c th odhner history of new church doctrines huntington valley pa 1897

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  • 8/14/2019 C Th Odhner History of New Church Doctrines Huntington Valley Pa 1897


    l\!otes-n-i ._-

    ' I ~ rrfM C J : l U I ~ C n..

    'byC, ' lh. Cllr..e:c

  • 8/14/2019 C Th Odhner History of New Church Doctrines Huntington Valley Pa 1897


    , ~ t , J.5 ~ 0\4 f\Jl- '" l 'a - t : : r - ~ 0.. "1 . -" - VL( f, Nv-J ~ v t - . rd pL-'u_ls


    The Di \t:!.ne Autho:r.ity of 1;he Uri t ings of the New C"nurch . . . . .J.,Integrity Qf the Letter o the Word . 5Glorification of t.he LORDvs Body . . 5Tulkism ... 6'rhe Pr-:i.esthood . G o Alone . . 11E t m ~ . a l Dun-:c:ton of Ee11 . 12State of the Christian WorldEapt1mn in the Nml Church .13Jehovah ..,. Use o f 'che Ne.ma in -Ghe Horship oP the Neu Churcn . l ~ 'l'he "Conjusial'l Rela.tion or "The Boston H,;resy" . . . . . 14Concubinage . . '" '" e .. .. .. .1.6Mi:r.:ed Marriages 16 0 "Education . . . . . .168pi:dtism in the He1>1 Church . . . 17The Wi,ne Question] Total Abstinence, etc . . 20

    '':''Q u a k e : r ~ m . . L . .. I..H c ~ e o p ~ . ~ t h y in -'che leH Church . . . . . . . 21Sexuality of Plants . 22

    ,,. ~ ~ ~ - - _ .. _. --._

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    S::Lst.ory of Ne,. Church Doctrine - ].

    'l"he ni vine ).'lthor-:1 t: l.:.. . """""_ ...... , . . ~ . __ . t " ~ _ ' -=O. __ .......,...1 J ~ 1 ' l C " ~ oi' the Hri.Ungs 0:2' the New (,l1uX'd'"....-.:_ _ .....-_ .......'"";Jo_"'... ~ ~ - ' _ " " _ ............ _ .JI._.,l*,.__....

    S\'7ed8l1Dorg Has enn,.blBd to h ' , ~ H th::::: j)0ctrinen "by the LORD i.oue f:('OTil th.e1]0:."11 J" whlle under t l t h Inspil"atit:'n and Illumi.nat inn 01' ! l i s Ho:Ly Spi.l:L t . "

    1799 Fir13t open d0:oJal of th: Authorlt.y, by- Hev. H. B. pc;aeock J ln his "Lette;;'

    AUTet , 1 : 349 ).... t & > ' " - ~ ~ ..The Con't,rcve:rsy i.n "Tlle Am:c:r-a."__ n__ "__ __~ " " ~ Q o _ ~ " ' " ' _ - ' ~ " - : J l O _ ~ _

    J ' u w . ' ~ R ' t ~ : - 1 i ~ ' ~ ~ 8 I n c : i s c-n l'A Key ta t1"..e .Flight Fnrk:z,.1799

    atanc11r:.g o f the ~ r ; h e o l . \""x'i t5. 11gB c f Em. ~ " f . " ure tlthe Wor-d i t se l f , i.n itoB in1:.erior sens.;, made marrif 'eat."j A. I ~ 7 3 Aug.-

    only "ilJ.um:!..I1,-ed." ... il,.. 2"::2.15 Dec. 'l'he F.ditQrs define thei! ' posi t i o : n ~ wh.ic.h 16 a f f i rmat.ive c f t.h?J.luthority. '" A. X: 293 .


    - - _ . _ - - _ . - - - - - - - - --- -'--

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    p. 329.

    p : : i I ~ H l 1 e l (:\}lJl1ns introiluce:1.

