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Page 2: dEGREE STudEnT PACK - · dEGREE STudEnT PACK ... Ultimate slap Bass. Bassline Publishing. Hrehovcsik, w

BA (Hons) In:Creative MusiCianshipSongwriting MusiC BusinessMuSic Production

MusiC DeGrees

tHE uK & EuroPE’S MOst COnneCteD

MuSic coLLEgE

Your MuSic cArEEr starts here www.BiMM-institute.De

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Berlin is an incredible, multifaceted city with many subtleties and scenes and our college reflects this in the multinational student cohort and the great range of talent and experience represented in our tutor team.

BiMM institute Berlin’s tutors have between them amassed a vast body of experience working in the music industry spanning many years, and all combine their teaching with professional music industry profiles as performers, writers, arrangers and entrepreneurs. this ensures that our students benefit from their first-hand professional expertise and experience throughout their courses.

this approach to curriculum delivery, allied with our fantastic visiting faculty and guest events programme, is designed to provide a creative environment that’s challenging, stimulating and connected, enabling the music professionals of tomorrow to hone their skills in the best possible way.

the college is endorsed and supported by leading equipment brand manufacturers. whatever your ambitions within the modern music industry, BiMM institute Berlin’s unparalleled level of career relevant expertise, facilities and support networks guarantee that you will be given the best guidance, assistance and opportunities to achieve your goals.

i look forward to welcoming you to BiMM institute Berlin for the 2016/17 academic year.

Dr. niCk DOnOvancollege Principal

as the COLLeGe prinCipaL fOr BiMM institute BerLin, i knOw hOw iMpOrtant it is tO ChOOse the riGht pLaCe tO stuDy anD start yOur eDuCatiOn anD Career Off On the riGht path.


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04 induction And EnroLMEnt05 COurse infOrMatiOn06 crEAtivE MuSiciAnSHiP BASS07 Creative MusiCianship DruMs08 crEAtivE MuSiciAnSHiP guitAr09 Creative MusiCianship vOCaLs10 Songwriting11 MusiC Business12 MuSic Production13 MusiC theOry14 rEcoMMEndEd rESourcES15 stuDent LifestyLe17 trAnSPort21 stuDent heaLth22 StudEnt SuPPort25 Get COnneCteD at BiMM27 FrESHErS’ guidE28 faCuLty infOrMatiOn



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in OrDer tO prepare yOu fOr stuDyinG at BiMM institute BerLin, we wOuLD Like yOu tO attenD an enrOLMent sessiOn.

Here you will meet key members of staff, be given important information about the college and your course (including your timetable), and have the opportunity to look around our premises.

it is essential that you attend this session, so keep in mind that induction could take place any time during the last week of September. Exact dates and times will be confirmed via email during the first few weeks of September, so please keep us updated if your contact details change.

if yOu DO nOt attenD this sessiOn, yOu wiLL nOt Be aBLe tO start yOur COurse.

we will also hold an induction event on thursday 29th September, which is a fantastic opportunity to meet lots of students from BiMM and watch some brilliant bands.

usefuL contActS

aDMissiOns: [email protected] suppOrt: [email protected]: [email protected]

terM dAtES

enrOLMent week: 26th–30th September 2016

terM 1: 3rd october 2016–9th december 2016terM 2: 9th January 2017–17th March 2017terM 3: 10th April 2017–16th June 2017

pre-enrOLMent fOr yOur COurseAll students are required to complete an online pre-enrolment form prior to your enrolment day. You will be sent an email with a link to the pre-enrolment form and information on how to upload your required documents.Below is a list of things that MuSt be completed:

pre-enrolment form must be completed in full and submitted – the link to this form will be sent to you by email.

passport style photo & proof of iD – the photo will be used for your student id card and we require proof of id for extra security. Please follow the guidelines on how to upload your photo and proof of id, which will be sent to you along with the pre-enrolment form information.

health insurance/registering – Make sure that you are covered by Health insurance for your stay in germany. You will also need to register at the Bürgeramt in Berlin. Further information on how to do this is listed later on in this guide.

PLEASE notE: timetables cannot be provided before enrolment. this is a full-time course and the timetables given to you at enrolment are not flexible. Any part-time jobs must work around the timetable given.

inDuCtiOn anD enrOLMent


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courSE infOrMatiOn



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Creative MusiCianship Bass

Slutsky, A ‘dr Licks’ (1996) standing in the shadowsof Motown: The Life and Music of Legendary BassistJames Jamerson. Hal Leonard. willis, g (1997) Fingerboard Harmony For Bass. Hal Leonard. willis, g (1998) Ultimate Eartraining for Guitar and Bass. Hal Leonard.

clayton, S (2005) Ultimate slap Bass. Bassline Publishing. Hrehovcsik, w (1998) Music Reading for Bass –The Complete Guide. Hal Leonard.

sight-Reading Tests Grades 1-5 ouP.

ABrSM (2011) Double Bass specimen sight-Reading Tests Grades 6-8. ouP. Friedland, E (2004) Bass Grooves: Develop YourGroove & Play Like the Pros in Any style. Backbeat Books. goldsby, J (2002) The Jazz Bass Book: Techniqueand Tradition. Backbeat Books. Friedland, E. (1995) Building Walking Bass Lines (Bass Builders). Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Publishing Mulhern, t. ed. (2000) Bass Heroes: styles, stories and secrets of 30 Great Bass Players. Backbeat uK Please note that this is a recommended reading list and therefore not essential.

heaD Of Bass SiMon Horn

with a rich and diverse history, Berlin is a city of new beginnings that attracts 1000s of creatives each year to pursue their chosen career path.

A major place on the musical map, Berlin is fast becoming one of Europe’s hot spots for famous musicians, dJs and new artists.

