9th infantry regiment - command report - november 1951...9th infantry regiment - command report -...

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Korean War

9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - November 1951

2nd Infantry Division

Korean War Project Record: USA-95

Folder: 070007

Box: 07

File: 07

National Archives and Records Administration

College Park, Maryland

Records: United States Army

Unit Name: Second Infantry Division

Record Group: RG407

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project 2ID-00200432

Korean War Project 2ID-00200433



' !

1-30 NOV 1951 t:; SEC RET .. \-t _j




Korean War Project 2ID-00200434


HEADQUARTEHS 9th Infantry Regiment

APO 248, c/o Postmaster San Francisco, Ca1ilornia

COlVIHAND -------( CSGPJ-28)

l-30 November 1951


Copy Number __ i __ _

Korean War Project 2ID-00200435



I Narrative of Events, PP.· l-8

II Personnel

III Intelligence

IV Operations

v Logistics

VI Appendices

A. 1. 9th Infantry Unit Journals

2. Periodic Personnel Reports Nos. 34 & 35

B. 1. Periodic Intelligence Reports Nos. 2~1-319

c. 1. Periodic Operations Reports Nos. 343-370

2. Oper:::ti ons Plans A, B, D &. E.

D. 1. 1st Bs_ttalion Journal

2. 2d BattGlion Journal

3. 3d Battalion Journal

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I . i


Continuing in corps reserve as November opened, the

Regiment accelerated the intensity of its training program •

in a concentra.ted e:t:fort to shape the units into a ""ell-co-

ordina.ted, erfic ien t end alert rigr1 ting t·orce. 'l'he extended

period of r-eserve made it possible ror the unit comme.nders,

many of 1:1hom \•,tare ne1'1 to the Ninth since 1 ts line commitment

in October, to get to lm0\"1 their men, ond t-hese men, m

turn, to oocome accustomed to vJorlting with c:ne another.

Training en 1 November i'las cone en trated ·:Yn lndiv idual

and cre1<1-served 1tJe apons :t'iring and the use of c.hese vJeap0ns

in sn.all unit operatio:-:s. 1 'Ihis early training, besic in na-

ture, was designed r::s a preparatory program ror more in-

volved tre:'cining later in "the month.

"K n Company on this dat,e, v1as placed on a 24-hour alert

status in conjunction ·Nith 'the Regimsn·t• s policy of naving one

rifle compan.i ready tor imm.edia.te action in t:.he event of enemy

guerrilla or' air act 1 v 1 ty. 2

Initiating the rotcc:tion progrc.m ror the mont-h, j4 men

departed tor the rear to begin processing prior to their re-3 turn to the ZI. At the sa_.rne time, 34 nospit;::;.l returnees ond

68 replacements were r-eceived and assig,1ed GO vne various


Unit commander2., on 2 November, ~ontinuea. vuelr inspections

1. .A;_)pend ix C-1, POR fl .)4 5, 1. Novsmber l;t:Jl 2. Ibid 3. .~pend~x A-1, Unit Journals, l NovemDer .L~j.L lT.clilS .1. & 2

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of the assigned- sectors of for any

movement that might be ordered in the event of an emergency.

The Regiment was relieved of its responsibility for an

. alert company on 3 Ifovember.5 As the first week of the month

ended, tr~::dning had advanced to cl problem-level stage 1:u t

still by small units. Cold vleather indoctrination was begun

in preparation for the coming v1inter cl ime_te under v!hich the

Regiment i·Jould be operc"ting in the near future.

Ten religious services v1ere neld throughout ·Ghe Regiment

on 4 November. 6 r.rr•aining was limited to personD.l hygiene o.nd

org<-1nized athletics, a practice 1-·1hich was adhered to 0n o.ll

Sundays for the rest of the month. .Also ·.)n this date one

officer end 115 EH replacements and nine hospit: l returnees

arrived at Regiment and were assigned to the units. 7

Tank Company, on 5 November, conducted ·,;_ cross-country

drive \vi th hatches down, \·Jhile the rifle com.;,Janies continued

their unit tactics problems.

Officers of the Regiment during this period 11ere Journey-

ing to diviE.ion rear for physical exe.minations. At the same

time all enlisted ·:Jlen v-1ere given ample opportunity to check

on any physice.1 or dental deficiencies they rney nave developed

".vhile an line.

Also on ·tnis ds"te, the progJ:"Bill of dispa tcb ing a" patrol

by ee,ch battulion to reconnoiter the area_ as a security mea.-8

sure, \vi:JS begun. All three patrols retul'ned. V·Ji th negative

incident reports.

