art trail wanstead 2011


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Art Trail Wanstead 2011


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Art Trail Wanstead 2011 32 Art Trail Wanstead 2011

This second annual trail has been created by artists, for artists– and for those who enjoy the visual arts. It's aimed at any-one who wants to explore this villagey corner of London. Searchfor work to buy or simply enjoy the displays. On the first day

of the trail, the group will also have a big presence at the 10thWanstead Festival on Christchurch Green, with art on the fences andquality craftwork on stalls.Art Trail Wanstead has been lengthened from eight to 15 days by

popular demand this year, with even more venues participating –more than 75 shops, businesses and community centres. And it isnow extending into Aldersbrook, with the addition of St Gabriel'slight, airy church. In all, there will be up to 200 artists involved,plus local school children.So many local artists – professional and amateur – have come

forward, it has opened our eyes to the high number of creative people we have living in this area, including many who have showntheir work in prestigious galleries. Add to their number the adultswith learning difficulties at The WoodbineCentre and The Cherry Tree Café; they arebringing works to the trail, straight fromtheir display at Tate Modern.Be sure to catch the café's Arts in the

Garden day on Thursday September 15th(noon-4pm), with stalls, a steel band, jazzand other music. Most of all, we wantfamilies, couples, individuals and groupsof friends to hit the trail and make thevery most of this large, free event.It might even encourage you to take up apaintbrush or chisel ...

Donna MizziChairperson of AArrtt GGrroouupp WWaannsstteeaaddand founder of Art Trail Wanstead

Welcome...... to Art Trail Wanstead 2011 – nowrun by the new Art Group Wanstead

WD Wetherspoon who has been allowing us to show workyear-round and hold fairs and events upstairs at The George,Wanstead. A new phase in the upstairs gallery is about to begin,thanks to manager Emma PortsmouthRedbridge Council Area 1 Committee for giving usvital financial support for the art trail Major publicity supporter Lee Marquis, the editor ofWanstead Village Directory for giving the art group and trailso much beautiful space in his magazineThe new officers, core teams and major helpers who have workedwonders since late last year: Andrea Morton, Carole Edrich, CherylBraniff, Georgie Cixon, Ginnette Benedict Carty, Gosia Adamska, KatePettigrew, Laurence Lord, Milda Stockiene – designer of our logo heron –Myriam Sohail, Patrick Purcell, Paula Teo and Rosemary Lemon. Theyhave put the group on to a professional footing that most other voluntaryorganisations can only dream about. Patrick also got our website up andrunning in record time to deal with the trail, while Laurence is working ona further model. To see it, go to:

Paul Flint, an experienced designer joined us just at the right time toproduce this amazing booklet – again necessary at break-neck speed.

Thanks to art tutors Anna Bisset, Patrick, Ron Filer and Mick Martin fororganising your students’ work. We also appreciate all the organisers atthe venues who have gone the extra mile. We couldn’t do it without thegenerous help of local businesses, and our advertisers. We also want tothank the local Recorder and Guardian, for their support.

Last, but not least, thanks to Pete Nelson and his exceptional team atPrintSelect, in E3.

Thank you...... to everyone who has made this event possible

Doors are being openedto trail followers

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4 Art Trail Wanstead 2011





OneDeko, 151 High Streetreopening in mid-SeptemberAnna OliverQuirky and stylish design painted in Farrow & Ball paint [email protected]

The George public house, 159 High Street EExxppeecctt tthhee uunneexxppeecctteedd.. AA wwiiddee vvaarriieettyy ooff wwoorrkk ffrroommllooccaall aarrttiissttss,, llaarrggeellyy iinn tthhee uuppssttaaiirrss ggaalllleerryy,,iinncclluuddiinngg::

Brenda CoyleArt in photography – journey into the invisible paths we subconsciously create in our minds, to find life’s inner worldsemail: [email protected] EdrichWork that's full of surprises from this extreme sportand dance enthusiast. Stand just inside the maindoor of The George and identify the face in her giantphoto mosaic, which has become a feature at thisflagship displaying at trail no. 69)

Debbie MagillBalloon sculptures, and amazing balloons insideballoons. Includes designs suitable for weddings,parties, birthdays and to welcome new babies.From sophisticated forms to fun animals and 020 8133 9168 (from 8am-8pm)Ginnette Benedict Carty Photography, covering all subjects but displaying at trail nos.10 and 38)

Patricia BragaMixed media colour [email protected] or 07586 64096(Also displaying at trail no. 22)

