freak the mighty - · ingredients for s’mores on their camp-out. 4. the teacher...

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by Rodman Philbrick

A Novel Study by:

Freak the Mighty

© The Book Umbrella

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________

Dictionary Detective! Chapters 1 - 4













Using a dictionary, ind the deinitions for the words below.

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 4

An adjective is a word that describes a person, place, or thing. Make a list of three adjectives that describe the main character, Maxwell.




Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

Vocabulary Study Chapters 1 - 4

demeanor •sobriquet •

fiend •postulated •propulsion •

unvanquished •

1. The boat’s _____________________________ is controlled by its engine.

2. Jack’s father gave him the _____________________________ ‘Jack-in-the-Box’.

3. The _____________________________ played an evil trick on the king before running away.

4. The children’s _____________________________ changed completely from boredom to excitement when their teacher announced a party.

5. The principal _____________________________ that the students remain indoors for recess when it was raining or snowing.

6. The _____________________________ knight was asked to ight the dragon because he was the only one who could battle with such a large beast and win.

• someone who causes mischief• conduct or behavior• nickname• asked or demanded• unconquered or undefeated• the act of moving forward

iend postulated demeanor unvanquished sobriquet propulsion

A Little Extra!

Fill in the Blank Complete each sentence by illing in the blanks with the provided vocabulary.

Match Up

Match the words in the left column to their deinitions in the right column.

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 5

Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

Understanding the Story Chapters 1 - 4

A Little Extra!

What do Freak and Maxwell have in common?




1. Where does Maxwell irst meet Freak?

(a) At day care.

(b) At school.

(c) At Boy Scouts.

(d) At soccer practice.

2. In Chapter 3, Maxwell retrieves Freak’s ornithopter from a tree in his yard. According to Freak, what is an ornithopter?

(a) A model airplane.

(b) A paper helicopter.

(c) A mechanical bird.

(d) A remote-controlled jet.

3. What is unique about Freak’s appearance? How does Maxwell feel about this?

4. Describe Maxwell and Freak’s interaction in Chapter 4. What happens when Freak’s mother comes looking for him?

Multiple Choice

Short Answer

Long Answer

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 6

Chapter SummaryChapters 1 - 4

Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________

1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be?

2. What happens in these chapters?

4. What new words did you learn in these chapters?

5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters.

3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book?

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 7

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________

Dictionary Detective! Chapters 5 - 8













Using a dictionary, ind the deinitions for the words below.

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 8

Vocabulary Study Chapters 5 - 8

Making Sentences

Make a sentence for each word below.

1. Hulking: _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Depleted: ____________________________________________________________________________________

3. Trajectory: ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. Converging: _________________________________________________________________________________

5. Evasive: ______________________________________________________________________________________

6. Confrontation: _______________________________________________________________________________

1. The curve or path of a moving object. _____________________________

2. The act of meeting face to face in opposition. _____________________________

3. Signiicantly decreased or used up. _____________________________

4. Sneaky or tricky. _____________________________

5. Heavy and clumsy; bulky. _____________________________

6. Meeting. _____________________________

depleted converging evasive hulking trajectory confrontation

A Little Extra!

Circle the words that you believe best describe Freak.

Ignorant Curious Unfriendly Excitable

Intelligent Unhappy Smart Depressed

Which Word?

On the provided lines, write the matching vocabulary word for each deinition.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 9

Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

Understanding the Story Chapters 5 - 8

A Little Extra!

In this section, Maxwell and Freak spend time trying to get away from a bully named Tony D. and his gang. How might you handle a bully like Tony D.?




1. At the end of Chapter 5, after Max attends dinner at Freak’s house, how does Max feel?

(a) Annoyed.

(b) Sad.

(c) Angry.

(d) Happy.

2. Freak’s favorite book is:

(a) The Farmer’s Almanac.

(b) The dictionary.

(c) The thesaurus.

(d) The Bible.

3. Describe how Maxwell and Freak came to be called “Freak the Mighty.”

4. Why does Freak’s mother, the Fair Gwen, apologize to Maxwell in Chapter 5? Explain your answer.

Multiple Choice

Short Answer

Long Answer

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 10

Chapter SummaryChapters 5 - 8

Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________

1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be?

2. What happens in these chapters?

4. What new words did you learn in these chapters?

5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters.

3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book?

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 11


Dictionary Detective! Chapters 9 - 12













Using a dictionary, ind the deinitions for the words below.

