
BatchJobService A new approach to batch mutates

Upload: supergigas

Post on 07-Apr-2017




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BatchJobServiceA new approach to batch mutates

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● Sync vs. Async

● Batch job flow

● Temporary IDs

● Incremental Uploads

● Best practices

● Limitations

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Synchronous Requests

API Services Backend




RPC return

Sends operation

OK: receives status of the operation

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Asynchronous Requests

API Async Services Backend




RPC return


Op. return


Sends all Operations

OK: operations will be processed

Check operations status

Server sends the results

Operations enter an execution queue, and release the request.


Op. return

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Async Processing Isn't Free

Asynchronous processes usually incur additional overhead, such as:● Scheduling

● Management/load-balancing of the job queue

● Retry of failed operations

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Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

Use Case Sync Async

Highly responsive user interface

Nightly bulk operations job


Maximum throughput

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AdWords API Batch Job Flow

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Batch Processing - Why Use It?

● Automatic retry of operations that encounter transient errors such as:○ CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION○ UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR

● Automatic retry of operations that encounter rate limits

● Your application won't be blocked waiting for a response.

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Limitations of MutateJobService

● Error handling is difficult○ Difficult to find the operation that failed

● Can't create dependent entities in a single job

● MutateJobService has a much lower limit on the number of operations (in the thousands)

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Introducing BatchJobService

● Allows setting temporary IDs on new entities for dependent entity creation

● Each result contains an operation index for correlating the result to its operation

● Much higher operations limit of 1 GB of unprocessed operations

● Utilities are available in all client libraries

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Farewell, MutateJobService

● BatchJobService is a replacement for MutateJobService

● MutateJobService is going away

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Supported OperationsAdGroupAdLabelOperationAdGroupAdOperationAdGroupBidModifierOperationAdGroupCriterionLabelOperationAdGroupCriterionOperationAdGroupLabelOperationAdGroupOperationBudgetOperationCampaignCriterionOperationCampaignLabelOperationCampaignOperationFeedItemOperation









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Basic Steps

Download the results of the job

Upload the list of operations

Poll the batch job's status periodically









Create a BatchJob





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Creating the Batch Job

● Create the BatchJob objectBatchJobOperation addOp = new BatchJobOperation();addOp.setOperator(Operator. ADD);addOp.setOperand(new BatchJob());

BatchJob batchJob = batchJobService.mutate(new BatchJobOperation[]{ addOp} ).getValue


● Make sure to grab the uploadUrl// Get the upload URL from the new job.String uploadUrl = batchJob.getUploadUrl().getUrl();

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Creating the Batch Job (Cont.)

● Job status will be AWAITING_FILESystem.out.printf(

"Created BatchJob with ID %d, status '%s' and upload URL %s.%n" , batchJob.getId(),batchJob.getStatus(),uploadUrl);

$ Created BatchJob with ID <ID>, status 'AWAITING_FILE' and upload URL <URL>.

● Creating the BatchJob is a synchronous operation!

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Campaign campaign = new Campaign();campaign.setName("Batch Campaign " + r.nextInt());campaign.setStatus(CampaignStatus. PAUSED);campaign.setAdvertisingChannelType(AdvertisingChannelType. SEARCH);Budget budget = new Budget();campaign.setBudget(budget);

BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfiguration =

new BiddingStrategyConfiguration(); // Fill the biddingStrategyConfiguration

campaign.setBiddingStrategyConfiguration(biddingStrategyConfiguration );

CampaignOperation operation = new CampaignOperation();operation.setOperand(campaign);operation.setOperator(Operator. ADD);operations.add(operation); // Add to the list of operations

Uploading the Operations

● First, construct operations like usual

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Uploading the Operations (Cont.)

● The next step is to send operations to the uploadUrl

● uploadUrl is valid for one week

Request method POST

URL Upload URL returned by BatchJobService.mutate

Content-Type HTTP header application/xml

Request body A mutate element in XML form, as specified in BatchJobOps.xsd

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Uploading the Operations (Cont.)

