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Post on 06-Apr-2017




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Search Engine Marketing & Optimization (SEO) Overview (PPT)

Digital Marketing

1Most techniques = common sense Search engine success = integration common senseSurface - search engines and search engine optimization Increase sales, traffic, and conversions

Digital MarketingBuild Trust & confidence in your brandGrow Client BaseSell more products and servicesInstantMore responsiveMeasure SuccessTrack the success of digital campaignsGreater FlexibilityEasy to change, update & test contentAdd ValueGive customers extra benefits onlineCompanyYour WebsiteBusinessBloggingSearch EngineMarketingSocial MediaEmail Marketing

Importance of Search Engine Marketing80% of consumers find your website by first writing a query into a box on a search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing)

90% choose a site listed on the first page

85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by search engines

The top three organic positions receive 59% percent of user clicks.

Cost-effective advertising

Clear and measurable ROI

Operates under this assumption:More (relevant) traffic + Good Conversions Rate = More Sales/Leads


How Do Search Engines Work?Spider crawls the web to find new documents (web pages, other documents) typically by following hyperlinks from websites already in their database

Search engines indexes the content (text, code) in these documents by adding it to their databases and then periodically updates this content

Search engines search their own databases when a user enters in a search to find related documents (not searching web pages in real-time)

Search engines rank the resulting documents using an algorithm (mathematical formula) by assigning various weights and ranking factors

4If you were not take anything away from this session today and only understand how Spider or crawlers work you would have understood 40% of Search engines.

What a Search Engine SeesView > Source (HTML code)


What is SEO?SEO = Search Engine Optimization

Refers to the process of optimizing both the on-page and off-page ranking factors in order to achieve high search engine rankings for targeted search terms.

Refers to the industry that has been created regarding using keyword searching a means of increasing relevant traffic to a website


Benefit of SEOSEO is Good for Business Visibility and BrandingWhen people search for your products and services, you obviously want to appear as high in the search engine rankings as possible, but the reasons for this are more than just because you want them to click through to your website. In fact, there is a certain amount of value in simply appearing in search results for terms directly related to your business. So what does this mean for your business? It means that if you can continually show in search results that you are gaining more and more mindshare with each potential customer. SEO Provides Your Business CredibilitySearchers make mental notes of the rankings for the terms they enter into Google and other search engines. They may not realize it, but they do. And in the minds of consumers, your ranking is a vote of confidence Google says this business is relevant, so that must be the case. This may sound a bit far-fetched, but lets look at it like this: back in the golden age of the yellow pages, if you were looking for a plumber, did you feel more confident in calling the guy on the seventh page of the listings, or did you, like most people, start from the first page and work your way through? Your customers may not admit it, but high search rankings makes you more credible in their eyes.

SEO Has One of the Best ROIs in AdvertisingSEO rewards your business for its efforts at a higher rate than pretty much all traditional forms of offline advertising the same can be said for almost all types of internet marketing. The reason for this is because SEO is an inbound marketing strategy; that is, it allows you to market to people when they are looking for the products and services your business provides. You dont have to interrupt their favorite TV show, you dont have to take up space on a page where they are reading a news article. You just show up when they are looking for businesses like yours. You dont have to convince them they need your product or service; you just have to convince them that you are the right business to purchase from. In other words, with SEO, half the battle is won before it even starts.Benefit of SEO

SEO Effectiveness


Directory are listing of static information that are usually inputted manually and not CRAWLED.

Some of the common characteristics of todays search engines are as follows:* A search engine component usually contain the following components I would like you to take a mental note of the Spider since this will be a important topic we will discuss later on today.

In early days for you who remember this WebCrawler was one of the many crawler based directory search engines . another common one that still exists today is AltaVista search engine.

What is a SEO Algorithm?Top Secret! Only select employees of a search engines company know for certain

Reverse engineering, research and experiments gives SEOs (search engine optimization professionals) a pretty good idea of the major factors and approximate weight assignments

The SEO algorithm is constantly changed, tweaked & updated

Websites and documents being searched are also constantly changing

Varies by Search Engine some give more weight to on-page factors, some to link popularity


Ranking factorsOn-Page Factors (Code & Content)#3 - Title tags #5 - Header tags #4 - ALT image tags #1 - Content, Content, Content (Body text) #6 - Hyperlink text #2 - Keyword frequency & density

11Anchor text is the visible hyperlinked text on the page. anchor text is usually used to indicate the subject matter of the page that it links to. For example, the text 7th world congress ebusiness" indicates to visitors that they can expect to see content about conference pertaining to ebusiness if they visit the link.

This pattern of usage has been applied in search engine algorithms to enhance the relevance of the "target" or the "landing page" URL for the keywords appearing within the anchor text.

Off-Page Factors#1 Anchor text#2 - Link Popularity (votes for your site) adds credibility

Ranking factors

A good SEO strategy:Research desirable keywords and search phrases

Identify search phrases to target (should be relevant to business/market, obtainable and profitable)

Clean and optimize a websites HTML code for appropriate keyword density, title tag optimization, internal linking structure, headings and subheadings, etc.

