braveheart recipes

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Braveheart Recipes


Page 1: Braveheart Recipes

T h e

C h o i c e

F o r

E x c e p t i o n a l

T a s t e

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Page 2: Braveheart Recipes

EExxcclluussiivviittyy -- Braveheart Beef is owned by and is only available throughPerformance Foodservice. All product specifica'ons, processors, and supply chaincoordina'on is determined, approved and managed by Performance Foodserviceto ensure that customers can depend on a consistent, high quality ea'ngexperience. Before a company can become a licensed producer of Braveheart Beef,we inspect and review every facet of a plant (including their policies, proceduresand facility). The elite U.S. plants that have proven to be capable of mee'ngPerformance Foodservice’s exac'ng product specifica'ons and facilityrequirements are permi(ed to pack for Braveheart Beef. Any viola'on of protocolsresults in a loss of the right to pack under the Braveheart label.

SSttaannddaarrddss -- Braveheart Beef is the highest quality Black Angus productavailable in the U.S. Braveheart Beef is a USDA inspected and approved Black Angusprogram, and all boxed beef products carry USDA approved labels sta'ng that theproduct in the box is Black Angus. Braveheart Beef is available in all USDA qualitygrades, including Prime, High Choice (the upper 2/3rds of the Choice Grade),Choice, and Select. Braveheart ca(le must be en'rely black, as defined andsupervised by USDA, and must be gene'cally Angus as determined by appearance,confirma'on, size, and/or producer affidavit. Addi'onally, any ca(le exhibi'ngundesirable crossbred influence are immediately rejected.

SSoouurrccee - Braveheart boxed beef only comes from “A” maturity ca(le (30 monthsof age or younger) that are corn-fed and sourced from the upper Midwest wherecorn is abundant and the highest quality Angus herds reside. Approved ca(le mustonly be raised on a vegetarian diet (no animal by-products allowed). MostBraveheart ca(le are purchased within 150 miles of the packing house (much closerthan the industry average), which reduces animal stress and keeps and helps toreduce our overall carbon footprint. Braveheart makes every effort to u'lize ca(lethat are raised in smaller farmer/feeder opera'ons that take a more personalinterest in raising and caring for their ca(le. Braveheart boxed beef does notoriginate in the extremely large CAFO’s (concentrated animal feeding opera'ons)that produce the majority of beef ca(le in the U.S.

PPrroocceessssiinngg -- Braveheart boxed beef is processed in smaller plants, which runslower than the typical industry facility. Slower produc'on speeds allow for be(erworkmanship and all Braveheart middle meats are trimmed to a true ¼” maximumfat cover – the best trimmed and highest yielding boxed beef in the industry.Braveheart Beef also leverages the distribu'on power of Performance Foodserviceto reduce freight costs and speed the 'me it takes to move products fromprocessors to market. Braveheart Ground Beef may only be produced by twoapproved sources and both raw materials and finished product are tested for thepresence of e.coli 0157. All fresh Braveheart Ground Beef has a 21 day shelf-lifefrom the date of produc'on. Braveheart u'lizes the most up-to-date science andthe most modern and effec've processing techniques to ensure that BraveheartBeef has the safest, highest quality and most consistent beef products availableanywhere.

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d Poached Lo


er & Artisia

n Greens Sa

lad w



om Tomatoes &

a Citrus-Fe

nnel V



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Page 4: Braveheart Recipes

Poaching Liquid for LobsterYields: 1 gal

Ingredients:1 gal Water 9301931/2 cup Kosher Salt 562911 qt Orange Juice 2561521 cup Lime Juice 9579392 each Bay Leaf 8836861/2 oz Fresh Thyme 8555121 oz Shallots (shaved) 9942141 tablespoon Crushed Red Pepper Flakes 261442

Method of Production:

In a large sauce pot over medium high heat, combine allingredients and bring to a boil.

Once mixture has come to a boil, reduce heat and allow tosimmer for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile 2e lobster tails together with butchers twin tokeep an open tail shape.

