at magazine nr. 6 e/uk

YOUDISCOVER The steam train OUTDOORACTIVITY THE CHARM OF GOING TO CLIFFS Striking and impressive NEW ZEALAND A dream to explore AT MAGAZINE Active tourism, with no boundaries. 06 AT MAGAZINE Edition IT/UK/ES - Monthly - Year I - Nr. 6 - April 2013

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AT MAGAZINE Edition UK - Monthly - Year I - Nr. 6 - April 2013


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THE CHARM OF GOING TO CLIFFSStriking and impressive

NEW ZEALANDA dream to explore

ATMAGAZINEActive tourism, with no boundaries.


AT MAGAZINE Edition IT/UK/ES - Monthly - Year I - Nr. 6 - April 2013

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LA TANOURAof Massimo Cozzolino

THE STEAM TRAINof Giuseppe Giuliani


Topniejące śniegi w Tatrachof Barbara Knapczyk




SCREEN SHOOTstaff editor

PENCIL, ERASER AND MOUSE...of Barbara Valuto


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AT culturam!

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staff editor

Da sempre rincorro l’idea di poter diventare parte inte-grante di quel che i cinque sensi attribuiti mi per-mettono, attraverso tele, argille e metalli. Non esito a misurarmi ed esprimermi con diverse passioni, come la fotografia e l’arrampicata sportiva, che mi consen-tono di essere a contatto con le molteplici bellezze della natura...anch’essa come l’arte, infinita ed imprevedibile. Colpevole di un’inesauribile sete di co-noscenza per me, sarebbe difficile scegliere tra tante meraviglie che mi attirano, mi circondano e che vivo!

Barbara Valuto

Sono Gianluca Piras quasi trenta anni che pratico as-siduamente tutto quello che l’outdoor in Sardegna e nel mondo, dalla speleologia al torrentismo, dal trekking alla mountai bike, in primis l’arrampicata in tutte lesue salse, grandi numeri non li ho mai fatti ma mi sento in sintonia con la mia filosofia: “siamo tutti liberi di confrontarci come vogliamo con la parete, nel rispetto del prossimo” .

Gianluca Piras

Giornalista professionista, scrittore, laureato in Scienze della Comunicazione, ha collaborato con diversi periodici (“Il Tempo”, ecc.), agenzie di stampa (Unione Sarda, ecc.) e tv. Editor per network editoriali (Mondado-ri). Attualmente dirige “Dia-rio24Notizie”,”2012 Maga-zine” e “Sardinia Network”. È consulente dell’Ordine dei giornalisti della Sardegna e della Associazione della Stampa Sarda (FNSI). Dal 2008 è il responsabile del C.R.E. (Centro Ricerche di Esopolitica) e dell’Associa-zione intitolata al giornalista “José De Larra”. Dal 2011 è il presidente del GUS sardo, il Gruppo di specializzazione della FNSI relativo ai giorna-listi degli Uffici Stampa.

Andrea ConcasChe cos’è un’erbaccia?Una pianta le cui virtù non sono state ancora scoperte [R.W. Emerson].Esistono migliaia di metafo-re e aforismi che concettua-lizzano il mondo e la vita. Forse definire “erbaccia” la vita è irriverente, eppu-re, quanti innanzi ad una pianta officinale, dalle virtù note, sarebbero in grado di riconoscerla? Le esperienze, gli uomini e la vita stessa sono erbacce a cui guarda-re con curiosità e atten-zione, senza fermarsi alla prima impressione e scevri da ogni condizionamento impegnarsi a scoprine le virtù nascoste.

Giampaolo Mocci

Sabina Contu classe 1973 Segno zodiacale Vergine.Vivo e lavoro prevalente-mente a Cagliari. Attual-mente Delegata alla Sport della Provincia di Cagliari. Tra i vari incarichi ricoperti nel 1996 consigliere comu-nale del mio paese natio Jerzu e nel 2004 consigliere di amministrazione dell’ente regionale per il diritto allo studio.Amo la letterattura, la politica ed il diritto, in par-ticolare quello ambientale, sanitario e sui temi della nocività lavorativa sto con-centrando la mia attenzione negli ultimi anni.Film preferito : C’era una volta l’America.Attori: Cleant Eastwood e Meryl Streep. Il mio libro preferito è “L’ar-te della guerra” di Sun TZu.Le mie passioni sono la cucina e l’agricoltura.

Sabina ContuDa turista occasionale e di-stratta, sono diventata una vera appassionata di viaggi dopo il battesimo del clas-sico viaggio zaino+Interrail dopo la maturità. La laurea in Lingue e il tesserino da giornalista sono stati un pretesto per conosce-re a fondo altri mondi, altre culture e soprattutto stringere amicizie durature con anime gemelle erranti in ogni angolo del pianeta. Costretta dal lavoro a fissa dimora e ferie limitate, ho scelto una professione che, dopo l’esperienza in un tour operator e un albergo, mi consentisse di vivere in un ambiente dove il viaggio è insieme fine e mezzo: l’aeroporto. Di appendere la valigia al chiodo, natural-mente, non se ne parla proprio.

