so, how's it going? effective assessment tasks

Post on 25-May-2015






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Good assessment tasks address identified outcomes and conform to required performance conditions. This PPT deck outlines some important factors to keep in mind when designing assessment tasks. It also describes characteristics of good feedback.


So, How’s it Going?!Effective Assessment for Learning!

Joanne Pettis!ALT Branch Conference!Feb. 23, 2010!

Focus of workshop!

!   Assessment Tasks!

!   Designing Good Assessment Tasks!

!   Tools !

!   Feedback!

!   Characteristics of Good Feedback!

Designing Good Assessment Tasks!

Relate to what has been done in class!

!   They are carried out to see if the learners can perform tasks similar to the tasks that the learners have been practising in class. !

!   Learning activity: Give Ss cards with personal information for various imaginary people and have them practise filling out forms.!

!   Assessment task: Have Ss fill out a form using Ss own personal information - (or vice versa)!

Are consistent with outcome statement, tasks and performance conditions!

!   Ls can write a few sentences & phrases about self, family…as a simple description or answers to written questions…Text is short (5 – 6 sentences)…in a guided format. (W CLB 2)!

!   Ls are adequately briefed, communication is live or video and audio-mediated, texts are 5 – 8 exchange turns of 3-5 sentences per turn, etc. (L CLB 6)!

Provide the context in which the person is to perform the task!

!   the situation/location of the task!

!   the role of the individual!

!   the purpose of the communication!

!   the urgency of the situation !

Provide text for listening or reading tasks that is appropriate!!   Listening texts!

!   Length of text!

!   Familiarity of topic!

!   Authentic or modified!

!   Speed of delivery!

!   Supports (visuals, gestures, etc.)!

!   Reading texts!

Provide complete and logical details required to carry out the task.!

!   Information in texts or visual aids must be sufficient for the speaker or writer to achieve the specified outcome!

Have clear instructions for the learners!

!   In many countries, shopping is done daily in markets. In Canada, people often shop weekly in large supermarkets. In a small group discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Canadian approach and your preference. (Speaking, CLB 7)!

!   Look at the picture. (A multi-coloured, patterned sweater) On a paper, answer these questions: What is it? What colour is it? Does it have a pattern? What is the pattern? Put your picture away. Problem: Your child lost the item in the picture. Your child lost it at school. Maybe, the teacher has it. Use the answers on your paper. Ask the teacher about the lost item. (Speaking CLB 2)!

Have appropriate criteria identified before the task is administered.!

!   Holistic - related to overall effectiveness!

!   Analytic - related to discrete aspects of communicative competence!

Example!!   You live in the Gardenview neighbourhood. For several

months, there have been problems in the community park. The problems are shown in the picture below. Write a notice for the community newspaper describing three to four problems in the park and explaining what you think should be done. Tell the residents of your community why it is important to make changes in the park. You have 40 minutes to write. No dictionaries or other aids are allowed. CLB 5!

Tools for Assessment !

!   Anecdotal comments!

!   Checklist!

!   Scale!

!   Rubric!

Characteristics of Good Feedback!

Good feedback...!!   clarifies goals!

!   develops reflection!

!   delivers information about student learning!

!   encourages dialogue!

!   motivates and encourages self-esteem!

!   is action-oriented and help students move from current performance to desired performance!

!   provides information to the teacher to shape teaching. !


!   What principles of good feedback do you currently employ? Which principles would you like to enhance in your teaching?!

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