all men and boys are welcome! lots of free give...

Volume 5 Issue 49 For March 2015 For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17 Spirit of Liberty Spirit of Liberty NORTH LIBERTY CHURCH OF CHRIST NLCC WANTS YOU TO JOIN US AT THE: WILD GAME FEED ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE AWAYS! NO COST! NORTH LIBERTY CHURCH OF CHRIST Friday, March 6th @ 6:30 pm ~ Bring a dish to share

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Page 1: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

Volume 5 Issue 49 For March 2015

For the Lord i s the Spiri t , and where the Spiri t of the Lord i s , there i s l iberty .

2 Corinthians 3:17 Spirit of LibertySpirit of Liberty







Friday, March 6th @ 6:30 pm ~ Bring a dish to share

Page 2: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

Zeb Kemp’s aunt, Teresa, auto accident-has many broken and crushed bones-long recovery ahead

Don Eberly-stroke following hip surgery

Pasquale Lampo, Leslie Beuley’s dad, stroke, fell and hit head and had bleeding on his brain

Scott Hickman, Makenzie’s dad, health concerns

Roy Miller, Susan Peterson’s dad, has lung cancer & now is recovering from pneumonia

Tina Akerman, Brandy Mill’s friend, sepsis and kidney failer; started on dialysis

Russel Broughton-having dialysis complications with sepsis

Sympathy to Lung family on the passing of Nick’s sister, Linda Stickler

Sympathy to Scott Rimbaugh and family on the passing of his dad, Scott Sr.

Volume 5 Issue 49

Page 2

Spirit of WorshipSpirit of Worship

Spirit of Praise & Spirit of Praise & PrayerPrayer

For week of... 1/25 2/1 2/8 2/15

Sunday AM

Worship 4015 225 463 No Church


Offering $8,047 $10,653 $13,416 $1,205

Building Fund $200 $65 $325 $0.00

Military Personnel:

Eric Rodman, son of Jerry & Sherry Roberts; Andrew Ross, Mary Bunch’s son, Joshua Cole (Omaha, NE), Jason Rodman (CA.), Jeff Roberts (TX), Shannon Vickers, Dave Bickel (CO), Josh Grayckowski (TX) Kyle Singleton, Mike McGann, Mary Patton’s son (San Diego, CA), Jason Fair (CA), Lionel Williams, Bob & Sherry Lichtenberger’s son-in-law, Christopher Brandenburg (NC), Erin & Trevor Wiegers, Steve & Carol Beam’s son at sea; Brian Parnell (Afghanistan) & Tyler Foura (Afghanistan) -Steve & Carol Beam’s nephews; Bryant Miller (Afghanistan); Danny Francis (Okinawa)

Those with cancer:

Jason Wilson, Sue Grayckowski; Barb Burkett; Liz Davis’ nephew; Richard Hauguel; Frank Rodrigrez, friend of Don

Napier; Shannon Walker, Josh Rice’s sister; Danny Edmonds; Susan (Snyder) Baughman; Brittney Hummer; Caleb Hoppe, friend of Elin Fair; Donnetta Robinson; Roy Becker; Chris Cloud; Kim Perkins; Rick Columbia; Heather Horvath, Dawn’s daughter; Ron Hamilton (throat)

Wednesday Happenings:

Wednesday Night meal and classes:

Meal served from 5:45-6:30 pm

Classes start at 7:00

Nursery provided

Classes for 3-year- olds-8th grade

Adult classes: Woman’s Bible Study-room 1 ~ 4 week study (Feb 25th-March25th) Entitled “One Thousand Gifts” books available for $6.00

Living Jesus-Sermon on the Mount in Gathering area-led by Tim

Page 3: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

Dana Hamilton placed her membership here on Sunday, January 25th. She and her husband have one son and live here in North Liberty.

Spirit of Liberty Page 3

M.O.M.S.-Ministry of Moms

1st and 3rd Thursdays Sept-May (9-11am) Pregnant Moms through Moms of Preschoolers welcome to come join us!

Come and meet other Moms in the area and relax while your kids are being taken care of and play with our amazing childcare workers. We always have coffee and yummy snacks available. We meet in the student center (old sanctuary), first awning in the parking lot.


~Thessalonians -led by Andrew Heck in Room 1

~Standard for Seniors– Room 4

Building Usuage:

You must contact the church office either by phone or e-mail to reserve the building. Church functions have priority.

Please Do NOT write your function on the calendar!! You have to follow the proper procedure.

