common council—august 15, 1927 149 councu...

COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU Chamber ceed $100.00. Ann Arbor, Mich, Aug. 15, 1927 (Council action) Regular MeeUng fFromtoarf r^^"' Committee. Meeting called to order by Pres. <,f,^/^„^g°^^°; presented tabula- wooaoury. T«^^i,rr, Qimwnn tion of bids: Miner St. No. 171. Present: Aid. Jocelyn, Siauson, annitflrv c^PwPf M a ae<?<?ner «i I Graf, Maulbetsch, Lucas, Hammial. ffo nn^p ^ Kvan $1 559 7 5 ' Ole Draper, Dorow. Severance. Free- t ^ ? - ^ l „ ^ i i ,5^?''^'o. ^^ man, Fisher. Lutz. Pres. Woodbury, ^^oh^^^^^^^ ^^''^T'.' Milfan^ii.'^staS Absent: Aid. Bursley. 1. ^Ider Blvd., Lutz and Madison Minutes of August 1. 1927, ap- Sanitary Sewer No. 172^ M. G. nroved Gessner, $4,238.25; P, Ryan, $4,- ^ ' Communications l^^x^-^i,-^^ ^??afAn^^'^^^^^ V?* ^^ « ^ « -TV. 1.1- nr 1 T. Liddicoat, $3,956.50; M. T. Mil- From Board of Public Works .^^^^^ «3 550 45 Moved by Mr. Atwell that Board Montgomery Ave. and Fountain recommends to Council that Mr. g^ g^.^^,^ Sewer, M. G. Gessner, Powell be allowed to withdraw his $9^298.90; P. Ryan, $7,113.05; Ole bid and further recommends that johnsen, $7,339.10; R. T. Liddicoat. the bid of L. W. Dailey the second $7,o21.90; M. T. Miljanic, $7,357.51. lowest bidder, be accepted for con- Moved by Mr. Heinzmann, that struction of -curbs and gutters in ^^^j,^ recommends to Council that District 135 to 141 inc. and con- ^he bid of Ole Johnsen, the low- tract awarded to him. est bidder, be accepted for con- (Council action) struction of Miner St. sanitary sew- Moved by Aid Lucas that rec- ^j, jy^^^^ ^^_ 171, That the bid of omniendations of Board be concur- ^ rp. Miljanic, the lowest bidder, red in and City Clerk instructed to ^e accepted for construction of El- return to Mr. Powell his bidder's ^er Blvd. sanitary sewer Dist. No. **?• . ^ ^, . ,1 . . ,. 172, and that the bid of R. T. Lid- Adopted by following vote: Yeas, dicoat, the lowest bidder, be ac- Ald. Jocelyn, Siauson, Graf Maul- cepted for construction of Mont- betsch, Lucas, Hammial, Draper, gomery Ave. and Fountain St. storm Dorow, Severance Freeman, Fisher, gewer and contracts be awarded to Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, them. ^^^^ T^ ^^ (Council action) (From Board) Moved by Aid. Hammial, that To the Board of Public Works, recommendation of Board be con- Ann Arbor, Michigan, curred in. Gentlemen: , Adopted by following vote: Yeas, I submit the following prelimi- Aid. Jocelyn, Siauson, Graf. Maul- inary estimate of cost of construe- betsch. Lucas, Hammial, Draper, tion of Allen Drive Sanitary Sewer Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fish- from Dexter Ave. to Glendale Drive: er, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, Labor and material $1,704.90 none. Engineering and contingen- (From Board) cies 170.49 Moved by Mr. Rentschler, that ———• Board request permission of Coun- Estimated cost $1,875.39 cil to repair curb and gutter at Plans and specifications are on corner of Main and Huron Streets file in my office. and recommends that council take Respectfully submitted, necessary action to collect the cost GEO. H. SANDENBURGH, of repairs from the Detroit, Jack- City Engineer, son and Chicago railway. Moved by Mr. Atwell. that the (Council action) plans, specifications and prelimin- Moved by Aid. Lutz, that request ary estimate for construction of of Board to repair curb and gutter Allen Drive Sanitary Sewer, be ap- at corner of Main and Huron proved and referred to Council. Streets be granted and City At- (Council action) torney be instructed to collect cost Referred to Sewer Committee, of repairs from the Detroit, Jack- (From Board) son and Chicago railway. Moved by Mr. Heinzmann, that Adopted by following vote: Yeas. Board ask Council for permission to Aid. Jocelyn, Siauson, Graf. Maul- purchase new adding machine for betsch, Lucas, Hammial, Draper. Street Dept. at a cost not to ex- Dorow, Severance. Freeman, Fish-

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Page 1: COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU · 2009-02-03 · COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU Chamber ceed


CouncU Chamber ceed $100.00. Ann Arbor, Mich, Aug. 15, 1927 (Council action)

Regular MeeUng f F r o m t o a r f r^^" ' Committee. Meeting called to order by Pres. <,f,^/^„^g°^^°; presented tabula-

wooaoury. T«^^i,rr, Qimwnn tion of bids: Miner St. No. 171. Present: Aid. Jocelyn, Siauson, annitflrv c PwPf M a ae<?<?ner «i I

Graf, Maulbetsch, Lucas, Hammial. ffo n n ^ p ^ Kvan $1 559 7 5 ' Ole Draper, Dorow. Severance. Free- t ^ ? - ^ l „ ^ i i ,5^?'' 'o. ^^ man, Fisher. Lutz. Pres. Woodbury, ^oh ^ ^ ^ ^^' '^T'. ' M i l f a n ^ i i . ' ^ s t a S

Absent: Aid. Bursley. 1. ^Ider Blvd., Lutz and Madison Minutes of August 1. 1927, ap- Sanitary Sewer No. 172^ M. G.

nroved Gessner, $4,238.25; P, Ryan, $4,-^ ' Communications l^^x^-^i,-^^ ^??afAn^^'^^^^^ V?* ^^ « ^ « -TV. 1.1- nr 1 T. Liddicoat, $3,956.50; M. T. Mil-From Board of Public Works .^^^^^ «3 550 45

Moved by Mr. Atwell that Board Montgomery Ave. and Fountain recommends to Council that Mr. g^ g^.^^,^ Sewer, M. G. Gessner, Powell be allowed to withdraw his $9^298.90; P. Ryan, $7,113.05; Ole bid and further recommends that johnsen, $7,339.10; R. T. Liddicoat. the bid of L. W. Dailey the second $7,o21.90; M. T. Miljanic, $7,357.51. lowest bidder, be accepted for con- Moved by Mr. Heinzmann, that struction of -curbs and gutters in ^^^j,^ recommends to Council that District 135 to 141 inc. and con- ^he bid of Ole Johnsen, the low-tract awarded to him. est bidder, be accepted for con-

(Council action) struction of Miner St. sanitary sew-Moved by Aid Lucas that rec- ^j, jy^^^^ ^^_ 171, That the bid of

omniendations of Board be concur- ^ rp. Miljanic, the lowest bidder, red in and City Clerk instructed to ^e accepted for construction of El-return to Mr. Powell his bidder's ^er Blvd. sanitary sewer Dist. No.