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 12


Imagine that you are Freak. On the back of this paper, write a short diary entry describing your friendship with Max. Explain what qualities in Max you like best. Use at least one vocabulary word in your entry.


Vocabulary Study Chapters 9 - 12

incision •divulged •

fealty •optimum •

modification •avarice •

1. In order to begin the surgery, the doctor made a small ( divulged / incision ) along the patient’s belly.

2. The people of England practice ( fealty / optimum ) to the Queen.

3. Billy was so full of ( incision / avarice ) that he did not share the money with his business partners.

4. The eye doctor made a ( modiication / fealty ) to the prescription of my eyeglasses, so that I could see better.

5. During the game of Truth or Dare, the girls ( divulged / modiication ) many secrets to one another.

6. The athletes must perform at their ( avarice / optimum ) levels while the college scout is watching their games.

• revealed• best• adjustment• greed• loyalty• cut

A Little Extra!

Best Word Circle the word which works best in each sentence.

Match Up

A synonym is a word that means the same as another word. For example, happy and joyful are synonyms. Match the vocabulary words with their synonyms!


Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 13

Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

Understanding the Story Chapters 9 - 12

A Little Extra!

At this point in the novel, what is your impression of the narrator, Maxwell? What is your impression of Freak?




1. When Maxwell and Freak travel together, how does Freak get around?

(a) Freak uses his crutches and walks by himself.

(b) Maxwell pulls him in a wagon.

(c) Maxwell carries him on his shoulders.

(d) Freak uses a wheelchair.

2. In Chapter 10, what is the “treasure” that the boys bring up from the sewer grate?

(a) A wad of money.

(b) A pouch of jewelry.

(c) A backpack.

(d) A purse.

3. What special arrangement does Freak make when he and Maxwell go back to school in Chapter 12? Why is this surprising?

4. In Chapter 9, what secret does Freak tell Maxwell about the Medical Research unit of the hospital?

Multiple Choice

Short Answer

Long Answer

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 14

Chapter SummaryChapters 9 - 12

Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________

1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be?

2. What happens in these chapters?

4. What new words did you learn in these chapters?

5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters.

3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book?

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 15

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________

Dictionary Detective! Chapters 13 - 16













Using a dictionary, ind the deinitions for the words below.

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 16

In Chapter 16, Maxwell’s father tells Max, “You really are a chip of the old block, you know that?” What does it mean to be “a chip of the old block”?_________________________________________________________________________



Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

Vocabulary Study Chapters 13 - 16

rigged •deprived •

obligation •intervention •

specialties •ruckus •

1. After Tracy helped Sarah with the project, Sarah felt an _____________________________ to write Tracy a thank-you note.

2. The boys _____________________________ the bucket of water over the door so that the water would fall on the next person to enter the room.

3. The girls felt _____________________________ when they learned that they did not have the ingredients for s’mores on their camp-out.

4. The teacher staged an _____________________________ between two boys when she saw them begin to ight on the playground.

5. The chef’s _____________________________ are the most popular dishes on the menu. 6. The neighbors were startled when they heard a loud _____________________________ outside their window in the middle of the night.

• distinct or particular qualities• the act of coming between two people or things

• lacking necessities• a noisy commotion• assembled• a sense of duty

ruckus deprived specialties rigged obligation intervention

A Little Extra!

Fill in the Blank Complete each sentence by illing in the blanks with the provided vocabulary.

Match Up

Match the words in the left column to their deinitions in the right column.

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 17

Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

Understanding the Story Chapters 13 - 16

A Little Extra!

Describe how Maxwell might be feeling at the end of Chapter 16, when he is in the Testaments with his father. Why do you think this?




1. In Chapter 13, Maxwell becomes upset when the principal, Mrs. Addison, asks him about:

(a) Freak.

(b) His father.

(c) His reading level.

(d) The L.D. classroom.

2. In Chapter 15, what kind of book does Freak make Maxwell for Christmas?

(a) A dictionary.

(b) A thesaurus.

(c) A novel.

(d) An autobiography.

3. In Chapter 15, what unexpected event occurs after Maxwell has gone to bed on Christmas Eve?

4. Explain why Gram is angry with Grim in Chapter 14.

Multiple Choice

Short Answer

Long Answer

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 18

Chapter SummaryChapters 13 - 16

Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________

1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be?