FFeeaattuurriinnggwork from CCaarrnnee GGrriiffiffitthh (Also displayingat trail no. 34) and from SSaabbeellaa MMaahhllaanngguu(Also displaying at trail nos. 5, 14 and 61)PPlluuss a varied range of work from many othermembers of AArrtt GGrroouupp WWaannsstteeaaddOpen every day, early to late – pub licensing hours

Zoology, 145 High StreetSarie MiellSculptural and wearable art – handcrafted jewellery using silver, glass and pewter, among other displaying at trail no. 25)aannddNeil Claydenwho is also displaying atZoology Men, 143 High StreetModern abstract art with oil paint and a wide variety of [email protected](Also displaying at trail no. 51)Closed on Sundays

Brenda Coyle

Carole Edrich

Debbie Magill

Ginnette Benedict Carty

Patricia Braga

By Kate Pettigrew

William Hogarth’s painting, The Assembly at WansteadHouse is the only known work to give a realistic impres-sion of the interior of the old mansion, that would haverivalled Blenheim Palace for size and importance. The

Palladian property, that stood inWanstead Park, was later disman-tled and sold off to pay gamblingdebts. Hogarth’s painting wascommissioned by John Child,Viscount Castlemaine, in 1728 tomark the 25th anniversary of hismarriage to Dorothy Glynne. Hogarth, the London engraver

and printmaker also known for hisGin Lane, Marriage a-la-Mode andRake’s Progress satires, shows thecouple, family and friends drink-ing tea and playing cards in theopulent ballroom. The original isin the Philadelphia Museum.

A second Hogarth print, Contredanse from: Masked Ball atWanstead Assembly, from 1745, is also being displayed at the pub.The original is in Southwark Council’s South London Art Gallery.� wwwwww..jjddwweetthheerrssppoooonn..ccoo..uukk//hhoommee//ppuubbss//tthhee--ggeeoorrggee--wwaannsstteeaadd

Hogarth headsthis year’s Trail

Art Trail Wanstead 2011 5

SSuunnddaayy 1111 SSeepptteemmbbeerr

z See (or buy) a wide range of the group’s art and quality crafts at the WWaannsstteeaadd FFeessttiivvaall, Christchurch Green.11am to 5pm.

z Some extra-special art is being shown inside and outside CChhrriisstt CChhuurrcchh, to help mark its 150th anniversary.

z Open day at the AAllllaann BBuurrggeessss CCeennttrree, with work by its members and some artists from the local community. 11am to 4pm.

z Open day at WWaannsstteeaadd HHoouussee communitycentre, with a jazz trio.11am to 4pm.

z Wanstead Library will be open, showing a varied range of work ‘Through The Ages’(work by children, students and adults).

TThhuurrssddaayy 1155 SSeepptteemmbbeerrz ‘‘AArrttss iinn tthhee GGaarrddeenn’’ at The Cherry Tree Café,with a steel band and jazz. Noon to 4pm.

SSaattuurrddaayy 1177 SSeepptteemmbbeer

z AArrtt,, DDeessiiggnn aanndd CCrraafftt FFaaiirr

at The George. Pop in, while enjoying the trail displays.11am to 5pm. Free entry.

SSaattuurrddaayy 2244 SSeepptteemmbbeerr

z AArrtt,, DDeessiiggnn aanndd CCrraafftt FFaaiirrupstairs at The George. 11am to 5pm. Free entry

OOppeenn eevveerryy ddaayy

z TThhee GGeeoorrggee,, WWaannsstteeaadd: pop in, look up and see some surprising art.Every day during normal opening hours.

z MMaajjeessttiicc WWiinnee WWaarreehhoouusseewill be showing anexhibition of life drawingsplus other work, mainly from Mick Martin’s art classes.

z SStt GGaabbrriieell’’ss CChhuurrcchh,, EE1122: Monday to Friday 10am to noon; Saturday 10am to 2pm; Sunday11am to 2pm.

Additional events being organised for the trail– including times of NigelMantell’s stone carving demonstrations at Christ Church – will be posted on the High Street’snoticeboards.

Hogarth painted in Wanstead

Art Trail highlights

Last year, a local drawing by JMW Turner was on the ArtTrail. This year, two works by William Hogarth that showWanstead social scenes, will be displayed at The George

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Sarah Duffield-Harding

Sarah Quatrine

David Keating Elaine Keating

Donna Mizzi

Keating Jewellers,123a High StreetDavid KeatingDesigner and maker of fine jewellery and collectors’ items020 8989 2532

Elaine KeatingGemologist designer of beaded jewellery,mostly necklaces020 8989 2532

Donna MizziSparkle art, using anything from recycled sequins to glitter, to crystals, rhinestones and beads020 8989 9881