**?• . ^ , . ,1 . . , . 172, and that the bid of R. T. Lid-Adopted by following vote: Yeas, dicoat, the lowest bidder, be ac-

Ald. Jocelyn, Siauson, Graf Maul- cepted for construction of Mont-betsch, Lucas, Hammial, Draper, gomery Ave. and Fountain St. storm Dorow, Severance Freeman, Fisher, gewer and contracts be awarded to Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, them. ^^^^ T ^^ (Council action)

(From Board) Moved by Aid. Hammial, that To the Board of Public Works, recommendation of Board be con-Ann Arbor, Michigan, curred in. Gentlemen: , Adopted by following vote: Yeas,

I submit the following prelimi- Aid. Jocelyn, Siauson, Graf. Maul-inary estimate of cost of construe- betsch. Lucas, Hammial, Draper, tion of Allen Drive Sanitary Sewer Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fish-from Dexter Ave. to Glendale Drive: er, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, Labor and material $1,704.90 none. Engineering and contingen- (From Board)

cies 170.49 Moved by Mr. Rentschler, that — — — • Board request permission of Coun-

Estimated cost $1,875.39 cil to repair curb and gutter at Plans and specifications are on corner of Main and Huron Streets

file in my office. and recommends that council take Respectfully submitted, necessary action to collect the cost

GEO. H. SANDENBURGH, of repairs from the Detroit, Jack-City Engineer, son and Chicago railway.

Moved by Mr. Atwell. that the (Council action) plans, specifications and prelimin- Moved by Aid. Lutz, that request ary estimate for construction of of Board to repair curb and gutter Allen Drive Sanitary Sewer, be ap- at corner of Main and Huron proved and referred to Council. Streets be granted and City At-

(Council action) torney be instructed to collect cost Referred to Sewer Committee, of repairs from the Detroit, Jack-(From Board) son and Chicago railway. Moved by Mr. Heinzmann, that Adopted by following vote: Yeas.

Board ask Council for permission to Aid. Jocelyn, Siauson, Graf. Maul-purchase new adding machine for betsch, Lucas, Hammial, Draper. Street Dept. at a cost not to ex- Dorow, Severance. Freeman, Fish-

Page 2: COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU · 2009-02-03 · COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU Chamber ceed

150 C O M M O N C O U N C I I ^ — A U G U S T 15, 1927

er, Lu tz , P r e s . W o o d b u r y , 13 . N a y s , n o n e .

( F r o m B o a r d ) Moved by Mr . Atwe l l , t h a t C o u n ­

cil be r e q u e s t e d to p u r c h a s e f rom G e o r g e W . C la rk , a t a cos t n o t t o exceed $350.00, t h e t r i a n g u l a r p iece of l and , a p p r o x i m a t e l y 11,800 s q u a r e feet, w h i c h lies b e t w e e n l a n d p u r c h a s e d by ci ty f r o m D a n a H i s -cock a n d f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y of M i c h i g a n .

(Counc i l a c t i o n ) R e f e r r e d to B u d g e t C o m n i i t t e e . ( F r o m B o a r d ) Sea led p r o p o s a l s for c o n s t r u c t i o n

of p a v e m e n t in P a v e m e n t D i s t r i c t N o . 91 , w i d e n i n g of W . H u r o n St., w e r e r ece ived a s fo l lows : A n n A r b o r C o n s t r u c t i o n -

Co $3,623.38 G e o r g e W a l t e r h o u s e 4,147.18 L e w i s & F r i s i n g e r 6,262.30 E n g i n e e r ' s e s t i m a t e 4,085.49

Moved by Mr . Atwe l l , t h a t B o a r d r e c o m m e n d s to Counc i l t h a t t h e bid of t h e A n n A r b o r C o n s t r u c t i o n Co., t h e lowes t b i d d e r , be a c c e p t e d a n d c o n t r a c t a w a r d e d to ^ a i d c o m p a n y .

(Counc i l a c t i o n ) Moved by Aid . Gra f t h a t r e c o m ­

m e n d a t i o n be c o n c u r r e d in. A d o p t e d by fo l lowing v o t e : Yeas ,

Aid. J o c e l y n , S lauson , Graf, M a u l -be t sch , L u c a s , H a m m i a l , D r a p e r , DoroW, S e v e r a n c e , F r e e m a n , F i s h ­er, Lu tz , P r e s . W o o d b u r y , 13 . N a y s , n o n e .

Pet i t i ons Of I v a n N . C u t h b e r t , e t . a l , fo r c i ty b u i l d i n g code , r ece ived a n d r e f e r ­r e d to o r d i n a n c e c o m m i t t e e . Of. Mrs . R . M. S c h a l l e r for e x t e n ­s ion of t i m e for b u i l d i n g s i d e w a l k , r ece ived a n d r e f e r r e d to S i d e w a l k C o m m i t t e e .

P a v e m e n t Pet i t ions Of J a m e s W . F i n n e l l , et . a l , fo r p a v e m e n t on E . A n n St. b e t w e e n F i f t h Ave . a n d Divis ion St. ; a n d p e t i t i o n of G e o r g e E . Lewi s , e t .a l , for p a v e m e n t on L i n c o l n Ave . b e ­t w e e n Hi l l St. a n d W e l l s St., r e ce iv ­ed a n d r e f e r r e d to S t r e e t CJommit-t ee .

Claim Of C o r n e l i u s E . M o d d e r for a l l e g e d d a m a g e to a u t o m o b i l e , a m o u n t c l a i m e d $11.00, r ece ived a n d r e f e r ­r ed to City A t t o r n e y ,

Deeds W a r r a n t y d e e d s f r o m H e n r y A.

S a n d e r s a n d wife a n d f r o m A n d r e w F . S m i t h a n d wife, c o n v e y i n g l a n d s to ci ty to b r o a d e n H i g h l a n d r o a d , r ece ived a n d r e f e r r e d to Ci ty A t ­t o r n e y a n d S t r e e t C o m m i t t e e .