There is a charge and will be discussed when scheduling.

Church Closure Policy:

Winter is still with us and with it the potential of cancelations.

Our NLCC cancelation policy is as follows:

Wednesday night will be cancelled if the JGSC cancels school for that day or evening activities

Sunday Mornings will be cancelled if a state of emergency has been declared.

Cancellations will also be listed on our FB page, WNDU



NLCDM is accepting applications for full and part time help. Must be at least 18 yrs old with a high school diploma or GED and have open availabil-ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or

February 6, 2015

Dear NLCC:

We sincerely appreciate your donations dur-

ing the holiday season for the families of

NLES thru our adopt a family program!

This year’s generous donations from our

community were overwhelming. Our fami-

lies were blessed with extreme generosity.

Each donor gave so much more than money

and gifts. Giving part of themselves with

each donation shows what a caring, support-

ive, and affectionate community we have.

Our heartfelt thanks to each of you and we

with you a year of joy and love in 2015.


North Liberty Staff, Families & Students

Page 4: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

Spirit of Liberty Page 4

Spirit of ServiceSpirit of Service

For Week of... 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29


Christina Becker

Lori Abbott

Kelly Lester

Lisa Kemp

Ashley Lester

Christina Becker

Lori Abbott

Kelly Lester

Lisa Kemp

Ashley Lester

Barb Pearson

Amanda Norris

Angie Cauffman

Becky Wasio

Barb Pearson

Amanda Norris

Angie Cauffman

Becky Wasio

Katie Poorman

Ruth Weist

Donna Napier

Campbell Burns

Wed night nursery 3/4 Tish McCormick

Sandy Kronk

3/11 Sandy Kronk

Jodi Ross

3/18 Elin Fair

Darla Fair

3/25 Jodi Ross

Casey Groves

Communion & Offering Prayer

Tom Fair Randy Lemert Jeff Pride Erik Ebersole Keith Beringer

Communion Servers

Lucas Stegemiller

Patrick Kronk

Vince Leodanski

Chuck Bowen

Jerry Leininger

Nate Reinhold

Levi Klopfenstein

Jeff Pride

Tom Patton

Evan Henry

Darin Klopfenstein

Vince Leodanski

Mike Cox

Bill Morey

Dave Ross

Tim Knowlton

Tony Kronk

Eli Leodanski

Nathan Hornig

Ryan Poorman

Chris Deutscher

Bryce Lemert

Chuck Daly

Nick Lung

Don Napier

Ryan Fair

Donavan Hawkes

Larry Bunch

Matt Peterson

Eric Fair

Bill Cauffman

Brad Yung

Bob Shipley

Paul Annis

John Lutheringer

Communion to Sick

North Liberty

South Bend


Nick Lung

Tom Fair

Scott Reinhold

Z Clingenpeel

Jan Baker

Ron Peterson

D Klopfenstein

Tom Fair

Ron Peterson

Randy Lemert

Jan Baker

Erik Ebersole

Nick Lung

Tom Fair

Ron Peterson

Snow Removal

Mar 1 Tyler Jaynes

Mar 8 Tim Baker

Mar 15 Matt Peterson

Mar 22 Jake Baker

Mar 29 Matt Peterson


Alan Limerick

Scott Reinhold

Jake Baker

Bob Yung

Brian Perry


Tom Fair

Tim Baker

Immersion Wilda Henry

Chris Carroll



Susan Napier

Debbie Miller

Page 5: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

In our series on early warning lights from God, He is constantly trying to get our attention when we begin to move in a direction that will bring harm to us spiritually. I believe God gives us some early warning signs that He hopes will get our attention to save us a lot of heartache down the road.

So far we have studied how God gives us these flashing lights to get our attention, to help us realize some areas that need some help. And when those lights come on, when God sends us His warning signals, it is an invitation for us to take action, to get some help, to spiritually wake up, to make some changes. But the problem is that many of us think that by covering over the light, the problem area will go away or take care of itself. But it doesn’t.

I know that many times we think that because God sends these warning shots over our bows that He is angry with us, wants to punish us. But that’s not how it works. These warnings come to us because He loves us. In II Chron 36 we are told that, “The Lord, the God of their fathers, sent word to them {Hebrew people} through messengers again and again, because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place {Jerusalem}. But they mocked him until his wrath fell on them…” God had compassion on them but they refused to recognize the warning signs. So God had to move.