Behind every great artist is a great bass player and our aim at BiMM Berlin is for you to become not only successful bass players but discover your own identities as musicians.

At BiMM Berlin you will learn a range of subjects from bass styles and techniques to live performance and music business, all of which are taught by a diverse range of professional tutors to enhance your learning experience.

i’m looking forward to meeting you all and being a part of your musical journey at BiMM Berlin.

BA(Hons) in

essentiaL EQuiPMEnt

Bass and lead


Electronic tuner

Metronome/Metronome app (guitar toolkit is a great app that also includes a tuner)

Headphones and 1/4 jack input

Manuscript paper, pencils, erasers and pens

Spare strings

Ear plugs


All students are strongly advised to wear ear protection when in class, practicing or performing.


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Creative MusiCianship DruMs

RECOMMENDED rEAdingchester, g. (1985) The new Breed Modern drummer Publications

gallwey, w. t. and green, B. (1996) The Inner Game of Music new York: doubleday & company, inc.

Hester, J. (2011) Mind over Meter (s.l.):(s.n.)

riley, J. (2004) The Art of Bop Drumming Alfred Music


Smith, S. (2013) The Roots of Rock Drumming: Interviews with the Drummers who shaped Rock ‘n’ Roll Music. Hudson Music

riley, J. (2005) Art of Bop Drumming. Manhattan Music


Micallef, K. & Marshall, d (2007) The classic rock drummers: The way they play. Backbeat Books

Krupa, g (1994) Gene Krupa Drum Method. Alfred

Publishing co.

Berry, M. & gianni, J. (2012) The Drummer’s Bible. independent Publishers group

Please note that this is a recommended reading list and therefore not essential.

heaD Of DruMs BudgiE

welcome to Berlin! For music and art, it’s a great place to be, now more than ever. Berlin is going through massive changes and the local music scene reflects this.

welcome to BiMM! BiMM is positioned at the centre of that scene. Small venues that have long since disappeared from major cities are alive and thriving. these are the places to hear new ideas at their grassroots level and to make great connections.

Major artists always perform in Berlin and almost every tour makes a stop here. we will have a never ending pool of masterclass guests in all departments.

You will meet and hear musicians from all parts of the world, visit many unusual venues, listen to cutting edge experimentation, experience great nightlife, cheap food and that’s the coolest thing about Berlin, it’s still affordable!

As Head of the drum department i look forward to welcoming and encouraging you to discover your true musical potential.

All students are strongly advised to wear ear protection when in class, practicing or performing.


Sticks / brushes / hot rods / beaters

Practice pad

Headphones and 1/4 jack input adaptor

Metronome/metronome app (Pro Metronome)

Stationery and manuscript paper

Ear plugs

BA(Hons) in


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Creative MusiCianship Guitar


Pressfield, S (2012) The War of Art. Black irish Entertainment

dylan, B. (2005) Chronicles: Volume 1. Pocket Books

richards, K. (2011) Life. w&n

Captain Beefheart’s 10 commandments of Guitar playing (this is part of a longer piece, entitled “the ten commandments of guitar Playing as they were Handed down to Morris tepper by captain Beefheart” from Schinder, S. (1996) Alt-Rock-a-Rama. Bantam doubleday dell Publishing group)Please note that this is a recommended reading list and therefore not essential.

heaD Of Guitar Knox cHAndLEr

the BiMM Berlin guitar department staff will offer an abundance of their hands-on experience as working professional guitarists, to each and every student who attends. these experiences include technique, tone, theory, guitar processing, reading, guitar solo composition/improvisation, arranging, recording, touring, people skills, practicing etiquette etc. to name a few. we will encourage and mentor the development of students’ individualism as well as exposing them to the various influential genres and styles present in modern music.

Berlin is full of venues and performance spaces making it a fantastic creative environment for students to perform and network, no matter what level you may be at as musicians. these opportunities are where any young guitarist will learn and grow, taking what they’ve worked on in class and applying it directly to the workplace.

we believe every student has their own voice no matter how proficient their skills are. we want to tap into that and give the student the tools to find, improve and polish what will become their ‘style’. this is exciting work for both student and teacher.


guitar and lead


Metronome/metronome app (Pro Metronome)

Stationery and manuscript paper

Spare strings

Ear plugs


All students are strongly advised to wear ear protection when in class, practicing or performing.

BA(Hons) in


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Creative MusiCianship vOCaLs

RECOMMENDED rEAdingBaxter, M, (1989) The Rock ‘n’ Roll singer’s survival Handbook. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard corporation

riggs, S. (1993) singing for the stars: A Complete Guide to Training Your Voice. Alfred Music Publishing

Sheppard, B. (2008) The Everything singing Book. Adams Media corporation

Kayes, g. (2004) singing and the actor. A&c Black

Rockschool Male/Female Vocals Grades 1-8 (2014)

Please note that this is a recommended reading list and therefore not essential.

heaD Of vOCaLs SiMonE diEtricH At BiMM Berlin you are about to embark on an artistic journey in what is one of the most exciting cities in Europe. it has bred some influential musical talent in the past and continues to be a place in which creative professionals can thrive.

in the vocal department we invite and encourage you to embrace that journey, to make the most of the opportunity to discover who you are as a creative, musical and professional artist. in this environment you will make connections and be able to build a network that may support you throughout your professional life.

the voice as an instrument is an integral part of you and your personality. it demands a high level of training as well as a high level of commitment and curiosity. if you are excited to learn, open to challenges and welcome the guidance that will be provided, then be prepared to enjoy the rewards of that journey to the full.


Microphone and lead

Headphones and 1/4 jack input

Stationery and manuscript paper


Ear plugs

All students are strongly advised to wear ear protection when in class, practicing or performing.

