bith stem final presentation-2

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  • 8/14/2019 BITH STEM Final Presentation-2


  • 8/14/2019 BITH STEM Final Presentation-2



    Welcome Robert L. Wallace

    Program Overview Harry Holt

    BITHGROUP Overview Jerell Jones

    Career Development James Pollard

    Professional Development Devon Carter

    Cultural Enrichment Damon Daniels

    Boe Bot Demonstration Interns

  • 8/14/2019 BITH STEM Final Presentation-2


    Welcome Welcome

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    I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them

    not enlightened enough to exercise control with awholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from

    them, but to inform their discretion by education.- Thomas Jefferson

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    Program OverviewProgram Overview

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    BITHGROUP Technologies, Inc. Confidential

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    Jerell A. Jones

    BITHGROUP Overview

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    BITHGROUP Overview


    Company who embraces and masters new information technologies,human learning enhancements, and training tools to provide addedvalue to their customers.

    Robert WallaceCEO of BITHGROUP Technologies

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    BITHGROUP Overview


    BITHGROUP Technologies was established in 1992 byRobert L. Wallace , current President and CEO.

    With over three decades of experience in systemsdevelopment, engineering, developing enterprisearchitectures, and business development for some of thecountrys top corporations, Dr. Wallace understands theneed to aggressively integrate knowledgeable workers intothe corporate workforce.
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    BITHGROUP Overview

    Mission and Objectives

    To provide the most advance IT services and solutions to clientsat multiple stages of each IT cycle.

    To provide executive management support, as well as mid-management support to our clients IT needs with newtechnology(s).

    To provide full-cycle integration, implementation, and training for

    the IT needs and expectations of each client.

    To support business, economic, and workforce development for the benefit of the client and his or her customers.

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    BITHGROUP Overview

    Leadership Team

    Robert L. Wallace PresidentChief Executive Officer

    Eliot Powell Executive Vice PresidentChief Financial Officer

    Carolyn W. Green Executive VicePresidentChief Administrative Officer

    Jerome L. Sanders Executive VicePresidentChief Operating Officer

    Wayne W. Armour Executive VicePresidentChief Technology Officer
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    BITHGROUP Overview

    Products and Services

    Wireless Services

    Information Technology Consulting

    Management Consulting

    Energy Management

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    BITHGROUP Overview

    Wireless Services

    Wireless Center of Excellence (WCoE)

    Wireless Security Countermeasure Deployment

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    BITHGROUP Overview

    Information Technology Consulting

    Network Engineering Network Security Systems Design & Support Software Development Help/Service Desk Support IP Telephony Biometrics SMS Application Services

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    BITHGROUP Overview

    Management Consulting

    Configuration Management

    Reliability and Maintainability

    Risk Management, Analysis, and Reporting

    Project Management and Control

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    BITHGROUP Overview

    Energy Management

    Energy Efficiency Energy Storage

    Energy Infrastructure Energy Generation Water & Wastewater Materials Manufacturing & Industrial

    Air & Environment Recycling & Waste

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    BITHGROUP OverviewBusiness Partners
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    Business Partners

    BITHGROUP Overview

    IBM is a computing tabulating recording company

    Founded on June 16,1880 in New York with 1300 employees

    First dial recorder was invented by Dr. Dey in 1888, The CTS

    In 1898 Herman Hollerith formed the Tabulating Machine Companythat created the first laptops.

    BITHGROUP and IBM are partnered on Information TechnologyConsulting and Wireless Services
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    BITHGROUP OverviewBusiness Partners

    Verizon Wireless built and operates the nation's most reliablewireless network. It is the only major carrier with a 30-daynetwork test-drive pledge that pays for calls if a customer isntsatisfied and switches to another carrier.

    Headquartered in Basking Ridge, N.J., Verizon Wireless has the largestnumber of retail customers in the industry and is the most profitablewireless company in the U.S. The company is a joint ventureof Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ) and Vodafone (NYSE and LSE: VOD).

    BITHGROUP and Verizon are partnered on Wireless Services
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    BITHGROUP OverviewBusiness Partners

    For nearly 200 years, BGE has been meeting the energy needs of CentralMaryland. BGE serves more than 1.2 million business and residential electriccustomers and more than 630,000 gas customers in an economically diverse,2,300-square-mile area encompassing Baltimore City and all or part of 10Central Maryland counties.

    BITHGROUP and BGE are partnered on Energy Management Projects.

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    BITHGROUP OverviewBusiness Partners

    BITHAuto has been in business for over 6 years without advertisement andhas been very successful based on referrals.

    The buying service purchases the vehicles at the same place the dealers getthem. This includes dealer sales and from other dealers. Your car could endup at a dealers lot for a lot more or in your drive way from us for less.

    It only takes about 1 to 4 weeks to receive your luxury or exotic vehicle.