Coinmittee Repor t s F*inanco R e p o r t

F ire F u n d Salaries

C h a s . A n d r e w s H e n r y M c L a r e n R a l p h E d w a r d s , , . J a c o b G w i n n e r H e r m a n K r u s e . . . . F r a n k M a r k e y E m i l D a m m a n Mat . He.ini.nger . F l o y d N a y i o r E a r l A r n o l d B e n j . Z a h n H e n r y N e v r o t h A r t h u r C l a r k Clyde C a r p e n t e r J o h n C o m i s k e y W a l t e r F i e l d c a m p P e r c y W h i t l o c k E d w a r d Zeeb Geo. S c h m i d t H e n r y K o l a n d e r A l b e r t H o f f m a n E l m e r R i n t z O s c a r R i n t z . . . . . . V E r n e s t H e l l e r I r a N e v a r r e F r a n k R y a n L a u r e n c e C h a t t e r t o n J o h n W a t e r m a n W m . K e i h l C a r l t o n N e v i n s C h a s . C a r r o l l

114.50 91.50

. 91.50 83.00 83.00 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50-78.D*^ 78.5 78.5. 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50^ 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 72.00 45.00

F i r e F u n d t o t a l s a l a r i e s 1-2 m o n t h , A u g u s t * $2,

Pol i ce F u n d Salaries

T h o s . O ' B r i e n .$ L o u i s F o h e y . N o r m a n Cook S h e r m a n M o r t e n s o n M. G. H o w a r d C h a s . K a p p . . . ; . . . . I r w i n K e e b l e r H a r o l d Gee B e n j . Ba l l R o l a n d W o o s t e r '. H e r m a n S u m a O s c a r W e i r T h o s . F o h e y J u l i u s E h n i s W a l t e r S c h m i d A r n o l d B u s c h A l b e r t H e u s e l J o h n O s b o r n ; W m . M a r z H a r r y S m i t h Clifford W e s t C a s p e r M i c h e l s o n W m . H i t c h i n g h a m C l a r k E a r l R o y R i c h t e r I r w i n D a v i d s o n S. V. B a r t h o l m e w


114.50 87.50 83.00 83.00 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 78.50 72.00 72.00 72,00 72.00 72.00-72.00 72.00

Page 3: COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU · 2009-02-03 · COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU Chamber ceed


Eugene Gehringer 72.00

Police Fund total salaries 1-2 month, August . . . . $ 2 ,

W a t e r Works Fund Salaries

Ha r ry Willsher $ Waldo Eisemann Fred Linde Lawrence Fur thmue l l e r . . . Rober t Rowe Rober t Young Durward Young A. E. Hawkes C. W. Shetterly Donna Woodward William Groves J. C. Ledwidge


72.50 75.00 87.50 75.00 70.00 65.00 62.50 70.00

100.00 62.50 70.00 70.00

Total semi-monthly salaries $880.00 Contingent Fund

Salaries, 1-2 Ajlonth i'lVank Marz , F-red J. Staeb

78.50 57.50

.00 Total salaries . .$136 Municipal Garage

First Liberty Garage, mate ­rials $ 6.25

Jno C, Fischer Co .50 The Michigamme Oil Co. . . 10.35 Henry S. P ia t t 28.33 P r a t t & Stribley Garage . . .50 Wolf & Colvin 4.00 Staebler Oil Co 493.58 Auto Repai r Shop, repairs . 1.50

Municipal Garage total . .$545.01 E^ngineer Depa r tmen t

Services J im Acqui $ 55.50 W m . Austin 40.00 W. M. Couper 55.50 Lewis Deising 75.00 K. W. Donnell 75.00 H. Ferenz 75.00 Wilfred B. Graf 46.50 Douglas Hammia l 45.25 Stuar t King 48.95 Harold Marquard t 48.00 V. W. McAdam 100.00 Pau l Minnis 44.27 R. A. Nordgren 75.00 W. J. Rogers 87.00 Louis G. Scovill 51.25 Raymond Snodgrass 75.00 Geo. M. Steffey 44.50 Ward C. Strome 75.00 P . C. Webb 6.67

E lmer Gregory, services. . . . Jessie Crippen L. E. Reynolds Public Heal th Nursing As­

sociation, T. B. work . . . Contractor Publishing Co.,

pr int ing The Ann Arbor Times News Peter Vasseliou, garage at

dump Banner Launder ing Co., of­

fice expense Burroughs Adding Machine

Co Davis & Ohlinger Eberbach & Son Co W^m. Goodyear & Co J . T. Kenny The Mayer-Schairer Co. . . . I. G. Reynolds The Typewri ter Exchange . . Geo. W a h r Whi te Swan Laundry Co.,

Ltd , Ann Arbor Foundry Co.,

mater ia ls City of Ann Arbor Street

Fund Jr |o. C. Fischer Co H ! J . Hagen Holland, Ackerman & Hol­

land Killins Gravel Co P . T. Lamkin & Sons The Freder ick Post Co Wm. H. L. Rhode Wolf & Colvin Mich. Coin Lock Co., con­

tingencies Mich. State Highway Dept. . H. J. Hochrein & Son, re­

pairs City of Ann Arbor Municip­

al Garage, M. Garage . . .

25.00 57.40 59.50


30.00 262.75



23.90 11.00 14.70

1.50 .54

83.10 16.84 14.30




2.00 9.41 1.00

11.16 4.54

22.50 10.93

114.24 20.50

23.80 76.00



Total $1,760.34

Contingent Fund total in­cluding salaries $3,564.74

Cemetery Fund Wate r Works Dept., N - P

services $ 3.24 Muehlig & Schmid, office

expense 2.85

Engineer Dept. total ser­vices $1,123.39

Mich. Bell Tel. Co., N - P ser­vices $ 12.47

Wate r Works Dept 98.36 The Detroit Edison 95.90

Cemetery Fund to ta l . . . .$ 6.09 Street Light ing F u n d

The Detroit Edison Co., light . $2,170.94

Building Sidewalks F, Schmid, services $ 75.00

Wate r Works Fund Addressograph Co., office . .$ 4.00 Mayer-Schairer Co 14.50 George W a h r 1.00 The A. P. Smith Mfg. Co.,

Page 4: COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU · 2009-02-03 · COMMON COUNCIL—AUGUST 15, 1927 149 CouncU Chamber ceed


mater ia ls 12.91 Neptune Meter Co. 2.44 Linde Air Products Co 3.52 Mich. Valve & Foundry Co.. 41.75 Clover-Leaf Motor Truck

Transpor ta t ion Co .94 The Prest-O Lite Co., Inc . . . 50.00 Ann Arbor Construction Co. 273.30 Modern P a t t e r n & Machine ' Works . . . . 3.25

Staebler Oil Co 8.63 C. A. Sauer Co 33.00 J o h n Volz & Son 19.90 F reeman ' s Grocery 2.90 KiUins Gravel Co. 10.00 Ann Arbor Foundry Co 120.00 Wolf & Colvin 11.25 Mich. Central Rai l road . . . . 5.61 Schumacher Ha rdware Co. . 18.95 Jno . C. Fischer Co. 2.30 Muehlig & Sehmid 1.25 Schumaker & Backus 52.22 Sam C. Andres 55.90