2. What happens in these chapters?

4. What new words did you learn in these chapters?

5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters.

3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book?

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 19

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________

Dictionary Detective! Chapters 17 - 20













Using a dictionary, ind the deinitions for the words below.

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 20

Vocabulary Study Chapters 17 - 20

Making Sentences

Make a sentence for each word below.

1. Dysfunctional: _______________________________________________________________________________

2. Ignorant: _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. Injustice: _____________________________________________________________________________________

4. Illiterate: _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. Accommodations: ___________________________________________________________________________

6. Corrosive: ___________________________________________________________________________________

1. Harmful or destructive. _____________________________

2. Unable to read or write. _____________________________

3. Things that supply needs or wants. _____________________________

4. Uninformed; lacking knowledge or learning. _____________________________

5. Not performing normally; acting outside social norms. _____________________________

6. The quality of being unfair. _____________________________

injustice corrosive ignorant illiterate dysfunctional accommodations

A Little Extra!

Imagine that you are going on a vacation. Describe your ideal accommodations.




Which Word?

On the provided lines, write the matching vocabulary word for each deinition.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 21

Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

Understanding the Story Chapters 17 - 20

A Little Extra!

Which part of this section was most surprising or interesting to you and why?




1. In Chapter 18, Max’s father explains that he plans to fool people by claiming to be:

(a) A businessman.

(b) A lawyer.

(c) A reverend.

(d) A musician.

2. In Chapter 19, who unties Max and attempts to save him from his father?

(a) Iggy Lee.

(b) Loretta Lee.

(c) Fair Gwen.

(d) A police oicer.

3. Describe how Freak rescues Max from his father in Chapter 20.

4. In Chapter 20, what do we learn about Maxwell’s mother’s death? What reminds Max of the incident?

Multiple Choice

Short Answer

Long Answer

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 22

Chapter SummaryChapters 17 - 20

Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________

1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be?

2. What happens in these chapters?

4. What new words did you learn in these chapters?

5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters.

3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book?

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 23


Dictionary Detective! Chapters 21 - 25













Using a dictionary, ind the deinitions for the words below.

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 24


Choose your favorite quotation from this section. Write the quotation below, and explain why it is your favorite.





Vocabulary Study Chapters 21 - 25

facilitate •aberration •

manifestation •lofty •

abduction •prodigy •

1. The old and dilapidated house was an ( abduction / aberration ) from the rest of the homes on the street, which were well-kept and new.

2. The teacher uses new technology to ( facilitate / aberration ) his students’ learning.

3. The three-year-old child who can play advanced piano pieces is a ( lofty / prodigy ).

4. After the princess’s ( abduction / manifestation ) in the night, the king sent hundreds of soldiers out to look for her.

5. Ryan speaks to his classmates in a ( prodigy / lofty ) manner because he feels he is smarter than them.

6. “This is a ( facilitate / manifestation ) of everything we have learned this year,” Polly said as she showed her parents the school scrapbook.

• abnormality• genius• kidnapping• display• help• arrogant

A Little Extra!

Best Word Circle the word which works best in each sentence.

Match Up

Match the vocabulary words with their synonyms!


Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 25

Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

Understanding the Story Chapters 21 - 25

A Little Extra!

Explain how you feel after reading the end of this novel. Did the novel end in the way that you expected? Are you satisied with the novel’s ending? Why or why not?




1. In Chapter 21, we learn that Maxwell is worried about:

(a) Growing up.

(b) Ending up like his father.

(c) Becoming an accident of nature.

(d) All of the above.

2. In Chapter 22, what happens to Freak during his birthday party?

(a) He faints.

(b) He has a seizure.

(c) He falls and breaks his leg.

(d) He gets stung by a bee.

3. In Chapter 24, how does Dr. Spivak explain Freak’s plan to acquire a robot body?

4. Explain what happens when Max goes to the hospital in Chapter 24. What does Max learn about Freak? How does he react?

Multiple Choice

Short Answer

Long Answer

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 26

Chapter SummaryChapters 21 - 25

Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________

1. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be?

2. What happens in these chapters?

4. What new words did you learn in these chapters?

5. Draw a picture of something you think represents these chapters.

3. What is your favorite part of this section of the book?

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 27

Name:____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________

Time for a Test! Freak the Mighty

1. When does Max become friends with Freak?

(a) When he meets Freak at school.(b) When Freak moves in next door.(c) When Freak has a birthday party.(d) When he meets Freak at the park.