BA(Hons) in


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RECOMMENDED rEAdingZollo, P. 2003. songwriters on songwriting (Revised and Expanded). da capo Press

Pattenden, S. (2007) How to Make it in the Music Business. virgin Books

Macdonald, i. (2008) Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Records and the sixties. vintage

dylan, B. (2013) Lyrics: 1962-2001 Simon & Schuster Ltd

Pattison, P (1991) Essential Guide to Lyric Form and structure: Tools and Techniques for Writing Better Lyrics. new York: Hal Leonard corporation

rooksby, r (2006) Lyrics: Writing Better Words for Your songs. Backbeat books

Pattison, P (1992) songwriting: Essential Guide to Rhyming. Hal Leonard corporation

Shipton, A (2013) nilsson: The Life of a singer songwriter. oxford university Press

Levitin, d (2008) The World in six songs: How the Musical Brain Created Human nature. Aurum Press Ltd

Perricone, P. (2000) Melody in songwriting. uSA: Berklee

Press Publications

Leonard cohen (2006) Book of Longing. Penguin

Please note that this is a recommended reading list and therefore not essential.

heaD Of sOnGwritinG Fin grEEnALL

the outstanding stable of international professional songwriting tutors we have at Berlin will provide you with the skills and knowledge that will hone your skills in composition, ready for the ever expanding world of contemporary music.

there will be opportunities to develop your performance skills and experiment with arrangements and new equipment to deliver fresh versions ready for tomorrow’s industry opportunities.

Musical and compositional elements and styles will be professionally linked together, to help you apply them to your own personal passions for music; as well as helping you become involved with other talented musicians for creative results.

i’m really looking forward to hearing your stories and messages within your songs, and new musical ideas garnered from your personal influences.

You’ll be looking at different ways of presenting your arrangements and recordings, using a variety of instruments and technology, and here at BiMM we’ll be aiming to help you widen your target audience without compromising your art (...too much).


Your book of lyrics and chord charts to support your arrangements

Stationery and manuscript paper

A phone or another way of recording ideas

Ear plugs (basic foam ear plugs will be provided if you forget)

All students are strongly advised to wear ear protection when in class, practicing or performing.

BA(Hons) in


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MusiC Business MusiC Business tutOr cHArLiE LAYton the key to a successful career in the music industry is in understanding the different roles that exist and the interplay between them all.

the modules you’ll encounter within the Music Business department at BiMM will give you in-depth knowledge of these roles in a manner that can help you choose which direction your career lies, based upon your personal skills and interests. during the three years at BiMM, you will hone your knowledge of key concepts, skills, and methodologies. we will look at how new technology links with emerging music business models, and you will gain the practical experience needed to succeed in today’s ever-developing music industry.

combining analysis of the latest business trends with a historical overview of the industry, and featuring guest lectures from experienced professionals, you will gain a wealth of perspectives of a multi-faceted world.

BA(Hons) in


Allen, P. (2011) artist Management for the Music Business. Focal Press

Atkins, M. (2007) tour: smart: and Break the Band. Smart Books

Bowdin, g. (2011) events Management. Butterworth-Heinemann

Harrison, A. (2011) Music: the Business. the essential Guide to the Law and the Deals. London: virgin

King, M. (2009) Music Marketing: press, promotion, distribution and retail. Berklee Press

Passman, d. (2009) all you need to know about the Music Business. London. Penguin

wixen, r. d. (2014) the plain and simple Guide to Music publishing: what you need to know about protecting and profiting from Music Copyrights, 3rd edition. Hal Leonard Books

Music week Magazine. intent Media

www.musicbusinessworldwide.comwww.completemusicupdate.comPlease note that this is a recommended reading list and therefore not essential.


computer with word and Excel (or equivalent) programmes



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MusiC prODuCtiOn

BA(Hons) in


Simone corelli (2013) pro tools in One hour (coffee break included) 1 Edition. createSpace independent Publishing Platform

Miranda, Er (2002) Computer sound Design: synthesis techniques and programming oxford: Focal Press

Koryat, K. (2008) Guerilla home recording: how to Get Great sound from any studio new York: Hal Leonard

owsinski, B. (2009) the recording engineer’s handbook new York: Music

Sales Limited

Massey, H. (2000) Behind the Glass San Francisco: Backbeat Books

owsinski, B. (2009) the Mixing engineer’s handbook new York:

Music Sales Limited

Massey, H. (2000) Behind the Glass San Francisco Backbeat Books

Burgess, rJ (2013) the art Of Music production: the theory and practice new York: oxford university Press



notebook for ideas sketches etc.

recording device (phone or other)

Access to a computer with Logic, Ableton & Protools

MusiC prODuCtiOn tutOr JAnE ArniSoncongratulations and welcome to BiMM Berlin Music Production. You are about to embark on a wonderful, intense and rewarding path of specialised study. You have the opportunity to develop professional workflow on the top music industry standard software programs, as well as gain invaluable theoretic principles in synthesis, sound design, arrangement, harmony and many more key aspects of creating music and sound. in addition to that you will be given hands on experience of analogue consoles and outboard gear at leading commercial studios in Berlin.

At BiMM we believe strongly in the interconnectedness of the music industry, as such you will have many opportunities to work with other upcoming musicians in parallel fields of song writing, performance and music business. Your own journey of discovery will be guided by top music professionals, a well balanced mix of older legends and new guns, that will not only guide you in the theoretical aspects of sound and music, but also insight into the whole experience of being a musician in the 21st century.

Your time at BiMM is the time to be open, explore, experiment and utilise all the college has to offer. Set in Berlin, the leading creative city in the world, with so much music at your fingertips, this is going to be a great ride. So get ready!