Flavia Attardi

Vivo a Oristano, dove sono nato il 20 maggio del 1961. Sono iscritto all’Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti e lavoro come responsa-bile dell’ufficio stampa e Comunicazione istituzionale della Provincia di Oristano, curando anche la redazione e la pubblicazione dei con-tenuti del sito istituzionale.Appassionato sportivo, ho praticato innumerevoli sport ma in modo significa-tivo scherma, calcio, tenni-stavolo, tennis. Ora pratico con impegno agonistico lo sport delle bocce. Sono presidente del Comitato provinciale di Oristano della Federazione Bocce e atleta della Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso di Ori-stano. Di questa gloriosa società, fondata nel 1866, sono stato presidente dal 1999 al 2005 e faccio parte del Consiglio di ammini-strazione dal 1996.

Oscar MiglioriniHo 23 anni e vivo a Carbo-nia, mi sono diplomato al Liceo Scentifico Tecnologico di Carbonia e attualmen-te sto completando il mio percorso formativo come studente in Scienze della Comunicazione a Cagliari.Entrare a far parte della redazione di questa rivista turistica on line mi entu-siasma e spero di dare un importante contributo.

Shawn Serra


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“Porta itineris dicitur longis-sima esse”.I latini dicevano “La porta è la parte più lunga del viaggio”: per iniziare una nuova vita bisogna trovare il coraggio di fare il primo passo, per cambiare biso-gna avere le forze di farlo. Per crescere bisogna volare via dal nido e cogliere al volo tutte le occasioni.Viaggi, musica e la potenza delle immagini per evadere e costruire una chiave che apra tutte le porte che si presentano lungo la strada.

Grazia SolinasHo cinquantasei anni e amo definirmi “diversamente giovane”.Ho vissuto buona parte del-la mia vita aldilà del mare, ma con radici ben salde sulla nostra terra.Sono sentimentalmente legato a una ragazza ben più giovane di me, che non so bene come riesca a sop-portarmi.Dopo trentacinque anni di lavoro, in area commerciale nel settore della comunica-zione pubblicitaria, faccio ora parte della categoria degli esodati.Coltivo molte passioni fra cui l’elettronica, i motori, il volo, la pesca, il modelli-smo, i viaggi e la musica.Nei rapporti umani conside-ro imprescindibile il rispetto reciproco e il mio stile di vita è imperniato sull’osser-vanza di quelle che chiamo “le regole del gioco”.

Ignazio Perniciano

Stefania 38 anni, vivo e lavoro nella bella Cagliari, dividendomi tra gli impe-gni della quotidianità e la ricerca di una dimensione temporale da dedicare alle mie passioni: l’arte con-temporanea, la poesia, il buon vino, le giornate di sole e i viaggi. Da 15 anni mi occupo di comunicazione e marketing. Ho collabo-rato con le più affermate agenzie pubblicitarie di Cagliari curando i progetti web per clienti come Tisca-li. Dal 2001 ho accettato di dedicarmi totalmente all’utility Energit con il ruolo di Marketing & Commu-nication Specialist. “Ora mi sento come se stessi aspettando qualcosa che so non arriverà mai... Perché adoro illudermi e sperare, ti senti più vivo mentre lo fai [C. Bukowski].

Stefania Spiga

Regnum: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataDivisio: VertebrataClassis: MammaliaOrdo: PrimatesFamilia: HominidaeGenus: HomoSpecies: sapiensSubspecies: sapiensSub-subspecies: sardoaAetas XLIIISexus: aliquando…Mater lengua: Italica, Sar-da campidanensisAliis: Anglica (C1), Hispani-ca Castellana(B2), Batava vel Belgica et Hollandica (B1)Facultas: ars pingendi Aliis: ars de computatris programmandis , histo-ria artium et antiquitatis, astronomia et astrologia, occulta philosophia, my-thologia, hodierni litterae, ars herbaria (botanica et mycologia), photographia.

Paola Angelotti

Maggio 1985, Perito infor-matico (ABACUS), laurean-do in Scienze della comu-nicazione, appasionato di assemblaggio, programma-zione su Personal Computer e la musica rock. Il mio hobby della mountain bike mi ha portato a cono-scere luoghi ed a riscoprire il contatto con gli spazi verdi che la nostra terra ci offre. Le nuove esperienze se rivestite di un sano velo di sfida mi coinvolgono e motivano a cimentarmi con passione in queste nuove avventure.

Marco Lasio

Amo paragonarmi ad un diamante: le sue preziose e molteplici sfaccettature sono come le mie tante sfumature di personalità e di carattere. Anche il mio percorso personale e professionale è piuttosto bizzarro: ho due figli di 28 e 26 anni, un cane di 15, un nuovo compagno, adoro gli studi umanistici, ma ho un incarico di mana-ger presso una società di engineering, un brevetto di sub e amo il nuoto, un amore incondizionato per i libri, per i viaggi e per tutto ciò che è innovazione e tecnologia applicata alla tradizione. In tutto questo cerco il particolare che fa la differenza. Son un ariete e mi butto a capofitto in tutto ciò che faccio, ma tutto ciò che faccio deve divertirmi, deve farmi ridere.Il mio motto è: la vida es un carnaval!

Rosalia Carta

Over 30 years in the IT world.Passionate about new technology and always open to new solution.

