diane nelson marketing metrics 2012 steel blue media mobile marketing: harness the power of a new...

Diane Nelson Marketing Metrics 2012 Steel Blue Media Mobile Marketing: Harness the Power of a New Generation

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Diane NelsonMarketing Metrics 2012Steel Blue Media

Mobile Marketing: Harness the Power of a New Generation

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile Marketing is the fastest growing marketing strategy today.Through the use of Short Messaging System (SMS) vendors send text advertisements or messages to their customers or prospective customersThe Customer or Prospect must first Opt-inVendor gives special “keyword” to prospect to text to a number, when they do so, they receive a text message in return, asking if they would like to subscribe.

Benefits of Mobile MarketingImmediate Marketing SolutionsPersonalized Non-Invasive CommunicationTwo-Way communicationText Messages Read and Delivered100% Opt-In – Your Customers Want YouIntrigue, Entice and Excite Cost-EffectiveCreate Custom CampaignsGo GreenSocial Media – Stay Connected

Mobile Marketing Works

Mobile Marketing is a viable way to create customer loyalty, increase awareness and boost salesIt provides a connection to customers when they are most likely to buy

Compared to print, radio, Television and other traditional advertising, mobile marketing is inexpensive, immediate and personal.

Real-Time Marketing

Over 70% of the Worlds population has a mobile phoneIn the U.S. 9 out of every 10 people own a Smartphone (able to access Internet)The average cell phone user has their phone by them 90% of the time

Did you know mobile coupons have a redemption rate of 15% to 40%? Compare this to traditional coupons redeemed at less than 2%.

Getting Started

Define your audience – who are you trying to reach?What type of device will they use to see your ad?Do you know the difference between phones?Set up a different campaign for a customer using a Smartphone than you would for a customer using a feature phone (WAP)

SMS CapabilitiesShort Message Service (SMS) is text messagingQuiz/Trivia/SurveyReverse AuctionPolling/VotingText alert/Mobile CRM (mCRM)Viral MarketingText2Screen and Picture2ScreenOn-package PromotionMobile SweepstakesText2Give

SMS Capabilities

Commerce and SamplingMobile Couponing


Wireless Application Protocol: Wireless Application Protocol or (WAP) is an open international standard for applications that use wireless communication. Its principal application is to enable access to the internet from a mobile phone or PDA. A WAP browser is designed to provide all of the basic services of a computer based web browser but simplified to operate within the restrictions of a mobile phone. WAP is now the protocol used for the majority of the world's mobile internet sites, known as WAP sites. The Japanese i-mode system is currently the only other major competing wireless data protocol.

MMS – Enhancing your Messages

Multimedia messaging Service (MMS) is oftentimes referred to as picture messaging to help differentiate it from SMS, which is text messaging.MMS is delivered almost the same way but can include multimedia objects (images, audio, video) often in a slideshow format.Interactive Voice Response (IVR) a common prompting system used in automated customer support.

Is your Website Mobile Friendly?

Many websites have content specifically optimized for mobile usersThink about the capabilities of the mobile phone’s web browser, especially in relation to the capabilities of modern desktop browsers

Mobile Friendly Site - Background

Traditional mobile phones: Phones with browsers that cannot render normal desktop web pages. Smartphone's: Phones with browsers that render normal desktop pages, at least to some extent. This category includes a diversity of devices, such Windows Phone 7, Blackberry devices, iPhones, and Android phones, and also tablets and eBook reader

A Few Things to Remember

Create Smart NavigationWrite Clear ContentDon’t use too Many ImagesDon’t Rely on Flash or JavascriptPractice Good Design

Growing Your Business

Drive More Traffic to Your Site using Facebook and TwitterBloggingLink BuildingContent Aggregators

Regulations and Guidelines

Industry Standards and Best PracticesMobile Marketing Association (MMA) http://www.mmaglobal.com/bestpractices.pdf Steer Clear of Mobile SpamNational Do Not Call Registry


There are more mobile phone subscribers in the world (2.4 billion1), than there are landline phones subscribers. Worldwide over 350 billion text messages are exchanged across the world’s mobile networks every month Mobile Marketing Does Not Stand Alone: Use it in combination with a marketing mix for an effective marketing campaign.

Mobile Marketing: Harness the Power of a New Generation