    1822 ~ P h : i . l a d J : v [ ; j a Socle ty bacomef; tr::2 chLef uplwlder of the Althcri ty .

    the \.;l!.:e sp:Lrlt unveiled. IL?

    the i r r ~ ~ e g l ' i t.y of the Ward :Ln the Let ter .B ( ~ g J n n i n g c f the notion t ha t S':J" s pcstbJ'EiGUS wO!:'ks ahould nt be

    are i : h ~ ~ prCipex- slgns of his beir,.g sc?" P. 1:59

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    Hiiit.Ol'Y r . ~ f New Church Dcctr:inG8 = . ~ . ; ;

    1 . ( 3 : ~ 8 'l'he M , ? : . ~ $ , 2 ' . ~ n ~ c r i i ; ie lzes Boy.!'; des GUi'l,Ys fo r h:ts bel ie f in the All.thcn.-.Hy.M. XX; 445

    1839 Il:=:' ChB.l'm8 GD l l ~ r h e Aut.h01'1 ty o f Swedenborg. Il ": genera l I:l.:.cti c le ; sound},

    lElIn Ap:"'i l . "1." (DnnleJ. 1.ammat): ":rs S\ledenborg"(; Spir.::tual S ' n s ~ 5.magir'''''.ry7And :L5 th,= r': no diffe:r.ence between him and c}'diuary camml'mt-'1tors." :Ve.rys(")1id a r t : l ~ . i N. I:89.

    "'Ihe ~ . n f a l l i b i l i t y of SHedenborgQs 'l'each1.ngs.'' Very 1 n t e r t ~ s t 1 r > g

    1&42 Fla"\", de\"!ial by the l ~ g a z i n e } o f th e Divine Authcr:!.ty. "'.the W!'1t.:lnfs ne 1 .

    The HemGre..ble :celfJ;tions uei ther valua.ble} nor 5.. ereBt.lng. M. 16;114.E x c ~ l l e n t :remarks by DeCh':lrms on th!".' AuthC'rity. 1 1 1 = 1 2 ( ~ .

    faced d-:;n1.als Gf W. Whi t l ; ~ . !. 1855: 555.H:156 .Tan. =. S. M hTan'E::D, again, ! 2 ! . ~ ~ s White, on the Authcrj.ty. Very good

    and important art:i,r.:les, bu t wnuld u

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    l i j st. J.'Y o f lkw ChuX'ch Doct rineG i

    .e:e!:' J . W. FJJ.ddock, ! s ' ! . E . ~ ~ Hooman against, the authorl ty , but showstr,at if S'-redflnbc.rg i. s held to he "ccrrect,1t he must ulso be "1nfal l ib le . t. lS- .-, 4 ~ ' 1 r-). Q ) O ~ ~ } ) : : ; : + o ..Nov. R ~ p 1 y by Voodman ~ I:. 1856: 505) 545

    186('1 o. P. Hil le r on ":ts t.here 1;0 be Il.nQther Swedenborg?" (A very good,sound, and importa..nt ar t ic le ~ te.kes more advanced ground than anyone inEnglnn..i., s ince the da:;--s of the A u ~ ~ . ) I . 1860:153.1 11 ~ V ~ . : : ~ ! H" Ile r) i" T,h ~ m : a . n n 1 " ' bj li ,r,',' .'. lq"-JCi .".'?,';:(',._.>:.r.:J!.' Ov-..LI.Uan .'- (.; em.es . "GY, 00

    1861 R i l 1 e r ~ s doctrine of aut.hority and s t . r i c ' , ~ Nf.H/ch'.lrchmanship attacked.


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    History of New Church Doctrines - 5

    1824 T I l ~ integrity of t l r ~ t t e r of the Word in the ~ . ~ s _ ~ c e R ~ ~ ~ spleudidlydefended by Robe:rt Himlmarsh against the at tacks upon ft llY :Noble, whoadmi t ted the in tegri t.y, but. not in arj,Y one te7.. Gr copy. .!:. 1824: 24,., 'l n 0"";> '"""9"1,. '1825' '2n .... 1'83 r::65510.__Controversy bet"'een H:tndmarsh and Noble. 1:. 3h :82, 147, 201.__ ~ S t ! r m o n by Noble on "The Resurrection of the LORD in a. Divine, notil ma ter:!.e.l Dody. Il .!:. 34:221L____Articles by Sibley, Noble, and others .

    1836 Hm. r

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    History of New Church Doctr:lnes 6

    Hist.ory of' the heresy, by C. Th. Odhner, Lite 1890:89

    1817 ( . ' l " ~ : d e s AUglJ.stu Tulk becomes acquainted wi th C ( ~ l e r l . g e , and 1'alls aprey to his ideal ls t ic philosophy. .!.:. 28:189.