JournALS/MAgAZinESMusictech Anthem Publishing Ltd.

sound On sound SoS Publications group.

futureMusic Future Publishing Ltd

wEBSitESSound on Sound www.soundonsound.comMix Magazine online www.mixonline.comgearslutz forums website

Please note that this is a recommended reading list and therefore not essential.


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MusiC theOry

Although Music theory can seem daunting at first you’ll be surprised at how much theory you know already just from playing and listening to music.

By learning new skills such as harmony, ear training, reading and transcribing you will become a more rounded musician who is able to communicate ideas with ease, ultimately enhancing your career as a musician. Professional tutors are on hand to help you join the dots between what you know already, with topics you once thought daunting.

i look forward to helping you understand the finer details of Music theory and helping you experience those light bulb moments!

siMOn hOrnHead of theory

A few words on

Like any LanGuaGe MusiC is COMMuniCateD thrOuGh ListeninG, pLayinG (speakinG) reaDinG anD writinG. iMaGine OnLy BeinG aBLe tO speak anD Listen in yOur MOther tOnGue withOut BeinG aBLe tO reaD anD write? By DeveLOpinG aLL aspeCts Of the MusiCaL LanGuaGe yOu wiLL Gain a Greater knOwLeDGe anD Deeper unDerstanDinG, eMpOwerinG yOu as a MusiCian anD artist.

nettles, B & graf, r (2015) the Chord scale theory & Jazz harmony. Advance Music

gauldin, r (1997) harmonic practice in tonal Music. w. w. norton & company

wyatt, c & Schroeder, K (1998) Harmony and Theory: A Comprehensive source for All Musicians. Hal Leonard

www.earmaster.comwww.musictheory.netwww.teoria.comwww.good-ear.commusescore.orgPlease note that this is a recommended reading list and therefore not essential.



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reCOMMenDeD resOurCes


CMU (complete Music update)

M Magazine (PrS’ Magazine)

Mojo Magazine


Q Magazine

The Fly

Intro Magazine


Electronic Music


COntextuaL reaDinG

Audio Books available on*

Byrne, d. (2012) How Music Works. London: canongate

Ellen, M. (2014) Rock stars stole My Life!: A Big Bad Love Affair with Music. London: coronet

Knopper, S. (2009) Appetite for self-Destruction: The spectacular Crash of the Record Industry in the Digital Age. London: Simon and Schuster uK

Pratt, g. (2007) My Bass and other Animals. London: orion

tassell, n. (2013) Mr Gig. London: Short Books






AudioBoo (Music Section)

the Quietus

drowned in Sound



the Line of Best Fit

the 405

the guardian Music


here are a few MOre iDeas Of weBsites/BLOGs/MaGazines anD BOOks that May Be heLpfuL tO have a LOOk at Over the suMMer BefOre COMinG tO BiMM BerLin anD DurinG yOur stuDies here.

twitter feeDs tO fOLLOw













* Listening to audio books is recommended to students as an excellent means of gaining broad historical and contextual knowledge of the subject area quickly and easily.

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stuDent LifestyLeMOvinG tO any new City Can Be a LittLe DauntinG. the GOOD news is BerLin is a reaLLy exCitinG anD viBrant City tO Live in anD yOu wiLL never Be shOrt Of thinGs tO keep yOu OCCupieD.

during enrolment and induction week we hold numerous events that we hope will make your transition to Berlin as carefree as possible. it’s hugely beneficial to come to as many events as possible to meet other students and, more importantly, have fun! details of events taking place in enrolment and induction week will be sent to you in late August/early September.


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it GOes withOut sayinG that yOu shOuLD Be reaListiC aBOut BuDGetinG fOr yOur tiMe at BiMM. it’s essentiaL that yOu have enOuGh MOney fOr the DuratiOn Of yOur COurse.

international students may not be able to work under the conditions of their Student visa. if you hold a Student visa, then you should refer to the visa page of your passport for further information about any working restrictions that may apply. if you’re able to work, don’t assume any part-time earnings will fully cover your living costs and accommodation.

reMeMBer: your student experience is as much about your social life as it is about learning. Plan how much spare cash you have for socialising and try not to spend too much in the first few weeks.

consider what you want to do in advance and how you can keep costs manageable. Have a look at top tips online for how to keep your costs down and within budget. this website is useful for seeing what you can do for free in your spare time, along with cheap places to eat and other helpful tips to save money.

LOCatiOnBiMM Berlin’s address is:warschauer str. 70a 10243 Berlin

the college’s nearest u-Bahn station is warschauer str on the u1, closest stop 5 min walk.

the S-Bahn lines s3, s5, s7 and s75 from Alexander Platz.

the M10 and M13 trams stop very close to the college, which is also served by the 240 and n40 bus routes.

Parking is very limited within the area. we expect many of our new students to live within a short distance of the college. You may wish to consider living slightly further away and commuting into Friedrichshain, especially if you’re already settled in Berlin.

remember that you’ll need to take into consideration the cost of travelling, and the time it will take to get into BiMM Berlin, when making any accommodation decisions.

LivinG expenses

we recommend the following areas, some of which are within walking distance of BiMM Berlin or a short commute:• Friedrichshain• Kreuzberg• Fennpfuhl• Lichtenberg• Mitte• Prenzlauer Berg• Neukölln• Treptow


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the city is also extremely bicycle-friendly, with dedicated cycle paths and plenty of secure storage. there are student discounts on transport tickets that you will be able to receive once you are enrolled and have your student id to prove that you are a full-time student in Berlin.

