gaba and the gaba a receptor

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VOL. 21, NO. 2, 1997 127

campus. Journal of Neurochemistry 62:1635–1638, 1994.

TRUJILLO, K.A., AND AKIL, H. Excitatory amino acids and drugs of abuse: Arole for N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in drug tolerance, sensitization andphysical dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 38:139–154, 1995.

TSAI, G.; GASTFRIEND, D.R.; AND COYLE, J.T. The glutamatergic basis ofhuman alcoholism. American Journal of Psychiatry 152:332–340, 1995.

WOODWARD, J.J., AND GONZALES, R.A. Ethanol inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate-stimulated endogenous dopamine release from rat striatal slices:Reversal by glycine. Journal of Neurochemistry 54:712–715, 1990.


S. John Mihic, Ph.D., and R. Adron Harris, Ph.D.

The neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA) inhibits the activity of signal-receiving neuronsby interacting with the GABAA receptor on these cells.The GABAA receptor is a channel-forming protein thatallows the passage of chloride ions into the cells.Excessive GABAA activation may play a role in mediat-ing the sedative effects of alcohol and other sedatingand anesthetic agents. For example, alcohol enhancesthe GABAA-mediated chloride flow into cells and maythereby enhance neuronal inhibition. Alcohol’s effectson the GABAA-receptor function likely involve othermolecules (e.g., other neurotransmitters and proteinsthat add phosphate groups to the receptor [i.e., pro-tein kinases]). Several experimental approaches alsohave suggested that changes in GABAA-receptor func-tion contribute to the tolerance to and dependence onalcohol. Finally, individual differences in the GABAsystem may play a role in determining a person’s sus-ceptibility to developing alcohol dependence. KEY

WORDS: GABA; GABA receptors; neurotransmission;brain; sedative hypnotics; receptor proteins; chloridechannel; ion; protein kinases; AOD dependence; AODtolerance; AOD intoxication; AOD use susceptibility;animal model; literature review

Nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain communicatethrough chemical messengers called neurotransmit-ters. These molecules are released by the signal-

emitting neuron and bind to specific proteins (i.e.,receptors) on the signal-receiving neuron. (For more infor-mation on signal transmission within and among nervecells, see the article “The Principles of Nerve CellCommunication,” pp. 107-108.) Two main types of neuro-transmitters and neurotransmitter receptors—excitatoryand inhibitory—determine the response of the signal-receiving neuron. Excitatory neurotransmitters and theirreceptors increase the neuron’s intrinsic electrical activityand excitability, whereas inhibitory neurotransmitters and

their receptors reduce neuronal excitability. For optimalfunctioning, the brain must balance the excitatory andinhibitory influences: Excessive excitation can lead toseizures, whereas excessive neuronal inhibition can resultin incoordination, sedation, and anesthesia.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the primary in-hibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.Because alcohol intoxication is accompanied by the incoor-dination and sedation indicative of neuronal inhibition, re-searchers have investigated alcohol’s effects on GABA andits receptors. This article summarizes findings that alcoholsignificantly alters GABA-mediated neurotransmission andpresents some evidence that the primary GABA receptor(called the GABAA receptor) may play a crucial role in thedevelopment of tolerance to and dependence on alcohol aswell as contribute to the predisposition to alcoholism.


GABAA receptors are large proteins1 embedded in the cellmembranes of neurons (see figure). Each receptor consistsof five protein molecules, or subunits, that assemble so thata channel is formed at the center of the complex. WhenGABA molecules or GABA-like compounds bind to thereceptor and activate it, this channel temporarily opens andallows the passage of negatively charged molecules (i.e.,ions), such as chloride ions (Cl-), to pass from the cell’sexterior to its interior. This ion flow decreases the cell’sexcitability. The cumulative neuronal inhibition caused byGABA’s binding to many neurons results in sedation andintoxication (Whiting et al. 1995). In laboratory animals,these effects manifest themselves as loss of the rightingreflex—that is, the animals can not get up when placed ontheir backs. Compounds that enhance the GABAA recep-tor’s activity cause increased neuronal inhibition. In con-trast, compounds that reduce GABAA receptor activityresult in the excitation of the signal-receiving neurons.