Rinaldo Bonazzo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi-cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ul-lamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Patrizia Giancola

Appassionato da sempre per gli sport all’aria aperta come la mountain bike, il kayak, immersioni e tanto altro, ho sempre inteso la parola outdoor come momento di conoscenza. Il percorrere sentieri su due ruote o far scorrere il mio kayak sul mare della nostra Sardegna è sempre occasione di arricchimen-to culturale che soddisfa appieno la mia inesauribile voglia di conoscere. Negli anni ho collaborato con riviste di trekking e outdoor in genere. La fotografia è inoltre l’indiscussa forma di archiviazione dei miei momenti passati tra amici o in solitudine per i monti o per mare.

Stefano Vascotto


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Barbara Knapczyk was born in Cracow in 1960.She studied at Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.Painting with profes-sor Stanislaw Rodzinski and professor Zbigniew Grzybowski.Drawing with professor Zbylut Grzywacz and professor Józef Zabkowski.Diploma in 1989.Tekstile art with professor Ryszard Kwiecien.All works inspired by the surrounding nature. Fa-vorites: landscapes, still life, portrait, themes of mountains.Her work are in private col-lection in many countries.She likes to travel and takes pictures.

Barbara KnapczykLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi-cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ul-lamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Elisabetta Gungui

Sono Giuseppe Belli, cin-quantatre anni passati tutti nella mia città, Napoli. Essa, oltre ad essere una delle più belle città che io conosca è anche tra le più complesse e caotiche, di quello stesso caos incom-prensibile che contrad-distingue la nostra vita. Amo leggere e scrivere. Soprattutto la scrittura mi da modo di rielaborare la realtà che mi circonda e talvolta la possibilità di comprenderla meglio. Per questo ho pubblicato già due libri… e non c’è due senza tre.

Giuseppe Belli

Il mio nome è Angelo e, sono nato 55 anni fa nella zona più bella della Sar-degna, la Barbagia. Porto sempre con me, ovunque vada la sua natura, i suoi profumi, i suoi sapori, la visione e l’amore della mia gente che sono uniche. Sono ragioniere, divorziato e padre di una splendida figlia. Adoro il cinema e la musica in tutte le loro forme. Amo la poesia e la magia delle parole: quelle ben cantate, quelle ben re-citate e quelle ben parlate. Dalla mia gente ho impara-to l’importanza dei rapporti umani, a costo di deludere, a costo di deludersi perché come qualcuno ha detto: non si è mai soli quando qualcuno ti ha lasciato, si è soli quando qualcuno non è mai venuto.

Angelo Mulas

Cagliaritana di 35 anni, socievole, estroversa, crea-tiva e simpatica (dicono!).Lavoro nel mondo della sicurezza per le aziende, studioScienze della comuni-cazione e gestisco un Bed&Breakfast da circa due anni.Aspettative per il futuro? Esprimere sempre più la mia parte creativa nel mondo del lavoro (e non solo!).Sono appassionata di cine-ma, teatro, arte, musica, viaggi al fine di un arric-chimento culturale/sociale, poco sport ma primo tra tutti il tennis.Le poche righe a disposi-zione son finite per cui con-cludo qui la mia brevissima presentazione!

Denise LaiClasse 1974; Sarda di na-scita e di sangue; Attual-mente impegnata professio-nalmente presso l’aeroporto di Cagliari.Amante della natura, del buon cibo e dei viaggi; riesce ad emozionarmi un tramonto d’estate e allo stezzo modo un gratacielo di una grande metropoli.Faccio mia la frase:...[]”Ac-cettare le sfide della vita significa porsi di fronte ai nostri limiti e ammettere di poterli o meno superare”..e ad oggi credo di avere, an-cora, tante sfide da vincere!

Francesca Columbu

Quattro righe su di me... Giuseppe Giuliani. Giornalista, 45 anni, ama la vita di società e gli appun-tamenti mondani tanto che vorrebbe abitare in Lappo-nia. Invece, vive ad Asse-mini dove, peraltro, pare non abbia mai incontrato una renna. Siamo tutti appesi a un filo. E io sono anche sovrappeso (Franco Zuin)

Giuseppe Giuliani

29 anni, studia nella facoltà di Beni Culturali (curriculum archeologico) dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Giornalista dal 2010, scrive per blog, quotidiani e rivi-ste, anche online.

Marco CabitzaIl mio mondo è una valigia.Inguaribile sognatrice e viaggiatrice per passione; un’irrefrenabile curiosità mi spinge a voler conoscere quel che non so, capire ciò che appare ostico, superare barriere e confini.La sete di novità e l’entu-siasmo nel viverle sono la mia forza motrice, la parola è la mia arma (pacifica peraltro).

Valentina Morea

staff editor


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Climbing why? To hear the excitement of life in his hands, to live in harmony with themselves and nature, taking every meaning, moment by moment. There is in this aesthetic of rock moving in a form of expression, respect for nature and for the next almost reflects the fact that the constant presence in the minds. The reasons are many and each of these is important enough to continue to focus or approach to climbing.The pleasure of living the creative side of climbing it offers, without being athletes and not chasing performance. Always look for something that goes beyond the frenzied winning result at all costs.The rock can create new routes, find a line in a large wall that leads to the summit, climbing a crack without using fixed guards see a passage in a small boulder hard and dry, stand before a mirror and rock hear its call and the incentive to climb. These are the reasons that lead to the lifelong pursuit of the perception that the climbing transmits at any time.Climbing why?Even in this environment, so far from the salons of heated debate after the football game almost the most important of the same, there are the usual factious, argumentative, mathematical number, but nevertheless never be able to affect the personal relationship with the ‘ environment. A world too far from the mass distribution of the thought to influence the deepest emotions of those who live the rock and mountains.Climbing is synonymous with an expression of inner freedom, as a traveler in the vertical direction, the peaks reach higher and higher, as if to constantly find a new vantage point from which to observe and scrutinize the world. Put yourself to the test, move away from the certainties of the normal situations and satisfy the adventurous spirit of the human soul, lulled by the conformism ... and so look at life with a renewed desire uncertainty antique flavor.