    11319 A r ; ~ i c ] e by : i . ~ u l k in the .!!.';:ec;Sl..tC1rl, ent! t led Il Incepta. .! f Begins to developjodealist ie noUons as tC'J the human o the l.oRDe The edi tor 15 pm,;zled.1.:.. 19:515

    1823 Clowes, in ,9,. pr:J.vat.e l e t t e r t o h:1.s old f r iend, Mr. ' lulk, expresses harrora t i ; h ~ l a t t e r B blasphemou8 heres:!.es, and bega him to apare the Churchfrem th is infestation. C ( x n p t o n ~ s 11ft:: ~ ? Clmre?, p. 211-

    1826 Beg:l.J"l..Tdng o f the public controven.;y. Tulk. cames out against the e x " ~ press!on, l' IncarT'..at e God. Il Controversy between Tu.llt and "Xant.huB. IlLondon ~ a z ~ E ! : 1826:82, 2h5; 1827:37, 45, 79 , 135

    1827 'l'ulk carriez t h yar in to the Reposi tory. His unworthy h x on theEditor: cal ls himself. "Andrew Collins ." l s eXp0sed. .!.:. zr :61].

    1828 AE,z:i).. Noble P8 ltRemar!t3 on the Fidel1 ty of' 'the ' l ' ranalations of' theWr1tingG ~ S ' ~ l e d e n b o r g , e..nd on an at.t.IDpt to :fntroduce in ta t.he New ChuI'chthe Doc"tl'ine of the Imcient Docetae, or PhantasiaBts, and the opini anaof modern Idealtsts. 11 1.:. '28:112, 185..~ ~ Tu.1k answers the ! ! . e E 9 f J A t ~ in Goyderfe M a & ~ z ! . . ~ . Cames out un(ierhie mm name. ~ = - r & . a g . 1828:159, 188, 209, 3'+3, 353. Pr::>posea a nel., systemof t rans1ating the Writings.~ Tu.1k condemned by the non=separatista a t Wa.rwick. r. '28:344._ ~ _ C l o w e s ccndems Tull! in the B ! : P . 9 B i ~ < ? ! l . . 1.:.. ~ 2 8 ; 2 ~ ~ . _Iv'Iany recriminations against 'l'ulk. Ar'ijlcles cm the "True Expla.nationof JGhe t.erm ~ G u o B t l c , P l etc . Exposure of "AndreH Col11nG." :C 928:195,216.

    . _ - - ~ - - - - - ' - - - - - ' ..-

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    History of New Chureh Doctrlne3 = 1


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    Hi.story of Nel" Church Doctrines ,u 8Nov. Very offensive and Bbueive ar t ic le by T111k, azaillst the editor ofthe ! ~ ~ ~ , 2 r l ' D:f.gnit'led l 'eply by the editox'. 1.:. ! ~ 5 : l ~ 1 8 .

    Wnt. l>1s.sonos i . ~ e r y at tack on Tullt. "Are there tvo opposite cla.sBesof p..'\ssages in the Wri t:tngs of ~ a n u e l S\.'edenborg?" 1.:. 45 : l ~ 4 . l .

    1846 ! U ~ ~ ~ r ! ~ ~ __ ~ ~ . : "Spir i tua l Chr is t iani ty ," l.ondon, 380 pp. R e v i m H ~ J

    _ A. Maxwell (IlAleph" ) : nS\"edenborg ~ ~ ~ Berkeley, Kant and Co1e=ridge, in a r ~ t r o a p e c t i v e r e v i ~ d of (Tulk 9s) ~ R e c o r d of Family Instruction,

    46:260.1849 J'a.n. l6 th , !.Icmdon. Deaiih of Charles Augustus Tulk, B1og. by Richard

    --== ..."....-...- . r . : I l l >

    McCully, N. C. M. 1890:102, and pamphlet by MaTt.. Hu.me ..... ~ " . . 1856 ~ 1 k i e m of ~ ! r . L ~ c r a s of. Iale of Jersey; l ~ e z s . t56:90; O.T. (7) 391.

    .j 51 1Sf .'l'he Prieathocd "l ci -e (i l..