Place lobster tails into poaching liquid at a temperature of1650 and poach un2l lobster is red in color and meat is slightly firm.

Remove and place in ice bath to stop cooking process andkeep chilled un2l 2me of use.

* To maximize flavor chill lobster tails in a chilled citrus liquid simular to poaching mixture.


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d Poached Lo


er & Artisia

n Greens Sa

lad w



om Tomatoes &

a Citrus-Fe

nnel V



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Fennel-Citrus vinaigretteYields: 1 qt

Ingredients:2 bulbs fennel (finely shaved) core removed 720054 each Oranges (segment and juiced) 2561522 each Limes (segments and juiced) 9579391 oz Shallots (minced and caramelized) 9942141/2 oz Garlic (minced) 594702 oz Honey 2663471/2 oz Dijon Mustard 2470236 oz Salad Oil 55703Kosher Salt (to taste) 56291White Pepper (to taste) 31251

Method of Production:

In a clean stainless steel bowl combine all ingredients un2levenly distributed.

Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.

Store in clean container and keep chilled un2l 2me of use.


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d Black Angus C

huck Fl

ap M

eat w

ith "So

us V


Vegetables a

nd Potato St

ew and N

atural Ju


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Page 8: Braveheart Recipes

Braised Black Angus ChuckFlap Meat Yields: 12 1.5# av Choice Angus

Ingredients:1.5# Braveheart Beef Chuck 109545Tail Flap Choice Angus

2 oz Olive Oil 1061332 each Yellow Onion (diced) 8986411/2 Stalk Celery (diced) 9487463 each Carrots (peeled and diced) 759262 oz Tomato Paste 378564 oz Red Wine 9868012 gal Roasted Beef Base 547262 each Bay Leaf 8836864 Sprig Thyme 8555121/2 tablespoon Black Peppercorns 242692Kosher Salt (to taste) 56291

Method of Production:

On a sheet pan season chuck flap meat evenly on all sideswith kosher salt and white pepper.

Next in a hot rondou heat olive oil and place meat into pan tobegin searing.

Sear meat on both sides over high heat un2l brown and deepin color.

Remove meat from pan and drain excess fat. (store removed fat ina clean container for later use)

Next add onion, carrots and celery and cook over mediumheat un2l vegetables are lightly brown.

Once vegetables are tender add tomato paste and cook overlow heat for 5 minutes. Next add wine and con2nue to cook for anaddi2onal 5 minutes.

Meanwhile in a deep hotel pan place seared chuck flap meatevenly into pan and pour vegetable mixture onto meat. Makingsure to cover completely.

Cover with foil and place in pre-heated oven at 3000 and cookfor approx 2 to 3 hours or un2l desired doneness.

Reserve braising liquid for finishing sauce.8

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d Black Angus C

huck Fl

ap M

eat w

ith "So

us V


Vegetables a

nd Potato St

ew and N

atural Ju


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"Sous Vide" Vegetables

Ingredients:1# Baby Carrots (peeled) 661741# Golden Beets 615461# Rutabagas 614841# Pearl Onions 9423461# Yukon Potatoes 9568194 oz Whole Bu3er 1571891 tablespoon Thyme (chopped) 855512Kosher Salt (to taste) 56291White Pepper (to taste) 31251

Method of Production:

Place all vegetables, bu3er and thyme together in vacuumpack bag and seal according to manufacture instruc2ons and typeof machine.

Once vegetables are sealed place in a water bath at 1200 andcook un2l desired doneness.

Place in cold water bath to stop the cooking and keep chilledun2l 2me of service.

TO HEAT: Remove vegetables from package and heat in a sauté panover medium high heat un2l hot and ready for service. Adjustseasoning and finish with addi2onal bu3er or infused oil.


