9th infantry regiment - command report - april 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · korean war 9th infantry...

Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record: USA-87 Folder: 070006 Box: 07 File: 06 National Archives and Records Administration College Park, Maryland Records: United States Army Unit Name: Second Infantry Division Record Group: RG407 Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org Korean War Project 2ID-00200264

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Page 1: 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record:

Korean War

9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951

2nd Infantry Division

Korean War Project Record: USA-87

Folder: 070006

Box: 07

File: 06

National Archives and Records Administration

College Park, Maryland

Records: United States Army

Unit Name: Second Infantry Division

Record Group: RG407

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project 2ID-00200264

Page 2: 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project 2ID-00200265







APR\L 1951





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Korean War Project 2ID-00200266

,, .. . \ REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES ~'f1!!"""';--- ------r-·"OEcL:~ssiri Eo \ . ,.,~

I AvU;o_r~:i J...J.J) 7 ;:; ?L/)! \ I Bv_(_s._ K.\?A 02\(: i/,Z)£1-L~ I 1 -- .. ---.,..~ ................ .,.._,-~ .. --.·---.....-1

'f!)! I ~-F-

III. Tntolli~8nce

IV. l,o;:.::i.Rti.cs


~). k,,,,r('l,, l'E'l' f'. 0 '\0rr>l Or"l.r::>r!". D~llr·l'~'nont 0r thl'1 f(r:my. l'f""fi'd.r• . ·.nn ' 5, D .0 .• 1 r; F ehrn,.,:ry 1(})1

G. A1•tPrr'.s, ro:r i}onArr'l Or•1.Pr:::, T'~'q ~'' Div., (1Tnfl. 71, 77., 79, 1;0, r:::>. ;:~~. S5. r:G)

<:. Int0llit;;encEl }},J letir;.


') r .. •

3· 1 . f.

-- criodj.c Dr1e' "tionr P~"<:x>rt;1

(Fos. SJ0-1-~2)

i·lovflT!lent Or0.er

Page 4: 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project 2ID-00200267



·F.JilAPQU A.RTERS ;., 9th Inf 8]ltry Regiment

)}'0 2lJ.8, c/o Postmaster San Frnacisco, California

REPORT ------1-30 .APril 1951

I. Introcl.nction

~ ~.,;'· \·. -· . "'

·For the first time since the 9th Inf entry landed in Korea as the

vanguard of the 2d Division it had no contact with the enemy for·30 con-

secU:tive d.pys. .Almost the entire month \'l'aJI spent in either X Corps

or division reserve. Yet. e'fents· of :Para."llotmt ·im:port,ence transpired

which ,.,ill profoundly affect the future combat efficiency of the


There ,..,as a cha,ngo in key personnel. The 9th Infantry during this

· perio~ received more replacements thap. ever before in Korea; and, at the

SaJ:ne time, lost through rot.?.tion more combat-hardened leaders than it

tid at Kut1u.-ri.

A X Corps com·1and. inspection ,.,as heH.. Deficiencies in equipment

were more easil~- checkeO.. thac"l. heretofore pn·~- prortyt corrective action

Discipline, "'hich in co;:1rJr,t hac1 necessaril~· been left EJlmost entirely to

small nni t lea,d.ers, lit1S ])erfected by close snpervision ~nd control of tb.is

hee.d.quart ers.

Rest E¥1d.. recreation f~cilities ,.,ere rear!.ily availa:ble. Eorale had

reached its nadir in eprl;;," Dece:1ber, bnt no-vr soared and v.r<>S v.'eld.ec1. into

a proud., a::t;ressive esj?ri t d.e corns.

Pege l of 16 }?aZes.

'l l '

~ . -~ M l


Page 5: 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record:

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~·.'.: (

'~ .

A rc:porte0. stront; 11X and CCF d.ef':mse line one or t,~lQ·miles north

of the 3Zt11 Pa7:'allel onl ,t\Oril cat<.sefl. ~"shift in mr units and . 1 lines.

•· ' In the 2d Infa.'l1try Division sector pl['lls ",rere formulpted to give both .. a J?Ol·rerful att 8.cl:inc force, and., if the sitvtation shon~d cheJ1ge, a de-

fense in de:>th. These operation~ plans ce.].le cl for a column of reg-

iments: 23d, )Gth awl. 9th, "tJith the fu.rther :provisions that eacl:

could. re11laco tlle other 1vith a minimt'.D. of movement pJ1d'loss of time.

The Re.:;iment, with its CP located e.t SDJ:>:cnc;;;~-ri, uas elertecl.

for movement •

\',hen clearance liaS civen.1 HepH11hile, the batttclions .,;ncl S})ecial tU1its

condt1ctec. small unit problems. Trninin{~ fUns, v.Vrdlnble for the firtt 4 I .

time, l·rere sho,..m. to r>ll nembers of tll e Re;;ime:1t. 2 In addition a :PlA:-

Patrols '\'tGre d.is~~)atchec1. eacll daY c<.u.rin,c; 1-3 .April to contact the

38th Inf entry, 36th P.OK Rer;inont. e>llc. the ls t Marine Division. lTo en­

emy contrct v8.s m[!,de cl.u.ri1lt;; the entir0 11erioa.. 1J..

the vicinity of Saeual, Xorea.5 Closin~; in the ne1·: a,rea at a;:,Jproxint:>tely.