    C-~ 1 8 0 0 "On the Rxternal Worship and on the Prieathood of tb.e New Dispensa'tion. I l

    (Good ar t i c le , showing the erro r of those who consid0r t h p ~ 6 e l v e s ebaveexl;ernal worship.) !:.. l : 4 3 } ~ J 438. f ) U f - ~ ' l . - t l

    V812 n'l'he 1awa of order, aa they have respect to t h ~ ~ miniEit.erial govm'mnent

    ~ l 8 1 3 Article in the B . 7 . J 2 0 ~ ! , ! ; 0 l : Y , f'avoring the appointment of lay pre"l,chers.1:. I : !l-46 t-/ ifJ

    ;Z:!.814 Art . ln ! . . e l ? . 2 - f ! . ! . ' ~ J on uEcclesiast ical arder;" favors 0. graded priestb.lxxLI . n: . l0 .~ Repliee te l n s t ar t ic le ; attacks upcn ordination, minis te r ia l 8 t l C ~

    ~ c e s B i o n 9 and a tr ine in the ministry. l II;88, 92.'tJ831 Article by James Knight., on the "Establishment of' another d(:::grc.le in the

    ~ l i n i s t r y of ' the New Church." ( F W ( ~ r S 3 degrees.) r. J1:502.---------_...._ . - - - _.~

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    lli.stOl"'Y of ' New Churcb Doctrines .. 9

    r''." Strong objeet1.ons by Maaon. I . 31:515,., '_.' ~ ' 1 8 3 6 'tw"ho Axe Taachill8 Min:lsters1" P. I:45, 120.

    1-ts37 The Convention adopts the t .r ine! arder of Bishops 1 Pas'tors, and p..ttnieterB.Alexander Inmont, of Cinoinna;ti, st.rongly denies a diat.1nctive-=

    prieathood. l? ..1 :.B5-!.- _------.... ".. - - "-"-- - --( ~ 'l'he l.m.ssachussetts Associat.ion fa'J'ors the designation "Bishop" for the\\' ~ ~ ~ : e . !!;. X J : 3 5 ~ .. . ----

    -+1839 Article in the~ D . = ~ . o p p o a 1 n g the o f f i c ~ of teaching m1n1stera, enddeTI;ying the authority of t.he Canons. !:.. X I ! I ~ j #7 ' } J { o . . : J e L ' : " d ~ C . , / > , ~ . j : , . J ' c L < ;

    ~ ' - I I i s t o r y o f the Ordina1i1ons and 'the Miniatry o:f the Nell Church, in Englnnd~ America., by M. M. Garll . f;. I I : ' : 2 ~ , 273,) 289, 305, 32L. , _ \ . . _ 1 8 l ~ 1 WilliE1.m E l d e r ~ of Indiana, on "T'na Deri.vation of the Powera e..nd P.rerog8o\

    tiVGa of ' the Minisi;.ry o f the 11ew J e : r . " U s a l . ~ m Church." (Clericofobia).ReViewed, , P. I I I : 39" 63, 89 .

    ._ - ~ - - - - - - _ . _ - + - ~ - - _ . __ . _ - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - ~ - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - _ . ~ - - _ . _ - _ ...J . IL Wilkins: "Lattera on the II1story o f t.he General Convention. IlDe;f.'ends the G. Conv. against DeCbarms and others. Revieved l M. XIT:41;P. IXI:22.-~ ~ } : . i lIa i t proper for El le.y reader to bles8 a worshipping aaserr;blyin the l'lame of the LOOD?tl Ans'IlCred negat.1vely by DeC'narms ~ 1:14l.

    C. J . Dought.y on 1I 1rbe Church r te Aathollt;;." (Against t- - = -General Convention) !!:. 1:109, 321, 612.M . John S. W:l.lllams, of Chill icoth, O., af to r l'cading a. rap::r ta tmHestern Conventio?l, on the supject of "'cne Min is ttry .. i.3 ghren lecwe to" ~ i i thdrau h is me!l!bership t'rom othis Convent.:'.cm l Hi

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    ~ . : . "On th.e propr1.ety 0'1: the 1 ~ i n 1 5 t r y be5.ng clothed in ga.rments corres-ponding t,Q t he i r off ic ia l uaes." !!:. XV :334.i : : ~ ~ > / B. F. Bart'et.t on "The Church '" of ",hat does i t cor..slst '(" ( D f ~ n d c ng the General Ccnvention a g a ~ . n s t the Centml.) N "" . r:n, ..(, 612--:... Ac ...J4t.. , ._.~ Very 1ntere.sting ~ ~ thorough art icle on ~ h Trine in the Priesthood,by 1\ B. Ha:''tIard. !:.}CV: 345.