The subunits that constitute the GABAA receptor eachconsist of a large extracellular region located on the out-side of the cell membrane, four segments spanning the cellmembrane, and several intracellular regions that are ex-posed to the neuron’s interior. Whereas the extracellularprotein region is responsible for GABA binding, the intra-


S. JOHN MIHIC, PH.D., is an assistant professor in theDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology, BowmanGrey School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

R. ADRON HARRIS, PH.D., is a professor in the Departmentof Pharmacology and director of the Alcohol ResearchCenter, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center,and a research career scientist at the Denver VeteransAdministration Medical Center, Denver, Colorado.

1For a definition of this and other technical terms used in this article, seecentral glossary, pp. 177–179.


cellular regions can be modified by the addition of phos-phate groups (i.e., can become phosphorylated). As de-scribed later in this article, this phosphorylation, which isperformed by enzymes such as protein kinase C (PKC) andoccurs at specific sites of the GABA receptor subunits,regulates the receptor’s functioning.

Many different GABAA receptor subunits have beenidentified. These fall into three groups: α, β, and γ sub-units. Each of these groups contains several different sub-units (e.g., γ1 and γ2). The exact subunit composition ofmost GABAA receptors is not known. Most likely, eachreceptor consists of two α subunits, one β subunit, and twoγ subunits (see figure). Each subunit type only interactswith specific molecules. Thus, the αand β subunits can interact with GABA,whereas the α and γ subunits containthe binding site for benzodiazepines(see below). Different subunits withineach of the three groups also differ intheir pharmacological properties (e.g.,the sensitivity to alcohol). Consequently,the specific subunit composition ofeach GABAA receptor molecule determines that receptor’soverall characteristics. GABAA receptors in differentneurons or brain regions or at various developmentalstages therefore can differ in their pharmacological proper-ties (McKernan and Whiting 1996).

GABAA receptors are found throughout the brain. Thiswide distribution likely is responsible for the plethora ofbehaviors (e.g., sedation, relief of anxiety, and motor in-coordination) produced by agents that activate these receptors, such as alcohol.


Numerous clinically useful sedating medications (e.g.,benzodiazepines, such as Valium®, and barbiturates, suchas phenobarbital) and anesthetic agents (e.g., halothane)exert their effects at least in part by enhancing GABA’sinfluence on GABAA receptors. Thus, these agents tilt thebalance of excitatory and inhibitory influences in the braintoward inhibition, thereby causing the incoordination,sedation, and even anesthesia that accompany their use.Because alcohol produces similar effects, it also likelypromotes neuronal inhibition through the GABAA receptor(Tabakoff and Hoffman 1996).

Using several different approaches, researchers haveattempted to determine which of alcohol’s behavioral ef-fects are mediated by changes in GABAA receptor func-tion. One strategy has been to administer alcohol togetherwith other compounds that interact with the GABAA recep-tor and then determine whether alcohol enhances or im-pedes the effects of these compounds. For example,injections of GABA or GABA-like compounds into thebrains of rats increased alcohol’s incoordinating and hyp-notic effects (Deitrich et al. 1989). Similarly, rats that were

treated with a compound that inhibits GABA degradationexhibited increased alcohol-induced incoordination(Deitrich et al. 1989). Finally, a compound called Ro 15-4513, which inhibits GABAA receptor function, has beenshown to prevent some of alcohol’s behavioral effects. Forexample, Ro 15-4513 reduced the severity of alcohol’shypnotic effects and decreased alcohol consumption inanimals (Mihic and Harris 1996). Such studies, however,provide only indirect evidence of alcohol’s actions andtherefore must be interpreted with caution.

More direct evidence of alcohol’s interaction with theGABAA receptor derives from neurochemical analyses andfrom studies in mouse and rat strains bred to differ in their

sensitivities to some of alcohol’s be-havioral effects. Neurochemical stud-ies have analyzed alcohol’s effects onGABA-mediated Cl- uptake into brain“microsacs”—membranes isolatedfrom brain cells that form sealedbags—and spinal-cord neurons grownin tissue culture. Many of these studiesfound that alcohol increased Cl- up-

take, suggesting that alcohol could enhance GABA-medi-ated inhibition of neurons (Mihic and Harris 1996).