1030 hot'.l"S, these co:.1::)o11ies sec''.J;"ecl. it •:'.ntiJ. ell nni ts ~rivec1. 6

1. 2. 3-,, ·r •


~ .

A:}}?endix Ail}.1enctix .A;ppen&.ix Ibio. ,Ap}!cll.cli:c .ttr':'}end.ix

0-1 (PO.R l!o • 0-1 (l?OR r•o. C-1 (ror.. J:!o •

0-1 (lDR Fo. C-1 (l?OR Ho.

oh .,.·; ()(\ .-''

Q-:> .,.~c_

03 j


ro E>Jis in X Co rTJS sector ., ;

c'.t cl h N'r 51) c"!..tf"l 1 Jt!r r~i:L) (!_tel 3 ifJ}r jl)

ci.t C'. " Jpr 51) C.t0. r.· ) N.!r 51)

on 5 ~~m·n,

,... l b :Q r[;es •

. ' I

Page 6: 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project 2ID-00200269

-· /'

~-· • ••rn•u -·,_,_,. __ ,_.,.,-~-- ~


was ordered. to hold in its present position.1 Roa{l :priority, however, was

. ~ ·~ granted from 0700 to 1300 hot1rs for t!1e follO\·.d.11[; d.a:r a)ld all tlni ts \·tere

alerted for move.'Tlent. 2

RevertinG to X Corps Reserve on 6 4:)ril, the Regiment moved to the ne1·'

:the move.4 ~:-·

l'repa.ration be.;;,,n imnedi <?.tely for X Corps comma,nrl inspection.:;

Ho toriz eel p:;trols ,.,ere dirrpatched. c:tn_il;· to recon;i.oi t er the :'ts sic~ned .

. sector, }mo,.m as aret", FF. Finri.inc it innoss:i.ble to co;ver the ne,-· J.ird.ts

With motor Jla.trols, acl·'.itional foot elements \'rere d.is:oatche€l over tl~o 1~1ore·

ruggecl terrB.in. 6 l1o enecy cont0d; '"'~-s n 8 de; l10Hever, many sm 8.11 OOJi" :oni IX

anmunition points were loct1.te0. ::111d re:norte:'l. to higb.er herc1.q_,;_n.rters. 7

First official notificption thpt one of the 9th 1s aost d.istin~;dshed.

. so1d.iers, II/Sct Tre.vis 1~. W,.,t1dns, Co !I, har.1. been al-r.PrGJ.ed the Hee!.r11 o.f

&nor fo l' his cons:picu.ou_s sr:>J.1r>Jltr-t ar;ainst the enemy ne?.r Yongsn;l, Korer-,,

&.1lrinG ea.:-1;! September 1950, ''l'e,s receiver.<. on 7 Mril 1951. This is

the second Hed.a1 of Tionor a1-rarCl.oc1 a nember of TI Co du.ring the Korean Ce;'TI-

"Paign. g

mainder of tho month. Their missions aLternated ;lletlreen reconn 3.issan.ce plli

road tr~f:fica~Ui ty. 9

1. .A,jl)en ·'-l.ix C-1 (lUR i:fo . 911. r:.t ~1. 5 if{}J.' 51) 2. Ibid. 1. A;'}j1en '1-i~~ C-1 (Pan :·o . 95 r:_v_ 6 10'' 51) lt Ji{f'J en cUx C-1 (r<m lTo 96 c•_tc_ 7 lrp!' 51) .. . 5. 'I'bid G. Ibid. 7 . .ft;Jpcnc"'.ix .A-1 (P.e: Itos }To. 2.:;, 'Unit Jo"-!'n£.1 ~.trl 7 51) 8. .1\'JJeno.i::x:: .A:-5 9. Section II (S-2 :::8}Tr>tive T.eT'ort, P8 {;o Fo. 1)

:.~ ..

Page 7: 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record:

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S .. ,.,. E-~t.iJ ·CR·· ···.. .· .. ET . . .. ~ ., f ·. h / /

Commpn<l R~ort H~ Inf Rer;t, · dtd 10 Ha:v 1951 (contt d)

.All u.ni ts of the cor:tl1aJ.1d, on S ·.April, 1 atmchefil DP. intensive, t1'.o-tlr-Y

:pro6raJ'l of care a.'Yli clea;ning in preilnration for the forthcoming command.

inspection to be conducted. by .X Corps. Th.lrinr:-: this :period, su:p}'>ly p~r-

sonnel Norked d.aY a.nd ni;.;ht checkin;; short~',ges in and· serviceability of

equipment thro~:.ghoc:tt t}:.e Rer,;iiP~'4. HanY <'l.ifficu.l t problems vere encountered. I

clothint; ancl .:;ear 1r:rere 1Jeinc turned in ::~t tl1is time [>p.d en a.Cc)_te shortege

of C01•1bRt boots o.evelO!?ed.. This liaS solve"!.· a;ftor ctifficnlties in f:1ll

bu.t sizes 11 J!11 ana. "1TTI11 - i'rHLt1is •1

qu.ate latmdry fncilities .vrere obtrdne1. ~3y the time of the inspection

served wea:r))ns.J

Concern 1J:r hi:;her heaclq_u.arters regnrdJ.ng intensified. pre:oarntion on the

part of the enemy for air attac;: res:,.J.tec1 in tho est ~blisbnent 0f a.ir s:potter

