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•'TW' -. .* ,- ?$? C om m ercial "* ' ' ■ '' ■ ’’TT" All of t/ie Mw. Impartially Told Eyp^ ** S****** Q a m Unm^Avfm n , ITO, j* dm Fun OPte « Kud.am.rd. New Jersey. under the Act ol March i, U7t ------------------------------------------ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmm Miss Mary M ona, County Appointee, No Longer Lives In Tontine Avenue TELEPHONE OPERATOR AND SPECIAL IN- VESTIGATOR UVEP HERE FOR FOUR YEARS, BUT TRAVELLED MUCH Mystery surrounding Miss Mary V. Moran, named a special invest* gator and telephone operator of the prosecutor's oftce, by Special Prime cucor George Losche. fallowing his appointment to that post, was partly cleared today with the explanation by Miss Moran, she no longer lives in 209 Tontine Avenue, but h^s moved to Hackensack. Surprise occasioned by tbe appoint- ment because.of Miss Moran’s poli- tical inactivity was great. Miss Moran ays she has lived in Bergen County—In Lyndhurst where she made her headquarters—for four yeairs, but much of that time she haa travelled. Failure of local party -workers to know Misa Moran created quite a *tir after her appointment. Republicans could not understand why Losche would care to stir up so much trouble by dropping two wid- ows with families to support in favor or unknown pstitically, inactive women. Miss Moran is now the telephone operator in the outer office of the prosecutor’s suite. She say3 she has had considerable experience as an investigator, serving for religious or LVNDHURST. N. j, m im y AiM.rsi ion M ICE PIV£ CENTS -and in Europe. Her salary is report - ed to be I 2 .& 00, that of the other special investigators. Wisdom of Loache’s appointments have been attacked again and again, by angry Republicans. I'ointmg out the need for unit in the coming No- vember election, they declared his appointments should be made with an eye to appease angry wurkera. Republican followers are waiting un hopefully for his appointment of a- nother assistant prosecutor. One of his first actions was the dismissal of Joseph W. Marini, first assistant prosecutor, of Cliffaide, and alieniat- ing 500 votes from the party in that district. , Losche is said to be considering applicants from this section. Weaael Groenendyke, never a political leader in this township, Harry Twee, a Rutherford Republican without a fol- lowing and Judge Baker of Garfield, another Republican with- little in- fluence, are said to be chiaf among Ms choices. ^ .- >4-8 Party workers interested in the success of the party in November point out Losche can do the partjr a great good by naming a man approved by both factions now en- gaged >n a dispute. By such an ac- tion, he will partly pacify many w rkersi and hid to u rin g the fac- JlontTSgethtr. MRS. JOHN FOWLES HOSTESS AT CARDS Entertain* at Bridge te Celebration of Birthday—Games, Social Hour Follow Card-playing Mrs. John Fowles, of 507 Hard- ing Avenue, entertained at bridge at her home on Thursday in celebra- tion of her birthday. 1 Refreshments and a social hour followed the games. There were many fine gifts" for the - hostess of the day. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kelly and family, Mr and Mra. “*«»• Richards, Mr. and Mrs. fc. F Loughrams Back From Maine Trip Motor Tour of 1,100 Miles Took Family Through Massachusetts, Too Mr. and Mrs. William J. lajugh- rarii, anil daughter, Mis* Muriel Loughram, with Mrs, Loughram’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ging- ham, all of Jay Avenue, have re- turned from a delightful two weeks vacation spent in Massachusetts and Maine. . _____________ Muriel spent a week with her aunt at Saugus. Has- sacbusetts. Here they were joined by the rest of the party, and mo- tored on. to Maine, making a tour af eleven hundred miles. They stopped a* the birthplace of Mrs. LnuRtiram1* mother in Newton. New Hampshire; and her grand father's birthplace at Bath, Maine, crossing over the new three million dollar bridge at thia point, A visit to an old family estate coming an entire island in Cisco Bay is one of the cherished ex- periences of the trip. Other places of interest visited were New Castle, Rockland, Augu U, Portland, and Old Orchard Beach, in Maine. The laat stop on the homeward trip wa* made at West- erly, Rhode Island.. ------------ o----- —— Neuhausers Return From 1400-Mile Trip Mr. and Mr*. John Neuhauner, with, their son, Fred, and daughter, Edith Neuhauser, accompanied by their nephew, Charles Coon, all *f Weart Avenue, returned home Sat- urday from a fouiteen hundred mile tour of the New England States. The group endeavored espedatty to Public Service To Change Car For Bus Lines New Bus Line to Hacken- sack Slated To Begin Sun- day, According to P.S. While Harrison official* are pro- testing the shift of the southern ter- minus of the Harrison trolley ear lino from South street ta Green street, Newark, many resident* af Lyndhurst are anticipating with sat- isfaction the change of the northern terminus from Railroad Plata, Ruth- erford to Ridge Road and Valley Brook avenue, Lyndhurat. The change tn the southern tar- minus ia now in effect. Shift of th* northern terminus from Rutherford to Lyndhurst will be made Sunday, according to officials of the Public Service Coordinated Transport. In place ttf the present Trolley service between Ridge road, Lynd- hur*t ahd the Rutherford Railroad Plata the Hackensack-Eaat Ruther- ford'line of the Public Service will continue south through Lyndhurst, The proposed bus route will cover considerable more territory in Lynd- hur.t than tbe abandoned trolley line drtt.-—— - ■■■ » Proceeding south in Park avenue Rutherfotd, from the plata, the bus line will operate * uth in Stuyveaant avenue to Valley Brook avenue, east in that i*reet to Ridge read, south to Kingsland avenue, west in Kinga- land avetrae in Third street, north to Ten Eyke avenue East in Ten Eyck avenue to Ridge road and north to the Plata in Rutherford. (The portion’of the trolley car Una to be abandoned lies in Valley Brook avenue, from Ridge road to Stuyvesant avenue, fit*m Valley Hrook avenue to the Lyndhurat Ru iherfoni line, and in Park avenue, Rutherford, from the boundary line to the Railroad Plata. The change t* expected to meet the approval of the Lyndhurst resi- dents, not only because of the In- creased coverage to be given by the bus line but also because of the con gestion now cauaed by the trolley c a n in V allay Hr oak and Stuyveaaml avenues. Both are business street* and tbe heavf traffic haa been made more troublesome by the fact that both streets are narrow and do not afford sufficient room for trolley Mrs and (larking cars. Another reason Lyndhurst resi- dents will be glad to see th* and of trolley care is that .thr^r are very Help, Help, Help Mw- Jaka Leigh, pooemutt- r* *. today tuned S call for chU*mt% clothing aad tsrwbwby criba. Declaring she baa had ■U hr children's th* asks all teeal ___________to acareh ia their trunks m i rioaets for cMM*l W lgmaaa fan iijm *** Mra. Leigh added a bnght note to th* dark financial skies by declaring condition* among Um poor here are better than they have been for years. Many are working who have had ta depend oa her department for food, aha said. CAR, GARAGE DESTROYED IN BIG FIRE Residents Pretest Erection Of Two 25,000 Gallon Oil Storage Tanks MAYOR BOGLE SAYS BOARD WUX INVEST1 Short C im sT b , Wira CX GATE REQUEST « IND 6 WNMNT OIL Car Owned by Harry Hanf COMPANY FURTHER Democrats Plan “ A . Harry Moore Day” at Hohokus Cause CM Blase, Said Fwmae that crept from a abort circuit electric mire tn an automobile stored ka a Lyndhorst garage aa Tuesday night cauaed e Are that | destroyed the car and tb* garage, doing itim ji tttlnuN it |j,OUO ‘atout 10.SO o’clock. The blase broke through the roof at the garage with a suddenness that frightened the nearby residents. Th* garage, located in the rent el tha heme owned by Mr*. Man* Haefeer la 451 Oriental place, wa* a nsaaa of Aamet almost at our* / j Firemen, in a. spectacular effort j to aavw the automobile, roabed to the Ita me enveloped stria turf and | pulled it ta the open. TV .a cheaai- i cal equipment wa* used ta y et the A petition was presented to ing, pn*ranng •» tt the intersection Male Popularity Coolest Here It Gaining Ground "Ring of Men** Event Spon- sored by Local Merchants Warming Up „ „ ___ „ “King a# Men", the popularity Popularity, Beauty, Baby fiame, out. jf’**••» for men . managed by th* rrnitriti To Feature The tar ia cwndd hy Rki^ llanf l-tndhurtt Theatre and ip*wa*rwd by ConteM* lo feature af to M |H avenue- Me declare* h* event Sept. 26 had been otil riding last night and .. . 1 .... bad smelted what aeemed to be a ana fa* tn “A Harrv Moor* Day- short cif«ntted wire: Th*. «|or, be at i M iU rijrM iM 1 Urday were sahounced from Bergen iei County Democm tic campaign beat nvwatigata. see place* of hUtoric Interest, and »“>•/ »n'* there t* only * on* way Thoroughly eifjoyed tlwtr Trtp nfway onlfaeaeatceeU Plymouth Rock and Cape Cod; they there ia tort of a shuttle *ervice saw “The Houe of Seven Gable," now whichmahe, for long delay*, in Salem, Mas*.; and in Boston viai- ted the. scene of the Boston Tea Party, the Navy Yard, and the Old First Church, from which the signal was given to Paul Revere in 1775. A vlalt to Bunker Hill with its towering monument proved more than Interesting; while a walk on the campus at old Harvard proved inspiring. Other places visited were Fort Ti- ronderoga, on Lake Champlain; Old Orchard Beach, Portland, and -Fate- haven, Maine. Mountains through which the tom Visit Green Pond The folio* ing group of Lyndhurst itea had a fine time at Green Pond, on Sunday: tbe Misses Wiiuiifred Harvey, Margaret Brotherton, Pauline Pre ton, Abby Preston. Miriam Knd rrs. Silly Knd*ri, Vera Ward Hts Ward, Lucille Wllaon,. Gladys Kempf, and Nancy Wollenbsupt; Walter Ste urnagel, Donald Gamblin, Milnsr Senior, J r , William Herbert, Merlin Whitehead, Henry /um Felde, Edward led weie the White Mountains, the Royeraft, Harold Lowa, Vincent Faa- Green Mountains, and . the Adtren-1ano, Samuel Ackerman and Orris i Gardner. C. D. Richard*, Mr and Itrs. a. r . j vm /,■ s fa * # nil I wa» nr m **- Throng at Closing Exercises of Bible Sellon and son, Mr and Mrs. H. J Ki* and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Springstein, Mr. ahd Mrs. L. M. Dodon nnd family, M. Mohr, John Tresouthick, Misa Anna Trea- M IM outhick, Mr and Mra. M A. Gat Songs, Addresses Feature ol brini and son. Mr. and Mw. R. J.j D -— Wu Schlagel, Miss A. Holler. John Fow- les. and son, John of Lyndhurst; Mr. Vacation Class At Reed Memorial local merrhanl* u Ju*t bsgmaing W get interesting TW* centaat will et>4 September 1 st. and tbe prtsea are 1 st a gentle irday were .mi.unced from Bergen '• - ^ t h e sa ha did n ft ^b.*«M uftei" *?^a Wl« quarter* {iackens<.k Popularity, It Is believed the flam** rea.hed r , *r*ne* Hberw.-ed. beauty and baby OgWta, together the gasoline tubing and **t ttwm with parades ami athletic event*, will **»» feature the aeeasion. Recorder John H TavI„r, of Ka* ' Paterson, chairman in chsrge of ar rangement , hss received ataurancs from th-moefatic leader* in aM *iain- : tie* of th* State that they will be' j present. FoOber i„,vrnm M ,>,■) ' welcome gue»ts personally on tbe away on a threw week* v*cavi-e a rounds I **r* Goode has gone witb her mother, Man, Events Manied L “ Kn*a'" ' ’f H T V 7 * iadiee have gone to anuthern Virginia Events planned *j« (em«te pop* ... ____ ^ . . Lyndhtmt Personals Mra. tieatge £*mde sm Vai aiMa Mrs., George Good*, sf i ’oat aveuua, larity contest, feniale beauty content most popular baby, most perfect fe- male baby, m«*t perfec! m ale baby and a baby pared' in which prise-wili ba awarded'’ tor the most beautiful baby carriage and moat attracUv* float. Athletic game* and rontesW ate i pirlure* af the caasptate pro- gram will be taken, to ha screened, I*ter, ia all theatre* of tha eeunty Arcane*Went.', tor ■ w tryout, leading ta a coot of Um reputable motion pM-ture pro darera, will be ame of the iamtrda. - All aaateatant <in the popularity *n I baautp contest will be entered la thf m*et* production to b? ftiw»-d danm A prominent metsoa pieliir. produc. r hi, promi>e<l n- ronperste h> assigning several special "nottiJe' cameramen lo "ahoot" the affair Prnmineni Jadge* Prominent Judges are being seleete. by the committee, the list of whirl Will be poldi bed aest oeek, whe final arrangements have been com plated. ' — * _ ~ _ Person, lailrs.W ii m anterisf thrmselve. or oU»r* in »„y «f th. eventa Hated may »btj» further tn for mation. Tsylnr said ye**eeda>,*;» ^ U P « County Democrat ir Campaigi Weni p e t t a r * , Room .me. paepi*'.- Tns** Co., Hacken acb. K ey arsc n aaa betng received there daily betwwn Iha baar. of 9 to S, District Depaty Viuts Daughters oi Amcrio and Mrs. Harry McKc-roan, of Jer sey dtf. Departing guests eipre«aed graU- tude for the fine time they had at tjhe party and extended wishes for (tisriy happy return ut the day tar Mra. Fowles Program Presented by Students s ta r af if. Morgan Mead Cwatwil .................. - _ 'Ibmaftter, fll Ameri t, ne* keaored •tery. jw tu the preeanee aI tbetr lostrnt (.ift beaks mere preaented to Umlf)n»«ty, Mrs Fannie Keller, of Irv Methodist Ladies To teachers at the *chool. Mra. L e h a * * , I * l their.ntaaUng held at.Elk* Mi..sea Virginia Gibson, dUrrtet De Hall, on Wednesday Young. Ellen Brower, Darothy Hark- i *f’ *tabal Stnimaa*. "Ciwadtl»r stadter. Cornelia Schoemaker. Mil- j •* «ie meet in* A splendid audience of paiwitsidred Painter, Irene Naahmaa. and Mre. Keller installed Ihe lagijna and friend* of the pupils who *!- Muriel Vogel. Mr*. A4eIph Vaa*., sentaeive* from Mw lacal lodge to tba tended the Daily Vacation IliWe: Mr*. Douglas Mrs, B Wal-| state eanventi n. M> I , • , , School during the past four weeke,)ker, Mr*. H. Meyer, Mr*. Merman nckamateia, tm «»>,, Mr* were p»» eni laat night to enjoy fhate. Mrt. Ronald Winslow, Wil ....... NcakauaMB Kaieetaia Mr and Mrs J.,hn Naubtuaei and family, of S4I Weart avenue, had <i their guesta for a day earlier te th* week. Mt. and Mrn. Harold Thorn, at fotumhns. "»>• • ... Fred Neuhauser I* treasurer eh th* Natianal orgarusatiea of tk* Yeung People of th* I'alted Preeby tanan church, it wa* while on s trip weat in this capacity that he made the acquaintance of Mr and Mra Thorn, whe are alao iatereated in Semor V, I* C, U work - Maadar Kamil* al Poughfceepai* —Mt—sod Mt» K Monday an ly, of Ten Eyck avenue, left Wed •ewtay fog PoughheepsJe. where they •nil spend their vacation Mr* Moa lay is first vice president ef the f.yndburst |iem« ra'tir t*l*B? 0 ■■—■.■ s>gead liar *i lieeaa tiraee Charles fl Kilt*. Walter W-s*d, Mil »w.r Senior Jr . Bud Cow*. Mlk* Mokaelson, Harold liehn, Orris Gardner, J r , James Bie*|in, George Metilnn, Howland «*♦*, Wtttiaa* Jwr tens, and William Galbraith ll is past ten years agw, during Msy r Arthur Clay’* adminis«t«U*a im t n. pop«lailt| canUal w#». rur. m the townahip -far men and the Winner at l bat Um* wa* a man TO years old ll will b* mteresting ta watch and Kwgaland ttwnurfs at Monday night * meet two gaN.ut nd tanks Mayer Horace R. p .^ u said m - •ideratiaa wauld ba given ta the ptw testing la ip a y n as the Iod*pendent Oil ( empaat had mrt yet heaa granted permtaam* te m-.tail the laaht The oaspawy naw has tanks containing iss.oen gallon* of ad at the taenog of Rlvettide and Smgsland av * i sea Peter Blemi *f MW Riser.id* «re- nne, wha pewa*ated the patiiw*. was iha petnetpie ehjertae ri* «s*d the lank* are a tee menace snd a am sance, cau*ln( dtasamfort le th* rea> deals e# that UirlnHy Bteatl wa* InM by Arthur dehreck •nslein, depwly Asa remmimi me*, that ha had etamiued simitar tank* m llflun, Paaaatc aad Knara* aad bad found three Ml I* la a t n hasard Ha sad Ibe beating fuel t» he **r»l rn ih* mw ta^is I* lam jhwgiireus ’ ’ban gaaoHee, ■ue protested tw tha t'»auai«s< <ners •gainst Baud cwmMM ssm st Retberfard snd Park avennaa following lae' veek's baa*) 'mm storm*. Debn■ ( sf 1 derm water *ww««a planed aheve ieamy iliw i raaae’ the allow* to be legated during a atorm and thsl Ihe u -grt a w I iiiw s il it a m •- - - * IB• w re nrre the low .atb at Rutheifoi l and AH aMWtt .Md n#*ha* aytf.sj.pcoc- .rty of aotghheia and Mia treet He *uggtratad iha tow curb he elaed to sorry the water p««t. tbe m* mr, and aahed that asm* action ho *h*a ta remove *ohhteatoa«s raa. ->od the rerenl storm*, t'omoussim r**Urt M •* » ' hsmg hark j jr* jX |kt>WdMl! aid that would ka fond memories to —m at the ,4dei J 4^ iirntir t>»1 i *o*«i-i*ui» j . ipn^m (P vitNMit Vatoa^ far the candidate* may haftk,, « mUm ,, .ha wMee ditainod from Weal msrehanta and t« post tad at th* boa office nt Iha Lyndhurat Tbeaii* Katkeriae Harmim'a Ml Birthday Feted Mr and Mra Aiben Harsotm at 18(1 poet Avenue, entertained at theii home. Satuntay aftemivm, (a hoaol «f th* eighib birthday at then daughter, Ksthertne Tn* lawn, of th* home, which waa tb* scene of tbe party, was *tnataffidl» ^sretmrTmtryodi rmp paper Games were a feature of ilw party Innleod of on* Mrtlidav cube it w*s r*-»eaied whee ■ refresh-namt were nerted tbat Um pule "guaal ol honor 'wa* tho' reelpmnt at thru* birthday rakes, wfpeh wwao served I* Ibe-guest* at the da) There wee* fine gifts for RaUmria* tiuests included M*ry ! Alt * Crwagan. Gsure t’l sabeth Hritreder, Msrp ! Anna lichradar. frewgan r<Mgan. Kit m wl hi w-» . r ®aa. ■tbpuvc- Audrey I.e., mu* rn Hal Mr* James Andera<m, of Inks isenue, with Mr* L P hew and laughtei Lucille, at St ttb seewue ind Mr and MrsAdolph Veos, et i a ana Hch radar, Audrey L Rutherfotd. spentWednesdayai j |m r^h» HaroMm. and Martha . tcoan flrowe, j Mm, of Lyndhorst, Mr* hre-Ko snd e«e>. hdiy, - Miso Char M te Haehei, and Mr* Mward Mae hel, of Irvtagtsmi with Miaa Bat hat in* hillrey. of Boston. Mmm. All bad a delightful tha* at the MM Pathplace, ae-ew^f party and left with »i*he. of man a»».r* happy return* .d lh* day fa Back f l a a Aabury Mr and Mra. Jetne* K M.Rae aith their daughter. Mis* Johann* Me Bar, of panted by Albert Johnson, of IB ('••at A venu*. are back ftom a wa*h‘» aeeUaa apaat al Aabur f Perk __ Mawreae I amUy al Mr ■ ani Mt* Itahert Mai itiss, snd ilyi at SIS Mew York evems*. hrfl * y for l-ahe Membaefca. Me* ' orh. whote 'hay wlU *p*nd a waah1* .sea tion t. srys to t seoawm At Betmar •belt guntl sf honor. Northern Terminus of P. S. Announced Mr sad Mi* A t •*>, U attar, aad Ann uneemeat <*utdk Marstee t swasfeauitad »ert that, beginning August P. the lortheen tefeain**, f»» Iterxeo* Has drewt , * t> wtll he K«tge Road and ¥ nHff i lltexwiii •*»-«» l i in itts hi g I la i Mff, «l#*i «# lujfijiil tliis reaure frwaa th* Rutho.f^ed 4da of kutherford a*onwe that, from lynd beret Mayor Bagta *asd aits -oga th* fsdnmi»Msnera are awere of Mmtittaem st that *pet no asMna ena he tahea . until Park a reams le tata* eve* ttT ih* county fnmb A. Sehamder it, atkte MM ■MseeefMly Aaiahed Ms eta monU* peohaiMnaiy parted on ihe Lyedhuret retire |i*partn*Sat. -waa appa.nled * pattoitnaa by the Casum*mteaa*s A emplatnt agmeal the MSada Tree 'ommtaaawp wa* aw 4s by f . U Mans- ienen of Pa*t a»aaee tmeaua* *had* *w* without the itamaat at the pear •sty ew m ts Hendeeaon tooieaotod iaa •apayeis ah*uM pet ha lasod f«e Mo mp rwee waen t and gweattonwl t%* t* ••Illy ef the .rdMaaee p*o*Uiag fa* ’•ht* A though * reused by f.wwahtp titoruey Leo BetHy that ibe oMiamore Mat Ik, a .o.^ o mrnMSk w"~a w wm eww aa aaaa tm "is be law gtvmg permt<*Saa to th* t aw atretoner* to paae *mrh *« *ed *a*n j A teMa* waa rmet'iedfrean t he pwh le. Uutttsaa Crnmmmm *tett»g mat he Nm See*lee l iaaBmleS Iim a uotiowe Iruihiy aarehm <aa Valley hsuek and ntur*sw*m a*enuaa A hue '•ne will he *«h*titw*<d fe« the'< tf*«. The t <auooowis g*so I thf program ’ *• ">*" ' ‘be Vacation MMe Uetssal^M hy . Mia. Charles W RrelU. prtfteipal ' nf M ematel cburcho* Th* Lsdiea Guild of the Methodi.t n( l%t 1lw #f Certificate* for perfect attretdana* Lpiaaopal charch held an aii day meeting at 'bas .chuicb «a f|t|r-tay Mrs. George Heflrnd and Mra Hi tie Lewis, of the rewing commit- tte ware m rharg* of the sewing ____ daughter Dorta. ef B*evw* Met.een tneso p rets * i ha Lillian Johnsan. fad two years The > ***' evuame, mwv* tomorrow furnished by MaeSei.aaek BwM. tftlUS ■ the closing exerciaas of tt* *■b»>l, liam Hlaaalt. eowveeition will ba h*td at A I M t Betmar ehore they wilt *pand i.nr^N d bus f'«* Be li, 'wiMI he* held at tb* Reed Memorial t'nited Other gift* went tea Mr* BVeile, 'tty to Meptomhar It ss *nt*s.pated l*« »eehe emstioa * - hamn aateM el aouth**ty h a w BsM Presbyter tan churrh, Mts, Itewntng, Mrs._ Dutti-k. and that other member* a til gr f-| " ' eund Pies* Ruaaeefoed vto Par* MMaS t# the American Rag. the.'George .Cobn: • Preaentatlone were''tha nlected reprea*ntati.e« * - tsasheeni lameg ad isrtia A tb*a Aeawre, htuyvsamat Arena*. ■fith* U .li P-- ___ - 1- N m ! Oiristian risg. and Um Blbi* opened ; nwde by. Mrs. i, B. Lnteha, chair-; rhw —......... — ,„t *** * * * IMgnk .mwame, M p e Sand, fc. Hold Bazaar in nov.j^ D r ,mm* mw f the Vm-atlo. Hit.le ^ U. tTTl *“ZL WU*#rt Caebrew. e.a ^ Me and w t A- .are U-I Mr* Ciareswe t faaBsia. ef Inhe * f * h *»**re*. t* Bidg* rowd fillaei.1 ih* ‘main... j A-***we. was owe »f twa^y mewdkHn *_ ware presented tw the following pu- ^ of the Mow Vo*% Bteck Fe«ha*^e fnlarlam nl Kruise Tha kev u -------- a P“*- hr Mia* Jennie Van der %ak*. w *«urta*~d at a «w,h **4 party at Ml* m a KvT; •armtrr at the Joint coanrorrreo, tui gm g , .sa m . ___, -hom e ef * «e*-» B Butt, of .BebssaJMB- "L Rpts-«p*l 'hureh. | ^ hsgmnre- Deportment, Katfcar 1CS'IM ntlt PanlVM I Mwn.-e. Taery'owu, M Y The grnsp me§m prayer lae Blanrhard. Rwth OtM, W iUtem appeal i* Bee'with o.rwted e part Dm ueeBmai aaapaah I * th* shmnne sa s -Be* rent fa n was f-Ti«1nf 7 tBw f nsnmnman thremgs tne aew* rnp limit* t. ma BaBha*f«*d datren r»enh * fchsmtiae, manage • *flM mlsm Imre ball tewm, ashed pe.m .a^.a *wt Hm wm *i th* K«*h*pal. InM re ■ bag*** ia Th* atwliea • » , o M -i' o < ■ mam, ii ima> (ansd*>>. B»s JasaB **e*ews ndyhe 4 f *,rer, "'•re. whn had pre« s*w*., Hu th* eanmme a f Bekdniff * r .*>* M y rel*fca>Uam *4> i a%*< ts* , ;** 4 the setabeatiow wawld.- ha Uh* • wuihap. M i| i * miA iAmM ! il. . | m MI H4p| ■ Ot.faM* ew*eBk ’*e»* tImp tMiHfi h* *•*» t i f , * . **4 i. Um '**• 99m Odd Feflows, Wives Visit Old Fottu H omo the f >rewaon Th* Isdie, worked ow * ^ dep*ftment. ttnaet r.dl. Arleae ll.w k .Jo y L the tosmsaon in* tauw.m jjf ,dfeaad a pro i-t-,, pM ti Lotae*. Attew u , . . , . *pr-n . embroidery work, aad patch- _ J -----------l-ennes. rreri Mraaea. Aime Hwpan, work tn. aoa.lt I «r*m os aoag, *sa menwy -uee jgBdnd Mall, Margaret RRmL Wol-' At the bus.** ** meeting M the ^ ^ ^ *1*"* . an.ro.-re, artih Mt rhnrles fromtoy m/s F ^ r V L e^m ^ l»d tS*', ^ ’T " * - Ul“ **> praawtent. m charge, the W fe. v m w d l h m h r 2 ? * r !'*’ f T I. ' . T ^ m t ___ i - l *aeipn Vwe*. prereeeed * naw him* l)w. ppa,*,, BhnsMMML Pbjl rt m memory *er»» of .‘b rtp - ,4t IVrTleh, MiMred MwttMer, Jar , P**a ?? dram."*** -The ^ « iT, ll ante*, hstberre. laapia. M rs Jawaes M a k t ^ d ^ M r T l E ^ h S ' ~ ‘ ■d,-‘^ a > r «nagMr- . , , Kjrttfm* PaeBs. M a^Sret .'Msaeag,- James Muir aaad Mr*. Bdith ■. Th, J««a-e — See Mr* Umn„ D-agtwa Mwaf, Bea “*• *^Sa'* BanM **• masm Pater. Jasne, Beoww*. Hay . •rb Rohert t,m>rea. Hermes ' August M B . arttb Me*. to b.lt "a Tbwraitay. «iarab-Rhmwwod ns thMimsa sd the! M«asa*. “T M ^ d .» * a m , msA TTh* B.y ^umrJ- ■ < S . M* Acthtsr H Gamblin Mr* J t Z *" John Vogel. Mrs Theme* Wsl*h, M ra.fi* a^,s„ jot iyaiSarrt M an. 'im* hw** ea«eeed She ravage* at infaa'.ie pats t e pr*e*wa Umts noma', amd ai* ae.be Mm idBre ad ih* trader, . 0 # Uae aatdre a |b d smwei J. Ililets. Mrs. R* rmawd Ka Ier, Mrs. H L Kdge, and Mr.. W Ward. - for tBw at tha an(smaatlua ia Mre BraBmtaB aa I aaeltan Mr* Margate* Beanarteh. Mad daagh tor Mi** Know Bewdeenh. ad PoM Bvewn*. atof »**♦ grands in. la r i Mead.. S*s*B, end Mt*a Beit • Moeun.' wf' I*r"diyw , are ep*mdkag thota sweo >-a effU fif wai*B* at FeewdnW Mew T <• Tbo hmm*. at Mr •*< Mr* fl | • ,* me i a f g 1^4at* part y W . See a t* i ; Ma aigtil . when IS*y muetawad *< wsbt- m.-iwd*d M* s~« Mra H , se# Mat *1 Paaaas- fee* M- sol -re1 ■ R i A woe M, . -rf ram a It f *« i H ill I N S* teaa ts* I <*** « f . Wawa I . fho haa | waas • ■ a ••* e ■ .0 i .a Mra a. Im tl af tl

