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CDI Qualifications CPP Certificate in Professional Practice

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Page 1: CDI Qualifications · CPP Certificate in Professional Practice CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP) Traditionally career guidance qualifications have always been in two

CDI Qualifications CPP Certificate in Professional Practice

Page 2: CDI Qualifications · CPP Certificate in Professional Practice CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP) Traditionally career guidance qualifications have always been in two

CPP Certificate in Professional Practice

CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)

Traditionally career guidance qualifications have always been in two parts: an academic and practical qualification, followed by a work-based, probationary year type qualification. With the advent of NVQs, the Diploma in Career Guidance Part 1 and 2 and subsequently the QCG were followed by specified NVQ/SNVQ units, undertaken in the workplace (in parallel with ‘stand-alone’ NVQ/SNVQ Advice & Guidance qualifications). The Certificate in Professional Practice restores this rigour and recognises professional practice in the workplace.

Who is it aimed at?It is primarily aimed at QCG graduates, QCF L6 diplomates (undertaking the QCF L6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development), and existing NVQ 4 Advice and Guidance students. It is not mandatory but given the present context in which career guidance practitioners find themselves, it is an endorsement by a professional body that such practitioners can operate at a recognised level in the workplace.

What will I have to do?The Certificate in Professional Practice is based on the best practice undertaken in Essex, Scotland and Coventry and Warwickshire, where the Professional Development Period framework provided a work-based trial.

What are the costs involved?Registration (and certification) for the Certificate will cost £75, £25 payable at the start of the process to the CDI. However there may be other costs: If you are in the fortunate position of being employed, then the employer may pay all or some of the costs of assessment (as they did in the past). If you are self-employed, however, then you will need to negotiate your own arrangements with your assessor. Contact the CDI for more information.

What Quality Assurance arrangements will be in place to ensure credibility?The registration form will require that all assessors involved in the process are named and that the CDI has proof that they are occupationally competent to the equivalent of QCF

Responding to requests from employers and career professionals, the CDI is leading the way, creating and accrediting a new work-based, post QCG qualification, which endorses professional competence.


The evidence requirements that make up this Certificate are as follows:• 4 visit reports to places of employment (two

STEM related)

• 3 in depth studies of employment

• 1 FE visit report

• 1 HE visit report

• 4 assessed guidance interviews

• 2 assessed group work sessions

• 1 reflective account of a learning institution’s CEG or work related programme.

• 1 reflective account of current partnership working

• 1 forward looking CPD/Personal Development Plan

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CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)

L6 and also have or working towards an assessor’s award. On completion of the evidence requirements the evidence record sheet has to be signed and dated by the assessor and it is receipt of this at CDI offices in Stourbridge that will trigger certification. All the evidence should be kept in a portfolio (hard copy or electronic) and the CDI reserves the right to sample these (a selection of portfolios will be sampled periodically).

How does registration for the Certificate take place?The Career Guidance landscape is not as straight forward as it used to be and the following scenarios need to be encompassed:

a) The practitioner works for an organisation whose main function (or one of their functions) is career guidance. This organisation is likely to have a HR department and a dedicated training manager. In this instance the Certificate in Professional Practice registration form is completed relating to the section ‘if employed’.

b) The practitioner works for an institution that needs to employ a career guidance specialist but does not have enough dedicated resources to offer support e.g. a school or college. The onus will be on the practitioner to find a suitably qualified assessor to support them through the process (the intention is that the CDI will hold a register of such practitioners). In this instance the Certificate in Professional Practice registration form is completed

relating to the section ‘if employed’.

c) The practitioner is self-employed, or works for a consortium on a self-employed basis. The onus will be on the practitioner to find a suitably qualified assessor to support them through the process. The intention is that the CDI will hold a register of such practitioners; this will include a number of QCG centres that have expressed support of CPP. In this instance the Certificate in Professional Practice registration form is completed relating to the section ‘if self-employed’.

d) The practitioner is unemployed. Unfortunately, in the present climate, this is a possibility albeit short term. The CDI intend to hold a register of ‘mentor/assessors’ who can fulfil the assessment role on a voluntary basis; although the practitioner is best placed to use their local knowledge to find an assessor, possibly through the CDI regional representative. It may be that, through voluntary work, the practitioner can access opportunities for assessment carried out by the mentor/assessor. In this instance the Certificate in Professional Practice registration form is completed relating to the section ‘if unemployed’.