, Wa te r Works Dept 50 ' Detroit Edison Co., N - P

service ; . . , . . 1,332.13 Chas. L. Brooks, Ins 9.00

, City of Ann Arbor, audi t .'. 150.00

I Total $2,241.15 L. Gerrick, labor $ 64.35 H. Maier 80.00 W. Western . . .' 62.40 J. Dean 38.40 L. W. Bush 65.00

: A : Gerstler 63.38 H. Gerstler 59.40 J. Duboloski 24.00 C» Sauer 57.20 B. Rowe 36.80 A. Pokroski 14.40 M. Bezirium 12.00 O. Conger 57.60 P, Kal las 59.40 J . Lower 15.00 P^.Pozniak 14.40 E . Gerstler 9.60

Total labor $ 733.33

Wate r Works Fund total including salaries . . .$3,854.48

Park Fund liabor

Ernes t Bockoven ? 7.00 E. G. Bockoven 45.00 L. Boes 50.00 Fred Cilley 54.00 John Conlin 47.00 N. C. Davenpor t 54.00 Geo. Davis 59.40 George Donahue 59,40 C. G. Drevdahl 60.00 V. L. Dunkl in 47.00 Kenneth A. Easlick 70.00 E. Elliott 35.75

—AUGUST 15, 1927

Ben Foster 64.80 Chas. Fos ter 59.40 J immie Green 47.50 R. J. Hager 44.50 Man Howe 45.00 Ernes t Jones 49.50 C. P . Korzuck 30.00 Henry Mager 57.20 Tim McCarthy, t eam 108.00 Exra Moore 54.00 Chas. Seybold, labor 59.40 L. Smith 47.00 Richard Wal laker 63.00 Bur ton Wal ters 50.00 F . E. Wessinger 47.50 Harold Wetherbee 3.00 John Whit ley 99.00 Claude Wyman 59.40

Total labor $1,576.75 S. A. Elsifor, contingencies. $ 74.26 W. B. Quinn 65.75 Mrs. A r t h u r Katz 2 6.62

Total $ 166.63

P a r k Fund totaJ $1,743.38 Street Fund

liabor Phi l ip Adam $ 50.00 L. G. Bird 89.60 Otto Blaess 57.60 Geo. Clough ' 50.00 Camden Dempsey 60.00 Adolph Finkbeiner ;-. 41.20 Fred Hanse lman 65.00 Chas. Henning 30.00 J o h n H e r r m a n n 48.05 E m . Holzapfel 60.00 Sam Kalmbach 24.50 Wm. Keppler 60.00 A r t h u r Klaeger 36.60 Fred Mack 50.00 Fred Malke 41.20 J a m e s Mason 62.40 Geo. Meenice 60.00 Har ry Miehle 76.30 Chris. Pau l 57.30 Rober t Paul 8,00 Chris. Pfaus . . . . . . . . . . ' : . . 40.00 Ar thu r Raus 60.00 Ed, Roehm 45.60 Otto Schantz 60.00 Carl Seeger 50.00 H e r m a n Stoll 60.00 Theo, Stollsteimer 50.00 Fred Ulrich , 85.00 Mart in Walsh 60.00 Ike W a r n e r 50.00 W m . W y m a n 45.50 Carl Rehberg , t eam 100.00 J a k e Weber 100.00 J a k e Young 77.00

Total labor $1,910,85 Mich. Bell Tel. Co., N - P

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services $ 1-95 The Detroit Edison Co. . . . 1-08 The Austin-Western Road

Machinery Co., equip­ment 2,480.00

Ann Arbor Construction Co., mater ia ls 1,958.61

Ann Arbor Foundry Co. . . . 5.00 The Carey Co 31.20 Jno . C. Fischer Co -50 Hert ler Bros 2.65 Dana E. Hiscock 34.92 Killins Gravel Co 653.00 Shunk Mfg. Co 66.69 W a d h a m s & Co 1-35 Hutzel & Co., repairs 3.10 Wolf & Colvin, repairs . . . . 88.65 A. F . Thompson, extension . 10.94 Geo. Walterhouse 218.28 F. G. Hoffman 1.31 The Ann Arbor Railroad

Co., car demurrage 10.27 The Barre t t Co 7.50 City of Ann Armor Munici­

pal Garage, M Garage . . 548.53

Total $6,125,53

Street Fund total $8,036.38 Recapi tulat ion

Contingent $3,564.74 Fire 2,464.50 Police 2,200.00 Cemetery 6.09 Street Lighting 2,170.94 Building Sidewalk 75.00 Water Works 3,854.48 Pa rk 1,743.38 Street 8,036.38

City Funds total $24,115.51 Ann Arbor, Mich.,

Aug. 15, 1927 To the Finance Committee of t he

Common Council, Gentlemen:

I have examined the foregoing accounts against the City of Ann Arbor and I hereby certify t ha t they are correct to the best of my knowledge.


To the Honorable, the Common Council,

Gentlemen: Your Finance Committee has

reveiwed the foregoing report . We recommend tha t same be approved and tha t war ran t s be ordered drawn for foregoing accounts.

Geo. J . Lutz, J r . H. M. Slauson E. E. Lucas Finance Committee.

Aid. Lutz moved the adoption of

-AUGUST 15, 1927 153

report , which was adopted by fol­lowing vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson. Graf, Maulbetsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper, Dorow, Sever­ance, Freeman, Fisher, Lutz, Pres , Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Aid. Lutz presented City Engin­eer 's progress estimates, approved by Board of Public Works Aug. 3, 1927, as follows: Pavement Dlst. No. 78—first estim­

ate, Ann Arbor Construction Co., contractors, amount due, $198.00.

Pavement Dist. No. 81—first est im­ate, Ann Arbor Construction Co., contractors, amount due, $720.00.

Pavement Dist, No. 82—first estim­ate, Lewis & Frisinger, contrac­tors, amount due, $315.00.

Pavement Dist. No. 85—first estim­ate, Lewis & Frisinger, contrac­tors, amoun t due, $270.00

Pavement Dist. No. 87—second es­t imate, Ann Arbor Construction Co., contractors, amount due, $1,822.50.

Pavemen t Dist. No. 88—first estim­ate, Lewis & Frisinger, contrac­tors, amount due, $225.00.

Pavement Dist. No. 89—second es­t imate, Ann Arbor Construction Co., contractors, amount due, $5,314.50.

Pavement Dist. No. 90—second es­t imate, Ann Arbor Construction Co., contractors, amount due, $7,515.00.

Curb and Gutter Dist. No. 110—first estimate, L. W. Dailey, contrac­tor, amoun t due, $3,834.00.

Curb and Gutter Dist. No. 122—sec­ond estimate, L. W. Dailey, con­tractor , amount due, $1,323.58.