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Post on 13-Sep-2018




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C o m m e r c i a l"*' ' ■'' ■’’TT"

A ll o f t/ie M w . Impartially ToldEy p ^ ** S****** Q am U n m ^ A v f m n , IT O , j * d m F u n O P te « K u d .am .rd . N ew Jersey. under th e A ct o l M arch i, U 7 t

------------------------------------------ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmm

Miss Mary Mona, County Appointee, No Longer Lives In Tontine Avenue


Y E A R S , B U T T R A V E L L E D M U CH

Mystery surrounding Miss Mary V. Moran, named a special invest* gator and telephone operator of the prosecutor's oftce, by Special Prime cucor George Losche. fallowing his appointment to that post, was partly cleared today with the explanation by Miss Moran, she no longer lives in 209 Tontine Avenue, but h^s moved to Hackensack.

Surprise occasioned by tbe appoint­ment b ecau se .o f Miss Moran’s poli­tical inactivity was great. Miss Moran ays she has lived in Bergen County—In Lyndhurst where she made her headquarters—for four yeairs, but much of that time she haa travelled. Failure o f local party -workers to know Misa Moran created quite a *tir after her appointment.Republicans could not understand why Losche would care to stir up so much trouble by dropping two wid­ows w ith fam ilies to support in favor or unknown pstitically, inactive women.

Miss Moran is now the telephone operator in the outer office o f the prosecutor’s suite. She say3 she has had considerable experience as an investigator, serving for religious or

L V N D H U R S T . N. j , m i m y A i M . r s i i o n M I C E P IV £ C E N T S

-and in Europe. Her salary is report­ed to be I 2 .&00, th a t of the other special investigators.

Wisdom of Loache’s appointments have been attacked again and again, by angry Republicans. I'ointmg out the need fo r unit in the coming No­vember election, they declared his appointments should be made with an eye to appease angry wurkera. Republican followers are waiting un hopefully for his appointment of a- nother assistant prosecutor. One of his first actions was the dismissal of Joseph W. Marini, first assistant prosecutor, of Cliffaide, and alieniat- ing 500 votes from the party in that district.

, Losche is said to be considering applicants from this section. Weaael Groenendyke, never a political leader in this township, Harry Twee, a Rutherford Republican without a fol­lowing and Judge Baker of Garfield, another Republican with- little in­fluence, a re said to be chiaf among Ms choices. ^ .- >4- 8

Party workers interested in the success of the party in November point out Losche can do the partjr a great good by naming a man approved by both factions now en­gaged >n a dispute. By such an ac­tion, he will partly pacify many w rkersi and hid t o u r in g the fac- JlontTSgethtr.


Entertain* a t Bridge te Celebration of Birthday—Games, Social Hour

Follow Card-playing

Mrs. John Fowles, of 507 H ard­ing Avenue, entertained at bridge a t her home on Thursday in celebra­tion of her birthday. 1

Refreshments and a social hour followed the games. There were many fine g if ts" for the - hostess of the day.

Guests included Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Kelly and family, Mr and Mra. “ *«»•

Richards, Mr. and Mrs. fc. F

Loughrams Back From Maine Trip

Motor Tour of 1,100 Miles Took Family Through

Massachusetts, TooMr. and Mrs. William J. lajugh-

rarii, anil daughter, Mis* Muriel Loughram, with Mrs, Loughram’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ging­ham, all of Jay Avenue, have re­turned from a delightful two weeks vacation spent in M assachusetts and Maine. .

_____________ Muriel spen t aweek with her aunt at Saugus. H as- sacbusetts. Here they were joined by the rest of the party, and mo­tored on. to Maine, making a to u r af eleven hundred miles.

They stopped a* the birthplace of Mrs. LnuRtiram1* m other in Newton. New Hampshire; and her grand father's birthplace at Bath, Maine, crossing over the new three million dollar bridge at thia point,

A visit to an old family estate co m in g an entire island in Cisco Bay is one of the cherished ex­periences of the trip.

Other places of interest visited were New Castle, Rockland, Augu U, Portland, and Old Orchard Beach, in Maine. The laat stop on the homeward trip wa* made a t West­erly, Rhode Island..

------------o----- — —

Neuhausers ReturnFrom 1400-Mile Trip

Mr. and Mr*. John Neuhauner, with, th e ir son, Fred, and daughter, Edith Neuhauser, accompanied by their nephew, Charles Coon, all *f W eart Avenue, returned home Sat­urday from a fouiteen hundred mile tour of the New England States.

The group endeavored espedatty to

Public Service To Change Car

For Bus LinesNew Bus Line to Hacken­sack Slated T o Begin Sun­

day, According to P.S.

While Harrison official* are pro­testing the shift o f the southern ter­minus of the Harrison trolley ear lino from South street ta Green street, Newark, many resident* af Lyndhurst are anticipating with sat­isfaction the change of the northern terminus from Railroad P lata , Ruth­erford to Ridge Road and Valley Brook avenue, Lyndhurat.

The change tn the southern tar- minus ia now in effect. Shift o f th* northern terminus from Rutherford to Lyndhurst will be made Sunday, according to officials o f the Public Service Coordinated Transport.

In place ttf the present Trolley service betw een Ridge road, Lynd- hur*t ahd the Rutherford Railroad Plata the Hackensack-Eaat Ruther­ford 'lin e of the Public Service will continue south through Lyndhurst, The proposed bus route w ill cover considerable more territory in Lynd- hur.t than tbe abandoned trolley linedrtt.-—— - ■■■ » — —

Proceeding south in Park avenue Rutherfotd, from the plata, the bus line will operate * uth in Stuyveaant avenue to Valley Brook avenue, east in that i*reet to Ridge read, south to Kingsland avenue, west in Kinga- land avetrae in Third street, north to Ten Eyke avenue East in Ten Eyck avenue to Ridge road and north to the P lata in Rutherford.

(The portion’ of the trolley car Una to be abandoned lies in Valley Brook avenue, from Ridge road to Stuyvesant avenue, fit*m Valley Hrook avenue to the Lyndhurat Ru iherfoni line, an d in Park avenue, Rutherford, from the boundary line to the Railroad Plata.

The change t* expected to meet th e approval of the Lyndhurst resi­dents, not only because o f the In­creased coverage to be given by the bus line but also because o f the con gestion now cauaed by the trolley c a n in V allay Hr oak and Stuyveaaml avenues. Both are business street* and tbe heavf traffic haa been made more troublesome by the fact that both streets are narrow and do not afford sufficient room for trolley Mrs and (larking cars.

Another reason Lyndhurst resi­dents will be glad to see th* and of trolley care is th a t .thr^r are very

Help, Help, Help

M w- Jaka Leigh, pooemutt- r* *. today tuned S call for chU*mt% clothing aad tsrwbwby criba. Declaring she baa had

■U h r children's th* asks all teeal

___________to acareh ia theirtrunks m i rioaets for cM M *l

W l g m a a a fan i i j m*** ■

Mra. Leigh added a bnght note to th* dark financial skies by declaring condition* among Um poor here are better than they have been for years. Many are working who have had ta depend oa her department for food, aha said.



Residents Pretest Erection Of Two25,000 Gallon Oil Storage Tanks


Short C im s T b , W ira CX G A T E R E Q U E ST « IN D6W N M N T O IL Car Owned by Harry Hanf C O M P A N Y FU R T H ER

Democrats Plan “ A. Harry Moore Day” at Hohokus

Cause CM Blase, Said

Fwmae that crept from a abort circuit electric mire tn an automobile stored ka a Lyndhorst garage aa Tuesday night cauaed e Are that

| destroyed the car and tb* garage, doing i t i m j i t t t l n u N i t |j,OUO

‘ atout 10.SO o’clock.The blase broke through the roof

a t the garage with a suddenness that frightened the nearby residents. Th* garage, located in the rent e l tha heme owned by Mr*. Man* H aefeer la 451 Oriental place, wa* a nsaaa of Aamet almost at our* / j

Firemen, in a. spectacular effort j to aavw the automobile, roabed to the Ita me enveloped stria turf and | pulled it ta the open. T V .a cheaai- i cal equipment wa* used ta y e t the

A petition was presented to ing, pn*ranng •»tt the intersection

Male Popularity Coolest Here It Gaining Ground

"Ring of Men** Event Spon­sored by Local Merchants

Warming Up „„ ___ „ “King a# Men", the popularity

Popularity, Beauty, Baby fiame, out. — j f’**••» for men. managed by th*rrnitriti T o ■ F e a t u r e The tar ia cwndd hy R k i^ llanf l-tndhurtt Theatre and ip*wa*rwd by C o n te M * l o f e a t u r e af to M |H avenue- Me declare* h*

event Sept. 2 6 had been otil riding last night and.. .1 — .... bad smelted what aeemed to be a

ana fa* tn “A Harrv Moor* Day- short cif«ntted wire: Th*. « |or, beat i M i U r i j r M i M 1 ■Urday were sahounced from Bergen iei County Democmtic campaign beat nvwatigata.

see place* of hUtoric Interest, and »“>•/ »n'* there t* only * on* way Thoroughly eifjoyed tlw tr Trtp n fw a y o n lfa e a e a tc e e UPlymouth Rock and Cape Cod; they there ia tort of a shuttle *ervicesaw “The H oue of Seven Gable," now which m ahe, for long delay*,in Salem, Mas*.; and in Boston viai- ted the. scene of the Boston Tea Party, the Navy Yard, and the O ld First Church, from which the signal was given to Paul Revere in 1775.

A vlalt to Bunker Hill with its towering monument proved more than Interesting; while a walk on the campus at old Harvard proved inspiring.

Other places visited were Fort Ti- ronderoga, on Lake Champlain; Old Orchard Beach, Portland, and -Fate- haven, Maine.

Mountains through which the tom

Visit Green PondThe folio* ing group of Lyndhurst

itea had a fine time a t Green Pond, on Sunday: tbe Misses Wiiuiifred Harvey, Margaret Brotherton, Pauline Pre ton, Abby Preston. Miriam Knd rrs . Silly Knd*ri, Vera W ard H ts Ward, Lucille Wllaon,. Gladys Kempf, and Nancy W ollenbsupt; W alter Ste urnagel, Donald Gamblin, Milnsr Senior, J r , William Herbert, Merlin Whitehead, Henry /u m Felde, Edward

led weie the White Mountains, the Royeraft, Harold Lowa, Vincent Faa- Green Mountains, and . the A dtren-1 ano, Samuel Ackerman and Orris

i Gardner.C. D. Richard*, Mr and Itrs. a . r . j v m / ,■ s f a * # n i l Iwa» nr m **- Throng at Closing Exercises of BibleSellon and son, Mr and Mrs. H. J Ki* and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Springstein, Mr. ahd Mrs. L. M.Dodon nnd family, M. Mohr,John Tresouthick, Misa Anna Trea- M I Mouthick, Mr and Mra. M A. G at Songs, A d d r e s s e s Feature olbrini and son. Mr. and Mw. R. J . j D - — WuSchlagel, Miss A. Holler. John Fow- les. and son, John of Lyndhurst; Mr.

Vacation Class At Reed Memorial

local merrhanl* u Ju*t bsgm aing W get interesting

TW* centaat will et>4 September 1 st. and tbe prtsea are 1st a gentle

i r d a y were .m i.unced from Bergen ' • - ^ t h e sa ha did n ft ^ b . * « M u f t e i " * ? ^ a W l«

quarter* {iackens<.k Popularity, I t Is believed the flam** rea.hed r , *r*ne* Hberw.-ed.beauty and baby O gW ta, together the gasoline tubing and **t ttwm with parades ami athletic event*, will **»» feature the aeeasion.

Recorder John H TavI„r, of Ka* 'Paterson, chairman in chsrge of ar rangem ent , hss received ataurancs from th-moefatic leader* in aM *iain- : tie* o f th * State that they will be' j present. FoOber i „ , v r n m M ,>,■) ' welcom e gue»ts personally on tbe away on a threw week* v*cavi-e a rounds I **r* Goode has gone witb her mother,

Man, Events M anied L “ Kn*a '" ' ’f H T V7 * iadiee have gone to anuthern VirginiaEvents planned *j« (em«te pop* ... ____ ^ . .

