oct meeting minutes

Post on 03-Dec-2015






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Meeting Minutes form the October PTA Meeting.


WEST VIEW ELEMENTARY P.T.A. Meeting Minutes ~ October 13th, 2015

PRESIDENT: Karen Steinberger

Called the meeting to order at 6:30pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Due to time and commitment issues, she handed off to the VP and Fundraisers for their reports first. VICE-PRESIDENT: Chris Nolan

Reported that the Lab Ratz Kick-Off Assembly last Friday, October 9th was a success!

Reported that NHSD has slated to move Open House from February to May 12th, tentatively. The district stated that winter weather and PSSA’s are reasons for the move. Chris has set up a phone meeting with Superintendent Dr. Mannarino, to express parents’ opinions on the change, and we’re encouraged to share those opinions via the pass around sheet for her to convey.


Fall Fundraiser: Reported that the “Hockey Hysteria FundCrazr” kicked-off last Thursday, October 8th with an assembly and packets were sent home on Friday. Rachael reviewed the overall concept of the fundraiser and clarified any questions that arised.

Valentine’s Dance with Johnny Angel & the Halos: A dates has been booked for an Adults Only Valentine’s Dance event with local oldies performers, Johnny Angel & the Halos on February 13th, 2016.


Not present due to family commitment and left no report to given. SECRETARY: Monica Anderson

Shared no correspondence.

Minutes from the September 2015 meeting were present and approved. Motion to accept from Tammy Drinkhall and seconded by Terri Orlowski.


2015-2016 Budget was presented and approved. Motion to accept budget from Terri Orlowski and seconded by Kelly Myers.

In addition Val pointed out key numbers in the budget, to showcase the importance of the fall fundraiser. DIRECTOR OF BI-LAWS: Nicole King

Updated By-Laws were presented and approved. Motion to accept from Dagni Wilson and seconded by Jada Ferris.


West View History Mystery Night: Playground Committee Chairperson, Lori McKee, attended the event and set up a snack and information table regarding the Playground Project. $65 in donations were also collected for the project.

Clearances: Clarification on who needs clearances was discussed. NHSD required that all 3 clearances be done by volunteers. Exceptions at the time include: School Store, Holiday Party Parents and West View Day volunteers. Links to clearances are located in the PTA Handbook, and will be posted in the WV Weekly.


West View Community Connection: Lori reported that The WVCC invited the PTA to set up at table outside of the WV Floral the night of the WV Halloween Parade to take collections for the Playground Project. Tammy Drinkhall volunteered to attend the table for the event.

Elementary Redistricting: Karen reported on information given to NH Parent Organizations Leadership regarding Elementary Redistricting to be put into place by the 2016-2017 school year. Both Ross & McIntyre buildings are closing in on capacity, while Highcliff and West View have room. Key neighborhoods will be shifted to accommodate the changes in population and even out the buildings’ enrollments. For more detailed information

on the conducted population study and redistricting and to ask questions, attend the October 29th NHSD School Board Meeting.

NHSD Calendar Changes: Due to Pennsylvania changing Election Day, there will now be NO SCHOOL on April 26th, and school will now be in session on May 17th.

Junior Achievement: Coordinator Val Brown has worked with Mr. Richter and JA to set the date early! Mark your calendars for February 25th for Junior Achievement Day. Volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around.

Halloween: Questions were answered regarding Halloween procedures. A fully detailed notice about Halloween Parade and Parties will be posted in the WV Weekly E-link.

Picture Make-Up Day: Set for October 14th. No Parent volunteers are needed. P.T.A. COMMITTEES

Book Swap: Chairperson Beth Johnston reported the fall Book Swap is scheduled for 22nd. Volunteers with clearances are still needed.

Communications: Chairperson, Monica Anderson, reported that Co-Chair, Tricia Hartle, will begin taking over the duties of preparing the WV Weekly E-link newsletter, while she continues to prepare the WV Monthly calendars and handle Facebook Updates. Therefore, it is vital for Chairpersons to utilize the join e-mail account ( wvpta.news@gmail.com ) when submitting committee info.

Family Fun Nights: Chairperson Colleen Mollenauer reported that the Fall FFN event has been set for Saturday, October 24th, 3pm to 5pm at Pinball Perfection. $5 per person registration is due October 20th. A WINTER FFN Co-Chairperson is also needed to step up!

Holiday Shop: Chairperson Val Brown reminded us that the dates are set for December 14th-19th. Many volunteers are needed and do need clearances! Shopping forms will be sent home November 4th and due back before Thanksgiving break on November 24th.

Incentives: Chairperson Julie Matthews reported Box Tops for Education Collection week is October 19th-23rd.

Literacy: Librarian Miss Tumbas made a special request of $250 for Headphones for the students to use while working with the iPads. The Board will review the budget and report back on the availability of the funds.

Party Parent Coordinator: Chairperson Kelly Myers reported that all parents selected for Halloween or Winter Holiday parties were notified via email on October 1st. There are still party parents needed for Halloween in the following classrooms: Woodring (Kdg), Weber (3rd), and Rennebeck (Kdg). Halloween Party Parents will check in at 1:30pm in the Auditorium on October 30th.

Playground Project: (See notes under New and Old Business regarding this committee)

Recycling: Chairperson Terri Orlowski reported that she is looking for shoeboxes to place in classrooms in coordination with the Crayola program to recycle markers, crayons, old pencils and pens etc. In addition, Beth Johnston reported that there is now Aluminum Can Recycling can in the cafeteria, established by her son Daniel. He plans to donate the proceeds of his collection efforts back to the school/PTA. Please encourage your kids to recycle their cans.

School Store: Chairperson Nicole King reported that she is still in need of volunteers. Slots are available Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 11am to 12:45pm. No clearances needed. If volunteers do not step up, she will be forced to keep the store closed when no one is available, as she cannot continually run it herself.

Service Projects: Chairperson Terri Orlowski reported that she is looking into community resources and donations to help put together a “Buddy Bench” for our playgrounds. Co-Chairperson Sara Byne reported that they are looking to focus on a “Small to Big” focus, starting with serving our school and fanning outward to serving the world by year’s end.

Student Directory: Karen reported that Chairperson Robin Haney has completed the Directory and it has been sent off for printing. Digital copies will soon be sent out too.


The next PTA Meeting is Tuesday, November 10th at 6:30pm.

Meeting was adjorned by Karen at 7:50pm with a motion by Terri Orlowski and seconded by Kelly Myers.

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