Storm Sewer—Berkley Ave., Bel-mar and Keech Ave. s torm sewer,

second estimate, Ole Johnsen, contractor, amount due, $1,310.-40.

Storm Sewer—Fifth Ave. a t John St. s torm sewer, first estimate, Ole Johnsen, contractor, amount due, $543.60.

Storm Sewer—Hoover Ave. and Green St. s torm sewer, first es­t imate, Ole Johnsen, contractor, amount due, $657.00.

Storm S e w e r ^ H e n r y St. s torm sew­er, third and final estimate, Ole Johnsen, contractor, amount due, $1,309.41. Moved by Aid. Lutz, tha t estim­

ates be allowed and City Clerk in­structed to draw warran ts for amounts due.

Adopted by following vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maul-

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betsch, Lucas. Hammia l , Draper , lowing ordinance which was given DoroW, Severance, F reeman , Fish- its th i rd reading: er, Lutz, Pres . Woodbury, 13. Nays, A N ORDINA.NCE TO AMEND AN ^^^^' 1*1^ ^ ,1 ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN n. v, TT T I ^**™^ ^ ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO

Po,^nPil ' Common g T R E E T PAVEMENTS. ' 'PASSED Gentlemen- -^^^^ 7, 1897. APPROVED JULY

Sealed proposals for purchase of II'J^^'^'' AME.NDED DEC. 19. $175,000 pavement bonds and $28,- ^898; AMENDED DEC. 7, 1899 000 Pul ler Street Bridge bonds, as AMENDED AUG. 17, 1903 authorized by your Honorable Body AMENDED AUG. 5, 1907 July 18, 1927, were opened by your AMENDED JAN. 16, 1911. F inance Commit tee August 15, 1927 The Common Council of the City * at 10 o'clock a. m. The following of Ann - ^boT- Ordain-bids complied with adver t i sement Section 1. Tha t Section 7 of an and were based on 4 1-2 per cent ordinance entitled. "An Ordinance annua l interest, pa r and accrued in- Relative to Street Pavements ," terest to da te of delivery printed ^^^ j ^ 7 igg^ approved July P ^ T i ^ L L ^ T s ^ S w ^ ^ : ' ^" ^ ' " " " " ^ ' 2 - ^^,^^^ - f e n d e d D £ 19. lS9s] P rudden & Company, To- . amended Dec. 7, 1899; amended

ledo Ohio $1974 39 ^^^- ^^' ^^^^'' ^"^ended Aug. 5. Guardian Detroit Com- ' l^**?; amended Jan . 16, 1911, be and

pany, Detroit 1,887.90 the same is hereby amended to Har r i s Trust & Savings read as follows:

Bank, Chicago 111 1,671.00 Section 7. After the certiffca-Detroit Trust Company, tion of any such assessment district

Detroit 1,646.00 as provided in Section 6 of this or-S t ranahan , Har r i s & Oatis, dinance, the common council may.

Toledo, Ohio 1,266.30 ^t any regular meet ing thereof. State Savings Bank, Ann ^^ ^ resolution adopted by a ma-« "^^^-?^ • - • • ' • • • 1,065.00 jority of all the members elect. Security Trus t Company, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk

Detroit • • • ; • • • • • • ; • • • »d' .oo to execute under the i r hands and De?roft ^^""^^^^ ' ^^'^•' 750 oo ^^^ ^eal of the City of Ann Arbor. Sealed p roposa l s ' bksed 'on seiiii- ^"^^^^ ^^ ^\^ said ^^^y payable to

annua l interest were received from »^^^^^^' ^" ^en equal annua l in­secur i ty Trust Company, Detroit, s tai lments, payable annual ly on or premium, $1,751.00; and from before the first day of August in Nor thern Trust Company, Chicago, each year thereaf ter with interest 111., p remium, $825.00. not exceeding five per cent per an-

We respectfully recommend t h a t num, payable annual ly or semi-an-tho Mayor and City Clerk be au- nually as the Common Council shall thorized and directed to deliver by resolution determine, in a sum said bonds, when executed, to the or sums equal in amoun t to the "City Treasurer , who, in turn , is au - est imated cost of the construction thorized to .deliver said bonds to of any such pavement . P rudden & Company, of Toledo, A U such bonds shall be known Ohio, t he purchasers thereof, in ^g "Pavement Bonds," and i^jsued accordance with the i r bid therefor, j ^ series conforming to the number which is hereby accepted ^ ^^^ paving district, on account

Respectfully submit ted. ^^ ^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ w M ^iinn^rf;, ^cen issued. All such bonds shall E . E . Lucas ^^ delivered by the City Clerk to F inance Committee, the City Treasurer . Provided, tha t

Aid. Ju tz moved the adoption of no pavement bonds shall be out-report , which was adopted by fol- s tanding at any one tin^e in excess lowing vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, of the amoun t authorized by the Slauson, Graf, Maulbetsch, Lucas, char ter . Hammial , Draper, Dorow, Sever- Section 2. This ordinance shall ance. Freeman, Fisher, Lutz, P res . take effect and be in force from Woodbury. 13. Nays, none. legal publication thereof.

Ordinance Committee The Chair pu t the question, * Aid. F reeman presented the fol- "Shall th is ordinance p a s s ? "

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Passed by following vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, RJaul-betsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper , DorroW, Severance, Freeman, F ish­er, Lutz, Pres . Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Aid. F reeman presented the fol­lowing ordinance which was given its third reading: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN


The Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor ordain: Section 1. That Section 7 of an

ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Relative to Curbs and Gutters," passed May 6, 1918; approved May 7. 1918; amended July 6, 1920; amended April 18, 1921; amended May 1, 1922; amended May 7, 1923; amended March 23, 1925. amended Sept. 20, 1926, be and the same is hereby amended to 1 ead as follows:

Section 7. After the certification of any such assessment district a s provided in Section 6 of this ordi­nance, the common council may, at any regular meeting thereof, by a resolution adopted by a majority of all the members elect, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to exe­cute under their hands and the seal of the City of Ann Arbor, bonds of said city payable to bear­er, in four equal annual install­ments, payable annually on or be­fore the first day of August in each year thereafter with interest not exceeding five per cent per an­num, payable annually or semi­annually, as the Common Council shall determine by resolution, in the sum or sums equal in amount to the estimated cost of the con­struction of any such curb and gutter . All such bonds shall be known as "Curb and Gutter Bonds,** and issued in series con­forming to the number of the curb and gutter district on account of which any such bonds shall have been issued. All such bonds shall be delivered by the City Clerk to the City Treasurer, provided, tha t

no curb and gutter bonds shall be outstanding at any one time in ex­cess of the amount authorized by the Charter .

Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and t)e in force from legal publication thereof.