Map showing S-Bahn and u-Bahn routes to BiMM Berlin from nearby areas. Major stations and local stations near to BiMM are shown. tram & bus routes are not shown.


puBLiC transpOrt thrOuGhOut BerLin is BOth inexpensive anD reLiaBLe, with a COMBinatiOn Of Buses, traMs, unDerGrOunD anD suBurBan trains servinG the MetrOpOLitan area.


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DisCOver BerLin

Berlin is a very diverse city with lots of different social and leisure activities to suit everyone. with so much to see, do and experience, you may feel a little overwhelmed as to where to begin.

the good news is that many of Berlin’s top attractions are free so you don’t need to worry about spending too much money. we suggest visiting:

the east side Gallery this is a huge section (1.3km) of the Berlin wall that was left standing, and has been turned into a gallery to celebrate the work of 105 artists from all around the world.

Brandenburg Gate one of Berlin’s most iconic landmarks. it dates back to 1791 when it was first built as the royal city gate.

tiergarten park tiergarten Park is a very central and relaxing place to be if you fancy a stroll. there are ponds and ornamental gardens to see and explore.

holocaust Memorial the Holocaust memorial in the centre of Berlin was created to pay respects to the 6 million Jewish people who lost their lives in the Holocaust. 2,711 concrete slabs of varying height create a maze-like atmosphere in the centre of Berlin.

flea Markets these are a great place to pick up a bargain and they happen all across the city throughout the week.

Checkpoint Charlie the original gateway between East and west Berlin.

Bearpit karaoke Join the crowds at Mauerpark on Sundays, when people pile into an outdoor amphitheatre to watch and cheer on brave singers.

visit a lake Berlin is surrounded by lots of lakes and a Berlin tradition is to jump on a train when the weather is nice and go for a swim in one of the lakes nearby!

if you want to escape the crowds, take a wander around or have a picnic in one of Berlin’s numerous parks. the city is full of relaxing and interesting open spaces. tempelhofer Feld is a former airfield that has now been turned into a public space, and there are often art installations taking place in the open spaces in and around Berlin.

Boxhagener Platz is really close to BiMM Berlin and offers a relaxing place to be between lesson times, there are also plenty of places to buy cheap and delicious food around there too.


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Berlin is crammed with good places to eat and if you look closely then there are plenty of places to pick up tasty, healthy and cheap food.

there are a range of diverse cultures and cuisines, so there really is something for everyone. Berlin is very accommodating for all dietary needs, such as vegetarian, vegan, kosher, halal and gluten free. there are restaurants, cafes and food markets where you can sample the local german delicacies or find something different from the wide range of cuisines that are represented within the city.

Every type of food is available within a variety of price ranges, however, on a student budget it’s a good idea to shop and prepare your own meals to help keep costs down.

grocery stores and supermarkets are scattered throughout the city, shops like netto, Lidl and Aldi provide an inexpensive way to do your weekly shop. other supermarkets like rewe, Kaiser’s, and BioMarkt

provide a bit more of an upmarket option and you may be able to get some products here that you can’t in the cheaper options.

note: the majority of shops, including all supermarkets, close on a Sunday, so make sure that you stock up with all the essentials on any other day of the week!

if you really find yourself stuck on a Sunday and need somewhere to do a grocery shop, check out the big S-Bahn stations as they sometimes have supermarkets that are open on a Sunday, but make sure that you look into this before you go.

eLeCtriCaL vOLtaGe

the electrical voltage in Europe is 230v, compared to 240v in the uK and 120v in the uS. the plugs have two pins, so if you’re bringing electrical equipment from home, you may need an adaptor and transformer. Bear this in mind when deciding whether to bring small goods with you. try Amazon or Ebay as an affordable source of electrical goods, or to buy adaptors and transformers.


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stayinG safe

Berlin has a relatively low level of major crime and what does occur is typically opportunistic in nature. For example crimes such as pick-pocketing, street harassment and petty theft are some of the more common crimes that happen in Berlin. there are also a large amount of reported bike thefts, so if you do buy a bike once you are here, invest in a good lock, and make sure that you store it somewhere safe at all times.

on a daily basis, millions of people go about their lives without any difficulty. You’re unlikely to be a victim of crime but it’s important to always remain streetwise and safe. remember, personal safety is often about using your common sense. Plan journeys in advance, keep to well-lit areas at night and don’t take shortcuts through alleyways or parks if you’re walking alone. Keep your belongings close to you and in a safe place. Make sure that you have a secure place on you to keep your wallet and phone so that it is not easily accessed by opportunist thieves. Make sure that you tell someone where you are going if you’re going out alone, and use pre-booked taxis to get home late at night rather than walking.

112 is the European Emergency number. You can call this number for free, anywhere in the Eu. By calling this number you can contact the emergency services, police, ambulance/paramedic and fire brigade. Put this number in your phone and remember it in case you find yourself in an emergency situation.


illegal downloading of films, music and any other form of entertainment is taken very seriously in germany. it is common to incur a fine of thousands of Euros if you are caught downloading, and it’s a common occurrence that people get caught. unlike other countries that might not take it very seriously, germany is extremely strict with people who are caught downloading. Make sure that you don’t get fined, so don’t download illegally.


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stuDent heaLth

ChOOsinG the riGht heaLth insuranCe fOr yOuthere are two types of health insurance in germany, public or private. in most circumstances, up until you are 30 years of age, you must have public health insurance. the private health insurance option is only allowed in exceptional circumstances. it is also worth bearing in mind that once you have taken out private health insurance in germany, you can’t ever revert this back to public health insurance, so you have to be absolutely sure it’s the right option for you! generally the public health insurance is the cheaper option anyway, unless your parents’ private health insurance covers you to study in germany.

reCOGnitiOn Of fOreiGn heaLth insuranCe

if you are originally from a country which is a member of the European union or the European Economic area, then the situation is a little different. if you have public health insurance at home then you can usually get this approved by a public health insurance company here in germany. if this is relevant for you then make sure that you contact the public health insurance company before you leave home to double check that you qualify and what documents you need to take with you to germany.