The vertical journey



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The Tanoura. On the occasion of the 20th Design, which was held in 2010 for the first time, in the old part of Cairo, Khan El Khalili precisely for the occasion has been a beautiful makeover. The atmosphere was very pleasant, the streets were full of people, the event was full of exhibitions and street performances, and it is on this occasion that I saw for the first time the men spinning dance Tanoura, ie the skirt . Mystical dance, which originated Ottoman Empire, then developed also in Old Cairo, where he became the most spectacular tones. The dervish with his heavy colored skirts swirling in a vortex with the pressure of haunting music, it becomes a kaleidoscope of shapes and colors, in an orgasmic crescendo until it reaches a state of trance, which leads him to connect with the divine in a sort of physical prayer.This dance is a representation of heaven and earth, between the body and the soul, between God and man.If despite having lost a little ‘mysticism becoming very folkloric, being represented in several tourist spots, we can not fail to recognize the beauty and complexity of the implementation, the Dervish can spin for more than twenty minutes without completely losing your balance and what requires a complex preparation.


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The steam train


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The locomotive drinking water, burning coal and steam puffing

especially like the British and the children.

The first never miss an appointment with a trip on the railway

lines sardines, the latter are often the most enthusiastic

after Sunday excursions lines-Iglesias and Cagliari Cagliari -


The steam locomotive 740 423 is a jewel guarded and cared for

by the Sardinian Historical Train “Sardegnavapore.” A group

of railway enthusiasts the world has decided to return to

half lying rusty in its natural role as a deposit, to travel

on the tracks.

The locomotive brings back a time that no longer exists and

when it crosses the country on its path towards the Sulcis,

remembers a past that evokes nostalgia in the older and

curious young people.

For the association is a matter of passion and historical

memory, but it is strange that the institutions do not recognize

the steam train a strong tourist value.


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That locomotive that travels again, after 90 years, is in itself an


The goal, mines and Carbonia Iglesias, repeated attempts to launch in

Sardinia Geomineral Park and tourism related to the industrial archeology,

is an added value.

Foreigners appreciate and during the holiday island do not give up the

appointment with the trip on the steam train. Then there is the chapter of

the English: every year the agency The Railway Touring Company brings

at least one group in Sardinia and the rest with their steam train is a must.

This year, The Railway Touring Company asked the steam train to May

12, route from Cagliari to Macon. In the program that the agency runs

between the English phrase is a significant enough related to trains: “they

are fully equipped and well maintained and the only thing missing are the


The locomotive brings back a time that no longer



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That locomotive that travels again, after 90 years, is in itself an


The goal, mines and Carbonia Iglesias, repeated attempts to launch in

Sardinia Geomineral Park and tourism related to the industrial archeology,

is an added value.

Foreigners appreciate and during the holiday island do not give up the

appointment with the trip on the steam train. Then there is the chapter of

the English: every year the agency The Railway Touring Company brings

at least one group in Sardinia and the rest with their steam train is a must.

This year, The Railway Touring Company asked the steam train to May

12, route from Cagliari to Macon. In the program that the agency runs

between the English phrase is a significant enough related to trains: “they

are fully equipped and well maintained and the only thing missing are the


“This book is a metapho-ical journey in search of a ecompense for childhood

abandonment of a son by his ather, and for the dramatic

nterruption of their emotio-nal relationship. The latter ublimates in “fragments” of

diary recollections intended o fill a gap. In his story the author portrays Naples as

a city that has preserved its elationships, portraying it to he reader with new emotion,

perhaps in a bid to overco-me that solitude and longing

he has felt for far too long.”

Ines D’Angelo



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When was the association?

The association Sarda Historical Train “Sardegnavapore” was

founded in 2000 by a group of enthusiasts consisting of railroad, but

not only. The first president was Alfred Pisano.

What is the goal?

The objective is to enhance the rail Sardinian and preserving the historical memory of the

Ferrovie della Sardegna.

When he began traveling the steam locomotive?

The locomotive, built in 1923 by Officine Nicola Romeo di Saronno, he traveled to Sardinia

from the 40s until 1973, the year in which it was written the last word on steam traction. At

that point, it was frozen in storage Aranci Gulf where she was spotted by the founders of

the association. Subsequently, the locomotive was moved to Cagliari and with the consent

of Trenitalia has decided to recover it from the point of functional life.

What kind of interventions have been made?

The locomotive has been completely carried forward by the members of “Sardegnavapore”

other interventions have been made by the technicians of Trenitalia, because there are

procedures that must be certified and must be carried out by personnel of the State


How much time is served to start the engine?

