best seo strategies


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Page 1: Best seo strategies


KIRUTHIGA S. – Vskills Intern

Page 2: Best seo strategies

Search Engine Optimization is the process of affecting the visibility of web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results. Google’s way of optimization is quite complex.

There are about 3 billion searches every day. 95% of the people depend on the first page results and 60% of the people make use of first 3 page results. Google does optimization by crawling the webpage, indexing and ranking it. According to the experts, half of the investment should be done on SEO.

This states the importance of SEO. In this report, the best SEO strategies are discussed.

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Rating by Google

Popularity and Authentication-ask known guys and regular customers to write reviews, give ratings and do something positively with your website.

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Keyword Selection

Keywords can be selected easily by making use of Bing keyword research tool, Google adwords tool,, Google’s wonder wheel etc…

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Competitor’s keyword

Just have a look at competitor’s keyword not to copy-paste, but to get an idea.

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Wikipedia for keywords

It is always better to use Wikipedia for finding alternate keywords as it gives us more options than keyword tools.

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Avoid Keyword stuffing or spamming

◻ Keywords can be repeated for a certain number of times, as it increases the rank. But, if it is repeated many times, then Google will consider it as keyword spamming, resulting in penalty.

◻ Write content for humans and not for Google. People will be bored and leave your page early, if keywords are repeated. It will also affect your ranking.

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Long tail key words

It is tough to get ranking with short keywords. So, to get better ranking you should always focus on long tail keywords. Let us see an example for it: ‘ladies salwar’-short keyword, ‘pink pure cotton formal Salwar’

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Best of blogs

Provide link for best rated blogs available in any website as it would improve your website rating.

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Words count

According to the experts, the web pages which are displayed generally in the first page have an average of 1890 words.

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Own description

Even when you sell some brands, better to include own description as it would increase the chances of getting better rank.

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Title, URL & meta tag

Title, Uniform Resource Locator and meta tag plays a very important role in SEO ranking. URL and title have to clearly state what the page is all about. It is better to avoid generic words like page1.

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Alt tag

Use alt tag in html, while creating the web page. Alt tag is used to describe for what purpose the image is used. Google understands the image only with the alt tag description.

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Frequency of Changing content

You need to change content at least once in a year according to the trend, otherwise it may go behind in ranking.

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Call to action

Call to action is something that makes people to react. Say for example ‘buy now’ can increase the chances of buying the product. Hence, make use of call to action wherever possible like fix an appointment, Add to cart, share the page, subscribe now etc.

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Include 404 and 301 redirect, so that if web page is unavailable due to some reasons, it will be redirected.

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Duration of visit

Visitors spent only a few seconds on your website, make sure they are impressed within that time. Maintain uniform template in website, light background, attractive content etc… Because the time spent by them and what they do in your website is going to affect your ranking.

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Attaching link is one of the favorite ways of SEO analysts, as it would increase the ranking. Make sure you attach relevant and famous links.

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Landing page

While clicking on a link, it should directly take them to the page they want. Because, many of us don’t have patience, if we need to click on some link again to go to the page we want.

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Thumb rule

10-third party links, 4-own blog links, 1-landing page link’. This is the general thumb rule.

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A website needs to include FAQs. It would help the visitors. With the help of FAQs, they can do what they want without any confusion.

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Broken link building

In Wikipedia, you can find some dead links, if you create a page for it. Definitely, your website ranking will increase.

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Getting high rank strategy

Obviously, some of your web pages would get better ranking than the other pages. Include links of pages that ranks low in high rank pages. The ranking of individual web pages can be found with Google search console.

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Voice search

Nowadays, voice search is becoming popular. So, make sure that your website is displayed in voice search too.

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Website Speed

Your website needs to load faster, otherwise people lose patient and quit from your website. There are so many tools available in the industry to check the speed of your website. Just give it a try and confirm that it has good speed. Make use of Less MB images.

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Mobile friendly

Most of us use mobile for browsing nowadays. So, it is really important that your website is mobile friendly. Check whether your website is compatible with all mobiles with the help Google tool or other tools.

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HTTPS states that connection is secured. It is preferred by browsers recently. Some browsers will not let anyone to access the page unless settings are changed, if http is there instead of https.

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Infographics can increase your website ranking. So, make use of it.

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There are few sites in which we need to add our website according to our specialization and that is called bookmarking. It improves the visibility of website in organic search.

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There are so many strategies to improve ranking. Try everything as it will definitely help to get better rank in future, if not today. Better ranking can’t be achieved overnight. It takes time. If you do everything that is possible, then your website will definitely be in first few pages in near future.

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