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Smoked Black Angus B

eef B


et w

ith Thai N



g Vegetables a

nd a Gin


iso Beef B


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Page 12: Braveheart Recipes

Smoked Black Angus Beef BrisketYield: 1

Marinade Ingredients:1 Braveheart Beef Brisket Boneless 2329551 cup Soy Sauce 272691 cup Light Brown Sugar 324461.5 cups Sesame Seed Oil 322982 cups Peanut Oil 8973706 oz Green Onions (chopped) 9075452 oz Fresh Garlic (minced) 594702 oz Fresh Cilantro (chopped) 8624531/2 oz Crushed Red Pepper Flakes 261442

Method of Production:

In a large stainless steel bowl, mix together the soy sauce,sugar, sesame oil, green onion, garlic, cilantro, crushed red pepperflakes and peanut oil.

Place meat in the marinade, cover, and refrigerate for 8 hours,or overnight.

Brisket Rub Ingredients:1 cup Kosher Salt 562911/2 cup Brown Sugar 324462 oz Ground Ginger 2426722 oz Granulated Garlic 594701/2 oz Crushed Red Pepper Flakes 2614421/2 oz Course Ground Black Pepper 2426921 oz Green Tea Powder (op�onal)

(con�nued on page 14)


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Smoked Black Angus B

eef B


et w

ith Thai N



g Vegetables a

nd a Gin


iso Beef B


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Thai Noodles, Spring Vegetables & a Ginger-Miso Beef Broth Yields: 2

Method of Production:

In a large bowl combine all ingredients together and store incool dry place un2l 2me of use.

Once brisket has marinated for desired 2me, remove frommixture and dry completely on all sides.

Next rub with spice mixture and allow to sit in cooler un-covered for 2 hours before smoking.

A"er 2 hours place in smoker and smoke for desired amountof 2me or un2l tender.

* Smoking �me will vary based on personnel cooking style and desired doneness.

Ginger-Miso Broth Ingredients:1 1/2 tablespoons Sesame Seeds 9365141/4 cup Chicken Base 547273 tablespoons Miso Paste *2 tablespoons Soy Sauce 272691 tablespoon Rice Vinegar 9311481 tablespoon Lime Juice 9579391/2 tablespoon Thai Chile Sauce 871982 tablespoons Brown Sugar 324461/2 cup Green Onions (chopped) 9075451/4 cup Cilantro (chopped) 8624532 sheets Nori, cut into thin slices 2493172 tablespoons Slivered Almonds 68886*See Account Manager for more details

Method of Production:

Place sesame seeds in a skillet over medium heat. Cook 5minutes, s2rring frequently, un2l lightly toasted.

In a large bowl, mix the chicken broth, miso paste, soy sauce,rice vinegar, lime juice, chile sauce, brown sugar, green onions, andcilantro. Toss vegetables in the dressing to coat just before serving,and top with toasted sesame seeds, nori, and almonds.


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Beef a

nd Sc


p "Su

rf a

nd Turf" P

late w

ith Se


od Ravio

li, Wild


rooms, C

hive Oil a

nd Balsa

mic-Thyme Glaze

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Page 16: Braveheart Recipes

“Surf and Turf" PlateYields: 10 each 12 oz por2ons

Pan Seared Tenderloin Ingredients:1 each 5# up Braveheart Beef Tenderloin 234511(por�on into 6 oz filets)Kosher Salt (to taste) 56291White Pepper (to taste) 31251

Method of Production:

Trim and por2on tenderloin into desired size based on finalplate cost.

In a hot sauté pan over high heat, place seasoned tenderloinmedallion into hot pan and sear on both sides un2l brown. Cook todesired doneness and allow to rest before plate-up and service.

Pan Seared Scallop Ingredients:1 U-12 Fresh Sea Scallop 296448Kosher Salt (to taste) 56291White Pepper (to taste) 31251

Method of Production:

In a hot sauté pan over medium high heat add olive oil. Onceoil is hot place season scallops in pan and sear on both sides un2lgolden brown. Once scallops are cooked to desired doneness plateup and serve immediately.