Researchers also have investigated alcohol’s effects onGABAA receptor function in mouse and rat strains specifi-cally bred to differ in their susceptibilities to alcohol-induced incoordination or loss of righting reflex. Forexample, so-called long-sleep (LS) mice exhibit a longerduration of the loss of righting reflex after an acute alcoholinjection than do short-sleep (SS) mice. Studies in thesemice found that alcohol enhanced GABA-mediated Cl-

uptake into brain microsacs obtained from LS mice but notinto microsacs obtained from SS mice (Mihic and Harris1996). These findings suggest that a biochemical differ-ence in alcohol’s effects on the GABAA receptor mayunderlie the behavioral differences observed between thetwo strains.

Alcohol’s effects on GABAA receptor function likelyinvolve the actions of other cellular proteins, such as thePKC enzymes that phosphorylate the GABAA receptor atspecific sites. In one experiment, for example, mice lack-ing a certain PKC subtype in the brain displayed reducedsensitivity to alcohol on several behavioral tests. More-over, alcohol no longer enhanced the GABA-induced flowof Cl- into brain microsacs prepared from these PKC“knock-out” mice (Mihic and Harris 1996). This observa-tion further strengthens the hypothesis that alcohol-inducedenhancement of GABAA receptor activity not only in-volves proteins other than the receptor proteins but alsorequires protein phosphorylation.

Other studies have used electrophysiological techniques toassess alcohol’s effects on GABAA receptor function. Thesestudies have employed different experimental systems: (1)neurons that are still in an intact brain, (2) neurons in thinslices of isolated brain tissue, (3) isolated brain cells that havebeen grown in tissue culture, and (4) nonneuronal cells that


Some alcoholics mayexhibit abnormal

GABA metabolism

VOL. 21, NO. 2, 1997 129

normally do not produce GABAA receptors but which can beinduced artificially to manufacture receptors composed ofspecific subunits. Like the experiments described previously,these electrophysiological analyses indicate that the mecha-nisms underlying alcohol-induced enhancement of GABA-mediated signal transmission are complex and may involveneurotransmitter receptors other than the GABAA receptor.For example, one study found that alcohol enhanced theactivity of the GABAA receptor on certain cells in the cere-bellum of rats only in the presence of the neurotransmitternorepinephrine, which acts through another receptor, the β-adrenergic receptor (Freund and Palmer 1997). These find-ings suggest that alcohol-dependent enhancement of GABAactivity in the cerebellum requires the activation of the β-adrenergic receptor. This receptor is located on the same cellsin the cerebellum as the GABAA receptor. Both receptorsalso interact in the absence of alcohol, but this interactionmay be enhanced in the presence of alcohol.

At least three plausible mechanisms could explain theinteractions among the β-adrenergic receptor, the GABAA

receptor, and alcohol, as follows:

• Norepinephrine could increase the GABAA receptor’ssensitivity to alcohol.

• Alcohol could interact with the β-adrenergic receptor,thereby increasing that receptor’s ability to modulateGABAA receptor function.

• Alcohol may further increase β-adrenergic enhancementof GABAA receptor function by inhibiting the removalof norepinephrine from the synapses.

β-adrenergic signal transmission results in increased pro-tein phosphorylation. Thus, whatever the exact mechanismmay be, the association between the activities of theGABAA and β-adrenergic receptors supports the conclu-sions from the C1--flow analyses described above thatalcohol’s effect on the GABAA receptor may require acti-vation of phosphorylating proteins, such as PKC (for adetailed discussion, see Weiner et al. 1997).

The link between protein phosphorylation and the sensi-tivity to alcohol of the GABAA receptor also has been con-firmed in studies analyzing alcohol’s effects on GABAA

receptors with known subunit composition. For example,the γ2 subunit of the GABAA receptor exists in two forms—a short variant (γ2S) and a long variant (γ2L)—which differin size by eight amino acids. Analyses in cultured cellsfound that receptors containing the γ2L subunit showedalcohol-induced enhancement of their activity, whereasreceptors containing the γ2S subunit generally were insensi-tive to intoxicating alcohol concentrations (Wafford andWhiting 1992; Whitten et al. 1996; Harris et al. 1997). Theadditional eight amino acids present in γ2L contain a sitethat can be phosphorylated by PKC, indicating that phos-phorylation is a prerequisite for the GABAA receptor’ssensitivity to alcohol. However, these experiments only can

be performed in cultured cells or other artificial systems,not in intact brains. Therefore, one cannot conclude un-equivocally from these studies whether the GABAA recep-tor’s sensitivity to alcohol in an intact organism isdetermined by differences in receptor subunits, phosphory-lating enzymes, or other unknown factors (see Weiner et al.1997; Harris et al. 1997; Mihic and Harris 1996).