Lyndhtmt PersonalsMra. tieatge £*mde sm V ai aiMa

Mrs., George Good*, s f i ’oat aveuua,

larity contest, feniale beauty content most popular baby, most perfect fe­male baby, m«*t perfec! m ale baby and a baby pared' in which prise-w ili ba awarded'’ tor the most beautiful baby carriage and moat attracUv* float. Athletic gam e* and rontesW ate

i pirlure* a f the caasptate pro­gram will be taken, to ha screened, I*ter, ia all theatre* of tha eeunty Arcane*Went.', tor ■ w tryout, leading ta a coot of Um reputable motion pM-ture pro darera, will be ame of the iamtrda.- All aaateatant < in the popularity *n I baautp contest w ill be entered la thf m*et* production to b? ftiw»-d danm

■ A prominent metsoa pieliir. produc. r h i , promi>e<l n- ronperste h> assigning several special "nottiJe' cameramen lo "ahoot" the affair

Prnmineni Jadge* Prominent Judges are being seleete.

by th e committee, the list of whirl Will be poldi bed aest oeek, whe final arrangem ents have been com plated. ' —* _ ~ _

Person, lailrs.W ii m anterisf thrmselve. or oU»r* in » „y «f th. eventa Hated may » b tj» further tn for mat ion. Tsylnr said ye**eeda>,*;» ^ U P « County Democrat ir Campaigi Wenip e t t a r * , Room .m e. paepi*'.- Tns** Co., Hacken acb. K e y a r s c n aaa betng received there daily betwwn Iha b a a r . of 9 to S,

District Depaty Viuts Daughters oi Amcrio

and Mrs. Harry McKc-roan, of Je rsey d t f .

Departing guests eipre«aed graU- tude for the fine time they had at tjhe party and extended wishes for (tisriy happy return u t the day t a r Mra. Fowles

Program Presented by Students

s t a r a f if. Morgan Mead Cwatwil.................. - _ ' I bmaftte r , fll Ameri t , n e * keaored

•tery. jw tu the preeanee aI tbetr lostrn t(.ift beaks mere preaented to Umlf)n»«ty, Mrs Fannie Keller, of Irv

Methodist Ladies To

teachers at the *chool. Mra. L e h a * * , I * l their.ntaaUng held at.Elk* Mi..sea Virginia Gibson, d U rrte t De Hall, on Wednesday Young. Ellen Brower, Darothy Hark- i * f ’ *tabal Stnimaa*. "C iw adtl»r stadter. Cornelia Schoemaker. Mil- j •* «ie meet in*

A splendid audience of p a iw itsid red Painter, Irene Naahmaa. and Mre. Keller installed Ihe lagijna and friend* of the pupils who *!- Muriel Vogel. Mr*. A4eIph Vaa*., sentaeive* f r o m Mw lacal lodge to tba tended the Daily Vacation IliWe: Mr*. Douglas Mrs, B W al-| state eanventi n. M> I , • , ,School during the past four weeke,)ker, Mr*. H. Meyer, Mr*. Merman nckamateia, tm « » > , , Mr*were p»» eni laat night to enjoy fh a te . Mrt. Ronald Winslow, Wil .......

NcakauaMB Kaieetaia

Mr and Mrs J.,hn Naubtuaei and family, of S4I W eart avenue, had <i their guesta for a day earlier te th* week. Mt. and Mrn. Harold Thorn, a t fotum hns. "»>• • . . .

F red Neuhauser I* treasurer eh th* Natianal orgarusatiea o f tk* Yeung People of th* I'alted Preeby ta n a n church, it wa* while on s trip weat in this capacity th a t he made the acquaintance of Mr and Mra Thorn, whe are alao iatereated in Semor V, I* C, U work

■ - Maadar Kamil* al Poughfceepai*

— Mt—sod Mt» K Monday an ly, of Ten Eyck avenue, left Wed •ewtay fog PoughheepsJe. where they •nil spend their vacation Mr* Moa lay is first vice president e f the f .yndburst |iem « ra'tir t*l*B?

0 ■■ —■ .■

s>gead lia r *i lieeaa tiraee

Charles fl Kilt*. Walter W-s*d, Mil »w.r Senior J r . Bud Cow*. Mlk* Mokaelson, Harold liehn, Orris Gardner, J r , Jam es Bie*|in, George Metilnn, Howland «*♦*, Wtttiaa* Jwr tens, and William Galbraith

ll is past ten years agw, during Msy r Arthur Clay’* adminis«t«U*a im t n. po p « la ilt| canUal w#». rur. m the townahip -far men and the Winner at l bat Um* wa* a man TO years old

ll will b* mteresting ta watch

and Kwgaland ttwnurfs at Monday night * meet

tw o gaN.ut nd tanks

Mayer Horace R. p .^ u said m - •ideratiaa wauld ba given ta the ptw testing l a i p a y n as the Iod*pendent Oil ( em paat had mrt yet heaa granted permtaam* te m-.tail the laaht The oaspawy naw has tanks containing

iss.oen gallon* of ad a t the taenog of Rlvettide and Sm gsland av * i sea

Peter Ble mi *f MW Riser.id* «re- nne, wha pewa*a ted the patiiw*. was iha petnetpie ehjertae ri* «s*d the lank* are a te e menace snd a am sance, cau*ln( dtasamfort le th* rea> deals e# that UirlnHy

B teatl wa* InM by A rthur dehreck •nslein, depwly Asa remm imi me*, that ha had etam iued simitar tank* m llflu n , Paaaatc aad Knara* aad bad found three M l I* l a a t n hasard Ha sad Ibe beating fuel t» he * * r» l rn ih* m w ta^is I* lam jhwgiireus ’ ’ban gaaoHee,

■ue protested tw tha t'»auai«s< <ners •gainst Baud cwmMMssm s t Retberfard snd Park avennaa following lae' veek's baa*) 'mm storm*. Debn■ ( sf 1 derm water *ww««a planed aheve ieam y i l iw i raaae’ the allow* to be legated during a atorm and th s l Iheu-grt a w I i i i w s i l it a m •- - -* IB• w renrre the low .a tb a t Rutheifoi l and AH aMWtt .Md n#*ha* aytf.sj.pcoc- .rty of aotghheia and Mia treet He *uggtratad iha tow curb he elaed to sorry the w ater p««t. tbe m * mr, and aahed that asm* action ho *h*a ta remove *ohhteatoa«s raa. ->od

the reren l storm*, t'om oussimr**U rt M • * » ' hsmg hark j j r * j X |kt>WdMl! aid that would ka

fond memories to —m a t the ,4dei J 4^ iirntir t>»1 i *o*«i-i*ui» j . ipn^m (P vitNMit

Vatoa^ fa r the candidate* may h a f tk , , « m U m , , .ha wMeeditainod from Weal msrehanta and t« post tad a t th* boa office n t Iha Lyndhurat Tbeaii*

Katkeriae Harmim'a Ml Birthday Feted

Mr and Mra Aiben Harsotm a t 18(1 poet Avenue, entertained a t theiihome. Satuntay aftemivm, (a hoaol«f th* eighib birthday at then daughter, Ksthertne

Tn* lawn, of th* home, which waa tb* scene of tbe party, was *tnataffidl»^ s r e tm r T m t r y o d i r m p paper

Games were a feature of ilw party Innleod of on* Mrtlidav cube it w*s r*-»eaied whee ■ refresh-namtwere nerted tbat Um pu le "guaal ol honor 'wa* tho ' reelpmnt at thru* birthday rakes, wfpeh wwao served I* Ibe-guest* at the da) There wee* fine gifts for RaUmria*

tiuests included M*ry! Alt * Crwagan. Gsure t ’lsabeth Hritreder, Msrp

! Anna lichradar.

frew ganr<Mgan. Kitm wl hi w-». —r ®aa. ■tbpuvc-

Audrey I.e., mu*rn Hal

Mr* Jam es Andera<m, of Inks isen u e , with Mr* L P hew and laughtei Lucille, at St t tb seewueind Mr and Mrs Adolph Veos, et i a ana Hch radar, Audrey LRutherfotd. spent Wednesday ai j |m r^h » HaroMm. and Martha. tcoan flrowe, j Mm, of Lyndhorst, Mr*

hre-Ko snd e«e>. hdiy, - Miso Char M te Haehei, and Mr* M w ard Mae hel, of Irvtagtsmi with Miaa Bat hat in* hillrey. of Boston. Mmm.

All bad a delightful tha* at the MM Path place, ae-ew ^f party and left with »i*he. of man

a»».r* happy return* .d lh* day fa

Back f l a a Aabury

Mr and Mra. Jetne* K M.Rae a ith their daughter. Mis* Johann* Me Bar, of panted by Albert Johnson, of I B ('••at A venu*. are back ftom a wa*h‘» aeeUaa apaat a l Aabur f Perk __

Mawreae I amUy al

Mr ■ ani Mt* Itahert Mai i t iss, snd ilyi at SIS Mew York evems*. hrfl

* y for l-ahe Membaefca. Me* ' orh. whote 'hay wlU *p*nd a waah1*.se a tion

t. srys t o t seoawm At Betmar

•belt guntl sf honor.

Northern Terminus of P. S. Announced

Mr sad Mi* A t •*>, U attar, aad

Ann uneemeat <*utdk Mars tee t swasfeauitad »ert th a t, beginning August P. the lortheen tefeain**, f»» Iterxeo* Has drewt , * t> wtll he K«tge Road and¥ n H f f i llte x w iii • • * » - « » l i in itts hi g I l a

i Mff, «l#*i «# lu j f i j i i l t l i i s

reaure frwaa th* Rutho.f^ed 4da of kutherford a*onwe that, from ly n d beret Mayor Bagta *asd a its -oga th* fsdnmi»Msner a are awere of Mmtittaem st that *pet no asMna ena he tahea . until Park a reams le ta ta * eve* ttT ih* county

fn m b A. Sehamder i t , atkte MM ■MseeefMly Aaiahed Ms eta m onU* peohaiMnaiy parted on ihe Lyedhuret retire |i*partn*Sat. - waa appa.nled * pattoitnaa by the Casum*mteaa*s ■ A em p latn t agm eal the MSada Tree 'ommtaaawp wa* aw 4s by f . U Mans-

ien en of Pa*t a »aaee tmeaua* *had*

*w* without the itamaa t at the p e a r •sty ew m ts Hendeeaon tooieaotod iaa •apayeis ah*uM pet ha lasod f«e Mo mp rweewaent and gweattonwl t%* t*

••Illy ef the .rdM aaee p*o*Uiag fa* ’•ht* A though * reused by f.wwahtp titoruey Leo BetHy that ibe oMiamore

Mat Ik, a .o. o mrnMSkw"~a w wmewwaa aa a atm "isbe law gtvmg permt<*Saa to th* t a w atretoner* to paae *mrh *« *ed * a * n j A teMa* waa rmet'iedfrean t he pwh l e . Uutttsaa Crnmmmm *tett»g mathe Nm See*lee l iaaBmleS Ii m a

uotiowe Iruihiy aarehm <aa Valley hsuek and ntur*sw*m a*enuaa A hue '•ne will he *«h*titw*<d fe« the'< tf*«.

The t < a u o o o w is g*so

I th f program ’ *• ">*" ' ‘be Vacation MMe Uetssal^M hy „ . Mia. Charles W RrelU. prtfteipal ' nf M em ate l cburcho*

Th* Lsdiea Guild of the Methodi.t n( l%t 1lw #f Certificate* for perfect attretdana*Lpiaaopal charch held an aii day meeting a t 'bas .chuicb «a f | t | r - t a y

Mrs. George Heflrnd and M ra H i tie Lewis, of the rewing commit- t te ware m rharg* of the sewing

____ daughter Dorta. ef B*evw* Met.een tneso p re ts * i haLillian J ohnsan. fad two years The > ***' evuame, mwv* tomorrow furnished by MaeSei.aaek BwM. tftlUS ■

the closing exerciaas of t t* *■ b»>l, liam Hlaaalt. eowveeition will ba h*td a t A I M t Betmar ehore they wilt *pand i .n r ^ N d bus f'«* Be l i , 'w iM I he*held a t tb* Reed Memorial t'n ited Other gift* went tea Mr* BVeile, ' t t y to Meptomhar It ss *nt*s.pated l* « »eehe em stioa * - hamn aa teM el aouth**ty h a w BsMPresbyter tan churrh, Mts, Itewntng, Mrs._ Dutti-k. and th a t other member* a til g r f - | " ' eund Pies* Ruaaeefoed vto Par*

M M aS t# the American R a g . the.'George .Cobn: • Preaentatlone were''tha nlected reprea*nta ti.e« * - tsasheeni la meg ad i s r t ia A tb*a Aeawre, htuyvsamat Arena*. ■ f i t h *U . l i P - - ___ - 1 - N m ! Oiristian r isg . and Um Blbi* opened ; nwde by. Mrs. i , B . Lnteha, chair-; rhw —......... — ,„ t — *** * * * IMgnk .mwame, M p e Sand, fc.Hold Bazaar in nov .j^ Dr ,mm* mw f the Vm-atlo. Hit.le ^ U. tTTl *“ZL WU*#rt Caebrew. e .a ^ Me and w t A-.a r e U -I

Mr* Ciareswe t fa a Bs ia . e f In h e *f*h *»**re*. t* Bidg* rowd f i l l a e i .1 ih* ‘ma in . . . j A-***we. was owe » f tw a^ y mewdkHn *_

w a re presented tw the following pu- ^ of the Mow Vo*% Bteck Fe«ha*^e f n l a r l a m n l K r u i s eTha kev u -------- a P“ *- hr Mia* Jennie Van der %ak*. w * « u rta* ~ d a t a «w,h **4 party at Ml* m

a K v T ; •a rm trr at the Joint coanrorrreo, tu i gm g , . s a m . ___, -h o m e ef * «e*-» B Butt, of .BebssaJMB-"L Rpts-«p*l 'hureh. | ^ hsgmnre- Deportment, Katfcar 1 C S 'IM n tlt PanlVM I Mwn.-e. Taery'owu, M Y The grnspm e § m prayer lae Blanrhard. Rwth OtM, W iUtem

appeal i* Bee'with o.rw ted e partD m u e eBmai a a a p a ah I

* th* shmnne sa s -Be* rent f a n was f-T i«1nf

7 tBw f nsnmnman thremgs tne aew* rnp limit* t . ma BaBha*f«*d datren

r»enh * fchsmtiae, manage • * f lM mlsm Imre ball tewm, ashed p e.m .a^ .a *wt Hm wm * i th* K«*h*pal. InM re ■ bag*** ia Th* atwliea • » , o M - i ' o < ■ mam, i i ima> (ansd*>>.

B»s JasaB **e*ews ndyhe 4 f * ,re r , " '•re . whn had pre« s*w*., H u th* eanmme a f Bekdniff * r .*>*M y r e l*fca>Uam * 4 > i a%*< ts* , ;**4 the setabeatiow wawld.- ha Uh*• wuihap. M i | i * m iA iAmM! il. .

|mMI H4p| ■Ot.faM* ew*eBk’*e»* tImp tM iH fih* *•*» t i f , * . **4 i . Um

'* * • 99m

Odd Feflows, Wives Visit Old Fottu Homo

the f >rewaon Th* Isdie, worked ow * „ ^ dep*ftment. ttnaet r.d l. Arleae l l .w k .J o y Lthe tosmsaon in* tauw. m j j f ,dfeaad a pro i - t - , , pM ti Lotae*. Attew u , . . , .*pr-n . embroidery work, aad patch- _ J • -----------l-ennes. r re r i Mraaea. Aime Hwpan,work tn . a o a .lt I «r*m os aoag, *sa m enw y -uee jgBdnd Mall, M argaret RRm L W ol-'

At the bus.** ** meeting M the ^ ^ ^ * 1 * " * .a n .ro .-re , artih Mt rh n rles from toy m /s F ^ r V L e ^ m ^ l» d ‘ t S * ' , ^ ’T " * - U l“ **>praawtent. m charge, the W fe . v m w d l h m h r 2 ? * r ! '* ’f T I . ' . T ^ mt___ i - l *aeipn Vwe*. prereeeed * naw him* l)w. p p a ,* , , BhnsMMML Pbjl

r t m memory *er»» of .‘brtp- ,4t IVrTleh, MiMred MwttMer, Jar ,P * * a ? ? dram ."*** -The ^ « iT, ll ante*, h s tb e rre . la a p ia .

Mrs Jawaes M a k t^ d ^ M r T lE ^ h S ' ~ ‘■d,-‘^ a > r «nagM r- . , , K jrttfm * PaeBs. M a^S ret .'Msaeag,-Jam es Muir aaad Mr*. Bdith ■. Th, J««a-e — See Mr* Umn„ D-agtwa Mwaf, Bea “ *• *^Sa'* BanM**• masm Pater. Jasne, Beoww*. Hay .•rb Rohert t,m>rea. Herm es '

August M B . arttb Me*.to b . l t "a Tbwraitay.«iarab-Rhmwwod ns thM im sa sd th e! M«asa*. “T M ^ d .» * a m

, msA TTh* B.y ^umrJ- ■

< S . M* Acthtsr H Gamblin Mr* J t Z * "John Vogel. Mrs Theme* Wsl*h, M ra .f i* a ^ ,s „

jot iy a iS a rr t M an . 'im* hw** ea«eeed She ravage* at infaa'.ie pats te pr*e*wa Umts noma', amd ai* ae.be Mm idBre ad ih*t r a d e r , .0# Uae aatdre a | b d

smwei J. Ilile ts . Mrs. R* rmawd Ka Ier, Mrs. H L Kdge, and Mr.. W Ward. -

for tBwat tha an(smaatlua ia

Mre BraBmtaB a a I aaeltan

Mr* Margate* Beanarteh. Mad daagh tor Mi** Know Bewdeenh. ad PoMB vewn*. atof »**♦ gra nds in. l a r i Mead.. S*s*B, end Mt*a Beit • Moeun.' wf' I*r"d iy w , are ep*mdkag thota sweo >-a effU fif wai*B* at FeewdnW Mew T <•

Tbo hmm*. at Mr •*< Mr*fl | • ,* me i a

f g 1 4 at* part y W . See a t* i ; Ma aigtil . when IS*y m u etaw ad *<w s b t-

m.-iwd*d M* s~« Mra H , se# Mat *1 Paaaas- fee* M- sol


■ R i A woeM , . -rfram a


f *« i

H i l l

INS* teaa ts* I <*** «

f .Wawa I .fho haa | waas

• ■ a ••* e ■ .0 i .a


■a .

I m t l af t l

some young ladies


Union Services This Sunday at M.E. Church

\ ' i— -Union services will be held a t

th e —Methodist E piscopa l chu rch « t dleveu in the m o rn in g and a t e ig h t in< tlie evening, th is Sunday. T h e preacher will be .the Rev. M ilnor H. Senior, p a s to r o f th e Methodist church.

The Rev. Paul Kratike, of N orth Bergen will preach in St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran church, a t ten th ir ty in tlie rauiuing.

Stew art O'Keilly. will have charge ef morning prayer at elevea o’clock a t St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal church.

y m y one Sunday School in town will hold a session thia Sunday, the R*ed Memorial School, ou S tuy­vesant avenue, m eeting at quarter of ten.

Personal MentionM IS S 0 WENS'^E N T E R T A IN S

The home of Miss Dorothy Owens, of Jay Avenue, was the scene of a m eeting of the T & T Girls, Tues­day night.

.Advance plans#, were made fo r a dance to be held in the new Legion Home on September 26th.

Among those present were the Misses Anna May Selw ay, Betty Duffy, Alice Blow, R ita Brockman, Mae Duffy, and—Eileen Ford.

■Refreshments and a social hour followed the business of the even­ing.

Back From Vacation

The M isses Florence and Evelyn Kjrchner, of 426 Page’ avenue, are heme a^ a in after spending a week alj Seabright.

i ’ . — — <y------*—i M a r ia . M rM u lte ii J k t u r w i H oaur

•,'Mariis McMullen. who has been agbest of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth McMullen, of 265 Livingston avenue, f i r the past several weeks, while he w*s recuperating a fte r an operation performed early in the summer, has returned to his family, in Columbus,

' i f c s c r r i i ; / 4 ; ......

Zetli and Kunle at I.utherland*,The Misses Alice Zech, of Ktuy

v tsa tit Aveuue, and Anna Kunle, of 1)5 Fern avenae are pending a two weeks vacation at Lutherlsnd, ill the Pj»con*j Maintains, ef 1‘ennsylv

i > »>■» .

American Legion Notes

the raising of Hie pout dues from $8 to $4 per annum waa adopted uh a means of increasing the revenue for the maintenance o f the new home. It ia not being used aa a dub to drum up trade but nevertheless all ex-ser­vice men whir-w ish to be irfentffted with the greatest and finest ex-service men’s organization should avail them­selves of this opportunity now and file applications before the new 'initiation is pu t into effect.

Beys, wasn’t th a t some meeting ? In­te rest plus is what we calls it. Every motion brimful of meat and every motion warmly contested both pro and can.

As long as th is spirit continues we need have no fear as to the fu tu re ot. th e post. L e t it be said right here, and now th a t: hay efgaoiMtioft Whose i m em b ers take ,such a wholesome in­terest in the btitiness se&lons is bound to succeed.

Our hat goes off to ’Fighting Jim Prendergast or any other man who has the courage of his convictions and so states them in open meeting. While the writer thinks th a t Jim was labor­in g under a disillusion of which un­doubtedly he is now himself c o n v in c e d , ___one must perforce adm ire.a man who ; farmhouse has the “guts” to get up and declare himself for what he thinks is 'r ig h t.

This columnist must partly share the onus, if such there is of calling attention to the report of the Nom­ination Committee which was machine- gummed last Tuendav night. We can however only concur with the rem arks of “A rt” Bauer the P. C. that only the best interests of the Post were being i served to give any member who de­sired to vie for honors In the Post and all members the opportunity of entering- the list? fo r the election in September.