.1. Section !Y (S-l.!. 1iarr.,tive ~eport, 2:1e£C 1) . 2. n1c. 3. Sect i em IY ( S-1~ J'T err ,..,ti v e B.o:oo rt, J)a:; e 2) 4. Ibh1

5 • .A;l:·,-,olic1.ix 0-1 (FOR Eo. 101, '1.t<1. 9 Jf;r 51) G. A:rypenc1j_x C-1 (POR I"o. 102, clV. 10 -.'tJr 51) 7. Section IV (S-l~ 1Ta?T f'tivo Report, p.?I;e 2)

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' '~·



Com.:a1:1nd. Report, Kq 9th Inf R~t, dt 6t 10 HaY 1951 ( cont 1 d)

~~ .. oEc"L~ssiFi"Eo~~8~: t


Aulhority Lli.&·D 7 g~SLLtr\ 1 By_(~ _!\A?.A oa·~eL/2/9~ \

!t_.:-·.--... ~ ....... ~~~-~-

Seconcl J3.?.tt ~?lion, :2egiment 81 Ife ·<i.q_"arters Com}?aJ:l..V' p;nd. Hectic""). Con-

paror vrere the first ,,nits ins:_·ectei·. This. \·ras follO\,.re0. the ne."l:t tiw by

On 13 . .A;oril t>.3 ins:9ection '\'.'~s concl11.fl.e0. :"fter n check of 2-ll vr:i1iclos

cellent. 2

Section for dispersal of • -:z;

tlie br.ttp;Li.ons vdth".n the reserve e.rea.~· The

1st Tie,tt 0_1ion ent;P{;ecl in trainins , .. 1J.ile the 2ct ::]nt talion left the in-

s:pection r:;rcn•_ncls for P. ne'\'1 t)ivon8 c. Fono.,_,r.i.ng cOJirplete 'lmit dispersion,

- 4 proble:ns con(1.t•_ctec1 .• ·

One of t'1e nost si:::nific:"nt :ner~onnel C!.evelo};ments in t:1e histo:>:;r

consistinG of nine officers ~n". 50 enliste~1. men, left for return to t~-,_e

ferred to !1enr1.CJ''-arters, 2d Inf 8ntr'J !Jivisirm. They 110'\'r are comj;etinc:

for assi,zm1ent to the IIonor C-naro. of- E:ep:'l.0_".a.rterc, F 2 r East Commp.,n_Gl .•

lJlements of t:!e P,er:;ime:r_t continnecl firin:: inctivid.tl 11l 8;nd cre1rr-.servecl


of a irivers 1 school t!l?ro yerfecte"'-· 7 li/S~";t R..,nsori A. Palmer, Co ".A!',

1. Sectiori II (S-2 I~ ~.rr etlve P.e~;}G rt, M:l:?[.C ?) ., c.. Ibicl. ). .AJ!:)en ~u:x C-1 (POR JTo . 105 c1 tct 11 Apr 51) h Ibid ..

(PSR s. AP::?eno:'l.L"C Jr?_ lTo . 21 .... ..., ........... """' 3, r'.t ,,_. J.-15 A:~r 51) { ·~:: .·

5. Ibic. 7. _ft;)21 on c'1.i::: C-1 (ron l"fo . J.09 ;:! t _, 13 ~'l~r 51) ~ ~ ~ ·.-,..

A!-: e11 '"1ix A-? (PSR Fo 21 3, :l . .~cr1.. 1-15 51) u. . ~~!·A[:; a J(;r

·" ~·' :" ~~"~ \,j


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:. - ~--- -·-'•·•·;:: / ":i--~ ;-;~~

t OECLO.SS!f168\ ___ sj):

1l Au!hoiiiyLl/..JLD 7 gSZ:tr'\ ', By _(e-- _ !\A?.A O::~e t/2-f%_ \ 1.-·--··'"'__..,___ ..... -----~·-_.....-

' 1 St ~-rs to officers rn". rvm of the R"•ciment .':J:t the 9th I1-..f a,ntry Iicnil.e··nrters.

One officer ani 2n enlisted. ID3i1 left 'n th:i.s Cl.nte for retrtrn to the

be used ns instructors i.n traini~r.; nnits.2 Air sect:t.rity vras er,1J,-,hasized

For th0 first tir-1o since the Rer:imePt left .Ascon Cit;;r, :>.G.etl_'-'-:'!te •)er-

sonnel c11ed:s l':"Zre feasible. .Al1 off:i.cer of t:Je ·P.cGiment, conseo_u.entl;v-.