The Chair put the question, "Shall this ordinance pass?"

Passed by following vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf. Maul-betsch, Lucas, Hammial,* Draper, Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fish­er, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Budget Conimitlee Repor t To the Honorable, the Common

Council, Gentlemen:

Your Budget Committee has con­sidered the mat te r of purchasing the land, as requested by the Board of Public Works and presented at this meeting, and we recommend tha t the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to issue war ran t in fav­or of George W. Clark for $350.00 when deed and abstract are approv­ed by City Attorney.

We further recommend tha t the request of the Board of Public "Works to purchase adding machine for Street Depar tment be granted.

Respectfully submitted, E. E. Lucas, Wm. C. Maulbetsch,

Geo. J. Lutz, Jr., H. M. Slauson, Ear l L. Severance, C. C. Freeman, S. S. Hammial , Budget Committee.

Aid. Lucas moved the adoption of report which was adopted by fol­lowing vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maulbetsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper, Dorow, Sever­ance, Freeman, Fisher, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Sewer Coiiiniittee By Aid. Hammia l :

Resolved, tha t the mat te r of lat­eral sewer on Allen Drive from Dexter Avenue to Glendale Drive, to be known as Lateral Sewer District No. 173, including the report there­on of the City Engineer be refer­red to the Sewer Committee; and said committee be instructed to meet in the room of the Board of Public Works at a t ime to be fix­ed by the cha i rman of said com­mittee for the purpose of making due inquiry relative to said propos­ed sewer and after hearing all per­sons interested therein and desir­ing to be heard, said committee re­port to the Council at the next regular meeting.

Adopted by following vote: Yeas,

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1"5'6 C O M M O N C O U N C I L — A U G U S T 15, 1927

Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maul- Lots 66 to 77 both inc., Edgewood betsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper , Sub. div. Dorow, Severance, F reeman , F ish- Also a parcel of land 66 ft. N er, Lutz, Pres . Woodbury, 13. Nays, and S by 132 ft. E and W adjoin-none, ing lot 66, Edgewood Sub. div. on

Street Commit tee R e p o r t t he E . To the Honorable, the Common Division Street, E a s t Side

Council, F r o m Huron St. no r thward for Gent lemen: one lot.

Your Street Committee respect- Lot 33, Assessor's P la t No. 8. fully recommends : F i r s t Street, Southwest Side

1. Tha-. Assessor's P la t No. 11, F r o m No. 710 nor thward to approved by Board of Publics Mosley St. Works July 20, 1927, be approved. Lot 9, B 7 S, R 1 E, Wm. S.

2. T h a t t h e p l a t of " A r g o L a k e M a y n a r d ' s 2d A d d . Hil ls ' - subd iv i s ion a p p r o v e d by j ju i -on S t r e e t E , N o r t h S ide ?n*'o ''* x, "" f " ; , ' ' K ^ ? ' ' ^ % ^ ' ' ' i f . ; N o . 407 a n d a b o u t 30 ft. e a s t -1927 be r e f e r r e d b a c k t o t h e S t r e e t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ 4^7 . j ^ ^ ^ ^ l a w n ex-a n d S e w e r C o m m i t t e e s . t e n s i o n f r o m N . Divis ion e a s t w a r d

. . . ^^^^^J^^ ' i l*^ . ^"i W^^T '^ 'T^ t o N o . 503; r a i s e i n n e r l ine o r low-W m . C. M a u be t s ch , W . J . D r a p - ^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ 1 ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^

er, L . P . J o c e l y n . E a r l L^ S e v e r - 4^7 ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ d r a i n a g e ; d r i v e -ance , L . P . F i s h e r . S t r e e t C o m m i t - ^ ^ y ^^ ^ ^ 503 . ^^ 603 n e w b lock . ^ ^ ^ : , . T* IX. * !_ ^ *v, ^ L o t s 23, 22, 19, 17 a n d 16, Asses -

Ald . M a u l b e t s c h m o v e d t h e a d o p - gQ^'g p j ^ t N o 8 t i on of r e p o r t , w h i c h w a s a d o p t e d L e s l e y S t r ee t , S o u t h S ide by fo l lowing v o t e : Y e a s A d . J o e - j ^ ^ 327 . ^^^ 331 o n e b l o c k n e a r e lyn, S lauson , Graf, M a u l b e t s c h , d r i v e w a y L u c a s , H a m m i a l , D r a p e r , D o r o w , Nor the ' a s t c o r n e r of Mosley a n d S e v e r a n c e F r e e m a n , F i s h e r , Lu tz , g e c o n d Sts. , b o t h s ides . P r e s W o o d b u r y . 13. N a y s , n o n e . T h e W 22 ft. of lot 12 a n d t h e

S i d e w a l k C o m m i t t e e R e p o r t E 22 ft. of lot 13. B 7 S, R 1 E , To t h e H o n o r a b l e , t h e C o m m o n ^y^ g M a y n a r d ' s 2d A d d .

Counci l , L o t 4^ Geo . P . "Whaley's S u b . div. g e n t l e m e n : L^ t 6, B 6 S, R 1 E , W m . S.

y Y o u r S i d e w a l k C o m m i t t e e r e - M a y n a r d ' s 2d A d d . iy spec t fu l ly r e c o m m e n d s t h a t t h e fol- P a u l i n e Blvd . , N o r t h S ide

l owing s i d e w a l k s be o r d e r e d bu i l t p r o m S o u t h F i f t h St. e a s t w a r d a n d t h e fo l lowing r e s o l u t i o n be ^^ j ^ ^ ^ 524; N O . 521 a n d w e s t w a r d a d o p t e d : t o F r a n k l i n Blvd . ; N o . 517; f r o m

Reso lved , t h a t t h e g r a d i n g a n d j ^ ^ 3^6 e a s t w a r d to M a i n St. t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e s i d e w a l k s L o t s 47 a n d 48 A l l m e n d i n g e r ' s h e r e i n a f t e r m e n t i o n e d is h e r e b y H e i g h t s A d d . d e e m e d a n d d e c l a r e d to be n e c e s - L o t s 16 a n d 17, J . H . B r o w n ' s s a r y p u b l i c i m p r o v e m e n t s . 2d A d d

T h e r e f o r e i t is h e r e b y o r d e r e d t h a t x h e E 1-2 of lot 14 a n d t h e W P o r t l a n d c e m e n t c o n c r e t e s i d e - i_2 of lot 13, J . H . B r o w n ' s 2d w a l k s be g r a d e d , bu i l t a n d c o n - A d d . s t r u c t e d in t h e Ci ty of A n n A r b o r T h e W 1-2 of lot , 12 J . H . on a n d a l o n g t h e fo l lowing p r o p - B r o w n ' s 2d A d d . e r t y ; w i d t h of w a l k to be five feet Lo t s , 25, 26, 27, 28 a n d t h e E un l e s s o t h e r w i s e stated:-*? 66 ft. of lot 24, J . H . B r o w n ' s 2d B i ' o o k m a n Blvd . , W e s t S i d e A d d .