The association was founded in 2000, the first two years have been, shall we say, dedicated

to the bureaucracy, in 2006, the locomotive made the first test ride.

The first official trip instead?

The first trip was open to the public in March 2007, a Cagliari Carbonia and back, but in

the previous year, the day after the test ride on the line Cagliari-tenth, were attached to the

locomotive and two carriages the only members on board has traveled the route Cagliari


The two coaches that age they go back?

Two carriages reconstructed on the original frames of 1909 and 1910. Same goes for the

trunk: it was rebuilt in 1930 on the chassis of the 1909.

“Sardegnavapore” has other goals?

Yes, meanwhile run the Railway Museum which is housed in the station of Cagliari and

then recover by other means: the locomotive on display in the station to some freight

wagons. The program is also the restoration of what was once the deposit of the steam


“Sardegnavapore”, says the president Salvatore Moi.

Sarda Historical Association Train “Sardegnavapore” The steam train traveling from mid-October to late May on the lines Cagliari – Iglesias, Cagliari –Carbonia e Cagliari-Oristano only on Sundays and public


Departure is at 8.30 am from platform 8 of Cagliari Train Station. The cost of the ticket is 35 euro (in the trafficking Iglesias including bus transfer for mines). The

train part only if it reaches the minimum number of 150 passengers. Total seats available are 156.

The next trip is being planned for April 28.

Contact Marino Piu

Phone +39 334 7165216

Web -

Em@il - [email protected]

Information and reservations

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Sarda Historical Association Train “Sardegnavapore” The steam train traveling from mid-October to late May on the lines Cagliari – Iglesias, Cagliari –Carbonia e Cagliari-Oristano only on Sundays and public


Departure is at 8.30 am from platform 8 of Cagliari Train Station. The cost of the ticket is 35 euro (in the trafficking Iglesias including bus transfer for mines). The

train part only if it reaches the minimum number of 150 passengers. Total seats available are 156.

The next trip is being planned for April 28.

Contact Marino Piu

Phone +39 334 7165216

Web -

Em@il - [email protected]

Information and reservations


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Carloforte and the island of San Pietro

On the island and its town center has already been said and written about everything but it seems that the words are not enough never to describe the charm and fascination. Anyway, it is an

island that is not always equal to itself, it has the ability to evolve, to offer more and different at the same visitor.Nestling peacefully in the waters south-west of Sardinia, in the archipelago of the Sulcis, shows, guests arriving at the port, with its distinctive skyline of the town of Carloforte, which is reflected in the sea and the colors of white, green and yellow ocher .The traveler was welcomed by the statue of Charles Emmanuel III, finds himself immersed in the alleyways, narrow streets of the historical center, in a mix of smells, tastes, smells and sounds that transport it from the start in a reality far from the island mother.


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The best way to discover the country is getting lost in its narrow streets, move between steps, admiring the colorful facades of the houses,

embellished by typical flowered terraces, supported by brackets with multiple shapes (schen de galàie), the windows of craft products, stop and talk with the

natives, always kind to visitors, being absorbed by their habits relax, let yourself be led by the voices in dialect Tabarchino and smells.Are mixed in the nostrils, lapped by the sea breeze, the smell of freshly baked bread, the delicious cakes, biscuits and porridge, fresh fish, the cascà, carlofortino made of semolina couscous and vegetables in season, a triumph of local cuisine, tuna , ruler of the island’s gastronomy, prepared in all its forms, the mess of pasta topped with tomato, pesto and tuna, served at the tables of the many restaurants.St. Peter: 50 sq km island of volcanic origin, rich in tradition, culture, history

and natural heritage relevant. Uninhabited until April 17, 1738 day of the official founding of the town of Carlisle, was colonized by a group of 380 people from the Ligurian colony of Tabarca, close to the Tunisian coast.About 33 miles of spectacular coastline lapped by crystal clear waters: on one side, beautiful sandy beaches set in small coves, on the other, cliffs, cliffs of rocks, spikes, flat stones and steps, various shapes, stacks (famous the two columns, a natural monument and symbol of the island), rocky coves and natural caves.An ecosystem rich in fauna and flora, which can satisfy the most demanding tourists who can enjoy many activities: sailing, diving, photography, hiking, biking, swimming. On leaving the village, to the beaches, there are the Saline longer in use, but occupied by a colony of pink flamingos in the west you can reach the

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and natural heritage relevant. Uninhabited until April 17, 1738 day of the official founding of the town of Carlisle, was colonized by a group of 380 people from the Ligurian colony of Tabarca, close to the Tunisian coast.About 33 miles of spectacular coastline lapped by crystal clear waters: on one side, beautiful sandy beaches set in small coves, on the other, cliffs, cliffs of rocks, spikes, flat stones and steps, various shapes, stacks (famous the two columns, a natural monument and symbol of the island), rocky coves and natural caves.An ecosystem rich in fauna and flora, which can satisfy the most demanding tourists who can enjoy many activities: sailing, diving, photography, hiking, biking, swimming. On leaving the village, to the beaches, there are the Saline longer in use, but occupied by a colony of pink flamingos in the west you can reach the

oasis Lipu, a nature reserve of 400 hectares, a meeting point for scholars from all over the world, populated, among other species, even from the Eleonora’s falcon, at risk of extinction.No shortage of festivals, fairs, festivals and cultural events almost all year round: Carnival, from 17 January until Shrove Tuesday, the feast of Our Lady of Schiavo, November 15, the feast of St. Peter, on June 29, the company owned by the carlofortini, the festival “from the island of an island in the peninsula”, theatrical and musical performances of new talent, that develops between the squares and alleys of the old town between the last week of August and first of September. Between late May and early June, in conjunction with the slaughter of tuna, takes place on the “Girotonno” event during which chefs around the world will compete with dishes of bluefin tuna in a Gourmet Race