We cannot refrain from saying however that th e choices as submitted by the Nomination Committee and withdrawn to be submitted a t the next neetm g are in our humble opinion

We think they are men whose in­terest has alw ays been for the, u lti­mate progress of the Post. This in io way should deter other men who feel that they can and will serve for ‘his objective or members who wish ‘o submit names of men who fall within this category to present suchlaminations. _______ ______

Personally we a r e ' in favor of a •ontest on all offices. It brings ou» ‘lie best men, and gives everyone 4Agbti«g chance. — —— jW

Did you hear *’Doc” Illis lav dowfi lis platform in so far as his new, luties as County Vio$ Commanded •oncerned? Hravo, Doc, Salvoa of


On Sunday, August 3, between the hours at 7 aad I aJfr. the vicinity of Valley Brook ave. and T ravers pi., the location of St. Matthews Lutheran Chureh, suddenly became crowded as thirty-one young people started com­ing from all the points of th e com­pass to this central tpot. The occa­sion for this assemblage was the second annual outing af the Young Peoples Society of the church to Hix­son’s farm , located in Bridgeville, N. J. Thoagh the sky was overcast and the wefOeV threatening the sp irits of the group w«w as high as if the weather was perfect tnd everyone was expecting a wonderful time as the calvacade ,af seven cars go t under way a t 7:46. ;l —

. Arriving a t the destination a t about 10 o’clock everyone piled out and started io explore .As m ort of the explorers got into the orchard where a number a f apples had fallen to the ground i t wasn't long before a pitched battle was in progress. A fter tbe war was n w everybody returned to the

the entertainm ent com

on h is team when It came time to bat.

and how they ate if npbody’s.business. A fter dinner the gang split up a bit some going swimming a t Mountain Lake, some pitching horseshoes, some playing ball, m e playing cards and j the re s t ju st loafing around.

A t supper time the whole group was | again reunited and another terrible inroad made into the provender. A fter Clipper several games were played in­cluding a tug-of-war. About 9 o’clock tired but happy the cars were again loaded and the homeward trek began with some more happy memories for this group to lookr back to and if you don’t believe that, they enjoyed them ­selves just ask any one of them.

On Friday August 7 the regular monthly business meeting of the So­ciety will be held a t the church, a large attendance is expected.

' On .Saturday, Augu-t. I, the base­ball team of the Society turned in a surprise victory over Woodclilf one of the strongest team s in the circuit, the score being 5-9.

- • ■ --------

C H A R T E R E D 1895 ASSETS $6,000,000.00

Outing To Indian Point

mittee got bus? aad organized a man hunt. Two sides were chosen with Ralph Teetsai and Allan Pasch as cap­tains. Ralph TVetsel's team werejudged the winners when they deliv- Mrs. Kate Chivera and daughter, eve red the message jnto the “fort" ! M. • * . _ ..guarded hy their opponent, much of W e l te r ave-within the time limit. Mra- Percival Chapman, of Post

The nejtt event was s ball game in ayenue; Mrs. Eugene A. Earp, of

|W e sure feel flattered to know thal f t many of the post members ar. reading this column. It makes us fee that our efforts are worth while Al wt need is a little encouragement fron ttje gang and we’ll break an arm t<IA -th e -balf-feT-tiie-fVj'tr----------------

,From here on we honestly inten.r to have m atters of interest for no' r f iy our own pest member., but f..i e y r y ex-service man in town.

•Did you know that a recent amend nflmt to the law has b ^ n enacted per ndttirig World War Veterans in goo* health who were entitled to in su ran t while in the service to apply for fiov •Mimem Life Insurance in multiple

I MX) from fioon up to $IO,(XXi H ere’s a golden opportunity for any ed-service man to buy himself th< rhrapest and . best insurance offered a ltd help to create an estate for him mjt or his loved dependents.

JHere is another item «,f very specie' in terest to non m em bra «f the lacs' P» t At the meeting lie Iii on Tuesdas nigh t the Post ‘pasand a motion to

an initiation fee of ft beginning the fiscal year.

Phis necessary expedient as well ae

“W T ® can’t all be’ on ! W Easy Street",with

oo hand to cover unexpected losses from Are, theft, accident, lia­bility suits and so on—. put wt can—

|i€ T N A - IZEA policy for fxattiislly


S t u y v M M t AvenueLTNDHI RST, H. 1. ffcane^lUtheeford

ilause we give you. Barringer P4^| ooks to you to carry ita U n d i d vith honor to every corner of the qunty for the coming year.

If th e re h a s been any doubt as to he responsibility of a county dele­gate it was dispelled for all time last Tuesday. Andy Joenghlood wljl, we, (nofc'/secohd thi*, TlaiMt <*4 jidrtnfcr*’' n crime, Maj, (pardon, Dog-Robber)

M rO inn and Milk Fund Reuter left no estige of doubt th a t t h r i f t a senior .unty delegate ia anything<but a l id

if sweet scented roses.We suppiwv if Andv’s opinion were

tquested he’d paint the scene in drsb <uts. Well - it was ail good-fellow Itrp and was immensely enjoyed hy he rest of tlie boys.

If Teaneck th inks fer one minute hat ihey are going to have an easy ime of it when they meet our ball '■‘‘/‘(•Th on the diamond they hive lever betn fooled more in their lives

it will m ortal combat with avoir lupols being in our favor. All we lope is that Mctiraw, Connie Mack >r any of the other big mogsds do iot draft any of our diamond stars tefore the day of the horrible slaugh- ‘er. Feast your eyes on this line up

nd shed a tea r now for poor Tea- teck—Bill Heywood, frst base; Joe Vxton, second; Michebon, hortstop; Weisberger, th ird ; Herb Cutter, pitch ,;r: Kirchdoeffer, catcher, while’ ia the •utfield, O'Connell, Fromhach and ■’erdie Heineman will gavort like ga- ■»l*e* »t Phiy Alasi >>o«r Tdaiteck,ilas! <

Unfortunately the writer Bid not ■•cure the names of the volunteers Vr the IU o'clock Ritual Team. We ive ecu red the pamphlets and if t*e»e gentlemen will call Rutherford

’ 7111 on reading this we will arrange >ur first meeting a t once.

<»utheil and Prendergast have the wheels ih motiosi for the banquet to *ur Junior CountV Champs It haa al) the e tr marks of being a blue ribboa .ffair with jiome of the out*tandii« baseball stsr« gracing the affair jri'H their presence.

And, lest we' forget, the contest the I vndhurst T heatre 1s conducting for the King of Beasts tour e rrori King o f Men witnesses that we have two randidstes from the Peat te w i i - S i- cuae the S tu p p McGinn .nd Mustard oa an Egg Sandwich Michelaon All we can say Is may the best (censored! Win.

As usual Al t ra d e r , past and pres- ent County Vice Commander waa with us. AI sure ia faithful despite run- li.tions which nerd no mention here “ Mike" Fem icola. State Vice Coes mander, alao wna on the rostrum snd sdded Us nede of prm<e for the Post The hig shots sure like our little Pest

Before we wna egotistical--Too-da loo.

whidi the team captained by Al Ilee? managed to defeat th* team captained by Chick Hingste 7-8, but Al seemed

Stuyvesant avenue; with Mm.. J. Brown and Mrs. William Oherly, of Kutherford, are enjoying a boat ride, up-the-Iludson, to Indian Point,

THF RECORD SHOWSthat throughout the 36 years of the R U T H E R F O R D N A T IO N A L ’S history, its influence and service have contributed greatly to the growth and development of this community.

This institution— Rutherford’s Oldest and Largest Bank—-invites you to deposit your savings here, where they will encourage home-owning and help maintain local progress.

Begin now to enjoy the S A F E T Y FO R S A V IN G S afforded by this bank. , iJ.

Complete Plan For Republican Outirif

Hans have haen completed aadhairman ' ar) Ohlsea of tke __.mmittee i, arranging te handle a

•sf*» gathering wko mU occupy

S S i T h - " W 1 u U t aTW * • * wiD W mads from tke

»' * a m I ncaevoutMwaltty wm b* tke aim af Bw ------ -taa aa- g la deemsd Met thm wiB create a better s a # |i aspect

Our Motto—“Smile and Hustle”Phones RUtherford 2-



From Thursday, August 6th, to Wednesday, August 12th, InclusiveKELLO GG’S 7 g% „JU ~Com Flakes DC pK ,

. FO U LD ’S Ready cooked Q |g_

Spaghetti 3 can **UCLarge Plain Qi. .Jar '■ONve. — nn

Barrel Style L*iJ

I King Oscar Brand Can' Sardines I t p

In Pure Olive Oil l D C

Sweet Mixed 1 qt. jarPickles O f

Fancy Pack . L* JCA L A SK A PIN K Tall » n « A

Salmon 1 U CD A IS Y No. 2 can p

Lima Beans 1 DC t^ DA . H. BrandPrune* 1 . . _ 1

I.argtM Can

Spes ial Blend

wi« 17c lbWonderful Flavor ^

Supreme Our Own Pack

CoHw 2 5 c lhIn Sealed Pkgs. A U



Tall Cam

F R E E( R A C K E R SA LE One Bathing Cap

with purchase of 1 pound I n d i a B a r s 1 9 cMilk, Pasteurised Crade A Cream, Pasteurized Extra Heavy Orange Pekoe Tea the Best Mixed Tea Special Blend Grapefruit , No. 2 t an Fancy Park Chaae HC Sanborn 20 Tea Ralls

Q l. btillle 14c pt. Bottle 14c

4 V • 4 V lb.

17c2 V

Maxwell House Tea lb- phgs. Apples. good (or cooking or eating Cucumbers CarrotsiVananas Large Bartlett PrarsSunkist Oranges Medium Stie

IQc 4 Ik 2 Sc

* for 10c 3 bunches 10c

2ic doz. R for 25c

29c dor.

lean Lamb Stew IV Ih.Freab Spare Ribs 19c Ih.C omed Spare Riba 10c lb.Lean Beef Stew 2Sc lb.Beef Kidney ‘ 2 V R».Chuck Steak 19, lb.Beef Liver 2V lb.


Genuine Spring Forequarter

LAMB —PR 1M F Full Cut



MRS. H0W&RD E X TEK TA O s birth .k* dM .iv.ra.ry ot t W r & H * . fclw .nl FUnnagan- — J*»ai. * u .f» * « •

Mr* Mary H*w«-d o f & .y***aM Oh m w*m ~ t r l k» A * HA* «* ™ “ * NMriMMn. IMw Avetuar, *»MrtnM*d . ( Wr Im . M * « . — - . - " g J - . . » y Asm* . NnUe. W u i , , . .Thuradgy eiwniaff Tor M r. M . J. w m * t t r M l * . dhkg m *k » . •»«« * * * Ml

Bn, Kathryn WMtin, and Grace R m - iin. ' . j

Caul* w m a feature; ham*** going ta Mi»» Wntf t n i Mr*. H m lh .

Hefrr~b.rte«t< and a w i a l h..ur followed dk* »*«•< >. u rm p iii tec«nc!u«iuh a delightfui evening fa r all.

r' ’ im ifiii'ihi ifl : - rt ’I UW Es All* MERT5

T l* l * # » A:.i Society « f S t M atttm r’* ■ L otV ranchurch w ill hold 9>«r Aueujt meet fotg a t th r c h an " >n the afternoon of Tbnrwiay. A u g** ISth, with preaidrnt, Mr*. J?rv Storm, in <h*rr*

Kan* f w tlw fatl a r th r itic uf the o rg a n u .tk * will hr .ttscuaerd.

There wffl h* no activitim daring th r month a f Aagu*t.

——' •' m.himmgM. t»~.----------------------*HIRTHIiAV < Kl.RBRATEf)

Thr home of Mr ami Mrs, R. t;. A Mon, a f JM Toittii*, A venae, wan th r ttcrtjr .»f a l«v,-l> n«r1 y m .la y

ftlAH in i. ' _ ja u

RetractionMrs. UIlian Schneider aad Mn,

Charles, of K ern , Avwuw; Edward Schneider, and Mia* Phoebe SchneUer, af r*»» Avenue, ar* enjoying a motor trip through Um Wlsite Mountain#.

Mr.. and Mra. Herbert Fogell, with their daughter*, the Mi**** Nornh and W lan if red Kogeil, and their m m * . Fred snd Herbert, at W eart Avenue, aw

lying High” Beast; and Chorines Favor Coffee aad Mocha Recipes

and trucks ar* manufactured in quan­tity production, but tu obtain some idea of the vastness of the Ford enterprises, a* Mr. tile.son at Lynd hurst Garpge painted. «“ t- They will ■ ace haw anal obtained from Ford owned mine* ic transported to the plants in Ifclarboril. Mieh., to Ford- uwraitti. ariliaid—«*r»i t n * irnn .«»■from Ford mine* and lumber from Ford forests ar* carried, in Ford lake •.hips; and how in the manufacture of the car various by products ar* util­ised .fur m aking fertiliser, charcoal briquete, chemicals and other thing*. Besides theTWotion picture, the »how will itttludr a mrmber of special ex­hibit* revealing step by step how var­ious part* of the car are made, a cut­away truck char sis, and a Tudor body cut in half to reveal the detail* at its construction.

A feature o f tbe show will be a display of the full line of Ford pas­senger t in t commercial cars.

A rrangem ents for the *hpw were made by the loeal dealer in coopera­tion wjth Ford dealers in nearby towns and the Edtrewater branch of the Ford Motor Company.

and fafciiy, o f I,«wievtHe,

CIAL LfcAlfrK. HtlDAV, AUGUST 7, m i

1 Fhal Step ia Assembly of Ford Can. l i ) .I h i - - '------. ■ ft '• 'j e '* ’ . '»■ * 1111

Lyndhurst Fob May Pay Visit to Ford Motor Plant

Sound Picture ’ i n P ssa ir W i» Virtually Take '

Them Through It

Residents *of Lyndhurst and thi- county will have an opportunity to “visit" the great plant*, o f the FurJ Motor Company through th e mediumof a sound motion picture to br ex­hibited in Passaic thi* week, Mr. Gleason, local Ford dealer, announced today.

The movie wiH br a p a r t o f a Ford show to be held August 7, 8, 10, U in a large tent at Rentschler* Swimming Pool In Passaic. The show will be open to th r public fre r at charge from 10 a.m. to H) p.m. each day.

Those who, visit the show will is- able tor learn not only how Ford car*


kJ,C *(H ni| At Omm§Rrwckman. Kdward C ar-I D . t . 1 . C L _ | g —Wataa, W .ll. .a U 'K e ^ l W D M X B O O I U t T C M W

♦*»aak 8pillan». e « h a*»pM d a*— Mamak _ .

t iw r t i KiiwKwr,C »rr»a » charg* «f f a * , ArvW* HaUmm. .<HaaWy C ta^-

■ MM. arwc* M*t *d>>.n . M art-, tf-- C ^ « r . H»tty INMM. Grace r t a t - c^awr, M aM l U w r , MartiH Ha*M*. Mari* l a I M * . I M w M t , JM *

- — J mm. f w r m t . .Wmmm -HhI hcrehv retra«\ th* iW e aaeai mat, Eaclwra. and

by mm in my .-»»««*• JWy HXK *► gmxdtng the wwpMag «t t t* M a -

A. C. baaeball fW M *.,WMi* Ktag

Four Electric Geseriiiog Stations Bant More Coal & R?e Nantes

Than Average Hone Does in YearthaMill

Cm w iM iivI , H»rwW" ii H if tM l.U i M l mu $UwU t a t highway* tn l*«1 •* mt»m* CldbtoM* Hama Than* gift*• a a an Juiy let. IMO H arm . Ik* w m , ufcan ta th a b m , afWr m aath of J w there wa* • — rkad «KMe at wkn*> t-*4a». tba . net <Ar ea*i la tk* aaa«ber af fbtai a r ; a ta te tkan a kwwdrail iW M na cideaU H fk lv rtght peepi* maaa L y * * * * * , wka M M M

W P B 9 kilird ta Jane IM I. ** W M I 141 M> kvl alaa a MM*** •»«*>Car* cartyM f tk* *HM>ift ef tke June IMW, * dmtrea>* a f twwrty *»*. I *•«*. « ,r matta

• lab and their gw**t* will lea** Ik* Tk* 10*1 death* »»re m f«Mawa arhmd artivtttaa.('Ink IteMililliarlMfa V a l i^ i I..M t *1 m MiI' J*Jltaiiin Miat-ltfMdk *0‘-fc. — aeilKKaftMl tea Oki | 1^. . {' • * ’ vwmtBj m v o t ■»** ■ i Pum naiM t w i n*uiawn, I i ip whmiimbbii w wptnar, a t nine th irty m land** M *% Mke *nd traM *r angtoa, «i 140. th* la*V*«l

j .ing- h la *• pec ted that at kMM Ov* j «im* wttk et*>l— »y *M»H». H i «*!• i m m IMt, and Ml*] band ri d p*ra«< will participate M tk* Uetaft, aat* wltk aaotkei malar **> < fear woeta. « .i*M i«f. - —— hi de, 10; auto with kirfe**,; H m m MMt fpW** <*k«d *«e

An Mitt i»ai - k-. >_ B n __ a—»*,_ * .... | u u MaAeatMinMliT |PV*WMV **fg aMvef. Ww r * - ai»ew**yt h e event, hi the town, tonight Tto** were aa fa ta l awMrfjhrl* paptl* W * had a * M UM* tagM kar

T V c>m»«ytt*« in vh.rg* ar* Saarg* j a*etd*nu »«M*

j J F you war* * iw ceiaful mu.ical I *oa*dy actre.* who had *****

A .elected *a one ol tb* tbra* a net beautiful In America, and you war* • taffy bland* and could aiag an l

, danc*—yoa would b* pretty careful •bout dl*t b*caua* upon your (ac* aad your Igo r* and ro a r *a*rgywon id'depend your *uttr* fu tu re .....

MU* Joanna A ilea ia that vary msalcal comedy actre**, now on tour aa th* leading lady of "riyln* H*th.“ rtb* I* not a food faddlat, for ab* agrees w |th tb* b**t modern ■eMntMc ihoackt (Ml I* obtain ben*4ia tram load oa* m M t *n}oy It, bat ab* haa mad* i careful study ot diet, a*verthel*aa.

• P i r t a R " n r i tki* lovely actre**, ‘ 1 a a lucky bacaus* I da *nj*y (M d tk ie t* ta *eu I Ilka iweet foods, got *nly kaeaoaa ol tbelr taat* bu t also b*cau*e ol

a thick g y rtp . bM t Ma | •ad B»ur the kaUH

syrup o n * them. Cool, add and wben cold add wiupirui er**a>. Mlk *all well, pot tn ai*M, e*»*t cloaaly, bury in lea aeverat hour*.

View, at Kearny—Left. L'nlssding Coal From Bargee: Upper Might, Coei Conveyors: tow er Rlgbt, Coal Otorage Pile..

pV K R Y Bv* ulnute* of the day and “ night mor* roe I I* horned l?r four electric generglinit *tntioa* at Public Service Kle*«i*e and Ua* Company than tb* average home use* Hi a yew.

If tbe 1.230JM fiet ton* of coal re qulred In on* j . a r by Public Brrvlre (eneratlng itation* were piled in one

■ b«Cp, there WMld be a ntnnud 140 leet high—approximately the height of an eight story b*ildl**—1«* feet wide, and almost a Mil* king. Thi* I* eqnlva-

' teat tb SITS# Afty-Ov* t m rattened■ car load*.

Kegrny Generating Station. Ow l*r* est electric generating *!att«n In tb* Public Hervie* syatMn. I* Ih* blsr-w* consumer of M il. About tM.KM net ti** w«r* «**d a t K**rny Iaet yiear Elaborate roal stsnure and ha*<tUag

facilUlea are ne< o**ary to supply this huge quantity ot fuel lo the station.

Coal la shipped to Kearny and the other generating utallon*--IS**** Bta- tion ta Xewnrk, Marion HlMloa la H t ney rtty and aartkigtaa ataUo* la liarlington—by water and rail. Mo.t of tb* r<>«! c.ene* te K*aray IMatkm la hargea aad I* unloaded by a larg* hoist on to renveyor belts wkleh carry It te tbe breaker bmi*e and there Into the yard for *tor*ge or lato the bunkers

Coal shipped by n i l I* dumped tn ks unloading pit and klso conveyed by belt to th»*fcre*ker bon**. From tbe brMh or W ii* tbe coal 1* conveyed to t*rg* Hnker* al tke top ot tb* (tatten The** banker* have >ufR< lent capacity to-f*Hih*i fnnr *r 0»* daya' Nppiy at eeal A *t*ty day nepply s t coal h •tercd te gaard araia*t teMrrnptlan et centiauou. tnppty from tb* ■>***

give*: 1 an Joy aarery manta and rngaUblM, And I *n)oy but bev­erage*. particularly coffee. Coffe* la a teaig to m e I bar* It at maniaaad la my dre«aing room between acta. And a t hoin* I often a)aka co tee la v o ra d de***rt*. which ara • M t *f hobby slosg with dancing. Her* *re a few redpe* { bar* col-

f.' «*

V 1, I «*»

* m

Ceffe* fbrtalt i r | **» strong

,, coffeef i * «®M wblpgad

Coffee Oeuffle Pi*1 tablespoons..... * .egg* .

granulated H teeapoon salt* geUUne 1 l****fH>aH WM hot water vanilla S gaps hot coif** 1 gap er**m % enp *«g*r

1 taMeapoea migar Soak gelatine ta th e water, add

hot coffee and H aag *»g*r Mtr until dhmolved aad pianr ever egg yolk* bey ten *Hghtly WMk eee tebleepoon augar. Cook la teg ef double bail*r ra tll Ikickeaed. Hm mo** from Br* and ndd .a lt **d

l e t thi* eooU Mirrlag Wben tt begins te ee«. Met

hard, folding Is egg white* nnd 'crena*, hath atlMy iMaies. r« e t while mUtur* 1* thick a^ teg b to pile wall on apooa, than ta rn late baked paalry .bell aad chlU.