4. .-\.apendix C-1. PJP.. If 344, 2 November l9::il 5. .Appendix C-1, POR # 345, 3 November 1951 6. Section II, Personnel Report for the month of November 19::)1

p. 1 7. .Appendix A-1, Unit Journals, 4 November 1951, Item # · b 8. P.ppend ix C-1, PQR ll 347, 5 November 1951

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During this period the regimental I&R platoon made a re­

connaissance of routes on the Regiment's assigned sector of

Line Kens as. 9 Road traf'fic ability was raported in good con-

dition, but bunkers and other defenses '\~Jere in poor shape


A second rotation quota vias dispatched on 7 .November v1hich

sent 124 EI~·to the ZI. 10 Tv1elve returnees and bl replacements

11 were received at Regiment on this s&ue day. During the af-

ternoon General Robert Young, 3i Division commander, visited

the CP and conferred vJi th the sta.ff on the training being con-

ducted. 1?

Shot records were checked on 9 November ~ and imrnuniza-

tions given where necessary-. All 1.mi ts conducted training

which included tactical marches, field fortifications and

weapons ~iring. lst and 3d Battalions dispa tcbed motor pa.trols

to reconnoiter the Regiment's sector, reporting, upon return,

no unusual incidents. 13

11G~ 1 Company, on 10 November, closed into a ne-v1 position

in the vicinity of the IX Corps CP14 where, after effecting a

relief of 111 1' Company, 23d Infantry Regiment, they assumed the

mission of security at that location.

F'irst battalion, rneen1-1hile, conducted ar:t i11.spec tion

during the period, to de term ine and rs place shortages that

appeared. Similer inspections 1vere held regule..rly by all units

and the regimental su~)ply personnel expended & maximum etrort

9. Section III, History InteJ....~..igence }'Unctions, 1-30 November 1951, p. 1

10. .A._-opendix A-1, Unit Journals, 7 November 1951, Item (} LJ. 11. Loc. Cit. Item ll 5 12. 1\ppen:. ix A..,.l, Unit Journa .. l s, 9 Novt:mber 1951 Item il 3 13. 1~pendix C-1, POR # 351, 9 November 1951 14. Jppendix C-1, POR # 352, 10 NovembEr 1951

Pagtf_of ?pages.

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to insure that all the necessary equipment l."'as made available.

Church services were held for all units on 11 November

and the remainder of the period was spent in organized ath-

letic s and persona.l hygiene. IJiortar Company spent the day

1n firing exercise so

Inclement we ather on 12 November necessitated a change

in the training schedule vihich produced a limited program.

"C 11 Company on this date, moved to positions on Line

Kansas to etfect an improvement of defenses there.l5 V{ork

was begun on rebuilding bunkers that had deterior:::ted and on

making repairs in gsneral. This practice v1as continued. through-

out the entire month, one company at a tine, each moving to

its as c:igned sec tor of the 1 ine.

uE 11 Company 1•1as designated as alert company for the per-1~"'

lod, 0 this in conjunction 1vitb the Regiment's respon2 ibility

of maintaining ~:me alert company for use in the event of {;;

sudden need.

'I'raining on 14 November, had advenced from squad tactics

to a progri:lln of platoon size problems. i'he heavy vJeapons com-

pany received training in close support of the rifle units in

both defensive ond o:rfensive situations. Speci:l emphasis I·Jas

put on instructing each man in a gun crev-1 in the fund<:unental

oper•ations of the ·Neapon so that each man vJould be able t.o

tak o OVPI' in cgse of· c u l~y Lo ~~ ~ t ~ - ~ a as a LJ• 1.1 LJL"e r;;;gu.Lsr opera or.

A break in the rigorous tro.ining schedule •,,Ias offered

on this same date, v·!ith the presentation of an all-soldier

17 shm-J, "One F'or The Road 11

• This particular type function

1,?. A_Jpendix C-I, FOR .:/J ::6~, lt2 November 1951 16. Appendix C-1, POR /f 55~;, lj November 1951 17. P.;ppendix A-1, Unit Journals, 14 November 1951

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did much to maintain the high level of morale alrt;ady evident

throushout tbe entire Regiment.

One hundred-thirty EN rot·ted on 16 NovEmber and, at the

same time, lLJ- replacements arr-ived c:tt Regiment, but were held

until the next dc-.y be fore being asE igned.ld

Security patrols continued to be aispatcbed daily to recon-

noiter the asr::igned regL1c-ontal sector, repor-cing negco,tive con-


On 17 November a demonstrb_"tion of' a squad in the at ~ack

Ill/as presented by- ls-c Battalion for membsrs o1· 2d Division 10

Headquarters • .;/

Church services \vere conducted on ld November c:nci. the

remainder of the period VIas spent in organize a a.tr1letic B and

personal hygiene. I&R platoon made a road reconnaissance to

redetermine the trafficabi1ity and J:ound it to be in poor con-20


Training initiated on 19 November moved into high gear

and inciuded platoon size tactics and. ·vreapons firing -v;ith live

arnmuni tion. Night pro blef;ls vJere continued during the period 21

at an average of tvr: a'·weeck for each company. Also on this

date the Eegiment 1<1as relieved o!' the responsibility of main­

taining an alert company. 2 2 During the period Lt. Colcnel

Lloyd E Patch joined the Ninth on this date and assumed the

duties as regimental executive ofticer.

