conclusion and it

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 Conclusion and IT



    Due to its wide usage, Facebook has influenced the life of the individual. It changes

    the way we communicate, the way we work, the way we make friends and the way we fall in

    love. Facebook merges societies by breaking down the boundaries that separate one society

    from another. It faces no borders and artificially created barriers. A society, whose members

    have internet access and Facebook profile is no longer an isolated unit that stands alone.

    Class, social status and wealth are no longer important while using Facebook in

    communication. Everyone is approachable in Facebook. You can become friends with your

    favourite celebrities or popular social figures. In addition, Facebook has no class system, no

    social divisions and no minority groups. Thus its impact can be greatly felt in every aspect of

    life and undeniably, the growth of communication and IT skills development.

    IT part

    To ensure a flow of communication occurring, Facebook has a number of feature with

    which users may interact. The wall which is a space on every user s profile page that allows

    friends to post messages for the user to see. The messages can include information, emotions,

    attitudes and opinions. For example, when a class representative wants to make an

    announcement as told by his lecturer, he can just write on his profile s wall or others profile

    in order to disseminate the information. Photos, where users can upload albums and photos

    and even have the ability to tag or label users in a photo. As an example, if he is a

    photographer who likes to have a feedback on his or her photos, he can use Facebook as a

    platform to share his photos universally. Status, which allows users to inform their friends of

    their whereabouts and actions which do not violate others intellectual property rights.

    Facebook authority will receive a proper claim of IP (intellectual property) infringement and

    they will promptly remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing content. They will

    also terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in appropriate circumstances. So, Facebook

    serves as channels to have communication freely and globally.

    Aligned with the developments of new features of Facebook,now a days, ,Facebook

    have came out with several features to ensure the smooth flow of communication as well as

    interactions to be occurred .For instance, the Wall,which is a space for every user to write

    down their thoughts in their mind or any other kind of

  • 8/2/2019 Conclusion and IT


    information(emotions,attitudes,opinions and ect.) with the user want it to be revealed to

    others and thus allowing the other users to make judgement or post comments on it.,. Photos,

    in which the user can having their photos which is snapped in an activities they had

    participate to be uploaded to the Facebook and for the other user to have a look on it.Its also

    to allow the other users to know the particular persons recent conducted activities.In addition

    to the Tag function ,which act as a name tag to indicate the who is/are in the photomand it

    can be acted as a function for the other users to widen their network.For example,says A and

    B are mutually knew each other but C only knew A but not B .When C is tagged in the

    photos which is uploaded by A and at the same time when B saw C in the photos of A,B can

    add C as a friend and therefore the network will grow largerAnother features of the facebook

    is Status ,which enable users to expose their whereabouts and the actions now whether its

    now or future.which do not violate others intellectual property rights.If any posts is found to

    be contained pornographic components ,spam,graphic violence,attacks individual or

    group,user can report these case and Facebook authority will receive a proper claim of IP

    (intellectual property) infringement and they will promptly remove or disable access to the

    allegedly infringing content. They will also terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in

    appropriate circumstances. So, Facebook serves as channels to have communication freely

    and globally.