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International.Wandering through the streets, it is a moment to admired, amazed, the boats down a road or sea

from the top of the walls that surround the town. From the top of the climb lozenges, the view from the countryside, dense vegetation, mastic, pine and juniper, sometimes wild, the blue of the sea, the bright gray of the rocks of the valleys How not to fall in love with the beautiful views that emerge from every corner of the island? Of the Mediterranean, dotted with the white of the houses, which stands on the rocks or sea, coloring the surface? How not to feel at peace with themselves and the rest of the world?The island of San Pietro will do that: captures and seduces a stranger making him feel an integral part of itself and its natural wonders.


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BARBARA KNAPCZYK 2012 © all rights reserved

AT on canvas

Barbara Knapczyk was born in Cracow in 1960.She studied at Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.Painting with professor Stanislaw Rodzinski and professor Zbigniew Grzybowski. Drawing with professor Zbylut Grzywacz and professor Józef Zabkowski. Diploma in 1989. Tekstile art with Professor Ryszard Kwiecien. All works inspired by the surrounding nature. Favorites: landscapes, still life, portrait, themes of mountains. Her work are in private collection in many countries.

She likes to travel and takes pictures.


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TOPNIEJĄCE ŚNIEGI W TATRACH (olej na płótnie - 140x110 cm) SCIOGLIMENTO DELLA NEVE IN MONTAGNA (olio su tela - 140x110 cm)

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The charm of going to cliffs


Striking, impressive and white, is the stretch of coast from Masua to Baggerru fell into the sea with impressive cliff of almost three hundred meters in

front of the same and no less fascinating Sugar Loaf (or Concali of Terràinu), a mini rock-island-of-white cerulean that stands for more than one hundred and thirty feet high, in the south-west coast of Sardinia.

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The beauty of the landscape is enriched by the crystal clear waters of the beautiful sea that surrounds it, the same as during the storms strength and

momentum, over the years has eroded among the rugged rocks and deep caves, creating a play of light and color of rare intensity, as the Blue Grotto.In this environment the early ‘80s take turns climbers from all over the world, attracted by the bright white limestone worked drops, walls of rare beauty, finished and polished by the dripping of the wall.


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Climb the cliff is an experience that is stunning, the beauty of the environment, for the sense of freedom that the vast spaces of the blue of the sea can carve in

mind. That we start the ascent from the rocks or from a boat, the sense of satisfaction wraps from the first moment.The itineraries tracks are now hundreds, of all the difficulties and the different styles of climbing, both on infinite vertical walls, is the most athletic passages of sheer drops of the wall. Sure climb Sugarloaf conveys something that it is difficult to forget. Maybe because after his one hundred and thirty meters of vertical to reach a plateau by the limits distinguishable, giving the feeling of being in another dimension. A place where the earth shows its borders, ridimensionandosi on a human scale and where you can feel, along with climbing partner, the rulers of an unusual realm, if only for a day.


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The climbing routes climbing the cliffs are easily accessible and do not require the logistics necessary to reach Sugar Loaf. Despite the uniqueness of the rock just

described, it is difficult to remain disappointed by routes within walking distance. The walls begin to engage the imagination of the parking lot already, and more than once we realize that he distracted to look at that white limestone while you prepare to get the backpack. The short trail that leads to the base of the cliff is a increscendo of excitement mixed with adrenaline, the desire to be “attached” to that rock grows inch by inch and step by step presses. Arrived at the base moods, alternate between happiness and that found sense of freedom in being part of the world that we see through our eyes and you can not stop watching.


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DESCRIPTION :arrampicata su roccia, a parte qualche rara eccezzione, sempre bella e compatta. Lo stile di scalata alterna muri verticali, diedri e placche a gocce. La progressione è sempre accompagnata da panorama mozzafiato e d’effetto. Nota tecnica, le soste per entrambi gli intinerari sono sempre comode e ben posizionate. Consiglio alla penultima sosta di proseguire all’evidente e ampia cengia appena sopra e far sicura da uno dei grandi ginepri.

ACCESS:dal parcheggio seguire la stradina che porta alla biglietteria per la miniera di Porto Flavia. Subito dopo le panchine (a destra) salire il ripido sentiero che s’inerpica fino alla rete di protezione caduta massi. Tenere la rete alla sinistra e giunti alla pietraia, salire verso la base della parete. Giunti sotto la falesia ridiscendere sino alla base del Pilastro dell’Italia Liberata, per raggiungere l’attacco della via seguire il corrimano attrezzato con fittoni e corda (2° grado traverso).

Per la via Le Grand Mammut continuare a scendere per altri 10 metri fino all’attacco evidente con nome alla base.