2. How does Freak’s mother attempt to make up for her reaction to meeting Maxwell for the irst time?

(a) She sends Maxwell an apology card.(b) She invites Maxwell over for dinner.(c) She bakes Maxwell a batch of cookies.(d) She invites Maxwell to a water park.

3. Which of the following does NOT describe Max?

(a) He has a learning disability.(b) He is very large for his age.(c) His father is in jail.(d) His mother lives in California.

4. Which of the following does NOT describe Freak?

(a) His favorite book is the thesaurus.(b) His insides are growing faster than his outside.(c) He has a physical disability.(d) He tells Max that he will receive a robot body.

5. Why is Max’s father in prison?

(a) He robbed a bank.(b) He made counterfeit money.(c) He killed a person.(d) He stole many cars.

6. On Christmas Eve, Max is kidnapped by:

(a) His mother.(b) His father.(c) Iggy Lee.(d) Loretta Lee.

7. On his birthday, Freak goes to the hospital because: (a) He has a heart attack.(b) He almost drowns.(c) He has a seizure.(d) He has a stroke.

8. At the end of the novel, what does Max learn about Freak’s bionic body? (a) Freak was never going to receive a bionic body.(b) Freak invented the idea of the bionic body.(c) Freak used the idea of the bionic body to give himself hope.(d) All of the above.

9. Max honors his friendship with Freak by:

(a) Ordering a plaque for display at the school.(b) Hanging a large photo of Freak on his wall.(c) Donating money to the hospital’s Research Center.(d) Writing a book of his adventures with Freak.

Part A – Multiple Choice

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 28

Name:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________

Time for a Test! Freak the Mighty

Part B – Short Answer

1. How does Maxwell’s relationship with his grandfather change after Maxwell “rescues” Freak from the bully Tony D.?

2. How does Max change as a result of his friendship with Freak?

3. Describe one important lesson that you learned from reading this novel. Include at least two examples from the novel that support your answer.

1. How are Max and Freak similar? How are they diferent? Explain how Max’s and Freak’s diferences make them compatible friends.

2. Near the end of the novel, Freak tells Max, “You don’t need a time machine if you know how to remember.” How does this statement relate to a theme of this story?

Part C – Long Answer

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 29

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________

Before Reading

Title of Book:

Author of Book:

Have you read anything by this author before? If so, what was it?

Read the back cover. What do you learn about the story from the back cover?

Look at the front cover. What hints do you think it gives about the story?

Based on the front and back covers, do you want to read this book? Why or why not?

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 4444

Who is Rodman Philbrick?Use the internet and other resources to research the author of Freak the Mighty, Rodman Philbrick.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________

1. What do you already know about Rodman Philbrick?

2. What do you want to ind out about Rodman Philbrick?

3. What have you learned from your research?

4. Where did you get your information?

Before Researching

After Researching

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella

My Character ChartDraw a picture and record important information about each important character as you read the text.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 46

My Character Chart (Cont’d)

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 47

Did any of your predictions come true? What ended up happening in the story?




Making PredictionsCan you predict the future? What do you think will happen next in the story? Write down two

predictions inside the crystal balls. Revisit this page later to answer the last question.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 48











Why do you think this will happen?

Why do you think this will happen?

3. ClimaxThe most exciting and emotional part of the story.

1. ExpositionWe learn background information about the story’s characters, setting, and basic plot.

5. ConclusionThe story comes to an end.

2. Rising Action The things that happen to push the story forward as we head toward the climax.

4. Falling ActionThe events that happened

during the climax are dealt with.



















Plot MountainA story’s plot is made up of ive parts: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and

conclusion. After you’ve inished reading Freak the Mighty, ill in the spaces below.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 49











Story TimelineFill in the plot timeline by deciding on the most important plot points of Freak the Mighty

and recording them in the order they happen.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 50

Example of Conflict Type of Conflict

Look for some examples of conlict in Freak the Mighty and add them to the chart below.

Man Versus Man Two or more characters

struggle against each other.

Man Versus Society A character struggles against

a part of society such as a company, religion, school, etc.

Man Versus Nature A character struggles against a force of nature such as the

weather or an animal.

Man Versus Self A character struggles

to overcome his or her own weaknesses.