\'if'S c.et.dle~'~ on t fu.J.l ti:-:te 1Jr-sis to cont<'ct -e2ch in'.'l.ivir.uol in the .


r; a.rivers. '· Concnrrently tr 8 inir.c;

·members of this COI:'J1~ne, retn.r::.erl. fro;~,_ v,riou.s hos~i tats,· f'nd., on this - r:<

date, ·seven off:l.cers r'n -~ 50 ()n].iste(1. r:ten loft on rot2tion. 0

OJT;;;;; . by the ene.rn.y • .~/ This d.eqonstrr>.tion ,~_i0. n r:;reat .:'.e,..,l to instill_ conf:F.once

. '\) ... ~·· -~----------------'------------~-·

1. ~1\'\J.!r>ncli:c Jr-?. (l)SR :~o. ~1, )C'.~-:o 3. .~.v. 1-15 A.,>r 51) 2. Ibic',

J.S, .

~4-1 (:a,-,. It om lTo TT11:l + JO;·l·npl _, v• v 3· A'9lJen~l~ix

.A:-1 (:te: -J.. l-:'o 13, t' ;l:i. t ,_'T o:_,_!..~!lrl ..:.. v 0.El . ,, " . ··'" .P;;men -'.J.J:

5· Ibic". 6. ~:ooniix C-1 (J?OR :"o. 11; (1J;~'- lb _<twi1 51) 7. I"biG. r~. .Arr~:e:J. c"!.i:: 9, .N?~enrl.i:::

,;:\,-1 (Re: C-1 (roR

It ''!:1 !To ro . 117

. 1 ~ r:11:i.t Jo: ... _r11al rl.t-'. J.7 1~'1~" ~il)

·'.t:l ll~ r::.v. lt~

.-"!.f..-..,_ ·~- v . ·~ 1 G

A·r A!)l'


G oi' 16

51) 51)


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'"';i!llllifl'1F$r.· Gill 'IWr ~-~~l


in the ne"' men ·con·cernin6 A:nerican fire power plld was a fittin," c:'!::'tlnax

to tt.e instruction previonsly given by t}w battle-testeo. sold.iers Cl.e-

parted or lerving soon on rotntioh. A 1st D8 ttp.,;U.on I t, R lk•trol dis_:

covered. a cac~1e oi enem~ 1"11Jlunition ,.mich consisted of 20 cases of 6t• l·lH

mortt:r si1ells, 5 cases of .30 ca).. an;:l seven hand. grenad.es.l

Patrollin:~ was contim".ed on J.S A!_):r·il \\ri th the Regimentt:U. I 8, R

:platoon assignee, a mission ~f retriev~.; aP.d destroying enemy a1llmuni­

tion tliscovered on the previous dey .2 Unit training was e1nphaeizei

Qy the companies not engn~ed. in patrolling activities. Do.e to poor

'!>reather conditions on 19 ,.m:>ril, e.ll battalions utU~zed the inclement

weather trc:.ining schedule for a lectu.re series.3

A Ret;imental I & R patrol, on 20 ~ril, contactee. X Corps Hear-

. quarters wi tr..out enconntering aP.Y u.nusual inci<l~nts. 4 Similarly, all

:patrols were unable to either conte_ct or sight the enemy. 5 On this

date lr1 enlisted men n:ncll~ officers Cl.e:r>arteii for R & R le11:ve in Ja;pp]1.6

Ni Sgt B.ernarc1 Doherty, Heac1..qnarters Com~Jr>nY, . 9th Inf ant;r;y enCl. the

Regimentpl Sergennt Hajor, we.s :present.ed the Bronze St<'!r Hed.al for Heri..;

torious Service by Colonel Hessiw:;er, Regirae':'!.trl Commander,· a.t a ceremony

held. at the Reginentd OP on 20 .April 1951. H/SE~t D:lherty has servec'.

30 years in the Uni tee:. Stntes NmY Rllcl ,.n)_s a mE'.:1b -~r of the 9th Inf f'lntry

lte$im~nt i'or 25 yea;rs. 7 This format5.on climnXecl many l)resentr"tlon

<;:eremoni es held d.t".rin::; the month Hhich inclv.de(l the d.eco rption of il.;.

ITeerts to neuters of -~ -!-. • • .L s ras~eCulVe UDluG.

1.· .A;)T•en0.ix C-1 (FOR lTo. 117 c!_t.-:. 17 )JJr 51) 2 • .!F'en"'.h: C-1 (FOR ro. llG (1t{1• 1'.·; .A;"?r 51) ?). ]fl)'"m~li:;:: 0~1 (FOB. ITo. 120 ri.V. JY i(:'r r-:;1) 1' .... A--_:J_1,.,_11r'l .. _,_.,, A]_ (n It ·- 1 t-T ·t·J ~ ' .n. . "· . -· =- , ... e: · c:·1 : .o. 1. lU o:·rnn_l C.t ·'- 20 .<i;?r 511 5. k-;,~n~ux C-1 (ror: :7o. 12~ d'~c': 20 JQr 5J.) G • . 1\')~~ICP..''.i:;: .A:-1 (Re: IV'Fl r··?;. 1·r:.it <JCP.:·n~l (l.V. 2''' .A;;:>r 51)

Page 11: 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project 2ID-00200274

Jt 5 lillll'ii. . ~-·--i~-~~

I OECU\SSIFifiO, __ ~.~H L

'l Aulhoriiy L1.U11 D 7 g ~S:LLrJ\ ' By_(&_ !\A?.A Oa1e {12i94 \, l _____ ...,_.._.._,...._ .... ---JI::IOOM--__....-~