We spent some time sharing how we can respond to these signs by using Eli’s example on how he dealt (or didn’t deal) with his sons in I Sam 2:12-ff. And then we talked about God’s safe zones by using Abram and Lot’s example in Gen 12. This week we will conclude the series (weather permitting) by being in constant watch for the signs that God has already given or is giving to His children about His warning (or encouragement depending on your relationship with Christ) that Jesus is going to be returning. Are you ready for that or are you trying to ignore that reality by covering it over with electrical tape?

Saved to Serve,


If you are like me, and most of America, you spent some time recently celebrating 40 years of SNL. Maybe you watched it live or you caught the highlights the next day, but either way the show brought back some memories for you. For me, not being 40 years old, there were some things about it that were new to me.

For instance, apparently people don’t like Chevy Chase. He made his appearance on the reunion show, but I’ve since read that he was only on the show one season, the first. It was before my time, I didn’t know. Apparently he moved on to bigger and better things after his one season. He had some success in a few movies, but nothing to great recently (last 20 years). Though Chevy Chase appeared to be the true star that first season other people on the show, Bill Murray for instance, have seemed to accomplish much more with their careers.

Some (even Chevy Chase himself) blame this on the absolute jerk that he is. He has hurt partnerships and strained relationships much more than he has built them. It’s rough to find work when no one wants to work with you a second time. The Washington Post’s article by Terrance McCoy labeled him “too mean to succeed” in the title. Bill Murray suggested that it had to do with fame, saying that the first two years are crucial. “You can’t help yourself. It happens to everybody. You’ve got like two years to pull it together — or it’s permanent.”

Which brings me to Judges 8. If you recall the story of Gideon, he started as a nobody; self-proclaimed. He didn’t trust God, and God really had to drag him along. Eventually he would blossom into the leader God knew he could be. I’m not sure on the exact timeline for Gideon. I don’t know how long it takes to get from Judges 6 to the end of Judges 8. But a very important transition takes place.

The Israelites come to Gideon asking him to rule over them. He responded correctly, telling them that only God should rule over them. Judges 8:23 has this word first though: “But…” And the transition begins. Gideon asks for a simple earring from each of his soldiers; just a small piece of their plunder. He melts it down, makes a religious artifact (which was a direct challenge to the leadership of the high priest), places it in a special location, and people begin “prostituting themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family,” (Verse 27). Gideon, who showed so much promise and became loved by all, fell in love with himself and actually became the person who pulled people away from God. It’s that easy.

When Gideon compared himself at the beginning of the story he was the lowest. When he compared himself at the end of

the story, he was the best. Neither of those were accurate, and neither of those views came from God. Let God show you

your value, and find rest and contentment in that..

Volume 5 Issue 49 Page 5



Page 6: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:


Volume 5 Issue 49 Page 6


9:30 am

10:30 am

6-7:30 pm

Sunday School

Morning Worship

330 High School (9-12th grades)

3 6:30 am Prayer Group



6:45-8:00 pm

7:00 pm


330 Middle School (6-8th grades)

Adult Study, Nursery, classes for ages 3—5th grade

5 9:00 am Prayer Group/MOMS Group

6 6:30 pm Men’s Wild Game Night

7 7:00 am Men’s fellowship


9:30 am

10:30 am

6-7:30 pm

Sunday School

Morning Worship

330 High School (9-12th grades)

10 6:30 am Prayer Group


5:45-6:30 pm

6:45-8:00 pm

7:00 pm


330 Middle School (6-8th grades)

Adult Study, Nursery, classes for ages 3—5th grade

12 9:00 am Prayer Group

14 7:00 am Men’s fellowship


9:30 am

10:30 am

6-7:30 pm

Sunday School

Morning Worship

330 High School (9-12th grades)

17 6:30 am Prayer Group


5:45-6:30 pm

6:45-8:00 pm

7:00 pm


330 Middle School (6-8th grades)

Adult Study, Nursery, classes for ages 3—5th grade

19 9:00 am Prayer Group/MOMS Group

21 7:00 am Men’s fellowship


9:30 am

10:30 am

6-7:30 pm

Sunday School

Morning Worship

330 High School (9-12th grade)

24 6:30 am Prayer Group


5:45-6:30 pm

6:45-8:00 pm

7:00 pm


330 Middle School (6-8th grades)

Adult Study, Nursery, classes for ages 3—5th grade

26 9:00 am Prayer Group

28 7:00 am Men’s fellowship


9:30 am

10:30 am

6-7:30 pm

Sunday School

Morning Worship

330 High School (9-12th grades)

31 6:30 am Prayer Group

Spirit of FellowshipSpirit of Fellowship

Middle School Wednesday Nights TEACHING SERIES: SILVERLINING Starting: February 25, 2015 at 6:45 pm in the Student Center