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    BITHGROUP Overview

    TechnologyWireless Center of Excellence (WCoE)

    To enable us to evaluate new and existing WiFi Technologies toarchitect the best solution for our business partners. WCoE

    research areas include:

    WiFi Standards Research

    WiFi Security Product Research

    WiFi Academic/Research Partnerships
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    BITHGROUP Overview

    TechnologyWireless Security Countermeasure Deployment

    BITHGROUP mitigates risk through the use of:

    Wireless Security Standards

    Vendor Wireless Security Products

    Open Source Wireless Security Products

    Custom Wireless Security Implementations

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    BITHGROUP Overview


    Are used to identify the input sample being compared to a templatein cases to identify specific people by certain characteristics

    Can be divided into two main classes which are physiological andbehavioral classes

    Physiological are related to the shape of the body

    Behavioral are related to the behaviors of a person

    Physiological fingerprint, face recognition, hand geometry, Irisrecognition

    Behavioral - signature, keystroke dynamics, voice and pitch

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    James Pollard

    Career DevelopmentWork Readiness

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    Career Development

    1. Resumes

    2. Dress in Workplace

    3. Presentation Skills

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    Career Development

    1. Resumes A resume is a selling tool that outlines your skills and experiences so an employer

    can see, at a glance, how you can contribute to the employers workplace.

    A resume should include: name, address, telephone number, objective, education,skills, dates of employment, job titles, company name, responsibilities, professionallicense, publications, patents and professional affiliations.

    A cover letter serves the purpose of introducing yourself and asking for an interview.

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    Career Development

    2. Dress in Workplace Mens interview attire: Solid color, conservative suit, conservative tie,

    white long sleeve shirt, dark socks, professionalshoes, very limited jewelry, neat, professionalhairstyle, light on aftershave, neatly trimmednails, portfolio or briefcase

    Womens interview attire: Solid color, conservative suit, coordinatedblouse, moderate shoes, limited jewelry, neat,professional hairstyle, tan or light hosiery (fleshcolor) light perfume, light make-up,manicured nails, portfolio or briefcase

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    Career Development

    2. Dress in Workplace

    What is the purpose of your presentation?

    Consider the 12 x 12 x 12 Theory.

    People judge you first from 12 feet away;then they judge you from 12 inches away; andthen they judge you based on the first 12 wordsout of your mouth.

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    Career Development

    3. Presentation Skills

    First impressions count.

    Know your audience

    What are they expecting to learn from your presentation?

    Organize your presentation.

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    Career Development

    3. Presentation Skills How to Deliver your Presentation


    Preview sentence (Give your audience a background of what you are going to tellthem)

    Clarify main ideas and other ideas


    Review Sentence


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    Work Readiness

    1. Teamwork

    2. Time Management

    3. Ethics in the Workplace
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    Work Readiness

    1. Teamwork

    Team is a group of people working towards a common goal or objective.





    Learn why it is important to be able to work in a team in theworkplace.

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    Work Readiness

    2. Time Management

    Learn how to develop a daily schedule

    Learn how to develop a weekly schedule

    Learn how to establish a monthly schedule

    Learn how to establish a long-term schedule

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    Work Readiness

    3. Ethics in the Workplace

    Adheres to an appropriate (for the setting) and effective set of corevalues and beliefs during both good and bad times

    Acts in line with those values

    Rewards the right values and disapproves of others

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    Devon Carter

    Professional Development


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    Professional Development

    1. Career Research

    2. College Research

    3. Financial Planning

    5. Communication

    7. Conflict Management

    6. Political Management

    7. Education,1152664842,3.jpg&imgrefurl=
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    Professional Development

    1. Career Research

    Each student conducted career researchto identify a career they are interested in pursuing.

    Devon Car Dealership

    James Entrepreneur

    Damon Electrical Engineer

    Jerell Chemical Engineer
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    Professional Development

    2. College Research

    We learned about money management. For example we learnedwhat to spend and what not to spend money on. - Taught by Dr.Robert Wallace

    Tithing to build the church ministry

    Saving to invest in your future,1152664842,3.jpg&imgrefurl=
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    Professional Development

    3. Financial Planning

    Each student learned how to conduct college research to learnmore about specific schools to determine if the school was right for them.

    Devon Hampton, Virginia State, Old Dominion

    James Morehouse, Clark Atlanta, Georgia Tech

    Damon Georgia Tech, University of Virginia, Clemson

    Jerell- Rowan University, ITT Technical Institute, Tesst TechnicalSchool

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    Professional Development

    4. Communication

    It is important to be able to communicate effectively in theworkplace. Both written and orally.

    Communication is the interaction between two or more people for the purpose of creating a mutual understanding.
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    Professional Development

    5. Conflict Management

    Learned that conflict is a part of everyday life.

    Learned how to manage conflict in life and in the workplace.

    Conflict resolution is the process of attempting to resolve a disputeor a conflict.