**—n* hwepetae Coke4 small gponge I p«at vsnllla lea

Oae* tha aagnr Md water until

1 sup MfMta • % H a t whig pad I *»■•* m a g %SilM gpoagd rskea rr****taa la '

halva*. Place i s dlah and pear caffs* over them. U l aland IS v ia- i ate*, ndd lea cream aad wht»»*d I •ream. O aral.k a 4k chygge* a*.

Keintiart'o I 'jilrrlau i Te Vie* lee I 'm * flaM

Mr *i>d Mr* ChaHe. Reinhart, of : Tk* La4a* Aid Boeietp ef t t* We*t-Valley Hrook Avrnae, have had m miimler Pre*fcytertan ‘*h«Mrh ar* .pea-thatf ywmtii faf th f pfiM fiva fpp^tk*ir wm, Harry Reinhart, wiih Mr*.

t a k w rial*. I* a * k f .J* * C m m la Newark, og neat Meda aaday, ; I2tk Mra. f ~ * t m MWkef Page nvenne, Is rkeirm en

Prompt and Efficient ServiceT O THE GnpD ALL THINGS ARE GOOD"

A fcn{fi4rvcl ijf Serving I f I trrip fcvd t>f cm* lu i i ttatrxl foe ug j rfpouta *i af (k« *J and rcvtrmt Sctvkt. V tn tm are wdctaair at my time

J. L BURKFwarral Director

M. A

r u o M y c n T W i 4 t o n t i f a u a a m a tm .|PPM> Q » ...........

•Z*’! M" » ......

D o Y o u K n o wYou caa buy a P O N T IA C 6. delivered

equipped in I yndhunt for only

* 7 7 9D iu v ia « >

> 11»* la (m thr f eaafe ar 24mm SeAen. 'ymptl• , , t . n. A gu Jk 4_ AMe* * ^ M W \ — ta* *e ggefaoneW t*. V wire «H rei. end ra tre ite*. i .4 m

(Ir, >■>« auy ik.*r 1r>m tk>« i»«Jv t>f*e>Cm m * . ,• . , « t i 4

l i t i T i-ja r . «a«*


Herman Ernst* * 1 a i t * * : * o a i > n s i d N m i . N 1



G a s a n d O i l


Oppwiir Town Hall

BREAKINGThe Sport News

were presented to tne Bravei ragged support.

Ray Browne did the tossing Braves and but fo r til* su<h lapse of his support in the inning would have whitewaavisitors.

With one out in the fourth inning, the Braves dented the plate five time*before they were stopped.

In th ; seventh session,- Basalnder, the Braves utility man, crashed out a home run with Pete Kusso on third base. The other funs were the pres­ents.

The Ramblers tallied four times in the eighth and once in the ninth.

I t would Uke a C. P. A. to figure >ut our score book.

trotted iff.Smash hitting of Hess's deliveries

almost cost the Polish American team the game. Led by Wob O’Neill who >ocked the offerings of the slender Polish American hurler for three safeties, the cops piled jip JhirJeen safe blows. The P. A.’s could reach Smith and McCoy for twelve hitif only.


r. h. e.T. Sheridan, ss .......... , . 1 1 0Kovalski, cf .................2 2 0L. Sheridan, 2b . ............ . 1 1 0Albergade, 3b . . . . . . . ___ . . 'i l 2 0Sableski, lb ........ . . . , 0 2 0D. Sheridan, If ........ ,0 0 0

-C tartiicchi, t -rrrrrrrrrrrrrr^s—n r W. Duda, rf ,0 2 0Hes#, p ............................. 1 2 0

In The SportlightBy W ILLIS KING

I f those. defeaU keep rolling ia,it will, be news when the Carda and Columbus wiji a game.

• * •Those harsh words that pass when

local rivals meet, were plentiful Sun­day afternoon when the * Ramblers Snd the Braves clashed. Such argu­ments are natural, although, theyshould not be. Several of the Braves are very intim ate with some o f the Ramblers or vice versa but still thay fought. Maybe it Was what they TTTFffirr-ttrat InTOSlirTdTTBr'TOSr jvordsT' »

a * ...a,Harold W ighard, the Ramblers

catcher, started Mis team off on the right path by driving Browne's first pitch to center for a double. I t >hou)d have been out but “ Kansas” forget to run and it went over his head.


Sparta, cf . Landells, If Livelli, lb . Cornell, ss . . OTftill, 2b . Nascio. c . . . Glock, as . , . Smith, p . McCoy, p . . Pinckney, rf Gating, r f . .

Hlumenstock, the Ramblers short fielder, may be only a small fellow but he sure can grab them.

* * *If you must sit down in the field

Jimmy-, thm't sit down when a fly is coining to you.

* * •The Braves scored their first run

in the fourth inning on Tony Cam- m a ra ta 's pretty bunt. ,

• • •Tony St. Peter is to be commended

>n the fine job he did as umpire.-a * * «

Of course, we know th a t Chet was lobbing the ball up and all th a t. . . S.: O. S. but we won and they pay yH on the winner.

• e •T h e A th le tic s a r e willing to meet

the B rav es fo r a litt le cash but) they re fu se to p la y fo r , the recreation.

B. Mizeski, lbE. Mizeski, p P. Miae.-ki, e

28 3 8 0 21 RUTHEKKORI) AKROW3

ab. r. h. e-, po. F. Delitta, ss . . . . . . . r. ■ 3 0 0 0 3J. Cupkowski, rf ........3 0 0 0 0Y. Wolken, If ............. 3 0 0 fl 0P. Meyer, c f ......... 3 0 1 0 ]L. Delitta, 2 b .............. . . * 0 0 1 2F. Rump, "3b ................. 3 1 0 1 2

27 2 $ 2 21Italian A m . ...........020 100 00— 3A rro w s ........... 002 000 00— t

D oub le p la y —J . M u tteo to P , M at- !So. B ases on b a lls —O tf M izeski 5, N a ta le 0. S tru c k out*—M izeski <>, N a- ta le 10. I-c f t on b ase— A rro w s 4, Ita! Am . 6. U m p ire — B lacky , Jo e .

Brilliant Pitching oi .Ramb Irr’s Boxman Registers

2-0 Victory •(Sports Continued on page te e )

Pit Janssen’s MUk . . . Against August Heat

A nd Come O ut on Top!T he same "Supreme Janssen Quality" of correctly

pasteurized milk that keeps thousands of little babies in happy health every year thru August’s torrid heat, provides equal health protection to other ages, from three year olds to centenarians.

Intestinal disorders are rightly dreaded when August comes. They are avoided by a generous use of good millt in the daily diet, because the lactic acid-producing organisms in milk discourage the growth i£ the intestinal tract, of the bacteria which cause such disorders.

0But only high grade milk will protect the human body against its hot weather foes, and it must be correctly pasteurized or the valuable food properties natural to milk may be destroyed

These are definite reasons why* your family should rally round the Janssen M»lk Bottle thro August, 'and why your Janssen order should be at least doubled during this trying month. Call the Janssen Branch nearest to you.

Carucei, 2b .A. Sonia, 3b . J. Settebrino i Carucei *« Carucci, if l»ou, e . . . . . . .V. Meise, IhF. F ram e. j>S. Pair gu r , rt


28 13 14 21 2 0IRON BOUND A. C.

'< ab. r. h, pa. a. * » .......... . 3 0 0 2 2 |

Pirates Defeaf Indes, 7-6 With

Big Last InningTHE UP AN D U>MF.RS

All this talk about the slipping, sliding aid timers recalls die buy* m knee pant * ate taking die new* with philosophical cheerfulness, tbey ve been watting tne the signs foe ever so kmc When changes are made hereabout*, the faces of Caesar Guidetti and Joe Candia are two that wtU become familiar

Guidetti has betn playing a i.* <4 baseball this summer, roost ai tt with heavy teams He Was improved in fielding and

Mr. Gwidcttt cuts conaider aHe wetS« anxmd, hut Ttstand* him in good Mead when he swings ar tbe hall

Doubts were tck ahout C-andia s hitting power. But when he auhatituted for Bear Fm a week or so ago. he smashed out aa«k of hiw. both times tn a pinch He hcids h fr nTtllH illy, cfcrtkaaty. TV y don’t meed a pm» agent, thougjL ,

Three Runs in Final Session Downs Rivals A t Thoma*

tl t >11 T I Ironboun I. . . . . (MO 02* fl— 2Colnmbut O rg ies M t M l • —IS

Krhvrta KsterlsM

The P ira te s A C. ®f ly * d h « r» t d*1 j I m M the tyM K arat IMepemirat* 7-4

at the Thom*. Ave. 0*a. nm Saaday Angst.! t The < ..r .a irs had tp beat ten

! men aad abatr ftftam ideal lmte’» IfM M I*. ' Mh th ey ' nee frame th* eh- ; atari*, and had the Iwde. walh« the i p ls s k

la the t n h iwtiae th* faraair* were trailia* fl.| with i* « mt* and twa

• ■*** • • haa*. Aat eeaU. a M haw n- j » m h a id s haft wWr t w i fail *y

J a n s s e n D a i r y C o r p o r a t i o nMohohe»J-*8*} i W i « H 44 ted Beat X)

Chevrolet Apprentice School Being Planned, President Knudsen Ret The guest* were: Mr. ami Mra. M.

Gahlctaan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knaner of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mts. E. 1) iran. Mis* Barbara Doran. Mr>. Katherine Smiih, M to a-S a ttw iae „Knau«r, a l Sheepshead bay; Mr- Mamie Kraa- cher, ot Maspeth; Mr. and Mr*. Van Baaren, Miss Katherine Van Raiirea and he r hoy Went! of th r Bronx; Mr. a n d M e a H trt e n Jockaa. Mra. *Aat0O"Ut 9®l®H|'‘Mia#' -h*? sawaad M ead mt nuking. I.. I.; Mr.. K. Aker, of WWtest.-..., L. I.; M ra

Jp. Vyanno, ot l#adhun .t; M/ and M n. M air, Mr. aad Mrs.' Jongfct**< Mr. B iiula ot Ruth. f . , d ; Mr. aari M n. V. R. Kiine af Irvington; Mi» Helsa Mtckiaann, Mr Siegt*, o f Newark; Mr. and Mr*. P a r ian o * . a f U ttU Kerry. Miss Dot Eargsraott and boy friend af Alabama; Mr». Kelly of Braokiya; Paul aad Audrey Hamilton. grand children; Mr. and Mra. IVt^r Frwigvn of North New. ark; and Mr. and Mra. Hamilton.



Riverside Coal & Supply Co.—AA- .-.ip-a—:-j-r «-■ - «■ . jr-

D Great A m u Lyndhurst, N. J.PHONE RUTHERFORD M07S

Young: George S t Peter al loved only four hits hat his Rad Wine* were badly trim m ed by the heavier WiUqwi. The Med* made countlessexron- .

• * *. . I# thf* 4 game Eddie? Eddie Russo has. qu it the A 's again ao th a t he can play with the Columbus Orioles.

Coach Sit. Pe ter will not allow his athletics to play w ith the A’s and an outside team. One or none.

• • <There was a great contest in the

ball played by the Ramblers in the morning game and in the afternoon tilt. 1« the morning, they shut out the Tigers and played a ir tigh t ball and in the aftern ion they made nu­merous miscues.

• . * * *It i s , too bad the Columbus Club

can't play the old Y. M. L. again to get back on the winning path.

• • •Now i f I were a Travis Jackson.

local High School te February. »ad wtll be reasemfcersd fo r Ma athleticactivities la tke school


Merchandise Night At Lyndhurst Theatre t To Be Big Feature

7\[etv oAmasing Jjotv *Prices!PURI—FINE QUAUTY

G R A P E JU IC E2 - v O, r id


HOLDS FASTLocal Team Unable T o Play

Half Flag

Weak h itting and loose fielding featured the second defeat the local cops suffered a t the hands of the Paterson police. The game played at the Municipal Oval last Tuesday afternoon under a hot Nun robbed the players of their usual pep as the Fatersoni&ns collected 8 hita and 4 runs while Lyndhurst made 5 scat- teied hits which produced no runs.

Jim St. C lair Ita rted on the mound und lasted two innings be­cause the infield gave him no sup­port a t alt allowing little pop flies and slow grounders to go by. Jim pitched a slow high ball that could not b«' hit fa r although often. With any kind of support he would have la ted -the game. Charley Calling to.ik up the relief dutiea and finished the game strong. -

The heat effected the tempers of the players fo r they indulged in Ion; and lo u d . hurangs over dis­putes. Everyone knows, the debating abilities at a policeman so you can imagine what resulted when 18 pt them gathered together to give their respective opinions on a play.

The sta r o f the game was a lad named Ricardo from Paterson who gi’t up 4 times and collected aa many hits. Three singles arttt a triple to score two runs for his team . Pitcher Robertson of the v isi'ers was also a big Hem in their victory, he kept Hits scattered and waa cool under fire.


Agoin A lF scoratl Now pur* Crop* Juico...formerly I A A A j com idarad a (usury... is mad* economical for ovary- Mbody. ThisGrapa Jutca, foo,i»ol unusuotquality, , ,modo from t*U<t*d full bunch Qrap*», p.cked rip*. A haolrhfuldrink for youngsters, and grown-ups who wont lo stay WahuWMHni- —*young. Buy sovorol bottlos ot thoso a mating pricail tASUtN Divi u n

*v ■ • 1 ' mm—a s ^ W — ""I

[ C a m p b e ll’s B e a n s 4 “’ 2 5 ‘ I1 N fW P A C K - S T ANOARO QUALITY

\ S tr in g B s a n t *\ DROMEDARY OR ^OlK’* _ " I ) O C c

1 G r a p e f r u i t ^ • * 2->

Continuing Sole of "ANN PAGE"


JA « I J C 2 J *

• (art S9< 13 joriH.73


Sparta, cf Landells, If Guidetti, lb Cornell, ss . Para ta , 3b O'fJeilt, 2b Piarlurey, c *ha»a pv'o bv* offered ul

sp e c ia l low pM ces l*«l w eek, wo

C a l l i n g , p

TOTALS ......... 27 0 S t l 16 2PATERSON PO U CE .

ab. r . h. po. a. e. Bauman. 2b . . . . . . 4 0 0 I 8 IRicardo, as . . . . . . 4 2 4 2 4 0Hines, lb 1 0 * 2 0Thompson, tf ......... 4 I J 8 0 0Enright, 3b ........... 4 0 2 2 2 0Zlnpoli, c f - . . . 8 0 0 0 0 0Casine, c .Z 0 0 2 2 0Vanerweight, r f , .8 0 0 0 1 0Robertson, p .........2 0 0 8 0 0

CriKo . n,. j),Brillo . 2 j . 29,Bob O . 2 . . . .1 9 ,

■ g A U N A UAhtn

l»ghf Meat Tuna Fish I V ►*. I . . .

THOUSANDS o f propli* f r o m a ll o » c r th r H »rlil v ia it th r I 'o rd p la n t r v r r y ytmr. H rr w h a t th ry a r r ! I l r a r w ltu l lliry lu u r! Y ouT I nay ib is i* a n u n u su a lly rn trr ta iu iiiK a n d .in s tru r li% r ( t ir lu r r .TOTALS

Paterson . . Lyndhurst .

Joint Committee Of Bible Classes Meets l o a w i a* w ell aa m n Jii> » g re a t In te rea t in A b W t l U l a * a l v tta i aarrhasifa-rf ygriT ihai

a r e a rb L irn - e rn . SIm «.. 'a l ' r * . p la ta M , i t l im lr r a — f u r l , ewatkig . k«ntUo« om4 h s b r ira iU o •>*" "** — bow th e IhhIv . sea ls « w t u p k o U a r y a w M ad* — km , ib e dMI««««U le v e r , a f |» m i a re |H il u n . 1 h r r e ’e aleo « ru l-aw ay I « fd tru e k rbaaaAs. M aoy tb teg * y « i ba** a lw ays . « l » l lo know d e a r ly e \|> L u n n l.

The joint committer fe r tke Daily Vacation BtMe School held their Aaal meeting a t the Re«d Memorial United Prrsbyterian church la s t' evening.

The Anal report of Mra. d ia r ie s W. Brelle principal nf the school, showed an enroll men* of a*e SwnSri * forty , with an average attcr.dance f i r tk r eatir* month ef eighty s»* hoy* and girls. About «> V, ntT were perfect am siu^daaee fo r tke eatir* term.

QUALITY MIATS At AtP MARKITSfhouMwd* of housowieos NNo touorod tbab « M b*«» by buyMg

A i f M o rk o ta , T ry m n c b a ic o , lo n d M m m h a n d .»u-r m v m ^ I

PORTERHOUSE STEAK cm o > « e^A c* H) 45c BONCUSSMISKITBEEF mi*ncomm> %. 19c SHORT RIBS OF BIIP * m. 15e

ALSO SEE— F in * com p le te ab aw lu n ut a ll th* n r » F o rd ear* ia th is v lr tu lly . t a r l a d n ih r a m a r t new Ike U s e B od tea — l a r d teu ek a a n il d rU te ry

ing per-u*» addles ed the children a t A «-mbl)r IV nod* ot the mejkooi. Mr*. <Tarenc» V Comk-oa. the Rr*. Jam ea Hoe^er Lm ett. tte Ite* Mitear H tte- an t. Raymond C. Exler, mid Staak-y MaeDeaeiL

•' ns for 'h e mtu* I m a t f*m were di-< um ed unoffu all* Itepntt* af this year*s aesaiea wtB U t te achaa<* > apfwrttng ‘he aa»vewwat, and they ia Sara will s ypaiaS t te i f nmamHHi fa r tha *aapl,*> year. wk> wOJ farw alate

a i a LAMB C H O PS

S H O U L D !R or V IA L m FA N C Y B O L O G N A S . SM O K E D BUTTS «. . S U C tO B A C O N « - »

KQI’IFPKl) Those who rail upon a* — - will ftttd that we ar*

equipped to iiiwt an emergency. Ont service w * s designed with th r w f * ef th* public in mind.

One May call us with t w M m i ; wr a n always ready, ami ferve an de*ired. ’

hatwwp n g th ,Wlt.UAM H HARKirRtt

a .-a A« o i MtMiMHT,’"•* add-M. Tin Mdn AvMaa,New Mvnuuk Baitdtnr.

M rt« a t-a s f t i t—m m . .. ■

iV - •»*•<< ra> o r n « w mnmmVwtwrM 1>. RiiHwrloM Mutwl Loan sn<t

Bit.imn* A«M.>s.l«n nMnpttiMM. sa* S.II’BKWtl IM R.UWIIII kHsrtf... an* V .ih.n an tth . S.I I l ia l l K/» KrliirnaK. H .i'rm tm r 1* A MU

c o n K im .i, tiiiTM * to w k . a i r i i •», w t * et th . h m u writ to

w .lirarlM •M M w m l. I han. M ^ a n i »“, * * f « * » . et m w m a it thr Cwn-t How* Hi tto t i t , Mm* . .

W IL L IA M C . C O L L I N S \D I R E C T O R t >F F U N E R A L S

. ■ ~ .■■■■■ .m— , i— ----

— G. DfePKEN & SO N _

;l'' ■’ • Kl e e s Koal — .....-■----- » P A U C AVB.......... ........ :____

next door to F, W, Woohrofth * 5c and lOt Start

Kutherford, N. ). * >Pfceae kUtbeWard 2-209-4


F R ID A Y , A U G U S T 7 , W Jl

THE CO M M ERCIALLEAD ERPublished-every Friday by

, THE COMMERCIAL LIADER CO., Inc. . f JI H Valley jroolf Avenue Lyndhurst, N. Je|


Yearly subscription $2.00 in advance. Songl^x>py Five .Cents.Advertising Rate? on Application. . [

Classified Advertising. 5 lines 1 time, 50cTY tines, "*i fSmif, ‘ 7W T U tiH t ’ T time**, $1.00. 5 lines the minimum order. Yearly rates on request. AU ads payable, tn advance All copy must be in Leader Office before 4 P.M. Thursday. N o extra charge is made io r septies received through this office.

Independent and Fearless- Nothing to sell but apace for legitimate advertising. Copy for new advertisements and changes should be received at 'th e oftce ol j

publication not later than 10 o'clock Thursday morning. jAddress all mail and checks payable to The Com m eraal Leader Co. l a c . ,


The political situation in Bergen County continues to be as topsy-turvy as ever, particularly in the Republican ranks.

The main cause of the bitter controversy now raging, cen­ters around the temporary dismissal of Prosecutor Edward O. West and the expulsion of Assistant Prosecutor Joseph Marini.

