
{ Bravehear t Director: Mel Gibson Released: 1995 Synopsis: William Wallace, a commoner, unites the 13th Century Scots in their battle to overthrow English rule.

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Director: Mel GibsonReleased: 1995Synopsis: William Wallace, a commoner, unites the 13th Century Scots in their battle to overthrow English rule.

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Alexander II ruled Scotland from 1214 till 1249. He was succeeded by his son Alexander III who suffered a fatal accident at Kinghorn in March 1286. During this time Scotland was at peace with England, and after 1263 at peace with Norway.

Alexander’s immediate successor was his granddaughter Margaret (the Maid of Norway), then three years old. She was in Norway and in poor health, but her claim to the throne was upheld. The Scottish nobles established Guardians of Scotland until Margaret reached her majority. In 1290 Margaret died, and the power struggle began. The main contenders were the Baliol family and the Bruces.

Edward I had made no attempt to intervene in the succession prior to 1290 because his intention had been to marry his son to the Maid of Norway. Since this wedding had only been mooted as a possibility, the Scots were wary, but not hostile to Edward, and turned to him for advice on whom to select as king.

Amazing though this might sound, it is fact. Edward had previously acted as honest broker over at least two other European monarchies. He chose Baliol, a man whom history has treated roughly. John Baliol genuinely seems to have tried to rule independently of England, but this was not on Edward’s agenda. Edward wanted a puppet king, and when Baliol did not collude, Edward ordered the Scots lords to support his invasion of France in 1294. Baliol, among others, refused to go, and Edward sacked Berwick.

Historical Context

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Who was William Wallace?

William Wallace was the second son of an Elderslie squire. How he sprang, full–blown, into the national consciousness is not at all clear. One legend suggests that it was as a result of his killing of the Sheriff of Lanark in retaliation for the murder of Wallace’s wife. Other legends suggest that the Wallace family were already disenchanted with Edward, as the Wallace name does not appear on the oath of loyalty to Edward. Whatever the cause, the result was that between the spring of 1296 and the autumn of 1297 William Wallace became the leader of a guerrilla army which took on and defeated Edward’s army, a formidable military machine.

Historical Context

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Wallace’s Rising

At Stirling Wallace defeated Edward’s army at the bridge, not, as in the film, on an open plain. He was appointed Guardian. At Falkirk he was deserted by the Scots lords. He did invade England, burning and sacking in retaliation for Berwick. He backed Baliol’s claim for the throne. Finally he was betrayed and executed in 1305. Precisely what he did in the years between 1297 and 1305 is unclear. There is some evidence to suggest he travelled abroad seeking support. Equally unclear is his relationship with Bruce.

What is clear is that he had an extraordinary military genius, and a passion for Scotland. It is also worth noting that, despite his power and support, it was not his aim to take the throne for himself. He wished a Scottish king to rule in Scotland, and he believed Baliol to be that rightful monarch.

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The Martyrdom of William WallaceWallace was declared an outlaw, which meant his life was forfeit and that anyone could kill him without trial. He continued his resistance, but on August 3rd, 1305, he was captured at Robroyston, near Glasgow. Wallace was taken to London for a show trial in Westminster Hall. He was charged with two things - being an outlaw and being a traitor. No trial was required, but, by charging him as a traitor, Edward intended to destroy his reputation. Inevitably he was found guilty and was taken for immediate execution - in a manner designed to symbolise his crimes.

Wrapped in an ox hide to prevent him being ripped apart, thereby shortening the torture, he was dragged by horses four miles through London to Smithfield. There he was hanged, as a murderer and thief, but cut down while still alive. Then he was mutilated, disembowelled and, being accused of treason, he was probably emasculated. For the crimes of sacrilege to English monasteries, his heart, liver, lungs and entrails were cast upon a fire, and, finally, his head was chopped off. His carcase was then cut up into bits. His head was set on a pole on London Bridge, another part went to Newcastle, a district Wallace had destroyed in 1297-8, the rest went to Berwick, Perth and Stirling (or perhaps Aberdeen), as a warning to the Scots. Edward had destroyed the man, but had enhanced the myth.

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The film is NOT historically accurate. The relationship with the princess did not happen; the battle at Stirling centred on a bridge; and Wallace backed the Baliols, not the Bruces.

However it is NOT the business of media students to pick holes in the historical accuracy of the film.

Instead, we will look at how the film has been CONSTRUCTED as a text.


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Can you identify the three strands of the narrative?

It tells the … It presents … It follows …


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There are three strands to the narrative:

It tells the life of William Wallace from childhood to death. It presents his political shaping, his actions, and his private life.

It presents Edward’s drive to conquer Scotland from the re-introduction of prima noctre until his death.

It follows the manoeuvrings of the Bruce family for the throne until the death of Robert the Bruce’s father.


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The three plots are laid, developed and intertwined until they are resolved at the end.

How are they resolved at the end?

Is the ending similar to any other texts you have read or watched?


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The narrative is built on a series of parallels, which allows for an exploration of the central issues of the text.

For example, there are three deaths at the end of the film.

Can you identify any other parallels?

Consider the function of each.


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The language of film is concerned with the techniques of filming.

Meaning is achieved through what the viewer sees. This is termed the MISE EN SCENE.

Language of Film

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In ‘The Great Gatsby’ Daisy is described as ‘in white’, with her dress rippling and fluttering’, and with a kind of voice that the ear follows up and down’, while Myrtle is ‘in her middle thirties, and faintly stout, but she carried her flesh sensuously.’

These descriptions set their character and their action in the plot.

Language of Film

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Wallace in today’s terms would be described by the English as a terrorist, but in Braveheart he is constructed as a selfless fighter for freedom.