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Beef a

nd Sc


p "Su

rf a

nd Turf" P

late w

ith Se


od Ravio

li, Wild


rooms, C

hive Oil a

nd Balsa

mic-Thyme Glaze

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Wild Mushrooms

Ingredients:2# Wild Mushroom (medley) 2724161 oz Olive Oil 1061331 oz Shallots (minced) 9942141/2 oz Garlic (minced) 594702 oz Sherry Wine 502561/2 oz Basil (chopped) 8555711 tablespoon Whole Bu3er 157189

Method of Production:

In the same pan as the seared beef tenderloin, once meat isremoved add wild mushrooms. Add addi2onal olive oil andcon2nue to cook over medium high heat un2l golden brown. Nextadd shallots, garlic, and con2nue to cook over low heat for anaddi2onal 2 to 3 minutes. Add sherry wine, allowing alcohol tocook out for 2 minutes or un2l liquid is reduced by half. Finish withbasil, bu3er and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.


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Applewood Bacon W

rapped Tenderlo

in Pork, A

ngus B

eef Sa


ge w



ragus, Fin


g Potato Sa

lad, D

ijon Cream & Red Pepper BBQ Sa


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Angus Beef SausageYields: 4.-12 inch Roulades

Ingredients:5 # Braveheart Ground Angus Beef 2329794 teaspoons Kosher Salt 562911 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper 451092 teaspoons ground White Pepper 312513 teaspoons Garlic (crushed) 594703 teaspoons Thyme (chopped) 8555122.5 teaspoons Dijon Mustard 2470231.5# Smoked Applewood Bacon 9299692 oz Heavy Cream 997152

Method of Production:

In a food processor combine half of the ground angus beefwith the salt, cayenne, white pepper, garlic, thyme, mustard, andbacon.

Process ingredients un2l smooth, then add remaining beefand process for another 20 seconds.

Remove mixture from processor and place into a cleanstainless steel bowl.

Next fold in the 2 oz of heavy cream, adjust seasonings andstore in cooler un2l 2me of use.

To Assemble Pork Tenderloin Roulade:

On a clean stainless steel table lay out a sheet of applewoodbacon on top of plas2c wrap.

Making sure to slightly overlap each sheet to create a solidsheet that will cover the length of the pork.

Place bu3erflied Pork loin onto the bacon and fill with Angusbeef sausage mixture.

Next gently roll pork and bacon around beef sausage to forma 2ght roll. Making sure to slightly overlap the bacon tocompensate for rendering.

Place into a warm non-s2ck sauté pan and render bacon on allsides un2l lightly brown. Once bacon is cook place in 3250 oven andcook un2l internal temperature reaches 1450. Remove from ovenallowing meat to carryover cook and rest before slicing.


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Applewood Bacon W

rapped Tenderlo

in Pork, A

ngus B

eef Sa


ge w



ragus, Fin


g Potato Sa

lad, D

ijon Cream & Red Pepper BBQ Sa


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Fingerling Potato Salad & Red Pepper BBQ Sauce

Ingredients:4# Fingerling Potatoes (roasted and sliced) 239231# Celery (thinly sliced) 9487464 oz Red Onions (thinly sliced) 9074252 oz Red Radish (thinly sliced) 9568072 oz Hard Boiled eggs (chopped) 1574361 oz Capers 435941/2 oz Sour Cream 1994111/4 oz Dijon Mustard 247023Kosher Salt 56291White Pepper 31251

Method of Production:

In a stainless steel bowl combine all ingredients together un2levenly coated with wet mixture.

Adjust seasoning and store in a clean clear container un2l2me of use.

Garnish with fennel frons and chopped chives.

Ingredients:1 qt Roasted Red Pepper (puree) 2614421 cup Apple Cider Vinegar 210091 tablespoon Kosher salt 562911/2 teaspoon Cayenne pepper 451091 teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper Flakes 2614421 tablespoon Light Brown sugar 32446

Method of Production:

In a medium size sauce pot over low heat place all ingredientand bring to a simmer.

Allow to cook over medium-high heat un2l desired thickness.Adjust seasoning and allow to cool at room temp before placing incooler.


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Contact your Area Manager to learn more about

these signature recipes!

Like us on Facebook to learn more about the

complete line of Braveheart Premium Black

Angus Beef and Empire Specialty Seafood.


CCoonnttaacctt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

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