Trus far, there have been no charges against, either of these men, and Edward O. West is still drawing his salary, althoughnot permitted to carry out His duticsT” ’’

While Edjvard (V West was suspended bv Justice Parkei without any definite charge, it is generally beTieved that tht reason was to eliminate him from his position of Prosecutor, at that the enemies of Ralph ( landless would control the Prosecu­tor's office, and try to have Chandless indicted. All efforts t< indict Chandless'haye been fruitless however, and although tht Grand Jury does not give out.any figures, it is interesting t( note that, he was exonerated in dhch case by unanimous votes Even the present Grand Jury, selected under the personal direc­tion of Judge,* Seufert, rendered a unanimous exoneration o' Chandless. There is therefore no further reason than a political one for keeping West out of the job to which he was dul>

rcWest, why are they not brought forth? It seems so unfair u us that it borders on a downright outrage.

As for the dismissal of Marini, there’ never was any charge; against him, or any excuse whatever except political revenge State interference and factionalism in Bergen G;unty have beer all so ruthless and indifferent to public opinion that Republican- are left in a daie.

A new situation has arisen to confront those who wert responsible for the suspension of West. Tlhe case stands some thing like this: Tlve present Grand Jury requested Attorney General Stevens to name a Special Prosecutor to try the case of one of Losche’s appointees, who was reported as indicted. Thi man was appointed by Losche, to head the Prohibition forces it the County, and stands accused of graft, and various abuses ir the County, While supposedly performing his official duties. I; is generally understood that he was indicted two weeks ago, ant that Attorney General Steven* was asked to draw the indictmen charges. Tlie questum now is, “If Wlest was removed because ht was considered biased towards his friend Chandless, who wa never indicted why is Losche not removed when he is mort biased toward one of his own friends and appointees, and par ticularly when this man is already reported indicted? --------------

W e are not familiar enough with the inner workings o' these suspension*, dismissals, etc., to "know just who is r e s p o n s i b l e We do know however, t h a t Justice Parker,-is the tme behim. whom nil r th m n c n t s c d , hide. If i t ts s u ffic ie n t y o o n d r t o t t move the Prosecutor because he is friendly towards a suspectet person, is it not more grounds for dismissal w h e n a suspected person is a personal friend, a n d a p e r s t m a l a p p o i n t m e n t of th i prosecutor ami furthermore is already indicted?

Something is very wrong in Bergen County, and it is no Chandless Chandless has been made tlje goat for everybody am' everything, and the public is everyday beginning to we m ort clearly through the subterfuge. Politician after politician ha climbed to prominence on the shoulders of Ralph ( handles* Many of them have not hesitated t*j *how their thankfulnes with a kick, and many (rf them are now beginning to be sorel' tried with their own consciences.

imtic experiment, noble in motive and far-reaching In purpose.’ He did not suggest that he thought die experiment wise or succestftiL On the contrary he declared; ‘Common eense compel. n» to realize that grave abuses hive occurred—abuse* which mint be remedied (and) only an organized, Marching investigation of fad and auMe can, ...determine die wise method taf correcting them.' T ht» (hr candidate comforted the dry*, reassured die wets, and committed himself to nothing.*

- _.£*■ *_ "f* •

month* after he had become president, Mr. Hoover appointed the far-famed Widteraham committee. The drvs became happy w m that they beiirv*d fheie came would be ‘-\mIiii. i md However, after a year or more af silence the Widcenham committee turned in a report that wa* not only humorous but inane. Almost the entire committee individually vomkI Ith* opinion that the pm eat Ikiuot h w . were entirely wrong, yet (he body (ander die Wicker, sham dictates) st^ed it* sentiment a* being dry. ,

“ht a letter to Governor Roosevelt of New York, Me. Wicker- sham voiced an opinion that sounds logical. In fait it b the *My tmrrance on Prohibition coming from that board that does have a touch of common sense. It says in part:

“ ‘If the national government were to attend to preventingunportauon, manufacture, and shipment in interstate commerce of intoxicants, the State undertaking internal police regulation to peerent sale saloons, speakeasies, and so forth, >the national and State laws might be modified so as to become reasonably enforceable.'

“Dw* Mr. Hoover like the working out of the ‘noble experiment’ anymore than we do/ Owi he see or read with equanimity of theactivities of gang leaden, that are taking mittidn* of the country’siiKiiey that would normally come to it in revenue? C a n he feel that it i s ‘a great social and economic experiment, noble i n motive and far-reaching in purpose’’ when five innocent children a r e shot as mere bystanders in a gang w a r brought about through the a g e n c y of this weak prohibition anten lment? .» ■ f

“No, we feel that Mr. Hoover is far too wise. Men like Dwight W . Morrow haVe blazed the way lor repeal, and Mr. Hoover cannot I g n o r e the attitude taken by New Jersey, New York, Illinois Wis­consin, Rhode Island and Massachusetts—all ot which have repeated their state prohibition law*. j

“The News believes that the presept system of ‘inti temperance’ is inherently wrong. Thi bemd ot national pr. under which we operate today U hypoeritica^ ineffective, and ” breeding. It is our hope that five mortj children will not have J shot in coH Wood before our fanitir'dKV (Ntize that

■ Jjfed M jjjm w ,, .but we W first ' perance that we have today. iitftiUwa


Aviation NotesBy BILL UNDSAY

A Rad Letter Day

<l»y • • which Mr. OU R obb W il.« »»d his Department of Aviatiow’s new lawswent Into effect, unlieeMwi fliers were conspicuous In their absence in the sky lanes over aM New Jersey airports.

T h e s e n e w la**, though Ihev may seem a bit harsh o n the pilots who are tmteavorlng te pile up their hours, will e n d the ever-p«esent “junk” which persists in staying on the l in e .

Although the new law does not af­fect the craft itself until October 1st, the pilot who hold,, no Jtind of airplane pilot’, license w a. grounded oa Sat­urday.

H o w e v e r , t h e sky-busters should not b e c o m e a l a r m e d over the sh ift i n the l a w current. The law will keep a n u m b e r u f f e l l o w s from Hying tbe junks they’ve been uaed to. And sta t­i s t i c s o u g h t to show in tbe next month w h e r e l i f e and property has b e e n dam age! to lese extent with the n e w l a w s In effect.

Mr*. Lindy, The Bona C o l o n e l sad M u . Charles A. Lind­

b e r g h , t w o o f Teterboro’s transient

Personal MentionMr. and Mr*. Henry Meyer, witf.

their sons, Austin and V enry, olFurm an place, are back from theii ewMtion spent a t O r«m Srove.

Mr*. John Stephen and daughter, Doris, with Miss Irene Nashman, nl Second Avenue; Hie* Conners, «1 Post Aventie; and Mrs. Ellen Day, at-Hvm- J « r» iy - i vaaua.-.^peat Thursday at Cremwood Lake, Allendale, N . J.

IM. of CIim . Av.nu., bein* th.«nr e o rw ot u u . t o n m u __

near J:

Miss Irene Campbell, of Port Ave­ne, is vacationing a t Atlantic City.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cracchiola, o! Kutherford /.venue, with Mr. ant Mrs. William Ehrtieh, and daughter of_ Ridge Koad; also Miss Lillj' Marino and Frank Galgano, of Lakt Avenue, have returned from a visi; to Sandy Beach.

Mias Franzes McLean, of Sixth street, spent the week-end a t Bel- mar.

Mr. and Mr*. F. F. Connett ol Poet Avenue, with their son, Charles returned lant week, from a trip t« Illinois and Mitlneaota. They wert railed west on account of the seriou: illness of a relative.

M r . a n d M r s . K h tl Q u l n s e r a w c h i l d r e n t i f P a r k P l a c e , a r e h a c ! f r o m a s t a y a t B e l m a r .


W H O A R E T H E " R I C H - A N D

W H O T H E « e O O R * f

W H A T w o u ld y o n d o I f y o u w e r e su il ife n ly p r e s e n t e d w i t h a m i l ­

l io n d o l la r* } IT t i o n e Minn t h a t q u e s t i o n h a s ' r e u t

S ig n lflf-a u f* . l i e I s J o s e j i l t IloroHlty., w h o f o r in ifn y j e i t r s Im * w o M te tl f o r it s m a l l s a ln r y s s a n I n t e r p r e t e r I n t k e m a i t l s i r u i e s ' c o u r t s in N e w I n k e l ty . Hy th e w ill o f h i* l irn tlte T , u s e l f m a d e p h l ln n t h r n p l s t w lm le f t m a n y m il lio n * Uu im h lle w o r k s n n d c h n r l t l e * , h e h a s Ih w ii p r e h e a t e d w i th a m il l io n ik 'd la r* ; A n d w h * t I* h e K o in e t o d o w i th I t?

1 'l r s t , h e I* g o in g lit M t l s f y M s l i f e ­lo n g d r e a m o f ^ tu d y l n g t l e r n m n o p e r a . T h e n h e h o p e s tin a r i i le v * a n o t h e r * m - v t p m , m t T d i i i s t o r * y p « » . A f t e r t l t a t he w ill r e t u r n n n d d t 'v m * h lm s td f t * t h * r e a l l a a t l e n o f u d r e t tm he n e v e r * x i> ec te d to b e a id e to f t i l l l l l , t h a t o f h e l t d a g tb * n e e d y w h o * * p r o b le m s lie k n o w s s o w e ll.

T h o t i i ih y e u m a y n e v e r h a v e e n v ie d t h * p o s s e s s o r o t W e a lth , w e n a y w e ll . i t v y , a n y u f u k , t h i* n m n w h o c a n n o w m a k e a l l h i* d re t ta i* c o m e t r u e .

Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg* (^mmI, #f 441 Po^t Avenue, had a s their guests earl­ier In the week, Mr. and Mrs. John Kowe, of Weehawken, and Mr. andMrs. Ldward Ebner, anti son of Lonar • - rmt t t t p l ' ■'■.j v

Rack From Vacation

Mr. a n d M r s . J . J . , S o l o w , • a n d

d a u g h t e r s , t h e M is s e s K u t h a n d K d i th S o l e w , o f 2 3 0 P u s t A v e n u e ; a c c o m p -

n i e d b y M i» * K u t h W e s t p h a l , o f l . y n d ­

h u r s t A v e r tU e , are b a c k f r o n t a * t a y o f

t w o w e e k * s p e n t In t h e A d i r o n d a c k M o u n ta i n * .

Mias Bertha Mohl, of Farm aplace, is back from her v a e a t i o t

visitor^, gave the world in general a ! *P«nt a t Marshall C r e e k , H e n n a .

scare the other day when they were I ■ ------:—unbeard of fo r several boar* while , ' Mr*- ®- Henderson, antfljing over very bad country in Can- T ' v "m . Tou should know folks, that t ie h, ve r^ n lly ^ ^ ^ Thej

rghs have made every precau-, now reside a t 441 Riverside avenuen for a safe tr ip nnd there’s no ’

our air-minded folks. By the way, j »<•*. i* v a c a t i o n i n g I think it’* nice to say tha t Mrs. Anne N- J- Lindbergh is the navigator on this trip and tbe “Lone Eagle” i* depending upon her valuable direction to k n o w ju*t where be ia going. It’s the

O c e a n P o s t

M r s . T : F r a n c i s K n i g h t , o f 3 3 i ■ S tu y v e s a n t A v fe n u e , w a s a g u e s t o: t h e < l a a t t h e h o m e o f M r s ; F a i r -

. , . j c h i l d ■ F e r ry , o f O g d e n A v e n u e , T e a -^ wearing tbe trouser* , n , ^ k , U s t T h u r s d a y . M r , . F e r r y i,that airplane. _ p r e s i d e n t o f t h e T e a n e c k W o m a n ’)• — ^ ’’•rt Beeoed Breaker* Club.. O u r r e a d e r s a t e p e r h a p s r e a d y t o |

j o i n i n t h e r e g r e t t h a t H u g h E . H e m

'■ '”*•.............. » J |,» ' «|'i.M r . a n d M r ^ . J u l i u s Z<*eh, o f 8 t u y -

X ^ s a n t A v e n u e , ,a c c o m p a n i e d b y M rs . M . F e l t o n a n d M i s i B e r t h a S o u ie , o f K u t h e r f o r d , ar<^ b i t k f i o m T r e n to n , w h e r e t h e y v i s i t e d the O ld F o lk s H e m e , o f t h e Independent O r d e f o f O d d F e H i t w * , ; u n ' S u n d a y . - - ........

*------------- ■» - n «*•M R S , E ( K E R T C R T R R T A I N S


Public indignation has at last been violently aroused by tht recent gang killing of' little children in New York C i t y . The Pre* has tossed petty quarrels to the winds to fall in line hehinc’ puhlK sentiment and to lead it into concerted actum. Editorially the New York Press has roared for action since tbe cold-hloodec murder.

But the lolling has had even more far-reaching result*. It has focussed a suddenly aroused nation'* eyes o n the power of gangdom The question <4 whether this natitgi splenditflt conceived, shall decay in the smoke of lawlc* guns" was vincet by the Telegram. An editorial in the Journal was headed “Hov To Kill {tables , Mr. William Randolph Hearst’s question Wh.il are we going to dn about i*r has anmsed ominous mut

terings from all quarters of the country. Journalists throughoui the nation have been amused to eptc action. The LcolK BtaiKt- squarely behind such actum as voiced by the following striking t*iiitorial printed in the Fairlawn Radbum News, it deserst reprinting and a serious reading by every public spirited

'cMsens in the township tif LyndhurstMOKE BLESSINGS O f V O U T B O K M

“ F iv e lrttlr c h i ld re n w ere U h * w h ile p f a r m g in da* M eeei by *M*y m a .h n . r g tM , Hi d ir t s f ro m * f n g M It* . gmn I t s e e n V d ia l , h r t r V * "P*"*"* • » • • w h o m * h o « id . w u n d th e h e wt r a f t r Ml H a i l e m . b ig I ta lia n s m le u ie n l , a n d oew M el nad o f ra ck -ra re r* h r e d o n m m »(> ponent, w h o eas ily e e r a p r d

“ T h r t e « '* *>» t n v r . t i g M i o e w , n o d o s t f e l . T h e M M f t m e d • 'b » - W r d j e d a * a i m ^ - e . . a n d t h e e » e n i H h « »

to-wf b e t e r m e d , d o t t l e . . . .n«hc, pm*** m* W t gn - d i m .

Pr. w.rM t eL*^_‘nr h" ^ o iv ^ h-^.. •VfsiMttfcftm; that W ra in i*f n m lim . that k \ erine t W V 3mmMMono s4 oottart afnialiy , f

.“Wr » «he currettt Me of TheNm iiin, th e Me** %«*h UbmM m am nm r, m n il .d . “hiI W * * ' . NoU e P x p e e m w m r iw . p ~ ^ , 7

e e * " - r r : r -n|MM|MMmjjjj B.. a * | * g|mm — ■■ -

M r s . H . C . E c k e r t , o f R o o s e v e l t A v e n u e , e n t e r t a i n e d a t b r i . l g e u t h e r h o m e o n T l iu r w i a y

( i u e s t * i n c lu d e d M r* . A r t h u r B a u e r ,who carried idf the honor* of the

_ . day, Mrs. Frieda C t t r r i d e n , Mrs.t n f il ls c o u n t r y t l u r e a r e * e m a n y H u g h C o s t e l l o , M r* . R a l p h L e c e q u e ,

m e n w i th * t h l l l l o n d o l lu r s t h a t s tu h t M r* - j . I 'n - n d e r g a s t , M itt* H . w e a l th h a r d l y c u iis e * c m n i a e a t , e i - j X h e h a t i , a n t i M is * N. W i l s o n , a l l o f ■«l>t th * c o m n t e n t t h a t I t f a l l s t e b r in g j L y n d h u r s t .t h e e t h a i ip ln e s a . T o m a n y a t t h e s e i H e f r e s h m e n t s a n d a s o c i a l h o u r m e n It r e p r e s e n t e a r o u t i n e w h ic h 1* j c o n c lu d e d t h e p l e a s a n t a f t e r n o o n f o r f o re l ia t t o . t h e i r n a t u r a l d e * lr * s , a n d l a d le s .I t Is a c tu a l ly * H a r r ie r to h a |ip U ie s* .

Tlie opportunity te study flermtin ■pera! T* tbe man Who loi*tl music •nil coald * frenl only oecasleaally a »all*ry *eat at tke ofter*. that oppor­tunity spell* happtni **. To th* many I itilllUiBsIre* te whota a seat at the ; opera ha* always been a commodity to common that they have perhap* , never toobwl to It for enjoyment, that [ opportunity would hold no promise i of pleasure or Joy.

The o p p o r tu n i ty t o t r a v e l f o r - a j y e a r ! H o w m n tty n t i l l l o n a l f v a * a tt- a t e d with t» * » e l b e f o r e t l t e y w e r e r e a d y t» a p p r e c i a t e 11* w o n d e r s , w o u ld ; t ta a l a thi* a r o a d t* h a p p ln e * * !

To many the po»*r**ion id wealth it satiety without IwaelU hr !

conatsnt *e«l>lag after MMMthlag aew wit boat AtitHag satls- factb>a or happlneas. - To the awn who ha* known ortlf *uch pleasure* a* he emdd *nd wlthjn himself or parctiaae for a paltry *um, the imwer to buy evea a little leisure. * little knowledge, a IKU* of that std. ot life which 'hi* dream s,have made colorful, lo tbat taaa Ju*t * small part of bis Inheri­tance woeld b a r . «pene.l Siwlgne* to >»y aad happlnem. Whleh of a* raa my awe who are the “ rfc-V of line werbl, and whe the "poer'T

don and Clyde Paagborne, two o f Bergen County’s foremost fliers, h a v e

h o t b e e n a b l e t o b r e a k t h e r e c o r d o f Post a n d G a t t y , n o w w o r l d - f a m o u s

' r o u n d - t b e - w o r l d - f l i e r s . A s t h i * c o lu m n i a written t h e f l i e r * a r e p e r h a p s p r e ­paring to l e a v e C h i n a o n a n a n s u e c e s s -

f u l attempt' t o b r e a k the r e c o r d o f Wiley Pont a n d H a r o l d G a t t y .

We’ll Know Sooa That d i * c u s * io n h e l d b y ,- the h o y s a t

T e t e r b o r o l a s t w e e k o n t h e “ O u t s i d e K o o p " i s a t i l l u n s e t t l e d .

M r* . L o u i e T a n t k e , o f F t n i r t i s t r e e t , i s b a c k f r o m a w e e k 's v i s i t w i t h h e r s i s t e r a t P l a in f le l d .


LJBtiAL n o t m ; *

wtui V alin ____ __ ______I thirty t» t : thence N urth»e«.rlj

“ tisarijf w w ith Vi "iv .au ., lorty-tlitM Im ) : ________ ___tnd a l rtnht angle., or nMrrlr so trita I ln«4t Avraut, one hoodnM unit. th . point or p is« t. o l BEGIN

said Mam a p H - sad . by Waa a WSU .. _ . . .owl 8ut-v«ytJe«, ar. ileKrftm) u _ .

SEtiiNNlNO at th* Ukt.mcUw m m ky b . •MtHSH*t*rt» Ita. ae sM. of V ia .,Irvietk I smm* wilh n .. '

T T S ™and altiflg tha Brook A* e i

1805.^utbewterly theMniW'Mek « A , _M (43) f**t; ttornea <Z> «Mt»iwMtevtv m iRht angles, or nemriy bo. wIA VelWy Brook 4v*fra«, one hundred th irtr <t$0t iM t; «ttnnI3> norlJtweBlBTly and ptralW, .<# no&riy so. rfth V»llc> Brotdc Avenue, Xorty th r m ito )>et to tbe «outhea«terly side of , C la « \venue; one hundred thirty (130I feet to the ^lot or place of BEGINNING. Be the aaid *ver*l dimensions, more or lees.

Together with all and atngoler the rights. Iberties. hrivilefee, hereditaments aad ao- >urte»anre» thereunto tiehmghig or ia any- /tse apfertamtn* he boM to pay and satiety i the irnt pise* unto the «a/d aot.Se sum of 1^,203 53, together wtcfc lawful ttevest thereoa: and also the eoeta or the ■*14 eom pis i naot have been dirty taxed at he ioti of (940.32.

Ha r o l d v . h e u j .t , .*8. f . Ld r. -ComL Ld r. «Mrtff.Fuly24 31 Aug.0-14 $33.60 «.B.F. 8037

EN ( MAN( CR1 O r NEWJetween The Franklin f o r _____

Buldtne and savings. «m»|ila*na*t. «mK Matthew Bfattarocchic and Mary Mat- tafocchio, his ikUc, Firm National Bank of Lyr^huret, White Way Loan Aaaaeiailea, defen-iar.ts. FL fa. Returnatole October 14, A. D. 1931.