For most European countries you can acquire a European Health insurance card (EHic) which will cover your health insurance while you study, you can usually apply for this online or your insurance company may issue you the card free of charge.

in some circumstances your insurance may not cover all the costs that you incur in germany, for certain procedures or consultations there may be extra hidden costs. Make sure that you know what you are entitled to in germany before leaving home.

stuDents Over the aGe Of 30once you turn 30 years of age then you can no longer get public student health insurance at a cheap rate. Some public health insurance companies do offer tariffs for graduates at a cheaper rate for one additional term, or you can also take out voluntary health insurance with one of the public health funds. Alternatively you could opt to pay for private health insurance.

it is COMpuLsOry in GerMany tO have heaLth insuranCe. withOut it, yOu May nOt Be enrOLLeD On the COurse. therefOre yOu neeD tO sOrt Out yOur heaLth insuranCe as sOOn as pOssiBLe BefOre Or after yOur arrivaL


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Student suppOrt


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pastOraL suppOrtthe Student Support team holds individual one-to-one sessions with students to discuss any issue they may be struggling with. these are strictly confidential and can include any topic ranging from personal issues, attendance related queries and discussions of special considerations we may need to take into account to support your studies. we actively encourage students to book appointments and to come and meet us at any point during their studies for extra support. You can easily contact the support team through reception or directly through email or phone if you need to have a chat.

stuDent suppOrt serviCes

Here at BiMM institute Berlin, we understand there are certain needs you may have which will require support from us. we provide support for students with a wide range of needs including (but not limited to) dyslexia, dyspraxia, AdHd, mental health issues, as well as those who have physical and sensory impairments. we have a range of services available for you.

these include: general health advice Health promotion counselling Academic & pastoral tutorials Learning support

aCaDeMiC tutOriaLsStudents are encouraged to book regular one-to-one tutorials to work on technique, master their academic writing and discuss their skills, development and long/short term career goals. tutorials give students a unique opportunity to be individually guided by the most experienced industry professionals in the country. Students are able to see any tutor on the BiMM Berlin roster, however these tutorials may be limited, so make sure that you check with reception in advance.

Students are also invited to book tutorials with their course Leader or the Head of Education at any point throughout their studies; these tutorials are unlimited and can help to provide you with guidance and support for your academic life at BiMM. they can also address any assessment related queries and concerns you might have about your course and provide guidance of where you can access support elsewhere.

we are committed to helping students fulfil their potential during their time at BiMM institute Berlin and we place an emphasis on supporting the development of our students both academically and personally. with this in mind, the Student Support team is available at every step of the student journey to offer confidential support and guidance on issues such as stress, disability and learning support, depression and anxiety issues, family/friends/relationship problems, smoking, alcohol and drugs, sexual health, eating disorders; as well as on-going academic and practical learning support and advice. we also offer a wide range of additional support services that are designed to meet students’ academic and welfare needs to enrich the BiMM institute Berlin experience.


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BiMM institute BerLin is COMMitteD tO a pOLiCy Of equaL OppOrtunities anD prOviDes COnfiDentiaL aDviCe anD suppOrt tO stuDents with varyinG DisaBiLities anD speCifiC LearninG DiffiCuLties.

we are committed to ensuring that students with specific needs are provided with equal access to their chosen course of study and facilities. the college is working towards removing any barriers which might prevent an individual from actively participating in student life.

if students indicate on their application and/or pre-enrolment form that they require further support, then a member of the student services team will be in contact to arrange an individual tutorial. this is to ensure all requirements are catered for.

we work with students with a wide range of disabilities, including but by no means restricted to:

Specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, AdHd)

Mental health difficulties (such as depression, bi-polar disorder, anxiety)

Students with autistic spectrum and Asperger syndrome

Long-term medical conditions (such as Hiv, cancer, multiple sclerosis)

unseen disabilities (such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy)

Sensory impairments (such as visual/hearing impairment)

Mobility or physical impairments (such as paralysis, arthritis)

For students with dyslexia and other Specific Learning difficulties there’s a range of support available, including special arrangements for exams and 1:1 specialist tuition. Please notify the Head of Student Services, georgia gallimore, at your earliest convenience to let us know about any requirements that you have.

COunseLLinGBiMM institute Berlin offers short term counselling to any student in need of the service via professional counsellors. this free and confidential provision offers individuals the opportunity to explore a wide range of emotional and psychological issues. if you think this may be of benefit to you then contact the Head of Student Services at any point throughout your studies at BiMM Berlin.

DisaBiLity anD LearninG suppOrt


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BiMM GiGsonce you’ve got your band together and had some rehearsals, you can audition for one of BiMM’s gigs. we have an end of term gig once a term, and utilise some of the amazing live music venues that are on our doorstep. these are a great opportunity for students to get some live performance experience and put on a brilliant show for their peers, friends and families.

BiMM aLBuMthe BiMM album is a showcase of BiMM’s best songwriting talent. Students have the opportunity to submit their demos to be reviewed by our Artist development team, and a selection of these songs will be professionally recorded and available to buy as a cd or digital download. Listen to the very first BiMM Berlin album here:

netwOrkinG eventsBiMM holds networking events in term 1, which is a great opportunity to get together with other students from different courses that have similar musical interests. not only is it a great way to find new friends and swap some phone numbers, but it’s also a good place to start finding band members.