The Rcr:L"!!ent i·!oS crrr:.ring 25 A~l)I,'n ps of this d;--te. In order to

""'re ''lr~·~'crr,r~ 1 '*J.._, .. ·.- t.::;J- ;,.,-.:.-...


these 1:1.0:1 "n::. tl1ose th.,t foll01·red. on their ueY in :; ninimtm of time. ' 5

of KH.nn(1a.e, Koro[', an~l. t;..o mon frol'l 'E,-111: Co'nl])rny, sir.lilrrly reported. ll

Febrt;.a~7 nortJ• of :teen. ·sonc;, \\TCre' iO.entifiecl ns F0li1s of tho Chinese t~\rol'.{.;h

·letters receive~·~ b:· 2c1. Division G-2. In~til.ocp.'.gt~ retP.rn ad:".resses on

mos~ of tlL? letters }~rcvion3ly

lr the~e t;ro CO~l'\<'.c1 ies •. r

1:1.nitecl irleT'.tific."ltion to

r:; The lo.tto::: i'le>.S sent to 2C'. Division G-2.:J

~~ ~' ,0-.• 0, s "'·. • -... ;,•--; !""'... ·.·.'. n .. .... i.""'"' • 1-:.~ '.:""', '.·.'0 '····~·.·. '. <"J• ~.•'r ' 1• ,t.. '1 t' 1 - ,· n J.,. a I .... - ~ ~.:: ~ "" - ~ .~ vJ !_.,_u _ .. vi'J..Ct?V0


/ ' r~ r (;0 ~·:ll) .... , t t' ~l_~; 10 r . ,.·)

1. Section I (S-1 ::.·n:-::·r>'c·'.vc RoCJ()rt, 2. !lJi-'l

~~J;:cl1':1~tl: r. Ib i c:. c~

l":-1 (:F:.e: It ~"'•T:S ,.

" TTn~ t Jo".rn:-.i r.~ ' . 't (1~ t ~;_ ~J. .lpril 1951)

. D-1 (r-.. ,. 100 ->.tel ?1 51) "l J!O . j~)l'

C-l 1~~;. .A:.)r 51)

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'·~·iltUJ lifl!tlot.M!Ii n llil!<'·"·"';.o,..-oii ,., .. .-.... ..--,.


' ,, '

- --· ,-~ --;- --~-

Cor~2nc. Report

Battalion 11rtrol in area FF. In e,clc1.ition, it uncovered 17 boxes of

OaJ_ .30 nin:ntm:i.tion rJV'1 .. ~ nnnb8r of 82 ill! mortr;r shells. The 2cl Div-

is ion G-- 3 :Bonl) Di s!_)O seJ. SC!_t'.ad ues 110 t ifie~,- of ti~o bo:mbs and. t'ce 3c1.

Prompt clePtrrcction of tl'.is enemy ' 1

stack ~;ms acco;1''1 i shecl.

Fou1~ officer re}llpCEf:1e1'.ts ,.~:cl.: l? enlisted :!1os::,.,itrl reb.rnees re-

given p rot,-.t:ton quota of 30 officers ['n<l 300 enlisteit men for the

I'!moclintol~t npon .not:Lfic['tion tl:.pt the lon,~-ex:pected Chinese 5th

phaSe ~ffonsive hacl oer;,,_n, S-2 bee;rJ1 ro co~'J;rehrmsive st1J.d.y of nossiole

yilice boxes thror:.::~ho:.·.t the re~;i!"lent;ol cren. Thls precaJ.:ttion l1as t 21r.en.

to insnre loc.?.l secu.ri ty os vell e.s a;)pro}1e:nsion .of enEmy a::onts.3

Trainint;, "!:ihich 1)y 1101." i'ms confinec'L almost entirely to unit t~tics,

't.,as fu.rther int:ms:!.fieci. on 23 Al)ril H:'1cn v~,·ioP.s elements of tl1.e Rer,:­

h iment conc'.'tctea. COl'~}?r-n;r-sized J)l'oolems. ' ALso, 16 officers p!Hl. 109

1!00 Is frc:m Vprio1~s elements of the llet;ine~1t nttendeil, p T['nk-Inf :-ntry

::- res·•.l t o:" continne~~- r"·.'orts ' -

GJ~ine2e ~.i~"

1. }~1ncn:-1..ix E-1 (PIR !7o • 101 El.tc'l. 22 ,A~1· 51) 0_. A~<-,n'1'~;-~ Al (Pe• It""'" rl (-. nl'l•t Jo···:t'n 1 il .. tr1_ - A. ~..... . ........ .J·_ ~ ~-"' • ·-~ liJ •. '._, t . 04~ I • ~ 0-

3· Section II (Fw·rptivo lle1Jort, S-?). h. _A;>·~enc1.ix 0-l (ro::?. lTo. 12:5 f..V. 23 A'r 51) 5. Ar;:end.b: Jt-1 (Rc: Itn;o1 21. Unit Jo··rni]_ d.tcl :>3 6 . .tt)'~Cl111iX C-1 (J:"'OR l:o. 125 cl.V. 23 1\l1r 51)


22 A,)r 51)

.t;gr 51)