Technical information


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L’Italia LiberataScogliera Monte Nai

Chiodatura: C. Pibiri, F. Salis (1985),richiodata nel 2012 da C. Pibiri e F. Erriu Sviluppo: 160 mt Difficoltà: 5c+ max (5a obbl. S1+/I)Materiale in parete: Fix inoxSoste: 2 Fix con catena più terzo punto Attrezzatura personale: corda da 70 mt, 10 rinvii, discensore, 3 moschettoni a ghiera, kevlar e CASCO.Discesa: lungo la via utilizzando le soste indicate oppure uscire in cima e scendere lungo il sentiero CAI

“Masua - Cala Domestica”

Le Grand MammutScogliera Monte Nai

Chiodatura: Bruno Fonnnesu 2012/13Sviluppo: 140 mt Difficoltà: 6b max (5c obbl. S1/I)Materiale in parete: Fix inoxSoste: 2 Fix con catena più terzo punto con fittone zincatoAttrezzatura personale: corda da 70 mt, 15 rinvii, discensore, 3 moschettoni a ghiera, kevlar e CASCO.Discesa: lungo la via oppure uscire in cima e scendere lungo il sentiero CAI “Masua - Cala Domestica”












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Have you ever had the dream to explore a place from childhood? I do, New Zealand, more myth than reality. Finally realized in the company of my backpack and the desire to discover. The period chosen, forty days between June and July is winter. It is not too hard, is not the most tourist place and also is no need to book. The last drive and sketched a route, I decide it’s better when it gets there, we choose each day the fate of my trip. Because every place, even the smallest and seemingly forgotten, a “visitor information center” where to book bus, train, pension or hostel, recreational activity or sport and where the councils of young employees always smiling, satisfied any need for spending.Almost two days of travel and finally breathe the air of the world down under. My adventure begins from Christchurch,

on the east coast of the South Island (the largest of the islands). The first emotions were soon to be felt. Check on the night of the earthquake, where he met the first of a long line of people whose care hardly forget. It is a taxi driver who takes me for hostels until it finds one and making sure to spend half of the race because he said: Your arrival was not lucky today.The next day begins the journey itself to the south. I choose to move by bus and spend little, in spite of the high level of comfort and drivers are also excellent tour guides. On the way, hit the wide open spaces that cross without meeting a soul, lakes, mountains, forests, barren lands alternating with green hills.



a dream to explore

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New Zealand


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ss The tranquility pervades everything emerges from the soul and calm the population that transmits

its warm welcome. Surprising humanity and solidarity that characterize them and who have accompanied me throughout the journey. In a large country like Italy but with four and a half million inhabitants, of which two million to Auchland, crime is almost non-existent and living space so large as not to run the risk of annoying each other.The journey continues and reach breathtaking fjords, where you have the impression of being catapulted into a fantasy

film. Continuous to the west coast, from time to time I stop in some small town overlooking lakes calm but strict in their wintry. From Queenstown arrival at the foot of Mount Cook, the highest in New Zealand and fascinating gym of the greatest climbers New Zealand, at the foot of which lies the village museum of Sir Edmund Hillary (one of the most famous mountaineers and explorers in the world, famous for the first ascent of Mount Everest on 29 May 1953 along with the Sherpa Tenzing Norgay).


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I continue heading north to the rain forests and glaciers that plunge into the ocean. The scenery is spectacular and exciting. Countries are characteristic low wooden houses, lakes and forests, where savor local products and wines.It’s time to leave the South Island and sail the sea to the north. The ferry takes us into the gentle creeks of the region of Marlborough and then plowing through the waves that separate us from the North Island. I am finally on the island of geysers. From Wellington I move further north towards Rotorua, the smell of sulfur fumaroles and give the landscape a face are unique and singular. The temperature rises, I reach the Maori village, where in an instant I am thrown into an era ancestral dances, traditions and legends. They learn the story, I savor the food and I get emotional. Continuously towards further north between other forests and other geysers to get to my last stop: Auchland, sailing paradise and big city that has little in common with the New Zealand Kiwi and Maori, but still fascinating. The trip was hectic trying to satisfy as much as possible my thirst to see and discover. Despite the forty days, I wish I had more time to go even further, but it is time to leave, promising to return soon in this land that has managed to capture me and come into my heart.


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Dear friends, if we find ourselves. After facing the last month of the Trentino cold this time we are in the Veneto region in the north eastern part of the peninsula. I do not know that we will find time but it must be said that even here the temperatures are quite cold in winter. This beautiful region, although affected by the economic crisis, like many others in recent years, is still considered one of the richest in the country. Once a land of emigration, over the years has enjoyed a remarkable recovery, and thanks to its artistic heritage, historical and contribution of its beautiful cities, among them being its capital, Venice, it has become one of the most visited regions of Italy. For this reason we could not go to these places to admire their beauty up close. This region became part of the Kingdom of Italy only in 1866, after various political events that have seen over the centuries great republic. In this area as well as Italian language is spoken Venetian protected Ente Veneto Region and between minority languages by UNESCO. In some municipalities, then, we hear also Friulian, Ladin, and the Cimbri. Even in these parts is not difficult to forward us the history of the area and discover places linked to ancient traditions that have made it famous art crafts such as stonemasons, of very ancient origin. Linked to this’ art is the extraction of marble, which leads us to the quarries and stone-cutters Pove povesi, known throughout the territory of Vicenza. Among their works preserved in the area you can visit the Temple ossuary of Bassano

at culturam !