What is Conflict?Conlict refers to the problems and challenges that make stories interesting and

move plots along. Conlict is an important part of any story. Below are some of the diferent conlict types you may encounter as you read.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 51

1. Describe the setting of Freak the Mighty. When and where does it take place?





3. Explain what you have drawn above.





2. Draw a picture of a setting described in the story.

Story SettingThe setting is the time and/or place in which a story happens.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 52

Find three examples from the book that supports this as one of the themes.

One theme of Freak the Mighty is...

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________




2. ____________________________________________________________________________________




3. ____________________________________________________________________________________




What is a Theme?The theme a central topic or idea of a story. A story can have one or more themes. Some examples of themes are acceptance, cooperation, bravery and determination.

What do you think one theme of Freak the Mighty is?

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 53

The Main Problem of the Story

Solution Idea 1






Solution Idea 3






Solution Idea 2






Solution Idea 4






Problem SolvingAn important part of any story is the problem which the main character faces.

Write down the main problem faced in Freak the Mighty below, then brainstorm some

possible solutions to the problem.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 54







Cause and EffectAn action or development in a story is the ‘cause’. The result of the action or

development is the ‘efect’. Find some examples of cause and efect in Freak the Mighty and record them below.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 55

Major Characters Major characters play a big part in the story.

They inluence the plot and take part in solving the main problem of the story.

Example(s) from the book:

Dynamic Characters Dynamic characters change through the story,

usually because they overcome a challenge which makes them grow as a person.

Example(s) from the book:

The Protagonist The protagonist is the main character of

the story. Stories are often told from their point of view.

Example(s) from the book:

Round Characters Round characters have complicated

personalities and more than one character trait.

Example(s) from the book:

Minor Characters Minor characters pop up to help (or hurt)

the story’s major characters.

Example(s) from the book:

Static Characters Static characters do not change. Their

personalities and attitudes are the same at the end of the story as they were at the beginning.

Example(s) from the book:

The Antagonist The antagonist is the character

(or characters) who causes problems for the protagonist.

Example(s) from the book:

Flat Characters Flat characters don’t have complicated

personalities. Readers know them by only one character trait.

Example(s) from the book:

Character TypesIn ictional stories, there are many diferent types of characters that play diferent roles.

Read about diferent character types below, and decide which character from Freak the Mighty its each character type. (Some characters may it more than one character type).

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 56

Relationship Key







Character MapWrite a diferent character name in each bubble below. Then, draw diferent styles

of lines in diferent colors (as shown in the Relationship Key) to show the relationships between each character.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 57

1. ________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________________


4. _______________________________________________________________________



A fact is something that is proven to be true�

An example of a fact is, “The month after July is August”.

An opinion is a feeling or belief about something�

An example of an opinion is, “July is the best month of the year!”

In the spaces below, record four facts and four opinions about Freak the Mighty.

1. ________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________________


4. _______________________________________________________________________







Facts and Opinions

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 58

With this passage, what do you hope to persuade your readers to do?

Read this book! Don’t read this book!

















Persuasive WritingTo be persuasive is to be good at convincing people to think a certain way.

Write a persuasive passage in which you try to convince your readers that they should either read or not read Freak the Mighty. Make sure to include reasons for why you think the story is good or bad using examples from the text. For example, if you tell your readers that the story is funny, tell

them about something funny that happens in the book.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 59

Quotation: ______________________________________________________________________


_________________________________________________________ From page #___________

Why I chose this quotation: ____________________________________________________



Quotation: ______________________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________ From page #____________

Why I chose this quotation: ____________________________________________________



Quotation: ______________________________________________________________________


_________________________________________________________ From page #___________

Why I chose this quotation: ____________________________________________________



Quotation QuestSkim the novel and write down three favorite quotations, or quotations you think are important to the story.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 60

Character 1 Character 2

The similarities these characters share

The differences between these characters




















Character 1 Character 2

Character ComparisonChoose two characters from Freak the Mighty and compare them to each other.

What are their similarities and what are their diferences?

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 61

Freak the Mighty _________________________


The similarities these stories share

The differences between these stories




















Story ComparisonCompare Freak the Mighty to another story you have read. What are their similarities and what are their diferences?

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 62


Character Name: ___________________________________________________


My Life - Making ConnectionsIn the spaces below, make comparisons between your life and the life of a character of

your choosing from Freak the Mighty.

Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Freak the Mighty © The Book Umbrella 63


Reading LogRecord information about the books you read on this chart.

© The Book Umbrella

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