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·4tilitllill l.llllt ;Uilll Jllll. • rr -~_.,._ .... ~-­


· T'ne 'fn'l~.rth rot.~tee c;roup, cons is tiP.{; of six officers &'10. 70 en-

Hst'ecl men , .. rere trensfe:,·red. on this dr>te; an0., nt the s::ma tine, 22 enlist0d.

hospi tpl retu.rnees pnd. l~l~ re:nl fl,CeDent s were race:. ve«-.1

A ro 8 .c<. \..urlc detail, oper::ttinG sonth of Hon(;chon, receivec'l. smvll

bt:.t c.etemn.ine1 efforts :··Hhin e 2500-ya;rcl i::>erimetor failed to brinc~

either contgct or sig:l~t ings of the enemy. 2

D.,.e to the increasing serio'.'.sncs s of the situation cat'.s ed. by t~J.e

initial grob:lnr:;s of the reportecl. Chinese Offerl.sive, ·all battnJ_ion-size

:pro b 1 ems ;..re1· :-> :;;:o s t po:: cc1_ t er:.1 :po r e..r il y • 3

Effect of the crit:i.ca.l t'ii.r.n in the t 8ctic::11. sik.a.tion was im-

trt,_cks a "lr~r t0 Corps. Division on~:. ;.tte.c>e0. ".nits of these cont'n)lds for

the ]_)1:..rpose of hap.linc .":Jnunition, f,e.c, SP.].Jpliec, and :personnel. These

lon{; hauls in;-:ce::Uotely res1.1.l te"- in r;n increas<? of repair ancL movec1.. trp

' d.ead.lino fiQ.'~res. Pr:lor to this time the :Rer,iment had one vehicle 8 ;nc1.

one t".o 2nd a. half t'on trtlck in orcln;:>nce; ar-cc, c>t the height of this-

~'" :;:_, 'i;a,l.

:perioc1. uhich occurred p}'lJ)roxim?.teJ.y <in this (l;:,.te, ordn8 ]lce fi~tres rose

\tar<ts the latter };;C'rt of the nonth, ns conrr1~- tno21ts il.ecreased .• the m1.;"!11)er

of tru.cl:s in re})p;ir fl.icl 15.kettt:i.so. 1~

1. ..lt'J_)en:-.ix A-1 (:R.e: Itc71S 1G, Unit Jo,_,_rnA)., (":.t-~_ 21· 11J_1r 51) ~~ • .A;>:',:len(~.ix C-2 (POR 1~o. 12~ .=:_t :1. 2_1~ .A;)r 51) 3 . .J\:}:~;enclbt .A-1 (Re: Ite:.1 5b, Unit Jou.rnal •1.td. 21: .AT:r 51) 4. Section IV (S-l.: :Tprrptivo RC}.lort, ~lp£;e 2)


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L •, .:.·

· _ CQp.lll\alla". ;e:o.ort ' },\:-,, ' . '\·:?·

T\·lO ca.ehes of ar:lrrnmition, this time a cor.t1Ji:lation of botll enemy

muni~ion of enemy origi:: '.'ras destroyed; r:Jll serviceable H. S. nortr>;r

a!llrm.mition (consistin:'; of 142 roi•11c'.s of I!FJ lir;ht ana 13 rounds of

illuminatinc) 1·1as Cl.eliverer:1_ to tl:o rer;inent,-1 A.S .P ~1 ,

A 702 Oro.naP-ce te[-n ini tipteo. 11 h.Q-o.py ins1)ection: ?f all ere"-'""

servet >-rOal)Ons in the Her;iment. 2 C J3otter.:", B2Cl. AA.A, \laS attached to

for the .A.A. de:::'ense of X Corps l!e!"}-Q.U::>.rters, 2cl Division !.!e..,_clqtcarters rnd

~~... tvt:> A. S .·P. 1 s.

The :fifth t>Wl :fincl rot.,tee grou.:) of the month left on this date.

It consisted. of t1-:() officers pnc. 70 e:1listeC. men, ,.,hich macte a. total of

30 officers encl. 290 enJ-iste<l men trs;1sferre0. throu.ch the rot,-,tion pro-

lt grr\.rn since itr; initi~'tioyl this month. ·

tainty, nt first, ~ to 'ilere t:ceir nain effort 1.0tcld b8 eYerted, re-

., . 26 ,April. It cor'.ld thus be em})loyed. \d th a minimum of effort in the

event of

some v.ni t of the org<:\nir at ion eve:·;;,r niGht ?lld the 2d Division S:reoi0J:

S . . G

ervice cl,_;·bmo bile mpcle froC1l'.er:.t visits 8D011{;_; t~1e trool)S. Clw .. rch se·r-

1. 2. 3·

·lc '. 5. 6.