Verity KeatingArt student focusing on design and body jewellery020 8989 2532

C J Packford opticians, 127 High StreetPaula TeoHand-painted decorative glassware – withdesigns including mermaids, dancers and flowerswww.trixiesaysmiu.etsy.com07941 745756

Jane de BonoHomeware, leather and fabric gifts and accessories,made with witty and unusual prints at herLondon

WWaallll aarrtt iiss aallssoo ffeeaattuurreedd aatt tthhiiss vveennuuee

Coco, 125 High StreetAvril YorkContemporary [email protected] 07952 678918

Sarah Duffield-HardingWatercolour/gouache paintings of

Sarah QuatrineOil portraits and pieces of random [email protected]

Sabela Mahlangu A varied range of art from this South African-trained artist.(Also showing at trail nos 1, 14, and 61)

Geoff Wilkinson Award-winning photo-journalist(Also showing at trail no. 25)

5The Olive Branch, 141 High StreetAmanda SeljubacStained glass, for the home and garden. Based at Valentine [email protected]

Verity Keating

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Santa FeTim RederThis former Orient team photographer also enjoys training his lens on other

C. Walters Funeralcare, 121 High Street

Brenda BraithwaiteTrees and landscapes in watercolour020 8989 7479

Lisa AtkinStained-glass windows, panels, lightboxes andsmaller items, using traditional leaded, sandblastedand painted techniques. Also some 3D works in ceramic, papier-maché, etc. Lisa is based atValentines Mansion displaying at trail no. 73)

Nice Croissant, 119a High StreetMark MainwoodWatercolour and mixed media paintingsbased on still life [email protected]

The Orange Tree, 123 High StreetEmily DupenDesigner of wallpaper extraordinaire that haswowed Liberty and businesses around the world. Her applied art focuses on retro fashionswith a cheeky and imaginative

Flora, 121a High Street Kate SioftanouStill life and landscapes – various [email protected]

Ginnette Benedict Carty(Also showing in trail nos. 1 and 38 )

The Art Shop, 117c High StreetSabela Mahlangu Music, people, nature and the Bible inspirepainter, etcher and wood cutter SabelaMahlangu, who trained in South AfricaTel: 07733 755947(Also displaying at trail nos. 1, 5 and 61)

Allan Burgess House (The Corner House)2 Grove Park / Age Concern Day Centre

Mostly artists who attend classes at the centre, plus tutors and some local residents

Mainly members of Ron Filler’s Thursday art classSome work by Ann Dupen-Hopkins’s sugarcraftclass and stained glass by Amanda Seljubac(Also at The Olive Branch)Open to the public on 11th September, from 11am-4pm.Also on weekdays, 10am-3pm, except lunch-time, 1-2pm

T-Space Architects,upstairs at 2 Grove ParkShowing support for the trail

Ron Bowman

Ron Filer

Art Group Wanstead was formed to organise the area’s arttrails. Now it is also starting to liven up the local art scene.Local artists said they wanted to have opportunities toshow and sell their work more than once a year. And one

thing quickly led to another …� Following the last trail, The George, Wanstead, generously allowed AGW to use the pub’s upstairs space as an ongoing gallery. This is about to move into a new, exciting phase.

� Then the pub’s managers agreed to AGW having a monthly art, design and crafts fair to bring new people in to look at the gallery. The space is also used for meetings.

� An online forum was set up by photographer Ginnette Benedict Carty to allow an exchange of ideas and opinions.

� A condition of membership was that artists work inco-operation and be supportive of other artists. Membership applications rolled in. It ’s up to about 150 ... and counting

� Redbridge Council’s Area 1 Committee gave a vital grant.

� A great new website was swiftly set up in time for the art trail.And it will become even more sophisticated, yet still easy to use, after the trail.

� A number of shopkeepers and business people have contacted the group to offer year-round display space.

Chairperson Donna Mizzi says: “We’ve also realised that we have animportant role to play as an umbrella group. There are so many artgroups and classes in this area, each trying to spread the wordabout their own events and exhibitions. It makes better sense forthem to publicise themselves together. All people interested in artcan easily go to the one AGW site and find out what’s going onlocally. We can provide links to these other groups’ sites.

Art Group Wanstead:What it’s all about

A fair in there?By Paula Teo

The local pub may seem an unusual ‘home’ for an arts andcrafts fair, but it makes perfect sense. Both The Georgeand Art Group Wanstead provide opportunities for us to

socialise within the local community.At the first fair last December there was a furious snow

storm. But at The George, regardless of the weather, buyersand sellers have a comfortable place to have a drink, browseand chat, without worrying about goods getting damaged. I really like the fact that our fairs are about socialising and

not just selling – they attract people who are interested in artsand crafts and in supporting local traders. Customers don’t justask “How much?“, they often want to know “How did you makethat?” The cosy, relaxed atmosphere makes that kind of inter-action possible. It’s amazing to see the range of work on offer each time, from

the artwork displayed on walls, to craft-making materials to thehandmade goods on sale – pottery, textiles, cosmetics, jewellery,toys, woodwork and much more. I’ve picked up beautiful andunusual gifts for my friends which they have loved. There’ssuch a wealth of talent in Wanstead. It’s fantastic that it’s beingshowcased in a local landmark like The George.Paula paints glass and makes cards.