ancient crafts of THE Bel Paesee


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del Grappa, grandiose building that stands on Piazzale Cadorna, not very far from the walls of the Venetian town and the ossuary of Asiago, known as the shrine of the Leiten, named of the hill on which it stands, which together with the military memorial of Mount Grappa is a major military ossuaries the First World War. The presence in the Veneto region of these master craftsmen, who used a chisel for their work (hence the name of stonemasons), dates back to 1500. The raw material, marble, arenania, stones Lessinia, Vicenza stone and Nanto, came from the quarries of Vicenza, Verona and the area of Belluno. Visiting San Giorgio di Valpolicella, near Verona, its inhabitants remind us that this town had one of the largest community of masons, quarries from which came the famous “lastame” or “Prun stone.” Today, one wonders how it was possible that these cutters, holders of a profession sought and appreciated, they are almost extinct and that they knew the sad phenomenon of emigration, so that after the first war left their work permanently in crisis. In the eighties, the municipality of Pove, to preserve the memory of this ancient art, decided to establish the Museum of stonemason, which contains all the tools for working stone. The territory is also testimony to the hard work are the great galleries of excavation, although they may appear frightening and bleak, they transmit their picturesque charm. Reaching the Euganean Hills, in our turn, we find another ancient craft that characterizes these places: the coal. The Euganean Hills, located in the Po Valley Veneto are a set of hills of volcanic origin. Due to their position can be considered an island wildlife species that live in different environment. The park of the same name, which includes almost the entire hill area with its characteristic common and its spa, ideal for a relaxing holiday, belongs to the province of Padua. Once, when our homes were heated with fire here, the Euganean Hills was very popular craft of charcoal, also of very ancient origin. The coal was first and foremost a woodsman, who, knowing the environment, collecting wood without compromising the balance of nature that surrounded him. After choosing the wood is put in search of an open space and so began to build the coal. Bordered air where the coal was to be built with a row of stones, put together all the wood collection forming a pyre triangle or cone. The construction could reach three meters in height and had an opening which served as a chimney power open at the top and then covered with dry leaves. The pyre was covered with moist soil to be able to isolate, then proceeded coal and power, so that the burning of wood to happen slowly, closing the top hole. This combustion process could last a week and was followed day and night by the charcoal so that all was as it should. A particular aspect of smoke indicated the end of combustion and the cooling phase. Then, early in the morning, the coal was picking up the coal into large bags and, after it is loaded on the wagon, took them to town to sell them. Still remain signs of this activity, particularly on Mount Venda offering superb views and with its central location is the highest of the mountains Euganean. Here it is not difficult to find along the trails on the plots of ancient charcoal kilns which retain the characteristic black soil in memory of combustion occurred until the beginning of the last century. And we stand to speak combustion lunchtime, unwittingly, makes me think of a grilled meat. Might be an idea tasty, and I also inviting, of course with due respect for these beautiful places, offer it to our friends tourists. A nice grilled meat and refreshment to be able to prepare well for the next stage. Do you agree? In this case, see you next time.

ancient crafts of THE Bel Paesee



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objectivE AT


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MOMa Sardinia B&BVia J. S. Bach, 62Quartu S. Elena (Ca)

Cell. +39 347

MOMaSardinia B&B


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objectivE AT



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Vademecum:L’ escursionismo, le attività all’aria aperta, ed in montagna in genere, sempre più diffuse, sono spesso praticate anche da persone inesperte e che si sono avvicinate da poco a questo tipo di turismo attivo.Adattiamo l’escursione alla nostra preparazione. Non sempre avere tanto entusiasmo equivale ad avere le “capacità” psico-fisiche (e qualche volta pure tecniche) adeguate. Prendere delle piccole precauzioni per affrontare le nostre escursioni ci garantisce maggior sicurezza.Tralasciando la preparazione fisica e tecnica, che ognuno dovrebbe curare in funzione della difficoltà del percorso scelto, è utile prendere alcune basilari precauzioni e dotarsi di poche attrezzature che possono però fare la differenza:

• Portare in escursione il cellulare con le batterie ben cariche.

• Avvisare sempre qualcuno del percorso che ci apprestiamo a compiere.

• Portare almeno un GPS (o uno smartphone). Poter comunicare eventuali coordinate accelera i tempi di ricerca e recupero.

• Portare una lampada per il buio, un accendino e un telo termico.

• Vestire indumenti e calzature adeguate alla stagione o al terreno in cui ci troviamo.

• Portare acqua e cibo a sufficienza, in maggiore quantità nelle stagioni calde.

• In caso di incidente chiamare il numero unico per le emergenze sanitarie 118 e specificare il tipo di incidente e dove vi trovate, se in montagna chiedete esplicitamente l’intervento del Soccorso Alpino. Se vi siete spostati da qualche parte per telefonare NON SPOSTATEVI dal campo telefonico perché la centrale operativa potrebbe richiamarvi per avere notizie più precise.

Buone escursioni a tutti !

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Tel. ++39 0445 660.999Fax ++39 0445 661.652[email protected]

ph. A


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Cultura, Sport, Turismo, ecc.


PRESSO IL TRIB. DI CAGLIARI nr. 24/12 del 10/10/2012

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