    Watched the Great Debaters to identify conflicts, the partiesinvolved and how they resolved them.
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    Professional Development

    7. Education

    Morgan State University Engineering

    Boe Bot Engineering Experience

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    Professional Development

    7. Education-Morgan State University Engineering

    Attended a program at Morgan State University that taught us whatwe need to know when building a robot then we eventually built arobot.

    Program held by Ms. Miesha Drew

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    Professional Development

    7. Education-Robot Information

    Building and programming a robot is a combination of mechanics,electronics, and problem solving.

    While doing this project we learned that this project is relevant to realworld applications that use robotic control. The only differencebeing size and sophistication.

    The mechanical principles, example program listings, andcircuits we used were very similar to and sometimes the

    same as industrial applications developed by engineers.

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    Damon Daniels

    Cultural Enrichment

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    Cultural Enrichment

    Famous African Americans

    1. Frederick Douglas

    2. Issac Meyers

    3. Tuskegee Airmen

    4. Martin Luther King

    5. Reginald F. Lewis

    6. Earl Graves

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    Cultural Enrichment

    Famous African Americans1. Frederick Douglas Born February 14, 1818

    Died February 20, 1895

    Born a slave in Talbot County, MD

    Mother died when he was seven

    Hugh Aulds wife taught him how to read

    He escaped from slavery on September 3, 1838by boarding a train to Harve de Grace, MDdressed in a sailors uniform

    He was an Abolitionist speaking at anti-slaverymeetings

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    Cultural Enrichment

    Famous African Americans3. Tuskagee Airmen

    The Tuskegee Airmen were dedicated,determined young men who enlisted to becomeAmerica's first black military airmen at a timewhen there were many people who thought thatblack men lacked intelligence, skill, courage andpatriotism. They came from every part of thecountry, with large numbers coming from NewYork City, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago,Philadelphia and Detroit. Each one possessed astrong personal desire to serve the United Statesof America at the best of his ability.

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    Cultural Enrichment

    Famous African Americans4. Martin Luther King Jr. Born in Atlanta, Georgia January 15, 1929 Died in Memphis, Tennessee April 4, 1968 Won the Nobel Peace Prize at age 29

    Led a major bus Boycott in 1955 Led Southern Christian Leadership Conference a

    non-violent church protest Received his Bachelors of Arts from Morehouse

    College Led the 1963 March on Washington, DC

    Delivered the I have a Dream Speech

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    Cultural Enrichment

    Famous African Americans5. Reginald F. Lewis

    Born in Baltimore, Maryland Attended Dunbar High School Graduate from Virginia State University Later graduated from Harvard Law School Started his own law firm in New York City Purchased McCall company and turned a major

    profit from rebuilding and selling the company Bought Beatrice Foods

    Became the richest black man in America

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    Cultural Enrichment

    Famous African Americans6. Earl G. Graves Born in New York Participated in Boy Scouts Graduated from Morgan State University Joined Army and became a Green Beret Served as assistant to Senator Robert F. Kennedy Received Boy Scouts Beaver Award Founder of Black Enterprise Magazine Owned Pepsi Bottling Franchise in Washington

    DC Serves on several corporate boards and is a


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    Cultural Enrichment

    1. Book ReviewSsese Principles

    2. Reginald F. Lewis Museum Visit

    3. Douglas-Meyers MaritimeMuseum Visit

    4. Community Service

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    Cultural Enrichment

    1. Book Review

    Ssese Principles

    Inspired from a visit to the Ssese islands in Africa

    Principles on how to be a successful businessman

    Uses biblical scriptures to demonstrate guidelines for creatingwealth through faith

    l l h

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    Cultural Enrichment

    2. Reginald F. Lewis Museum Visit

    Learned about different African American achievements and their contributions to the United States and Maryland.

    Participated in an information scavenger hunt.

    l l h

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    Cultural Enrichment

    3. Douglas-Meyers Maritime Museum Visit Learned about the life and times of Frederick Douglass and Issac

    Meyers and the role that African Americans played in the MaritimeIndustry in Maryland

    Participated in a museum tour and visited a operating ship buildingworkshop and a real live workable shipyard railway

    C l l E i h

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    Cultural Enrichment

    4. Community Service-Our Daily Bread Provide meals for over 1000 people per day 365 days per year

    All food and services are donated

    Participated in serving the less fortunate and learned about theimportance of serving the community you work in and live in

    S i l Th k
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    Special Thanks to

    Robert L. Wallace Kim Campbell

    Carolyn Green Warren Woo

    Harry Holt Melanie Moore

    Jordan Wallace Markus Dale

    Tim Williams Corey Culbreath

    Robert D. Wallace Jerome Sanders

    Alonza Williams

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    And Now Our FeaturePresentation

    B B t D t ti

  • 8/14/2019 BITH STEM Final Presentation-2


    Boe Bot Demonstration

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