FRANK HANCOCIT HKNNSUI8Y. Bol'r. By virtue of the above stated writ to me

Irected and delivered. I have levied upon nd * 1 1 1 expose for sale at public vendue t the Court Hbuse In fhe Ptty of HarMen-

«ack, oartrdam daj. AagOHt 10, 1931,

t one o’clock in the afternoon. Eastern'lundaPd Time, (two tr’clock Daylight Bav ng Tlme», all the following tract or parcel f land and premises hereinafter particularly enribed, situate, lying and hefog In the

fownship of Lyndhurst tn the County ol lergen and mate of New Jersey, being mown and designated as lot* two hundred hfrty-ofte (131), two hundred thirty-two 832) itld two hundred thlrty-three (233) In •lock nine <t) on map entitled "M ap ofCinRsland-Lyndhuret Parh. Property of Kings*

'■ Land Co. located In UniohCounty, W. J,” which map

and-Lyndhurst L fewMbin, Bergen fas filed ta the I

•g< tit


belonging or la any- >14 to pay and satis Or

the said P'»n«piainant

„ Bergen County Clerk*• Office ae Map No. 1122.

Together with all and singular the rights,' 'berties, privileges, hereditaments and ap-’urt,enatures thereunto *—u — —•’iee appertaining be at,% the ftrst place unto |____he sun of ge,7gp.e6. together witb hierftti -itwnat ttmetjir anu~tn u« r and snMafy -m - he second place unto fhe said defendant 'trst National Bank of Lvnghurft the sum f SI .916.76. together with -lawful Interest hereon and also the, coat* of the said com- dainanti have been duly ta*ed at the sum wf $278.16; and the r*oets of the said lefendant First National Bank of r.yndhurst Hire been <fu»y taaert af the sum of fB OC. .

Ha r o l d v 1. B. Ldr, -Coml. Idr. luly24-31 -Aug7-14 - $21.00

REILLT. .... Sheriff

s.B.r. m t

IN ( MA^t KBl OK-'NEW JKBMBV let ween The Rutherford Mutual

Building Association, romplsim renso Veatelo, Lillian (lamhino i 0 (larobltin. h tr husband» r Fa to and PaVfd OeFato. her lendants. Fi fa Returnnble oetober 13. A ^D. 1931. . .^CONKl.INd, 8B1TH ar'TIDWE. Bot're. By virtue, of the above stated writ to me

' del wn-ed. * *

WilliamWI De-


have levied le at public

the City of.


;V? ^ a i .% A y ." i” T,ATM>w o r th i; : i i w n S S i i iK L . “r« ^ )VAs^ r“ ^ ^ s i i r S ^ K K a'iV 1 HK

» in » :K T i w r a o v I.MKNT * s a * s a tn : .V T s

bsreky m v .n th a t t h . !M a n y l e t t e r s g ul>,f*. . " f h*v*f 8 , , ', * l,h <>“ '

h a v e b e e n w r i t U n t o e n g i n e e r * a n d ! " a " - •»< th . .<»« u L ^ n . " . “ T S T m ' " l i t r e * * a n a l y - i . ” e x p e r t s f o r t h e i r « g

idea* and (t seams an answer WIU he A ^u.V‘® r , r fe?S'l t r .tgm-1- - - - - - tk . .v.nlriK *t tb . Tl— “ 'f o r t h c o m i n g s h o r t l y .

W e l l i I ’ll amble o v e r t o t h e - h i - f w i t h t h i s and m a i l n e x t w e e k . T a i l W in d s , f o lk * !

Back Pram Ocean Grove

Toe* _ -‘cluck

n Hall on Valle> Dele Held a venu

^ i- Township H« th*Wl»e and blare when and where said Boarr W|« consider the «x»Mlrvnat i..n ,f «aid re poeia and that aft persons whose lands ar. aeaseeed thereby, or who are in any -wa- ,n*ereeted therein are hereby rniue«M i,

Avenue. Pine Street

e<aj2 iL •a r t r'>nannnri,.n as wefl as an< m*.id C m i M»a thereof m at Is to eay

Meyer Ave«ue Baninrd Avenue to Tivimge n S r -<WeWalhe FUf1 *n“ me

Oetavia Place Kingsland Avenue to dea* »nd eidewalh* curb gutter, driveways am-

M is s . H o s e C h a n k a l i a n , P o s t A v e

j m e ; M r* . W M . L u s t b a d e r , E d w a r t f M wl« ta i« w « N .e Y„rs Av. nu . i, L u s t b a d e r , M r* . E . L e n a l n g , a n d M rs . r * — f t * — . Avenue eidewaiiis. curb, gutt i i . aa . . 7? . l * r drtvewBra and m acstiamb t i i u s M a th l f H e n , o f L y n ,d h u r!V t A v e - F ir th m reet Sum m er Avenue to Jaunce-n u e . s p e n t W e t l n e s d a v a t O c e a n C r o v e ,A. T " T ™ r* ,inv .v«»y. «n.i m .T h e y v i s i t e d - M r* . JT N e i l l , o f L y n d - . p ,“ ' * »»»“« * • '« » ■ » » ' *» .n u » in w . s rh u r s t A v e n u e , t h e r e . A S S * **r l ' ** «“

I M m m L M n n l . n j.*u*M rt an t. MM. * -

gT«mrrtmna ^ THR Bf,ARn or RO“I r n o n im c K i u v k m .i

• * mzL ■ u —* . . tc^enahlp Clerk, l iiq $to. flMIl -A uff.T-ll

•Imfed and nd wiU ____ t the Court asack, cm

Wednesday, August 19, (931.1! . »^octi in the afternoon. Enatera«t ndard Time (two o'clock OayNgM Baefng Time), all that certain tract «r parrel ^ land and premises situate, lying and being In the Township of l.yndhurst County of Ber­gen and State or New Jeraey. and ssorepartlculsrlv described as follows:

BhXiINNlN(« at a point in the weeterty line of land conveyed to f*ne Mary Bradv by Kenrsclaer Furman and wife, deed dated January 2nd. Ifi7«. rectrrdetl July ZM. liT l

M-10 png* ism of Bergen «"ouaty Deeds. ^eing atx'tif one hundrednnd twenty-rtiree (123) .feet westerly from Mountain Way and in the dividing linebetween lots forty-etght I4*> and llfty (Mb in BUick one htkndred twenty-six (UNO or the Tax Map of the Tt.wnshio of l.yndhurst und running thence n ) northerly n t rMBtangtom to Pennsylvania Avenue and ak«M the tfhe .tf lands formerly of Hratiy. onehundmi and forty (14«» to *•'*ved by «ald Rensselaer Furman Osborne, by deed -lated July 21ecorded in Liber F -ll page m o f __Vamty Deed*; thence (2) Boutheasterfy along he southerly Itne of binds formerly mt Q»- *orn, flfty-one (&1) feet to a pdnt; thenee3i stmthwesterly. <.ne hundred forty H4«)—* **■ nm iii<>iesiil| * —- — -*■ -

I tennis. MM,

a venue, at *•inning point ahd thence (41 northwntteriy• long said side of Pennsylvania Avenue, itty (50> feet to the point ur piece t.f.be- 'inning It being In tended hereby to never Plot forty-eight In Bbnk one hundred and ’wentysia (12S| on Lyndhurst Aeeeeanmnt Map

The above deacribed lands aad premises theii be sold in fee subprt tn ait taxes as­sessments nnd >i(her liens. If sny.

Together with all anti singiiur the rights,ibrties privileges, hereditaments and a«Mir- tenance« thereunto l>elonglng ur in anywMe appertaining be sold to pay and aatliify inthe first Place unt.n the said cornptetnnnt tbe *um uf $3.722 20 t-.ne»her with Tawfut Bp •rest thereon; and also thi; costs of tbe . >ald complainant have been duly taxed at

J m w n -f S2«2 it• . r .. , , , 2 ,ARO, n v N E l l X ? .• S f.dr -#'/*ml Ldr «5/ Sherifflulv24-.11 Auk 7-14 129 40 S B F <M3

IN HMNORV <)F NEW JEBNBYu Bitty M- .Vflckie By virtue

- » 9 & ~ M | I S ,

Old Gardenera s Says:**.

W o * * * WHO wert la HsMr own SiMett* aad IM tk . ordinary )

MM rah* heavy aad < tnuhersotu* «m ,be drtlihled wllh bamboo rakes «hlcb mme frant Japaa aad are very ebeap. Mmm rakM ao« bMaa aiaSi la ibia , •waalry feava Ihe mate patter* *ud am alanM a* HaM. TMw rake* *ro

asefal »hea rleaMng *9 Mama aaa cram H i^ m s . hal £ . ba wm4 Ma* ta garden work ef a light j

TWey aan ho handles la amen • aaa** way a* a bnwat, aad MSB

•h lea* eSaaj thaa la raaim d la 1

PHONEn u v H tn e o n o

2*30001 5 1 ITUYVCSANT A V f

kvM D M unsT a j .

*; <2* '•>*«■* « ta . aftfrn.s.n B utw r Wanda rd Ttsae (two o’clock. I»aylight Hav n* the iollnwmg tract or parcel oi premiers neremaftvr partivutarh

BMunle, lytmi and bemg m thi, ------ J Nssrth ArirngUan m tb* Count)

•f Perg»n and But* ..f New JerseyJBee.asmag <m the N«rtherr, Ikte „f Beaver

Avenue a f a pdst (herein distant I N 11 feet■neterty the Eaaterly line of Ridgtawn f, thenee tl* ah.ng the Northerly gtd« af h W ir Atvaue gt.ufk f>*rty eight degrees tanp tseo niiMiHw tb<m» ssr-anne Bast tw*n «f M«nn* <m> fee. thenee i t) Nisrth forty

•en iniouUM thirty nes fee» t h r * 'V N«rt

_ t«rty two minutes, thtft)- Ma.« twvntv e»gni tMli font;, the**i l l (tea** fee. ua* feere^ *ev««e.n mit.u

tbwtj) w a 4 » Weet um w fe-d to in ie e l B«newr Avenue and p..«a> Be*ir.n.*|p

«t4i tec IB ) as

im* aegrew ■»««•*m m IUm» te a »

hmtmn •* 2t*g«h a « an d a a ib t a r

“ U ,. T 2 ^ * | y v *> ,pt « ^ - r - * u . Mr. h .i Mi H ia A m m m *a ^ mbb saaiflA m h A

w « r m » a a p f t■ . Merwasa Bls'iiinm W *r« Build

neneemMsm. «• ghenarn N Ji. , g. imeper* i M _ m m v m n*4 b a a s f c h n e s a

a w i s * . *m ► t a . *w«s>«a m . *aaM ** *?** . k a a lra * M aktv . M r i i M MT . i r * ! * " * * * « * a r a* * a «>* »>» »>■■■» s « m s i * « i« e a s i t u

m u ,*1 * • **•

By -1. 1 e f m S S W IM *T nwae*ag_ nng d e l e e e f ^ g l have tevsMi

. l i e . t ~ t t» uw ( Q S t SIS W W . 1*1 ------. — - | - —

r s *Tke abeee t o p > ^ hnade sad nrenunM

a m i m s m i J T n » . a a ta a n u . * mmm_W sfc u g a e %new« t k I9U .

g . . e r te e n m tne * n « n M a f s e l i a

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s r t a . * s s i j r s s * jrzB S M iS te jtid, — * ■ *.* i

l l k n n n n a a * aa a m a a a n a . s* a a ar r • t ■* a ii % T -

« a ' i i / t t

an order of the Court of 7..wof. Npw. matte on tbenfth day «.f June. Nineteen Hundred

nti t hirty One. in a rertattt cause wherein *"».se MeMwkle I* petuinner, and you are

tefsndaai you are required to appear and»leati. answer ■ r demur t*» petitioner's peti- i-’TT rm .tr befoi-e ine twenty-six*‘ d n y e f 'ueusr. neat, .ir in defanH thereof, awh tegree will be taken egaimg you ae tbeiMnrellar shall think equitable and Juet The object or said suit Is to oMaia a

of absolute divorce, disetdvfng tha


th ere enjoyable.In th* (tarty evwntag ** visited th*

New York S u t* Hi m k Ho w ia Lticn. We w e n i n w M a hantty

Tbe-e two pictures Me so oatatand* g in their respective merit.* that ne.inmt-nt U necessary.Surely no o w can afford to mias

•pew >n the Cat skill Mountain*.

racket. I t ia « •* of the real char­acter n fd jra the movies have ecm- U & A" g ift is MEaSyTo fight unto death fo r Jn * a MtU* bit of happiness . . .h a r tM n t fo r a Mt of decent living will M * e you U p ity aad admiration.

M arcia Came run. the m istress of Daa T j h r , underworld king, decides to make a breakaway from the racket. When Sob Hea dew n , mn of a banker, prupoaes m arriage to her, she accepts -(w ow ing full wan that xhe ia letting herself in for plenty of trouble. How <mr, she ia willing to risk i t for a Haste o f real happiness. M atters be­a m - involved when Taylor shoots a man and tries to force Marcia to prove an glibi for hiaL H er refusal results ia co i sequences th a t are the acme of tkrilldosB. Haw M arcia palls herself, m t of thaae difficult situations, sup­plies a most ham an and interesting story—full of dram atic climaxes.

Sincere and interesting portrayals are rendered by a capable, east. Mae Clarke handles the role of Marcia with insight—it ia a .Masterpiece in char­acterisation. One of the finest perfor­mances of the pctura is given by Robert Ellis in the rale of Dan Tyler, the gangster leader. He succeeds beau tifuliy in aakini g himself thoroughly | disliked. James Hall, a* the good- looking young man who offers Ms rein safety and responsibility M well >s love, is splendid!v portrayed bv James Hall The corned jr element is well taken care of by Marie Prevost and Caul Porcari. Marie is a comedienne par excellence—besides she is given excellent lines. Tbe director. Roy yilliam..Neill. has .smritedm t. hjL .sil

nor and Warner Baxter. T hk wonder­ful picture is one « f the best pictures 0f the year—one th a t may be seentime after time. This picture come- on ^unii^v and Monday, Aug- W t and

• Mr, aad ■ Mr- W.luam Dram. of fe rn Aymiuo, spent the wis h Wi <m a trip to Washington, B. C

. Mr. aad Ml*. W illis* J. Mthai t a .Post An s s i , sp ra t Frvday a t Lake Itopatcon* • ^

family, with Mra. J . P. Van H sM and daughter, h u m , of I in rata

daughter, Doria, ar* apendinr their i Riehard DteM, a f Jauncey Ammm, vaeatiu* at thair Maaaaer home a t u NtemUn* hte vacation at Nar- Indiaa Lake. ram dw ig, N. Y.

Mr.' and Mra. M n n a n T. Chute, "U K " Marga ret IW nelly, of Stay- w ith thair aa*. H a r d i M d daugh- vesant Avenue, a l i awt frwnf te r , Lois, of Post Avanue, are visit- Astmry Park, where she *(w*i a tw a Mg mlaMvaa ta Ptatadelphts j weeks vacation.

Mr. M d Mra. F*aah He Mrs. I .»«.« Detmetmg, with herH*s»l Street,, a f t hnck , from tae tr I daughter Kuth, and son, t n nte. of raratioa spedl at Reyport, "here Pag* Avenue, a rniaipaaisii hy Mit* they «otenamed relative, from dis <J*a» Vsn Duinen, .pent TtasMtay at

^**D‘* ° ° ttOe* IQO,*aQOe,OO,:>oao<^*OOOOOOiXJCKXl«CKK»OOOOgBi0OC|j■ I % k z W ? - "■ -i*. & v y . > ; . 1

ustions beaut if ull v. — th* dram atic highlights are well-timed.

TKLEPHONK Hl THLKKnKI) ,-uw t'- ■ k Western Rtectrir Sound Fifuipraeot

EU G EN E W iH W H A M S . ^ $ 1^ Managing Director * *

Friday and Saturday, Auguxt T-g- Ih.uble Feature Days

Richard Dix, Jackie Cooper in Y O U N G D O N O V A N 'S K ID

“ G O LD D U ST G E R T IE " with W.nmr lightnerk r a i ; Rat Carina*-- “The Utile Trail"



Sunday and Monday, Awgnxt h 10 '“ D A D D Y LO N G l-EGS”

with Janet G ayn o r and Warner Raster U«r»t-Hsrd) ta -uor Wife"

K*f*aa Ati "Oaait Plastered” ......Rlptry Relieve It a r N a Farammaal N**i

_ S unday-la t R pi-de of MI.R«»K> OF TMtt R * l l » '

Tuesday and W»dwa4a’y. August 11 13 1“ TH E V IC E SQ U A D ” ■ P a u l lukam, Kay Feanrta(tiarli* t haae ia *1 )** af th r ftaMta” CartassnSrrnau A H - “Kk* Mteh* Tueaday Fo» Ma.ieloaar Sew .W ia w lM - “f i u r i Maaitai IW * Wm. Buma IM iM lil Mar* Wed. Night—Free M*r<tiendb> slid Hags of ( iia e tie a ta Heidets

n l l a d ) .Namkrr* _________

Thursday, August 1 1 ItusWe Feature DaySIN S H I P Iammb Wohletin, Mary A u o r laa Ketth

“ N A U G H T Y FLIRT** with Alice WhiteParana—I Maww I.AWIF K M i'M tH tH t NIITK

l a s a n o c

^ .■ y « M « n n w rv i

TRUTH \355roerr

tyndhnrst Theatre RKO Rftz

Friday and S ^ u n la y , A a g w t fth M d

THE COa4MBROAL UfcUMR, FRIDAY. AlXil«T 7, l«»l'mi. a. ...... • mi ' f i> i ■iiiitai.i.i. i .................. ....... . . / V ■ ■ ■ t i i *


• Young Danovnna Kid" with Richard [,.S snd Jackie (Sluppy) Cooper i .I,racketed ^ l - J P i ____I P - M | „

Dust ( J « « e .«$ t.ymihunrt fa r .th r il ls yoa hw » rwar w y n e n c e d in already do.*d th* gates for the dny.

will be supplemented on Sunday’s uiiiious program, ^ i th th s <>pe tu iso d e of the splendid new serial,

H eroes of the Flames", a Laurel andH ardy an d a Ripley together w ith a tn reen a c t “Courtplaatered” and P ar­am oun t New*.

"T h e Vice Squad” with Paul Lukas and K ay Francis U the offering for Tuesday and Wednesday Aug. 11-12- ,Wdi esd ay , the la th , brings the third of a series of Merch andise N ights which bid fa ir to become one of th* '1 any popular nights a t the Lyndhui st. I has fa r , these rig h ts , provided by tne management purely *» a gesture ,. appreciation fo r Rtose patron* who

Lav* not been detored by the warm i -glits o f summer, have created a p ir i t 'o f neighborly good will and fun

L and i t is proposed to continue them ■ for an e x tr a week o r two a t the end

of th e series which occurs on Aug. 19th.

Thursday night the Lyndhurst presents Louis Wolheiaa, Mary Aator •tnd Sam Keith in the thrilling *temn ,„-sed story of “The Sin Ship”, which

bra. keted with Alice W hite in "Tb* Naughty Flift".

This is Ladies Dresserware Night a - well.

Daily, except Monday*,

lyndhurst and the Kiddies G ift M at­inee 4s proving a g reat m a t fa r th areighborhood children.

RKO Rirafi> The fe a tu re attraction th a t .is now

hrtng -tftwn is “t Take This W oman" with Gary Cooper and Carole Lom­bard. Also ’Friday and Sntendsf mat S ite s there is an added attrnctioia. another episode of th e thrilling aatisl “The V an ish ing Legion”. \

S unday , for on* day only, "Man C a l lt Love” w ith Adolphe Menjou. Leila Hyams and Norman Foster. A Wiff who believed in the marriage vow* glits s rude awakening in th is fn*- l in a ttn g story of today. And ahuft he tries a man’s code of morals, you’ll

experience ,thr^lls, drama and en ter­ta in m e n t o f an unusual sort.

Also the th r i l l in g western picture, , "Wild Horss” with Hoot Gibasn.* Exposed! Secrets of the privat*

rooms. Mysteries that happen in the dMrl uf night. Scandals of neglected w ive Nothing omitted. Here’s one night nurse who han courage to. tell all Such . Is ‘’N ight Nurse”! which « ll play on Monday and Tuesday with Barbara Stanwyck. Ben I.von, Joan H tmdell ami Clark* Gable. Never, never, never such flaming facts, such

jji'namic, drama, l t strips bar* all ” \ITt “ t'SJrt Utav* barai husked fa r n a ira .

\gain W arner Oland as Charlie * ban, in ‘T he Black Camel”, wiB play

. if when th is picture conies oh We I- 1. day and Thursday. He will again

-apttvat# audiences with his brilliant dtduciioM and Ids whimsical Oriental

e |ir .\i rbs as he deftly solve* th* myf- • rv,of th e killing of the screen star. W.th its gorgvons exterior scenes . id. actiiaDy in Hawaii on the exact lucatioA of th e story and an excellent r i 'i also Including Sallv F ile r , and H. la L ugosi, it is Indeed thrilling.

"N’ewly Rich", which wiU ptav on Friday and .Saturday with M itii <.reen, Jac k ie Searl, Uiuise Fasenda ai d F.lns May Oliver, is replete with M e n u that evoke side-splitting laugh t. r Two mad-cap mammas, suddenly become wealthy bv the movie succe s- •' if Their kid-actor children, decide

iret acquainted with European i valty—and nearlv cause internation a laugh ..implication* It is scream­ingly funny!

Friday and Satardav 'Hie Vanishing t-egion".