Some of the members at the first AGW meeting in February

To join Art Group Wanstead

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Nicole’s, 49 High StreetAndrea MortonCharming animal money boxes from thisUseful Pots maker (Also showing at trail nos. 33 and 57) [email protected]

Anne’s Newsagent, 86 Nightingale LaneSandy SturmanA variety of portraits and landscapes here and abroad07949 582399(Also at trail nos. 27 and 35)

NatWest Bank, 51-53 High StreetAnton DoldersPaintings, drawings, pastel and charcoal work, abstract art and photography. Also works of various local scenes, and local swans. Prints available via bank hours

Bill ChallonerPaints in acrylic on canvas07855 942283Rosemary LemonPhotography with sunny use of colour07990 577102Dennis Wilde(Also showing at trail nos. 43 and 56)Sarie Miell (Also showing at trail no. 3)Open for the trail until Friday 22nd September. But trail work also being shown from 5th-9th October.Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.Gallery hours: Weds to Saturday 10am till 5pmSunday 10.30 till 4pm

Wanstead Beauty Clinic, 47 High StreetNaomi Fenton RaymanFrom small textile designs in gouache to acrylic and mixed media [email protected] showing at trail no. 32)

William Hill, 45a High StreetPat Pratley (Also displaying at trail nos. 17, 18 and 63)

The Nightingale Pub, 51 Nightingale LaneAnita GribbleLocal scenes, figurative work and portraits of Marilyn [email protected](Also at trail no. 35)Sandy Sturman (Also at trail nos. 20, 26 and 35)

Judith of Wanstead, 41 High StreetNaomi Fenton RaymanFrom small textile designs in gouache toacrylic and mixed media paintings – includingstill lifes, life and [email protected] Also displaying at trail no. 30)

Venue 25 is continued from Previous Page

Bill Challoner

Rosemary Lemon










Bennetts of London, 69 High StreetLaurence LordHand-drawn-reproductions, posters and flyers ofcolourful, surreal, [email protected] 953 369Patricia Braga (Also displaying at trail no.1)

Oxfam Books and Music1 Clockwork ParadeAyan N. BasuPrecise and detailed portrait, figure andwildlife subjects020 8989 5988 or 07918 186654 Open every day

J. Jolliffe, 73 High Street Hugh GilsonSmall abstracts with acrylic on [email protected]

J.D. Harvey greengrocer6 Clockhouse ParadeJames ValentineUses a variety of media, including oil & acrylic [email protected] 22305 (Also showing at trail no. 66)Pat Pratley (Also showing at trail nos. 18, 31 & 63)

Barclays Bank, 55-57 High Street The Snaresbrook Arts ProjectAn art studio for adults with learningdifficulties020 8257 8360Open bank hours

The Fraser Gallery, 22 Nightingale LaneDon Fraser, Veronica Fraser,Jamie FraserSeascapes, ceramics, abstract life paintings& drawings020 8281 3408Mostly open but times will vary. See note on door.

A. G. Dennis, 3 Clockwork ParadeRichard HarrisLino-cuts and mono (Also showing at trail no. 33)Pat Pratley (Also at trail nos. 17, 31 and 63)

Wanstead Pharmacy, 75 High StreetKate PettigrewFrom life to [email protected]

Sandra Sturman (Also displaying at trail nos. 26, 27 and 35)

Eightyfour Photography Gallery andPortrait Studio, 84 Nightingale LaneGeoff WilkinsonAn award-winning photo-journalist who hascovered everything from war and conflicts tostar assignments to local scenes

Venue 25 is continued on Opposite Page

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The Cuckfield, 31 High StreetSharon M. LindseyMosaic [email protected](Also showing at trail no. 73)

Blush Temples, 37 High StreetCarne GriffithAutomatic and figurative drawings in ink and tea. Carne is also recognised for his 100sq ft art projects, which he has taken as far as New displaying at trail no. 1)

Janet SilverCat portraits in pastel on [email protected] 020 8554 1270Open every day

The Delicataste, 33 High StreetLinda AsherOils, watercolour, Impressionist [email protected] 8989 9164Anita Gribble (Also displaying at trail no. 27)Sandy Sturman (Also at trail nos. 20, 26 and 27)

