the process of communication

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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For Prof. Jim's class by W.R


Communicating with OthersThe Process of Communication

By William Rogero

To improve communication skills

Is to learn the foundation of

critical thinking: The Process of Communication

Person A wants to tell person B an idea.

Let’s start with an example.


This first step in the process is called Encoding

Person A will think about the things to say in hisOr her mind


• Encoding is to take an idea or thought and select verbal symbols for it to send.

• Factors like, social system, culture, past experiences, state of thought and more influence encoding.

Person A must now select words to use... Encoding travels from the mind to the mouth

Person A encodes his or her thoughts and creates it into a Message


• The message is what Person A wants Person B to know, it is the content of person A’s message

• A message can be made up of factors such as: composition, sentence, structure, spelling, grammar and more…

In this instance, person A sends a message through verbal communication

Person A must form a sentence or structure to say to person B


After Encoding comes Message

Once person A's words are spoken, the sound is carried through the air towards Person B's ears.

Person A: “How are you?”

However, before person A's message can reach Person B

The message can potentially

be distorted by Noise

Person A: “How are you?”


• Noise can be anything that disrupts or distorts the communication process.

• Noise can be: physical, like a car noise. Psychological, like a pessimistic attitude, or distractions.

Sending and receiving messages can be distorted by sounds (Noise)

But once Person B receives the messageDecoding takes place

Person A: “How are you?”

Noise/ SoundBeep!


• Decoding is to translate the message into something understandable

• Person B, may never decode the exact message Person A sent, because of influencing factors like the noise or the encoding of Person A, and the interpretation of Person B himself/herself

Person B interprets the message Person A sent

Person B will give Feedback to person A.Feedback is person B’s reply to the message sent by

person A

“How are you?”


• Feedback is information sent back.

• Feedback can come in many forms, Person B can reply back falling asleep without any verbal message. Feedback tells how accurate person B decodes the message

Person B replies his/her feedback

Communication is complete!

How am I? Oh, I’m fine!


The Process of Communication

• Helps distinguish the effectiveness of a message by specifying certain parts of the process

• Communication effectiveness depends on the successful integration of all parts of the process

To be a critical thinker, is to deliver communications in a optimized and effective approach and the

Process of Communication helps with that.

“The process of communication is a sequence of events in which a sender transmits a message to a recipient. The message can be verbal or nonverbal as long as the recipient is

able to understand it. There are several steps in the process: encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. The sender selects a format for the message,

"encodes" it into that form, and then selects and uses a medium, or method, of transmission. When the recipient receives the message, it is "decoded," and feedback

occurs.” – wisegeek article Process of Communication

Noise + Noise + Noise + Noise + Noise + Noise

Sender Encodes Receiver Decodes


Communicating with Others

The Process of Communication

By William Rogero

Sources…• Communicating with Others , Chapter 1 – Communicating Critical Thinking, Jack Sterk,

Jim Marteney• WiseGeek, Process of Communication:• CliffNotes, The Communication Process:

I hope my intro helps your approach in becoming a betterCritical Thinker! – W.R

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