After continuous alcohol consumption, both humansand laboratory animals develop tolerance to alcohol’seffects—that is, they require larger amounts of alcoholto achieve the same effects. Moreover, continuousalcohol consumption leads to the development of de-



γ α

β? ?


Schematic representation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABAA) receptor. The functional receptor consists of fiveproteins, or subunits—most likely two α subunits, one β subunit,and two γ subunits. (Question marks indicate that the identityof these subunits has not been confirmed.) The proposedbinding sites for GABA (α and β subunits), benzodiazepines(adjacent α and γ subunits), barbiturates (unidentified subunit),and alcohol (α, β, and γ subunits) are indicated. P’srepresent phosphate groups attached to the receptor thatregulate the receptor’s activity and sensitivity to alcohol.


Barbiturates Benzodiazepines








pendence, which is manifested by certain behavioraland physiological withdrawal responses that occur whenalcohol is withheld (e.g., anxiety, excitability, andseizures). Changes in GABAA receptor function mayhelp explain both tolerance and dependence. For exam-ple, changes in the GABAA receptor that would reduceits susceptibility to alcohol’s effects could producetolerance. Similarly, inhibition of GABAA receptorfunction may occur during alcohol withdrawal, becausemedications that inhibit the receptors’ activity (i.e.,receptor antagonists) produce symptoms similar tothose observed in alcoholics during withdrawal.Several experimental approaches have been used toinvestigate the role of the GABAA receptor in alcoholtolerance and dependence. These approaches includestudies of receptor antagonists, biochemical and elec-trophysiological analyses, and genetic analyses.

The effects of GABAA receptor antagonists were stud-ied in animals that underwent a regimen of chronic alcoholadministration followed by alcohol withdrawal to induceseizures in the animals. The alcohol-treated animals weremore susceptible to the seizure-inducing effects of aGABAA receptor antagonist called bicuculline and of acompound called picrotoxin, which inhibits chloride chan-nels (including the GABAA receptor), than were animalsthat had not received alcohol (Buck and Harris 1991;Morrow 1995). These findings indicate that chronic alco-hol administration had reduced GABAA receptor function,so that lower levels of the GABAA receptor antagonistswere required to induce seizures.

The effects of chronic alcohol treatment on GABAA

receptor function also have been examined biochemicallyand electrophysiologically. Several studies found thatwhereas one-time alcohol administration enhanced GABA-induced Cl- flow into mouse brain microsacs, no sucheffect occurred after chronic alcohol administration (Buckand Harris 1991; Morrow 1995). This resistance to alco-hol’s chronic effects may represent a mechanism for alco-hol tolerance. Similarly, the ability of benzodiazepines toenhance GABA-induced Cl- uptake into brain microsacswas reduced in microsacs obtained from mice that hadreceived chronic alcohol treatment, suggesting that chronicalcohol administration induced tolerance not only to alco-hol but also to other substances affecting the GABAA re-ceptor (Buck and Harris 1991).

One potential mechanism underlying alcohol toleranceat the cellular level is a decrease in the number of GABAA

receptors on each neuron to compensate for the continuousalcohol-induced increase in GABAA receptor activity. Toinvestigate this hypothesis, researchers have monitoredchanges in GABAA receptor subunit levels after chronicalcohol administration by determining the messengerribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels for these subunits. mRNAis an intermediate molecule produced during the conver-sion of the genetic information encoded in the DNA into aprotein product (e.g., a GABAA receptor subunit). Whereas

the DNA levels in each cell remain constant, mRNA levelsfluctuate. Thus, mRNA levels increase when the gene is“turned on” and much protein is produced. Conversely,mRNA levels decrease when the gene is “turned off” andonly little protein is produced.

Several recent studies have investigated the effects ofchronic alcohol administration on the levels of mRNA forvarious GABAA receptor subunits. For example, analysesin rats found that chronic alcohol treatment leads to re-duced mRNA levels for one of the α subunits (i.e., the α1subunit) as well as to decreased α1 protein levels (Morrow1995). These findings support the hypothesis that tolerancedevelopment involves reduced GABAA receptor numbers.The levels of other GABAA receptor subunits, however,appear to be elevated. Furthermore, studies in humansproduced conflicting results regarding the levels of α1mRNA, possibly because analyses in humans often cannotbe controlled as accurately as in animals. Additional stud-ies found that the α1 mRNA levels were reduced mostsignificantly in animals that were genetically predisposedto severe withdrawal symptoms. These findings suggestthat when alcohol is withheld, the reduced GABAA subunitlevels prevent GABA-induced signal transmission, therebycontributing to withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures.