The Larder, 39 High StreetGrit CraigMixed media glass collage using glass, Paua shell, glass beads, jewellery wire, polished hardwood 07958 980130(Also displaying at trail no. 47)

Also showing:Georgina [email protected]

Richard Harris(Also displaying at trail no. 18)

Andrea Morton(Also displaying at trail nos. 29 and 57)Open every day

L’infinito Restaurant, 27 High Street

Shelagh HoulihanOils – sea and landscape; charcoal – [email protected](Also at trail no. 66)

Helga LeeAcrylic work of the female nude in academic poses020 8554 8113

Heads ‘n’ Tails pet and garden supplies23 High StreetCheryl Braniff‘Micemadethis’ – an extended family of the most mysterious hand-knitted cats [email protected] 38 is continued on Page 19

Andrea Morton

Grit Craig

££55 OOFFFFyyoouurr nneexxtt ppuurrcchhaassee

ffrroomm oouurr WWaannsstteeaadd ssttoorreeVisit Majestic Wanstead with this voucher and we willgive you £5 off a mixed case of 6 or more wines,Champagnes or spirits when you spend £50.

Persons must be aged 18 and over. One voucher redeemableper transaction. Original voucher can only be used once

and is not transferable.

Only valid at Majestic Wine Warehouse in Wanstead.Valid until 2nd October 2011.

Promoter. Majestic Wine Warehouses Limited,Majestic House, Otterspool Way, Watford, Herts.


372 High RoadWoodford GreenEssex IG8 0XQTel: 020 8504 2296

127 High StreetWanstead

London E11 2RLTel: 0208 989 3327

Your eyesight isour business

Present this ad in the Art Trail Wansteadbrochure and qualify for

10% discountwhen you purchase new spectacles

For quality and service

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Art Trail Wanstead 2011 1716 Art Trail Wanstead 2011

When C Petty, of Petty, Son and Prestwich, was first established in Wanstead in 1908, Edwardian houses werethe “new builds“ and vast Victorian beauties were stillgreatly treasured for the amount of space they could offer.

Leap forward 103 years to 2011, and it can seem that very littlehas changed. Those same period houses are still in high demand in Wanstead – but now for entirely different reasons. Larger housesare not needed to accommodate numerous servants, and there areno longer gas-lamp-filled Victorian rooms to be outshone by Edwardian wide sun-lit windows .“Buyers who look in this area are generally searching for Victorian

or Edwardian homes,” says director John Wagstaff. “They still wantoriginal features in older houses, but nowadays, they want to combinethe old with the new.”He explains that home-seekers may look for elegant balustrades

or admire front doors glinting with leaded stained-glass, but theyalso want to make period features work with more modern styles:a grand fire surround can look stunning against plain neutral walls.

And while the most desirable period homes in the area may retainsome gentle grandeur from a bygone age, to achieve the top pricesthey have to have 21st-century kitchens and bathrooms.John says: “In the present climate, more people are regarding

their houses as homes rather than as investments. That’s no badthing – really, that’s as it should be.”Petty, Son and Prestwich has a reputation for selling many middle-

market to high-end local houses, with an interest in each individualhome’s characteristics and features. And the staff also try to besensitive to buyers, as they make one of the largest purchases oftheir lives.From its Woodbine Place premises, the company also offers services

in sales, lettings, property management, finance, development andrefurbishment as well as having a long-established surveying department. “We care, and it shows,” says John.His staff fully recognise that sellers look for trustworthiness, loyalty

and reliability. Petty, Son and Prestwich is also a member of all the main industry associations, including The Ombudsman Scheme,The National Association of Estate Agents and The National ApprovedLettings Scheme. But there is another vital feature that is an enduringpart of the company.It may be a century since the business started up, but John firmly

believes that old-fashioned politeness and good manners, like greatexamples of architecture, will never go out of fashion.

The ART ofselling homes


Added character: original features arealways in demand

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Martin & Co, 13a High StreetBrendon CoxellHandsculpted terracotta clay elephant; scraperboard portraits07814 839635

Wanstead Domestic Appliances19 High StreetMarsh QuiltersBeautiful textiles from members of Marsh Quilters, who promote quilting and patchwork and help local charitable

Heads ‘n’ Tails pet and garden supplies23 High Street

Patricia OsbornAnimals and domestic pets feature in most ofPatricia’s work07943 323448

Ginnette Benedict Carty(Also displaying at trail nos. 1 and 10)

Pat Pratley (Also displaying at 17, 18, 31 and 63)

