distributed ondemand air distributed on-demand air transportation using small airplanes and small...

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  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    -Transportation Using Small Airplanes


    Jerry N. HefnerNational Institute of Aerospace

    Hampton, VAUSA

    Hamburg, GermanySeptember 7, 2006

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports






    Next Steps


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Current System Cannot Meet Future Needs

    Hub Airports Are Approaching Gridlock During

    Primary Operating Hours Demand at Hub Airports Will Grow by 200M

    Passengers Over the Next Decade

    NAS Gridlock Projections

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Air Travel is Becoming Increasingly Inefficient

    Travel time by Car is Essentially the Same for Travel

    Distances of 500 Miles or Less

    After September 11, Hub Delays Have CausedBusiness Travelers to Seek Alternative Means of

    Conducting Business, Especially for Short Trips Increased Business & Corporate Jet Travel

    e econ erenc ng


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Small Aircraft Transportation

    To Bring Attractive, Affordable Air Transportation

    Service to Every Community in America.

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports



    Attractive Alternative for Transportation of People and Cargo for

    Distances Between 200 and 800 Miles

    Viable Transportation System for Citizens Living in Rural Areas NotServed b Commercial Air Service

    Essential Transportation for Disaster Relief Efforts

    New Service and Manufacturing Opportunities in a Community

    New Jobs in Markets Such as Car Rental Hotels Restaurants etc.

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    SATS Project:Develop/Demonstrate Feasibility of Four

    mpor an pera ng apa es

    ower an ng n mums atMinimally Equipped Landing Facil ities

    Higher Volume Operations (HVO)in Non-Radar Airs ace and at Non-

    Towered Airports

    Increase Single-Pilot Performance

    (SPP) Crew Safety & Mission Reliability

    En Route Procedures & Systems for

    Integrated (ERI) Fleet Operations

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Government/Industr Partnershi

    National Consortium for Aviation

    Mobilit (NCAM)

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Developed computer software to blend imagery on PFD

    en an mages us ng a ap ve we g e average

    Proportion of FLIR imagery increases as aircraft approaches

    runway uccess u operat on emonstrate on recor e v eo

    70% SV and 30% IR 20% SV and 80% IR

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    LLM Flight Experiment



    accuracy and




    operations to 200-

    foot ceiling and1/2-

    mile visibility

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Higher Volume Operations

    Increase rate of operations at non-radar, non-towered airports by

    Enabling Technologies:


    Self Controlled Area (SCA)

    40004000Ground-based AMM assigns sequence toarriving aircraft; seamlessly supportstraffic flow enerated b ATC controller.

    Ai rport Management Module (AMM)







    Pilots maintain separation

    between themselves and otheraircraft using procedures and

    Pilots operating in the SCA use: Multi-Function Display, Automat ic Dependent

    Surveillance-Broadcast, two-way data link,

    on-board automation. HVOconcept works for manydifferent approach geometries.

    on board software, and sequence information from

    ground automation (AMM)

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Higher Volume Operations

    NASA Langley Flight Experiment

    Showed pilots can fly these procedures safely,proficiently and with acceptable levels of

    workload and situation awareness9












    2.5 SATS




    Sc enar io 3 v s. 4 Sc enar io 5 v s. 6 Sc ena rio 7 v s. 8



    Sc en ar io 3 v s. 4 Sc en ar io 5 vs . 6 Sc en ar io 7 v s. 8WORKLOAD SITUATION AWARENESS

    Results Simulation and Flight Experiments of pi lots and controllers show a four-fold increase in

    number of operations without an increase in workload or complexity. Flights into non-radar, non-towered airports predictable and efficient; air taxi and

    charter operations become economical.

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    in le-Pilot Performance

    Pilot Cockpit AssociateLow-cost Electronic Flight Instrument System forgeneral aviation; Electronic Flight Bag

    HVO Confl ict Alerting

    Weather monitoring

    Approach procedures

    Navigation, performance, and safety information

    Flight planning capabili ties

    Aircraft health through audiosystem and MFD

    Weather monitoring HVO funct ionality to the pilot

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    En Route Integration

    En Route Procedures & Systems for Integrated Fleet Operations

    Focused on two areas:

    Develop technologies/procedures to facilitate

    NAS implementation and interaction

    aircraft once inside the SCAWork with FAA to assess operational effectiveness of SATS concepts,

    technolo ies and re uired airs ace/ rocedures

    Traffic Modeling:

    Modeling to assess the impact on NAS traffic density and flow

    Project future point-to-point traffic demand triggered by SATS

    Model impact of increased point-to-point traffic on NAS traffic density and


    Assess ability of NAS infrastructure to absorb increased traffic

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    En Route Procedures & Systems for Integrated Fleet Operations

    Proof of Concept simulation experiments:

    Danville Regional Airport Philadelphia TRACON Joint FAATC/LaRC Simulation

    Simulation Results:

    aircraft into and out of SCA.

    Potential to ease future airport congestion and delays. Procedures viable for non-towered air orts. Tailor size of SCA to specific airport sites. Refine clearance procedures and phraseology. Further research with mixed equipage.