F r o m C. J . S w e e t p r o p e r t y s o u t h - s i x t h S t r ee t , W e s t S ide , N o . 514 w a r d a b o u t 100 ft. to p r e s e n t w a l k . L o t 18, B 5 S, R 5 W, W m . S.

F r o m C. J . Swee t p r o p e r t y n o r t h - M a y n a r d ' s 3d A d d . w a r d to W a s h t e n a w Ave . W a s h t e n a w A v e n u e , E a s t S ide

T h e E 1-2 of lot 3, B u e l l S u b . F r o m e n t r a n c e to H o o v e r p l a c e *liV- s o u t h e a s t w a r d to T u o m y R o a d W e s t

A p a r c e l of l a n d p a r t of Sec. Side, f r o m B r o c k m a n B lvd . n o r t h -34, A n n A r b o r b o u n d e d S by Bue l l w e s t e r l y a b o u t 100 ft. t o p r e s e n t S u b . d iv . W a n d N W b y Bue l l S is - w a l k . t e r a l a n d E a n d N E by W a s h t e n a w L o t s 13, 14 a n d 15, C. L . T u o m y ' s Ave . a n d B r o c k m a n Blvd . W a s h t e n a w Hi l l s S u b . div. Davis Ave . , N o r t h S ide A p a r c e l of l a n d p a r t of Sec. 34,

F r o m T h i r d St . e a s t w a r d to M a i n A n n A r b o r b o u n d e d S by Bue l l Sub . St. div. W a n d N W by Bue l l S i s t e r s

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land, E and NE by Washtenaw Ave. and Brockman Blvd.

Respectfully submitted, H. M. SLAUSON W. J. D R A P E R A. W. DOROW B. H. GRAF GEO. J. LUTZ, JR . Sidewalk Committee,

Aid. Slauson moved the adoption of report which was adopted by following vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maulbetsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper, Dorow, Sever­ance, Freeman, Fisher, Lutz, Pres . Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Aid. Slauson informed Council tha t it was necessary to build side­walks; along 508 and 514 Sixth Street after construction of curb and gutter, and moved tha t the city pay thr.^e-fourths of the cost of construction of said walks.

Adopted by following vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maul­betsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper , Dorow, Severance, Freeman, F ish­er, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Moved by Aid. Slauson tha t city pay one-half of the cost of con­struction of sidewalk along 628 N. Four th Avenue.

Adopter by following vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maul­betsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper , Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fish­er, Lutz, Pres . Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Moved by Aid. Draper, tha t order for the construction of sidewalks on both sides of Beakes St. between Fifth Ave. and Summit St. be r e ­voked on account of proposed change of grade.

Adopted by following vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maul­betsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper , Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fish­er, Lutz, Pres . Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Traffic Comnilttoe Repor t To the Honorable, the Common

Council, Gentlemen:

Your Traffic Committee has con­

sidered the petition to remove the "No left t u rn" sign at corner of Main and Liberty Sts. and recom-mend::i tha t the petition be denied.

Respectfully submitted, Wm. C. Maulbetsch, S. S. Ham­

mial, C. C. Freeman, Traffic Com­mittee.

Aid. Maulbetsch moved the adop­tion of report which was adopted by following vote; Yeas, Aid. Joc­elyn, Slauson, Graf, Maulbetsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper, Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fisher, Lutz, Pres . Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

Lighting Coniniittee Aid. Jocelyn made oral report of

progress relative to installation of boulevard lighting system and tha t on account of this cost few petitions for additional lights can be granted, and tha t the petition for boulevard lighting on Liberty St. should not be granted at this t ime for financial reason and until street is ordered "widened.

Boml and Committee Repor t

To the Honorable, the Common Council,

Gent lemen: We respectfully recommend that

the following bond for erection and installation of electric s'gn be ac­cepted: Dominic J. Nemeth, prin­cipal; The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, surety.

Respectfully subinitted, Benj. H. Graf, C. C. Freeman,

A. W. Dorow, Bond and License Committee.

Aid. Graf moved the adoption of report which was adopted by fol­lowing vote: Yeas, Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maulbetsch, Lucas, Hammial , Draper, Dorow, Sever­ance, Freeman, Fisher, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, none.

City Officei-s Reports of City Treasurer, Clerk,

Engineer, Street Commissioner, Marshal and Justice Bert E. Fry for month fo July received and or­dered on file. Summary of Treas­urer 's report ordered printed in minutes.

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Contingent Cemetery Sinking . . . . / . . , . . . . , . . , Cemetery Fire Department . . . . . . . . Police . . Poor ' ' Street Park . . . Street Light . , . . . . . [ . . . [ . . . . . . . . . Sidewalk Building ' Bridge, Culvert ^nd Crosswalk * Water Works General Fund ' Special Water Works (Completion) Water Department Sinking Fund Water—(Hydrant, rental, etc.) [ Uncollected City Tax Delinquent Tax Broadway Bridge Fuller St. Bridge .[ . . . . . . . . State Tax Fund Sewer Funds Pavement Funds Curb and Gutter Funds

Tax levy or appropriations, $569,890.03; receipts $188,291.02 On hand July 1, 1927

Tax levy, $569,890.03. checks paid $45,979.19; warrants $125,667.45

On hand Aug. 1, 1927

Moved by Aid. Hammial that re- er, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, port be adopted. none.

Adopted by following vote: Yeas, Moved by Aid. Lutz, that the Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maul- Board of Public Works be author-betsch, Lucas, Hammial, Draper, ized to dispose of old boulevard Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fish- light posts. er, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays. Adopted by following vote: Yeas, none. Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maul-

By Aid. Lucas: betsch, Lucas, Hammial, Draper, Resolved, that this city agrees to Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fish-

pay, not to exceed $1,000, toward er, Lutz, Pres. Woodbury, 13. Nays, the cost of installing flashing light none. signals at the Cedar and Traver Aid. Graf suggested that two of Street crossings of the tracks of the the old boulevard light posts be Ann Arbor Railroad, provided the installed at Revena Blvd. and mat-Railroad Company maintain them ter was referred to Lighting Com-at their expense and also provided mittee. that the Railroad Company install Aid. Draper called attention to and maintain at their expense a platform scales in street and ob-flashing light signal at Pontiac structiona on sidewalks and exten-Street crossing. sion in front of Lansky property on

Resolved, further, that the City Beakes Street and matter was re-Clerk send copy of this resolution ferred to City Attorney, to the Michigan Public Utilities Moved by Aid. Lutz, that the Commission and to the Ann Arbor Board of Public Works be ordered Railroad Company. to remove platform scales which

Adopted by following vote: Yeas, are located in the streets along the Aid. Jocelyn, Slauson, Graf, Maul- property of Michigan Milling Com-betsch, Lucas, Hammial, Draper, pany on First Street and Lansky Dorow, Severance, Freeman, Fish- property on Beakes street.

