apple product strategies


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• Apple Inc (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and closely related software products

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Company profile Established: on April 1, 1976Founders: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne

Industry:Computer Hardware computer softwareconsumer electronicsdigital distribution

Key People:

CEO: Tim Cook

Total Revenue: US $ 65.23 billion(FY 2010)Profit: US $ 14.01 billion(FY 2010)Employees:49,400No. of Locations: 317 retail stores

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“Man is the creator of change in this world.

As such he should be above systems and

structures, and not subordinate to them.”

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“the Company is committed to bringing the best personal computing, portable digital music and mobile communication experience to students, educators, creative professionals, businesses, government agencies, and consumers through its innovative hardware, software, peripherals, services, and Internet offerings.”

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The Evolution of apple inc.


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• Apple’s history starts with the story of two young and exceptional people who began building a computer in their garage and launched the microcomputer revolution. It’s the story of two ‘Steves’:- Stephen G Wozniak and Steven P Jobs

The beginning.

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Current CEO

Tim cook

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The beginning

• Apple has been created in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in Cupertino, California . They all left ATARI Computers to create their own company.

• Apple's first headquarter was the Jobs' parents garage where Jobs and his friends design their first computer kit : the Apple I

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Current Apple Products Desktop

• Mac Mini• iMac• MacPro

Laptops• MacBook• MacBook Air• MacBook Pro



iPod• iPod Classic• iPod Nano• iPod Shuffle• iPod Touch

Softwares• iLife• iTunes• iWork

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Apple I

On1976 April 1 – released the Apple I (for $666) and started Apple Computers. Had 8 KB of RAM It was box wood-made with a basic motherboard inside.Later a cassette interface to enable external data storage was added.

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Apple II

In 1977, Apple II was released for $1298 Had color graphics – a first for a personal computer Originally used an audio cassette drive for storage but later it was replaced by a floppy disk drive Supported the BASIC program Had 64 KB of memoryAnd with a software called VisiCalc which was Apple's "killer application" : a spreadsheet program !

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Apple III

Released May 1980 Had 128K of RAM Designed for businesses – expensive!! >

$4300!!! Had lots of problems – didn’t do well..

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Apple Lisa Released in 1983 Became the first personal computer sold to

the public with a GUI. Aimed at large businesses

Commercial failure due to high price tag (almost $10,000) and limited software it could run

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The intro of the Macintosh

Apple introduced the Macintosh in 1984

Sales not initially as strong as desired

Changed with the intro of LaserWriter – first reasonably

priced laser printer PageMaker – early desktop

publishing package(These capitalized on its advanced

graphics capabilities) 128 KB memoryMotorola’s 68000 CPU Sold for $2495

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Macintosh Portable

Apple’s first attempt at a “portable” computer Released in 1989 8 MB RAM 40 MB Hard drive* Clunky, slow $6500 Failed in market.

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More portable efforts..

PowerBook 100 Released in 1991 40 MB hard drive 8 MB RAM $2500 Helped Apple to gain

some revenue established  layout of

the laptop computers

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1996: acquisition of NEXT Inc. Jobs back to Apple as an advisor. 1997: Steve Jobs –the CEO1997: Steve Jobs announced that Apple would join Microsoft to release new versions of Microsoft Office for the Macintosh1997:Apple introduced the Apple Store+ new build-to-order manufacturing strategy 1998: introduced the new iMacwith Mac OS X. Then came the iBook, Apple's new laptop.

Rebirth of apple

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Released in 19982 USB ports4 GB hard drive256 MB RAMAll in 0ne computer

Desktop evolution

The iMac

Released in 2007 RAM: 4 GB 320 GB hard drive

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Laptop Evolution – Macbook Air

2 GB memory 120 GB hard drive $1799

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iPod- the blockbuster

On October 23, 2001-the iPod CPU: Samsung ARM and Apple A4 5 GB hard drive that put "1,000 songs in pocket” New technology: spintronicsInitially , iPod software only worked with Mac OS;  from 2nd generation onwards works with Microsoft Windows alsoApple's iTunes Store was introduced, offering online music downloads for $0.99 a song and integration with the iPod.

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 a convergence of an Internet- enabled smartphone and iPod.  iOS, (formerly iPhone OS)- scaled down version of OS X 3.5-inch (89 mm) touch screen display, 4, 8, or 16 GB of memory,  Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi

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iPad tablet PCReleased on April 3, 2010Processor: A4256 MB RAMBluetooth n Wi-Fisold more than 300,000 units on that day and reaching 500,000 by the end of the first week.

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Ipad mini

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Some business things

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Differentiation Strategy

• Unique Features and characteristics• Commands Premium Price• High Customer Service• Superior Quality• Prestige• Rapid Innovation

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• Branding

• Innovation• Differentiated Product• Ease of Use• Superior Quality• Retail Strategy• Marketing and Sales• Customer Loyalty• Online Sales

• High Price Proprietary System

• Niche Market

• Cannibalization



Strengths& weaknesses

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• Apple evokes a loyalty from its workers that information only leaves its campus when Steve Jobs takes the stage to unveil it.

• Secrecy at Apple is not just the prevailing communication strategy, but it is baked in to their corporate culture.

Work culture

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• Microsoft• Linux• Dell• HP• Lenovo• RIM• Nokia• HTC• Samsung• Google• Sony.


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•Apple •Google•Microsoft

World’s most reputed it companies

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• SamsungHewlett-Packard (HP)SonyLGToshibaNokiaPanasonicAppleMicrosoftDell

The consumer electronics industry outlook

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• Because Apple thinks Different from others


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Think different

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Think different

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