    . l 8 4 1 ~

    ~ ,r. s. ~ { 1 . 1 1 1 a m 8 on "The Divine O p r ~ r a t i o n 6 J particulo.r ",Uh theClergy." N. I l :128 ._ _ _ Reply by ~ } C b A r m s : IlAnother vtew o f the same 6ubJect." Fj(b.f.iusttve,irnpori::.ant ar t ic le ; w ~ r y wittY. !L:. XX :131=181.DeC'harma "str:l..ctm.'es cm ~ { l l k : ; 8 If rt ters , :In Advc:'Cacy of the F:.aetel'Ii

    N. C. M. ru:.-:;CIK.....,..s t the Weat.ern Ccnventton. }l1:, 17 :311.

    Magn..i,.ficent. ar t ic le by' E.-- - - - R. tn "Cle>ri.cal Popes," la;Y'ing bare thf:1811-61847

    Radical at.t,.ack on orUl.lationil. Reply by the edi tor .Re tr '1'hc-mas W11ks ttHeport to tne C e r - l ~ . T . o . l c."nvntic,nthe Min1stxy." R ~ v i p . w e d , ! : ~ " i ; ; , . . . J ~ . ' f R . i.j-B :128.

    1;, 46 :16, 58on the 'Trine in


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    History of New Church D o c ' ~ r i n e a

    A. E.. Fejrd de:fends t h x ~ dist inc t ive Priesthc.x:d agn.:tnat Barre t t an

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    Hietory of New Church Doctrines co 12

    d o c t l ~ i n e of l i f e . ltWe r ~ v e no right. "te l"efuae to cal I -Umm Ch.dst1ans."

    _ .... Sharply anm.1ered. ! . 45:6h..-1855

    Mfch. st . i l l stronger det'ence of tlUn!'carian g.oodnesB," by " ~ " . tx1.nes of ~ weight whatev"er. .,!..,:, 45 :103.T. B. He,ylnn'd, on the t J ~ r : l t y alons" heresJT. M. 28:44






    B ~ n e d ~ c t Chastanier promulmates t ~ not1on of final and univeraal r e d e r n ~ ticm et hello Cr1tic1?..ed by Hindmar13h. ~ I D 1 o v l . I I ~ 3 5 0 . C:tmstamer furt.her devolops bis hereay in (anonymous) ~ p h l e t , ent : i t led, " I ~ a n u e l Swcdenborg's NV Y e a . r ~ a g1.f't t-o Hia Readera." Alle Lib.Sr"..unu" Woodaworth. Excellent cri t ique of Univemallwn and ~ l U B . k e r 1 s : m int.he 1kw Church. N..3. Misa., p . 24

    .. ~ . ..W. M. ?FeNa1dY on tt2e Etern1ty of J1Vil am of the Rella. P ~ p l y byP'rof. Bush. N. C. R. 1851.:340, 406 J 514.

    .. ....,.


    state of ' the Christ.ian. World.- ' ..

    DeCharms, in the Precu.rsQr.. combats the I l parmes;t1oIPthec.ry; t l 8ermon, et!'""t.1t1ed, "ThIS New Clmrch Q C l I 1 I i r " , , ~ forward in the Cld. l 1::. 1:192.Mr. N. C. Eurnham, then c f C1.ncinnati, iB openly and solemnly cha:rged J a ttl':.e tfestem COnvention, w1tb the direfu1 h e r ~ y of ' having sa1d t.ba.t "thereare ~ ! I l saved ln the Old Church. l A committet'J of investigation appoint-ed.

    A.dam RaYlforlh Q 8 exhortation E , to offend Old Church people byc o n d ~ m n a t o r y erl t icfsm of i t s falaea. X. a l ~ l : 2 8 ~

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    l i t s t o ~ J of New Church rk,ctrfnes 13

    WeU answered D ~ rte. mlniater." I:. 41 :4000, 487.1 8 1 ~ 7 Ii'ur-ther develop;nent of t i h ~ ~ " 1 ~ m e a t 1 o n = t h e ( n - . f ' " A . \ ~ l c l e ln the ~ i W 1 , ~ L ~ . ,

    claiming a l l "gaod" men as N?w Churclmlcm, even if they never have h ~ 8 r d !1;>s!;/'1 J .( ' )-, S' . . S X p o 5 \ U ' t ~ of i t (and of Harris) . 2::- 1.860: 567 .1861 I:1i t o r : L : ~ l bcsh al)out the sudden great i l l ' J p ! " c v e m ~ n t in the Theology of tP..l':

    Old Chu!'ch. O. V: Fret ' .