The above scenarios are not necessarily mutually exclusive, as personal circumstances may change, and practitioners move from one situation to another. In this instance it is important that the CDI are kept informed of any such changes.

It needs to be stressed that CDI will operate as flexibly as possible to accommodate the interests and needs of those becoming qualified.


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CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Q.1Who is the CPP aimed at? AnswerIt is aimed primarily at QCG graduates who may lack the opportunity to prove their competence in the workplace. However it is also open to DCG holders who did not have the opportunity to undertake the DCG part 2. It is only a recommended CPD route however and is not mandatory.


Q.2Can anybody else undertake it? AnswerYes. It is a vehicle for anybody who wants to prove they can meet the requirements of the certificate. Some employers may also use it as a sort of ‘probationary year’ standards framework for new recruits.


Q.3How much does it cost to receive a certificate? AnswerThe costs fall into two parts in terms of the CDI. Registration is £25, followed by a further £50 when you apply for certification.


Q.4What other costs apply to applicants? AnswerThe main issue is the cost of assessment, and this depends upon your individual circumstances. If you are employed then your employer may bear the brunt of the costs regarding it as CPD and an assurance on their part that you can perform competently in the workplace. However if you are a sole trader or unemployed then you will need to negotiate assessment arrangements and costs locally with an assessor.


–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Q.5If I am an independent careers adviser how do I find an assessor? AnswerThe CDI has a list of interested, qualified assessors across the country and can put you in touch with those nearest to your locality.


Q.6What are the requirements to be an assessor? AnswerAssessors need to be occupationally competent and meet the requirements to be a ‘registered career development professional’ as defined by the Blueprint for the Register. They should also have an assessors award e.g. A1 or equivalent, or be working towards the TAQA awards (units 301, 302). The CDI will need to have a copy of their CV.


Q.7How much will the assessment part of the process cost?AnswerIf you are negotiating costs with an assessor then it should be no more than £350 - £500. Some QCG course centres are looking at offering this provision to their ex students and this is a figure they have quoted.


Q.8As observation is involved, how can costs be kept to a minimum? AnswerTaped interviews and group work sessions are acceptable and we realise we must embrace new technology to the full to keep costs down.



Frequently Asked Questions

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CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)


Q.9How is the evidence recorded and kept?AnswerThe evidence should be organised in a portfolio and sectioned according to the requirement headings. At the front of the portfolio, the evidence record sheet should be kept which the assessor will use to sign off the portfolio.


Q.10How will the CDI monitor the quality and authenticity of the process?AnswerPeriodically portfolios will be sampled by an CDI moderator/examiner to ensure standards are being adhered to.


Q.11As I am an unemployed QCG graduate how can I afford the costs of the CPP? AnswerThe CDI are looking at a mentoring process, with CDI volunteers, who will assess you whilst you are unemployed.


Q.12What if I am on a temporary contract and am made unemployed part way through?AnswerThe CPP process is portable. However if you are employed then it would be wise to prioritise those evidence requirements that are more easily achieved in a work-based environment.


Q.13As I’m studying the QCF L6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development, do I have to take the CPP afterwards?AnswerNo. The CPP is only a recommended qualification to prove your competence in the workplace. It makes sense however to make sure you cover the CPP requirements within your L6 Diploma. Note however some employers may require you to do the CPP – hence the importance of meeting the requirements within the Diploma.



Q.14Is there the opportunity to us Accreditation of Prior Learning from my QCG course? AnswerSome APL is allowed but remember this certificate is about proving your competence after you have completed your course. Therefore a unitary approach may be appropriate e.g. one industrial visit report from the 4 required can be APL’d.


Q.15Why can’t the CDI manage the whole process e.g. recruit and pay assessors?

AnswerThe CDI do not have the resources to do this and our priority is to quality assure the process and fulfil an ambition that many members want to see (the CDI taking control as an awarding body). Things may develop in a different way in the future but in these difficult times we are living within our means.


Q.16What standards will apply to the evidence requirements?

AnswerThe Institute of Career Guidance has insisted that standards and guidelines are developed for the appropriate sections of the CPP. In the main this will be assessment criteria for interviews and groupwork (listed on the assessment forms) and guidelines for the other sections e.g. headings to structure a visit report.


Q.17How does the CPP relate to the professional register?

