how to do a business pitch - the dos and don'ts

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Whether it’s a presentation, a board style pitch or just a one – on – one meeting, pitching for new business can be difficult, especially in this economic climate.


How to do a business pitch The Dos and Don’ts

Whether it’s a presentation, a board style pitch or just a one – on – one meeting, pitching for new business can be difficult, especially in this economic climate.

We’ve compiled a key Dos and Don’ts list to help you deliver a winning business pitch every time.


…your research

Know your target inside out.

Research everything from their products and services to their working culture and values.

Find out what exactly they want from a supplier: a long-term relationship, someone to integrate into their culture, a outsourced expert…

Anticipate what it is they want and prove you can do it.


… memorise the agenda

Make sure you know exactly what to expect from the

meeting, even if it doesn’t end up running to plan.

Identify whether all points have been covered and where you need to fill in the gaps.

… be confident

Confidence can be hard to find sometimes, particularly when you are stood in front of company doing a pitch.

Tame your nerves by preparing and truly understanding your numbers, your offering and what unique selling points you provide.


… know your goals and allow

room for negotiation

It’s important to have a clear idea of what it is you want to achieve and how much you are prepared to sell it for.

It is rare that a negotiation doesn’t happen, therefore you need to have some room for manoeuvre.


… make a great first impression

Everyone has heard it before but it is true, it only takes one bad first impression to ruin a deal.

Make sure you are wearing suitable clothes and look the part.



… undervalue yourself

Sometimes it is better not to have a sale than to undersell your products.

Walk into the room knowing your own value and accept nothing less than what you know you’re worth.


… hard sell

Times have changed and it is no longer acceptable to go in and do a hard sell.

Change your approach and make it more empathetic.

Create a rapport, generate a relationship and build from there.


… deviate from the point

Time is money and that is your goal.

Waffling takes up time and will not be welcomed by those receiving your pitch.

Stick to delivering the facts and creating a successful working relationship.

The secrets to sales pitch success:

What do they want from me at this meeting?

Why do I want to be at this meeting?

What is the agenda?

Can I detect a hidden agenda?

What is my bottom line position?

The secrets to sales pitch success: What will I be happy to get out of the meeting?

Where am I willing to negotiate to?

What are my best skills and how to they relate to this pitch?

Do I understand the culture of this company and the people I am presenting to?

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