    July 31st.. The Sacrement of ' B

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    History of New Church Doctrines . lh

    ~ 8 4 1 Rev. ,J'-ames Br-.:i.dl.ey attackB New Church Daptismj c r i t ic:izea the " n a r " " C i M ~ L minde t1 p()sit ion of tb.e New C'nur.:::h in America. I::._ ~ l :21), 291.

    ~ f u n e M. n . s . ~ - "} 0Rev. A. R. Pord Clrdatnad wtt.hout P . - f ~ p t i 8 I ! 1 . !!:. 20:151

    BaI':rett attacks New Church Bapt:tl!lll1. lf? 0 - /// \ctober. !.e:J:cling a r t i c l e ; dcny1ng r r R ~ ~ b a p t i e m . " l:. '47:361.

    1848 ! . . ~ t : l ; . F'1ght on the 3ubject of Baptism, iu the .Pennsylvania A s s c c i a ~ , 1 o n . {See Report for tbe yeur.)

    " T h ~ Question of ' Baptiam Conaidered)" by A. E. l'"'ord.

    l'kw. t'The Question of ' B3.p'tiam Reco!lsldered. l Reply by W. S. C. of Pi t t 3 burgh. .!! .,.2:-. ~ ~ J ? ; . Q 48:6'[4.Dec. I:A feY m c r ~ thO\>.ghts on Baptism." Reply to W. S. C.(b ; B. F. B,Jt.rl"ett.

    Jehovah '" Use the Name~ ' ~ . . . . Q t , : . _ " ' : ' : l i ~ . l' , __ . . . . _ . ~ _ . . . ; . . . : ; . . ~ __

    1855 Controveray bet""'een Ml". Bcnade and MI'. Powell, en the cne band, and theNsw Engllinders . on the other . !!:. 27:416 .. ~ 8 1 .

    or-1819 Th:i!88 and S'21Ilue1 "'orcester, or B o s t ~ o n , begin to deve10p their notlon6 of til

    conjugial re la t ion between a pastor and b is Society. M. 19 :177; N. IV:20., .-:-...,..23, 37, 40, )-}h.

    1821=1824 Great epreu.d of' the heresy. N.!V : L : ~ 4 .

    ~ ....

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    l l latory cf' Nev Church Doctrines '" 16

    1843 Complete h1story of t h r i se an d d.:ve1orxnent of the herel-JY, by J)

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    l l iatory o New Chu-T'

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    - -

    History of New Church Doctrines - 18

    1843 Beginnl11g of the "N\W El:-a" movement, in lieu York; origlnated by Rev.S a r r ~ e l WorcGster, Silas Jones, and a ccmmon aorcerer in B r o o ~ n . (Dee'ha.!'tn6 9 t l Inti"'Odl1ction ta Three Sermons u{s"ainat Pseudo-SpirltualiSl. lpp. 38) 41).

    Sam. 'Worcester clE'.1ma to have been ordained high p:r1es't over the:Ne'}] Chul"ch by Sl.;edenbm'gOs spir1..t . Takes M s servant fo r hie sp1rltu..l.1

    Repents jus t befme "..la denth. I . "60:215; I . ' 4 1 ~ : 3 8 9 . 1844 Noy. M ~ s m e r i m n dfended in the Repcsi ' tory" by the Editor . I . 44 :h24

    .__ ~ l ~ e m n e r l s m and intercouroe with sp i r t t a severely condemned.J. 44 :465.

    1 8 ! ~ 5 ( Bar:rett on "Open Intercourse w:l:th spiri ts ; i t s dangers and the cautions1-1hich they natv.nly suggest ." ~ . : . . . . . . I 1 ' ~ 5 2 : 3 3 5

    l8h7 Sabin IIougha t rac t , "Remarku (m the iRevelat ions ' of Andrew J"ackaon Davis,Clairvoyant." t

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    fl1stor.y of New Churcb Doctrines 19

    ! ~ s . . ! ! ' P . o c h ~ a t e r , N . Y. l3eginning of t h - ~ Excite.ment cver the "RochesterHa.pp:tngs end Knockings.ft Xnteresting account. ! p . e , ~ 1850, p. 215

    1851 J:mport-a.nt ser ies of art ic les on /1 Intercourse wi th sp i r i ta a.nd angels. ft 'l'he

    1 1852 Sp:i.rii;16ID of Henry Wel1er. l"ield ~ Hiato ry , p. 216.b. . . . . - - :::al-DeCharm'\i Sermons on PEeudo=SpirJtualiam.