Answer The Blueprint for the Register states that QCG graduates have to work for a year before they can apply for the register. The CPP is therefore a recommended CPD route for that year (and it will easily encompass the required 25hours of CPD) and is also a framework for employers to use. For DCG ‘graduates’ who did not complete part 2, we see the CPP as a bridge to help them get on to the register.



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CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)


Evidence Record For the Award of the CDI Certificate in Professional Practice

1. Employer visits (4, two of which are STEM related)

• These visit reports can feed into the requirements of section 2 • They should be completed to a standard format agreed with the Training Manager or Assessor

Evidence requirements completed

Training Manager or Assessor’s signature Date

2. In-depth studies of employment (3 in total)

• Can include studies of occupations or occupational groups (one STEM related) • The studies can be local, regional or national • There should be at least 1 LMI survey (if only one is included it should be STEM related) • ‘Occupation’ needs to be interpreted widely to reflect increasing diversity outside of FTE and in the workplace• The latter could relate to self-employment, apprenticeships, volunteering, internships, 3rd sector involvement

Evidence requirements completed

Training Manager or Assessor’s signature Date

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CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)


4. Assessed guidance interviews (4 in total)

• There should be at least one interview with an adult• At least one interview must be observed (the others can be recorded)• One of the interviews can be telephone or web-based• If the 4 interviews do not include a web/telephone based intervention, evidence must be included of ICT based

practice involving clients

Evidence requirements completed

Training Manager or Assessor’s signature Date

3. FE and HE visit reports (2 in total)

• This could be to an individual department, faculty, or whole institution• There should be one visit to an FE institution and one to a HE institution

Evidence requirements completed

Training Manager or Assessor’s signature Date

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CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)


6. Reflective account of current partnership working (1 in total)

• This may involve the review or negotiating of partnership agreements with other individuals, agencies or institutions.• If this is not feasible then it may involve a reflection on network arrangements with agencies and individuals with

whom you are closely involved.• The reflection should address how you have dealt with any conflict or potential conflict situations

Evidence requirements completed

Training Manager or Assessor’s signature

5. Assessed group work (2 in total)

• Of the two group work sessions, one must be observed (the other can be recorded)• Evidence of planning and delivery methods must be included

Evidence requirements completed

Training Manager or Assessor’s signature Date


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CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)



8. A forward looking CPD plan (1 in total)

• In discussion with your Training Manager or Assessor you should identify areas of your work that you would like to develop over the next 12 months. This should include 3 self development objectives addressing the ‘why’ ‘how’ and ‘when’ you intend to achieve them

Evidence requirements completed

Training Manager or Assessor’s signature Date


7. Reflective account of a learning institution’s careers education programme (1 in total)

• Although ‘careers education’ is largely a school based term it should be interpreted in its broadest sense e.g. work related learning, life and social skills programmes.

Evidence requirements completed

Training Manager or Assessor’s signature Date

All evidence required met; claim for certification sent to CDI HQ

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Who is your current employer?

What are their contact details?


Tel: Email:

continued over

CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)


Career Development Institute Application for Certificate in Professional Practice

Details of your initial Career Guidance Quaification

QCG QCF Level 6 NVQ Level 4 in Advice &

If you have selected the NVQ Level 4 in Advice and Guidance, please give details of the Career Guidance learning programme in relation to Career Guidance Theory and LMI

Employment Details

Are you employed? (please tick) Yes Yes (Self employed) No(If yes please complete the section below)

If you are employed

For office use only

CDI Number:


Contact Details

Title: Forename(s): Surname:

Home address:


Tel: Mob: Email:

IMPORTANT: please remember to notify the Institute if you change address

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Who is your Training Manager (please supply contact details if different from employer?

Who will be involved in supporting/assessing you?

If self employed

Who will be involved in supporting/assessing you?

What are their contact details?


Tel: Email:

If unemployed

Who will be involved in supporting/assessing you?

What are their contact details?


Tel: Email:

Estimated completion date

CDI Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP)



• I support the Mission and Aims of the Institute• I practice within the CDI Code of Ethical Practice• I confirm that the information given is correct and I have completed all boxes

Signed Date

Please note that the CDI will need proof that your assessor is occupationally competent

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Ground Floor, Copthall House, 1 New Road, Stourbridge, West MidlandsDY8 1PH

Tel: 01384 376464 Fax: 01384 440830Email: [email protected]