab Manual 4


    EECE 322 Lab 4: MOSFET Amplifiers

    Page 1 of 5

    Laboratory oals

    This project will show the biasing, gain, frequency response, and impedance properties ofthe MOSFET common source and common drain amplifiers.


    Student Reference Manual for Electronic Instrumentation Laboratoriesby Stanley olf

    and !ichard Smith, "opyright #$$%.

    Oscilloscope &ser's (uide )"opies of this reference boo* are a+ailable in the lab, or at

    the website

    Tektronics 571 Curve Tracer Manual

    -S#% Transistor /ata Sheet

    !ead the pre0lab introduction below

    E$%ipme#t #ee"e"

    1ab noteboo*, pencil

    Oscilloscope )2gilent or Te*tronics 3 oscilloscope probes )already attached to the oscilloscope

    -4"5E6 7oo* test leads

    Te*tronics 8# "ur+e Tracer 9-08%: 9roto0-oard or*station 9", with 9S;"E application

    Parts #ee"e"

    34%%% MOSFET

    Lab safety &o#&er#s

    Ma*e sure before you apply an input signal to a circuit, all connections are

    correct, and no shorted wires e

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics II Lab Manual 4


    EECE 322 Lab 4: MOSFET Amplifiers

    Page 2 of 5

    1' Pre(Lab )#tro"%&tio#

    Two of the most popular configurations of small0signal MOSFET amplifiers are thecommon source )"S and common drain )"/ configurations. These two circuits are

    shown in

    Figures =0# and =03 respecti+ely. The common source and common drain amplifiers, li*eall MOSFET amplifiers, ha+e the characteristic of high input impedance. The +alue of theinput impedance for both amplifiers is basically limited only by the biasing resistors !(#

    and !(3. >alues of !(# and !(3 are usually chosen as high as possible to *eep the

    input impedance high. 7igh input impedance is desirable to *eep the amplifier fromloading the signal source. One popular biasing scheme for the "S and "/ configurations

    consists of the +oltage di+ider !(# and !(3. This +oltage di+ider supplies the MOSFET

    gate with a constant /" +oltage. This is +ery similar to the -?T biasing arrangementdescribed in 9roject $. The main difference with the -?T biasing scheme is that ideally no

    current flows from the +oltage di+ider into the MOSFET.

    The "S and "/ MOSFET amplifiers can be compared to the "E and "" -?T amplifiersrespecti+ely. 1i*e the "E amplifier, the "S amplifier has a negati+e +oltage gain and anoutput impedance approT is aparameter of each particular MOSFET and is temperature sensiti+e. This parameter

    sensiti+ity to temperature is one reason for establishing a stable /" bias. The 34%%%

    MOSFET data sheet lists the minimum and maT as %.@ > and :.% >respecti+ely.

    2' *esig#

    /esign a common source amplifier as shown in Figure =0# with the following


    #. use a 34%%% MOSFET and a 3% +olt /" supply

    3. midband gain >O5>; B.%

    :. low cutoff frequency F1 #%% 7C

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics II Lab Manual 4


    EECE 322 Lab 4: MOSFET Amplifiers

    Page 3 of 5

    =. >O symmetric swing :.% +olts pea* )B > p 0 p

    8. load resistor !1 D 8 *

    B. source resistance !; D 8% )this is in addition to the Te*troni< function generators

    internal resistance

    /esign a common drain amplifier as shown in Figure =03 with the following


    #. use a 34%%% MOSFET and a 3% +olt /" supply

    3. midband gain >O5>; %.8

    :. low cutoff frequency F1 #%% 7C

    =. >O symmetric swing 8.% +olts pea* )#% > p 0 p

    8. load resistor !1 D 3%%

    B. source resistance !; D 8% )this is in addition to the Te*troni< function generators

    internal resistance

    Figure = 0 #A "ommon Source MOSFET 2mplifier

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics II Lab Manual 4


    EECE 322 Lab 4: MOSFET Amplifiers

    Page 4 of 5

    Figure = 0 3A "ommon /rain MOSFET 2mplifier

    Figure = 0 :A Small Signal FET Model

    3' Lab Pro&e"%re

    )steps # 3 may be omitted if done prior to this lab period and the same FET is used

    4oteAThe MOSFET can be easily damaged by static electricity, so careful handling is


    #. Find the +alue of the threshold +oltage >T and conducti+ity parameter G from the

    digital cur+e tracer )remember the relation ;/ D GH>(S 0 >TI3 in the saturation region.

    3. /etermine the +alue of rds from the digital cur+e tracer. The slope of the transistor

    ;/0>/S cur+es in the acti+e region is #5rds.

    :. "onstruct the "S circuit shown in Figure =0#. !emember !; is installed in addition to

    the internal 8% resistance of the function generator.

  • 7/25/2019 Electronics II Lab Manual 4


    EECE 322 Lab 4: MOSFET Amplifiers

    Page 5 of 5

    =. >erify that the specifications ha+e been met by measuring the J0point, midband

    +oltage gain, and pea* symmetric output +oltage swing. 4ote any distortion in the output


    8. 2djust the output signal to obtain the maerify that the input impedance specification has been met.

    $. "onstruct the "/ circuit shown in Figure =03. !emember !; is installed in addition to

    the internal 8% resistance of the function generator.

    #%. !epeat steps =0@.

    4' A#alysis

    #. "ompare the gain, frequency response, input impedance, and output impedance of

    the "S amplifier with the results from the "E amplifier. "ompare the "/

    amplifier with the "" amplifier. "omment on the differences5similarities.