compendium of dr. ashutosh karnatak's tweets for professionals (3)


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Post on 01-Dec-2014



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Page 1: Compendium of Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak's Tweets for Professionals (3)



Page 2: Compendium of Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak's Tweets for Professionals (3)


I am not what I see myself , I am what you perceive me.

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Crisis needs patience, serenity and collaboration (PSC).

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Difficult situations can be handled by difficult decisions.

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Decision making to be done with IDEA i.e. Intuition, Data, Experience, Analysis.

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Develop problem facing and solving attitude.

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Leaders should minimize their chances to go in the wrong direction.

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Life is nothing but a project having scheduled time . Better be selective in priorities otherwise most of works will be incomplete.

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Health of the organization should be good to have sustained performance.

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Always think of employee , how to take best from him.

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Positive thinking leads to reduction of noise in mind.

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Positive thinking is aligned thinking i.e. thinking processes are as per objective.

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Weakness is nothing but a strength to be developed.

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Success is yours the minute you decide that you want it.

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At senior level , one should have excellence in managing humans than machines.


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Pain can be overcome either by enduring or encountering. Choice is yours.


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One is required to develop competency to execute under pressure.



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People only recognize the doer or executer. So better to learn how the ball can be put inside the goal.



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Sufferings help in exploring your inner self.


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"Why" is one of the best friend ,which gives answer on any initiative being contemplated by you. If you get convincing answer, go ahead.


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Exploit your strength but be vigilant of your shortcomings.



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Chant "I Can"

mantra 108 times daily for 21 days and get the increase in success rate.


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Every non-desired outcome has a hidden gift for us and that is the experience. So learn from failure

and get richer day by day.


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Work and only work is the real service to nation.


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Competency is for sharpening the sword of experience.


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Positive mind understands negativity but encounters the same.



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Competency helps in efficient operation.



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Keep doing ur SWOTMA i.e. strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, motivation, aspiration analysis.


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Leader should have serving attitude means Servitude, because his life is for others not for himself alone.


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Competent companies are outcome of competent and capable employees. Thus have focus on competencies as per requirement.


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Continue dreaming; Take a dream and realize it . After some time you would have realised many dreams.


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Projectisation with positivism is required in India . Let us join hands to disseminate knowledge of project...


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Appreciation of works is one of the motivation factor , which helps in better productivity.


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I am not that I feel , I am what you see. The parallax between the two has to be understood and corrected for...


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Today , one thought came to my mind: “I am thankful to all who gave me problems as by encountering I have become stronger.”


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I think requirement is to work on definition of “Star performer "so that it is clear to all that who qualifies to be one.



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Project management is the domain knowledge, which is required to be imparted not only to project people but to all...


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Star performers are self-actuated; they don't look for any external motivation as they are internally motivated to perform.


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In my experience, project gets ailed when Client, Contractor and Consultant (3Cs) do not work in tandem.


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Time to become serious on conservation of resources. After sometimes trans-border pipelines will be laid for transportation of water.


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One should be vigilant about politics in the office.


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How u r understood by others, that is important to know.

. @akarnatak

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Silence and smile are two attributes for success.


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Anticipate problems and get ready for it.


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