A Time Payment Plan That Puts Modern Plumbing Fixtures in

Your Home


Lyndhurst was patting on *t*'-holi­day a ttire for th e celebration of a Glorious Fourth. l in g s and hunting w*r* tastefully arranged an public bu ild ing , giving a wonderful netting for a real Independence Day celebra­tion in th r home to wn. The v*rv »it was flHed with a sn irit of pa 'rio tism ' one wa* filled w ith the desire U> participate in th e ceremonies of the day. . v

Vacation time had come fo r » Lyndhurst family. Canadian lakes am1 forests were calling, and a c a r al* r*a ly fo r a t« * r was waiting.

Deriding to foHcrw the call t# nature we left Lvndhur-t a t. six o’ctack. or the morning a t th* Fourth * f July Peace and quiet reigned in Lywdhtiml at that particular hour in the morning a* it did ta o ther Bergtn Caant) towns on the m orning of the holiday

The quiet of th e early morning hours helped emphastxr the beauties' of n a tu re even in the fam iliar sur­roundings of north Jersey The Storm, King Highway along the Hudson seemed especially fine that morning with i ts towering rock- ami woode 1 hills, and tbe peaceful stream below

A little shower o f rain fell as we travelled farther north in New York foals were slipper)- for awhile and we saw the results of two accidents On< driver evidently had tried to gi around a curve a t too great a speec1 and ran headlong into a telegrapl poh . completely wrecking th e car Thera- were a w anting to our driver to drive carefully.

Albany, with its capitol building proved interesting la te r *n in th e d»y We continued westward and stopped for the night in a cabin just eas t of Utica, N. Y. Pure spring w ater, all conveniences in the cabin, and a lawn

„ . tout painta a t thair tai gaWW- J M

i l l m a t < i« i r t u t t | to vHimmi Um!I Mr, ' i a i M n . J i n e M«rvi«, «# Mrm. M n J* O 'S e n * , i n i mm i m H i m i o f V *)m 1W -* Cabin. IN -t A w a a , h a w ««*al»ad hmm, Jaah, « f M i l b u n i i m m , are W »G t a w w d ta ha | M ’» AUta- a lter agM«tac a m ^ th a t tom »htar immUm *F*ht at t^ h .

- - ! - - ■ Lab*. ■ A . Vlatwat, N. J. *

wife shared th* vidiHi them by the Masonic orgsniia tion* of Uw Empire State. Th* Veter­an’s Memorial Hospital proved to us th a t provision waa also mad* fa r th* care of the sick a t the institution. W* are curtain that tbe Masonic bmttas af New York may well b* prwad of th e ir Horn*.

W« readied Booavilia, N. Y.,ia tim e for church service on m orning; then motored oa to A kx aadria Ray. Here we rented a com fort able cabin on the outskirts of th* town.

Atexandna Ray, with its irrsg*dai streets, and the boat aeUvities aa tb* river, all proved interesting to ua. Huge rocks throughout the tow* alsoattracted our atteation. One hou. * w* noticed was aa located that a rack al­most a s large as the house waa just back of it. Natural ntausniewaka were formed in the cemetery by placing bodies in tomb* hewn out in the huge rocks.

Monday morning we boarded th*new •'ITncl* Sana" fo r a fort* mil* boat ride through the Tboatand In­lands. known as th* Fairy Land *f America. We learned th a t in reality there are 1KS2 Island* in the groap. Our flrat stop on th* ride was at H eart Island; on this istand gtaads a renliea o f a castle on th* Rhine, erec­ted by ihe former owner of th* island, George C. Boldt. who dan owned th* W<ald<irf Aitnriy A fter spending more than a million lollnrs on the structu re , Mr. Boldt suddenly abandonad i t ; on th a death of his wife, and is haa never b*en completed.

As we moved along tn the sparkling w aters we saw an ever changing and inti n sd y interesting sight a t every point. We were told mig owned th* womterfal summer homes o«i thM* enchanting islands, and were (lartata thow who *tayed die** even fa r a while must ftnd them a place for real rest and happiaa**

The Devil’s Oven, an opening in th* rocks of the side of one of the islands proved interesting, for we were told thnt here a patriot found refuge after burning a British vessel. The opening was concealed by over­hanging bushes, and his daughter.kept him supplied with food, until h* Was par ioned. , ,

O f exparial in te rtitt waa the sm all­est international brMg* la the worid built from Eavikon Island in Canada lo a smaller i.-land whirh li*s just a* sh o rt distance away but is located sa th e llaited S tates aid*' of the bout i is ry line which passes in the narrow ihsnnel between the two isla ids. Both islands are the property qf a mas living in Pa«aaic, N. J. I >n. 1 lie larger, island where fhe beau- tiful home is situated the British flag was flung to tiie Hreete and os the i mailer island the American Flag ftoate<j st th^ top of a Hag pole of equal height.

Itomiie ( aatle, built by J. G. Hol­land, author of a poem by th a t n use , also proved « w t tate rearing. I should tire-you if I should try to tell about all are saw 'h a t mornin'g, much 'h " t we saw we cannot tell, for words fall us. --- — ..... —.......

We were sorry when w* teamed that wc wrre nearing the Alexandria Hay waterfront, and the end of our delightful trip among these island* ■hfrt have been th e source uf joy for vacntionists for maay year*, and will continue to rest, recreation, and ro-

W T i a w r } w a f * f 'c a » T T : 'T .7 w » S "rh ii; i ^ n r s s h i s r f R icote* »p—t m a farm m Cherry Valley, N. Y,

Mr. aRd Mr*. Puter Ctwiuliiagx, and fan»*ly, «f Mdt«< av*au*. ara. upending a tp » week- «»,atM« a t ' kanaaa Lake.

M . M M a r i ■« —- - a . aa-------

Mr' aaid M n tisa rge Mar*is. t t Fourth Strew!, ar* bark frem a tvs* ^i*eks i urugiaM k l^be ■ m agita .. aiot om d •. t« Ntagana Falla, and «w ied for aevefal days with fttewd* at L v h port, M. Y. .. ___________

y§K( i«ii.

Chari** C uanett, of Post A vena* ta ii a d l in hu lacatmai with Wil Itam Wil».oi. *f FoawA Avenu*, a* |h» hitter’s summer honn a l Fork *d River.

% * . Ilarvid Gutbeii, ami d»u«.'«t*r, H an let, at T raw ra Pia** «K Vara- l»0BtagU>m th e ^o la lu iik ■

Howard Tigrath, a f itag* and Lew Men, of fW esi Avenue, aiw

tw» w**k« a t tile Scout ('am p. a t t Oakland.

Gary ( ! ih

“ IAdd*d At:raction

Aaath** ttgunadr mt thr IbfHliag

Now I ta n a *

r w i t h C arole I omhard in

WOMAN”Kv*t* tn d a ^ n s s l Saturday Matia**.


•TW YaaUluaw l^oaan"


Sunday OH* l»a> 0 »dy

“MEN ( AU. ffljOVE”• . ..I . . . .with Atlolplir Henjini and I-rtla I Ivan

Hoot frthatin in “WIU) HORSE'*Monda

Harhara Sunwi. . .

and Iweaday

i k with ITfell, th* Naked I f i 'h Al»wi«

WednlUppemnga an the

lay and Thur«4ayMight WaUh*

ieMi.1 t raft train* t*lmteal t oasis*'“THE BUCK CAMEL”

with Warner CHand and SaSy EiknKi 14a,y and Aatuiday

theI* Dm hid Ptetiue <waa* "Xhlim#*“NEWLY RICH

with Mitai Germ,. Jackie Seart, Imitar I’atendd and I’tlna May Oliver

•«> N#ltin4a|^ «4r rtl *fc# fhfitM nf % f|# |

H » wtsald you like to wedmrni#|‘I '*( th* ptumhhig hit urr«> or home and pay

MAGER’S SODA GRILL =W h en H O M E M A D E ICE C R E A M ami LU N C H ia aerved with the utmost o f Care and Cteanlt— a

H om e Made l e t Car.am Maiu A WJ?Ku >Or DiFFRgtNcr In Flavor

Yes, ytxi have taatrd gtind Ice Cream—Biit unleai you haw tried oun—fuu have a wtwnkrfd treat in atnre.


Wg Deliver You lor Crean Fur All Occatiuna

Mager's Tea Roomand Lunfhrnwrttr



ANOTHER TRUTH LS THATi^ « M ulw fm 'm nkf a lew nwntga X gM

* * ' * reluMe and aafer-tnXhl


Rutherford 2-1077


, _• •

“ JliST A GIGOLO"w ith W ilh a in I la tnea I re n e RurrcM

r «M* <i*mph»i•*»|Sh OR -♦MIM’’ HiM V \ a * ■ « « ! UM R

InaMb Ma Iteitaea** l all lw ■ ‘« Rr .»■.♦ 'IiA Ht.FR %M>~ ted Egasn**

“GOOD BAD GIRL"wtth Mae i larir and )*a»n liafl

“Texas Ranger”w ilh t tn rk Jon ra

-RMrtgHh tRilM tMK hitRYM* « »Rt»»l*»

“ TRADER HORN”Ouaaran Rinaldn, I dmitM Booth, llarrv < arry

ttew*■ I astesm r eaa * • *i

■Mil ayahimi t h,*»f Ra*


with hr hr Danirla laatfci f oearg“ VIRTUOUS HUSBANDS"

with Jran Arthur Hhtf Nufrnt

i. .......

Mrs. M iry Hickey, of Second A re-n u f, has had as her guests fer sev­eral days, Mr. and Mrs. Georg* Har­vey, and sons, Robert and George, of Providence, RI*ode Island. .

The Lyndhurst Uttie Theatre Guild will hold a meeting a t their head* quarters in the Theatre B uiiiing on Monday evening, with president Wil­liam Franeoeoer, presiding.

At th is meeting the committee on selection of the f i r i t big production for the coming season will make their report. Thoae on the committee are

Miss Marion Lowe and Mr. . Neiso-i Andrews, of Lyndhurst Avenue, will s ta r t their two weeks vacation g i t i a boat ride Up-the-Hudson, to Albany, next Thursday. *

A t Albany they will be met hy Mr. and Mrs. Charles McSkimntfr, ->f Troy N. Y., whose guests they will be foi

• week.

We hereby express our deep'elt appreciation and gratitude for the many expressions of sympathy and helpfulne: s shown us during our late bereavement, in the death of husband and father, Alois Wolf, by neighbors frienis and organizations.

Anna Wolf, his wife Elizabeth -Wolf, his daughter

Pfceoe Rutherford 2-675

Chat. Lobmayer Ljmdhnrst Marktt


YOUR MONE /Buy N ow and help bring back

PROSPERITY1 c a r W o o d g a r a g e im *


CaUA R E E N S T R A & C o .

14-16 V R E E LA N D A V R

C L IFT O N , N . | .T d . Sherwood 2 2155

T h e Best Available la Youis.

Mrs. W illaim Gutheil, of Park .-venue, is e n te r ta in in g for several week*, Mr,. 1,. G jtheil, of Brooklyn.

Law Offices of CONKUM, SMITH ft TOWR

Lawyers Building 17 AMES AVENUE

Rutherford. N. J.Phone Rutherford 2-6M *-#>5

LIQUID OR TABLEfiS Relieves a lli adarhe or Neuralgia in.“S h e ll * u u J i i a .

all. I t ’s mighty good milk, allright!’ ”

~W' minutes, eSiecks a’'’Tol<IHHie'"lirst lay . and checks Malaria ia three days.

666 Salve for Baby's Cold

Loving deeds will live on forever. May God comfort all by Hi* grace.

8on Clarence and Daughter Lottie. Westminster Presbyterian Church

New Jersry Ave. and Ridge Road Rev. Frederick Hobson Buchholtx


Church School. Classes for all ages.9:15 A.M. ____

Divine Worship 11:00 A.M. Evening Praise Service 8:00 P.M.

A Fr;en«y Church With A Cordial Welcomc For AIL

MOVINGPack i no ShlooiiNi

W m .U lM SjTOfufl* n Bnnw umAganH—Allied V«t U w , lo t

Notion-wide Service

WiU Entertain D A I R YN Q . A R L I N G T O N . N . J . t t f c A PHONE KEARNY ,

3 / 3 c T _ g j


Dr. H. N. VolckmannThe Ladies Auxiliary of Harold G.

Barringer Post of the A meric in Legion will hold a card party at the new legion Home next Thursday af­ternoon, Augu-t 13th. This is one.of the series of regular monthly card parties held by the organisation.

Hostesses for next week’s party are Mrs. A rthur Bauer, recently elevated a* president o f the Auxiliary fo r the year beginning in October,: Mrs. Ralph Leco«|ue, ami Mr*. H aro ld Gutheil.

Friend* are invite dtn join the la- dia# in this party.

“ ——O' ■ - "The Lyndhurst Democratic Club

will hold a regular meeting a t their headquarters. Valley Brook Avenue, on next Wednesday evening, August 12th.

ln the absence of the president, Howard S. Bridgeman, one of the vice- presidents will preside.

T all activities wilt be discussed,


DECORATING DONE NOWWall Papering l i t and up per Room, including Ceiling. Your Choice From Ttiihaut or i Boarh 1831 Books. I’ainting and Craf- tex Done a t ReasonsIde Prices.

E xterior Psinting la Our Specialty. ,

Floors Handing aad Reftnishing. Wt do Spraying Work, Stucco

or Furniture.AU Work .Jhme on I t Months or Cash—Ketimatea Cheerfully



No Job Toojfatrg*. None Too Small.


l.YNMIt'RriT. W. 1.

Phone Ruth. 2-3476

St. Thomas’ Episco| Church

Mr. and Mr*. E. Garland Galloway, and son, Garland, Jr., of Rutherford Avenue, are spending their vacation at their summer home at Normandy Beach.

During their stay there they will have as guests for part of the time, Mr.i. Ella Galloway, of Rutherford Av­enue, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Du buy, of Hazel Street.

THOR Electric


FOREST k STUYVESANT AVES. Rev. Franklin G. Faber, Rector

R ectory--851 Livingston Avenue. Phone—Rutherford 2-140S-J

Services for Sunday* Aug. 2, 1931. 7:30 A.M. Holy Communion.

11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and S er­mon.

The Church with a cordial welcome to all.

EasyW ork

Mr, and Mr*. Adolph Kfckeisen and children, M argaret and Edward, of Page Avenue, are back from their vacation spent a t Lake Kdpalcong.

St. Matthews’ Lutheran Church

Valley Brook Ave. a n d T ra v e r t P ta w Rev. George F. Muller. Pastor t t j T ravers Place. Lyndhurst

Phone Rutherford 2-21149:15—Sunday School

10:30—Service, “God’s Showers of M essing", _________ ___ .______

| Reed Memorial United j Presbyterian Church ‘

Stilyvesant Avenue, near Valley Brook Rev. Jam es H. Littell, P . D.,

P asto r 9:45 A.M. Sunday School.

11 :00 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Young Peoples Christian

Union.7:00 P M. Interm ediate Young Peo­

ples Union. Leader E. Wengland. (;&> P.M. Evening Worship.1:08 P.M. Wednesday, I r s w Meet:


JT v NY m aterial th a t is w ashable will come ou t fresh and thoroughly d ean if it ■•'laundered in the T h o r washer. T h e T h o r’s action is gentle and no m atter how fine the fabric, d irt is removed w ithout pulling or tearing th e article. Housekeepers like the work the T h o r does. T hey like its compact size too, large enough to d o a big washing, yet small enough for the house of lim ited dimensions.

$99 .75 c a s h o r $ 1 0 5 .7 5 o n th e d iv ided paym ent p lan. $5 dow n and

-V eighteen m onths to pay the balance


PARKINGMeatis Convenience tn this Hut Weather—When you Park Here You Always

Find Yourself


LOW RATES Courteous and

Efficient Service

(W s < '.leaned, Crea.<d, Oiled, Fenders Straighten­ed. AU Kinds of Repairs. Complete Point Job or

Tout h Up.While You Shop While You WorkENTRANCE NEXT TO

^ » * Office and Yard


Tel. RUtherford 2-2140 L Y N D H U R S T , N . J.

Mo t o r i n g wm j .most becoU&g com­

monplace.Some men m s saying:

“ I don’t care anyth ing about automobiling: I buy a c a r lo r tramporiallonl

f Then Studebaker gave tu Free Wheeling and put the thrill back into motor­ing (and a 15% to 20%

• Saving in oil aad gas}. New adults get the same toy out ol driving a car that chil­dren get out af toboggan­ing. skating or chitting the chutes.

Motoring is again an OUTDOOR SPORT.

Now that you can buy a Free Wheeling Studebaker for $645, t ta perfectly si! to buy a car without it— aren't I right>

This »M5 Stadebeker. b r the way, is tha b u t pricedSia with Fra. Wheel­ing as standard equipment

m g in rrrr i l from tip to tail to give you the tuRMt bene6 t s o l F m W neelm g ia its finest hwtn.

■free •wheefimfo r i g i n a t e d b y _

PVBLICClassified • Advertisement P ta a r c h u r c h o r c h j» is t

8CIKNTICTr * ' We cannot gusrsniee the Insertion of say “ J ad x rtis rm rn i in these oilmans aniens same i»

paid for in advance. Rale* fo r ' elasaiRrd ad- 'mm. vertisin t are as folloos: one insertion two

consecutive insertumi. |.7 i. three consecutive la H sections li.se . l imit Ive tines, average s is wards

to a hne.

THOR Electric Ironing...

%, IV rrtoon t A Uncut* 4 * « .B i tn H i o r th o I I o th e r ( liu rv lk ,

T h t P t ro t C H v rd l n t O t i lM , tv u u - t»»t In fikw ton. M » «

M u w l t l • r r v l c e * a t 11 A M , f tu n ilo y S c h o o l * l t * • A M .

W-tMaday Kvontng MmIUi i atHen Him r **n rn th* ItJvvsIl rtwa

tr* N M m open ttaiiy *t-**i t t o 'r l t a It tu 1 O 'tk arti «*t'»|si Bun<lay MMl legal H«IWlMra #n.1 TtturaiHky

fr*** 1 3» U» * 30 >’c tn rk .r tH JH CAHPKNTICK mm4 c it in g t n m IUEWT « a t

4 u m b y «'!*> k M M M M tm m . * « « i A** , l » iu tr « W J **7II hy M rm rm «>«#•• «»«■>. IH *it****** a*» * h a th t - U M uira. a M i l i f l f w i «*t m m r K

'Z iJ . * T Av' roh aaNT . « . . . ,H «.« a t n u ■ H m t m u M M O S S M S

•* — ' *w I tnSkantkUC ■ •nn»WM mt svisIM W»l SwiS* ---- ->*H*r Hww. AMBlwe.Irum nwwems ron «*M l.-r.i, , n ,iMM w IiS WUl wnfc< lot IIS. Writ. S»a h w.* • nMM MS Saih iM aw M k>

U»ew. » w m iMtHM. SM Own! Ass - Tanas..... —......... ^r-------- . Italnsrtvis IS M S 1 fi llr « « n w i Pass A*« *»■> ' . . . **»-qr«i« Cr Musts Hajmk- A m r saw t ° 1KT n—m k .* ts enwit map n<iad. Uraaiuirai n»«* >►*"“ »• i«Htort a m s M a OS'— • " »» R.a*. l u u I4M-

CHRISTIAN SClKM 'K t'MURCH” Spirit", will be the subject of the

lanison-Kermon in all Churche* of Christ, Sclriitwt, on Sunday, August v, m i .

The (rolden Teat Is: " If we dive in the Spirt), let us also walk in the Sptrit" (Galatians S:8i,) AMung tbe Citation, which e— - :JWlae the I eaaon Sermon U thr follow lag from the Bible: “And it came to pass, when he wa* in a certain city, behold « man fa n st leprony t wao- seeing Jesus fell on his face, and br •ought Wm, saying. L*r«i, tf ih«u wilt, thou can t ssake me <lean And He put forth h^s hand, and touched him, saving, I will: be thou e’ean An I immediately the lepn» v d ip a i te 1 fr»>m him - it.uke

The l-e.fM9 -#afiam alto .fad:rfc» »h .. following passage from the CAr ian Srieme trstbuoh, “Helsa n sod It- •*!- with he> te the Scripture*” by Mars Raker I M i “Je«a* did his own ».,rk hg tha .nee gplril —Me—•aid*—'H v Father smrhetfc h itherto, a a ] I sr,,rk' " (P T9). "He U.«wvd that A w s tn were cast se t a erihre hy m p n m I i i^ , hy materia medtea, aor by hy n e ss , hat hy th* divine RprfrH. rsatm e aat

Cool Work

FUN ItKNT 1 n m * a pa•nt « r..,r« A hsrtmmb I ■MftMNl IkqHti' W J.

L J O your wt tk in comfort with the T hor Auto* matK Ironer. O pe.'jte it at a tab le w the cmdeat rooai ia the bouse can be ea ’e j c,<tnf r tjb !y while you work Mid ,ur *« ,k-ctjtiiijjt* on ly o t< |u idSa( the pieici: T he -wnniRg loll is a 3 c T a n j it heats tjuickly. Evea the things th a t requite care aad tim e to pie*, with a band iron ,a g be irofle^i 00 the T hor.

t n . $ Q c a s k o r S S 4 .2 5 o a i k a d iv id e d poyirien t p lan : $5 J a m an d e ig h teea m on th* to pay th e b a lan ce



LY M om nurr. m. j .Pheae R atherfard J U 7I I U71

*• P A I t A V I M V t