#tfm16 5 easy things you must do to improve your search rankings

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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5 easy things you must do to improve your search rankingsKelvin Newman @ TFM 2016

Who is this guy?Kelvin Newman - Founder of BrightonSEO






What this presentation isn’t?


You know what, SEO is amazing…

You should do some of that stuff

“ “


I’m going to assume you’re more interest in how to do SEO,

rather than why

So I’ve got five practical things you can do to get more from the

search engines.



1. How your home page affects search results


2. When to release your next big piece of content?


3. How to easily speed-up your site


4. How to brainstorm content ideas


5. How to learn the problems your customer really have


Let’s get started…


1. How your home page affects search results

Using Fundamental SEO Best Practice


Perfectly Optimised Page

Technical Content UsabilityEvery element can be understood by search


What you do is obvious and described in the same

words your customers use.

The page loads quickly and looks as it should across

multiple devices.

There’s enough text to both answer the immediate

questions your customers have and cover variations in how you describe what you


There’s a clear “next step” for customers that benefits

you and the visitor.

Clear signals are sent about the relative importance of the text on the page using common semantic mark



What search phrase is this page targeting?




This is an h1


This describes what the page is about


What’s the next step


And loads of keyword variations and related words you’d expect


And load of other text when you scroll and across the tabs


Is this page perfect? Probably not but it’s a lot better than some of

it’s rivals for the ranking.


2. When to release your next big piece of content?

Using Google Trends


Who got more searches?


Who got more searches?



Which gets more searches?




Which gets more searches?


Which gets more searches?

7,480,000 20,400,000


Which gets more searches?

beach wedding dresses

designer wedding dresses


Which gets more searches?

beach wedding dresses

designer wedding dresses




But there’s a better tool

Google Insightshttp://www.google.com/trends


Which month of the year is the most popular to search for Gym



OK, what about a slightly harder one…


What about the second most popular month for Gym



What about Contact Lenses?






3. How to easily speed-up your site

Using Accelerated Media Pages


For many, reading on the mobile web is a slow, clunky and frustrating experience - but it doesn’t

have to be that way.

The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that embodies the

vision that publishers can create mobile optimized content once and have it load

instantly everywhere.




Google’s way of speeding up the web.

While doing their business model no harm


It’s easy on Wordpresshttps://wordpress.org/plugins/amp/


If not you’ll need your developers help


4. How to brainstorm content ideas

Using 6-3-5 Brainwriting and word clouds


Word-cloud the most socially

popular pages and look for the



Try 6-3-5 Brain-Writing as an ego free brainstorming approach



A group-structured brainstorming technique aimed at aiding

innovation processes by stimulating creativity developed by Bernd



6 participants supervised by a moderator who are required to write down 3 ideas on a specific worksheet

within 5 minutes.

They then pass sheet to the next participant.

This repeats for six rounds.


108 ideas generated in 30 minutes


5. How to learn the problems your customer really have

Using Answer the Public


The Jar-Jar Binks Hypothesis

But they often do…Nobody sets out to make something shit


This is IMDB Reviews



This is a normal distribution “bell curve”


Most content is average


Understanding our audience interests shorten the odds of our content success


Cover all the sensible

suggestions from



it takes the ideas from

Google suggestThe questions your

audience are asking

Next brightonSEO.

Friday 7th of April, 2017 at the Brighton Centre

Free tickets released 7th of November.

Last time sold out in fifteen minutes.

Thanks for listeningKelvin Newman - Founder of BrightonSEO




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