    ~ , ~ _ ~ BU.3h, on Poueda=Spiritua1ism. ~ C ! ! ~ . 1852:334, 373.1853 Spirit.ua11em in the N. C. in New Orlea.ns. ~ 8

    "Clt\irvcJlance, no Revelation v!or1:.h having." 1. 1853 :238.~ ~ : ' El:thu Rich def'ends Cla.irvoyance. X. 1853:280, 323.

    ~ ' = - . . . , ; D t l . ~

    ~ strong a ~ t i c 1 e against open intercQurse with spirl ta . x. 1853:297.- .1855 Spirit 'sm rampant in the No C. in London. L 1855: 521; N. C. Mag. 1889 :12.1857 'l'he danger of open 1ntercourne "li.th sp i r i t s . 1:.. 1851:42.

    ~ = 'J'he . ! ~ ~ e E P ; ~ ; ' cernes out against Spir1tiam. ~ , ~ . vol. IU.:86, 81.1859 Art.1.ch:;s on Spir::1tualism. .2.:..... II:412; I I ! :15, 21.

    The Spi1'1t1ml o f G. W. Chris ty 1n NiV Orleans. Mess. 4:191-r ."",O. P. Ril ler on Spir:l tual1sm. 1:. 1859 :26l .

    1860 The f ight aga.irnrt the S p 1 r i t h ~ t a in the SWedenborg Societ.y. Dc:\C. : r . I : l . 3 1 & l : ~ . 1 Thos. take H..'trris uExtraordine.ry and tr!umphant Exposure of Sp1.ri't..

    ~ ~ le Boys des Guayti canes out againat Splr i t i sm. :C 1860:193.W. Woodman on "Spir i tual ism, What 16 1t ' l an d vllil.t, are i . ta preten

    Biens?" 1860:212=474.lll-lhat th iok you of M:r.. Harn.s'lu o. J:v:188.-=A general \ l a r n i n . . ~ againat. Hard.6. I . 18..tSo:296.- . - ~ .. -.e

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    , . ' ~ ~

    H1.st.ory of :New Churcb Doctrinea '"' 20

    {l\bout) Rev. \Villie.m C01-1he:cd, of lA.anchester, begina t a develop bis"B5.ble C!u'iatian" sect.; introduC".:::s vegetarla.nism and t o t a l a.bstinence.{Histcry of -the Sect; Hindmarsh"s B ! ~ ~ ~ E d e _ ~ ~ ' p. 148, 195, 199;

    . r . i C ? j ~ i ~ ~ . ~ ~ I : ! ~ I:71j Boston N . ~ ~ ~ . J i . : I:55i BayleyD.s ~ C h u ; - ~ " l o ~ ! ; ! . ~ ~ , ';.- \p. 14 ..., .;

    1810 Robert Armttl3tead, a CO'iyherdian, p l ~ o d u c e a an al1eged statement fram Mr.Rj,cbard Shearmnith , assert ing tha t St'Tedenborg "las a vegetartan and to ta labs ta iner . 'X"be fraud 1a expo.sed by R. Hindmarsh. .!!.:. 196; 1.:. HI: 272.

    1837 Ml'. sam. Bra.ley, in the R ~ o 8 1 ~ . 9 ' ! 1 > at tacks " ~ ! : o t a l Abstinence," which f i tth is t ~ i m e 1e causing a great: dtsturbanc:e :tn the r ~ M C'urch in Lancashire.Very t'J,ne ar t ic le ; appe&ls to the ~ b r e l l . 1. ~ 3 7 : 6 Z l .

    -- ...U&.l'ch. Jonathan Bayley (J . B. A.) defends reTeetotal.1am" against Bradley." " . ~ ~ Very superciliouB and arrogant. IJoble supports Bradley. Exposes Bayley signorance or. Rebl'ew. L ~ 038:69, 8l.MBY. Bayley "forbids" the 1nserti.on of Ms second a.rllclt1 agaiust Bradley.~ ~ ~ : o : : . .

    Noble"s " b i l ~ " l a exctted, and he l i t e ra l ly sweeps up the gt'ound vi th Hl',

    1843 Attack on flFather Matthewl t and t.he "Temperance Pledge ll by 'tL." (Excellenta r l i e l e . )

    1844 i ! a n ~ . - ! " l ' HR .1,." of Balfcrd repl ies fur1cualy to "L" on " ' : : ~ o t . a l Abstinence. I fDisgraceful language used.March. S e v e ~ a 1 exeellent articles against teetotalism. N. 01. Adv. 1844:40,~ ~ 41.