Recent research findings suggest that the GABA systemalso may play a role in determining a person’s suscepti-bility to developing alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence.For example, one study compared the effects of the ben-zodiazepine lorazepam on the brain’s use of glucose (i.e.,glucose metabolism) in nonalcoholic subjects with a fam-ily history of alcoholism (FP subjects) and subjects with-out such a family history (FN subjects) (Volkow et al.1995). By measuring the glucose metabolism in variousbrain regions, researchers can determine whether theseregions are active at the time of measurement (i.e., whethersignal transmission is occurring). The study analyzedlorazepam’s effects in the cerebellum, an area at the baseof the brain that is responsible for motor coordination.The FP subjects exhibited lower cerebellar glucosemetabolism than did the FN subjects. Moreover,lorazepam reduced the cerebellar glucose metabolism to alesser extent in FP subjects than in FN subjects. Thesefindings suggest that the activity of the GABAA receptorsin the cerebellum was disrupted in the FP subjects, mak-ing these people less vulnerable to the actions of agentssuch as lorazepam or alcohol and thereby possibly pro-moting increased alcohol consumption.

Other studies found that alcoholics had fewer GABAA

receptors in various brain regions than did nonalcoholiccontrol subjects (Freund and Ballinger 1988a,b). It is un-clear, however, whether these reduced receptor levels were acause or a consequence of chronic alcohol consumption.Researchers also found that some abstinent alcoholics had


VOL. 21, NO. 2, 1997 131

lower GABA levels in the blood, a finding that likely re-flects reduced GABA levels in the brain (Adinoff et al.1995). However, these low GABA concentrations apparent-ly were not associated with an increased genetic predisposi-tion for alcohol dependence. Finally, sons of alcoholics, whoare at an increased risk of becoming alcoholics themselves,were more likely than control subjects to report feelings ofintoxication following benzodiazepine consumption(Cowley et al. 1992, 1996). Together, these results suggestthat some alcoholics may exhibit abnormal GABAmetabolism. Moreover, GABAA receptor function—as mea-sured by benzodiazepine’s effects on brain metabolism andbehavior—is disrupted less prominently in people with afamily history of alcoholism and therefore may be related tothese people’s genetic liability for alcoholism.


Over the past decade, researchers have learned much aboutalcohol’s effects on GABAA receptors. Evidence existsthat both acute and chronic alcohol exposure alter GABAA

receptor function. Furthermore, these receptors may playimportant roles in the development of tolerance to anddependence on alcohol and may underlie some of thegenetic differences in the susceptibility to alcohol’s ac-tions. Understanding the molecular basis for alcohol’seffects on these receptors provides a fascinating researchchallenge. Perhaps the most perplexing question currentlyfacing investigators who study alcohol’s interactions withGABAA receptors is, Which factors determine whether aparticular GABAA receptor will respond to acute alcoholexposure? By answering this question, researchers will beable to elucidate the mechanism of alcohol’s actions notonly on the GABAA receptor but also on other neurotrans-mitter receptors in the brain that help mediate alcohol’seffects. Another pivotal question regards the mechanismsby which chronic alcohol consumption alters GABAA

receptor function. Knowledge of these processes shouldlead to new strategies for identifying people at risk foralcoholism and for treating the disease. ■


ADINOFF, B.; KRAMER, G.L.; AND PETTY, F. Levels of gamma-amino-butyric acid in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma during alcohol withdrawal.Psychiatry Research 59:137–144, 1995.

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WHITING, P.J. Comparison of drug effects on recombinant GABAAreceptors expressed in mammalian cells and Xenopus oocytes.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 21:444–452, 1997.

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MIHIC, S.J.; AND HARRIS, R.A. Alcohol actions at the GABAA receptor/chloride channel complex. In: Deitrich, R.A., and Erwin, V.G., eds.Pharmacological Effects of Ethanol on the Nervous System. Boca Raton,FL: CRC Press, 1996. pp. 51–72.

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Janice C. Froehlich, Ph.D.