.JtFen:1.b: :B-1 ,A;):nencl.ix .A:-1 .AJ!}_)enc1.ix A:-1 .AP:nenc1.ix A-2 ft41 'encUx 0-1 Stptement o;"

(P!l?. Eo. 101~ cltrl 25 .!iPr 51) . (P.e: Iten Eo. 15, Un:i.t Jot,_rnpl c"':.tc1. 2~~; JIJ?r 51) (Re: Iten. I:o. S, Unit Jo'l'.rnE~l r1.t1. 25 .AJ.'r 51) (PSR iTo. 22 0.tc. lh-30 ~':r 51) (l:'OR !To. 12S eltc'. 26 .A:~r 51) Special Services Officer • .ttJ~'cmclj.x F.-1

Page 15: 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 · 2011. 12. 19. · Korean War 9th Infantry Regiment - Command Report - April 1951 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Project Record:

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at the.'11 ,.,as exceptionally eood.l

The P-et;iment ,,.as recalled n·om Corps reserve on 27 ~ril and :Placed.

in Division reserve \"lith the mission to cou.nterpttrck in case of en e11-

~ amy :penetrntion o:f tl1e jCth Infantry lines t3. fev! miles to tho north.-·

The 702d Orctnn,.11ce ber;;!-;n the first of p_ one-c:l.r>Y school on pre­

ventive maintenance for nll su.j1:J:Jly ;;ernon;:el) T\~10 enlisted. re-

pla.cements · [1).1C1• nine hos;?i t2l retr'.rnees were received.. 4

·REI.in necessi tPted the _reversion to on 'inclement weather scheclu~e

on 28 J\:lril ~1<1 forced the l"JOstponement of a r)rcventive maintenance

·school. 5 The ~?Qor weot:1er some1·1hnt han:~·ered e.erial reconnaissance over

the area of "'_nticipat eel emj)lo;yment b~r the re:;bentol ste;ff a,..11o. bat-



t~>lion comna;nders; ho,·;ever, cronn0. l~ecOn...'laissance 'l'le.s conducted in ord.er to c

deterr;line the best routes for co1mteratt~c~::. 0 The 2d Battal'ion aSsPned.

a t1·JO-hour elert on this dete relieving the 1st B3 ttn1icm. 7

The final :R & 1?. cro~.'.JJ for the nonth left on 29 ,April. These four

for rest &'1d recu:perrotion to 11~ officers ..,n,l.. 150 enlist eel men.~. Fou.r Hen

The .P.8 .;,i!nen.t contin'.'.e". its res"Jonsioilit:.r for AA ci.efense of the

1. A:c1')enfdx Ji'-1 2. i':r~n:Ux Section II (S-2. Hn;·rr>.tivc~ ::=:e:t)()rt) f.· A;7_98rrr_1.ix C-1 (roR l!o. 1'?? c1.t0. ?7 A:)r -51) •·t .Ap<)end.ix .A:-1 (Re: It0n i~, cl.td. ?..7 Jpr 51) 5. ~~:end.ix C-1 (l'OR ::o. 130 (l.tc. 2G .!i._>r 51)

.6. Ibicl. 7. roid. C' . A, " • .., (P'"'R •;- " t , ... 0 ) 6. -'\."?Pencnx Jr:-,-_ i) .l 0. 22 r<_ '(l 1 b-3 .. t--r 51 9. Ibid

10. Jt!:01encli~: 0-1 (IUR lTo. 130 itc:_ 20 P2~r 51)

" .... t~~~~~

1?.. of J. 6 :n o;;e s.

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.. ·,,

! ~)-..1 ll!ltZ- IU '"It .::;;·.-•••·•·.....:.'""""'''~·--·-- J REPRODUCED A TTHE NATIONAL ARCHIVES .,..... r ' 0 E cL:t\ssi"F IE o_\ --~~I