Help in writing copy to appeal to both search engines and actual website visitors

Study competitors (competing websites) and search engines

Implement a quality link building campaign

Add Quality informative content

Constant monitoring of rankings for targeted search terms


SEO Trend Google Update their search engine algorithm continuously to provide best result to users. Update like: Panda, Penguin, hummingbird.. Are updating continuously. Recent launch mobilegeddon, Quality update also effecting on ranking factor. As Google updates their algorithm time to time we also need to update our website by following latest trend to improve the position.

Content is King: Googles latest search engine algorithms focuses more and more on content, which means there is less focus on keyword saturation and more focus on whether or not the content is actually relevant to the keywords.Social Signals Will Be Even More Important: Changes within the search engine algorithms have not just placed greater importance on the content, but theyve also begun to rely more upon social signals to elevate results up the ladder in search ranking importance.Online Security Will Become More Important in Rankings: If your website deals with online payments and sensitive customer information, you need to make sure you are using proper security measures to safeguard that information. For example, using security certificates and https instead of http will help your website grow in search engine rankings in 2015.Mobile-Friendly SEO will grow: The mobile user experience is rumored to be another important ranking factor in Googles search engine algorithm, since the mobile Internet has surpassed the desktop Internet and will continue to grow in 2015. Estimates say that in 2015, there will be as many as 50 billion local searches using mobile device.

Increased focus on conversations instead of keywords: With Googles Hummingbird update. Search engines are now using context, meaning, and intent of the words in a search query, instead of just focusing on matching up keywords. This means long-tail, or more conversational, keyword phrases will grow in importance for SEO, and you should begin to tailor some of your SEO efforts towards engaging in a conversation with search engine users.Link Building Will Focus on Brand Mentions: In 2015, proper link building will continue to be important. Whats changed, though, is how the search engines will interpret those backlinks coming to and from a website. The content will get more of the focus, so you need to think about relevance and social popularity. Brand mentions, relevant information the source website is discussing about your brand or website, might not require a hyperlink but will still factor into SEO.SEO Trend

Pay Per ClickPPC ads appear as sponsored listingsCompanies bid on price they are willing to pay per clickTypically have very good tracking tools and statisticsAbility to control ad textCan set budgets and spending limits


Benefits of PPC CampaignFast Result: Businesses need results and they want them fast. PPC is perhaps the fastest way to run an advertising campaign and get instant results. To simplify things, if you have a website up and running you can quickly create an adwords account, setup your ads and run them in the Google network and start getting traffic.

Measurable results: Another important benefit of PPC is that everything you do has a clear measurable target. You can measure anything that is related to a PPC campaign from costs, profits, views, clicks, visits and many more.

Reach the right audience When running a PPC campaign you choose where and when your ads will appear based on a number of factors including keywords, location, website, device, time and date and much more. The flexibility that you have allows you to segment your market and bring your products and services in front of the right audience.

Campaign Flexibility: As a PPC campaign is so easy to measure, it also becomes very easy to adapt, or fine-tune, your campaign accordingly. That means if a keyword isnt working for you or you decide to target a different audience, a revision of the advertising components is achieved easily.Brand Awareness: You can use PPC to target keywords related to your industry so that people searching for those keywords will constantly see your ads. Although general keywords will not generate more sales, indirectly they help you increase brand awareness and establish your business as an authority and leader in your industry.Budget Friendly: When it comes to PPC there are no budget restrictions. You choose how much to pay for a click and how much money to spend for an ad or campaign. you will be able to set a daily budget and this can be increased accordingly as the quality traffic which is directed towards your website begins to create revenue.Benefits of PPC Campaign

Testing & Marketing Tools: Lets say you want to test which product headline or ad copy will perform better in a campaign. What you can easily do is setup different ads in a Google Adwords campaign, run them for a couple of weeks online and analyze the results. The ad with the highest CTR (Click Through Rate) has probably the most attractive copy for users.Rich Functionality and Reporting: PPC platforms like Google Adwords and Bing Ads provide you with all the tools you need to run your campaigns, collaborate with your teammates and analyze your data and results (reporting). This is considered a business advantage because with out the right tools and reporting system is like swimming in the sea with your eyes and ears closed. The right tools with the right marketing strategy can give you the right results.Benefits of PPC Campaign

PPC campaign success stand on few key metrics.

Research: Business GoalsResearch: Target AudienceResearch: Keyword ResearchImplementation: Campaign StructureImplementation: Ad CopyImplementation: Landing Page DevelopmentImplementation: Campaign SettingsOptimization: Statistical AnalysisOptimization: RefinementOptimization: Bid ManagementKey of Success PPC Campaign

Social Media MarketingSocial media marketing, or SMM, is a form of internet marketing that implements various social media networks in order to achieve marketing communication and branding goals. Social media marketing primarily covers activities involving social sharing of content, videos, and images for marketing purposes.

Visual content drives way more traffic than textual content

Social media is an easy way to learn about your audience

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social media helps target audiences more effectively

Social media can help increase website traffic and search rankingShare content easier and faster with social mediaSocial media helps generate leads for one third of the costSocial media lets you increase brand awarenessBenefits of Social Media Marketing

Social Media StrategyLearn about your Audience:

Social Media StrategyChoose Your Channels wiselyThere are to many social media channel You have to select yours

Social Media StrategyConnection:Connect your channels to Engage and Drive Traffic

Social Media StrategyEngage

Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy

Social Media StrategyAnalysis & Optimize

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