One hundrect--cwe.Lve replacements \vere race ived e.t I-?.egiment

during the day and r1ere assigned to the various units. 23 Gen-

eral Young again visited the CP for a c onsu.L tc,_tion with tbe

18. 19.


21. 22. 23o

Appendix A-1, Unit Journals, 16 November 1951 Item fi ~ Section IV, S-5 Operations Report 1 Novembcr-jO November

l9jl P• 2 Section III, History Inte.LLigence FunctL;ns, 1-30 November

1951, P• 2 Appendix C-1, POR # jbl, l~ November .L9~l Ibid .Appendix A-1, Unit Journals, 19 November .L~:Jl, Icem # b

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starr or:ticers. 11 G'' Company was relieved of ttJ.e responsibility

of security for the IX Corps by "E" Company, 23d Infantry and

closed in 2d Battalion as2embly area. 24

The other units of the Regiment continued train:J..ng as

scheduled and each -battalion dispatched squad size patrols ror

reconnaissance, all of which reported no incidents.

On Thanksgiving Day, 22 November, the RegimEnt enjoyed a

holiday from training--only fatigue duty V>Ja2 carrlea on. Church

services ivere conducted for all units and 1n the early a.f'ter-

noon, special services presented a musical revie'.-J at the reg-

imental CP. A hol.iday dinnsr was served at the mid-day m.eal

which included roast turkey and all the trimmings. The mess

sergeants in each unit 1'-iork.ea. long nours ·co ·curn out an extra

special meal--their e1 rorts were vJell-rev~arded by ·c. he praise

they reeeivect· bJ tne men o1' the Hegimem::..

Training i'ias rssumed on 23 Novemoer c:t.nd sse uri ty pe.trols

dispatcned to reconnoiter the assigned areas continuea ~o

report no incidents or an unusual nature.

On 24 November the Vice President of ~ne. Uni·ted. Sr,ates,

Alben BarKleJ, presented ·cne Distingu:tsned. Unit:. Citation to .. - 2j the 2d Infantry DlVision e.t -Gne a.1v1sion CP. Tne RegLD.e.t1T ..

'Vlas represented by ·c.he regimentel commander, ~he executive

orr icer, .the adjutant, the commanding ofi leers or each batta-

lion and one enlisted. m<:m rrum ee,et1 unit.

Re.L1gious strv ices were ne.Lu. on Sunday, 2~ November, and

as was cne praL: tice ci.L.L mvnt.h, ·Gne remainder or tne per1od

was u~l.Ll~eu on personal hygiene and organizeu ath~etics.

Twelve hospital returnc.:es arrived at the Ree;lment during

--24. Appendix C-1, POR If 363, 21 November 1951 25. rWPendix A-1, Unit J"ournals 24 November 1951 Item '/f 17

P. b.,.~· age ___ o~ ___ pages.

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the day and were reassigned to their parent units.

Again on 26 November, the Regiment assumed the responsi­

bility of maintaining one rifle company on a 24-hour alert. 26

uc" CompBny was the first unit to be placed on a 24-hour basis

--the oblig2.tion rotated from day to day to each of the bat-

tal ions.

Fifty-nine replace::1ents 1:1ere received at Regiment and 27

were assigned to the various units.

A rGgimental review \1/as heL in the afternoon of 27 Nov-

ember. General Young reviewed the line of march and, during,

the ceremonies, 24 men i•Jere decorated for their service v.Jhile

serving with the Hesiment. 28

The 2d Battalion was relieved, on 28 November, of the

responsibility of' a security :torce for IX Corps. 29 Training

continued the next day along current lines and patrols \·/ere

dispatched to reconnoiter the respective e,reas. This sc:me

type of activity continued on both 29 and 3U November.

During the month emphasis '!,vas placed on c 6ld 1·1eathsr

training. A :r ilm on this subject vJas shovm to B.ll units on

30 November. In conjunction 1-vith this program, the regiment::-,1

S-4 section doubled their eforts to equip the troops ade-

quatelyo Pile-lined equipment, shoe pacs, parkas a.nd OD uni-

:t'orms were issued to the men. Extra squad tents c:md t.en-c

stoves v1ere made available to t.he companies. The Regiment,

as the month closed, v;as ready I or even the 1...0rst "~>linter '.-Jea-


During November 460 EJ:!I and 13 orf'icer r6placements viere

Z7. Appendix A-1, Unit Journals, 26 November 1951, Item # 9 28 • .Appendix A-1, Unit Journals, Z7 November• 1951, It.em.t¥ 14 29. Appendix C-1, POH # 37'0, 28 November 1951

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';\ Au~.hority Ll!..Lk iJ /.. g 5.Li:J..J \ :\ 81 _(_ ( _ t~A?A D~~e !1219~ I, 1 _ ........... ...,.-.... ...... -...~ .... ~........,__,ICIO*f ... __ ...... _ ...... ~

- - .

received at Regiment, 249 El-1 and 26 officers particip::::ted in

the R&R program, >,vhile· 309 men rota ted to tne ZI. 30

30. Appendix A-2, Periodic Personnel Reports, Nos. 34 & 35

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