Opioid peptides produced in the body act as neuro-modulators that modify the actions of other neuro-transmitters in the central nervous system. By alteringthe electrical properties of their target neurons, there-by making these neurons more difficult to excite, opi-oid peptides can influence the release of variousneurotransmitters. As a result of this modulation, opi-oid peptides can—among other functions—inducepain relief and euphoria as well as affect certain be-haviors, including alcohol consumption. Alcohol canactivate the opioid peptide system. This mechanismmay contribute to alcohol reinforcement and exces-sive alcohol consumption, because agents that inhibitthe opioid peptide system decrease alcohol self-administration in animals and reduce craving and al-cohol consumption in human alcoholics. Moreover, agenetically determined, increased responsiveness ofthe opioid system to alcohol may contribute to a pre-disposition for alcoholism in some people. KEY WORDS:endogenous opioids; peptides; drug interaction; neuro-transmitters; opioid receptors; central nervous system;brain; neuron; biological activation; reinforcement;AOD use behavior; self administration of drugs; AODcraving; AOD sensitivity; AOD use susceptibility; eu-phoria; sense of pain; literature review

Endogenous opioid peptides1 are small molecules thatare naturally produced in the central nervous system(CNS) and in various glands throughout the body,

such as the pituitary and adrenal glands. These peptidesproduce the same effects as the chemicals known as classicalkaloid opiates, which include morphine and heroin.Endogenous opioid peptides function both as hormonesand as neuromodulators. Endogenous opioid peptides thatserve as hormones are secreted into the circulation by theproducing glands and are delivered to a variety of distanttarget tissues where they induce a response. Endogenousopioid peptides that serve as neuromodulators are producedand secreted by nerve cells (i.e., neurons) and act in thebrain and spinal cord to modulate the actions of other

neurotransmitters. (For more information on these neuro-transmitters, see the related articles in this section.)Through these two mechanisms, endogenous opioid pep-tides produce many effects, ranging from preventing diar-rhea to inducing euphoria and pain relief (i.e., analgesia).

This article reviews the physiology of endogenous opi-oid peptides and their interactions with other neurotrans-mitters. In addition, the article summarizes the interactionsbetween alcohol and the endogenous opioid system andpresents evidence that opioid peptides play a role in alco-hol reinforcement. (For further information on alcohol andthe opioid system, see Froehlich and Li 1993, 1994;Gianoulakis and colleagues 1996a; Herz 1997.)


Opioid Peptide Production

Many peptides with opioidlike effects have been found inthe CNS and in peripheral tissues. Molecular biologicalapproaches, such as recombinant DNA techniques, havedemonstrated that these peptides fall into three categories—enkephalins, endorphins, and dynorphins—that are derivedfrom three distinct precursor molecules. The active, func-tional opioid peptides are generated from their precursorsby enzymes called peptidases, which cut these precursormolecules into smaller entities. The peptides are then modi-fied further during posttranslational processing, which caninclude the addition of various chemical groups to the pep-tides (e.g., sugar molecules [i.e., glycosylation], acetylgroups [i.e., acetylation], phosphate groups [i.e., phosphory-lation], or methyl groups [i.e., methylation]). These modifi-cations can alter the peptides’ biological activities. Becausethe processing of opioid peptides from larger precursormolecules is very selective, the opioid-peptide profiles canvary among different tissue types.

So far, two of the enkephalins (i.e., leu-enkephalin andmet-enkephalin) and one of the endorphins (i.e., beta-endorphin) have been shown to be active in mediatingalcohol’s effects.

Opioid Receptors

To affect the functions of their target cells, opioid peptidesmust bind to specific molecules, or receptors, on the sur-faces of these cells. The body contains several receptorsthat selectively recognize molecules with opioidlike struc-tures. Three major categories of opioid receptors—mu,delta, and kappa—have been identified that differ both intheir functions and in their binding characteristics. A givenopioid peptide can interact with more than one type ofopioid receptor. The binding of opioid peptides to thesereceptors initiates a series of biochemical events that cul-minate in various effects, including analgesia and euphoria.


JANICE C. FROEHLICH, PH.D., is an associate professor in theDepartments of Medicine and Physiology/Biophysics, IndianaUniversity School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Support for this work was provided by National Instituteon Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism grants AA–07611,AA–08312, and AA–10709.

1For a definition of this and other technical terms used in this article, seecentral glossary, pp. 177–179.

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