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    Rif.tory of New Ghurcb Doctrines - 21

    Quakerism- - = , ~ - - - ~ ContI't:versy about the Statementg in the Writings

    1839 ~ ~ r l : . . Quakeriam, as descr:tbed in the Writings, denied by (Delta) , aprofe3sed member of the New C h U l ~ h . 1 . 39:359.- .fj.arch. Another ar t i c le , by an indignant Quaker, a.ttacking S\Tedenborg'sreve1aticm about the abominations of the sect . 1:.:. 39 :415.__ Reply to (Delta"s) ar t ic le , by "one in t imately acqua1nt.ed"; givingpersona1 testimony to the t ru th of s..T{,"enborg V6 statements. IIas experiencedthinga "too fouI te he written." "q 4''"'': . . j ~ -( .~ ~ J . K. B. (Jsmes Keen, of B r i s to l ? ) t r i e s to ahcw that , Swedenborgdooa not cndemn the sect in general, but only a fe", IDE'.mbera .. who 'l'Ierein ev i l . 1 39:455.

    sect , who ".ad recelved the New Church. 1...;. 39:518.~ _ Strong, SOill ld a.r t icle by rtB" on ' ~ h e Quakers, t h St,8;t.. of ' theChrist ian t.Jorld, and the aut.hority of the Hritings. L 39:573.

    1825 Homeopath,Y f:J.rst introduced! iute P.meric

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    History of' New Church 1.)Qctr:!.nes = ~

    ~ l "Inquirer,r t l""l3pect1.ng the art ic le on H;).Jl.'leOpathy. (G:l.'umbHng)N. Chman. II:6o2.

    W. E. P. Qa Il Answer ta lnquirer . 1 lh rX:765.Rmarka on the laot by "Inqu:!.I'eI'." N. II:771.-

    1845 Discussion of Hahneman and B3meopatby. !:. 18 :272.1849 Hornf.H)pathy g'airling ground in the New Church in America.. ! i . : _ ~ : , , _ R e R ' '49:435.1851 ~ : . . Thomas W:Uks ~ r s l ! ! ! . HOOleopat.hy and Mr. DeCharme. ~ 1851:15.

    Answer by Mr. DeCharne. 1851:101.-1854 On the Spread of Homeopathy in the New Church: 116/7 of the f'o11owers of Sw.are enthus1aet1c disciples of Hahneman." Mess. 1853:.365.

    1856 The statement in T. C. R. defended, versus W. vlhite. 1..:. 1 8 5 6 ~ 1 , 3 , 126, 175,

    1 7 8 9 ~ 9 4 Agitation a ~ ~ 1 n a t the S l a v e ~ t r a d c by Wadstrcm, etc.1849 Beginn1.ng of. discussion on A"frican S l a V f ~ r y . ! : 22 ~ 1 6 9 . 1851 R. D e C h a r m 6 ~ B : "Borne V1ewa of F'reedan a.nd Slayery in the Ug h t of the New

    Jerusa1em." Phila. 109 pp. RevieT.id, ~ i 51 ~ 3 4 4 . _ Solymon Brown: "Union of Extremea." A Dlscourse on l iberty andSlavery. Reviewed, Medium '51:169.c.. rie=

    1852 . & > E i ~ .

    June. Discussion on African Slavery. N. F. cabel l , and O t . h E ~ l ' Newchurcbn.lr::nin the South protes t againat the continuation of the d 1 e c u s s i ~ n . N. C. P.\52:273

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    E1story cr NeY Church Doctrines 23

    No'r. Angry let t .ers :from the South, p ~ t e s t l n g against ~ h t e a c h l ~ 6 ofE x c e ~ ~ reply by the lat . ter. N. C. R. ~ 5 2 : 4 9 6 . - - = - - ~ _ ...

    J855 N. F. Cabell: "The Black Race in North Amedea. ''iby vas the l r i n t r : . d u c ~ -tton p a r m . 1 . t . i ~ e ~ d 1 " I\ynchburg, Va., 44 pp. {Defends alavery.) Cri t icalrevleuB; N. C. Rep. P ~ t ) ; 9 1 j . ; l'le S. Mess. ~ 5 5 : 1 0 7 . _ . u . " . : < . ~ ~ __ . __- = - . . r . : ; : " " _ ~ - = . ' : = - ' -