Get COnneCteD at BiMM


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Careers anD inDustryAs Head of careers and industry here at BiMM institute Berlin it is my pleasure to help springboard your musical career as early as possible.

i will work closely with students on an individual basis to help define and nurture your career goals and ultimately provide opportunities to allow you to get out of the classroom and experience the music industry in a real-life setting.

there are numerous exciting work placements on offer, or book a tutorial for guidance on one of your own entrepreneurial ventures etc. i also invite the performers and songwriters to attend artist development tutorials where you will be advised on recording, gigs, your digital profile, photography, videos and promotion.

i will hold regular careers Hub sessions, where you will meet employers and A&rs, as well as hosting cv surgeries and networking workshops. there will be Q&A sessions with top artists where you can learn from the best. Last year we welcomed Ben thompson (two door cinema club), we Are Scientists, Hozier and Peaches, to name a few.

i look forward to meeting you – book a tutorial and get involved as soon as you get here!

Lisa wadham, Head of careers and [email protected]


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freshers’ GuiDe

COMMOn feeLinGsMoving away from home to a new city and starting university is a really exciting opportunity for a big change. You get to make a whole new start in a new place with new people. You might feel a mixture of great excitement and nervousness – what will the course really be like? will i get on with my housemates? will i make friends? How do i look after myself?

Please remember that you are not alone in feeling this way. these are all questions that everyone in your situation is asking themselves. if you’re worried about making friends, or not knowing the city, or how to make a Bolognese; remember that every other person around you feels the same way, and within just a couple of days you will feel more at home and comfortable than you can even imagine.

strateGies fOr COpinGthere are some important things to keep in mind when going through this experience of moving away from home; these will prepare you and help you to cope with any situation you stumble across.

Look after yourself – it takes time for new friends to really know you properly, which means you need to put your own welfare, health and safety at the top of your priorities.

know yourself and what you can handle – this is a time when you can experiment and find a way of living that really suits you, but this can take time. try not to be pressured or influenced by others’ opinions and actions. try to make decisions about life choices in the cold light of day, so that you know how you want to respond if you end up in a tricky situation.

Confront difficulties – in a new environment it’s easy to waste time worrying about things you don’t understand or can’t control. don’t be afraid to ask the Student Services team and many other agencies external to BiMM who are ready and willing to help you with any problem or query, big or small. Begin to see challenging situations as a chance to overcome something rather than a problem in your way.

Be healthy – Maintain a good diet, get adequate sleep and try to be active when you can; people are often happier if they are healthy. register with a local doctor’s surgery so that if you fall ill you can get the right care. if you are feeling stressed or sad talk to the Student Services team, they will find you the right support; know when you need to get some extra help.

Make a budget – work out how much money you have for the term, and how much you will have to spend on unavoidable costs like rent, food and bills. this way you will know how much you have left to spend on yourself. doing this will avoid you running out of money half way through the term, which can be very stressful.

Don’t work all the time – As independent study is so important at university, it can sometimes be hard to give yourself time off. give yourself regular breaks and occasional days off.

Do work some of the time – Being away from home and with so much to do in a new city, it can be easy to neglect your work and fall behind in the course. Make sure you find the time for your studies to avoid a stressful situation.

Be yourself! – People can’t get to know and like you for who you really are if you don’t act like yourself. there are so many people to potentially become friends with, be yourself and you will find the right friends for you.

freshers’ events, at the BeGinninG Of the first terM, are a Great way tO Meet peOpLe anD Make frienDs; we’LL prOviDe yOu with infOrMatiOn aBOut these at enrOLMent. yOu Can expeCt CLuB niGhts, GiGs anD netwOrkinG events. a fuLL sCheDuLe Of events anD Offers wiLL Be sent tO yOu in septeMBer.


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faCuLty infOrMatiOn

stuDent CarDs

You will be issued with a BiMM student card and lanyard at the start of your course provided we receive a scanned photo. it is compulsory that you wear your student card at all times when within the BiMM building. there are other businesses working in the same building as BiMM, and it’s important that you are recognisable as a BiMM student to all who work here.

stuDent COMMOn rOOM

the main Student common room is at our site situated in our main BiMM Berlin building. this is a place where you can relax between lectures or socialise with friends. More information on this space and other rooms with free access time will be provided when you enrol.


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OVERVIEWThe following document is designed to give you clear information about some of the more important terms and conditions that govern your time at BIMM.

If you need further guidance please contact a member of student support or the admissions team.

REGULATIONSThis documents references the following regulations from the Academic Development and Quality Manual:BIMM Academic Regulations:

Section 15: BIMM University of Sussex Academic Regulations Section 16: BIMM Bath Spa University Undergraduate Academic RegulationsSection 17: BIMM Dublin Institute of Technology Academic RegulationsSection 18: BIMM University of West London Academic Regulations

Section 11: BIMM Student Engagement PolicySection 19: BIMM Harassment and Bullying PolicySection 21: BIMM Fitness to Study PolicySection 31: BIMM Code of ConductSection 32: BIMM Disciplinary Policy

Please see:

WITHDRAWALBIMM has the right to withdraw you from your course if:

• You have poor attendance at lessons (See Student Engagement Policy)• You fail too many assignments and no longer meet the progression requirements• You are found guilty of a serious breach of our regulations at a disciplinary hearing. This could include,

but is not limited to:• Harassing and bullying behaviour• Discriminatory behaviour• Assault• Threatening/abusive behaviour• Drugs/alcohol on BIMM premises

• A fitness to study panel finds that you are unable to continue your studies due to illness, including mental health issues. (See Fitness to Study Policy)

• You exceed of the maximum registration period (many course only allow you to be registered as a student for a maximum of 7 years)

• You fail to re-enrol at the beginning of an academic year• You fail to return after a period of intermission/deferral.• You fail to pay your tuition fees• You may also withdraw yourself from a course of study.• If you are withdrawn from a course:• You will no longer be allowed to use BIMM premises. • You may be liable for any outstanding fees for the year.• You will not receive a degree qualification but may be able to claim a lower level exit qualification if you

have previously completed one or two years of study successfully.