' . --1

~~~~"- Ro~rt :qG'SECJ31•~-oo.,.,; .. J1111

~-~~-. co--~____,,l,;~~~ '!he lied.ica). ComjJc}1Y, althou·:h not pressed by t:·e1:1.tin~ casual ties,

'\otas, nev(Olrt>eloss, OP._sily en€aged in 11e).dn: p:'lysic~l checks of m0n going

:~~:, .on rotrtion 2 nd exa;dnin~-:; those 1-rho · had conplr:d.nts "bt1.t "because of the


splt pills •.-rere distrionted. The

op!Jortnnity for close ins;ection of mess facilities ,-ras utilized. rold ,.-.ny

sp_ni t?._ti 6n c1_efici ences correcte.c1 inmo'iiately •1 /

School }.'1ost:-poned e .... _rlie;r in the ,.,e~:: 1;ras concl·;.0.eC't on this d,.-.te; 3 aJ1d.

f)Jl<1 men of the Tiecime:r.t for the first time in nonths vrere paid on the • h

30th. J

'Re5iment"l activities for tb.e r.10nth t-:ere concluded "t-tith conpra1ensive

· s~u~.ies "by -ooth .·the operations r;n<:i. intelligence sections for tl1e .future

anploymtmt of the Re,::;iment p_t [111 early de;te.

1. Jt•:penr1_ix i;1...1 2. AP'~.encli:z: :Cl-1 (FIR Eo. 109 dt:--1_ 30 JiPr 51) 3· $penclix C-1 (PV~i :io, 132e.tQ. 30 J~?r 51) 1-~. I1)i d 5. Secti<~n I (S-1 Hprr:::tive Revort)

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t/SECRET, Col;ll!lland Report Hq 9th Inf ReGt clt~l 10 H:w 1951 (cont 1d)

III. Ev nl uption

There ;.;ere si::: events of n:"jor im11ortr>~1ce thl".t occurrec'. '.:1.1;_rinc

the 'month. li'irst ,.,.ns onr reserve }')osition for 2.lmost ·the entire J1Prior.; · ''' ~

secoml, the con.'lo}ld inspection; third., contimt!'l flo-vr of rerle.ce!!lents in

' sv.fficient munbers, e:-:ce~~!t for off:lcers; fo1.1.rth, rot:::tion r.;ot underi·raY:

fifth, tr ,d.nin(:: took }!recec.ence over h·c'.;icnl o:'lJ)loymont; and finall2r,

discipline v.re.s perfected.

Exce}?t for one cJ.r,y 1s c'bcbions rnst pt Hok:'!::o-dong, the Ree;ir.1ent h 11d '

coldest -v:on.t!1er concli tions, I bel:'. eve, eYGr eEdnred by Anericr-11 t1·oops

·in sust~i:n.ed comb:>t. Pu.r·thermare •. ~:refl.t (J.st,..,nce 0:1 me.ny occasions

had scpnr/'ltei Fnits. Fre'!."ent v3.s:i.ts to t~o.o S1i1eller units, co:'Sec:P'.o tl;:r,

,.,ere nee ess[l).'il? res trictei.

by re.',::i.ment or low·er echelons, ;..V.il e ef..eqi.ca.te, i·ras not :perfect beca.nse

of t;',es e co:c?d tions over ,,hich ther 8 r;ns no control.

of whom ha0. been recnlleCl. to active ,·.ut;{ \'rith ~ ittle or no recent tr~in-

' t!.1c r;j.t,_?~ti:->rt 1·r?J~ r?_~_:f:.;.~n~:-"'Ol1t. TJ!.ej:e ,~,:'.!1 t~_!l8 for cr~.rst~liSin-s; t~ c .rULr:tl:rsj_s

I ,. I.

~ )': '; i

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} ..

~ -,~~~,,·~~~~tiiHU Ptlt( I ,·~·,.;,;."*"~""' '"·"'·:..;,~~"


. I

The Oomma;n~J., Inspection offered. llll excellent ('n:nortnnity to correct

ou.r equipme.'lt d.ef'lciences, ,.rhich in the months before had. becm ina.d.eq_n.ate

· iue to our continued. ,_te.ctic"'l employment, great dist~;n-ces behmr:m units

ani the bitter coli weather.

For tl1:_e first time the· re[7iment '"~"s broP[;ht up to T/0 stren,c;th in

enlisted men. This, while of' the ~reatest bene~it, i)ref-lentecl the· problem

of trpinin,<;; :.:-n\3. integration. At the srw;e time, ro:tation wa.s 1•nd.enra.V and.

the re;7;iment \-Te>,S losing itS key }.)el'SOnnel.

The ens,,er laY in int~nsive t:rainir\?, •. tltiJ.i7i.n":.; fo the ln.st the

e:x;periencei combpt leptl.ers with us. Th.0ro1.:1.r;h tnstr-:1ction in basic 11lu.ties.,

confidence in their .,,.,eA;pons and. comb .?..t aJ)ility, co>:Jr!"¢1.eship among the :c1en,

and -pride in SAlf ani!. the orgr.;niZation ~-·as stresse~- without respite.

A thorou<"'h stucy of av;oilt'l:ble recree_tional fp_cilities an,C!. possi-

bilities of the area 11as completed enlil q'ttaJ.ifie:J. officer :personnel waP

det~iled to cpre a!:lequately for this lmport,nt f£ct6r. The \1~Pther ·per-

cooperation:~ tepn\~-ork Fnc1_ ~.mderstendinc betwef'm these men en"'. the re-

:rl acemen t s.

. . fU.J.fi\r,nc e

to the utmost r.J.egree. Co:1'~lin:rtce ,.,:1. th citirect-tves f:rom higher heaf1.cpJ.Arters


.r> 1 6 'f'.,.,,...oq 0 J.. ~t. ' -{ ~_.-, ---·- •

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' i ('. !


~- ··a:!lli!IJil --2-FU dlt "............,_~ .• -~~-" r oEcL:t\ssi"mio~~: ·l Authoilly L1l. M /2 7 &'5LLtfj



I' • ~

• By _(E- _ !\A?.A O::~e 1/2/9,4 \ l_.,._ .... __,_,_..,..... ... .,.......__-....... ~-l

-~--~-~--~-,...~~_..,.._,.......,~ --~;

SECRET~/ Command Report ·Rq 9th Int Regt dtd ld M~ 1951 (cont 'd)

. IV .. Conclusion

· The:month of ~ril, a1 thottt:;h f:ree of enemy contaet, was, neverthe-

less, en import~t one. It '\oras, in short, a month of readjustment, reeqnip..

ing, afld. £ihove all h. month of intensive prep8 ration for fut1tre t ;-:>Cticr-1


The re-~i."nent, I believe, ha.s ttsed. _this Vpl1J.able ti,11e well, f>)id ·.·:ill

. '

EDiffi, IJ • MESSD!fG~m Colonel, Infantry Conrn anU.DB


. ·. '{

·' .j

' .~ ]

.; f ,·