Have you ever heard someone say: Every cloud has a silver lining? It means with every storm, with every cloud, there is a something good about it. That's a nice little saying, but sometimes silver linings are hard to find in real life, aren't they? It's hard to see the good qualities when it comes to people at school who aren't so nice to you or teachers who make your day miserable. Maybe the hardest place to see a silver lining is your family. In

the best situations, family members can be annoying, but for many of us it goes beyond that to real brokenness and painful memories. Very few families in history have experienced more brokenness than Joseph's did in the Bible. After his father played favorites and his brothers sold him into slavery, it must have been hard to believe any good would come out of his situation. But through his story, we see that God can use us to change our relationship with even the most difficult family members. And if we're willing to look for it, we may just find the silver lining in our family. Session One: Every Family Has One Bottom Line: your family may not act great, but you can still respond in a great way. Do you ever look at your family and wonder, "How on Earth did I end up with these people?" You've seen normal families on TV. Maybe you even know some families who seem normal, but that just doesn't look like the people who live at your house. This is especially frustrating since you're kind of stuck when it comes to family. You didn't choose them. And while you can "unfriend" someone you can't "unfamily" them. So what are your options when it comes to a family that often feels "less than ideal"? In the Bible, Joseph was faced with the same question. And though he had every reason to walk away from his family forever, what he did instead gives us a clue how we can find the silver lining in our family story, even when circumstances aren't perfect.

Session Two: Now & Later Bottom Line: Learning to deal with your family is as much about your future as it is about your now. Family isn't easy. And sometimes it's really tempting to give up or check out because you know that in a few short years you'll be out of the house, on your own, and surrounding yourself with people who don't embarrass you in public. But what if your exit strategy is flawed? What if just surviving your family now doesn't solve your problems but just brings them into the future with you? What if the things you do and say this week will actually matter years down the road and long after you stop having a curfew? Even after leaving his family's home, Joseph found himself in a number of situations where he had to live with and listen to people who didn't deserve his respect. In each relationship, as he practiced honoring God by honoring others, Joseph's attitude toward authority made all the difference for him and eventually for his entire family.

Session Three: Climate Change Bottom Line: You can change the mood in every room you walk into. Have you ever walked into a room and been able to feel the tension? Or have you ever left a tense or awkward situation and felt yourself instantly relax? The truth is, every room and every situation has a climate? It’s not just a temperature but also a feeling, a mood. But did you know that climate often depends on you? You know exactly how to crank up the awkwardness, the tension, the stress. But you also have the power to turn up the joy, the laughter, and make your house a better place to be. As we conclude the story of Joseph, we uncover two simple steps that forever changed the story of his family. And if we're brave enough to follow his example, they may change the climate at our home too.



BE SURE YOUR FAMILY IS ALL IT WAS MEANT TO BE From the beginning of time, God made the family to be a special place for children. It’s the place they are to be born into, loved, nurtured, and to a spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy adulthood. Children need a mother and father who love God, love each other, and love the kids. Anything less and the family fails to exist and function as it was meant to. Do everything in your power to build your faith, your mar-riage, and your relationship with your children. But if your marriage and family has already been broken by choices or circumstances, don’t throw up your hands in failure. GOD CAN REDEEM YOUR SITUATION. Surround yourself and your children with the support system of a church family that understands and will minister to your unique situation

Page 7: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

S p i r i t o f L i b e r t y Page 7

Middle School Wednesday Nights TEACHING SERIES: SILVERLINING Starting: February 25, 2015 at 6:45 pm in the Student Center