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Transportation Systems

    ssessmen s

    Developed new and/or upgraded existingtransportation systems analytical modelsand simulation tools

    to address key transportation modelvariables (being used by JPDO)

    For case studies and simulations for:

    North Carolina

    Ohio Upper Great Plains Virginia c gan Northeast Corridor & the Southeast

    Results (validated by providers) If operators could charge

    $1.50 - $2.00/seat-mile they canmake a 20% profit


    2025 Demand Growth

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    2025 Demand Growthrelative to 2005 level

    OneOne--Way SATS trips in 2025:Way SATS trips in 2025:58,400 passengers/day58,400 passengers/day

    Trips greater than 100 milesTrips greater than 100 miles

    25,800 fl ights/day25,800 fl ights/day

    1001006,0006,000 -- 7,000 VLJs7,000 VLJs 9090












    3030 29reased




  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    SATS Project Accomplishments

    Demonstrated feasibili ty of enhanced operating capabilitiesto perm t more re a e access to commun ty a rportsincluding:

    need for expensive radar, control towers, or groundnavigation systems

    Guidance system for safe, reliable aircraft operationto/from small airports in low visibility conditions

    g con ro an gu ance sp ays or sa e, easy- o- y,single pilot aircraft operation with enhanced situationawareness

    Acknowledged as the first step toward the Next GenerationAir Transportation System - Capabilities directly contribute to

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    What is Status of SATS Toda ?

    Small airplanes are util izing small Cessna MustangCessna Mustang EmbraerEmbraerairports Fractional ownership Air charters

    Air taxis

    The number of small advancedpiston and VLJ aircraft

    EclipseEclipse DiamondDiamond

    manufacturers is growing.

    FAA is now embracing ideas for Adam AircraftAdam AircraftAdam AircraftAdam Aircraft HondaHondasmall aircraft using small airports.

    SATS Project did not completeneeded research.

    Both im lementation and


    additional R&D is required

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Next Steps

    er ca on o eve opeSystems


    EFB/CA Low-Cost Wx/Lighting

    Evaluation Trial


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Independent Assessment andGuidance for Federal R&D

    Investments in Aeronautics Report published in Apri l

    2005, but did not includeSATS vision

    NIA conducted a supplementalassessment in Fall of 2005 ofnext ste s for SATS

    The Supplemental NIA report

    Provided a National Directiveto Implement SATS

    Identi fied Required R&D

    Published January 2006


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Service Reliabilit

    Integration into the Airspace

    Self-control led airspace

    Performance Based Operational Capability

    Combined Vision

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    ervice Reliabilit

    Integration Into NAS

    Evaluate ADS-B/Radarsurveillance at non-towered


    Define network centricoperation & data link

    Evaluate operationalefficiencies obtained with

    Assess technology to alleviatecapacity constraints andcontro er wor oa

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Service Reliability (Cont.)

    Self Controlled Airspace

    Modeling of Alternative SCA Concepts

    SCA Automation System Development

    SCA S stem Validation

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Service Reliabilit Cont.

    Real-Time ANP and RNP

    Determine Recommended Credits

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Service Reliabilit Cont.

    Simulation and Flight Test Evaluation

    S nthet ic Vision +=

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Weather afet

    Real time cockpit intelligence

    Enhanced weather forecasting

    Airport weather sensors

    Enhanced icing safety

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    ea - me oc p ea er n e gence

    Intuitive Weather Data Interpretation

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Weather Safet Cont.

    Airport Weather Sensors

    Microelectronic Sensor R&D

    Airport Weather Dissemination

    Slant Range Visibil ity Sensor R&D

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Weather Safet Cont.

    Icing Forecasting and Avoidance

    Icing Detection, Prevention, and Removal

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    en ance s ng e p operformance

    single pilot operation aircraft automation

    open architecture

    - ,

    auto-flight systems envelop protection and


    autopilot with auto-throttle


    real time WAAS non-precisionapproach procedure design

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    ommunit om atibilit

    Small aircraft safety improvement

    Small aircraft and airport security

    Communit noise reduction

    Small aircraft emissions

    Real time health safety monitoring

    Small aircraft ride quality improvement

    C it C tibilit

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Communit Com atibilit

    Small Aircraft Safety Improvement

    a e y n ancemen s rom eaMonitoring Systems

    Safety Enhancements from Pilot


    Total System Safety Assessment

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Small Aircraft and Airportecur y

    Evaluate Small Aircraftand Small AirportSecurity InfrastructureRequirements

    Developed EncryptedADS-B Based Security

    en ca on ys em orSmall Aircraft

    on uc es ng anDevelop Standards forAirborne Small Aircraft

    Community Compatibility (Cont )

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Community Compatibility (Cont.)

    ommun y o se e uc on

    Flight Trajectory & Aircraft SystemsNoise Reduction

    Communit Com atibilit Cont

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Communit Com atibilit Cont.

    Small Aircraft Emissions

    New Small Aircraft EmissionModeling


    Trajectories to MinimizeEmission Impacts to theCommunity

    Reduction of Airport Emission

    Impacts and CommunityFeedback

    Communit Com atibilit Cont

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Communit Com atibilit Cont.

    Real-Time Safety HealthMonitoring

    Piezoelectric Sensor Example

    Develop Structural StressSensors

    Aviation Industry Collaboration

    Develop Integrated HealthMonitoring Systems

    Community Compatibility (Cont )

  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports


    Community Compatibility (Cont.)

    Small Aircraft Ride QualityImprovement

    Dynamic Modeling

    RCS Algori thms & Flight Validation


  • 8/12/2019 Distributed OnDemand Air Distributed On-Demand Air Transportation Using Small Airplanes and Small and Underutilized Community and Small and Underutilized Community Airports



    Development and Implementation of the SATS Visionprovides an important step toward the Next Generation

    Trans ortation S stem

    Operating Capabilit ies have been demonstrated thatenhance the accessibili t and ca acit of small andunderutilized community airports in low visibil ityconditions; single pilot performance has been enhanced

    General aviation is being transformed to a transportationsystem

    Additional work (implementation and R&D) required tocontinue pursuit of the SATS vision has been identified