Wanstead Dental Care, 11 High StreetJulie LewarsA variety of colourful and vibrant subjectsusing acrylics, pastels and [email protected] 301751

DaBora Conway, 9 High StreetDennis Wilde Drawing on the past – and somewatercolours, too020 8989 9998(Also displaying at trail no. 25)

The Complete Studio, 15 High StreetAyesha AhmadOrganic Materials on Canvas, using Texture, Geometry, Arabesque and Qur’anic quotes to Explore Ayesha’s Worldwww.ayesha-ahmad.com07888 735301

Hasina Zaman Mosaic influenced by the rich historical imagesfrom Islamic art and [email protected] Sundays

Revive, 3 High StreetAndrew GrayLandscape photography with a

Miss T(Also displaying at trail no. 53)

Venue 38 is continued from Page 13

Ginnette Benedict Carty

Patricia Osborn

Ayesha Ahmad

... a golfer’s dream come true

Wanstead Golf Clubest 1893Overton Drive, Wanstead, London, E11 2LW n Email [email protected]

Venue hire with catering � Adult and junior membership availableVenue hire with catering � Adult and junior membership availableVenue hire with catering � Adult and junior membership availableVenue hire with catering � Adult and junior membership available

Venue hire with catering � Adult and junior membership availableVenue hire with catering � Adult and junior membership availableOffice: 020 8989 3938 � Club House: 020 8989 0604

Pro Shop: 020 8989 9876 � Restaurant: 07724 993 495Office: 020 8989 3938 � Club House: 020 8989 0604

Pro Shop: 020 8989 9876 � Restaurant: 07724 993 495

... a golfer’s dream come true

WansteadOsteopathsCranial & Musculo-Skeletal Osteopathy

020 8530 3388Bruce Dyson BSc (Hons) Ost Registered Osteopath

Wanstead OsteopathsWanstead Village Dental & Health Centre

24 High Street, Wanstead(Opposite Wanstead Pharmacy)

www.wanstead osteopaths. co. [email protected]

Babies with Colic and Wind, enabling them(and you) to sleep properlyExpectant Mothers with lower back pain, neckand body strainSports InjuriesBack and Neck painKnee ProblemsArthritis and SciaticaHeadaches & Growing Pains

Open Monday to SaturdayEarly morning & evening appointments also available

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The Tanning Station, 9 Station ParadeLife drawing students fromMick Martin’s classes

The group’s main display is at Majestic Wine Warehouse, 60 High Street

Dhillon and Toor bathrooms and kitchens3-5 Hermon HillAmanda WhittleMosaic [email protected] Craig(Also showing at trail no. 33)Closed Sundays

Simple ‘n’ Natural, 3a High StreetFrankie JaggsWatercolours, mainly flowers and someherbs

Queens British Steak House and Grill63 New WansteadKrystof Stoklasek Painting, drawing and photography. Paints in mixed media – mostly pastels; often with ink, pencil, crayons, chalk and spices. Also useswatercolour, tempera and acrylic showing at trail nos. 71 and 73)

Neil Clayden(Also showing at trail nos. 3 and 4)

Nelum Mudalige(also displaying at trail no. 48)

Kurtis Property ServicesNelum MudaligePhotographs of local landmarks0777 321 6435(Also showing at trail no. 51)

Wanstead Church School – On The FenceAlphabet letter designs –inspired by artists and made by pupils – to go on the school fence

True Image Beauty Studio1b High StreetHilary Garnock-JonesVaried work including hand-made printson

Knock Down Ginger, 3 Gwynne HouseYvette RawsonObjects of desire, including images encapsulated on stained glass, and miniaturewire-work screens in boxes and (Also showing at no. 57)Sunday, open 11am-3pm. Mondays, closed.

20 Art Trail Wanstead 2011

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The Cherry Tree Café, 25 Woodbine PlaceSpecial event:The Woodbine Arts in the Garden Thursday 15th September, 12 noon-4pm. Art including from a display at Tate Modernby local adults with learning disabilities.TThheemmee::Going for Gold. Also a steel band, jazz and other music, plus stalls020 8708 7402

Churchill Estates, 32 High StreetDavid Boland‘Drawings’ is this artist’s understated [email protected]

Bambini, 15 Woodbine PlaceAndrea MortonUseful Pots and helpful animal money-boxesfor children(Also displaying at trail nos. 29 and 33)Yvette Rawson (Also displaying at trail no. 49)

Vintage, 10 High StreetMiss TMiss T turns her hand to decoupage of vintage materials on [email protected](Also showing at trail no. 44)

Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall RoadArt through the ages -- ie from primary school children to adultsWork will be shown from the children at OOuurr LLaaddyy ooff LLoouurrddeess and NNiigghhttiinnggaallee PPrriimmaarryy SScchhoooollss, and students at WWaannsstteeaadd HHiigghh SScchhooool.(Children from WWaannsstteeaadd CChhuurrcchh SScchhoooollwill show work on their school fences, and AAllddeerrssbbrrooookk PPrriimmaarryy SScchhooooll aim to display work on their school railings and in SStt GGaabbrriieell’’ss CChhuurrcchh,, AAllddeerrssbbrrooookkAdults with learning diffiiculties from the SSnnaarreessbbrrooookk AArrttss PPrroojjeeccttwill also show artwork.Work from AArrtt GGrroouupp WWaannsstteeaaddmemberswill include: Alexander Jackson(Also displaying at trail no. 73) Valeriya N-GeorgIntaglio etchings with aquatint [email protected]

Christ Church, Wanstead PlaceFind thought-provoking art and land art in andaround the church, celebrating its 150th anniversarythis year. A special art feature and demonstration were being planned at the time of going to press ...Karen Davies-James and Maggie [email protected]

Petty, Son and Prestwich11 Woodbine PlaceElizabeth StorringPaintings with use of watercolours, inks & acrylics

Dennis Wilde (Also displaying at trail no. 25)

Alexander Jackson

Valeriya N-Georg

Some art will continue to be shown in the café throughout the trailOpen 9am-3.45pm Monday to Friday

Venue 59 continues on the opposite page

� WWaannsstteeaadd LLiibbrraarryy wwiillll bbeeooppeenn oonn SSuunnddaayy

SSeepptteemmbbeerr 1111









Pura, 54a High StreetGill BrettOil-on-wood [email protected] 235158

FindSabela Mahlangu This South-African-trained artist is showing a varied range of art at High Street venues(Also showing at trail nos. 1, 5 and 14)

Rio shoes, 54 High StreetPat PratleyA variety of realistic oil paintings, chosen tosuit trail venues in [email protected]

Janice WaltonAmateur photographer with a special interest in buildings and wildlife, especially in and around London and the Lee [email protected] 07957 655419

Biyoni, 56 High StreetSarah HawkinsFascinating displaying work at Wanstead Golf Club)

Majestic Wine Warehouse60 High StreetVariety of artists including BBaall KKaarraa,, BBrriiaann OO’’LLeeaarryy,, CCoonncchhiittaa CCuurrrriiee,, DDaavviidd aanndd JJeennnnyy WWaatteerrhhoouussee,,GGeeooffff HHaaiinneess, JJaammeess VVaalleennttiinnee,, MMiicckk MMaarrttiinn,,NNiiggeell MMaanntteellll,, PPeetteerr NNuurrsseeyy,, SShheellaagghh HHoouulliihhaann,,SStteepphhiiee MMoonnttggoommeerryy, wallpaper designer EEmmiillyy DDuuppeennand glass painter MMyyrriiaamm SSoohhaaiillMostly life drawings and paintings from artistsattending Mick Martin’s life drawing classes at St Andrew’s Church, E11(Enquiries: 020 8558 7782)Some of these artists’ work will also be shown at The Tanning Station, Snaresbrook. Artist andwallpaper designer EEmmiillyy DDuuppeenn is also displayingher work at The Orange Tree, 123 High

Bar Room Bar, 34 High StreetJonathan FentimanPortraits07950 759587Also some mosaics from the Woodbine Centre’sadults with learning difficulties

Douglas AllenDani IwachowStreet scenes in acrylic and [email protected](Also displaying work at trail no. 1)

Venue 59 continues from previous page

David Waterhouse

Andrea Morton

Stephen Berkoff

Brian O’Leary

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Wanstead House Community Association21 The GreenVariety of art work by students and membersOpen house with a jazz trio on SSuunnddaayy 1111 SSeepptteemmbbeerr 1111aamm--44ppmmWork on display every day99aamm--99ppmm uunnttiill 1177 8989 3693

Bike Trax Wanstead, 3 Cambridge ParkGosia Adamskathe pica pica – recycled

Carole Edrich(Also displaying at trail no. 1)

Belgique, 29 Cambridge ParkKrystof Stoklasek Painting, drawing and photography. Paints in mixed media – mostly pastels; very often with ink, pencil, crayons, chalk and spices. Also uses watercolour, tempera and acryclic displaying at trail nos. 51 and 73)

Spicer McColl, 64 High StreetFred Downes-GraingerSilhouettes of imagined places painted in acrylic against a backdrop of high-contrast Flint(Also displaying work at trail no. 73)[email protected] 900 316Open 8am-10pm during the week and 10am-2pm on Sunday