Have you ever heard someone say: Every cloud has a silver lining? It means with every storm, with every cloud, there is a something good about it. That's a nice little saying, but sometimes silver linings are hard to find in real life, aren't they? It's hard to see the good qualities when it comes to people at school who aren't so nice to you or teachers who make your day miserable. Maybe the hardest place to see a silver lining is your family. In

the best situations, family members can be annoying, but for many of us it goes beyond that to real brokenness and painful memories. Very few families in history have experienced more brokenness than Joseph's did in the Bible. After his father played favorites and his brothers sold him into slavery, it must have been hard to believe any good would come out of his situation. But through his story, we see that God can use us to change our relationship with even the most difficult family members. And if we're willing to look for it, we may just find the silver lining in our family. Session One: Every Family Has One Bottom Line: your family may not act great, but you can still respond in a great way. Do you ever look at your family and wonder, "How on Earth did I end up with these people?" You've seen normal families on TV. Maybe you even know some families who seem normal, but that just doesn't look like the people who live at your house. This is especially frustrating since you're kind of stuck when it comes to family. You didn't choose them. And while you can "unfriend" someone you can't "unfamily" them. So what are your options when it comes to a family that often feels "less than ideal"? In the Bible, Joseph was faced with the same question. And though he had every reason to walk away from his family forever, what he did instead gives us a clue how we can find the silver lining in our family story, even when circumstances aren't perfect.

Session Two: Now & Later Bottom Line: Learning to deal with your family is as much about your future as it is about your now. Family isn't easy. And sometimes it's really tempting to give up or check out because you know that in a few short years you'll be out of the house, on your own, and surrounding yourself with people who don't embarrass you in public. But what if your exit strategy is flawed? What if just surviving your family now doesn't solve your problems but just brings them into the future with you? What if the things you do and say this week will actually matter years down the road and long after you stop having a curfew? Even after leaving his family's home, Joseph found himself in a number of situations where he had to live with and listen to people who didn't deserve his respect. In each relationship, as he practiced honoring God by honoring others, Joseph's attitude toward authority made all the difference for him and eventually for his entire family.

Session Three: Climate Change Bottom Line: You can change the mood in every room you walk into. Have you ever walked into a room and been able to feel the tension? Or have you ever left a tense or awkward situation and felt yourself instantly relax? The truth is, every room and every situation has a climate? It’s not just a temperature but also a feeling, a mood. But did you know that climate often depends on you? You know exactly how to crank up the awkwardness, the tension, the stress. But you also have the power to turn up the joy, the laughter, and make your house a better place to be. As we conclude the story of Joseph, we uncover two simple steps that forever changed the story of his family. And if we're brave enough to follow his example, they may change the climate at our home too.



BE SURE YOUR FAMILY IS ALL IT WAS MEANT TO BE From the beginning of time, God made the family to be a special place for children. It’s the place they are to be born into, loved, nurtured, and to a spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy adulthood. Children need a mother and father who love God, love each other, and love the kids. Anything less and the family fails to exist and function as it was meant to. Do everything in your power to build your faith, your mar-riage, and your relationship with your children. But if your marriage and family has already been broken by choices or circumstances, don’t throw up your hands in failure. GOD CAN REDEEM YOUR SITUATION. Surround yourself and your children with the support system of a church family that understands and will minister to your unique situation

Page 8: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

Jody Jody Page 8


This past August, in St. Petersburg, Florida, some undercover kindness began at 7 a.m., when a woman in the drive thru paid for her iced coffee and a stranger’s caramel macchiato in the car behind her. This “drive-thru kindness” lasted 11 hours, with 378 people paying for each stranger’s caffeine fix in the car behind them. That’s a LOT of coffee. And a lot of kindness!

Anonymous drivers joined in the undercover kindness because they just wanted people to feel special, to feel like someone cared for them. But as it turns out, they ended up being part of something so much bigger than themselves that the story of their kindness made national news!

And whether they knew it or not, all of those people who joined in that extreme act of kindness were just reflecting something bigger. Think about it. When you look at the life of Jesus, He demonstrated kindness all the time. But He not only showed kind-ness to others, He actually flipped the whole idea of kindness on its head and redefined it for not only His disciples, but all of us. He showed kindness to all people. People who were marginalized. People with bad reputations. Children, beggars, the sick and outcast, all people—regardless of whether they could return the kindness given to them.

In the month of March, it seems like everyone is talking about how they’re going to show their friends and family how valuable they are with cards and candy and flowers. But it could be that the simplest way we can make the most impact is by showing kindness the way Jesus did and the way He taught His followers. We live in a world that most often seems like it’s anything but kind. Kindness is so rare that the acts of kindness like what hap-pen in Florida make national news! And just think about the arguments that break out within our own families. But what would happen if kindness didn’t seem so rare? What would happen if we decided to live out what Jesus said about showing others they are valuable? That’s why we’re taking the whole month to look more closely at kindness: showing others they are valuable by how you treat them.

All month we’ll be working on memorizing Luke 6:31, “Do to others as you want them to do to you.” This simple verse is a great reminder of what Jesus said about Kindness. We would want others to show kindness towards us, so it’s important that we turn around and show kindness to them as well.