● All libraries have utilities to help building the request!

● BatchJobHelper for Java client library:

// Use a BatchJobHelper to upload all operations.BatchJobHelper batchJobHelper = new BatchJobHelper(session);

batchJobHelper.uploadBatchJobOperations( operations, uploadUrl);System.out.printf(

"Uploaded %d operations for batch job with ID %d.%n" , operations.size(), batchJob.getId());

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Polling the Job Status

● After uploading operations, the BatchJob status will move to ACTIVE.





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Polling the Job Status (Cont.)● Check the job status

int pollAttempts = 0;boolean isPending = true;Selector selector =

new SelectorBuilder() .fields(

BatchJobField.Id, BatchJobField.Status,BatchJobField.DownloadUrl, BatchJobField.ProcessingErrors, BatchJobField.ProgressStats)

.equalsId(batchJob.getId()) .build();do {

long sleepSeconds = (long) Math.scalb(30, pollAttempts); System.out.printf("Sleeping %d seconds...%n", sleepSeconds); Thread.sleep(sleepSeconds * 1000); batchJob = batchJobService.get(selector).getEntries(0); System.out.printf( "Batch job ID %d has status '%s'.%n",

batchJob.getId(), batchJob.getStatus());

pollAttempts++; isPending = PENDING_STATUSES.contains(batchJob.getStatus());} while (isPending && pollAttempts < MAX_POLL_ATTEMPTS);

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Polling the Job Status (Cont.)

● Poll for completion of the batch job with an exponential back off

● Check the job's status until it is CANCELED or DONE

● Log progressStats for large sets of operations

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Downloading Results

● At this stage the job status can be DONE or CANCELED

● Let's check out the details...

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Downloading Results - DONE

● Status: DONE

● Description: BatchJobService successfully parsed and attempted each of the uploaded operations

● Actions to take: Download the results for each operation from the batch job's downloadUrl

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Downloading Results - CANCELED

● Status: CANCELED

● Description: An unexpected error occurred, or BatchJobService could not parse the uploaded operations

● Actions to take: ○ Inspect the list of processingErrors○ Download the results for any successfully parsed

operations from the batch job's downloadUrl


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Downloading Results - CANCELED

● Some operations may still have been attempted

● Always check the downloadUrl for the results

● Details about the mutateResult object:○

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Downloading Results (Cont.)● downloadUrl returns mutateResults● There is another utility to help!

if (batchJob.getDownloadUrl() != null && batchJob.getDownloadUrl().getUrl() != null) {

BatchJobMutateResponse mutateResponse =batchJobUploadHelper.downloadBatchJobMutateResponse(

batchJob.getDownloadUrl().getUrl());System.out.printf("Downloaded results from %s:%n" ,


for (MutateResult mutateResult :mutateResponse.getMutateResults()) {

String outcome = mutateResult.getErrorList() == null ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE";

System.out.printf(" Operation [%d] - %s\n" ,mutateResult.getIndex(), outcome);


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Downloading Results (Cont.)

● A mutateResult will have either a result or an errorList, but not both○ result - The result of the corresponding

successful operation, e.g., a Campaign object○ errorList - The error list for the corresponding

failed operation○ index - The zero-based index of the

corresponding operation MutateResult● result Operand● errorList ErrorList● index long

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BatchJob.processingErrors (per job)● Errors encountered while parsing uploaded

operations - FILE_FORMAT_ERROR● Unexpected errors such as issues writing

resultsMutateResult.errorList (per operation)● Retrieved from BatchJob.downloadUrl● Errors encountered while attempting to

execute a single successfully parsed operation.

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Temporary IDs

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Temporary IDs

● Did you ever want to create a complete campaign in a single batch job?