PROGRESSION REQUIREMENTSIn order to progress from one year of a course to another you must meet the progression requirements. These may be slightly different depending on which course you are enrolled on and the awarding university for your degree.

It is important that you read the full progression requirements for your degree which can be found in the academic regulations for the relevant awarding university.

The best way to guarantee you’ll progress on to the next year is to get at least 40% in all your modules. (Note: PGCert students need to achieve at least 50%).

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PROGRESSION REQUIREMENTS (CONT...)Additionally there may be requirements that you must meet in order to take certain optional modules. This varies from college to college depending on the awarding university but one common example is that some professional musicianship degrees require you to achieve at least 60% in the year 2 Technical Development Module in order to take the optional Solo Performance Module in year 3. For information regarding the progression requirements of your particular course you should contact your course leader.

AWARD REQUIREMENTS In order to receive your degree qualification you will need to meet certain requirements as set out by the awarding university for your degree.

It is important that you read the full award requirements for your degree which can be found in the academic regulations for the relevant awarding university.

The best way to guarantee that you will receive your full qualification is to get at least 40% in all modules for every year of your qualification. (Note: PGCert students need to achieve at least 50%)

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCTAcademic misconduct can be described, in its simplest form, as cheating in an examination or assessment.

This includes:

• Plagiarism - the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as your own.• Collusion - Working together with someone on an assessment that is meant to be an individual effort.• Personation – having someone else sit an examination for you.• Taking notes into an unseen examination• Gaining access to an unseen examination paper in advance of sitting it• Fabricating research results

The result of committing academic misconduct could vary depending on the severity of the case but could ultimately lead to you being disqualified from the qualification. If you have already received an award, but are then found guilty of misconduct, you may have that award revoked.

For more in depth guides make sure you read the academic regulations for your degrees awarding university.

SUBMISSION OF WORKWork must be submitted in the correct format, failure to submit work in the correct format may result in marks being deducted.

When submitting work digitally it is your responsibility to ensure that files are submitted in the correct file format and can be opened correctly. It is a good idea to test files on different computers to make sure they work. When creating an audio or video CD/DVD you should test it on multiple devices.

If the file can’t be opened or the disc doesn’t work we won’t be able to mark it and will likely result in a reduced mark or no mark at all.

Failure of electronic devices is not grounds for a mitigating evidence claim so is important that you backup all your work and double check all submissions.

For more information refer to the academic regulations from your awarding university.

INTERMISSION/DEFERRAL You may be allowed to take a break between years while on your course. If the intermission period extends to more than twelve months and the individual would miss more than one academic year BIMM reserves the right to reassess the individual’s case before readmitting them to the course.

If you fail to return within the agreed time you may be withdrawn from your course.

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COURSE CHANGESIn response to student feedback changes may be made to your course, this will only happen when:

• The changes are non-material e.g. changing the name of a module• The changes are beneficial to students• The changes are required because circumstances outside of our control e.g. a change in the law.

When we are making change to a course we always consult with your student reps through the Boards of Study at each college. You are able to express your concerns or input you would like to have by contacting your rep or attending the student representation forum at your college.

If a change is likely to be detrimental to some students we would email all student to inform them of the proposed change a give them time to respond.

TUTORSBIMM is proud of its long history of employing music industry professionals to teach at all of our colleges. We believe that through this practice we provide the best opportunities to our students to learn from tutors who understand their goals and have the knowledge and experience necessary to help make them a reality. In order to provide these benefits, sometimes tutors are granted leave to engage in industry activities such as going on tour. This is vital to ensure that our tutors are able to give students the most current information, and share recent experiences, about a music industry that is constantly evolving and expanding into new areas.

Whenever a tutor goes on leave, whether it is due to industry activities or unavoidable factors such as illness or maternity leave, BIMM endeavours to ensure that lessons are covered by an industry professional with relevant experience in the subject.

Through this practice, we aim to provide high quality learning opportunities throughout your course of study at BIMM.

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BERLINDisabled Access: Unfortunately, BIMM Berlin is currently not wheelchair accessible. Students who require wheelchair access are advised to apply to another BIMM college

LONDONDisabled Access: All teaching buildings at BIMM London are wheelchair accessible BrightonDisabled Access: At BIMM Brighton the majority of teaching buildings are wheelchair accessible. However, our BIMM East building is currently not wheelchair accessible, this mainly affects Music Production courses. If you require wheelchair access every effort will be made to arrange different rooms that are accessible.

DUBLINDisabled Access: All teaching buildings at BIMM Dublin are wheelchair accessible, however, there are some class rooms that cannot be accessed. If you require wheelchair access every effort will be made to arrange different rooms that are accessible.

MANCHESTERDisabled Access: All teaching buildings at BIMM Manchester are wheelchair accessible

BRISTOLDisabled Access: All teaching buildings at BIMM Bristol are Wheelchair accessible, however some class rooms are not accessible, students who wish to study either Professional Musicianship (Drums) or Music Production are advised to apply to a different BIMM college if they require wheelchair access.


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We’re here to help you throughout your time at Bimm Berlin

Warschauer Str. 70A, 10243 Berlin, Germany

+49 303 1199 186 (international)0800 664 7529 (German freephone)

[email protected]

We are committed to helping you throughout your

studies with us at BIMM Berlin and offer a wide

range of support services designed to meet your

academic and welfare needs, don’t hesitate to speak

to us whenever required: T: +49 303 1199 186

E: [email protected]

British & irish modern music institute

Your music career STArTS hErE

BIMM Berlin