Dr. James Dobson's Marriage Devotion AWARDS ASSEMBLY “He who seeks good finds goodwill.” Proverbs 11:27 For years, Roger had poked and prodded Gordon, his oldest son, to be a better student. Roger was always a little disappointed in Gordon and his B-average grades. He never quite measured up to Roger’s expectations. When Gordon was a senior in high school, Roger was puzzled by an invitation to a student awards assembly. He couldn’t imagine any awards that Gordon would win. Roger went to the event anyway, but grew increasingly annoyed at watching other students march up the aisle for ap-plause. Why was he here? Why was his son so mediocre? Finally, the principal came to the last presentation—a new award for an exceptional student. Roger was astonished to hear Gordon’s name announced, followed by a long description of his son’s fine character, kindness, trustwor-thiness, and quiet leadership. The principal finished by thanking Gordon, saying, “No one who has really gotten to know you will ever be quite the same again.”

Roger had never gotten to know his son, much less appreciate him for who he was. In his efforts to teach and “improve” Gordon, Roger be-came blind to his son’s best qualities. It reminds us of this Proverb: “He who seeks good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it” (11:27). Teach your children, but remember also to seek out and acknowledge their positive traits. You’ll discover a son or daughter to be proud of.

Before you say good night… Are you overlooking any of your children’s positive traits? How might you change the way you “value” your kids?

“Heavenly Father, teach us to value our children for who they are, rather than who we wish them to be. Help us to know their thoughts and dreams, their strengths and weaknesses, their fears and failures. Enable us to love them unequivocally, just as You love us. Amen.”

Page 9: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

Volume 5 Issue 49 Page 9

North Liberty Church of Christ ~ 65225 State Road 23~North Liberty, IN 46554 ~

W h a t d o y o u d o w h i l e y o u d r i v e ? L i s t e n t o t a l k r a d i o , p u t o n y o u r m a k e u p , o r p e r h a p s e v e n l i s t e n t o c l a s s i c r o c k a n d r o l l . W e w a n t t o e n c o u r a g e y o u t o u s e t h a t t i m e a s a n i n v e s t m e n t t o w a r d p e r s o n a l s p i r i t u a l g r o w t h . T h i s m o n t h w e w i l l b e p r o v i d i n g t h r e e C D s t h a t w i l l a d d r e s s c e r t a i n f a m i l y i s s u e s f r o m a C h r i s t -c e n t e r e d a p p r o a c h . T h e s e C D ’ s w i l l h e l p e n c o u r a g e , e q u i p , a n d s t r e n g t h e n y o u a s a C h r i s t i a n p a r e n t a n d s p o u s e . Y o u c a n f i n d t h e s e C D ’ s a v a i l a b l e a t t h e P a r e n t R e s o u r c e C e n t e r i n t h e K i d z K o n n e c t i o n Z o n e . Topics Available for February and March: CD 1 – Faith, Use Only As Directed (Study on the Book of James) Part 3 – Don’t Just Stand There (Andy Stanley) CD 2 – Helpful Advice for Employed Moms (Mrs. Sabrina O’Malone) CD 3 – How To Love (Randy Gariss) CD 4 – Raising Sons To Be Godly Men (Pastor Robert Lewis)

LAUNCH PAD Wednesday Night Excitement for Elementary Age Children STARTING: Wednesday, March 4, 2015

MAKE THINGS INDUSTRIES In Make Things Industries Kids, children ages 6-12 join the workers of Make Things Industries! It's the most amazing toy, gadget, and candy factory in the world! As products are designed, assembled, inspected, and tested, we'll learn about people in the Bible who started out as unimportant, but became great when used by God. And when we live like

Page 10: ALL MEN AND BOYS ARE WELCOME! LOTS OF FREE GIVE … · ity Mon-Fri between 8 am-6 pm. Email resume or February 6, 2015 Dear NLCC:

Page 10


March 6-7, 2015

Indianapolis, IN

$90 plus meal cost. We need a $55 registration

cost by Sunday, February 15, 2015.

WHAT IS SUPER START? SuperStart! is a super fun, high-energy weekend event in which preteens (4th and 5th Graders) can learn and grow in their relationships with friends, leaders and, most importantly, God. When will we leave? We will leave at 12:30 pm on Friday, March 6, 2015 When will we return? We will be back at NLCC approximately Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 5:30 pm