● New feature introduced with BatchJobService○ A negative number of type long○ Just create an ID and reuse it in

operations for dependent objects

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Common Use CaseCreate a Campaign in a single BatchJob:

Campaign● id = -1

AdGroup● id = -2● campaignId = -1

CampaignLabel● campaignId = -1

NegativeCampaignCriterion● campaignId = -1

AdGroupAd● adGroupId = -2

BiddableAdGroupCriterion● adGroupId = -2● criterion

○ text = "shoes"

BiddableAdGroupCriterion● adGroupId = -2● criterion

○ text = "jackets"


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Important Notes

● The order of operations is very important!

● Keep this in mind when using temp IDs

● Create the parent object before creating its child objects

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Incremental Uploads

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● Allows multiple operation upload requests to the same BatchJob

● Job will start after last set of operations is sent out

● Follows the Google Cloud storage guidelines

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Incremental Upload Use Cases

● You build your BatchJob operations in phases or separate processes, so sending all operations at once isn't feasible

● You have a large set of operations and you don't want to send them all in one enormous upload request○ E.g.: you may not want to send 500 MB of

operations in a single POST request

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Range of bytes in the request, followed by total bytes. Total bytes will be * for the first and intermediate requests.

The number of bytes in the contents of the current request.

application/xmlContent-TypeHTTP Header

Request AttributesRequest method PUT


Content-LengthHTTP Header

Content-RangeHTTP Range

Request body

Upload URL returned by BatchJobService.mutate

Operations in XML form, as specified in BatchJobOps.xsd.

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More on the Request Body...

● BatchJobService will concatenate all the requests

● You just need to send the first and last markers:

Request Start mutate element End mutate element




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More on the Request Body (Cont.)

● All requests will be parsed as a single document

● The concatenation of all requests has to be a complete XML document

● The size of each request body must be a multiple of 256K (262144) bytes○ This rule does not apply to the last request

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Request 1

Content-Range: 0-262143/*<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ns1:mutate xmlns:ns1=""><operations xsi:type="ns1:CampaignOperation">

<operator xsi:type="ns1:Operator">ADD</operator><operand xsi:type="ns1:Campaign">…

</operations><operations> …</operat

Content length of 262144, where the "t" in the last line is the 262144th byte.

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Request 3

Content-Range: 524288-524304/524305rations></mutate>

● Content length without padding of 17 bytes, where the closing > on </mutate> is the 17th byte

● Total content length across all requests for the job is 262144+262144+17 = 524305 bytes

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Request 2

Content-Range: 262144-524287/*ions>

<operations xsi:type="ns1:AdGroupOperation"><operator xsi:type="ns1:Operator">ADD</operator><operand xsi:type="ns1:AdGroup">...



Content length of 262144, where the "e" in the last line is the 262144th byte.

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Use the Client Libraries!

● The client libraries have utilities to do all the parsing

● No need to worry about size details

● Check out the online examples○

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Best PracticesGeneral Guidelines

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Improve Throughput

● Fewer larger jobs over many smaller jobs

● Exponential back off when polling

● Don't poll job status too frequently○ Might hit a rate limit

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Dealing with Same Client ID

● Avoid different jobs working on the same objects○ Might result in deadlocks, followed by execution


● Wait for the job to be DONE or CANCELED

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One Last Tip...

● Avoid multiple mutates of the same object in the same job

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Regarding Operations Size

● 1 Gb of unfinished operations per account at any given time○ Will throw DISK_QUOTA_EXCEEDED error○ Operations from incremental uploads where the

last upload has not occurred do not count towards this limit

● Just wait for some jobs to complete and try again

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Regarding Shopping Campaigns

● BJS similar to partialFailure = true

● Partial failure not supported for Shopping campaign ad group criteria...

● BJS does not support AdGroupCriterionOperations on ad groups of shopping campaigns○ Will result in a CAMPAIGN_TYPE_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_PARTIAL_FAILURE error

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Cancelling the Job

BatchJob status is read-only:

● You can't cancel a job before the operations upload is finished

● You can't cancel a job while it's executing