Bairstow Eves Countrywide, 68 High StreetLucy JohnstonPhotorealist painting, drawing and

Wiseman Lee, 11 Cambridge ParkTanya BulychovaOil [email protected] Dolders(Also at trail no. 28)

Venue 73 is continued on Page 27

Doreen Spears

Hilary Kennet

Wanstead Golf Club, Overton DriveAlexander JacksonFigurative oil paintings of varied contemporary subjects using traditional materials andtechniques based on the Old [email protected](Also displaying at trail no. 59)

Doreen SpearsContemporary Oriental ceramics of hand-painted porcelain, red glaze, celedon and frost-proof 023508Hilary KennetPrintmaking work as a series made up of acombination of linocuts and [email protected]

WANSTEAD HOUSE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONYour Local Community Centre offering wide

range of activities for allADULT EDUCATION CLASSES, CLUBS, GROUPS,


21 The Green, Wanstead E11 2NT8989 3693

Young children’s cornerQuiz compiled by Tara Thorn, artist and mum of two

HELLO CHILDREN, I’M IGGYFollow me on Art Trail Wanstead and see how many pictures you can find.

1 How many have you found?2 Are there any with animals, birds or insects in them?3 How many pictures with RED in them?4 How many pictures with GREEN?5 What other types of art have you found?6 What was your favourite?7 What is your favourite colour?8 Do you like to paint and draw?

Can you paint and draw a biscuit for me (I love biscuits)?Send your answers to [email protected]

Iggy hopes you enjoyed the trail and looks forward to seeing you again next year!

London Link Golf Centreat Wanstead Golf Club, Overton Drive, E11 2LW 989 9876

Expert golf tuition & coaching at all levels andages, available for individuals or groupsPro golf shop stocking latest brands of equipment, clothing and accessoriesClub repairs and custom fitting available10% off tuition booked during the ART TRAILon production of this Guide(see website for full terms and conditions)

A12 (M11 link) & A406 less than 1 mile away / Wanstead Station (Central Line) 0.5 miles

St Gabriel's Church, Aldersbrook, C of Eat the junction of Park Road and Aldersbrook Road, E12

Sundays: Said Communion: 8.30am Family Service Creche and Sunday Schools: 10am

Daily: 10am till noon open for Solitude or Company tea and coffee

Wednesdays: Communion 11am-1.30pmTuesdays: 2pm-4pm Art, Knit and Natter

All welcome

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Aldersbrook Primary SchoolHarpenden RoadCChhiillddrreenn’’ss aarrtt on the railings of the schooland in St Gabriel’s Church

Spot Eamon’s work on the trailEamon EverallVivid compositions incorporating elements

Beaute Parfaite12 Station Parade, SnaresbrookLubna

Wanstead Golf Club, Overton DrivePaul Flint Abstract and very colourful imagery createdfrom photographs of unusual objects which arethen manipulated in computer software.Main categories: Nature, Industrial and Home. All work can be coloured to suit specific [email protected] 900 316(Also displaying at trail no. 67)

David Boland(Also displaying at trail nos. 55 and 72)Krystof Stoklasek(Also displaying at trail nos. 51 and 71)Lisa Atkin (Also showing at trail no. 11)Sarah Hawkins(Also displaying very different work at trail no. 65)Sharon M. Lindsey(Also displaying work at trail no. 36)Tanya Bulychova(Also displaying work at trail no. 70)PPlluuss ootthheerr aarrttiissttss ffrroomm AArrtt GGrroouupp WWaannsstteeaaddDuring the trail, the club is open to the public from 9am-7pm. And the restaurant is open from 10am-4.30pm

St Gabriel’s Church, corner of AldersbrookRoad and Park Road, E12Art by the Tuesday afternoon class at the church plus work by Aldersbrook Primary School pupils, and Philip Joseph’s Rascals art club, plus members of AGW07852 122948 for Ron Filer art instructor atSt Gabriel’s and Age Concern

Milda StockieneExpression of feelings inspired by music and life.Acrylic on canvaswww.mildava.com077 9969 3300Open: Mon-Fri: 10am till noon; Sat: 10am to 2pm; Sun 11am till 2pm

Paul Flint

Sharon M. Lindsey

Ron Filer

Milda Stockiene

Venue 73 continues from Page 25

There are likely to be variations and additions to this list after going to press. Please check with venues regarding open times before travelling to see any particular art.

Under no circumstances can Art Trail Wanstead’s organisers accept responsibility for any loss,damage or injury sustained by any member of the public visiting the artwork on display.

New additions

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Designed and produced by Design in Action. Edited by Donna Mizzi. Printed by PrintSelect in London

Page 15: Art Trail Wanstead 2011