The construction of Wallace as the hero, through all the devises employed, ensures that he carries the ideologies (central concerns) of the text.

This is a complex concept - in its basic form it is a set of ideas or beliefs which are held to be acceptable by the creators of a media text. For example, a text might be described as having a feminist ideology, meaning it promotes the idea that women are the equal of men and should not be discriminated against on the grounds of gender.

Central Concerns: The paternal relationship The nature of freedom The role of monarchy/ leadershipHeroes and Villains

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Representation involves the construction the choices that are made when it comes to portraying something or someone in a mass media text.

When you're analysing representation, think about the following questions:

•Who or what is being represented? Who is the preferred audience for this representation?

•What are they doing? Is their activity presented as typical, or atypical? Are they conforming to genre expectations or other conventions?

•Why are they present? What purpose do they serve? What are they communicating by their presence? What's the preferred reading?

•Where are they? How are they framed? Are they represented as natural or artificial? What surrounds them? What is in the foreground and what is in the background?

Scene 1 – 8

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When producers construct a media representation, they often assume that the audience is one homogenous mass that will all decode the representation in the same way. However, people see even the most basic images in different ways. Look at the two famous optical illusions below. What do you see first?

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Mise En Scene SoundCamera Work



Scene 1 – 8

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Analyse and evaluate how the director, Mel Gibson, encouraged his audience to sympathise with and support William Wallace in his quest for freedom and retribution? (A/E)

Retribution - the act of punishing or taking vengeance for wrongdoing, sin, or injury

The Exposition Constructing a Hero

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Westerns often portray how desolate and hard life was for frontier families. These families are faced with change that would severely alter their way of life. This may be depicted by showing conflict between natives and settlers or U.S. Cavalry or between cattle ranchers and farmers or by showing ranchers being threatened by the onset of the Industrial Revolution.

The Western depicts a society organized around codes of honor and personal, direct or private justice .

The main character is usually a semi-nomadic cowboy or a gunfighter.such as the Arthurian Romances

Like the cowboy or gunfighter of the Western, the knight errant of the earlier European tales and poetry was wandering from place to place on his horse, fighting villains of various kinds and bound to no fixed social structures but only to his own innate code of honor

GenreThe Western

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In ancient myths and legends there are many examples of modern heroes and heroines.

They are adventurous, resourceful and often subjected to difficult journeys or tasks. They often stand for good against evil, or one man against the odds.

William Wallace is a folk hero, a man of the people. He belongs to that category of men who are driven by passion, idealism and an heroic impulse which is in direct contrast to their opponents who are self seeking, mean and merciless.

Constructing a Hero

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It was earlier mentioned that the narrative is built on a series of parallels, which allow for an exploration of the central issues of the text.

A number of characters in the film function as

foils. Can you identify these oppositions?

Foil - anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities; "pretty girls like plain friends as foils"

Constructing a Hero through the Villainous Other.

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There are three villains in the film:

Bruce Senior. The Scots lords, The English soldiers and Edward,

1. Watch scene 22 (1hr) identify how Bruce senior is established as a villain. Consider fictional stereotypes and appearance.

2. How do the Scots lord’s ideologies differ to those of William Wallace? What villainous acts do they commit?

3. Identify key moments in the plot which construct the English as repulsive?

4. Gibson’s constructs these characters actions as villainous. How do these constructions add to our understanding of the central concerns? What attributes does a hero/leader/king possess? Villains

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How has the director used MISE EN SCENE to construct the Scots and Wallace as natural?

How are the English constructed as the enemy and ‘other’?

Constructing a Hero Mise En Scene

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‘Go back to England. Tell them Scotland’s daughters and sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free.’

Analyse and evaluate how language has been used to suggest Wallace is a leader?

Constructing a Hero Dialogue

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Scene 44 Wallace’s revenge for Falkirk.

Watch the scene again. Discuss how the director has used camera shots and composition to construct Wallace as a hero.

Constructing a Hero

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The scene where Wallace sends the head of the Governed of York to Edward, is juxtaposed by Edward killing his son’s lover and beating his son.

What purpose does this juxtaposition serve?

Montage / Juxtaposition

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Identify the characteristics of a hero.


Quick thinking



Brave / Courageous




Strong / Powerful


The use of other / ‘bad guys’

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Learning Intention

We are going to explore how the director has constructed William Wallace’s character as

Honourable Morally Right Influential

The ending

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Explain how each of the following characters influence William Wallace’s thoughts on freedom. Uncle Argyll Father

Just before his betrayal Wallace tells Hamish that ‘a home is nothing without freedom.’ What does freedom involve?

William Wallace is ‘politicised out of love’. Explain what you think is meant by the description.

How has Gibson introduced Wallace’s primary motive? How is this motive emphasised as the film draws to its final conclusions?

Nature of Freedom

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Sign/ Icon - a symbol which is understood to refer to something other than itself. This may be very simple - think of a "No Entry" road sign. it may get more complicated when reading media texts, where a sign might be the bright red coat that a character is wearing (which signals that they are dangerous)

Signs and Icons

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What kind of a flower is the thistle?

Note down all its appearances in the film.

What do you associate with thistle?

Evaluate how effective the presence of the thistle is in conveying the films ideologies/central concerns.

Symbols The Thistle

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Identify events in the film where the sword becomes a main focus.

The left - In politics, left-wing describes an outlook that accepts or supports social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. It usually involves a concern for those in society who are disadvantaged relative to others and an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities (which right-wing politics views as natural or traditional) that need to be reduced or abolished Consider the composition, shot type, colours etc of the still

frame above. Can you draw any connections between this frame and the definition of left wing politics and ideologies/central concerns of the film.

Symbol The Sword