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C O M M O N COUNCIL .—AUGUST 15, 1927 158


Receipts Disbursements $ 93,539.17 $ 15,502.00

120.00 1,271.00 95.35

70,733.00 5,200.96 61,702.72 4,534.36 2,715.00 579.44

66,391.14 27,017.39 30,735.00 4,616.53 32,500.00 4,353.27

1,000.00 3,547.22 80,220.86 8,549.43 47,355.88 25,419.67


153,919.85 569,890.03

. .' 4,493.50 7,530.00

45,979.19 23,517.54 674.11 55,968.60 23,712.20 20,612.47 1,865.52

$758,181.05 $741,536.67 3,353.90

$761,534.95 741.536.67

$ 19,998.28

A d o p t e d by fo l lowing v o t e : Yeas , Aid. J o c e l y n , Graf, M a u l b e t s c h , L u c a s , H a m m i a l , D r a p e r , D o r o w , S e v e r a n c e , F r e e m a n , F i s h e r , L u t z , P r e s . W o o d b u r y , 12. N a y s , Aid . S l auson , 1.

M o v e d by Aid. F r e e m a n , t h a t w h e n w e a d j o u r n w e do so to m e e t A u g u s t 22, 1927, 7:30 p . m. , a n d t h a t t h e m e m b e r s of t h e B o a r d of P u b l i c W o r k s be r e q u e s t e d to b e p r e s e n t t o c o n s i d e r a p e r m a n e n t pol icy for w i d e n i n g a n d r e - p a v i n g of s t r e e t s .

A d o p t e d by fo l l owing v o t e : Yeas , Aid . J o c e l y n , S l a u s o n , Graf, M a u l ­b e t s c h , L u c a s , H a m m i a l , D r a p e r , D o r o w , S e v e r a n c e , F r e e m a n , F i s h -

M o n t h e n d i n g J u y 31,

On Hand Overdrawn $ 98,703.67

645,30 1,540.35

78,982.79 56,850.19 3,188.08

23,042.87 26,554.31 31,271.96

1927 Warrants-

Outstandinff $504.25


108,993.25 34,996.44

1,506.02 24,579.77



50,853.22 140,304.66


$ 2,335.15

108.91 1.65


431.481.89 139,958.31


14,801.18 95,336.93 43,305.22

$774,387.02 $754,388.74


$ 19,998.28 $702.81

er, Lu tz , P r e s . W o o d b u r y , 13. N a y s , n o n e .

M a t t e r of c o n d i t i o n of C o m f o r t S t a t i o n w a s r e f e r r e d to City E n g i n ­eer a n d B u d g e t C o m m i t t e e .

P r e s i d e n t W o o d b u r y e x p r e s s e d a co rd i a l w e l c o m e to M a y o r S t aeb l e r , t h i s b e i n g h i s first m e e t i n g w i t h Counc i l s i nce h i s E u r o p e a n t r i p , a n d in r e s p o n s e t h e M a y o r s t a t e d t h a t w h i l e h e en joyed t h e t r i p h e w a s g lad to be b a c k a n d t h e m o r e h e s a w of o t h e r c i t ies a n d c o u n ­t r i e s t h e m o r e h e l iked h i s o w n .

On m o t i o n of Aid. S lauson , C o i m -cil a d j o u r n e d .

ISAAC G. R E Y N O L D S , City C le rk .

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Office of City Engineer , Ann Arbor, Mich.» August 11, 1927.

To the Honorable Common Council, Ann Arbor, Michigan: Gentlemen—I submit the following est imated cost and est imated

distribution of cost of curb and gut te r district 102 to 141 inclusive. It must be understood tha t the above cost and distribution of cost

is approximate only inasmuch as the fi'gures a re taken from the bid price and the majority of the work is not yet built. The distribution of cost is based upon our experience of last year. The average cost to t he City on a 20-80 basis shows 75 per cent of the to ta l cost being the property owner 's share and 25 per cent the City share.?Npn a SO-SO basis, our experience shows t h a t the City's share was 55 per cent and the total of the property owner 's share 45 per cent of the total cost.

Respectfully submit ted, GEORGE H. SANDENBURGH,


Dist. Es t imated City's No. Bid Cost Shar^e Proper ty 102 $2,147.10 $2,361.81 $1-200.00 $1,161.81' 103 1,481.92 1,630.11 896.56 733.55 104 : 883.92 972.31 534.77 437.54 105 2,759.98 3,035,97 783.99 2,251.98 106 1,921.96 2,114.15 523.54 1,590.61 107 1,431.53 1,574.68 393.67 1,181.01 108 1,830.77 .2,013.84 503.46 1,510.38 109 643.93 708.32 177.08 531.24 110 6,153.08 6,768.38 1, 692.09 5,076.29 111 543.08 597.38 149.(34 448.04 112 1,003.40 1,103.74 275.93 827.81 113 1,727.88 1,900.66 475.16 1,425.50 114 2,708.60 2,979.46 744.86 2,234.60 115 1,798.33 1,978.16 494.54 1,483.62 116 960.10 1,056.11 264.03 792.08 117 1,909.74 2,100.71 525.18 1,575.53 118 815.36 896.89 224.22 672.67 119 2,153.70 2,369.07 592,26 1,776.81 120 1,989.66 2,188.62 547.15 1,641.47 121 1,132.39 1,245.62 311.40 934.22 122 2,330.25 2,563.27 640.81 1,922.46 123 1.347.32 1,482.05 370.51 1,111.54 124 908.66 999.52 249.88 749.64 125 1,443.65 1,588.01 397.00 1,191.01 126 5,631.54 6,194,69 1,548.67 4,646.02 127 9,779.00 10,756.90 S,689.22 8,067.68 128 970.6S 1,067.74 266.93 800.81 129 2.562.06 2,818.26 704.56 2,113.70 130 1,081.35 1,189.48 297.37 892.11 131 1,952.07 2,147.27 536.81 1,610.46 132 3.586.87 3,945.55 986.38 2,959.17 133 1,116.85 1,228.53 307.13 921.4<» 134 1,554.63 1,710.09 427.52 1,282.57 135 613.20 674.52 168.63 505.89 136 4,257.08 4,682.78 1,170.69 3,512.09 137 1.627.52 1,790.27 447.56 1,342.71 138 1,408.88 1,549.76 387.44 1,162.32 139 991.32 1,090.45 272.61 817.84 140 1,507.12 1,657.83 414.45 1,243.38 141 985.44 1,083.98 270.99 812.99